Reinvestment Opportunity, is it Time? - Dave Robertson, Partner Treasury Strategies Inc.

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Reinvestment Opportunity, is it Time? - Dave Robertson, Partner Treasury Strategies Inc.
Reinvestment Opportunity, is it Time?
Presented by:
Dave Robertson, Partner
Treasury Strategies Inc.

Mike Lipinski, Vice President
Global Treasury Management
BMO Harris Bank

Windy City Summit,
June 7, 2012
Reinvestment Opportunity, is it Time? - Dave Robertson, Partner Treasury Strategies Inc.
Corporate Cash in Selected Regions


Reinvestment Opportunity, is it Time? - Dave Robertson, Partner Treasury Strategies Inc.
U.S. Corporate Cash Growing
Faster than GDP

Reinvestment Opportunity, is it Time? - Dave Robertson, Partner Treasury Strategies Inc.
Corporate Cash as % GDP by Region

          Country / Region                         2000     2011

            United Kingdom                            26%      50%

            Eurozone                                  15%      21%

            United States                             10%      14%

        Source: Treasury Strategies estimate

Reinvestment Opportunity, is it Time? - Dave Robertson, Partner Treasury Strategies Inc.
Sources of Corporate Cash:
Past 6 Months

     Sources of Cash (U.S.)                                                              Dec-10 Jun-11 Dec-11

      Positive cash flow from operations                                                   94%    92%    87%

      Debt issuance (medium and long-term)                                                 20%    15%    18%

      Reduction of inventories                                                             46%     3%    14%

      Sale of company assets, divestitures                                                  6%    14%    14%

      Increased short-term borrowing                                                        9%    16%    10%

      Equity issuance                                                                       6%     3%     5%

      Reduction in dividends                                                                0%     1%     1%
     Source: Treasury Strategies, Inc. Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey™, December 2011

Uses of Corporate Cash:
Past 6 Months

     Uses of Cash (U.S.)                                                                 Dec-10 Jun-11 Dec-11
      Capital expenditures                                                                 27%    33%    39%
      Acquisitions                                                                          9%    19%    28%
      Debt redemption (medium and long-term)                                               14%    21%    18%
      Pay down of short-term borrowing                                                     14%    10%    17%
      Negative cash flow from operations                                                   55%    22%    16%
      Equity repurchase, stock buyback                                                     10%    18%    14%
      Increased inventories                                                                18%     5%    11%
      Increased pension fund contributions                                                  0%    12%     7%
      Increased dividends or special dividends                                              5%     5%     5%
     Source: Treasury Strategies, Inc. Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey™, December 2011

What Do Treasurers Say About Risk?

                                                            Past Six                         Next Six
                  U.S. Only                                  Months                           Months
                                                            (Dec-11)                        (Expected)
        Maturity Structure
            Shorter                                           28%                              5%
            Longer                                              5%                             12%
            About the Same                                    66%                              83%

        Credit Risk
                                                              22%                              10%
                                                                3%                             7%
            About the Same                                    75%                              83%
        Source: Treasury Strategies, Inc. Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey™, December 2011

Maturity Structure

U.S. corporations hold almost 75% of total liquidity in overnight investments,
money funds and bank deposits.

           Source: Treasury Strategies, Inc. Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey™, December 2011


U.S. corporations hold approximately 75% of total liquidity in bank accounts (DDA,
MMDA/Savings, and Sweep) or money market mutual funds.

