Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...

Page created by Maria Gregory
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022
          Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m.

Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
Julie Miller
Fax 952-226-0949

Circle of Friends Preschool
Fax 952-226-0949

Deb Tribby
Fax 952-226-0935

Mel Owen                                      ECFE Fees ..................................................................... 2
952-226-0980                                  Registration/FAQ’s .................................................... 5
Fax 952-226-0981                              Discounts & Partnerships ....................................... 6                               Classes .......................................................................... 7-12
                                                     Infants ............................................................. 7
Early Learning                                       Toddlers .......................................................... 8
                                                     Ages 2-5 .......................................................... 9
Coordinator                                          Multi Ages ..................................................... 10-11
Erin Metoxen                                         Parents ........................................................... 12

ECSE Coordinator
Lori Parker
                                              SAVE                               ECFE Block Party
                                                                                  September 21
                                                                                                                            I Love to Read
                                                                                                                              February 8
                                              DATE                                   ESTEM Event
                                                                                        May 10
                                                                                                                         End of Year Party
                                                                                                                              June 7
                                                                                                                            4:30-6:00               2
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
SEMESTER 1 : 2021-2022

Early Childhood Family Education
    ECFE is a program that strengthens families with young children through play, education and
                                 support. It is unique to Minnesota.
Did you Know?                                                 Child Benefits:
ECFE is not just for parents! All special grown-ups are       • Forming Friendships
invited to participate in ECFE! Grandparents, nannies,        • School readiness support
aunts and uncles all enjoy and participate in classes.        • Dedicated time together with your special grown-up

Parent/Caregiver Perks:                                       ECFE Fees:
• Support and encouragement in your role as a parent          ECFE uses a sliding-fee scale based upon your
   or caregiver                                               household’s annual gross income. Scholarships are
• Current research-based information on child                 available for families who live in Prior Lake - Savage Area
   development                                                School District.
• Peer connection: We are in this together!
• Community connections: Awareness of community               Childcare is available during most classes for siblings
   resources and support services                             from 7 weeks to age 6. A child under 7 weeks old may
• Dedicated time together with your special little one        stay with their parent. Register for sibling care at the
                                                              same time you register for a class. This is a family per
                                                              session fee, not an individual fee per child.

                                                                                 HH Income Ranges
      Registration opens:
                                              Class Day       100K +    80-100K 60-80K      40-60K    40-20K    0-20K
           8:00 a.m.
                                              Monday          $224.00 $192.00 $160.00 $112.00         $96.00    $49.60
        August 16, 2021
                                              Tuesday         $252.00 $216.00 $180.00 $126.00 $108.00 $55.80
                                              Wednesday $224.00 $192.00 $160.00 $112.00               $96.00    $49.60
         Classes start:
                                              Thursday        $238.00 $204.00 $170.00 $119.00         $102.00 $52.70
       September 8, 2021
                                              Friday          $210.00 $180.00 $150.00 $105.00 $90.00            $46.50
                                              Saturday        $210.00 $180.00 $150.00 $105.00 $90.00            $46.50

             Sib Care                   Pop-Ups
    Class Day      Fee          HH Income Fee
    Monday         $96.00       100K +        $14.00
    Tuesday        $108.00      80-100K       $12.00
    Wednesday $96.00            60-80K        $10.00
    Thursday       $102.00      40-60K        $7.00
    Friday         $90.00       40-20K        $6.00
    Saturday       $90.00       0-20K         $3.10

                                                          3                                                     952-226-0952
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
                                                                         A class just for dads and their
                                                                         special littles! See page 10.

                                                                         Our educators are passionate about
                                                                         early childhood learning for both child
                                                                         and care giver. We offer various
                                                                         outreach classes; these classes are
                                                                         offered on location. For more details,
                                                                         see page 11.

              Pop Up Classes
              We offer short or even one-time classes on a
              variety of topics. Some may be in-person or
              could be virtual. You can register for one or five,
              it’s up to you and your schedule. You can read
              about our new Pop-Ups on pages 10, 11 and 12.

