A Guide for Grade 8 Students and Parents - CCI Guidance

Page created by Arnold Shaw
A Guide for Grade 8 Students and Parents - CCI Guidance
A Guide for Grade 8 Students and Parents

D ecoding a Course Code
 Decoding a Timetable
  Selecting a Stream
A ssessing Your Learning Skills
 How to Prepare for a Career
  Specialist High Skills Major and Dual Credits      Educating for Success!
   The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
                          1 Message from the Director of Education,
                             Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board

                          2 Terms and Definitions
                          3 The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
                          4 Decoding a Course Code
                          5 Skills for Success
                          6 Plan for Success
                          7 Planning Your Future
                          8 Helpful Tips
                        10 Plan Ahead for Grades 11 & 12
                        11 Explore Your Pathways
                        12 21st Century Learning
                        13 KPR Learners Are...

    “   Let us make our future now, and let us
        		        make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.
        							~ Malala Yousafza

2                                                                        Educating for Success!
     We are excited that your child is entering secondary school in our Board with our vision to…
     “…educate students to excel in learning, to succeed in life and to enrich our communities.”
     We are proud that our Board offers a full range of academic programs in caring and nurturing environments that
     encourage our students to achieve their personal best.
     We have a strong, committed and dedicated secondary team in every high school to support our students
     in their transition. You will find Guidance teachers to advise students on course selections; Student Success
     teachers who can support students in making connections; Special Education departments and thriving peer
     mentorship programs.
     We are fortunate to be able to provide many opportunities to support the grade 8 to grade 9 transition. All of our
     grade 8 classrooms are able to visit their high school a number of times throughout the year. Grade 8 Open
     House evenings are also an important component of our partnership with you as you learn about high school
     life, including program offerings and extracurricular experiences.
     High schools also provide students with more opportunities to customize their learning experience and build on
     their strengths and interests through a variety of new and enhanced learning options. Our secondary schools
     are excited to provide students with diverse programs and experiential learning, such as the Ontario Youth
     Apprenticeship Program (OYAP), Coop placements and Dual Credits offered in later years.
     Parents continue to play a critical role in the lives of their children in high school. Highlighting the importance
     education plays in providing the best life choices for your child is paramount to their success. Working in
     partnership with the school in supporting your child with effective work habits, time management, and regular
     attendance will all serve to support a wonderful experience for them.
     I wish you great success in your journey to high school.

     Jennifer Leclerc
     Director of Education

www.kprschools.ca                                                                                                          3
Terms and
    Listed below are terms and definitions commonly used in Secondary School.

    Community                All students in Ontario are required to complete forty hours of service to
    Involvement Hours        non-profit community agencies as part of their Ontario Secondary School
                             Diploma (OSSD) requirements.
    Compulsory Course        Refers to 18 specific courses students must take, and fulfills part of the 30
                             credit Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements (OSSD).
    Course Code              This six character code describes the subject, grade level and course type
                             or destination of a secondary school course.
    Course Type              Compulsory Grade 9 and 10 course types can be taken as Academic,
                             Applied or Locally Developed types of courses.
    Credit                   A credit value of 1.0 is granted upon successfully completing a 110-hour
                             course with a minimum mark of 50%.
    Destination Courses      Compulsory Grade 11 and 12 courses can be taken in the university,
                             university/college, college or school-to-work destinations.
    Dual Credit              A program that will allow students to earn a college credit while in high
    EQAO Literacy Test       The literacy test is written in Grade 10. A student must pass the literacy
                             requirement to earn the OSSD.
    EQAO Math Test           Students in Grade 9 Applied and Academic stream classes will complete
                             an EQAO Math Assessment as part of their Grade 9 course.
    Exams                    Students may write an exam, which tests their knowledge on the entire
                             course work, at or near the end of the semester.
    Optional Courses         Students will select 12 courses that are of specific interest to them and
                             which will count towards the 30 credit Ontario Secondary School Diploma
                             (OSSD) requirements.
    OSSD                     The Ontario Secondary School Diploma is granted after fulfilling all
                             necessary credits, literacy and community volunteer hours requirements.
    Prerequisite Course      Refers to a specific course you must successfully complete before taking
                             another course at the next grade level.
    Semester                 The school year is divided into two semesters. A student will usually take
                             four courses in each semester.
    Specialist High Skills   A program that will allow students to specialize in an area of interest.
    Timetable                A timetable outlines the time, room number, lunch period, teacher and
                             semester in which you will take all of your courses.

