Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world

Page created by Ken Barker
Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
Plugged In:
How Americans
Charge Their Electric Vehicles
Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle
infrastructure demonstration in the world
Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
Building the Laboratory

Widespread adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) has
the potential to significantly reduce our nation’s transportation
petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Barriers to PEV adoption           Chevrolet Volts and more        for researchers to collect
remain, however. One of            than 300 Smart ForTwo           and analyze data from their
the most commonly cited            Electric Drive vehicles in      home charging units and
barriers is the need for places    Car2Go car-sharing fleets       their PEVs. Data also was
for PEV drivers to plug in their   were enrolled in the project.   collected from publicly
vehicles. How many and what                                        accessible charging stations
kind of charging stations are      This project was not just       installed at a wide variety
needed? Where and how              about installing charging       of venues in and between
often do PEV drivers charge?       infrastructure; the pur-        metropolitan areas around
                                   pose was to build a living      the United States.
To answer these questions,         laboratory to study its use
the U.S. Department of             and learn.                      Data collected from vehicles
Energy launched The EV                                             and charging infrastructure
Project and the ChargePoint        To accomplish this, Idaho       over the 3-year project
America project. Combined,         National Laboratory part-       period captured almost 125
these projects form the            nered with the Blink Net-       million miles of driving and
largest PEV infrastructure         work, ChargePoint, General      6 million charging events,
demonstration in the world.        Motors and OnStar, Nissan       providing the most com-
Between Jan. 1, 2011, and          North America, and Car2Go       prehensive view of PEV and
Dec. 31, 2013, this com-           to collect and analyze data     charging usage to date.
bined project installed            from the electric vehicle
nearly 17,000 alternating          charging stations and vehi-     Through partnerships with
current (AC) Level 2 charging      cles enrolled in the project.   states, municipalities, elec-
stations for residential and                                       tric utilities, local business
commercial use and over 100        Private vehicle owners          owners, and numerous other
dual-port direct current (DC)      participating in the project    stakeholders, The EV Project
fast chargers in 22 regions        had an AC Level 2 (240-volt)    and ChargePoint America
across the United States.          charging unit installed in      installed charging stations in
More than 8,000 privately          their residences. In return,    22 regions across the United
owned Nissan Leafs and             they gave written consent       States, shown in Figure 1.

Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
THREE                     Years

                                        8,300                     EVs

                                       125 Million
                                                                  Regions in the U.S.

 Figure 1.                                                        Miles of driving
 Areas where public
 charging infrastructure
 was installed and                                                Primary project partners
 vehicles were enrolled
 in The EV Project and
                                                                  Million charging events
 ChargePoint America.

                               Seattle,                                       Memphis, TN
                               Tacoma, WA
                                                                              Chicago, IL
                                                                              Nashville, TN
        Portland,                                                             Michigan
     Corvallis, OR                                                                                  Boston, MA
                                                                                                    New York City, NY
                                                                                                    Philadelphia, PA
  San Francisco,
Sacramento, CA                                                                                      Washington, DC

Los Angeles, CA                                                                                     Knoxville, TN
                                                                                                    Chattanooga, TN
 San Diego, CA

                                                                                      Atlanta, GA
                     Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                                    Public AC Level 2 charging
                                   Tucson, AZ                                                       stations installed
                                                                           Florida                  Public DC fast chargers installed
                                                 Austin,   Houston, TX
                                                                                                    Chevrolet Volts enrolled
                                         San Antonio, TX
                                                                                                    Nissan Leafs enrolled
                                                           Ft. Worth, TX

Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
What Have We Learned?
With gas stations seemingly      stations can be installed     stations in a wide variety      away-from-home charging
on every block, it would         where gas stations cannot –   of locations, including         locations, and one or more
seem logical to expect           at people’s homes, work-      homes, workplaces, stores,      of these locations was at
that a similarly ubiquitous      places, and destinations      restaurants, gas stations,      work for some drivers.
network of public charging       where their cars spend        and many other venues,
stations would be needed         a long time parked. The       to allow researchers to         This is not to say that public
to refuel, or rather, recharge   project installed AC Level    observe where PEV drivers       charging stations are not
PEVs. However, charging          2 and DC fast charging        charge. Would they plug in      necessary or desirable.
                                                                                               Many DC fast chargers (all
This study is the largest plug-in electric vehicle                                             of which were accessible
                                                                                               to the public) experienced
infrastructure demonstration in the world.                                                     heavy use to support both
                                                                                               in-town and inter-city
                                                               around town at the nearest      driving. Also, a relatively
                                                               charging station, following     small number of public AC
                                                               the pattern they followed       Level 2 public charging
                                                               with the gas-powered cars       sites saw consistently high
                                                               they grew up with, or would     use. This begs the question:
                                                               they adopt a new refueling      what is it about the small
                                                               paradigm and charge at the      number of highly used
                                                               few places where they park      charging sites that led to
                                                               their cars for the longest      their popularity?
                                                               periods of time?
                                                                                               There was some correlation
                                                               The answer was clear:           between public charging
                                                               despite the installation of     location characteristics and
                                                               extensive public charging       utilization. Public Level 2
                                                               infrastructure in most of the   charging stations installed
                                                               project areas, the majority     in locations where vehicles
                                                               of charging was done at         were typically parked for
                                                               home and work. About half       longer periods of time
                                                               the project participants        often were, in fact, among
                                                               charged at home almost          those most often used.
                                                               exclusively. Of those           These locations included
                                                               who charged away from           shopping malls, airports
                                                               home, the vast majority         and commuter lots, and
                                                               favored three or fewer          downtown parking lots or
Photo courtesy of ChargePoint

Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
garages with easy access        highly utilized charging       locations that did not
                    to a variety of venues. Also,   sites in almost every region   experience much use.
                    not surprisingly, public        and at venues that did not
                    charging station utilization    seem to be well-suited for     In the end, it is apparent
                    was higher in regions with      charging. Conversely, there    that the exact factors that
                    higher PEV sales. However,      were also many charging        determine what makes a
                    there were examples of          sites in seemingly ideal       public charging station
                                                                                   popular are predominantly
To support PEV driving, charging infrastructure should be                          More research is needed
focused at home, workplaces, and in public “hot spots” where                       to pinpoint these local
                                                                                   factors. Nevertheless, to
demand for Level 2 or DC fast charging stations is high.                           support PEV driving, the

Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
project demonstrated that       host, but when they were        drivers of the Chevrolet         The next section of this
charging infrastructure         used, they provided a vital     Volt, an extended-range          report provides the basis
should be focused at home,      function to the driver.         electric vehicle, tended to      for these conclusions by
workplaces, and in public                                       charge more frequently           summarizing what we have
“hot spots” where demand        Regardless of motiva-           and to more fully deplete        learned about…
for Level 2 or DC fast          tion for installing public      their vehicle’s battery than
                                                                                                 • PEV driving patterns and
charging stations is high.      charging infrastructure, the    drivers of the Nissan Leaf,
                                                                                                   charging preferences

                                                                                                 • Away-from-home
Public and workplace charging infrastructure enabled
                                                                                                   charging for range
drivers to increase their electric driving range, although                                         extension

most drivers did not charge away from home frequently.                                           • Workplace charging

                                                                                                 • Public charging station
Naturally, there are excep-     project found that public       a battery electric vehicle.        use
tions to this rule. There       charging stations were          This allowed the overall
                                                                                                 • Charging at home
may be reasons for an           more expensive to install       group of Volts studied to
organization to install         than residential and work-      average nearly as many           • Charging infrastructure
public charging stations        place units. Installation       electric vehicle (EV) mode         installation costs.
even if they are not used,      costs also varied widely        miles traveled as the Leafs
such as to attract a certain    by region and by venue.         in the project. Finally, based   The final section of this
customer demographic,           This further emphasizes         on observed charging             report provides examples
communicate a “green”           the benefit of focusing the     patterns, the project found      of how the findings of this
image, or encourage PEV         bulk of charging infrastruc-    that there are opportunities     project have helped organi-
adoption. The project did       ture at home, work, and         to use pricing structures        zations promote or prepare
not study the effectiveness     strategic public charging       and other policies to            for PEV adoption.
of charging infrastructure      locations.                      manage demand for PEV
in meeting these goals.                                         charging, both in terms of
Additionally, DC fast char-     The project shed light on       charging station through-
gers along travel corridors     other facets of PEV use.        put at charging hot spots
were found to effectively       It found that public and        and electricity demand on
enable long-distance range      workplace charging infra-       the electric grid.
extension for battery elec-     structure enabled drivers to
tric vehicles. These chargers   increase their electric driv-
were not typically used         ing range, although most
frequently so their value is    drivers did not charge away
hard to quantify from the       from home frequently. It
perspective of the charger      was also discovered that

Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
What have we learned about PEV driving
     patterns and charging preferences?
     By focusing on data                         Volt drivers averaged only              vehicles like the Leaf and
     collected in 2012 and                       6% fewer EV miles per year              range-extended electric
     2013 from over 4,000 Leafs                  than Leaf drivers, despite              vehicles like the Volt, which
     and 1,800 Volts across the                  having less than half as                has an internal combus-
     United States, the project                  much battery energy stor-               tion engine that allows
     provided insights into how                  age capacity. There were                the vehicle to continue
     PEV early adopters drove                    two reasons for this. First,            driving after the battery

     and charged their vehicles.                 Volt drivers tended to fully

     Volt drivers averaged only 6% fewer EV miles per year than
     Leaf drivers, despite having less than half as much battery
     energy storage capacity.

     Volt drivers averaged slightly              deplete their batteries prior           is depleted. Second, Volt
     more miles traveled annually                to recharging, whereas Leaf             drivers plugged in more
     than the 2013 national aver-                drivers favored recharging              often than Leaf drivers.
     age, while the Leafs studied                with significant charge                 Volts were charged an
     were driven noticeably less                 left in their batteries. This           average of 1.5 times on
     than the national average                   is an expected difference               each day the vehicle was
     (see Table 1).                              between pure electric                   driven, whereas Leafs were
                                                                                         charged 1.1 times per day
                                                                                         driven, on average. Much
      Table 1
                                                                                         of the difference between
                                                                          National       Leaf and Volt charging fre-
                                               Leaf          Volt         Average1       quency is attributed to the
      Average annual vehicle                                                             fact that Volts were charged
      miles traveled                          9,697         12,238          11,346       more often during the day
      Average annual electric                                                            at home.
      vehicle miles traveled                  9,697          9,112              –
       Office of Highway Policy Information, Federal Highway Administration, “Highway

       Statistics 2013-Table VM-1,” January, 2015,

Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
Average driving distance                                                                seasonal variation in
                                                    and charging frequency                                                                  average monthly distance
                                                    were consistent over time                                                               traveled for the last 15
                                                    as the number of vehicles                                                               months of the project.
                                                    reporting data increased,                                                               Charging frequency (not
                                                    with only slight seasonal                                                               shown) followed the same
                                                    variation. Figure 2 shows                                                               up-and-down trend.

                                         1,200                                                                                                                                                                               Figure 2.
Average distance driven per month (mi)

                                                            Volt average monthly VMT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Average monthly vehicle miles
                                         1,000                                                                                                                                                                               traveled varied seasonally
                                                                                                            Leaf average monthly eVMT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             but was otherwise consistent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             over time.
                                                                                                                     Volt average monthly eVMT



                                                 Oct 2012
                                                             Nov 2012
                                                                        Dec 2012
                                                                                   Jan 2013
                                                                                              Feb 2013
                                                                                                         Mar 2013
                                                                                                                    April 2013
                                                                                                                                 May 2013
                                                                                                                                             June 2013
                                                                                                                                                         July 2013
                                                                                                                                                                     Aug 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                Sept 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                            Oct 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nov 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dec 2013

Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world
Preference for charging             Over the weekend, daytime      spread their charging across
                              frequency and location              charging preference for        many locations, but most
                              Overall, Leaf and Volt              both Leafs and Volts shifted   had just a few favorite
                              drivers performed most              slightly from away-from-       places to charge outside of
                              of their charging at home           home locations to at home.     home (see Figure 4). Many
                              (see Figure 3). Nearly all          Overnight charging pat-        drivers performed a vast
                              overnight charging was at           terns remained the same on     majority of their away-from-
                              home. Daytime charging              weekdays versus weekend        home charging at only one
                              was split between home              days, with both groups of      location. Much of this can
                              and other locations, includ-        vehicles averaging a charge    be attributed to workplace
                              ing work.                           nearly every night.            charging.

                                                                  Drivers of 5% of Volts and
             Away                                 Away            13% of Leafs only ever
             16%                                  13%
    Leaf                            Volt                          charged at home, and
                                                                  about half the drivers
                                                                  charged away from home
       Home 84%                         Home 87%                  less than 5% of the time.
                                                                  Of the drivers that charged
                                                                  away from home, some

           Figure 3.
           Leaf and Volt drivers performed most
           of their charging at home.