                                   Think Small - ParentPowered
                                   Have fun and boost your child’s
                                   learning. When you sign up for
                                   texts, you will receive three texts
                                   each week: Fun facts and tips to
                                   increase motor skills, improve
                                   language and health development.
                                   Free and easy sign up at
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
SEMESTER 1 : 2021-2022

              Registration Information / FAQ
Location of Classes                                               Can I register after the class has started?
Edgewood School                                                   Registrations will be accepted until a class has filled. Fees
LOWER LEVEL ENTRANCE                                              will be prorated. Register early to avoid canceled classes
5304 Westwood Dr SE, Prior Lake                                   due to low enrollment.
Big round blue tiled building on the NW corner of the
campus. NOT Westwood Elementary.                                  What if my class is canceled?
                                                                  A class may need to be canceled due to low enrollment.
How do I register?                                                If this is the case, families will be notified by email. Fami-
Online:                             lies affected will receive a full refund.
Discounts cannot be redeemed online.
In-Person: Visit Edgewood School’s main office Mon-Fri            Cancellation Policy
between 8:00-1:00                                                 Cancellations one week prior to the first day of class will
                                                                  receive a full refund, minus a $10 processing fee.
Does an adult need to attend?                                     Cancellations once classes have started are subject to a
Yes. ECFE classes require participation from an adult             $35 processing fee and class fees will be pro-rated if we
caregiver.                                                        are able to fill the opening.

What are the age requirements?                                    Photograph and Video Opt-out
Children must meet the age requirements within the                Enrolling in ECFE classes or attending ECFE sponsored
first week of class unless otherwise granted by office or         activities constitutes permission to take and use pictures
education staff.                                                  and /or videos of yourself and your minor children in
                                                                  PLSAS publications, promotional materials and social
ECFE Weather Cancellations                                        media. If you would like to opt-out of this, please contact
ECFE will follow PLSAS weather related closings. If school        Chelsea Braudt at
is closed or in online learning, ECFE classes are canceled.
If school is delayed 2 hours, there will be no morning            Class Separation Explanation
ECFE classes. These cancellations will not be rescheduled         Non-separating: Parent educators support interactions
or refunded.                                                      in the classroom.

What do I need on the first day of class?                         Gradually separating: Grown-ups and parent educators
Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate (New ECFE          begin the separation process slowly, being sensitive to
families only) and current immunization records. You              the readiness of the children.
may also fax them to Julie Miller at 952-226-0949 or email
them to Most clinics will fax records         Flexible separating: Parents and educators decide
to our office if requested. If your child is behind on            separation timing together based upon the needs of the
immunizations, catch up at:                                       group.

               Scott County Public Health                         Separating: Children spend time with their teacher
             Valley Green Work Force Center                       while grown-ups gather with a parent educator for part
                   792 Canterbury Rd S                            of the class in a different room.
                      Shakopee, MN
                  By appointment only.

                                                              5                                                       952-226-0952
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
Discounts & Partnerships
                                              Eligible UCare members may get up to a $15 discount on
                                              many community education classes in Minnesota. Members
                                              must have UCare insurance at the time of registration and
                                              throughout the duration of the class. Members need to
                                              provide their UCare member ID number when registering for
                                              a class. Limits and restrictions may apply.

            Try out an ECFE class for FREE!!
If you’re not sure if an ECFE class is the right fit for your
child, please give us a try. Simply scan the QR code to the
right with your smart phone’s camera, then fill out the
form to let us know when to expect you. You can also call
the office at 952-226-0952.

Limit one free ECFE class per family per ECFE semester.
Not available on Pop-up classes.

                                                            Edgewood Early Childhood and the Prior Lake
                                                            branch of the Scott County Library are excited to
                                                            announce their new partnership to foster a love
                                                            of literacy for our youngest Lakers.

                                                            More details will be coming soon. Keep checking
                                                            our FaceBook page and website for upcoming
                                                            events.             6
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
SEMESTER 1 : 2021-2022


Amazing Baby Time
0-12 months, Non-separating

Spend some evening time bonding with your amazing
baby within a comfortable, supportive environment. A
licensed parent educator will support your ride on the
new baby roller coaster. Whether this is your first baby
or your fifth, each child is unique and so is this season of
your life.

                                                                   Baby’s Day Out
                                                                   0-9 months, Non-separating

                                                                   It’s not always easy to get out of the house when you
                                                                   have an infant, but this class will make you glad you did!
                                                                   Here you’ll be gifted with 90 minutes of uninterrupted
                                                                   time to bond with baby and build a community of your
                                                                   parenting peers, all within a comfortable, supportive
                                                                   environment. While playing, singing and relaxing with
                                                                   your baby, parents will share stories about their baby’s
                                                                   growth and development, discuss strategies for
                                                                   developing healthy eating and sleeping habits and learn
                                                                   what new research tells us about your baby’s important
                                                                   first experiences. This positive and informative class is
                                                                   led by a licensed parent educator and is designed to help
                                                                   parents use nurturing touch to feel closer to their babies
                                                                   and become more confident in their care giving.

