PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk

Page created by Wesley Ortega
PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk
June 9 - 12, 2022 • Austin, TX
PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk
Table of Contents
Past Speakers              Digital Media &
Page 4
                           Page 23

2022 Sponsor Levels
Page 5
                           Onsite Branding
                           Page 26

Mainstage Sponsorships
Page 6
                           Custom Opportunities For
                           5 Block Sponsors
Exploration Sponsorships   Page 27
Page 8

                           $Desk Description
Attendee Engagement        Page 32
& Networking
Page 12
                           Coming Soon
                           Page 33

Premium Branding
Opportunities              Important Dates
Page 15
                           & Deadlines
                           Page 34

Opportunities              Cancellations
Page 19                    Page 34                    2
PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk
Since its conception in 2015,         Bloomberg, JP Morgan, IBM,
Consensus has stood as the first      Deloitte, the Linux Foundation
and foremost big-tent event of        and Gemini among many others.
the crypto space, growing and
evolving with the industry.           And with one-third of attendees
                                      in senior management roles,
First a place where early             and 40% international (2017-19),
adopters and their thought            Consensus hosts an audience
leaders could congregate,             unlike any other.
Consensus now gives the
stage to crypto and pop               This year, Consensus will
culture influencers, regulators,      be hosted in Austin, one of
entrepreneurs, investors,             America’s most vibrant and
business leaders, and innovators      rebellious cities. We will ignite
who don’t fit any other category.     hard-hitting conversations
                                      and spark critical debates on
As such, Consensus brings             how these technologies and
together protocol communities,        communities are remaking the
retail and institutional investors,   worlds of finance, investing,
journalists, Web 3 cultural           culture, entertainment,
influencers and the crypto-           marketing, governance
curious, including decision           and more.
makers from Coinbase,
PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk
Past Speakers
The Consensus speaker
line-up consists of
the most sought-after
creators, pioneers,
innovators, regulators,
voices, influencers and
personalities that are
shaping the                   Jack Dorsey           Vitalik Buterin    Lawrence Summers         Tyler and Cameron             Mary Meeker           Sam Bankman-Fried
space today.               Former CEO of Twitter       Founder           Former Treasury            Winklevoss                General Partner               CEO
                           Co-Founder and CEO          Ethereum             Secretary           Co-founders of Gemini            BOND                       FTX

       Ray Dalio               Tom Brady           Catherine Wood          Fred Wilson              Adam Back               Brian Armstrong            Hester Peirce
   Founder, co-CIO and     Seven-Time Super Bowl   Founder, CEO, CIO        Co-Founder                  CEO                        CEO                  Commissioner
      co-Chairman of             Champion              Ark Invest      Union Square Ventures         Blockstream                 Coinbase             U.S. Securities and
  Bridgewater Associates
                                                                                                                                                    Exchange Commission

                              Niall Ferguson       Gary Vaynerchuk       Abby Johnson           Spencer Dinwiddie             Andrew Yang             Dr. Lael Brainard
                            Economic Historian
                                & Author
                                                                        Fidelity Investments
                                                                                                  Founder of Calaxy
                                                                                               Professional Athlete, NBA
                                                                                                                                 Former US
                                                                                                                           Presidential Candidate
                                                                                                                                                    Federal Reserve System   4
PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk

5 BLOCK                            4 BLOCK                             3 BLOCK                           2 BLOCK                             1 BLOCK
$500,000+                          $300,000 - $499,999                 $150,000 - $299,999               $50,000 - $149,999                  $15,000 - $49,999

