ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -

Page created by Beverly Stephens
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -
Annesbrook Leadership


ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -
ALC 2018/19
Annesbrook Leadership College exists
to equip, raise and release Christian
leaders into all communities
and vocations.

ALC Prospectus 2018/19
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -
 Table of contents

 About us

 New Zealand and our campuses


 New Zealand Qualifications               12

 Church Leadership and Ministry courses   20

 Distance Learning and Short Courses      26

 Internships explained                    28

 Meet the staff                           30

 Extra support                            33

 Money matters                            34

 Testimonials                             36

 Academic year and key dates              38

 Your pathway                             40

 Contact us                               41
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -

Message from the Board of Trustees
                        We have never before felt such urgency as we do
                        today in regard to the training of Christian
                        leaders for Churches, ministries, community service
                        and business.

                        Annesbrook Leadership College provides training
                        that embraces practical equipping and personal de-
                        velopment partnered with Christian theology taught
                        from the Bible. The very heart of ALC is to practically
                        equip, raise and release leaders into all nations with
                        a Christ centred foundation carrying that which will
                        sustain them in every area of their life and ministry.
                        We are very privileged to be part of what God is
Brent & Viv Liebezeit
Board Chair             doing in the lives of those whom God has brought to
                        our Leadership College. One of the greatest miracles
                        we see is lives permanently transformed to reflect
                        the amazing character of God.

                        We pray that as you read the contents of this pro-
                        spectus you will also prayerfully consider joining us
                        on this incredible journey for 2018 and beyond.
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -

Robin Davis (CEO/Dean)
Cheryll Davis (Dean of Students)
For almost six years Cheryll and      Seeing students move into
I have had the privilege of being     employment (some have never
trusted with leadership at ALC.       worked before) and positions
Every year has seen growth            of influence and leadership
and new ground broken and             makes every challenge pale into
that has been motivating and          insignificance.
                                      We are privileged to be a
It is impossible not to be excited    registered Private Training
when people of all ages step into     Establishment and accredited to
the programmes with almost            deliver national qualifications. We
no knowledge of what is ahead         are growing. We have a distinct
but with definite conviction and      place in four regions now and a
expectation about their walk with     fifth one likely in 2018. ALC
God and service to His Kingdom.       currently supports the work of 12
The beginning, however, doesn’t       different Churches and commu-
compare with the complete joy at      nity initiatives in four regions with
                                                                              Robin & Cheryll Davis
the end when learners step out        high quality training for interns.      Deans

of the programme with strength,       Consider our programmes and
knowledge, confidence, personal       how we could serve you in your
growth and a powerful desire to       context. We would be delighted to
extend the Kingdom with solid         partner with you!
foundational understanding of
Scripture and their call, gifts and
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -


Our intention is to provide learners with a safe
environment to encourage self-development and
personal growth.

Our passion is for balanced and Biblically-
grounded leaders to be deployed to all levels of
the community and vocations. We believe these
leaders should bring an expression of integrity and
ethics guided by the Christian faith wherever
they serve.

We desire to prepare minds to learn, seek, re-
search, reason and achieve, unlocking their
potential in order to reach their goals.

“Work ready,
   world ready”
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -

Our Mission
Annesbrook Leadership College exists to equip, raise
and release Christian leaders into all communities
and vocations.

Core Values
•   Discover potential in learners.
•   Develop excellence in training.
•   Develop authentic Christian character.
•   Develop a culture of service to others.
•   Develop fully the potential of each learner relating to further education, vocation, profession and
    chosen career.
•   Developing the integrity and ethics of Christian leadership to all levels of society.
•   Deploy qualified learners into communities and vocations.

Equip                                          Raise                                        Release
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -

New Zealand

Nationwide Locations
                                           Aotearoa | Geography             Climate | Sunshine

                                           Lying in the south-west          Most places in New Zealand
    North Island - Wellington
                                           Pacific, New Zealand consists    receive over 2,000 hours of
    Our campus is located at Awaken City
    Church in Upper Hutt.                  of two main islands; the North   sunshine a year, with the
                                           Island and the South Island.     sunniest areas; Bay of Plenty,
    South Island - Nelson                  Stewart Island and many          Hawke’s Bay and Nelson/
    Our campus is located at Annesbrook    smaller islands lie offshore.    Marlborough; receiving over
    Church in Stoke, Nelson.
                                                                            2,350 hours.