                                                               7                                                   952-226-0952
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
E-STEM Explore
12-24 months, Non-separating

Toddlers are natural investigators and this class is
designed to bring out the best of their new found abil-
ities! Weekly age-appropriate explorations will allow
them to discover new things in their world and give you
a chance to learn more about how environmental
education, science, technology, engineering and math
(E-STEM) can be easily incorporated into your toddler’s
day. There will be no formal parent discussion in this
class, but a licensed parent educator will be on hand to
support you in your parenting role.

Little Movers
9-15 months, Non-separating

Your little one is starting to explore their world and we
are providing a safe space for them to explore to their
heart’s content. Each class will offer a different setting
for your little mover to discover. Parents will discuss the
joys and challenges of living with a little one on the go. A
licensed parent educator will be on hand to offer tips.

Ones                                                               Early childhood development milestones to
12-24 months, Non-separating
Tuesdays          Wednesdays                                       age 5
8:45-10:00 or     5:30-6:45                                        Every child is unique. No two children develop, grow and
                                                                   learn at exactly the same pace. And yet children develop
The world is a one-derland of fun when you are one!                in predictable ways. Take notes as your little one learns.
Everything is new and exciting and all experiences offer           Babies and toddlers are growing, learning and changing
opportunities to learn. Join this non-separating class for         all the time. It’s fun to watch! We suggest you keep track
helpful strategies to support the transition from baby to          of the new things they do and the milestones they reach.
toddler from a licensed parent educator, children’s                If you are concerned about your child’s growth,
teacher and a group of your peers.                                 development or learning, we encourage you to contact
                                                                   us at or 1-866-693-4769                    8
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
SEMESTER 1 : 2021-2022

                                                                   Preschool Express
AGES 2-5                                                           3-5 Years, Separating
Little Lakers
Young 3’s, Separating                                              If family circumstances have prevented your child from
Thursdays                                                          participating in a traditional preschool experience, this
10:15-11:45                                                        unique evening class might be just right for you.
                                                                   Specifically designed for children ages 3 to 5, Preschool
Will your child turn 3 after September 1st? Then this              Express provides an opportunity for children to practice
class is for them! Join us in this preschool readiness             school readiness skills and for the adults in their lives to
class with an innovative parent education model. Drop              prepare for the transition to kindergarten. We’ll take a
off your child in the classroom for this child only class.         gentle approach to separation, with time for
Grown-ups will attend a parenting session twice monthly            parent-child interaction and tapering off to an
in addition to online engagement opportunities. Prepare            independent preschool experience. All the while, we’ll be
yourself and your child for their future preschool classes         working on building self-confidence in the classroom
in this fun and informative class.                                 setting, pre-literacy and emerging math and science
                                                                   knowledge, social and emotional competence and
NO SIB-CARE AVAILABLE                                              speech and language development.

*Note: Parents will attend the first class with their child.       Twos
                                                                   24-36 months, Flexible-separating
                                                                   Tuesdays           Wednesdays
                                                                   8:45-10:00 or      5:30-6:45

                                                                   For twos, the world is their stage and we are the players.
                                                                   Come explore, engage and learn about our great big
                                                                   world along with your child. In this gradually separating
                                                                   class, your two year old will feel supported and secure
                                                                   while developing identity and sense of self. A licensed
                                                                   parent educator and children’s teacher, along with your
                                                                   peers, will support your navigation through the growing
                                                                   independence of your child.

Story time for Twos
24-36 months, Non-separating

Children LOVE stories and they all have their favorites.
Let us take over the story telling in this fun and creative
class. Each week will have different themed activities
based on a familiar or new children’s book.

                                                               9                                                      952-226-0952
Semester 1: September 2021 - January 2022 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Registration opens August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m - Prior Lake ...
Dad and Me
Birth - 7 years, Non-separating

Calling all Dads! This is your chance to enjoy some
quality time with your children. Explore, take risks and
engage in active play together. Meet other dads and
develop friendships. A licensed early childhood teacher
and parent educator will be on hand to answer questions
and support you in your vital role.
                                                                            “There is no such thing as bad weather,
                                                                                       only bad clothing.”

Family Connections
Birth to 7 years, Non-separating                                    Nature Fun
Thursdays                                                           18 months to K entrance, Separating
5:30-6:45                                                           Tuesdays
In this class families connect with one another to share
the joys and concerns about raising a child with                    Foster a love for all things nature in this class. Our
special needs. This supportive program provides a safe,             licensed children’s teacher is experienced in teaching
non-threatening atmosphere for sharing and                          nature preschool and will bring her knowledge into the
understanding life’s challenges and feeling related to              ECFE classroom. Dress for the weather when attending
raising a child with special needs. Siblings of all ages are        this class.
welcome to attend with their family.