          % of Holdings by Instrument (U.S.
          DDA Accounts                                                                        38%

          Money Market Mutual Funds                                                           23%

          MMDA/Savings Accounts                                                               12%

          Government Securities                                                               7%

          Sweep Accounts                                                                      7%

          Other Instruments                                                                   13%
          Source: Treasury Strategies Inc. Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey™, December 2011

What Treasury Strategies
  Clients Are Saying

                                                                        “Issuing debt earlier than
     “Improved cyclical                                                 needed to take advantage
     performance and cautious      “Reduction of operating              of low interest rates. Cash
     capital investment.”          expenses. Lower than                 from operations better than
                                   expected interest rates              historically. Expect cash
                                   projected to remain constant         position to slowly draw
                                   for next 3 years.”                   down as capital
                                                                        expenditures are made.”
“We had a temporary hold in
investing long term. Cash
should start to decrease in     “…we are positioning a
2012 into longer term           portion of the portfolio to
                                take advantage of                     “We initiated several
                                potential rising rates 18-            revenue cycle initiatives
                                24 months down the                    that increased cash
                                road.”                                collections. We expect it to
                                                                      remain at the new level.”
   “Our company is
   continuously growing
                                              “Holding higher
   organically and                                                       “1) Decrease in
                                              liquidity to insulate
   through acquisition.”                                                 personnel. 2) Extended
                                              from business
                                              volatility.”               payment periods for
                                                                         accounts payable.”

What Treasury Strategies
Clients Are Saying

“Equity issuance coupled             “An investment decision was made to             “Steady profitable
with increased cash flow             issue CP and keep the proceeds in               growth.”
from ops. Expected to                cash on deposit with the banks. Until
remain this way for                  the future seems ‘clearer,’ I would
foreseeable future.”                 imagine the balances will stay high
                                                                                     “We build up in
                                     through early next year.”
                                                                                     preparation for large
                                                                                     pension funding.”

“We have monetized non-strategic
investments on the balance sheet        “Less opportunities to invest.        “We increased our cash levels
to maintain cash levels. We are         Why take risk if the return is        during the financial crisis to
cutting cost to increase cashflow       negligible?”                          ensure liquidity. We have
going forward.”                                                               already begun to bring them
                                                                              back to a normal level.”

                   “Increase in net income and limited
                   capital expenditures. Cash should
                                                                         “Near‐zero interest rates.
                   continue to increase this year, but
                                                                         Opportunity to offset bank fees
                   at a slower pace.”
                                                                         using earnings credits.”

How Management of
Corporate Cash is Changing

Current market dynamics encourage corporate treasurers to move more quickly to
the third generation of corporate treasury where they are the financial nerve center
of the corporation.

                                                                                              Past       Next
        Changes to Corporate Treasury (U.S.)
                                                                                            6 Months   6 Months

           Increasing reliance on cash forecasting                                              47%         43%

           Implementing new technology for cash
                                                                                                15%         31%

           Formally modifying investment policies                                               30%         20%

           Formally modifying risk management policies                                            8%         5%
        Source: Treasury Strategies, Inc. Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey™, December 2011

What Do Treasurers Say About Risk?

                                                          Past Six                      Next Six
                   U.S. Only                               Months                        Months
                                                          (Dec-11)                     (Expected)
         Hedges of FX
             Increasing                                        3%                             3%
             Decreasing                                      12%                              15%
             About the Same                                  86%                              83%
          Source: Treasury Strategies, Inc. Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey™, December 2011

Redenomination Risk

• What will happen if the eurozone does not remain intact?

                • Low probability x Significant impact = Cause for concern

• The slim probability of a collapse, combined with the severe magnitude of its impact,
  makes the expected value a material concern for many global companies.

• It is now incumbent upon financial managers, perhaps even a fiduciary responsibility, to
  consider this issue.

•   Scenarios
•   Single country exit
•   Multi-country exit
•   Total breakup

Redenomination Risk

•   Key Issues
•   Denomination of obligations
•   Jurisdiction
•   Sovereign immunity

•   Levels of impact
•   Primary
•   Secondary
•   Overall economy

Treasury Strategies Advice to Clients

• Key themes emerging from our work with Corporate Treasurers

•   Review and clarify investment policies in the “gray areas”
•   Shorten maturities
•   Increase credit quality
•   Move assets into insured bank deposits
•   Move assets into money market funds (MMFs)
•   Issue commercial paper - as much as market will absorb
•   Issue debt securities - as much as market will absorb
•   Improve treasury technology tools
•   Improve cash forecasting

Disclaimer: Treasury Strategies recommendations are situation specific and based upon careful, individual analysis. The advice cited above may or
   may not be appropriate for your specific situation.