    South Island - Christchurch
                                           Winter | Snow                    Environment | National Parks
    Our campus is located at Majestic
    Church, central Christchurch.
                                           Snow typically appears           New Zealand’s 14 national
                                           between June and October,        parks embrace more than
    South Island - Timaru
                                           though cold snaps can occur      30,000 square kilometres of
    Our campus is located at Connect
    Church in Timaru.                      outside these months.            scenic beauty.

    Auckland - Pukekohe

    Our campus is located at Christian
    Family Centre Pukekohe.
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -

   Annesbrook              Auckland
Leadership College

                       Nelson                 Wellington



       Aotearoa - Land of the long white cloud
ALC - Prospectus 2018/19 Annesbrook Leadership College -

     Our Campuses
     Annesbrook Leadership College currently offers students the option of studying at
     campuses in Nelson, Wellington, Christchurch and Timaru.

     Principal Campus

     Nelson is surrounded by mountains on three sides with Tasman Bay on the other, and the region is
     the gateway to Abel Tasman National Park, Kahurangi National Park, Lakes Rotoiti and Rotoroa in the
     Nelson Lakes National Park.

     Nelson is the main urban hub of the Top of the South Island.

Location: Annesbrook Leadership College

Annesbrook Church complex is the home of ALC, our administration of-
fices and the Nelson campus. The purpose built classrooms are modern
and bright with easy access and plenty of free parking.

Location: Awaken City Church
Our teaching facility for the Wellington area is based at Awaken City
Church in Upper Hutt. Upper Hutt is approximately 30 km north-east of
Wellington, which is famous for a vibrant creative culture fuelled by great
food, wine, craft beer, coffee and events. Wellington is a cosmopolitan
city with an energetic personality.

Location: Christian Family Centre Pukekohe

Located at the southern edge of the Auckland Region, Pukekohe is ap-
proximately 50 kilometres south of Auckland City, between the southern
shore of the Manukau Harbour and the mouth of the Waikato River.

Location: Majestic Church
Majestic Church is the location of ALC in Christchurch. Majestic is a
central city Church based in the very heart of the beautiful city of
Christchurch which is the largest city in the South Island. Vibrant and
ever evolving, each day offers new things to see and do.

Location: Connect Community Church
Timaru sits about midway between Christchurch and Dunedin. Timaru’s
Caroline Bay has a safe swimming beach, botanic gardens, a landscaped
piazza and wonderful walks. A collection of restaurants and cafés link
the beach to the main shopping area.

New Zealand

          Level 4                       Level 5                          Level 6

   Leadership Foundations         Leader Development               Biblical Interpretation

 Personal Spiritual Disciplines      Spiritual Growth                 Christian Ethics

      Narrative Theology          Biblical Interpretation    World Religions and the Christian


    Worldview Foundations               Theology

                                                            Ministry Management and Leadership

     Practical Internship           Ministry Practical

                                                              Christian Leadership - Internship


        Certificate                    Diploma                          Diploma

NZ Certificate in Christian Ministry
Level 4

     NZ Certificate in Christian Ministry Level 4

     Full time (1 year) or part time (2 years)

     120 Level 4 credits (60 Academic, 60 Internship)

     Up to 50 hours class time per semester

     600 hours total for the programme

     Fees available on our website or see page 34 of
     this prospectus.


Leadership Foundations - Level 4, 15 Credits
This course provides a foundational understanding of Biblical leadership and its core elements, plus an un-
derstanding of the difference between Biblical leadership and leadership in other contexts. This course will
enable you to consider your unique call and prepare you for faithful and Spirit empowered leadership that
can be applied in a range of employment areas.
•   Leadership Foundations
•   Communications

Personal Spiritual Disciplines - Level 4, 15 Credits
The student will understand what is meant by “Discipleship” and the context in which it happens, develop
personal spiritual disciplines and apply this knowledge in progressing to a life of Spiritual Growth. Students
will learn to differentiate between corporate Church practices and personal self monitored Discipleship.