4                                                                                    Educating for Success!
Ontario Secondary
                                                                                                       School Diploma (OSSD)
                                                                                                         The OSSD
     Ontario Secondary School Diploma Requirements
                                                                                                         The OSSD is the diploma that
     18 Compulsory                                               Credits             Credits             students work towards achieving in
     Credits                                                    Required            Received
                                                                                                         secondary school. Every Kawartha
     English (one per Grade)*                                        4                                   Pine Ridge District School Board
     Math (three, at least one in Grade 11 or 12)                    3                                   secondary school student must
     Science                                                         2                                   successfully complete the following
     French (Grade 9)                                                1
     Canadian Geography (Grade 9)                                    1                                        3 0 credits – 18 compulsory
                                                                                                               credits and 12 optional credits
     Canadian History (Grade 10)                                     1
                                                                                                               ntario Secondary School
     The Arts                                                        1                                        Literacy Test
     Health and Physical Education                                   1                                        40 Community Involvement Hours
     Civics (Grade 10)                                              .5
                                                                                                         The diploma allows you to apply to
     Careers (Grade 10)                                             .5                                   university, college, apprenticeship
     Group 1 - Choose one from…                                      1                                   training programs or the workplace.
     Additional credit in English, or French as a second
     language, ** or a Native language, or a classical or                                                The Ontario Secondary
     an international language, or social sciences and                                                   School Certificate (OSSC)
     the humanities, or Canadian and world studies,
     or guidance and career education, or cooperative                                                    The Ontario Secondary School
     Group 2- Choose one from…                                       1
                                                                                                         Certificate will be granted on request
                                                                                                         to students who leave school before
     Additional credit in health and physical education,
     or the arts, or business studies, or French as a
                                                                                                         earning the Ontario Secondary
     second language,** or cooperative education***                                                      School Diploma, provided that they
     Group 3- Choose one from…                                       1                                   have earned a minimum of 14 credits
     Additional credit in science (Grade 11 or 12), or                                                   distributed as follows:
     technological education, or French as a second
     language,**or computer studies, or cooperative                                                         Compulsory credits (total of 7)
     education***                                                                                           2 English

     12 Optional Credits                                                                                    1 Canadian Geography or History
     12 Optional Credits †                                                                                  1 Mathematics
     Other Requirements                                                                                     1 Science
     Ontario Secondary School Literacy test taken in                                                        1 Health and Physical Education
     Grade 10
                                                                                                            1 The Arts or Technological
     40 Community Volunteer Hours Completed over
     four years                                                                                               Education
        * A maximum of three credits in English as a second language (ESL) or English literacy
           development (ELD) may be counted towards the four compulsory credits in English, but the      Optional credits (total of 7) seven
           fourth must be a credit earned for a Grade 12 compulsory English course.                      optional courses selected by the
      ** In groups 1, 2, and 3, a maximum of two credits in French as a second language can count       student
         as compulsory credits, one from group 1 and one from either group 2 or group 3.
     *** A maximum of two credits in cooperative education can count as compulsory credits.
       † The 12 optional credits may include up to four credits earned through approved dual credit

www.kprschools.ca                                                                                                                                 5
Decoding a
     Course Code                                                                           ENG                                1P1
    Course codes
    reflect government
    stipulations across the      These letters identify the subject.    This number                  This letter identifies         This school
    Province.                    Subject Codes – the first letter       identifies the grade.        the course type or             indicator is used to
                                 in the course code denotes the                                      destination.                   distinguish course
                                                                        1 Grade 9
    All courses have the         course’s department area                                                                           characteristics.
    first five characters        A Arts                                                            Grade 9-10
                                                                        2 Grade 10                                                 1 Common code
    as mandated by the           B B usiness                                                       D Academic
    Ministry of Education        C C   anadian & World Studies                                      P Applied                      B B
                                 E E nglish                           3 Grade 11
    and a sixth character                                                                            L Locally Developed
                                 F French                                                                                         G Girls
    for school use:                                                                                  O Open
                                 G Guidance & Career                   4 Grade 12
                                      Education                                                      Grade 11-12                    5 Half Credit
                                 H Humanities & Social                                              C College
                                      Sciences                                                                                      F French
                                 L International Languages                                         E Workplace
                                 M Mathematics                                                     M University/College
                                 P P hysical Education                                             O Open
                                 S S ciences                                                       U University
                                 T Technology

