PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate

Page created by Irene Robles
PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate

     Farm Cove
PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
Welcome to Farm Cove Intermediate    1

Our vision, our values               1

Learning in the classroom            3

Learning and growing through
sport and clubs                     5

Education outside the classroom     6

Cultural engagement                 9

Our place                           10

Reaching out internationally        12

Our school in the community         15

Celebrations                        16
PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
We are delighted to introduce Farm Cove       and nationwide recognition for top
Intermediate (FCI) and look forward to        performances is an indicator that this is
working alongside you to focus on the         a highly successful approach.
best for your child. It is our pleasure to
                                              Authentic teaching and learning across
welcome in-zone families, those who gain
                                              a wide range of curriculum areas is
enrolment through the out-of-zone ballot,
                                              a significant feature of our innovative
and our International Students.
                                              programmes. E-devices assist in
FCI provides outstanding opportunities        maximising learning and most students
for Year 7 and 8 students (10 to 13-year-     bring their own laptops.
olds). Learning here takes place within
                                              Numerous opportunities enable leader-
attractive, richly resourced, contemporary
                                              ship to develop and flourish. An example
settings. We place significant emphasis
                                              of this is when ambassadors – our
on working collaboratively so students                                                     Principal Linda Harvie (centre) with
                                              Kiwi ‘buddy’ leaders – work alongside
are actively involved and can take                                                         Deputy Principal Stephanie Young (left) and
                                              International Students to support
responsibility for owning their learning.                                                  Assistant Principal Tamara Jones (right).
                                              successful integration.
This empowers wellbeing current
                                                                                           opportunities for students to extend their
development, promotes success at              As you learn more about our school
                                                                                           talents and skills and become involved in
college and enables valuable input as         through this prospectus, you will see
                                                                                           deeper learning.
future citizens.                              that enjoyment and a sense of fun is
                                              further supported through involvement        FCI is very proud to be the school of
Teachers who are life-long learners build
                                              in numerous sporting codes, cultural         choice for many families. We look
positive relationships as they facilitate
                                              events, lunchtime clubs and after-school     forward to getting to know you as you
learning. Students are challenged to
                                              activities.                                  join our community.
reflect and work enthusiastically to
achieve their goals. The number of            Additional enrichment programmes and                             Linda Harvie, Principal
our students who have received local          involvement in special events also provide

The Farm Cove Intermediate School             authentic inquiry based experiences that     be confident, happy, connected and
community strives to ‘Reach Out’ and          promote the attitudes that we value. Our     reflective learners. There is a shared
work collaboratively across the school,       values include friendliness, cooperation,    understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi
within the wider community and as global      integrity, respect, enthusiasm and           and cultural diversity is celebrated.
citizens.                                     persistence.
                                                                                           Our vision extends to the wider
Our students are empowered as learners.       Equitable, caring and interactive            community including parents and whanau.
They are provided with opportunities to       learning environments challenge              We ‘Reach Out’ to enjoy learning
develop academically, socially, physically,   students. Teachers are involved in on-       together and celebrate our success.
emotionally and spiritually. Their learning   going effective professional learning
comes to life as they are engaged in          development enabling students to

                                                                                                          PROSPECTUS 2021               1
PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
“My daughter loves the Literacy Extension
                              class. She could not wait to read me her story.”
                             Parent of Year 8 girl

PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
Making learning fun                            club, translating an instruction manual from    educational needs. The school strives
Opportunities for learning, both inside        or into English, composing and performing       to identify these early and provide
and outside the classroom, abound at           music and drama, and working in wood.           programmes to support their learning and
Farm Cove Intermediate. Has learning                                                           social integration with other students.
                                               Collaborative teaching,
ever been this much fun?                       flexible classrooms                             We communicate with parents and guardians
The National Curriculum focuses on             FCI teachers are facilitators of learning       via email, newsletter, Facebook, our website
English, the arts, languages, health           rather than instructors who impart fact-        and school app. Students present their
and physical education, science, social        based knowledge. Learning is personalised,      learning to parents and guardians at
sciences, mathematics, and technology.         with the student at the centre of the circle.   student-led conferences twice a year.
Students’ competence in reading, writing       Classroom spaces are versatile, expanding       Enrichment
and mathematics is assessed against            to accommodate larger groups and                Several literacy, mathematical and science
expectations for their age level.              collaborative teaching, or reducing group       enrichment opportunities are offered
Our students are empowered to initiate and     sizes for more personalised interactions.       including International Competitions
own their learning. Not only do they have a    In such an environment, teachers can be         and Assessments for Schools (ICAS),
say in what they learn, they have input into   deployed according to their strengths,          Mathex, Writing Competitions, Literacy
how they learn, who they work with, and        generously sharing their knowledge with         Quiz, speech competitions in English,
the pace of their learning. Students and       other teachers and inspiring them.              Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Samoan, and
teachers use goal-setting to help shape        FCI’s partnership arrangement with              Tongan, Australasian Problem Solving, and
individual programmes.                         the University of Auckland sees trainee         Mathematical Olympiad (APSMO).
Ours are digital classrooms based              teachers spending time in our classrooms,       Every student at FCI learns Te Reo and an
on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD),               while a number of our teachers attend the       Asian language, usually Japanese, Korean
enabling students to access the internet       University for post-graduate studies.           or Mandarin. Native speakers of these
for resources. We believe that in order to                                                     languages provide expert support for the
prepare our students for higher education,     Parents as partners                             language programme.
they should be conversant with how to          Parents and guardians have an important
utilise evolving technologies.                 partnership role with the school, which         Specialist classes
                                               values and appreciates the support it           All students attend classes in visual art, food
With teachers providing guidance, students
                                               receives from them. We recognise that           and biotechnology, multimedia and design,
develop their own learning focus, which
                                               parents and guardians like to be kept           hard materials and electronics technology,
may include creating useful objects with
                                               informed of their child’s progress and want     performing arts, science, Te Reo, tikanga
a 3D printer, scripting and storyboarding
                                               to know that their daughter or son is safe.     Maori and physical education. These are
a short film, organising a fashion show or
                                               Some students have special health and           facilitated by specialist teachers.
a news broadcast, forming a new school

                                                                                                                PROSPECTUS 2021              3
PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
“The inclusive practices and collaborative
 culture support all children to reach their
 potential.” Education Review Office

PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
Sporting activities are highly valued at Farm Cove Intermediate. We have our own specialist
physical education teacher.

More than 26 codes are played here,             Coaching and supervised training is           Every year we send our best sports
including such New Zealand favourites           available for all.                            students to the AIMS Games in Tauranga,
as basketball, netball, rugby, football,                                                      where they compete against thousands
                                                As certain sports will be new to some of
cricket, swimming, athletics, badminton,                                                      of other students from more than 300+
                                                our students, we provide opportunities to
hockey, and tennis. The specialist                                                            schools. This also provides an opportunity
                                                learn the rules and to trial for teams over
programme may also include rowing,                                                            to make new friends from different parts
                                                several weeks. This way, each student
futsal, tae kwon do, and squash. Plus                                                         of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific.
                                                can discover their hidden talents, and the
– as Principal Linda Harvie comments –
                                                games they most enjoy.
“any sport you can think of!”                                                                 Clubs
                                                Table tennis – played with bat or hand        Lunchtime clubs are enthusiastically
Our teachers are passionate about the
                                                – is one of our most popular break-           attended. Anyone can start a club
physical, emotional and social benefits
                                                time activities. There are tables for this    with their particular interest or hobby.
students gain from both individual
                                                purpose in the common areas between           Examples include art, cultural clubs, chess,
and team sports. We encourage all to
                                                our buildings.                                gaming, Minecraft, and board games.
participate, regardless of their fitness,
physical abilities, or levels of proficiency.

                                                                                                             PROSPECTUS 2021            5
PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
We believe that learning should be a life-long adventure,
something each of us should have the opportunity to
embrace and enjoy. As well as encouraging all of our
students to develop a love of classroom learning, we
believe that learning can take place anywhere, any time.

There are many opportunities for students        homestayed in our local district for two to
to learn through our Education Outside           four weeks.
the Classroom (EOTC) programme. Year
                                                 After our students host overseas students
7 students attend school camp, where
                                                 or are hosted by them, many tell us that
the focus is on participating in challenging
                                                 it was an enriching and life-changing
activities that nurture team-work while
                                                 experience. As well as advancing their
helping build self-confidence. Camp
                                                 language skills, our students’ visits help
attendees can try their hand at kayaking,
                                                 develop self-confidence, empathy, global
archery, abseiling, raft-building and can
                                                 awareness, and a deeper appreciation
have more fun at the mud slide.
                                                 and understanding of other cultures.
Year 8 students participate in a three-day
                                                 Many of our students who have been
programme exploring adventure options
                                                 overseas on one of our school trips will
such as high ropes, mountain biking,
                                                 eventually return there to live, study, or
hiking, first aid and water-based activities.
                                                 work for a time. This is particularly so in
There are also field trips within the Auckland   their ‘gap’ year.
region for students; parents will be asked to
support these extra-curricular activities.
We have warm links with several Asian
countries, partly as a result of our sister
school relationships.
Our visits have taken us to the USA,
China and South Korea, and on alternate
years we visit Himeji, Japan. When we
host school groups, the students are

PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
PROSPECTUS Farm Cove Intermediate
“Thank you to my child’s teacher who has
                              been consistentl y kind, caring, inspiring and
                              thoughtful. My child has loved every day at
                              Farm Cove and we are extremel y impressed.”
                             Year 8 girl’s parent

There are a great many cultural activities to choose from at Farm Cove Intermediate. We
place a high value on culture – in the broadest sense – and endeavour to provide as many
opportunities as possible for our students to explore their own interests and to discover
their talents.