Narrative Theology - Level 4, 15 Credits
Students will be introduced to the narratives of the Bible and examine the way in which these formulate the
basis for a contemporary Christian worldview. Students will be encouraged to view the Biblical Narratives as
an overall story to understand the theological restorative plan of God revealed in the Bible.
•   Old Testament
•   New Testament

Worldview Foundations - Level 4, 15 Credits
The student will be credited with the ability to describe the development of Christianity and other religions
in Bible times, looking at its impact on our current worldview, on that of the early Church, and how it shapes
our ethics.
•   Worldview
•   Church History (1st 500 years)

Practical Internship - Level 4, 60 Credits
The Practical Internship provides the essential strand of the course. The programme provides an opportu-
nity for students to select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field
of work and study. Students are placed in a Church or not-for-profit charitable organisation and partnered
with professional placement oversight. The development of each student is to be intentional, consistent and

NZ Diploma in Christian Studies
Level 5

     NZ Diploma in Christian Studies Level 5

     Full time (1 year) or part time (2 years)

     120 Level 5 credits (60 Academic, 60 Internship)

     Up to 50 hours class time per semester

     600 hours total for the programme

     Fees available on our website or see page 34 of
     this prospectus.


Leader Development - Level 5, 15 Credits
The course focuses on Leadership development and an in-depth understanding of core elements of leader-
ship related transferable skills, creating responsibility for the management of learning and performance of
others. The student will be able to identify what constitutes Biblical leadership relative to a secular leader-
ship viewpoint.

Spiritual Growth - Level 5, 15 Credits
This course is aimed at developing the student’s understanding of spiritual disciplines, spiritual growth, an
understanding of “Kingdom” and how to develop these personally and in others whom they may mentor.

Biblical Interpretation - Level 5, 15 Credits
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the processes of accurate textual analysis of the Bible. The
course will equip students with the basic skills for reading the Biblical text as it was written and intended for
its original audiences, as well as accurate application in a contemporary setting.

Theology - Level 5, 15 Credits
This course is an introduction to the core doctrines of Christian theology and examination of the way in
which these doctrines formulate the basis for a contemporary Christian worldview. The course includes
analysis of historical movements and how these may have impacted in theological developments in history.
Students will develop a broad theoretical knowledge within a specific field of study.

Ministry Practical - Level 5, 60 Credits
The Ministry Practical course provides an essential strand of the course. The programme provides students
the opportunity to have some responsibility for the management of learning and performance of others.
Students are placed in a Church or not-for-profit charitable organisation and partnered with professional
placement oversight. The development of each student is to be intentional, consistent and measured allow-
ing them to select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to their field of work
and study.

NZ Diploma in Christian Studies
Level 6

     NZ Diploma in Christian Studies Level 6

     Full time (1 year)

     120 Level 6 credits (60 Academic, 60 Internship)

     Up to 50 hours class time per semester

     600 hours total for the programme

     Fees available on our website or see page 34 of

     this prospectus.


Biblical Interpretation - Level 6, 15 Credits
This course is an advance on the level 5 Diploma course and will seek to inspire the learner to greater levels
of study and research with a view to building the tools required for personal in-depth study and the ability to
lead others in the same way.

Christian Ethics - Level 6, 15 Credits
This course researches the history and development of Christian ethics and theology with a view to cre-
ating in learners and ability regarding Christian ethical expression in social and moral values relating to

World Religions and the Christian Worldview - Level 6, 15 Credits
This course is designed to take the learner on a journey into an understanding of cultural diversity, religious
diversity and varying contemporary values systems. There is a significant emphasis in assisting learners
toward an appreciation for a Maori Worldview and a bi-cultural relationship.