Managing Redenomination Risk

Treasury Strategies advises our clients to institute a five step process in evaluating
  the implications of a eurozone breakup:

    1. Conduct a complete assessment of all primary and secondary eurozone exposures.
    2. Stress test these exposures under the three scenarios of a single country exit, multi-country exit and
       full dissolution.
    3. Amend or clarify all contracts as appropriate.
    4. Implement as many natural hedges as feasible.
    5. Structure financial hedges to manage the remaining risks.

         Disclaimer: Treasury Strategies recommendations are situation specific and based upon careful, individual analysis. The advice
       cited above may or may not be appropriate for your specific situation.

FDIC Changes

• Under proposed change banks will be charged insurance premiums based on net
  assets (total assets less tangible equity)

• FDIC has option to adjust rate as much as 15 basis points not to exceed 35 basis
  points, based on its own judgment of a bank’s risk

• Temporary Unlimited Deposit Insurance non-interest bearing transaction accounts
    Source: Initial and Total Base Assessment Rates FDIC 12 CFR part 327

                    Risk Category I   Risk Category II    Risk Category III   Risk Category IV   Large and Highly
 Initial Base       5-9               14                  23                  35                 5-35
 Assessment rate
 Unsecured debt     (4.5)-0           (5)-0               (5)-0               (5)-0              (5)-0
 Brokered deposit   …..               0-10                0-10                0-10               0-10
 Total Base         2.5-9             9-24                18-33               30-45              2.5-45
 Assessment Rate

Reg Q Repeal – ECR vs Interest Rate

 • Banks provide choice post July 2011
 • Interest-bearing commercial accounts will trigger 1099INT for interest income earned throughout the
 • Interest-bearing commercial accounts for 2011-2012 will have limited FDIC coverage at $250k

              DDA/non-         MMDA           Corporate NOW        Money Market         Eurodollar      Repo/MMDA          Interest-     Fixed Income          Separate
               interest                                            Mutual Fund           Sweep            Sweep             bearing       Investment           Managed
               bearing                                                Sweep                                              transaction                           Portfolio
             transaction                                                                                                   account
  Cash       Operating     Reserve          Operating             Operating            Operating        Operating         Operating     Reserve,             Reserve,
  Type                                                                                                                                  Restricted,          Restricted,
                                                                                                                                        Strategic            Strategic

Liquidity/   daily         weekly           daily                 daily to 90days      daily            daily            daily          daily to > 90 days   90 days > 360
Duration                                                                                                                                +                    days +

  FDIC       Unlimited     $250,000 limit   $250,000 limit        Unlimited on DDA     Unlimited on     Unlimited on     $250,000       None                 None
Coverage                                                          portion– None on     DDA portion–     DDA portion–     limit
                                                                  invested             None on          $250k limit on
                                                                                       invested         interest

  Yield      ECR           Interest         Interest              Dividends            Interest         Interest         ECR/Interest   Interest/Cap         Interest/Cap
  Type                                                                                                                                  gains/Divs           gains/Divs

   IRS       None          1099INT          1099INT               1099DIV              1099INT          1099INT          1099INT        1099DIV/INT &        1099DIV/INT
                                                                                                                                        other                & other

Restrict     None          Limited to 6  Limited to non-profit;   Limits dictated by   Base amount      Base amount      None           Client Investment    Client
                           disbursements sole proprietorships     portfolio selected   required prior   required prior                  Policy/risk          Investment
                           /month                                                      to sweep         to sweep                        tolerance            Policy/risk

Corporate Cash Levels

          U.S. Federal Reserve: U.S. Corporate Cash a/o 9/30/11 was $2.11T

U.S. Sets Money-Market Plan WSJ 2/7/12

A Shrinking Pie – 2a7 Funds   SEC Aims to Stabilize $2.7 Trillion Industry; Critics Say
                                           Rules Would Cut Returns