We are very proud of our Maori cultural        Our school choir is open to all students    the Intermediate Rockquest competition
group, which practises kapa haka and           who wish to audition, and vocal training    and at assemblies.
performs powhiri, waiata and haka for          is available. We also have an extension
                                                                                           We also have enthusiastic art and dance
visitors and at the local festival.            choir, which competes in the prestigious
                                                                                           groups, who benefit from the advice and
                                               Kids Sing competition. Both choirs
Music is always one of the most popular                                                    experience of artists and professional
                                               perform at significant occasions in the
expressions of any culture and at our                                                      dancers from the local community. Farm
                                               school calendar and represent the school
school this is definitely so. We facilitate                                                Cove has hip hop troupes, as well as
                                               at festivals in the city.
the learning of virtually any instrument                                                   choral and other cultural groups, some of
and given a reasonable level of proficiency,   Rock bands are always popular and           which have been initiated and organised
a musician can join our orchestra.             those with the inclination and musical      by the students themselves.
Performances are given throughout the          ability can find others with similar
                                                                                           Every second year our students have the
year, both within the school and further       aptitudes to join them in a group. Tutors
                                                                                           opportunity to audition and perform in a
afield.                                        assist with the various groups, each of
                                                                                           school production.
                                               which has its own distinctive style. Our
Singing in a school choir can be a
                                               rock bands have a chance to perform at
powerful, life-affirming experience.

                                                                                                         PROSPECTUS 2021            9
 Farm Cove Intermediate is located in Pakuranga, in
 the leafy eastern suburbs of Auckland, one of the most
 liveable parts of the city.

 The school is north-facing and sheltered     sporting groups use the gym in the
 from the prevailing westerly winds. Within   evenings and weekends, making a
 a few minutes’ walk is the Tamaki Estuary,   valuable contribution both to our school
 with views of Maungarei (Mt Wellington)      funds and to our connection with the
 and Rangitoto, two of Auckland’s iconic      neighbourhood we live in.
 volcanic cones.
                                              The school has a roll of approximately
 There are handy connections to public        600 students. Our large school hall is
 transport for those students travelling      used for performing arts and community
 from out of zone.                            activities.
 The school occupies 4.6 hectares, of         We are proud of our literacy resources
 which approximately 80 percent is sports     and school library, where students have
 fields and recreation areas. Physical        access to a wide selection of books,
 Education classes and sporting events        publications, and e-learning literature.
 are also held in FCI’s well-equipped,
                                              Interior and exterior walls of the school
 multi-purpose gymnasium.
                                              buildings feature colourful works created
 Assemblies, annual prize-giving and          by our art club. Many of these artworks
 graduation ceremonies, as well as            portray the multicultural make-up of
 other important school occasions, are        the school, and showcase the vision
 held in the gymnasium. Community             of emerging artistic talent.

“The school has created an atmosphere of
 respect and kindness, making it an excellent
 place for students and teachers alike.”
Tim Alderdice, teacher

                                                PROSPECTUS 2021   11
 Our school provides opportunities for both short and long-term International Students
 to study with us. In most cases they stay with local families, sometimes those with a
 student currently attending our school.

 All International Students are initially      interested in. They are eligible for sports   see how we run our International Student
 welcomed into regular classrooms. For         teams, club membership, and leadership        programme.
 those whose English is not yet at a level     roles including councillor.
                                                                                             The school appoints and nurtures
 where they can learn effectively in the
                                               There is a limited number of places           outstanding students as ambassadors
 general classrooms, there is a dedicated
                                               available for International Students and      to provide ‘buddy’ support to our
 classroom where English for Speakers
                                               fees are set by the Board of Trustees         International Students throughout their
 of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers
                                               annually. The school is a signatory to the    stay.
 facilitate learning. As ESOL students’
                                               Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care
 proficiency in English develops, they                                                       Many long-distance, long-term friendships
                                               of International Students, overseen by
 transition until they are ready to fully                                                    have arisen from the hosting of Inter-
                                               the Ministry of Education.
 integrate in our regular classrooms.                                                        national Students at FCI. Our school and
                                               FCI regularly hosts overseas teachers,        the wider community is enriched by the
 Many International Students attend
                                               educational researchers and advisors. In      presence of these homestay students.
 Farm Cove Intermediate for two years,
                                               particular they are eager to observe what     A warm welcome and emotional farewell
 participating in the school programme and
                                               working collaboratively looks like in the     always accompanies their arrival in New
 any extra-curricular activities they may be
                                               classroom. Other visitors are interested to   Zealand and later departure for home.