       Decoding a
                                                                                          SCH                                 4C1
    Semester 1 - September - January                                                                  Semester 2 - February - June
     Period        Day 1         Day 2                                                                 Period            Day 1           Day 2
                                                     Course Code &     Identifies
     Period 1      PPL1OG-03     PPL1OG-03                                                             Period 1          PPL1OG-03     PPL1OG-03
     08:17-09:31   Fernandes, S. Fernandes, S.       Section           the Period
                                                                                                       08:17-09:31       Fernandes, S. Fernandes, S.
     Sem. 1        129           129                                                                   Sem. 2            129           129
     Term 1                                                                                            Term 1
     Period 2      ENG1D1-02     ENG1D1-02                             Class Time – 75 minutes         Period 2          BTT1O1-02       BTT1O1-02
     09:36-10:50   Moore, J.     Moore, J.                             with usually 5-10 minutes       09:36-10:50       Tracy, K.       Tracy, K.
     Sem. 1        158           158                  Name                                             Sem. 2            233             233
                                                                       travel time between classes
     Term 1                                                                                            Term 1
     Lunch                                                             Lunch – Students have           Lunch
     10:50-11:44                                                       lunch between periods 2         10:50-11:44
     Sem. 1                                                                                            Sem. 2
     Term 1                                                            and 3 for approximately
                                                                                                       Term 1
                                                                       45 - 60 minutes
     Period 3      FSF1D1-02     CGC1D1-03                                                             Period 3          MPM1D1-05       SNC1D1-06
     11:44-12:58   Kennedy, C.   Keith, R.           Room                                              11:44-12:58       MacDonald,      Pegutter, B.
     Sem. 1        220           210                                                                   Sem. 2            B.              247
     Term 1                                          Number                                            Term 1            239
     Period 4      CGC1D1-03     FSF1D1-02                                                             Period 4          SNC1D1-06       MPM1D1-05
     13:03-14:17   Keith, R.     Kennedy, C.                                                           13:03-14:17       Pegutter, B.    MacDonald,
     Sem. 1        210           220                                                                   Sem. 2            247             B.
     Term 1                                                                                            Term 1                            239

        Each high school may have different start and end times, and different lunch times.

6                                                                                                                     Educating for Success!
Skills for Success
     Learning skills are likely pretty familiar to you from the report cards you’ve received all through elementary
     school. These skills are very important, as demonstrating them will increase your ability to learn and be
     successful at school.
     Read through the skills below - where are your strengths? Where might you want to improve?

                         Responsibility                                                 Organization
      I can:                                                        I can:
      • fulfil responsibilities and commitments                    • devise and follow a plan for completing work and tasks;
      • complete and submit class work, homework, and              • establish priorities and manage time
         assignments                                                • identify, gather, evaluate, and use information, technology,
      • take responsibility for and manage own behaviour.             and resources to complete tasks

        Independent                                                                                 Self-Regulation
           Work                                                                                 I can:
      I can:                                                                                    • set goals and monitor my progress;
      • independently monitor,                                                                 • ask for clarification or assistance;
         assess, and revise                                                                     • assess and reflect critically
         plans to complete tasks                                                                   on my strengths, needs, and
         and meet goals;                                                                           interests;
      • use class time                                                                         • identify opportunities, and
         appropriately to                                                                          strategies to meet my needs and
         complete tasks;                                                                           achieve my goals;
      • follow instructions with                                                               • persevere and make an effort
         minimal supervision                                                                       when challenged

                          Collaboration                                                     Initiative
      I can:                                                        I can:
      • accept various roles and a fair share of group work        • look for and act on new ideas and opportunities for learning;
      • respond positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and     • be willing to innovate;
         traditions of others;                                      • take risks;
      • build healthy peer-to-peer relationships                   • be curious and interested in learning;
      • work with others to resolve conflicts & build consensus    • approach new tasks with a positive attitude;
      • share information, resources, and expertise                • recognize and advocates appropriately for myself and
      • promote critical thinking to solve problems and make          others

