Page created by Eva Reynolds
Christ-centred • Hope-filled • Mission-orientated
                 hank you for finding out more about Emmanuel                 Being Mission-orientated means we are compelled towards
                 Theological College. We believe that God has called us       the world God loves and for which Christ died, thinking
                 to equip the whole people of God for the whole mission       creatively and practically about ways Jesus and his Church
          of God in our region by offering outstanding formational            make a difference to our villages, towns, and cities. Mission
          training for lay and ordained leaders both full-time and part-      shapes our imagination. We imitate and celebrate the best of
          time. Through the combination of worship, study, and                time-honoured church while actively developing our students
          practice, women and men from across the breadth of the              as pioneers and church planters in their own contexts, to build
          Church’s traditions and from a wide range of ethnic, cultural,      life-enhancing gospel-connections with as many people as we
          socio-economic, and educational backgrounds are formed              can in Christ’s name.
          in Christ’s image to be gospel-people, encouraging and
          developing the same in those they lead.
                                                                                  ...a big vision and a huge task,
          We know it’s a big vision and a huge task, and not something            and not something we do in our
          we do in our own strength. We rely on the Holy Spirit to keep us
          faithfully Christ-centred, hope-filled, and mission-orientated.
                                                                                  own strength.
          Being Christ-centred means worship is a priority for us.            At Emmanuel we are passionate about this task, and we love
          Indeed, worshiping Jesus forms us as community of disciples.        to work with people who are passionate about Jesus, the
          Emmanuel’s culture celebrates the best of the Christian             world he loves, and the Church he is calling into action today.
          tradition in all its forms, growing in us a generosity toward       If that sounds good to you, then I hope what you read here
          other followers of Jesus whose worshipping styles or practices      whets your appetite to come and study with us. You can find
          are different from our own. It’s sometimes a challenge, but it is   out more information on our website or feel free to get in
          also a gift through which we experience what Christ is doing        touch with our admissions team (details are at the end of
          through word and sacrament across the Church in our region.         this prospectus).

          Being Hope-filled means we are confident in God’s love,             As you read this, please know that we’re praying for you
          declared in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is the   as you discern what God is asking of you, and whether
          ethos of our community. We’re honest about our own fragility        Emmanuel is part of the next season of your walk with him.
          and brokenness and that of the world we live in but, because        And that whatever happens next, you will know in the depths
          Jesus lives with death behind him, we believe those things          of your being something of how much he loves you.
          don’t have the final word on anything. We’re always stepping
          towards the challenges of being Church today, wrestling with
          the most difficult questions of life, and striving for
          Christlikeness in our relationships, rigour in our theology,
          and depth in our formation.                                         The Rev’d Canon Dr Michael Leyden, Dean
  The Church of God
  is here with good news
  for every single person in our
  communities, and we can only
  embody that good news when
  we stand together with each
  other and in Christ.

  Emmanuel Theological College
  is birthed from the fellowship,
  commitment, and co-operation
  between the six Dioceses of the
  North West, and their Bishops.
  Training here, now, and
  together... because we belong
  together as Church and are
  called to serve this place and
  people right now.

  Rt Rev’d Mark Tanner, Bishop of Chester
  and Chair of the Board of Trustees.
We take Jesus seriously when he says we should love God

Curriculum    with our minds (Matt. 22:37), and we’re rigorous about
              theology for the Church’s good health and vitality.

      Ethos   But, we remember also that Jesus commands us to love God

              with our heart and soul and strength. Scholarly study alone
              isn’t enough, and our curriculum ethos tries to reflect that.

