Prototype Moon Rover tested in Noordwijk - luvmi-x

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Prototype Moon Rover tested in Noordwijk - luvmi-x
Prototype Moon Rover
     tested in Noordwijk
          Karsten Kullack, Jeremi Gancet, Space Applications Services NV

     In December 2018 a team of European space companies and universities
     came to Noordwijk to test a new, compact prototype Moon rover
     equipped with a suite of instruments aimed at measuring lunar volatiles,
     such as water, hydrogen and methane. The trials marked the end of a
     first development phase, the results of which are now being used in a
     follow-on activity.

Prototype Moon Rover tested in Noordwijk - luvmi-x
         he project named LUVMI, for                  on the Moon, with diurnal changes in             München and OHB System (Germany). It
         ‘Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instru-              the signal and increased concentrations          uses the core drill principle, as applied in
         mentation’, is an undertaking of             towards higher latitudes. This data is com-      terrestrial geology, to obtain cylindrical
         a consortium of Belgian, German,             plemented by the results of the LCROSS           core soil samples, and combines that with
and British space companies and universi-             (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing            a central heater element. After inserting
ties, and is co-funded by the European                Satellite) impactor mission, which indicat-      the hollow auger drill up to 20 cm into the
Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme.                  ed 5.6 +/- 3% water in the ejecta plume of       ground, the enclosed sample is heated to
The consortium leader, Space Applications             the Cabeus crater. However, only a surface       release volatile components. The released
Services NV, a Belgian SME, has offices               mission can provide ground truth data and        gas is led to a quadrupole ion trap mass
in Noordwijk just opposite of ESTEC, and              investigate the actual state and distribu-       spectrometer, developed by the Open
the ‘Mars yard’ terrain of neighbour DE-              tion of lunar volatiles on the surface.          University (UK), which allows measure-
COS BV, as well as the sandy dunes at the             Previous surface missions to the Moon or         ment of a wide range of ion species (mass
beach, offered the perfect location for vari-         Mars have mostly been either very large          range of m/z from 10 to 200) with a parts-
ous outdoor trials.                                   and costly, with complex drill and sample        per-million sensitivity. This would enable
                                                      handling mechanisms, or very small with          the detection of all volatiles species that
Background and Motivation                             rather limited scientific capabilities. The      were identified in the LCROSS ejecta
One of the currently most debated ques-               LUVMI project and its follow-on LUVMI-X          plume. A similar type of spectrometer
tions in lunar science is the amount of               is attempting to find a solution in between      was flown on the Rosetta mission’s Philae
water and other volatiles in the lunar                that can provide almost as much scientific       lander, which measured the organic com-
regolith. This is of particular interest due          output as a large platform, yet is sufficient-   position of the nucleus material of comet
to their possible utilisation as an in-situ           ly compact and lightweight to be carried         67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
resource for future exploration missions,             to the Moon as a secondary, ‘piggyback’          The instrument package is complement-
and because of wide-ranging implica-                  payload rather than needing its own dedi-        ed by a novel set of cameras based on the
tions for solar system science. Lunar                 cated mission. This can be achieved by the       light-field technology, which offers a sim-
volatiles have been theorised to exist in             combination of an autonomous, 4-wheel            ple and robust 3D imaging solution with
frozen form in Permanently Shadowed                   rover with active suspension and an inno-        no moving parts. This is used both for the
Regions (PSRs) and in chemically or physi-            vative instrument package.                       supervision of drilling operations and in
cally bound states inside surface particles.                                                           support of the navigation of the rover.
Various remote sensing missions were                  Lunar instrument package                         The cameras with light-field optics are
conducted in lunar orbit in recent decades            The scientific payload consists of a com-        developed by Dynamic Imaging Analyt-
and provided encouraging results. Bistatic            bined Volatiles Sampler (VS) and Volatiles       ics (UK). The Surface Camera (SurfCam)
radar observations, infrared spectroscopy             Analyser (VA), which enables drilling into       can provide depth information of the
measurements and neutron-spectroscopy                 the lunar soil and direct sensing of volatile    drill sites and rover tracks, as well as an
data from Clementine, Lunar Prospector,               constituents without complex (and there-         overview of drilling operations. The Navi-
Cassini, Deep Impact, Chandrayaan-1                   fore fault prone) sample handling or trans-      gation Camera (NavCam) will be used to
and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter                  fer mechanisms. The sampler is a joint           generate point clouds of the surrounding
missions suggest the existence of water               development of the Technical University          environment, enabling the identification