                                                            Number of away-from-home
                                                            locations where drivers did most
                                 77%                        of their charging
                                                                                                 Figure 4.
                                                                Volt drivers
                                                                Leaf drivers                     92% of Volt drivers and 77% of
                                                                                                 Leaf drivers did most (at least
                                                                                                 80%) of their away-from-home
                                                                                                 charging at three or fewer

                                                           2%      3%                     4%
                                 3 or fewer            4                5        More than 5

Preference for charging            of using any charging         Each driver used a different   stations. For Leaf drivers
equipment                          equipment available to        mix of charging equipment      charging away from home
Both the Leaf and the              them.                         types when charging away       in areas where DC fast char-
Volt come with AC Level 1                                        from home, depending on        gers were installed, some
charging cords. They are           For the Volts collectively,   their preference and what      chose to only charge using
also compatible with AC            about half of away-from-      was available. Some Volt       Level 1 or Level 2 charging
Level 2 charging stations          home charging was done        drivers chose only Level 1     equipment, some mixed
that use SAE J1772-                using Level 2 equipment.      charging, which includes       Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast
compliant connectors.              The other half was Level 1    standard 120-volt outlets,     charging, and a small num-
All Leafs enrolled in the          charging using a dedicated    while others chose a mix       ber of drivers only charged
project also were capable          charging station or a stan-   of Level 1 and Level 2         using DC fast chargers (see
of charging using DC fast          dard 120-volt outlet.         charging. Some only ever       Figure 5).
chargers with CHAdeMO-                                           used Level 2 charging
compliant connectors. All          For Leafs, 8% of away-from-
project participants had           home charging events
a Level 2 charging unit            was performed using DC
installed in their homes.          fast chargers. The rest was
When charging away from            AC Level 1 or AC Level 2
home, they had the option          charging.

                            VOLT                                                                  LEAF

   6 54 40  %                      %                     %
                                                                          63 36 1      %                     % %

 Level 1 only         Level 1 and            Level 2 only                Level 1 or             Level 1 or      DCFC only
                        Level 2                                         Level 2 only             Level 2
                                                                                                and DCFC

Figure 5.
How Volt and Leaf drivers
charging away from home
chose between charging equip-
ment types.

What have we learned about away-from-home
                                               charging for range extension?

                                               PEV drivers who plugged in away from home tended to
                                               drive more EV miles (see Table 2). In fact, drivers who fre-
                                               quently used away-from-home charging stations averaged
                                               72% more daily miles on electricity alone than drivers who
 Away-from-                                                                                             home charging
home charging                                  never charged away from home.
  Table 2
 Tendency to charge away
 from home:                                          Never      Sometimes2              Frequently3 Most of the time4
 Leaf average daily driving
                                                       25             31                     43                   32
 distance (mi)
 Volt average daily driving
                                                       25             29                     40           20% 26
 distance in EV mode (mi)
  >0 to 30% of all charging events      3
                                            >30 to 60% of all charging events   4
                                                                                    >60% of all charging events
                  20%                                                         All vehicles
                                               However, most drivers did not charge away from home
                                               frequently (see Table 3), so the overall contribution to EV
                    All vehicles               miles traveled was small.
  Table 3                                                                                                                     Figure 6.
 Tendency to charge away                                                                                                      A small fraction of vehicles were
 from home:                                         Never       Sometimes2             Frequently3       Most of the time4    responsible for the majority of
 Percent of Leafs                                    13%             69%                    14%                   4%          away-from-home charging.
 Percent of Volts                                     5%             81%                    13%                   1%
     >0 to 30% of all charging events   >30 to 60% of all charging events
                                        3                                       4
                                                                                    >60% of all charging events
                                                                                                                                          All vehicles
                                               Overall, 20% of the vehicles studied were responsible
                                               for 75% of the away-from-home charging. Much of
                                               this away-from-home charging can be                                                 20%
                                               attributed to workplace charging
                                               (see Figure 6).