              The curriculum for both our full-time and part-time students
              is shaped around three strands woven together into each
              student’s “training pathway”:                                       curriculum takes seriously
                                                                                  the exciting task of forming women
              (i) a Ministerial Formation Programme, tailored towards the         and men in the image of Christ.
              different kinds of ministry for which students are being
              prepared, and delivered by local practitioners alongside
              College staff. The programme focuses on prayer and
                                                                                  We know it cannot be done through
              spirituality, leadership and pastoral studies, and ministry         study alone. It requires opportunities
              skills.                                                             for spiritual growth and character
                                                                                  development, alongside practical
              (ii) a Contextual Placement that lasts for the duration of a
                                                                                  experiences that will sharpen
              student’s training, and in which a student works with an
              experienced supervisor in a local church to develop practical       theological wits and grow leaders.
              skills and root their studies in the reality of ministry today.
              Placements are integrated into the curriculum, and                  I am delighted that our curriculum
              supervisors receive training and support from the College.          deliberately combines the three
                                                                                  strands of ministry formation,
              (iii) an Academic Programme, which will be validated by the
              University of Durham Common Awards and include                      contextual placement, and academic
              undergraduate or post-graduate qualifications depending on          theology to equip people for lively and
              students’ prior study and experience. This programme helps          robust mission-shaped ministry in the
              our students to develop theological knowledge and                   twenty-first century.
              understanding, as well as to sharpen the critical thinking and
              reflective skills that are necessary for fruitful ministry.
                                                                                  Rt Rev’d Dr Emma Ineson, Bishop of Penrith
Teaching happens both mid-week and residentially each

Delivery   academic year, delivered over three 10-week terms.
           How and when depends on a student’s particular training

             • Full-time ordinands will meet for teaching on Mondays
               at our Liverpool Teaching Centre, as well for six
               residential weekends and one residential teaching week
               for all ordinands at The Hayes Conference Centre in
               Swanwick, Derbyshire.

             • Part-time ordinands will meet for teaching at one of
                                                                            The north west is
               four Teaching Centres based in Blackburn, Liverpool,
               Manchester, and Penrith on Tuesday or Thursday
                                                                           an inspiring place
               evenings, as well as for six residential weekends and one
               residential teaching week for all ordinands at The Hayes
                                                                            to live, learn and
               Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire.
                                                                                     serve God
             • Trainee Licensed Lay Ministers/Readers will meet for
               teaching with the part-time ordinands at one of four
               Teaching Centres based in Blackburn, Liverpool,
               Manchester, and Penrith on Tuesday or Thursday
               evenings; one residential weekend with ordinands at
               The Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire;
               and then five further Saturday formation-days focusing
               in LLM/Reader ministry.

           Our teaching and learning will involve blended learning,
           utilising the best of online and tech-based pedagogy
           alongside traditional classroom lectures and seminars. We
           are aiming for inclusive teaching that makes theology and
           formation accessible to all whom God calls.
“Formation” is a word you will hear a lot at Emmanuel.

Formation   It describes the rich and multi-layered process of growth
            and development that our students experience amidst the
            interplay of theological study, contextual practice, and
            ministerial training.

            Sometimes our experience of formation is challenging,
            highlighting areas of further growth and development which
            we must wrestle with as we respond to God’s call. It might
            mean coming face to face with things we’ve avoided in life or
            haven’t considered for a long time. Oftentimes our experience
            of formation is inviting, giving us a glimpse of who we really
                                                                                 Good formation
                                                                                 touches and transforms
                                                                                 the whole person. It enriches
            are in Christ and who we are becoming as we follow after him.        spirituality, grows character and
            Whatever our experience at any given time, formational               develops the intellect. That is our goal
            moments cause us to reflect on the people we are becoming
            both in terms of our vocation to ministry but also the
                                                                                 at Emmanuel. We expect our students
            Christlikeness of our character and its impact on our lives,         to live lives rooted in rich patterns of
            especially in the quality and depth of our relationships.            prayer. Without that, ministry is
                                                                                 fruitless and pointless.
            As we see it in scripture, formation is ultimately the work of
            the Holy Spirit who constantly draws us to Christ. Those who
            came face to face with Jesus did not remain the same. Indeed,        Our passion is to produce students
            trans-formation is part of God’s ongoing work of redemption          who have the interior resources to
            and renewal in each of us.                                           sustain outward looking Christian
                                                                                 ministry in incredibly testing times.
            Our ministerial formation programme thus combines aspects
            of both personal formation and ministry development.                 Rt Rev’d Philip North, Bishop of Burnley
            Prayer, spirituality, priestly and lay leadership, pastoral
            studies, and ministry skills will be explored in a generous way,
            bringing students face to face with existing practitioners
            across our region, and inviting them to find ways of reflecting
            on their own practices in the light of the teaching they will
Academic Programmes
Emmanuel Theological College will, subject to validation in
March 2021, offer a range of academic programmes at both
undergraduate and post-graduate levels validated by the
University of Durham Common Awards.