Rising Commodity Prices

            Source: 2/16/11

OTC and Exchange Traded Derivatives   The Economist Financial
                                      Plumbing & Promises 2/27/12

Rising Commodity Prices

  Economy faces new threats

                                                                            By Chris Isidore, senior writerFebruary 24, 2011:

  4:02 PM ET

               Source: CNN 2/24/11 By Chris Isidore, senior writerFebruary 24, 2011: 4:02 PM ET

Oil Price Spike Biggest Threat to Economy
Iran-fueled oil price spike biggest threat to economy
By Steve Hargreaves @CNNMoney April 11, 2012: 9:24 AM ET
Fear that a confrontation with Iran would push oil prices to $200 a barrel eclipses European debt crisis,
China slowdown as biggest threat to the economy. CNN Money 4/11/12

Unemployment Forecast

President Ronald Reagan and Vice
   President George H. Bush in
     January 1983, when the
  unemployment rate fell to 10.4
percent from 10.8 percent, the first
  decline that large in five years.

                                            Source: The New York Times 2/3/11

DOL Study - Deeper Recessions, Slower
Recoveries             Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Washington Post. Published on April 10, 2012, 9:11

             Labor force study predicts deeper recessions and slower recoveries

Appendix / Sources

•   Business Finance
           –     Managing Health Care Refrom Decision Making 12/21/11
•   CNN Money and
           –     How Sweet it Isn’t ,Corn, sugar prices soar, 2/16/11 Source:
           –     Oil tops $106 a barrel, 3/7/2011
           –     States with the Worst Tax Burdens, 2/24/11, Tax burden falls for the first time in decade, Source: Tax Foundation Study Based on 2009 Data
           –     State & Local Tax Burdens, All States, 2009, 2/24/11, Source: Tax Foundation calculations based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, The Census Bureau, The Council on State
                 Taxation, the Travel Industry Association, the Department of Energy and others
           –     Fed predicts weak recovery for several years, Fed’s Economic Outlook, 11/23/10, Source: Federal Reserve
           –     Emerging Markets are Hot – Place Your Bets, 2/1/11
           –     Mortgage Rates Fall to Record Lows 12/15/11
           –     Young Workers Getting Hired Again 12/1/11
           –     November Jobs Report 12/2/11
           –     Biggest Market Risk: Middle East Turmoil 4/7/11
           –     The Fight Just Gets Dumber 4/8/11
           –     Euro drops below $1.30 mark 12/14/11
           –     Federal Revenue Sources 4/12/11
           –     Easier Access, The amount of credit extended by suppliers to their trade customers has reached its highest level since January 2007, 2/7/11, Source: National Association of Credit
                 Management’s Credit Managers’ Index.
•   Economist
           –     America’s GDP 4th qtr 2011 12/16/11
           –     Initial and Total Base Assessment Rates FDIC 12 CFR part 327
•   Forbes
           –     Ten Ways Small Businesses can Lower Health Care Costs (and hire more people) in 2012 12/5/11
•   McClatchy Newspapers
           –     What gives? U.S. Corporations Rebounding from 2008 Financial Crisis 3/27/11
•   Oliver Wyman
           –     Price Shocks; Commodity price increases in 2010, by percentage
•   The New York Times
           –     Most Regions Experience Modest Growth, 3/3/11, Source: Fed’s Beige Book info collected before 2/18/11
           –     Largest One-Month Declines in U.S. Unemployment Rate 1965-2010, 2/3/11, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics via Haver Analytics
           –     Keeping it Temporary, Net Private Sector Jobs Added, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
           –     Housing Construction, 11/17/11
•   Treasury Strategies Inc.
           –     Quarterly Corporate Cash Survey December 2011
•   Wall Street Journal
           –     A Shriking Pie, Money fund assets, 1/1/11, Source: iMoneyNet
           –     Czechs Wary of Joining Troubled Euro, 7/9/10
           –     What the Health Care Law Will Mean for your Small Business, 12/7/11
•   Washington Post
           –     GDP Grew at Fastest Pace in 1.5 years 12/16/11


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