What have we learned about workplace

A subgroup of project          charging events either at      home. This increased use
participants was identified    home or work and only 2%       of public charging on the
that had access to both        at other locations. Charging   weekend suggests that
home and workplace             at work was free for many      public charging still plays a
charging. Consistent with      of these drivers, which may    role in these drivers’ travel
conventional wisdom, Leaf      have been one reason why       routines.

and Volt drivers with access   they frequently charged
to home and work charging      there.
performed the vast majority
of their charging at those     On weekends and other
locations (see Figure 7).      days when they did not
                               go to work, Leaf drivers
Considering only days          averaged 8% of their
when drivers went to work,     charging events at locations   Of charging events were
the effect is even more        other than home and Volt
                                                              performed at home and work
pronounced. PEV drivers        drivers averaged 11% of
performed 98% of their         their charging away from       on work days.
                         Other                  Other
                          4%                     3%

                                                              Figure 7.
                                                              Volt (left) and Leaf (right)
                          Work                  Work
                          39%                   32%           drivers with access to home and
                                                              workplace charging performed
                                                              nearly all of their charging at
                                                              those locations.

                         Home                   Home
   Volt                  57%                    65%                    Leaf

Range extension from         On days when Leaf drivers       Workplace charging as
                  workplace charging           had to charge at work in        a substitute for home
                  Workplace charging was       order to complete their         charging
                  found to be an effective     daily commute, workplace        About 30% of drivers only
                  range extender, allowing     charging provided an            charged at work on most
                  some Leaf owners to drive    average of 15 miles of range    days. This shows that
                  their Leaf to work even on   extension required to make      workplace charging could
                  days when their round-trip   it home. The entire daily       make PEVs viable for people
                  commute exceeded the         commute on these days,          without access to home
                  vehicle’s range based on     which averaged 73 miles,        charging.
                  home charging alone (see     arguably was enabled by
                                                                               Management of

                  below).                      workplace charging.
                                                                               workplace charging

                                               Volt drivers saw similar        PEV drivers demonstrated
                                               electric range-extending        that they adjust their
                                               benefits from workplace         charging habits based
     OF DRIVERS DROVE A LEAF TO WORK EVEN      charging. On days when          on conditions, such as
     THOUGH THEY COULD NOT MAKE IT BACK        Volt drivers’ commutes were     fees and rules for use.

     HOME UNLESS THEY CHARGED AT WORK.         long enough to require a        Not surprisingly, drivers
                                               charge at work in order to      were less likely to plug
                                               complete the commute on         in at work if they had
                                               electricity alone, workplace    to pay to charge or if
     OF LEAF DRIVERS COULD COMPLETE THEIR      charging provided an addi-      they were required to
     DIRECT COMMUTE WITHOUT CHARGING AT        tional 18.5 miles of EV driv-   move their vehicle after
     WORK, BUT THEIR ROUTINE ON MOST DAYS      ing, on average. On these       charging (and that rule
     REQUIRED THEM TO DRIVE ADDITIONAL DIS-    days, round-trip commutes       was enforced). PEV drivers
     TANCE, WHICH NECESSITATED CHARGING AT     averaged 62 miles, with 57      also showed a willingness

     WORK IN ORDER TO MAKE IT HOME.            miles of EV range.              to use communication

                                                                               tools, such as social
                                               Leaf and Volt drivers with      media, to coordinate the
                                               known access to workplace       use of charging stations
                                               charging in this study aver-    with other employees.
                                               aged 23% and 26% higher         At work sites studied,
                                               annual EV miles traveled        there also was a culture
     OF LEAF DRIVERS RELIED ON WORK-           than the overall groups         of common courtesy and
     PLACE CHARGING ON AT LEAST ONE DAY        of vehicles in the project,     willingness to follow local
     A MONTH TO COMPLETE THEIR DAILY           respectively (see Figure 8).    practices, such as a driver
     COMMUTES.                                                                 plugging in a neighboring

car after unplugging his
    vehicle. In many cases,
    this self-management
    by employers led to
    exceptionally high
    charging station utilization
    and opportunity for a large
    number of employees to
    charge regularly.

                                                                        Photo courtesy of Facebook

                                 14,000                                                                                                                     Figure 8.
                                                                                                                          VMT                               Volt and Leaf drivers with
Annual vechicle miles traveled

                                                                                                  12,238                                                    access to home charging and
                                                                                                   VMT                                                      workplace charging (WPC)
                                                                                                                                                            had considerably higher
                                                    9,697                  11,882                 9,112                  11,448                 11,346
                                  8,000                                                                                                                     annual electric vehicle miles
                                                    eVMT                    eVMT                  eVMT                    eVMT                   VMT
                                                                                                                                                            traveled (eVMT) than the overall
                                  6,000                                                                                                                     project averages, and their eVMT
                                                                                                                                                            exceeded the national average
                                  4,000                                                                                                                     annual total vehicle miles
                                                                                                                                                            traveled (VMT).