 “    Build good habits for study and work early on; get involved in extra
      curriculars you enjoy and others you’ve never tried. Never hesitate
      to ask for help.
                                    ”                  ~Grade 12 Graduate Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School

www.kprschools.ca                                                                                                                         7
Plan for Success!                                                                Applied “P”
                                                                                * Learn essential concepts                  Locally Developed “L”
                                                                                   of a subject                              * L earn essential concepts of a
                                                                                * Practical, hands-on                          subject
        What is a ‘Pathway?’                                                       application                               * P ractical, hands-on application
                                                                                * Greater teacher direction,                * B  uild life-skills within subject
        A Pathway is made up of the courses you choose,                           instruction & guided                        * S maller class sizes for
                                                                                  learning                                       increased teacher support
        and the opportunities you take advantage of, to get                                                                       (recommended for those with
        to a destination after high school. Remember that                                                                         specific learning needs)
        the courses you choose in Grade 9 don’t restrict your               Academic “D”
        pathway - it is possible to change your pathway as you             * L earn essential concepts
        progress through high school. You will learn and grow in              of a subject and explore
                                                                                                                             You can change course types.
                                                                              related materials
        your four years of high school, and your pathway should                                                              In math, to move to from Grade
                                                                           * Emphasis on theory and                         9 Applied to Grade 10 Academic,
        reflect that!                                                         abstract thinking as basis                     there is a 0.5 transfer course
                                                                              of future learning                              you will need to take.
        Which one do I choose?                                             * Students are comfortable                        Your courses don’t all need to be
                                                                             with independent learning                        the same type. Take the types
        Choosing a course type can be an intimidating decision                                                                that best suit your interests and
        for Grade 8’s coming into Grade 9. There are lots of                                                                  abilities
                                                                                        Open “O”
        choices. Know that there are many pathways to similar                           * L earn concepts and skills
        destinations, and it is just as important to build self-                           designed to prepare for
        esteem and confidence as it is to build academic skills.                           further study in the subject
        Choosing the best type of course to maximize on your
                                                                                         * Appropriate for all learners
        strengths as a learner is a good way to approach your                            * O ptional courses in Grade
        course selection. Your timetable can be a mix of course                             9 offered as “Open” courses
        types, and you can move between course types in many
        subject areas!
        Talk to your teacher, the guidance team at your new high
        school and your parents/guardians as you decide.

      Pathways to
                         Applied Courses                                Academic                     Locally Developed
    Grades 9 & 10              “P”                                     Courses “D”                     Courses “L”
                                                                                                                                          students can be
                                                                                                                                          *Success comes
                                                                                                                                           in many forms
                                              Mixed Courses
                                              (College & University)                                                                      *There are many
    Grades 11 & 12                                                                                                                          pathways to
                         College Courses                                University                        Workplace                           success
                               “C”                                     Courses “U”                       Courses “E”

                             College                                                                                                           All Pathways
    Post Secondary
                          (Diploma & Degree                             University                          College
                              Programs)                                                                                                         lead to the
    Destinations                                                         College                         (Workplace Entry)
                            University                                 Apprenticeship                    Apprenticeship                        Workplace!

8                                                                                                                      Educating for Success!
Planning for
                                                                                                  Your Future
     Your Individual Pathway                                       Career Cruising
     It’s not always easy to answer the question, “What do         At KPR, we use Career Cruising, a web-based
     you want to do after high school?” when you’re in grade       planning tool, to explore strengths, interests, education
     8. You have lots of options available to you, and you         options and career goals. It is also the tool you will
     definitely have time to make those choices before you         use to select your courses for Grade 9!
     graduate. It is important to begin to understand who          Go to www.careercruising.com and enter your
     you are, how you learn and what you are interested            username (KPR-student number).
     in, so you can set goals and explore possibilities for
     your future. Education and Career Life Planning isn’t         Start exploring who YOU are! Take the Matchmaker
     always about finding a straight line to the career of your    Quiz and explore your learning styles by Clicking on
     dreams, but about exploring the important questions -         “Explore My Interests”
     Who am I? What are my opportunities? Who do I want            Map your courses for high school using the course planner.
     to become? Then use what you learn about yourself to
                                                                   Course Planner
     make a plan and achieve your goals.
     Since Grade 7, you have been encouraged to
     document this journey in your Individual Pathways
     Plan (IPP) in Career Cruising. This plan allows you to
     track your accomplishments; document your abilities
     and interests and research possible pathways for after
     high school.
     All students from Grades 7 - 12 are required to
     maintain a digital IPP and to review and update it at least
     twice each year.
     Although you are encouraged to maintain your
     IPP independently, the teachers at your school will
     regularly provide you with opportunities to explore
     these four questions. Reflect on them and what they
     mean for who you want to become!