Ministry Management and Leadership - Level 6, 15 Credits
This course aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to provide management and pastoral
leadership within Ministry or volunteer environments including Non-profit organisations with a specific focus
on Church ministries

Christian Leadership Internship strand - Level 6, 60 Credits
Learners in this course will be leading and managing Christian communities based on an understanding of
the needs and contextual elements of defined groups or communities (40 credits). There will also be a re-
quirement to critically reflect on the personal faith journey and professional development to refine personal
practice. (20 credits)


             Level 4                       Level 5

      Leadership Foundations         Leader Development

    Personal Spiritual Disciplines      Spiritual Growth

         Narrative Theology          Biblical Interpretation

       Worldview Foundations               Theology

        Practical Internship           Ministry Practical

           Certificate                    Diploma

ALC Certificate in Church Leadership
and Ministry Level 4

     ALC Certificate in Church Leadership and Ministry Level 4

     Full time (1 year) or part time (2 years)

     No NZQA Credits

     Up to 50 hours class time per semester

     8 hours per week

     Fees available on our website or see page 34 of
     this prospectus.


Leadership Foundations - Level 4
This course provides a foundational understanding of Biblical leadership and its core elements, plus an un-
derstanding of the difference between Biblical leadership and leadership in other contexts. This course will
enable you to consider your unique call and prepare you for faithful and Spirit empowered leadership that
can be applied in a range of employment areas.
•   Leadership Foundations
•   Communications

Personal Spiritual Disciplines - Level 4
The student will understand what is meant by “Discipleship” and the context in which it happens, develop
personal spiritual disciplines and apply this knowledge in progressing to a life of Spiritual Growth. Students
will learn to differentiate between corporate Church practices and personal self monitored Discipleship.

Narrative Theology - Level 4
Students will be introduced to the narratives of the Bible and examine the way in which these formulate the
basis for a contemporary Christian worldview. Students will be encouraged to view the Biblical Narratives as
an overall story to understand the theological restorative plan of God revealed in the Bible.
•   Old Testament
•   New Testament

Worldview Foundations - Level 4
The student will be credited with the ability to describe the development of Christianity and other religions
in Bible times, looking at its impact on our current Worldview, on that of the early Church, and how it shapes
our ethics.
•   Worldview
•   Church History (1st 500 years)

Practical Internship - Level 4
The Practical Internship provides the essential strand of the course. The programme provides an opportu-
nity for students to select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field
of work and study. Students are placed in a Church or not-for-profit charitable organisation and partnered
with professional placement oversight. The development of each student is to be intentional, consistent and

ALC Diploma in Church
Leadership and Ministry Level 5

     Diploma in Church Leadership and Ministry

     Full time (1 year) or part time (2 years)

     No NZQA Credits

     Up to 50 hours class time per semester

     8 hours per week

     Fees available on our website or see page 34 of
     this prospectus.


Leader Development - Level 5
The course focuses on Leadership development and an in-depth understanding of core elements of leader-
ship related transferable skills, creating responsibility for the management of learning and performance of
others. The student will be able to identify what constitutes Biblical leadership relative to a secular leader-
ship viewpoint.

Spiritual Growth - Level 5
This course is aimed at developing the student’s understanding of spiritual disciplines, spiritual growth, an
understanding of “Kingdom” and how to develop these personally and in others whom they may mentor.

Biblical Interpretation - Level 5
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the processes of accurate textual analysis of the Bible. The
course will equip students with the basic skills for reading the Biblical text as it was written and intended for
its original audiences, as well as accurate application in a contemporary setting.

Theology - Level 5
This course is an introduction to the core doctrines of Christian theology and examination of the way in
which these doctrines formulate the basis for a contemporary Christian worldview. The course includes
analysis of historical movements and how these may have impacted in theological developments in history.
Students will develop a broad theoretical knowledge within a specific field of study.

Ministry Practical - Level 5
The Ministry Practical course provides an essential strand of the course. The programme provides students
the opportunity to have some responsibility for the management of learning and performance of others.
Students are placed in a Church or not-for-profit charitable organisation and partnered with professional
placement oversight. The development of each student is to be intentional, consistent and measured allow-
ing them to select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to their field of work
and study.