                                                  All Leafs             Leafs with              All Volts             Volts with             National
                                                                           WPC                                          WPC                  average5
                                                                          access                                       access
                                              Office of Highway Policy Information, Federal Highway Administration, “Highway Statistics 2013-Table VM-1,”
                                              January, 2015,

What have we learned about public
charging station use?

Public Level 2 charging         for an average of 8.6 hours
station usage (excluding        per charge cord per day.
workplace charging units)       The average time vehicles
was low overall. The median     were plugged in for each
charging frequency per          individual charge event
site was 1.4 charges per        ranged from 4 to 42 hours,
week, with 75% of the           with a median plug-in time
2,400 public Level 2 sites      of 22.6 hours per event.
nationwide averaging four       These types of locations are
or fewer charging events        prime candidates for slower,
per week. However, popular      lower cost Level 1 charging
public Level 2 sites saw very   equipment.
high usage. Well-designed
charging sites at retail
stores, especially shopping
                                The most highly utilized DC fast chargers tended to be
malls, and parking lots and
garages serving multiple        located close to interstate highway exits.
venues demonstrated the
potential to support from 7     DC fast chargers were used       local vehicles as much or      is needed to fully charac-
to 11 charges per day.          much more frequently than        more than they were used to    terize public charging “hot
                                most public Level 2 stations,    recharge vehicles traveling    spots” and develop rules
Charging sites at venues        with a median use frequency      on the interstate.             of thumb for identifying
where vehicles are parked       of 7.2 events per week,                                         public charging locations
for long periods of time,       based on averaging each          Public charging station        with potential for high
like airports, ride-share       fast charger’s use over the      usage varied significantly     utilization.
parking lots, or parking lots   course of the entire project.    by region, with average
at public transit stations,     A quarter of the fast chargers   utilization rates generally
should not be measured          averaged over 15 events per      tracking with regional
by the number of events         week, and one unit aver-         PEV sales. However, highly
per week, but rather by the     aged 70 events per week.         utilized individual public
time vehicles spent con-        The most highly utilized DC      charging sites were found
nected to charging stations     fast chargers tended to be       in most regions, proving
in a day or week. In the        located close to interstate      that public charging station
project, these kinds of sites   highway exits. Interestingly,    utilization is dependent on
had vehicles connected          these units were used by         local factors. More research

How did public usage                                  Blink DC fast chargers                 19.5 minutes. When the Blink
change over time?                                     were initially free and                Network began charging
As mentioned, overall usage                           usage increased quickly.               a per-session fee to fast
of public Level 2 charging                            However, usage dropped                 charge, the average time
stations was low, but it                              dramatically when the Blink            spent charging increased
slowly increased over the                             Network implemented a                  by 20%. Drivers presumably
course of the projects, with                          usage fee in the summer                stayed connected longer to
usage of ChargePoint units                            of 2013. Data provided by              get their money’s worth.

increasing at a faster rate                           the Blink Network after the
than Blink units on average                           end of the project showed
nationwide (see Figure 9).                            that average Blink DC fast
The cost to use public Level                          charger usage bottomed
2 charging stations varied                            out in early 2014 and then
from site to site. Most Blink                         steadily increased, reaching
public units charged a fee                            2.4 charging events per day
after September 2012. Many                            by the end of 2014.
ChargePoint public stations
                                                                                             The average number of minutes in
were free through the end                             Prior to the onset of fees,            a Blink DC fast charger session prior
of the project, but the exact                         Blink DC fast charger
number is not known.                                  sessions lasted an average of          to the onset of fees.

                            4.0                                                                                                   Figure 9.
                                                                                     Blink DC Fast Chargers                       Blink DC fast charger usage fell
                                                                                                                                  dramatically in the middle of
                                                                                     ChargePoint Public Level 2
Number of charging events

                            3.0                                                                                                   2013, coinciding with the onset
                                                                                     Blink Public Level 2                         of fees for use, but increased
    per station day

                            2.5                                                                                                   again in the second half of 2014.