• 2 Piranha passes                 • 12 General Admission passes      •8
                                                                         General Admission passes       • 5 General Admission passes       • 2 General Admission passes
• 16 General Admission passes      • 15% discount on additional       • 1 5% discount on additional    • 15% discount on additional       • 15% discount on additional
• 15% discount on additional         passes                             passes                             passes                              passes
   passes                          • Level 4 allotment of $DESK       •L
                                                                         evel 3 allotment of $DESK      • Level 2 allotment of $DESK       • Level 1 allotment of $DESK
• Access to CoinDesk Studios         to be used for attendee           to be used for attendee             to be used for attendee             to be used for attendee
   custom executions                  engagement, food, consensus       engagement, food, consensus         engagement, food, consensus         engagement, food, consensus
                                      swag, NFTs, and more              swag, NFTs, and more                swag, NFTs, and more                swag, NFTs, and more
• Reserved premium raw exhibit
   hall space                      • Sponsor branding in marketing    •S
                                                                         ponsor branding in marketing   • Sponsor branding in marketing    • Sponsor branding in marketing
                                      materials at the 4 Block level    materials at the 3 Block level      materials at the 2 Block level      materials at the Block level
• Digital screen branding
   acknowledging 5 Block
   Sponsors throughout Austin
   Convention Center
• Level 5 allotment of $DESK
   to be used for attendee
   engagement, food, consensus
   swag, NFTs, and more
• Sponsor branding in marketing
   materials at 5 Block level

PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk

                      MAINSTAGE                                               The Mainstage is reserved for Keynotes and the most
                                                     $500,000                 significant topics with broad relevance to the market.
                      TRACK                                                   These speaking slots are extremely competitive and
                                                                              require some type of market-moving news and/or
                      Exclusive                                               marquee names from either inside or outside of
                                                                              the industry.
                      February 1
                                                L D
                                      S O
                      Benefits include:

                      • 20-minute
                                 CEO sponsored fireside   • Sponsor branding on all              • Sponsor branding on
                        chat at a predetermined time.        2,000+ chair covers in the                in-room signage.
                                                             Mainstage Theater.
                      • Chat
                            to be recorded and shared                                               • Track labeled as “Mainstage
                        with Sponsor after the Festival     • Sponsor branding on video             Track, presented by Sponsor”
                        and licensed for use on Sponsor           screens between sessions.            in agenda.
                        owned and operated channels.              Branding can be a static
                                                                  image or video file at 16:9 ratio
                                                                  (1920x1080p) in .mov or
                                                             .mp4 format.
PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk

Exclusive Title Sponsor - $350,000 OR                                Foundations is where the spotlight is placed on thriving
                                                                     blockchain ecosystems. It’s a chance for protocols and
Primary Sponsor (Exclusive) - $150,000               LD
                                SO                                   projects to design a series of sessions specifically aimed
                                                                     at their communities, which means developers and other
Secondary Sponsor (Five Available) -
$30,000                                                              technical contributors as well as the investors, customers
                                                                     and founders. Up until February 1st, Title Sponsor has
                                                                     priority over Primary or Secondary Sponsors, even if those
                                                                     sponsorships have been sold. Eight total hours of content.
February 1

Primary benefits include:                                                                                       Secondary benefits include:

• 20-minute CEO sponsored fireside chat at a            • Sponsor
                                                                    branding on video screens between         • Sponsor branding on in-room signage.
  predetermined time.                                       sessions. Branding can be a static image or
                                                                                                                • Sponsor branding on video screens
                                                            video file at 16:9 ratio (1920x1080p) in .mov
•Sponsor branding on all chair covers during                                                                between sessions. Branding can be a
                                                           or .mp4 format.
 the Track.                                                                                                      static image or video file at 16:9 ratio
                                                          • Track
                                                                labeled as “Foundations Track,                  (1920x1080p) in .mov or .mp4 format.
• Sponsor branding on in-room signage.                    presented by Sponsor” in agenda.

PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk

Exclusive Title Sponsor - $125,000 OR                 Explorations are designed to provide deep-dives into several
                                                      critical areas of the blockchain and crypto industry. Focused
Primary Sponsor (Exclusive                            on topics that are most relevant to the current economy,
per Exploration) - $50,000
                     S                                Explorations are perfect for anyone interested in advancing
Secondary Sponsor (Five available                     from a crypto newbie to tried-and-true stakeholder. Up until
per Exploration) - $10,000                            February 1st, Title Sponsor has priority over Primary or
                                                      Secondary Sponsors, even if those sponsorships have been
                                                      sold. Each Exploration is two hours in length.