Prototype Moon Rover tested in Noordwijk - luvmi-x
The LUVMI-X concept.

    of hazards and possible points of inter-        touch the ground as to obtain maximum          movement, including forward, backward,
    est. These data is fed into the on-board        depth with the drill. In addition, a passive   diagonal (“crab” move) and rotational
    computer, which allows partial or fully         rocker-bogie mechanism provides the            (spot-turn), which were all tested.
    autonomous driving to short distance            rover with a high obstacle clearance (up       The rocky soil at the Mars yard posed an
    waypoints.                                      to 0.3 meter) compared to its size, while      unexpected challenge for the drive train.
                                                    limiting the overall mass compared to a        The traction on pebbles gave rise to re-
    Rover platform                                  six-wheel rover with similar capabilities.     petitive shocks, eventually stressing the
    Since mapping of the spatial distribution       A rocker-bogie system allows the rover         wheel suspension, and small deforma-
    of volatiles on the lunar surface, and their    to adapt the wheel positions passively so      tions were detected in lateral attachment
    correlation with existing remote-sensing        that contact of the four wheels with the       plates that were not anticipated during
    data, are among the prime objectives            ground is maximised at all times.              design and simulation.
    of LUVMI, the mobility of the system,           Space Applications Services has a long         The second part of the tests, in sand dunes
    including the possibility to take measure-      track record of robotic systems devel-         by the beach, covered a notional end-to-
    ments inside and outside of PSRs, is es-        opment for space and terrestrial envi-         end scenario of operations, including a
    sential. A rover platform with supporting       ronments – as well as experience with          traverse of 50 meters, stopping and per-
    subsystems (power supply, thermal con-          the operation of such robotic systems.         forming drill operations, and driving back
    trol, communication, on-board computer          For instance, in the ESA METERON               to the starting point. This sequence was
    with locomotion control and navigation          programme, robotics devices were con-          conducted in tele-operated and partial
    software, illumination units) is therefore      trolled from the ISS by Danish astronaut       autonomous mode, without line of sight
    the second key element besides the              Andreas Mogensen in a tele-operated            control.
    instrument package. It is developed by          mode, under the supervision of the Space       The trails included operations in darkness
    Space Applications Services (Belgium),          Applications Services operations team.         and unknown terrain, thereby testing also
    which has the lead also on systems engi-                                                       the collaboration of the rover’s lighting
    neering and overall integration.                Testing in Noordwijk                           units, cameras, and onboard computer
    The rover is based on a 4-wheel drive           The rover is capable of driving on slopes      with its mapping and autonomous navi-
    train with deployable, adjustable suspen-       of 20 degrees (targeting up to 30 degrees)     gation software. The design is aimed at a
    sion. It offers the possibility to adjust the   while carrying a payload of up to 30 kg,       short 14-day mission, i.e. a full lunar day,
    chassis height from 0 to about 300 mm           and this was one of the points to be tested    since the rover is not designed to survive
    from the ground. This is used to deploy or      in a realistic environment. The gradeabil-     the lunar night. Nevertheless, short ex-
    stow the rover (then fitting in a volume of     ity, traction and steerablility was put to     cursions into dark craters, shadow areas,
    95 x 85 x 40 cm) and also allows adjusting      the test first in the Mars yard terrain of     or beyond the day/night terminator will
    the ground clearance to improve navi-           DECOS BV, which has rocky soil, followed       be of great use to achieve the scientific
    gability on hazardous terrain. The same         by similar tests on sand at the Noordwijk      objectives. It was therefore important to
    mechanism is exploited for on-spot drill        beach. The individual control and steering     demonstrate this capability, which is re-
    positioning where the platform needs to         of each wheel allows various modes of          quired as part of the operations concept.