• Certificate of Higher Education in Theology, Ministry, and
• Certificate of Higher Education in Christian Ministry and Mission
• Diploma of Higher Education in Theology, Ministry, and Mission
• BA (Hons) in Theology, Ministry, and Mission
• Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry, and Mission

• Postgraduate Certificate in Theology, Ministry, and Mission
• Postgraduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry, and Mission
• MA in Theology, Ministry, and Mission

Discerning which is the best programme for any student
happens through the interview process, and will involve a
decision about the best way to develop existing knowledge,
skills, and understanding in a way that best suits their particular
The Certificate of Higher Education in Theology, Ministry, and
  Certificate   Mission invites students to engage with the foundations of
                Christian theology: the Bible, Christian worship, ethics and
    of Higher   discipleship, doctrine, preaching, and reflective practice.

Education in    It develops students’ knowledge and understanding, as well
                as their capacity to ask questions and pursue answers.
   Theology,    DURATION
Ministry, and   • Part-time

                Our undergraduate programmes normally require students
                to have one A-level at grade C or above. Where this is not the
                case but there is reasonable cause for thinking a student is
                capable of completing the programme of study, an alternate
                form of evidence of ability will be sought, in keeping with the
                College’s admissions policy (which can be found on the
                College website).

                • Trainee Readers/Licensed Lay Ministers
The Certificate of Higher Education in Christian Ministry and
  Certificate   Mission invites students to engage with the foundations of
                Christian theology -- The Bible, Christian worship, ethics and
   of Higher    discipleship, doctrine, preaching, and reflective practice –
                and then to apply the skills learned to focus on missional
Education in    ecclesiology, leadership, and discrimination.

   Christian    DURATION
                • Part-time
                                                                                           All of our
     Mission    Our undergraduate programmes normally require students
                to have one A-level at grade C or above. Where this is not the
                                                                                      pathways are
                case but there is reasonable cause for thinking a student is
                capable of completing the programme of study, an alternate        rooted in the life
                form of evidence of ability will be sought, in keeping with the
                College’s admissions policy (which can be found on the
                College website).
                                                                                  of local churches
                • Trainee Readers/Licensed Lay Ministers over two or
                  three years.
The Diploma of Higher Education in Theology, Ministry, and
 Diploma of     Mission introduces students to the foundations of Christian
                theology, such as the bible, Christian worship, ethics and
      Higher    discipleship, doctrine, and reflective practice, before inviting
                them to contextualise their learning through modules on
Education in    mission, community formation, leadership, and inter-faith
   Theology,    DURATION
Ministry, and   • Full-time
                • part-time
                Our Diploma of Higher Education programme normally
                requires students to have two A-levels at grade C or above.
                Where this is not the case but there is reasonable cause for
                thinking a student is capable of completing the programme of
                study, an alternate form of evidence of ability will be sought,
                in keeping with the College’s admissions policy (which can be
                found on the College website).

                • Ordinands training full-time over two years or part-time over
                  three years
                • Trainee Readers/Licensed Lay Ministers
The BA (Hons) in Theology, Ministry, and Mission introduces
BA (Hons) in    students to the foundations of Christian theology, such as the
                bible, Christian worship, ethics and discipleship, doctrine, and
   Theology,    reflective practice, before inviting them to contextualise their
                learning through modules on mission, community formation,
Ministry, and   leadership, inter-faith engagement, missional theology,
                apologetics, church planting, and biblical theology in context.
     Mission    In the final stages of the BA, all students engage in their own
                independent original research allowing them to apply their
                learning an area of their own interest.
                                                                                    All of our pathways
                • Full-time                                                          combine excellent
                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                Our BA (Hons) programme normally requires students to have          ministry formation
                three A-levels at grade C or above. Where this is not the case
                but there is reasonable cause for thinking a student is capable        and outstanding
                of completing the programme of study, an alternate form of
                evidence of ability will be sought, in keeping with the College’s
                admissions policy (which can be found on the College website).
                                                                                      theological study
                • Ordinands training full-time over three years
The Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry, and Mission is
   Graduate     designed for students who have a minimum of a 2.1 degree in
                a related subject, for example philosophy or religious studies.
 Diploma in     The programme invites students to contextualise theological
                learning by focusing on mission and apologetics, sacramental
   Theology,    theology, leadership, discrimination, and church planting. All
                students studying for the Graduate Diploma also engage in
Ministry, and   independent original research, allowing them to apply their
                learning to an area of their own interest.
     Mission    DURATION
                • Full-time
                • Part-time