Connect to the classroom via Zoom

Details about Distance Learning
•    Our ALC Single Courses (Leadership, Spiritual Growth and Worldview) can be delivered by distance
     learning to anywhere in the world.
•    Simply log into our scheduled meeting using the free software available to download from Zoom
•    Works across all devices (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone)
•    Works on Windows, Apple Mac, iOS and Android

ALC Single Course Option
                No certificate awarded

                 2 Terms

                  On Campus or Online via Zoom Conferencing

                 $500 inclusive of GST + admin fee

Course detail
•   Courses offered are:
     •    Leadership, Spiritual Growth or Worldview
•   You will not be required to complete assignments or internship hours
•   No certificate will be awarded
•   Leadership offered Semester One
•   Spiritual Growth offered Semester One
•   Worldview offered Semester Two


What is an internship?
An internship is an un-paid work experience placement with a church or non-profit organisation. You will gain
real world experience in live work environments and learn new transferable skills that will benefit your work
life and personal life.

                                      What is a transferrable Skill?         Will I receive training?
                                      Transferable skills are a core set     Yes! You will be paired with a
                                      of skills and abilities which can      professional placement manager
                                      be applied to a wide range of          who is experienced in the field
                                      different jobs and industries, and     of ministry or service specific to
                                      throughout life.                       your internship.

                                      Can I choose my own placement?         Why intern?

                                      Year one (level 4) students will be    •   Full training and support pro-
                                      placed in an area of the Church            vided every step of the way.
                                      or organisation which matches          •   Explore a unique and special
                                      their particular interests and             career path.
                                      strengths. It is important to note     •   Network with professionals.
                                      that internships are varied and
                                      are specific to individual Churches
                                      and organisations. We aim to
                                      enable students to experience a
                                      variety of tasks during their time
                                      interning with ALC.

Practical Hours

Work Experience | Interning

This program will increase your skills through

participating in the practical day to day opera-

tion of your Church or non-profit organisation,

and will help you engage and grow through

invaluable “hands-on” experience.

The internship is designed to equip people to

lead in every sphere of life, whether that is in

Ministry through the local Church, in retail, in

nursing and healthcare, administration or any

other vocation.

                  Discover new skills...

     Student feedback recently has been very

     “Study was intimidating for me based on my High
     school experience. I now feel confident I could
     study toward anything I wanted to”

     “Building a team up is one of the top things I
     have enjoyed about my time doing the internship.
     Working with people, encouraging them, identify-
     ing their individual gifts and passions and finding a
     place for them to be used and developed within the
     framework of our youth ministry has been awe-
     some. At the beginning if the internship it was just
     myself and one other leading the youth ministry.
     Now we have a team of about six adults and a great
     team of young people rising and growing in their
     faith and leadership ability.”

     “These kinds of testimonials remind us why we
     do what we do. ALC is a unique opportunity for
     Disciples of all ages and academic abilities to be in-
     volved in something for themselves and ultimately
     for the growing of the Kingdom. It is an opportunity
     to give enthusiasm and deep desire rich soil to grow
     in and foundation to build on.”
     Robin Davis
ALC Staff

Simon Terrill

Position: Academic Dean

Raised as a pastor’s kid in Blenheim, Simon worked in retail sales before
beginning a career in banking. Having left to follow a call to ministry,
he received his BTh (Laidlaw College) after graduating from Bishopdale
Theological College in 2012 and has just completed a Certificate in
Tertiary Learning and Teaching (NMIT). He began teaching at ALC part-
time in 2012 before becoming a member of staff the following year. His
role as Academic Dean sees him responsible for curriculum develop-
ment and teaching. Simon has served in various church ministries and
denominations in New Zealand and England, and is passionate about
equipping and training God’s people for every good work of service (Eph
4:11-12). He is also an adjunct tutor at Bishopdale Theological College.
In his spare time he is a keen football supporter, enjoys music, reading
and spending time in Golden Bay. He met his wife Adele while they were
studying music at CPIT Jazz School, and together they have two children.

Donna Connell

Position: National Internship Manager

We are all called to be leaders, whether it’s at home, in the workplace
or in Church. The practical internship will equip and empower you to
grow existing skills and talents, and develop new emerging skills that
you never knew you had. You will not only have hands on experience in a
safe and supportive environment, but you will be guided and mentored
every step of the way as you develop as a leader. The skills you will
learn while carrying out your internship will be valuable not only while
you are studying, but will be the building blocks for your future.