“ Teachers feel strongly supported, creating
 an environment where they feel trusted and
 encouraged to be bold and adventurous in
  their teaching.” Anthony Macleod, teacher

                                               PROSPECTUS 2021   13
“Here at Farm Cove we teach the
                             student, rather than teach the subject.”
                            Stephanie Young, Deputy Principal

Farm Cove Intermediate works closely with Howick and Pakuranga schools across
cultural, sporting and educational fields. We have an important role to play in the
community, and in keeping with our motto REACH OUT, we are active in numerous
ways, ranging from environmental to social to cultural.

We embrace our school and country’s        a vital role to play socially. To interact   and staff are enthusiastic recyclers. The
cultural diversity, respectfully           and empathise with others, particularly      school is favoured with large playing
acknowledging the kaitiaki role of the     with those from diverse backgrounds, is      fields, hundreds of trees, and at any time
tangata whenua, and the Treaty of          something we embrace. Each interaction       our grounds and buildings are a model of
Waitangi as Aotearoa/New Zealand’s         offers an opportunity to give of oneself,    ‘clean and green’.
founding document.                         and at the same time to have an authentic
                                                                                        We have sponsored a World Vision child
                                           learning experience.
We have strong links with the Owairoa                                                   for many years and fundraise for this
Marae, consulting with this local iwi on   Examples include participation in Matariki   organisation.
the strategic direction of the school,     celebrations and ANZAC Day events.
                                                                                        Groups from Farm Cove Intermediate
our vision and our core values.            A trip to a Hauraki Gulf island to learn
                                                                                        also participate in fundraising for the
                                           about vital wildlife conservation projects
Visits to the marae help to deepen                                                      Blind Foundation Guide Dogs, Daffodil
                                           is always a highlight. We participate in
our students’ understanding of our                                                      Day and Pink Shirt Anti-bullying Day.
                                           clean-ups of the nearby Wakaaranga
turangawaewae, tikanga and te reo.
                                           Estuary shoreline and the Pakuranga          We visit Auckland Zoo, MOTAT (Museum
A powhiri is often performed at our
                                           Rotary Walkway.                              of Transport & Technology), Auckland
school for visitors and overseas groups.
                                                                                        Botanical Gardens and the Auckland War
                                           In line with Enviro-school focus and our
Beyond the immediate focus of the                                                       Memorial Museum.
                                           conservation activities, our students
classroom, we believe that education has

                                                                                                       PROSPECTUS 2021            15
 At Farm Cove Intermediate we are delighted to celebrate achievement – whether by one
 student, a group, a team, or the entire school. This is an expression of our goal-oriented
 and collaborative approach to learning and growing.

 At our school assemblies we recognise         those students who have performed at an       (large primary/intermediate category). The
 significant achievements and examples         exceptional level, a range of certificates    Ministry of Education has also chosen FCI
 of FCI values in practice. Students           and trophies are awarded. Farm Cove           as a ‘Showcase School’ to celebrate best
 and staff belong to one of four school        Intermediate’s kapa haka group and the        practice in New Zealand and to promote
 houses – Aotea, Motutapu, Rangitoto, and      school choir and instrumental group           our country’s education overseas.
 Waiheke. House competitions are held          perform, with parents, guardians and
                                                                                             “We aim to embed lifetime learning patterns
 in activities chosen by the students; for     other guests invited.
                                                                                             here,” says Principal Linda Harvie, “and we
 example, performing arts, or specialist
                                               A highlight for every Year 8 student is       take pride in helping to instill a respectful
 technology activities.
                                               the end of year graduation ceremony,          regard for others. We also hope that
 Our councillors play a major part in our      when they are capped and receive their        these will be some of the happiest
 school life; they often lead and always       graduation certificate. A graduation dance    days of our students’ lives, and that the
 participate enthusiastically at the many      follows.                                      friendships they forge here will last a
 events we celebrate.                                                                        lifetime.”
                                               At the national level, Farm Cove Intermedi-
 One of the highlights of the school year is   ate has twice been the recipient of the
 our annual prize-giving. In acknowledging     Goodman Fielder School of the Year Award

“I am sending heart-felt thanks…
 school camp was wonderful. You are
 building great little people.”
Year 8 boy’s parent.

                                               Farm Cove
                       Farm Cove Intermediate School            Tel: +64 9 577 0009
                           16 Butley Drive, Pakuranga            Fax: +64 9 576 9289
                                       Auckland 2012
                                        New Zealand
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