                                                                    Nature Pop-ups
                                                                    18 months to 6 years, Non-separating

                                                                    September 23
                                                                    October 12
                                                                    November 9
                                                                    December 7
                                                                    January 11

                                                                    Join our licensed nature preschool teachers for a fun
                                                                    experience in the great outdoors. Choose one class or
                                                                    attend all of them; it’s completely up to you. Each class
                                                                    will be new and exciting. Dress for the weather.                    10
SEMESTER 1 : 2021-2022

Our Day to Play and Learn
Birth - 7 years, Non-separating

We know it’s true; one of the best parts of coming to
school is time with friends! Whether they are members
of your family, kids you’ve known since baby class, or a
friend you haven’t met yet, there is so much to be gained
by being together. So pick this class and come and play.

                                                                  Story Themed Play Date Pop-ups
                                                                  Birth to 7 years, Non-separating

                                                                  October 13
                                                                  November 17
                                                                  January 19

                                                                  Grab your best date pal and come to this class where all
                                                                  the activities will be based on a beloved children’s book.
                                                                  Choose the date that works for you or attend them all.

Birth - 7 years, Non-separating

These free weekly classes are offered to families residing
in the communities listed below. Our licensed parent ed-
ucators will answer questions you may have about your
child’s development.

Pike Lake Marsh - Wednesdays
Village Commons - Fridays

*If there is no school for K-12, there will be no class.

                                                             11                                                    952-226-0952
                                                                    Expecting Baby

                                                                    Are you expecting your first child? It is a joyous time, but
                                                                    you may have questions or concerns. Join our licensed
                                                                    parent educator and other expectant first time moms
                                                                    for 90 minutes of being able to talk all about your
                                                                    pregnancy and preparing for your baby.
Caregiver Connections
Birth - 7 years, Non-separating
1:30-2:45                                                           Parenting Pop-ups
Caring for someone else’s child is a special responsibility         1:30-300
and ECFE would like to support you in your role. That’s
why we’re offering this weekly group for grandparents/              VIRTUAL - THESE CLASSES WILL NOT MEET IN-PERSON
nannies and children aged 0-7 years. Young children                 Choose a topic that you are interested in learning more
will experience the joy of being, learning and growing              about and discussing with a licensed parent educator.
together in a group with the security that comes from               Attend one, two or all four.
attending with their beloved caregiver. Grown-ups will
have time for discovering new activities to engage your             September 28 - Parent Self Care
little one, as well as time to share stories, strategies and        You take care of your family but it’s very important to
suggestions with other adult caregivers.                            take of yourself as well. This class will give tips on how
                                                                    to do that as well as discuss why it is so vital to being a
                                                                    good parent.

                                                                    October 26 - Screen Time and Technology
                                                                    Most parents were worried about the screen time their
                                                                    children were receiving, but the pandemic only increased
                                                                    those worries and our children’s exposure. Discover the
                                                                    pitfalls and strengths of technology in this class

                                                                    November 9 - Conscious Discipline
                                                                    Discuss Dr. Becky Bailey’s innovative parent approach in
                                                                    this class.

                                                                    January 11 - Gratitude and Values
                                                                    Being mindful has become a buzz word in the recent
                                                                    year, but what does that mean. In this class you’ll explore
                                                                    that and more.                    12
SEMESTER 1 : 2021-2022

                               Edgewood School

                                                          Welcome! Preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 4 years
                                                          old who live in Prior Lake Savage school district need to
                                                          participate in a screening before entering kindergarten.
                                                          Watch for updates in our web page and check out our new
                                                          online scheduling option for Early Childhood Screening
          Early Childhood                                 appointments coming soon. We look forward to meeting
                                                          your family.

Early Learning Advisory Council
The ELAC assists with planning, promoting and
supporting all early childhood programs. The council’s
primary goal is to serve as an advocate of the early
learning community, representing what is best for chil-
dren, families, programs and the community.

Call Erin Metoxen at 952-226-0908 or email with questions or to get an

                                                                Former council members

                                                                Circle of Friends Preschool
                                                                We are the district’s preschool program. Learning goals
                                                                and outcomes are aligned with district kindergarten
                                                                readiness expectations in a developmentally
                                                                appropriate, child-centered manner.

                                                                Registration for the 2022-2023 school year will begin in
                                                                March, 2022. Families participating in ECFE classes will
                                                                receive priority preschool registration.

                                                           13                                                    952-226-0952
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