Our Regional Staff
Annesbrook Leadership College have a dedicated team of staff
supporting our students at campuses outside of the Nelson region.

ALC staff members are collectively and individually      represents an enormous amount of accumulated
totally committed to the vision and culture of the       understanding, care, wisdom and insight in life expe-
College, to the relationship we enjoy with our part-     rience across the board!
ners NMIT and to the growth and well-being of the        The work and dedication of the staff represented
Students who trust us with their development.            here is augmented by other experienced teachers
                                                         and also by the professional ministry team within the
The years of experience in learning, leadership and      Annesbrook Church.
service in both Church ministry and business envi-       We are serious about equipping our students for
ronments totals, collectively, about 150 years. That     ministry, community service or further education!

     Dawn Dalloway                        Barry Jackson                       Sarah Hamilton
     Region: Timaru                       Region: Christchurch                Region: Wellington

Extra Support
At Annesbrook Leadership College we care about every individual and
offer the following extra support while you are studying with us:

                        We will help you to plan and manage your study

                        Our lecturers and tutors are here to support you with all aspects of your academic life
                        at ALC. You can contact them by phone or email when you need help with your studies.

                        Every student is paired with a mentor throughout their time at ALC to support their
                        personal health and wellbeing while studying.

                        You will be connected to ALC’s online community spread across all our campuses in NZ
                        via ALC social media and Moodle platform.

Money Matters
Fees are subject to change for New Zealand Qualifications. Fees on this page are for 2018 only and are subject to
change. All fees must be paid in advance. Application fees are non-refundable. Course fees may be refunded in
part if a student officially withdraws from the courses within twenty one (21) days of the course start date.

New Zealand Qualification Fees (Full Time)
NMIT fees for 2018 are currently $4968.00 plus $240.00 Student Levy (Certificate and Diploma). We encourage
students to indicate interest to before actually applying. In this manner we are able to
inform you immediately of any change in fees or any other pertinent information prior to enrolment. Fees listed
are for each year of the programme, indicative only and may vary with course selection. Exact fees provided on
request or application.

All students opting for the New Zealand Qualification may be eligible for assistance via Studylink with student
loans and allowances. Students must contact Studylink directly for both information and funds applications after
the enrolment process has been completed.

Certificate and Diploma in Church Leadership and Ministry Fees
Fees for the Church Leadership and Ministry courses are self-funded and not eligible for Studylink. Fees for the
Certificate in Church Leadership and Ministry and the Diploma in Church Leadership and Ministry are $3214.00
inclusive of GST plus $100.00 application fee for 2018.

      NZQA COURSES                               CHURCH                                  SHORT COURSES
         2018/19                             LEADERSHIP AND                                 2018/19
                                             MINISTRY 2018/19
        Please see our                           Course fees: $3214                      Individual paper: $500
     website                                                                incl. GST +application
                                               Application fee: $100
        for course fees                                                                             fee

                         We encourage students to indicate interest to ALC before actually applying.

     An ‘intention to apply’ form can be found on our website at:

In this manner we will inform you immediately of any change in fees or any other pertinent information prior to enrolment.


Annesbrook Leadership College exists to equip, raise and release
Christian leaders into all communities and vocations.

                                  Desiree Johns - Class of 2014 & 2015

                                  ALC gave me the ability to grow my faith, character
                                  and compassion in order to follow my calling in
                                  nursing. I am currently studying at NMIT.

                                  Ben Mackie - Class of 2014 & 2015

                                  ALC gave me confidence to fulfil a dream of studying
                                  architecture. The team here also taught me the cen-
                                  trality of grace within Christianity and the impor -
                                  tance of accountability.

                                  Katherine Bowden - Class of 2015 & 2016

                                  ALC has helped me personally realise my own leader-
                                  ship capacity and given me the opportunity to apply
                                  these tools in all aspects of my life.

                                  Shannon Johnston - Class of 2010

                                  ALC taught me the importance of leadership and
                                  helped me develop a strong set of leadership skills
                                  that added great value to myself both personally and

 24/7 Youth Work Manager - Shannon Johnston

   “In 2016 ALC continued to contribute to the success of the 24/7 Youth work programme. A crew of students spent time in local

   schools on a weekly basis helping support students and cultivating a positive school spirit. It is also worth noting that 24/7

   Youth Work currently has seven paid team members and six of those are ALC graduates.”