                                  Q4 2012

                                            Q1 2013

                                                       Q2 2013

                                                                 Q3 2013

                                                                           Q4 2013

                                                                                         Q1 2014

                                                                                                    Q2 2014

                                                                                                              Q3 2014

                                                                                                                        Q4 2014

What have we learned about charging at home?

                    When do they charge?             or their home charging unit    charge delay setting when
                    PEV owners have the option       to delay charging. Of those    they plug in away from
                    of delaying the start of         who chose to delay their       home during the day.
                    charging electronically,         charging using these tools,
                    allowing them to plug in         about half programmed          Participants in the project
                    their vehicle at a convenient    their charging unit and half   left their vehicles plugged
                    time but not start consum-       programmed their vehicle.      in at home overnight for
                    ing electricity from the grid    Some customers chose to        an average of 12 hours
                    until later, such as when        program their charging         per charge. The vehicles
                    electricity prices are lowest.   unit, rather than their        always required less than
                    Project participants could       vehicle, to avoid needing      5 hours to fully charge at
                    program either their vehicle     to override the vehicle’s      home using the Level 2
                                                                                    charging units, and usually
                                                                                    only took 1 to 3 hours to
The vehicles always required less than 5 hours to fully                             charge completely. This
charge at home using the Level 2 charging units, and                                means that even though
                                                                                    most vehicles were plugged
usually only took 1 to 3 hours to charge completely.                                in for the night by 10 p.m.,

overnight charging at home                      the cheapest time to charge      time” scheduling function
typically could be delayed                      was between midnight and         is helpful for the electric
until the early morning                         5 a.m., most PEV owners          grid, because it essentially
hours when overall demand                       programmed their charging        randomizes the charge start
on the electric grid is the                     to start at midnight or 1 a.m.   time from household to
lowest. In fact, many electric                  (see Figure 10).                 household, thus preventing
utilities offer reduced home                                                     all vehicles from initiating
electricity prices during                       The Volt and Leaf both offer     charging at the same time,
off-peak times to incentivize                   a charge scheduling option       such as the start of the off-
their customers to shift                        that allows the owner to tell    peak period.
electricity consumption                         the vehicle what time they
off peak. PEV owners in                         plan to depart on their next                         12 noon           12 midnight
                                                                                                     0.06 MW           0.7 MW
the project in areas where                      trip. The vehicle chooses                  11 p.m.
                                                                                          0.16 MW
utilities offer cheaper rates                   what time to start charging,
at night showed a willing-                      based on how empty the
                                                                                                                                          2 a.m. 1.0 MW
ness to delay charging at                       battery is and how much
home until these off-peak                       time it calculates it needs
                                                                                 9 a.m. 0.05 MW                                           3 a.m. 0.7 MW
periods. In San Diego, where                    to charge. This “depart-by       9 p.m. 0.19 MW                                           3 p.m. 0.1 MW

                                                                                                                                         4 a.m. 0.3 MW
                                                                                                                                 5 p.m. 0.15 MW
Home Charging Demand (MW)

                                                                                                           6 a.m. 0.03 MW
                                                                                                           6 p.m. 0.18 MW



                            0.4                                                                      Figure 10.
                                                                                                     The total power drawn over the
                            0.2                                                                      course of a day by all EV Project
                                                                                                     vehicles charging at home on a
                             0                                                                       typical weekday in San Diego.
                             6 a.m.   12 p.m.            6 p.m.           12 a.m.
                                                      Time of Day

What have we learned about
                                                   charging station installation costs?

        RESIDENTIAL LEVEL 2 AVERAGE INSTALLATION   Installation cost for residential, workplace, and public
                                                   charging stations was documented for the Blink stations
                                                   installed in the project. Residential Level 2 unit installation
                                                   cost ranged from a few hundred dollars to over $8,000. The
                                                   average residential installation cost was $1,354. This aver-
                                                   age was driven up by expensive installations that required
                                                   upgraded electrical service, which was often necessary in

        WORKPLACE LEVEL 2 AVERAGE INSTALLATION     older homes. Cost varied regionally based on electrician
                                                   labor wages and permitting fees.

                                                   The installation cost of public Level 2 charging stations
                                                   ranged from $600 to $12,660, with an average cost of
                                                   $3,108. Cost primarily depended on the distance from the

             PUBLIC LEVEL 2 AVERAGE INSTALLATION   facility’s electrical panel to the charging station location,
                                                   and varied regionally due to labor costs.