                                                                            Things to Consider:
                                                                            ● What you like
                                                                            ● What you’re good at
                                                                            ● The way you like to learn
                                                                            ● Possible pathways to jobs you might enjoy
                                                                            ● Skills you might need to learn

www.kprschools.ca                                                                                                               9
Helpful Tips and
       Entering secondary school is a very exciting time for students but it can also lead to some anxiety. The following
       are tips suggested by present secondary school students to help you get started.

                                               Tips from Graduates
                                               “Don’t be afraid to try new things and make new friends. It’s important to join
                                                clubs and get involved with the activities going on in high school.” ~Grade 12
                                                Graduate (Campbellford District High School)
                                               “Don’t have your mind set on becoming one thing right away- take your time
                                                to discover your skills before committing to a career. You have as much time
                                                as you need.” ~Grade 12 Graduate (Courtice Secondary School)
                                               “Embrace all of the opportunities high school has to offer! Strive to be
                                                someone who has character, because grades are not the only things that
                                                matter.” ~Grade 12 Graduate (Clarington Central Secondary School)

                                               Make sure travel arrangements to and from school are organized.
                                               If you are eligible for busing, find out your pick up and drop off times and
                                               location prior to the start of school. Have back up travel arrangements in
                                               case you miss the bus or have to stay after school. If you have questions,
                                               call (705) 748-5500 or 1-800-757-0307 or visit www.stsco.ca (bus cancellation).

                                               Use an agenda (electronic or paper) so that you can develop good
                                               study habits and practice organizational skills.
                                               Set aside a particular time to study and find somewhere private and quiet
                                               to do so. Work out a daily timetable that incorporates all your needs and
                                               Extracurricular clubs, volunteer hours, sports, and even favourite TV
                                               programs are all part of your daily schedule, which needs to be kept
                                               organized. Include these activities in your agenda in addition to homework
                                               time, assignment due dates, upcoming tests and exam dates. It is important
                                               that you complete and submit all assessments as required.

                                               Attend the Orientation Days arranged by your Secondary School.
                                               Watch for information in your school’s newsletters about parent information
                                               nights, teacher visits, school orientation days and welcome days (often held
                                               in late August). All of these events are designed to help students prepare for
                                               secondary school.

10                                                                                                Educating for Success!
Helpful Tips and
      School Routines and Timetables
      The school will provide information regarding start/end times and basic        Helpful Websites
      routines. Most schools allow 5 -10 minutes to get to your next class.
      Plan your route wisely so you are on time­—late students are disruptive        Math Homework Help
      to all students. Obtain general school supplies during the summer or on        https://homeworkhelp.ilc.org
      school breaks. Teachers will let you know if you need specific course
      supplies on the first day of class. Lunch periods will be included in your     Homework Help is a FREE online
      timetable—plan accordingly to ensure you are not hungry. All secondary         math help resource for students
      schools have cafeterias.                                                       in Grades 7-10. Homework Help
                                                                                     provides FREE, live one-on-one
                                                                                     tutoring from Ontario teachers.
                                                                                     Homework Help is funded by the
      School Fees
                                                                                     Ontario government and administered
      Each school may charge students for co-curricular activities. These activity   by TVO.
      fees may vary from school to school. Students who are experiencing
      financial difficulties are invited to speak to a Guidance Counsellor or        Edsby
      Student Success teacher to access financial support.                           https://kpr.edsby.com/