6                                 Ruimtevaart 2020 | 2
Prototype Moon Rover tested in Noordwijk - luvmi-x
LUVMI testing near the beach at Noordwijk.

…and back in the lab                            under all conditions while torque was gen-     the payload complement can be tailored
Not included in the Noordwijk campaign          erated by the drill.                           and configured for different missions tar-
was the functional and performance test-        An overview of LUVMI activities has been       geting polar regions as well as equatorial
ing of the VS and VA, since volatiles release   presented at the 15th Symposium on             regions of the moon. LUVMI-X will further
and detection can only be tested under          Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics        optimise the rover mass-to-payload-mass
vacuum conditions. These were therefore         and Automation ‘ASTRA 2019’, 27-28 May         ratio, to make the concept economically
tested separately prior to integration, and     2019, at ESTEC, Noordwijk, as well as the      viable also as a commercial service.
then together in a purpose made thermal         International Astronautical Congress IAC,      LUVMI and LUVMI-X are both potential
vacuum chamber in Munich. One of the            21-25 October 2019 in Washington DC.           candidates for upcoming robotic missions
challenges of that test was the prepara-                                                       to the moon with a time horizon of 4 up to
tion and conditioning of a representative       LUVMI-X                                        6 years.
frozen regolith simulant, which has signifi-    Meanwhile the innovative concept de-
cant impact on drill forces and behaviour,      veloped and tested with LUVMI has been         The authors would like to acknowledge
as well as measurement characteristics.         leveraged such as to extend the overall        LUVMI consortium partners for the excel-
The simulant was doped with up to 5%            approach into a platform that can host a       lent work done in the project and the test
water and frozen to below -50 °C. After         greater variety of scientific and eventually   campaign performed in 2018 in the Neth-
drilling and heating with 15 W of power,        even commercial payloads. This resulted in     erlands.
the VA sensor readings identified water, as     a new EU-project called LUVMI-Extended         The LUVMI project was co-funded by the
well as small amounts of residual nitrogen      (LUVMI-X).                                     European Commission through its Horizon
and CO2.                                        Besides enlarging the instrument pack-         2020 programme under grant agreement
Another test performed prior to the out-        age with a laser induced breakdown             #727220; the LUVMI-X project is co-fund-
door trials was a ‘partial gravity drilling     spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument, a neutron      ed by the European Commission through
test’. To validate that the required force      detector (ND) and a charged particle           its Horizon 2020 programme under grant
and tilting stability for drilling can be       detector (CPD), LUVMI-X will be able to        agreement #822018.
achieved in the reduced gravity on the          accommodate a variety of payloads with
Moon (1/6th of Earth), an offloading setup      standardised form factor and interfaces,       About the authors: Karsten Kullack works
(pulley system) for the rover was devel-        similar to the ICE Cubes facility onboard      since 2004 at ESTEC. He is ESA’s System
oped and installed in Space Applications        the ISS, also developed and operated by        Engineer for the Electro-Magnetic Levita-
Services’ lab. It included placing the rover    Space Applications Services. These cube        tor (EML) on the ISS, and Team Lead of
wheels on regolith simulant, in order to        size payloads can be mounted in different      Engineering Services at Space Applications
have realistic friction forces when the drill   locations on the rover, including the mast.    Services NV. Jeremi Gancet is Technologies,
engages the ground. The test showed that        Furthermore, it foresees the option of hav-    Applications and Research Division Manag-
the target drill depths were achievable         ing payloads dropped on the surface, or        er at Space Applications Services, which he
even with an offloading level as on the         even propelled (soft catapulted) into hard-    joined in 2005. He is the project coordinator
lunar surface, and the rover stayed stable      to-access locations of interest. In this way   for LUVMI and LUVMI-X.

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Prototype Moon Rover tested in Noordwijk - luvmi-x
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