EXPLORATION #1:   Bitcoin vs. Fiat                    EXPLORATION #6:      Blockchain Meets ESG
EXPLORATION #2:   Institutions of Mass Adoption       EXPLORATION #7:      The Multichain Ecosystem
EXPLORATION #3:   DeFi: Is Ethereum Big Enough?       EXPLORATION #8:      Mining: From Sichuan to Texas
EXPLORATION #4: 	NFTs & DAOs: Toward a               EXPLORATION #9:      TBD
                  Web3 Society                      EXPLORATION #10:     TBD
EXPLORATION #5:     Can Regulation and Financial 		   EXPLORATION #11:     TBD
						Innovation Coexist?

PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk

PRIMARY                                 L D       SECONDARY
SPONSOR                             SO

Exclusive per Exploration                         Five Available per Exploration
Deadline                                          Deadline
February 1                                        May 6

Benefits include:                                 Benefits include:

• 20-minute CEO sponsored fireside               • Sponsor branding on in-room signage.
 chat mid-Exploration.                            •S
                                                    ponsor branding on video screens
• Sponsor branding on all chair covers during     between speakers. Branding can be a
 the Exploration.                                  static image or video file at 16:9 ratio
• Sponsor branding on in-room signage.             (1920x1080p) in .mov or .mp4 format.
• Sponsor branding on video screens between
  sessions. Branding can be a static image or
  video file at 16:9 ratio (1920x1080p) in .mov
 or .mp4 format.
• Exploration labeled as “Exploration XXX,
   presented by Sponsor” in agenda.                                                             9
PROSPECTUS June 9 - 12, 2022 Austin, TX - CoinDesk

                     CUSTOM                           $150,000
                                                                          This Exploration gives the Sponsor the opportunity
                                                                          to choose the subject. This requires approval from
                                                                          CoinDesk’s editorial and content teams. Once
                     Exclusive                                            approved, CoinDesk will program the Exploration
                                                                          as they would any other. Sponsor has no input
                     Deadline                                             into speakers or content focus once the subject is
                     February 1
                                                                          agreed to.

                                       O        L
                     Benefits include:

                     • 20-minute
                               CEO sponsored fireside chat     • Sponsor branding on video screens between
                      mid-Exploration.                              sessions. Branding can be a static image or
                     • Sponsor
                             branding on in-room signage.         video file at 16:9 ratio (1920x1080p) in .mov
                     • Sponsor
                           branding on all chair covers       or .mp4 format.
                      during the Exploration.                    • Exploration labeled as “Exploration XXX
                                                                    sponsored by Sponsor” in all agenda and
                                                                    marketing materials.
                                                                 • Exploration to be two hours in length.


RAW                     Deadline             BOOTH                      Deadline
                        April 29                                        April 29
EXHIBIT                                      IN A BOX

    $15,000                                      $17,500
Whether it’s a custom build-out over an      CoinDesk will provide Sponsor with
expanded space, a simple skirted table,      a turnkey exhibit package (10’x10’),
pop-up booth with a backdrop, or an          including a branded backdrop,
engaging audio-visual display, CoinDesk      branded cabinet for storage, a
will provide the Sponsor with the space      table, and three chairs.
(10’x10’) and foot-traffic needed to build
a bespoke presence at Consensus.


STANDARD                  Deadline         PREMIUM                  Deadline            PLATINUM                Deadline
                          May 20                                    May 20                                      May 20
MEETING                   20 Available
                                           MEETING                  16 Available
                                                                                        MEETING                 3 Available
ROOM                                       ROOM                                         ROOM

   $30,000                                     $40,000                                     $60,000
Sponsor will be provided with a private,   A step up from the normal meeting            The most plush of all meeting rooms,
furnished meeting room, including one      room, Sponsor will be provided with a        Platinum rooms have an aura of
custom branded 22”x28” sign to be          larger (1,500+ sq. ft.) private, furnished   exclusivity. They are furnished and
placed outside Sponsor’s room. Rooms       meeting room, including one custom           include one custom branded 22”x28”
are in the Convention Center and are       branded 22”x28” sign to be placed            sign to be placed outside Sponsor’s
available for use on Friday and Saturday   outside Sponsor’s room. Rooms are in         room. Rooms are in the Convention
of the Festival from 9am-6pm.              the Convention Center and are available      Center and are available for use on
                                           for use on Friday and Saturday of the        Thursday after 1p, as well as Friday and
                                           Festival from 9am-6pm.                       Saturday of the Festival from 9am-6pm.

