Protecting the placenta - How your environment may negatively impact the lifeline of your baby - Health Science Inquiry
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PREGNANCY Protecting the placenta How your environment may negatively impact the lifeline of your baby. BY MARIYAN J. JEYARAJAH photo credit - Nynne Schroder STEPHEN J. RENAUD DANIEL B. HARDY GENEVIEVE EASTABROOK PEEYUSH K. LALA P regnancy can alter practically everything about an expectant mother’s life – from what they wear, to what they eat, to even physiological changes in the shape and size of their brain. All these excit- ing changes are simply the pregnant mother’s response to welcome their new child. In addition to their baby, another incredible aspect to pregnan- Pregnancy outcomes can be influenced by numerous factors including drug use, cy is the growth of a completely new viral infection, and socioeconomic status. organ: the placenta. The placenta acts as the baby’s lifeline and provides the baby with all necessary nutrients and showed greatly reduced placental tries with warm climates. However, due oxygen. The placenta is responsive to function and transfer of nutrients and to warming temperatures associated its surrounding environment and can oxygen to the baby. Moreover, Δ9-THC with climate change, the range of this serve as a living barrier, adapting and resulted in the rats giving birth to low- virus has vastly expanded. Mosquitos responding to negative environmental weight, or growth-restricted babies, carrying Zika have traveled from Africa factors that can jeopardize the health of an outcome often associated with an and have infected pregnant mothers the baby [1]. However, there are limits increased risk of cardiovascular and living all over the world, including the to the placenta’s ability to adapt, and metabolic disorders in humans [2,3]. Americas and Europe. In the instance of therefore, understanding the everyday Another key environmental Zika infection, after being bit by a mos- environmental risks that can harm both factor that can negatively impact the quito carrying Zika, the virus has been placenta and baby can help ensure the health of a baby is poor nutrition. In shown to cross the placental barrier, al- proper development of the child. Canada, approximately 2.5 million ter oxygen transport activity, and result One of the leading environ- women are classified as low socioeco- in children with microcephaly, a condi- mental factors resulting in poor preg- nomic status [4]. These individuals tion in which the brain is not correctly nancy outcomes is drug use. Currently often face greater challenges in obtain- developed [6]. Influenza, or the yearly in Canada, one in five women report ing nutritious foods and frequently flu is another virus that may be dam- marijuana use as a common activity find themselves consuming high carb, aging to pregnancy. Pregnant mothers during pregnancy [2]. With the recent high fat diets. This can have damaging who contract influenza in their third legalization of marijuana in Canada, effects on the placenta and can cause trimester are more susceptible to respi- this is a troubling statistic, as not much the placenta to mature too quickly ratory defects and have an increased is known about the effects of canna- [5]. When placentas mature rapidly, risk of fatality [7]. Viral infections such bis on pregnancy. Daniel Hardy, an they age prematurely, and produce an as influenza may for the most part seem associate professor of physiology and unusually low oxygen atmosphere. This out of our control, but obstetrician and pharmacology at Western University environment can result in fetal growth gynecologist, Dr. Genevieve Eastabrook advises against marijuana intake during restriction. suggests that expectant mothers and the pregnancy. A recent study from his lab There are other environmental public can take matters into their own found that exposure to Δ9-THC, the factors that can harm the placenta and hands by receiving yearly vaccinations. psychoactive component of cannabis, baby that lie outside the control of the Lastly, one of the major envi- can result in poor placental outcomes mother, for example, viral infection. ronmental concerns faced by pregnant [2]. Pregnant rats given Δ9-THC Zika virus is most prevalent in coun- mothers is misinformation from social 14
Daniel Hardy Genevieve Eastabrook Peeyush Lala media and popular culture. In today’s advice to any pregnant mother is to society, some celebrities feel entitled to follow the instructions of their doctor, provide information to their followers, eat balanced meals, not partake in risky and this advice is often taken at face behaviours such as drugs and alcohol, value without scientific rigor. This and to simply “cherish the moment.” creates disparity in the quality of infor- To provide even more support for mation and consequently, women can pregnant mothers, researchers such as be exposed to a lot of misinformation. Stephen Renaud, an assistant professor This ranges from fads promoting lotus of anatomy and cell biology at Western births — where the umbilical cord is University, aims to understand how the left to naturally detach from the fetus — placenta develops to safeguard growth to even consuming the placenta. There of the baby. Renaud’s lab focuses on is no scientific evidence indicating any understanding the genetic and immune benefit to these practices [8,9]. Lotus regulation of the placenta, trying to births and consumption of the pla- comprehend how it develops and func- centa will more likely lead to negative tions during pregnancy. He believes side effects such as an increased risk of that by unraveling the mysteries of the Stephen Renaud infection [8,9]. To combat misinforma- organ, we can best support and nurture tion, Dr. Jen Gunter, a Canadian obste- it, so that it may do its job to serve as 14. trician and gynaecologist advocates for the baby’s lifeline. 6. Khaiboullina SF, Ribeiro FM, Uppal T, women’s health through social media. Martynova E V, Rizvanov AA, Verma SC. Zika virus transmission through blood Gunter recently published the book, REFERENCES tissue barriers. Front Microbiol. 2019 Apr “the Vagina Bible”, where she utilizes 26;10:1465. pop culture tactics to dispel incorrect 1. Maltepe E, Fisher SJ. Placenta: the forgot- 7. Silasi M, Cardenas I, Kwon J-Y, Racicot ten organ. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2015 K, Aldo P, Mor G. Viral infections during information [10]. She provides infor- Apr 24;31:523–52. pregnancy. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2015 mation to expectant mothers, creating 2. Natale B V, Gustin KN, Lee K, Holloway Apr 24;73(3):199–213. opportunities for them to implement AC, Laviolette SR, Natale DRC, et al. 8. Science-Based Medicine [Internet]. Lotus Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure during Birth: No Benefit, Plenty of Risk [cited good practices and give their babies a rat pregnancy leads to symmetrical fetal 2020 Apr 28]. Available from: https:// chance for a healthy start. growth restriction and labyrinth-specific It is evident that many factors vascular defects in the placenta. Sci Rep. benefit-plenty-of-risk/ 2020 Apr 24;10(1):544. 9. Morris E, Slomp C, Hippman C, Inglis A, can influence the outcome of pregnan- 3. Gillies R, Lee K, Vanin S, Laviolette SR, Carrion P, Batallones R, et al. A Matched cy. Specifically, an expectant parent’s Holloway AC, Arany E, et al. Maternal Cohort Study of Postpartum Placentoph- surrounding environment can create exposure to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol agy in Women With a History of Mood impairs female offspring glucose homeo- Disorders: No Evidence for Impact on significant challenges to the placenta stasis and endocrine pancreatic devel- Mood, Energy, Vitamin B12 Levels, or and place both mother and baby in opment in the rat. Reprod Toxicol. 2020 Lactation. J Obstet Gynaecol Canada. 2019 harm’s way. However, clinician and sci- Apr 26; Available from: http://dx.doi. Sep 1;41(9):1330–7. org/10.1016/j.reprotox.2020.04.070 10. 10. CTV News. [Internet] “Vagina Bible” entist, Dr. Peeyush Lala from Western 4. Canadian Women’s Foundation [Internet]. aims to dispel myths and misinforma- University says there’s not too much The Facts about Women and Poverty in tion about genital health. CTV News reason for concern. The placenta is a Canada [cited 2020 April 28]. Available [cited 2020 April 28]. Available from: from: resilient organ that can take care of facts/womens-poverty/ na-bible-aims-to-dispel-myths-and-mis- all the baby’s needs. In today’s world, 5. Huynh J, Dawson D, Roberts D, Bent- information-about-geni- most individuals undergo pregnancy ley-Lewis R. A systematic review of tal-health-1.4575352?cache=yesclip- placental pathology in maternal diabetes Id104062%3FclipId%3D89925%3Fauto- with little to no complications. Lala’s mellitus. Placenta. 2015 Apr 24;36(2):101– Play%3Dtrue 15
among Inuit households increasing the POPULATION MEDICINE risk of hunger and malnutrition among Northern Canadian these individuals. In fact, a study from McGill University found that food inse- curity was three times more prevalent Indigenous and the among Inuit compared to off-reserve Indigenous households [1]. A Canadian study also found that increasing sea ice instability has restricted Inuit peoples’ environment freedom of movement, increased physi- cal dangers associated with hunting and fishing, and has significantly disturbed traditional ways of living [5]. Ice trips A relationship compromised by colonization and cli- are associated with social bonding and the transference of traditional knowl- mate change. edge, as climate change has made these trips more dangerous and less practical BY COLIN JAMIESON it has disconnected Inuit peoples from their environment – causing a signifi- T cant loss of place [5]. Cultural disrup- he environment is a complex thereby compromising traditional food tion compounded with social isolation system comprised of social, practices and the pertinence of local and endangered personal safety has cultural, and natural forces that knowledge [5]. Despite contributing resulted in increased levels of stress and can regularly influence one’s little to climate change, these commu- worsened mental health among these health and wellbeing. It has power over nities have been displaced to regions populations. both opportunity and behavior and has experiencing the most rapid environ- When providing Indigenous historically led to human adaptation. mental changes. Rising environmental communities with support, it is vital to This is particularly true among Indige- temperatures at the Canadian Arctic build relationships and work in consul- nous populations of Canada. Canadian has led to unstable ice conditions and tation. Papadopoulos stressed the im- Indigenous peoples share a strong, has altered animal migration patterns portance of providing “care, treatment, longstanding relationship with the nat- [7-9]. Traditional Inuit peoples rely on or services in a culturally appropriate ural environment and have been driven the conditions of the sea ice to en- manner.” In the context of Indigenous to adapt as a result of colonialism, sys- able safe travel to hunting and fishing communities, it is important to recog- temic oppression and exclusion, forced grounds, and thus, unstable ice con- nize their desire for self-governance and displacement, and climate change [1-3]. ditions have hindered access to tradi- autonomy as well as the importance of Harmony between humans and the tional food sources. This has led to a tradition within their culture [10-11]. natural world is highly revered among growing prevalence of food insecurity When pathogenic growth occurred in Indigenous communities. Indigenous peoples often rely on the natural envi- photo credit - Jordan Ostapiuk ronment for sustenance and in return they cherish and respect it [4-5]. This harmonious relationship is often seen as a fundamental component of Indige- nous culture; in fact, many Indigenous peoples integrate environmental health into their sense of wellness or personal well-being [6]. Andrew Papadopoulos, an associate professor in population medicine at the University of Guelph, explained that Indigenous peoples often “look at the absence of caribou, the ris- ing of temperatures, the melting of ice, the presence of trichinella in walruses, and the absence of other traditional food sources” when expressing their wellbeing. As a result of colonization, The Bow River in Alberta, Canada - called Makhabn in the Blackfoot language - was Indigenous populations have been used by Indigenous people for travel, hunting, and fishing, long before European distanced from their traditional lands – colonization. 16
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