                                                                                     Edsby is a learning management
                                                                                     system used to promote
      Volunteer Hours                                                                communications and collaboration
      Students may begin to collect the 40 community volunteer hours for their       between K to 12 students, teachers,
      graduation requirement after they complete Grade 8. Each student will          parents and school administrators.
      be given the community involvement guideline. Please call a Guidance
      Counsellor if you have any doubts about the volunteer activity being           Education Quality and
      chosen. Remember that these hours must be completed outside of the             Accountability Office
      school day.                                                                    http://www.eqao.com

                                                                                     Provides students, parents, teachers
                                                                                     and the public accurate and
                                                                                     reliable information about student
      All schools have moved to an automated system for                              achievement.
      reporting student absences called SchoolMessenger.
      You can register at studentabsence.kprdsb.ca or by adding                      Ministry of Education
      the app through Google Play or the Apple App Store. It is important to         http://www.edu.gov.on.ca
      report absences, and to plan for them. While guardians report absences
                                                                                     Provides information on educational
      through SchoolMessenger, students make arrangements with their
                                                                                     policy, curriculum and educational
      teachers for the work they will miss.
                                                                                     issues in Ontario.

                                                                                     Ontario Curriculum Centre
      Locks and Lockers                                                              http://www.curriculum.org
      You will be given your own locker, which is identified by a number. Keep       Provides course curriculum for all
      your lock combination secret to protect the belongings you store in            courses offered in Ontario.
      your locker. Remember to use your locker throughout the day to avoid
      carrying all your books in your school bag. Store some in your locker
      and visit it during the day to exchange books.

www.kprschools.ca                                                                                                           11
Plan Ahead for
 Grades 11 & 12                                                                                        What is OYAP?
                                                                                                      The Ontario Youth
     Cooperative Education & Experiential Learning                                                 Apprenticeship Program
     Experiential learning programs, such as co-op, OYAP and project-based                        (OYAP) is a school-to-work
     learning, offer students a great opportunity to learn in the classroom,                    program that allows students to
     and to have hands-on learning in the workplace. All students can                           become registered apprentices
                                                                                                     & work towards their
     benefit from this kind of learning, no matter what their pathway is - work,
                                                                                                     diploma while still in
     apprenticeship, college or university.                                                              high school!
     Benefits of Co-op:
        • Develop Employability skills
        • Explore career pathways
        • Gain work experience
        • Earn credits for work in different environments

     Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
     The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM), a province-wide initiative, enables students to customize their high
     school experience to suit their interests and talents. The goal is to prepare for a successful post-secondary
     transition to apprenticeship training, college, university, or employment, while meeting the requirements of the
     Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
     When do students start SHSM?
     Students are able to enter a SHSM based on readiness and alignment of the program with their interests and
     postsecondary goals. Entry should occur no later than Year Three in order for the student to be appropriately
     scheduled into the required courses.

      Students interested in SHSM will be able to:
      Select a bundle of 8-10 credits identified in a Ministry-approved framework, which includes:
       4 MAJOR credits (two Grade 11 credits & two Grade 12 credits with sector-specific connections)
        2 - 4 Required Credits (including English, Science and Math)
         Certifications (such as WHMIS, First Aid, CPR)
          2 credits in Co-Operative Education
           Reach Ahead Experiences (such as industry tours, visits to colleges & universities and trips to training facilities)

     Dual Credit Program
     Dual credits are unique programs that allow high school students to
     earn credits towards their OSSD while also earning credits towards a
     post-secondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification. This is
     a great opportunity to:
        • Familiarity with being on a post-secondary campus
        • Exposure to the types of learning/instruction in post-secondary
        • Gain experience to help them with the transition out of high school
        • Get a head start on their future!

12                                                                                                      Educating for Success!
Explore Your
     How do the courses you take in high school relate to what you want to do after high school? Sometimes the
     hardest conversation is not about what you want to do one day, but about how the things you are interested in -
     and good at - now, can lead to a career in your future.

     Check out these Pathways Resources:
     Scan the QR codes with a QR app on your phone to get directly to each of these websites.

       Real Talk                                  This site can help you connect WHO YOU
       https://www.realtalk.careers/              ARE with WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. Are you
       web#/allTalk                               handy? Do you care about people or animals?
                                                  Explore further to see what types of careers
                                                  people built based on what they love and and
                                                  what they’re good at - and what advice they
                                                  have for following your own path.