ENGAGEMENT & NETWORKING                                                  PROOF                      Deadline
                                                                                                    March 18
                                                                         OF STEAK                   3 Available

NETWORKING                       Deadline                                    $50,000
                                 March 1
LOUNGE                           Exclusive                               Consensus will create one dinner each

                                                                         on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

     S O
                                                                         nights at different restaurants known
                                                                         for Texas meats. Attendees can
                                                                         reserve one of an estimated 100
New at Consensus 2022, the               Lounge to be named the          slots per night at a fixed price with
Networking Lounge is centrally           “Sponsor Networking Lounge”     food and beverage included. Sponsor
located in the Expo Hall and allows      on show floor map and other     receives ‘In partnership with…’
participants to connect with fellow      relevant locations. Ample       messaging on a dedicated Consensus
attendees and expand networks            standing signage for Sponsor.   experiences landing page, restaurant
through lightweight, free-flowing        Estimated 300 capacity.         onsite branding, a welcome moment
activities. With ample seating and                                       the night of the dinner, onsite real
tables, there will be plenty of room                                     estate for tabling, Sponsor giveaway
to meet other attendees or seek a                                        opportunities, and 10 seats each night.
space to have informal chats with                                        Consensus will send a photographer
others looking to level up. Bar and                                      to capture, and video is available for
coffee served.                                                           additional budget.

SPONSORED                        Deadline
                                 April 29
SESSION                          10 Available
                                                                                         L D
                                                                            S O
Take advantage of this limited              a designated theater on the show floor
opportunity to present on emerging          with a capacity of 200-250. Sponsor to
technologies, industry solutions or         receive a video file of the Session within
critical topics impacting the sector.       10 business days post event. Sponsored
Scheduled as five 45-minute sessions        Sessions are the only way to present
each on Friday and Saturday of the          on a Consensus stage and control your
Festival. Sessions will be included in      company’s message.
the Consensus agenda and hosted in


ATTENDEE                 Deadline                               Deadline
                         February 1        COFFEE               February 18
LANYARDS                 Exclusive                              Exclusive

                L D
  $250,000    O                              $250,000
Printed exclusively with Sponsor’s         With attendees constantly looking for a caffeine
logo and the Consensus 2022 logo,          boost, this opportunity provides massive exposure.
lanyards showcase Sponsor’s brand          Link your brand with energizing attendees on the
while being worn by all attendees          Friday and Saturday of Consensus at the Convention
throughout the duration of the Festival.   Center. Branding will include color signage at
Consensus handles the production           both main coffee stations, The Atrium Cafe and
and distribution; the Sponsor gets the     Taste. Additionally, at 10am and 1pm on Friday and
omnipresent exposure.                      Saturday, an Espresso Cart with barista will offer
                                           complimentary lattes, americanos, and espressos on
                                           the show floor. There will also be several self-service
                                           stations with branding throughout the Convention
                                           Center. Sponsor branding at all stations includes
                                           napkins and coffee sleeves.                               15

CHARGING                   Deadline      NFT PHOTO                     Deadline            HYDRATION                   Deadline         BITCOIN                 Deadline
                           March 18                                    March 18                                        March 1                                  April 29
STATIONS                   Exclusive
                                         BOOTH                         Exclusive
                                                                                           SPONSOR                     Exclusive
                                                                                                                                        ATM                     4 Available