Deputy Principal, Nayland College - Trevor Olley

   “The staff at Annesbrook continue to do an outstanding job either delivering specialised programmes, working one on one

   with clients, contributing to school-wide events or generally interacting with students. Their enthusiasm, skill set and experi-

   ence creates a compelling presence . . . the team are superb role models for our students and are now firmly embedded in

   the Nayland family.” (Referring to 24/7 Youth Work)

     ALC Academic Year

       College Year 2018/19
       IMPORTANT DATES OF 2018/19

       2018 Mid Year Orientation: July 25

       2018 Term 3: July 23 – September 28
       2018 Term 4: October 15– November 30

       2019 Orientation retreat / NMIT visit: February 7-8
       2019 Campus Orientation: February 11

       2019 Term 1: February 7 – April 12
       2019 Term 2: April 29 – July 05
       2019 Mid Year Orientation: July 24
       2019 Term 3: July 22 – September 27
       2019 Term 4: October 14 – TBC

 Terms                                                     Semesters
 4 Terms | All levels                                      2 Semesters | All levels

 Your year will be split into 4 terms with leave periods   Your courses will be delived by semesters. A
 inbetween, as per the dates shown below.                  semester is made up of two terms.


2018 Semester 2: July 20
2019 Semester 1: January 18
2019 Semester 2: July 19

Frequently asked questions

                             Q: What equipment do I need?

                             Each learner will require access to a suitable current-
                             generation computer, broadband connection and
                             have an active email account.

                             Q: Who can help me with funding?

                             Student allowances and loans may be available for
                             students opting for the National Qualifications. For
                             more information and to check your eligibility, please
                             contact STUDYLINK direct at
                             after we have confirmed with you that funding has
                             been approved.

                             Q: What if things get difficult for me?

                             Students who are enroled with NMIT can contact
                             NMIT Student Support on 0800 422 733 (ext. 695)
                             or visit to get help. ALC enroled
                             students contact ALC staff who will direct you to the
                             right support person to deal with your issue.

                             Q: Do I have to buy the books?

                             All students must purchase the books on the
                             Required Reading List in their student manual. The
                             recommended reading list is up to the individual.
                             Second hand books can be found online or in some
                             instances, purchased from ex-students.

         ALC and NMIT - Joint Venture

Annesbrook Leadership College and Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology have worked closely together since 2012 to

deliver the Christian Ministry programmes for our National Qqualification students at level 4 and 5. NMIT enroled students

benefit from all the support services offered at and by NMIT.

                              Your Pathway
             Life                               Leadership                               Purpose

                             THE SKY’S THE LIMIT!
     Pathways from ALC can lead you to further education in ministry including Bachelor of Ministry or
     Bachelor of Theology. It can also be a platform to launch you into a variety of professional fields
      including social work, nursing, business management, production and media, plus many more.

                                              LEVEL 6
     Equips students with the skills needed to lead and exert influence amongst other ministry leaders.
               Graduates will be equipped with the skills they need for a wide range of key
                                   leadership and senior ministry roles.

                                             LEVEL 5
      Take your leadership training to the next level. Build on what you learned in your first year while
     expanding your understanding of the Bible and theology. You’ll now start adding team and people
      leadership to your ministry and transferable skill set, whilst continuing to grow in your area of
                                           ministry or vocation.

                                              LEVEL 4
       Establish a solid Biblical foundation combined with exciting transferable skills, leadership and
         ministry training with lots of hands-on opportunities to put what you learn into practice.

Contact us
We encourage students to indicate interest to ALC before actually applying. An ‘intention to apply’ form can
be found on our website at: In this manner we will
inform you immediately of any change in fees or any other pertinent information prior to enrolment.



  CALL: 03 547 7371
Ready for you.

Annesbrook Leadership College
40 Saxton Road West
Nelson 7011
New Zealand

Online                          Phone
Email:   Phone: 03 547 7371
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