       Ontario Universities                       Explore University programs at Ontario’s 20
       http://www.electronicinfo.ca/              Universities - including admission requirement,
                                                  campus information, how to apply and how to
                                                  finance your education.
                                                  Don’t miss the section on Collaborative
                                                  University and College Programs - there are
                                                  lots of post-secondary pathways that combine
                                                  diploma and degree programs!

       Pathways to Apprenticeship                 Did you know that there is an opportunity to
       - Skills Ontario                           ‘earn while you learn’, by receiving training from
       http://www.skillsontario.com/              a Master Tradesperson while on the job. You
       pathways-to-apprenticeship                 can become certified after you complete trade-
                                                  school training and an exam.
                                                  You can also begin apprenticeship training while
                                                  in high school - see www.oyap.ca for more

       Ontario Colleges                           Did you know that you can pursue a college
       https://www.ontariocolleges.ca             education from any high school pathway?
                                                  There are diploma and degree programs at
                                                  many Ontario colleges, as well as college
                                                  programs designed specifically for students
                                                  who graduate with the majority of their courses
                                                  in the Workplace stream. Explore Ontario’s
                                                  25 colleges - including 2400 diverse program
                                                  offerings, how to apply and the answers to
                                                  frequently asked questions on this site!

www.kprschools.ca                                                                                                      13
21st Century
      At Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB, we are providing students with educational
      opportunities to support their learning through the use of technology. With
      the use of digital tools and software, we can offer students expanded learning
      through access to online courses and software in the classroom.
      As students progress through high school, they will have the opportunity to take courses online which they
      can select through their Guidance Counsellor. Registration in eLearning provides access to a wide variety
      of courses from school boards across Ontario. Online courses provide flexibility for students who may have
      conflicts in their schedules or are experiencing other challenges. Courses are written by the Ministry of
      Education and delivered over the internet by certified Ontario teachers.
      The focus of Blended learning is to provide students with the opportunity to make use of technology tools to
      enhance their learning in the classroom. Teachers promote the use of digital tools in research, communication,
      creation and presentation of student learning. These students can access information, communicate with other
      students in their class and submit digital assignments to their teachers.
      In support and extension of Blended learning, Kawartha Pine
      Ridge District School Board has recently opened a portal through
      the use of a new application known as Edsby, to promote parent/
      teacher/student communication, collaboration and feedback. This
      virtual tool can be used by teachers to make the files they would
      like their student’s to access available online and provide a virtual
      space through which parents can view student progress and
      communicate with their child’s teacher. If you haven’t received an
      email to access Edsby, please contact the school office.

         Dates to Keep in Mind…
       November 14
       “Take your Grade 8’s to High School Day”
       Winter 2018/2019
       • Grade 8 Open House nights at the high schools: This is a great opportunity to talk to high school teachers,
          guidance counsellors and administrators about programs, pathways and the exciting activities available in KPR
          secondary schools
       • School Visits: Guidance Counsellors from the high schools will come to you! Ask questions about courses, activities
          and anything else you wonder about. They are coming to you to answer these questions!
       • Course Selections for Grade 9: You will use Career Cruising to select your courses for next year. Talk to your
          Grade 8 teacher and your family and use this guide to make your selections!
       • Transition meetings for Special Education: Students with an IEP will be able to meet with the SERT from their
          secondary school, their parents and their elementary team to plan the transition to high school
       Spring 2019
       • Consider what Community Involvement Activities you might want to begin this summer. If you’re unsure if what
          you’re thinking about is an appropriate choice, call your high school!

14                                                                                                Educating for Success!
KPR Learners Are...
        You are already building skills that will help you be a successful student. Continue to build these skills
        throughout high school - they will be valued by employers, colleges and universities!

    ...Innovators, Creators                               ...Critical Thinkers &                                       ...Collaborators:
         & Entrepeneurs:                                     Problem Solvers:                                   - Participate in teams; establish positive
 - Contribute solutions to complex                  - Solve meaningful, real-life, complex problems;             relationships;
    problems;                                        - Take concrete steps to address issues;                  - Learn from, and contribute to, the
 - Enhance a concept, idea, or a product;                                                                         learning of others;
                                                     - Design and manage projects;
 - Take risks in thinking and creating;                                                                        - Co-construct knowledge, meaning, and
                                                     - Acquire, processes, interpret, and analyse
 - Make discoveres through inquiry                                                                                content
                                                        information to make informed decisions
    research;                                           (critical and digital literacy);                        - Assume various roles on the team;
 - Pursue new ideas to meet a need of a             - Engage in an inquiry process to solve                   - Manage conflict;
    community;                                          problems                                                - Network with a variety of communities/
 - Lead and motivate with an ethical                - Make connections and transfer learning                     groups;
    entrepreneurial spirit.                             from one situation to another.                          - Respect a diversity of perspectives.