                L D
   $150,000   O                             $150,000                                          $100,000                                      $15,000
Sponsor’s brand is featured at all 12    Sponsor branded custom photo                      With attendees on their feet for hours       Sponsor can place its own Bitcoin
high demand charging stations as         experience where attendees line up to             every day, hydrating at Festivals is         ATM in the Austin Convention Center.
attendees boost their mobile devices.    have their photo taken and then each              essential. This sponsorship features         Two locations available on the show
The stations will be spread across the   photo is stylized by a digital artist’s vision.   branding at the various water stations       floor, one outside Ballroom ABC, and
Austin Convention Center footprint       The photos are then minted as 1 of 1              throughout the Convention Center. The        one outside EH3. Installation is at the
with 19” screens to display Sponsor’s    NFTs and sent to the attendee. Photo              Sponsor, at its own expense, has the         expense of the Sponsor.
logo or a brief video (:15s or less).    booth located in the Convention Center.           option to provide reusable branded water
                                                                                           bottles to be distributed at registration.


AUGMENTED                        Deadline
                                 March 1
REALITY                          3 Available

The Consensus AR Experience will               giveaways. Three of the augmented
be a mobile-based treasure hunt                objects can be sponsored, as can the
throughout Austin that will connect            overall experience. Consensus will be
attendees to virtual content. Attendees        running promotional messaging prior
will be rewarded with $DESK and                to and during the event encouraging
other giveaways from partner brands.           participation in the AR experience.
Art, logos and messaging can be                Each AR sponsorship is customized
superimposed over the camera view              and requires at least one Sponsor
to let attendees dip their toes into           conversation. Sponsorship includes a
the Metaverse. Featuring ten AR                60-second sponsored content video to
experiences, collecting all will unlock        be distributed via CoinDesk’s
a reward of social tokens and other            Twitter account.

HOTEL                          Deadline   HOTEL DOOR                        Deadline
                               March 18                                     March 18
KEY CARDS                                 HANGERS

                                          Your brand will O
                                                             L  D
Key cards unlock the perfect
opportunity for the Sponsor to make
                                                      S   be one of the
                                          first each attendee sees after
an immediate first impression as          arriving in Austin. Placed on
attendees are welcomed to Austin.         every attendee’s hotel room
Sponsor presence will be in attendees’    door after check-in, this early
hands each day as they enter and leave    brand exposure leaves a lasting
their rooms. Key Cards can include a      impression. Door Hangers can
Sponsor QR code.                          include a Sponsor QR code.

• All Hotels (Exclusive) - $155,000       • All Hotels (Exclusive) - $77,500
• Hilton - $70,000                        • Hilton - $35,000
• Fairmont - $40,000                      • Fairmont - $20,000
• Marriott & W Hotel - $28,000            • Marriott & W Hotel - $14,000
• JW Marriott - $25,000                   • JW Marriott - $12,500


NFT                         Deadline
                            February 1
Primary Sponsor (Exclusive) - $500,000
Secondary Sponsors (12 Available) - $50,000

The NFT Gallery will feature NFT-related content    for 12 hours per day for all attendees. Primary
combined with a visual immersion into the future    Sponsorship includes dedicated venue space,
of art x commerce on the blockchain. Consensus      branding inside the venue, one branded NFT drop
will bring the massively creative world of NFTs     per day (time allocation for partner to schedule
to life via a physical/digital location that will   a release/live mint), logo presence on all event
showcase not only the creative artists in the       signage & promotion, a 20 minute speaking slot
space but will educate those looking to get more    on the venue stage, and naming rights (“XXX
involved on the development, culture, metaverse     NFT Gallery”) in signage, on Festival map, and
and DAO side of NFTs. Hosted at the Coppertank      other relevant locations. Secondary Sponsorship
venue Thurs-Sat one block away from the Austin      includes branding inside the venue, one branded
Convention Center, the capacity is 700 with         NFT drop per day, and logo presence on event
a very cool, exposed stone, Austin vibe. Open       signage and promotion.