                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                Our Graduate Diploma programme normally requires
                students to have a 2.1 undergraduate degree in a related
                subject. Where this is not the case but there is reasonable
                cause for thinking a student is capable of completing the
                programme of study, an alternate form of evidence of ability
                will be sought, in keeping with the College’s admissions policy
                (which can be found on the College website).

                • Ordinands training full-time over two or three years, when
                  coupled with our Postgraduate Certificate in year two or
                  Postgraduate Diploma in years two and three.
The Postgraduate Certificate in Theology, Ministry, and
Postgraduate      Mission is designed for students who have a minimum of a 2.1
                  degree in theology or a related subject, for example
 Certificate in   philosophy or religious studies. The programme consists of
                  three core modules focusing on Christian beliefs and
   Theology,      contemporary culture, advanced biblical studies, and mission
                  in the contemporary world.
Ministry, and     DURATION

      Mission     • Full-time
                                                                                      Equipping the
                  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                  Our Postgraduate programmes normally require students to
                  have a 2.1 undergraduate degree in theology or a related
                                                                                    whole people of
                  subject. Applicants will also be required to submit a review
                  essay of 2000 words. The materials for the review will be        God for the whole
                  supplied by the College.

                                                                                     mission of God
                  • Ordinands training full-time over two years, when taken with
                    our Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry, and Mission in
                    year one
Postgraduate    The Postgraduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry, and Mission
                is designed for students who have a minimum of a 2.1 degree
  Diploma in    in theology or a related subject, for example philosophy or
                religious studies. The programme consists of six core modules
   Theology,    focusing on Christian beliefs and contemporary culture,
                advanced biblical studies, mission in the contemporary world,
Ministry, and   worship and mission, and themes in moral theology. Students
                will also learn to use appropriate methods and resources for
     Mission    theological research.

                • Full-time

                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                Our Postgraduate programmes normally require students to
                have a 2.1 undergraduate degree in theology or a related
                subject. Applicants will also be required to submit a review
                essay of 2000 words. The materials for the review will be
                supplied by the College.

                • Ordinands training full-time over two years, when taken with
                  our Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry, and Mission in
                  year one
The MA in Theology, Ministry, and Mission is designed for
        MA in   students who have a minimum of a 2.1 degree in theology or
                a related subject, for example philosophy or religious studies.
   Theology,    The programme consists of seven core modules focusing on
                Christian beliefs and contemporary culture, advanced biblical
Ministry, and   studies, mission in the contemporary world, worship and
                mission, and themes in moral theology. Students will also

     Mission    learn to use appropriate methods and resources for
                theological research, which they will then apply to writing
                a dissertation on an appropriate topic of their own interest.
                                                                                  We are committed
                • Part-time over two years                                         to offering every
                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                Our Postgraduate programmes normally require students to           student the best
                have a 2.1 undergraduate degree in theology or a related
                subject. Applicants will also be required to submit a review        preparation for
                essay of 2000 words. The materials for the review will be
                supplied by the College.                                           whatever God is
                • Ordinands training full-time over two years or part-time over
                                                                                    calling them to
                  three years
How to Apply
Book your place on a Prospective Students Morning (PSM)
via our website. These happen regularly, and will give you the
opportunity to see us up close

Either before or just after you have attended a PSM, complete
an application form online at

Once we have received your application form, we will invite
you for interview with a member of our Team. If you complete
an application before yu attend the PSM, we shall schedule
an interview for you on the same day so there’s no lengthy
wait afterwards.

After your interview, you’ll receive an offer letter from the
Dean with the details of your proposed formational pathway,
including the academic programme you will have discussed
at interview. Simply reply accepting your place within 28 days.
Christ-centred • Hope-filled • Mission-orientated

                        Emmanuel Theological College
          c/o Clayton House, Walker Business Park, Blackburn BB1 2QE
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