       ...Self-Aware & Self-                                     ...Global Citizens:                                  ...Communicators:
        Directed Learners:                               - Contribute to society and the culture of the          - Communicate effectively in different
 - Learn the process of learning (metacognition);         local, global, and digital community in a                contexts in oral and written form in
                                                           responsibile, accountable and ethical manner;            French and/or English;
 -H  ave a growth mindset
                                                         - Engage in local and global initiatives to make        - Communicate using a variety of media;
 -P  ersevere and overcome challenges to
                                                           a difference;                                          - Select appropriate digital tools according
    reach a goal;
                                                         - Learn from and with diverse people;                     to purpose;
 -S  elf-regulate in order to become a lifelong
    learner;                                             - Interact safely and responsibly within a variety      - Listen to understand all points of view;
                                                           of communities;                                        - Gain knowledge about a variety of
 - Reflect on experience to enhance learning;
                                                         - Create a positive digital footprint;                    languages;
 -C  ultivate emotional intelligence to
    understand self and other;                           - Relate to the environment and are mindful of          - Voice their opinions and advocate for
                                                           the importance of all living things.                     ideas.
 - Adapt to change and show resilience to
 -M  anage various aspects of life - physical,
    emotional (relationships, self-awareness),          “Get out there and try stuff out of your comfort
    spiritual, and mental well-being.                     zone, take risks. You might find that you love it!”
                                                        			                                       ~ Grade 12 Graduate (Adam Scott CVI)

www.kprschools.ca                                                                                                                                                 15
Secondary Schools in Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Education Centre, 1994 Fisher Drive, Peterborough, ON, K9J 6X6
Toll free: 1-877-741-4577 or locally (705) 742-9773
The website for every secondary school can be easily accessed through the following address: www.kprschools.ca
Go to the tab that says Our Schools and find any one listed below:

      Adam Scott Collegiate Vocational Institute      175 Langton St. Peterborough, ON K9H 6K3                                       (705) 743-7373

      Bowmanville High School                         49 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville, ON L1C 2L8                                      (905) 623-4416

      Campbellford District High School               #960-119 Ranney St. N. Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0                                (705) 653-3060

      Clarington Central Secondary School             200 Clarington Blvd. Bowmanville, ON L1C 5N8                                   (905) 697-9857

      Clarke High School                              3425 Hwy 35/115 R.R.#8 Newcastle, ON L1B 1L9                                   (905) 987-4771

      Cobourg Collegiate Institute                    335 King St. E. Cobourg, ON K9A 1M2                                            (905) 372-2271

      Courtice Secondary School                       1717 Nash Rd. Courtice, ON L1E 2L8                                             (905) 436-2074

      Crestwood Secondary School                      1885 Sherbrooke Street W. Peterborough K9J 7B1                                 (705) 742-9221

      East Northumberland Secondary School            71 Dundas St. R.R.#3 Brighton, ON K0K 1H0                                      (613) 475-0540

      Kenner Collegiate Vocational Institute          633 Monaghan Rd. S. Peterborough, ON K9J 5J2                                   (705) 743-2181

      Norwood District High School                    P.O. Box 70, 44 Elm St. Norwood, ON K0L 2V0                                    (705) 639-5332

      Port Hope High School                           130 Highland Dr. Port Hope, ON L1A 2A3                                         (905) 885-6346

      Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School              1009 Armour Rd. N. Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1                                    (705) 743-5230

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   Educating for Success!
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   www.kprschools.ca                                                                  Global

                                                                                          All KPR
                                                                                       learners are...
                                                                                                                           Self-aware &
                                                                               Critical Thinkers and                       Self-directed
                                                                                 Problem Solvers                             Learners

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                                                                                                        Creators, and

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