DAO                 Deadline
                    February 18
Primary Sponsor (Exclusive) - $250,000
Secondary Sponsors (4 Available) - $25,000

Consensus will center its Decentralized          meetup happening. Primary Sponsorship
Autonomous Organizations content in the first    includes name on the marquee out front,
ever DAO House. Adjacent to the Convention       branding at indoor and outdoor areas,
Center at the Sunset Room with a 300 person      table inside for sampling, opportunity for
capacity, the most dynamic communities and       giveaways and sponsored sessions, and
creators in the space will be seen and heard.    naming rights (“Sponsor DAO House”) in
Additionally, Consensus will partner with many   signage, on Festival map, and other relevant
of the Influential DAOs and offer the space      locations. Secondary Sponsorship includes
for their collaborators to meet and connect in   branding for indoor and outdoor areas and
members-only parties and meetups. Open to        opportunity for giveaways.
all attendees when there is not a private DAO


CONSENSUS                             Thursday        Friday
                                      Opening         Party
2022 PARTY                            Party
Deadline                              5 Available     5 Available
March 18

Play a major role in entertaining             in event promotions, a private section
Consensus attendees! With one party           at the venue, a VIP line at entrance,
each night featuring premiere music,          schedule listing, and multiple areas
food, and industry networking, your           for premiere event signage. Open
brand will have a space to entertain and      bar and complimentary food for
branding for everyone. Sponsors will          attendees. Coming Soon: Closing
receive “Presented by” brand exposure         night Saturday party.


SPONSORED                     Deadline      CONSENSUS                     Deadline
                              April 29                                    May 20
HAPPY HOUR                    2 Available
                              (Fri/Sat)     PARTY OR
After constant networking and a
packed agenda, attendees just want to
                                            Want to hold your own event, party,
unwind. The Sponsor will be the brand
                                            or experience during the Consensus
that leaves that lasting impression
                                            Festival week? With an official
as the industry is celebrated. With
                                            Consensus partnership, your event will
custom branded signage and cocktail
                                            be listed on the agenda and marketing
napkins imprinted with the Sponsor’s
                                            materials, leveraging Consensus’s reach
logo, attendees will be sure to see and
                                            among attendees.
remember the Sponsor by the end of
the evening. Happy hour to be held
immediately after the closing session
for one hour in the ACC Atrium.

COINDESK SITE                         Deadline
                                      May 6

• Monday - $75,000           • Friday - $75,000
• Tuesday - $75,000          • Saturday - $75,000
• Wednesday - $75,000        • Sunday - $75,000
• Thursday - $75,000         • Whole Conference
                               Exclusive - $500,000

Sponsor will have 100% SOV on              • 100% SOV across all desktop with a 2x frequency            and mobile ad units on the day
cap for the 24-hour duration of the         of sponsorship, with exceptions
sponsorship. Exceptions include trading     determined by CoinDesk. Frequency
buttons on price pages and site content     cap of 2x. Does not include pre-roll.
to be determined by CoinDesk.
                                           • Creative assets due May 27, 2022.

Execution includes:
• Global high impact pushdown on the
 day of sponsorship.


COINDESK TV                            Deadline

                                       May 6

• Thursday - $56,250 (Exclusive)         • Saturday - $56,250 (Exclusive)
• Friday - $56,250 (Exclusive)           • Whole Conference Exclusive -


                                                                                    O      L
Sponsors will have exclusive daily sponsorship of CoinDesk TV’s Festival
coverage. Coverage will be for five (5) hours each day on Thursday through
Saturday of the Festival. Exclusive sponsorship for all three days is
available. Distribution will be on

Execution details include:                       • CEO or mutually agreed upon
• 750,000 views (:15 pre-roll) throughout        company executive interview on
 June 2022, minus non-sponsored                   sponsored day. Two interviews if
 Consensus days.                                  exclusive Sponsor is chosen.

• Two live sponsored segments pre-              • Sponsor logo in opening and closing
 event in May/June with VOD posted                graphics and integrated in segment
 on Twitter with Sponsor tag. This is             graphics.
 editorial controlled content.
                                                 • Twitter promotion includes three (3)
• 100% SOV pre-roll on sponsored                 tagged pre-Festival tweets.
 Conference day, including all clips
 distributed through social.
                                                 • Creative assets due May 13, 2022.

PODCAST                   Deadline          SPONSORED                     Deadline        THE NODE                            Deadline
                          April 29                                        One Month                                           May 6
STUDIO                    Exclusive
                                            EMAIL                         Prior to Send   NEWSLETTER
                                                                          10 Available    SPONSORSHIP
          L D                                                                                                                L D
      S O
    $50,000                                     $15,000
                                                                                          Primary Sponsorship (Exclusive) - $40,000
                                                                                                           S               O
                                                                                          Secondary Sponsorship (Exclusive) - $20,000
The Podcast Studio will bring CoinDesk      Contact attendees pre-Conference              Link Sponsor’s brand with attendees and CoinDesk’s wider
and other industry podcasts to an           to ensure a positive experience onsite.       audience with each day’s highlights. CoinDesk’s flagship daily
intimate stage that will be recorded live   Hint at the Sponsor’s show specials           newsletter, The Node, will publish twice daily special editions the
on the ACC show floor. Sponsorship          and what the Sponsor will be                  week of Consensus. Newsletter will be distributed to all attendees,
includes naming of “Sponsor Podcast         showcasing during Consensus.                  as well as the total newsletter registration list of 200,000. Primary
Studio,” branding around the Podcast        Promote a newly published research            sponsorship includes logo at the top of the newsletter, as well as
Studio, and one Sponsor mention on          report. Remind attendees to stop by a         500x250 ad unit, 150 word text, and destination URL in Primary
all CoinDesk podcasts recorded during       booth. Sponsored Emails are distributed       Sponsor section. Secondary sponsorship includes logo, 75 word
Consensus. Sponsor will be provided         to all registered attendees at the time of    ad unit, and destination URL in Secondary Sponsor section.
one time per day to host interviews         send. Assets due two weeks prior              Assets due May 27, 2022.
and their own podcast with CoinDesk         to send.
providing editing services.
Onsite     Have your brand front and center for all of
           Consensus to see. Branding opportunities

Branding   from small to large are available around the
           Convention Center and offer maximum visibility.
April 29   Options include:
           • Escalator Graphics
           • Hanging Banners
           • Wall Graphics
           • Window Clings
           • Column Wraps

             View Branding Inventory


BRANDED SPORT                           Deadline
                                        March 1
COURT STAGE                             Exclusive

                                                                                         L D
Crypto has entered the global sports
scene with signature multi-year deals
                                           court can be utilized by the Sponsor
                                           for activation opportunities, contesting,
with teams, leagues, and stadiums.         sponsored content and cocktail
NFT projects from some of the most         moments. Sponsor gets full branding of
noted athletes in the world have rolled    the court (to be approved by CoinDesk)
out. The branded sport court will be       and one sponsored content session
where Consensus programs sessions          per day. Sponsor sessions will be shot
and conversations relating to this         and edited down into a video recap to
growing crypto audience. Surrounded        be shared on CoinDesk’s Sponsored
by bleachers for seating, Consensus        Content section. Built if sold execution.
will program multiple daily sessions       Held outside the Convention Center in a
on the sport court. Additionally, the      tented location.

MULTI-CHAIN                             Deadline
                                        February 1
IMMERSIVE                               Exclusive


Data will be brought to life at Consensus with an interactive wall
showcasing the Top 20 coin transactions in real time. Attendees
can select specific chains or a combination of chains to re-order
the visuals in the room. The screen allows for a high visibility central
branding moment that draws attendees in to use and engage with a
large interactive touchscreen. Sponsorship includes naming rights,
branding at the entrance of the Immersive, as well as branding
incorporated into the motion graphics. Located in the Convention
Center in a 16’x9’ dedicated space. Built if sold execution.


THE PFP ROBOT                          Deadline
                                       February 1

                                                                             L D
Welcome to the future, where the interpretive artist/robot will        S O
draw attendees’ Twitter profile photos in sand or on paper with
the results being shot and delivered as a photograph or as a
unique physical piece of art to take away. This highly visual, must-
visit activation will be a central draw on the show floor and can
be used for any Sponsor looking for lead generation and social
sharing. Sponsorship gets full area branding, lead generation
data, social media hashtag mentions, and the Sponsor’s brand
on the digital or physical take-away. This is a very high end,
immersive branding opportunity. Built if sold execution.


THE AIRDROP                            Deadline
                                       March 1
CUBE                                   Exclusive


Located at a central location in the Convention Center
will be the highly engaging Airdrop Cube. The Cube
is composed of static signage and video screens that
will exclusively feature the Sponsor’s branding and
QR codes for airdrops. This one-of-a-kind branding
opportunity will capture the attendees’ collective
attention in a memorable way. Built if sold execution.


TWEET AND YOU                         Deadline
                                      March 18
SHALL RECEIVE                         Exclusive


Crypto Twitter is on fire and the         This is an easy, exciting way to engage
Sponsor can take advantage by offering    a socially connected audience. Sponsor
giveaways to attendees via a tweet-       gets full wrap of machines. Built if sold
powered vending machine. Dispensing       execution, and Sponsor to provide
branded swag, snacks, or beverages,       items inside the machines.
the four Twitter enabled vending
machines will be located throughout
the Convention Center.

engagement with

$DESK is the social token experience of
Consensus. It allows all attendees to engage with
Consensus content, experiences, and sponsors in
exchange for redemption rewards and game status.

Attendees earn $DESK by completing various
tasks at Consensus such as watching sessions,
talking with exhibitors, or attending networking
functions. Then, attendees can redeem their hard-
earned $DESK for food & drink, merch, and NFT

$DESK incentivizes people to partake of the many
event offerings and to engage directly with each
other in fun, interactive ways, bolstering the event’s
appeal as a vibrant, participatory affair.               32
FINANCE & POLICY FOCUS                  LIVESTREAM                               TALENT HUB
Hosted on Thursday, June 9,             For those who will not be able to        Talent Hub will feature content and
this will be a dedicated day for        attend Consensus in person, featured     connect job seekers with companies
professional investors.                 content will be livestreamed on a        looking to hire in the crypto and
                                        virtual platform.                        blockchain space.
The developer community will be         PITCH COMPETITION                        SATURDAY PARTY
challenged to find new use-cases        The Consensus Pitch Competition will     Play a major role in entertaining
for digital currencies and blockchain   showcase innovative new technologies     Consensus attendees! Open bar and
technology.                             to a panel of industry experts.          complimentary food for attendees.

There are so many fascinating areas     This prime visual landscape will be
of the rising blockchain powered        the first brand experience that anyone
Gaming x Metaverse ecosystem, and       coming in through the main entrance
Consensus will showcase many of         will have.
them in the Metaverse Gaming Arena

IMPORTANT DATES                                        CANCELLATIONS
• February 1st: Mainstage, Foundations Title or       Any Sponsor cancellation must be made in writing
   Primary, Explorations Title or Primary, Lanyards,   to Cancellations will be
   NFT Gallery, Opening Party, Friday Party,           accepted in accordance with the schedule below.
   Closing Party, Multi-Chain Immersive, PFP Robot     ▪
                                                       • Prior to February 1: Full refund minus $1,000
• February 18th: Coffee, DAO House, Metaverse         • February 1 - March 1: 50% Refund
   Gaming Arena                                        • After March 1: Non-Refundable

• March 1st: Networking Lounge, Hydration,
   Augmented Reality, Sport Court, Airdrop Cube

• March 18th: Proof of Steak Dinners, Talent Hub,
   Charging Stations, Hotel Key Cards, Hotel Door
   Hangers, Tweet and You Shall Receive, NFT
   Photo Booth

• April 29th: Booths, Sponsored Sessions, Bitcoin
   ATMs, Happy Hour, Consensus Official Party,
   Podcast Studio, Onsite Branding

• May 6th: Foundations Secondary, Explorations
   Secondary, CoinDesk Site Takeover, CoinDesk
   TV, The Node Newsletter

• May 20th: Meeting Rooms
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