                                                   Workplace Level 2 charging unit installations averaged
                                                   $2,223, or 28% less than the average public Level 2 unit
                                                   cost. This difference was attributed to workplaces having
                                                   more flexibility in choosing the locations of their charging

     BLINK DC FAST CHARGER AVERAGE INSTALLATION    stations and the type of equipment to be installed.
                                                   However, employers that installed additional charging
                                                   stations often found the second round of installations to
                                                   be more expensive because the inexpensive locations had
                                                   been taken already.

                                                   Blink DC fast charger installation cost in the project
                                                   ranged from $8,500 to over $50,000, with an average cost
                                                   of $22,626. This average actually may be artificially low,
                                                   because installation proposals that exceeded a spending
                                                   limit were turned down. Many DC fast charger installations
                                                   required the addition of electrical service to support the
                                                   chargers’ 60-kW power rating and requirement for 480-volt
                                                   3-phase power. This significantly increased the installation
                                                   cost. As with Level 2 units, costs varied regionally depend-
                                                   ing on permitting requirements and labor costs.

How have the findings of this project helped
organizations promote or prepare for PEV adoption?

Project staff had the goal      National policy                 makes recommendations to       Analysis of data collected
of disseminating as many        recommendations                 the federal government and     from PEVs and charging
findings as possible from       Project researchers provided    others on actions to take or   stations in Washington was
the project to help other       the National Research           avoid to enable the adoption   performed for the
organizations in their          Council of the National         of PEVs by the mass market.    Washington State
efforts to accelerate PEV       Academy of Sciences with                                       Department of
adoption. Researchers at        numerous presentations          State infrastructure           Transportation (WSDOT).
Idaho National Laboratory       and reports to help them        planning decisions             WSDOT incorporated
were specifically assigned      prepare the recently released   The California Air Resources   findings of this work into
to regularly publish reports    report “Overcoming Barriers     Board, the California Energy   the Washington State
and present results to key      to Deployment of Plug-in        Commission, and the            Electric Vehicle Action Plan.
government and industry         Electric Vehicles.” This 204-   California Public Utilities    The plan details WSDOT’s
stakeholders. Here are some     page report is the result of    Commission solicited           expectations and plans to
examples of the organi-         an intensive 2-year study       information from project       achieve the Washington
zations and efforts that        conducted by the National       researchers about away-        governor’s goal of 50,000
benefitted from the project:    Research Council for the U.S.   from-home charging             electric vehicles on the road
                                Department of Energy and        observed in The EV Project     in the state by 2020.
                                                                and ChargePoint America in
                                                                California to guide develop-   Regional electric utility
                                                                ment of sustainable public     planning
                                                                charging infrastructure        PEV charging patterns were
                                                                for the growing number         analyzed and presented to a
                                                                of PEVs in California. The     group of seven electric utili-
                                                                information provided           ties based in the Northeast,
                                                                assisted the California        called the Regional Electric
                                                                Energy Commission in           Vehicle Initiative. The
                                                                validating model assump-       work analyzed diversity
                                                                tions used in its Statewide    patterns and coincidence
                                                                PEV Infrastructure Plan, and   of PEV charging with utility
                                                                ultimately fed into the PEV    system loads. The utilities
                                                                Infrastructure Assessment      requested this information
                                                                that was presented to the      to guide decisions regard-
                                                                Air Resources Board in         ing system planning, rate
                                                                October 2014.                  design, and development of
Photo courtesy of ChargePoint                                                                  rate/program strategies to
                                                                                               mitigate system impacts.

Vehicle regulation              from five automakers (Ford,      Numerous organizations were provided with special reports
As an independent third         GM, Nissan, Honda and            or presentations to aid their research, planning or policy
party, Idaho National           Toyota) were included.           decisions related to electric vehicles and charging infra-
Laboratory performed anal-                                       structure design, promotion and environmental impact.
ysis of PEV driving data from   Other partners and               These groups include the following:
the project and additional      beneficiaries
                                                                 •   Argonne National Laboratory          • National Academy of Sciences
data sets and presented         Analysis results and findings
                                                                 •   Arizona Public Service                 Committee on Overcoming Barriers
results to the California Air   published over the course
                                                                 •   California Air Resources Board         to EV Adoption
Resources Board to support      of the project have been
                                                                 •   California Energy Commission         • National Renewable Energy
deliberations between           used by a host of other
                                                                 •   Cardiff University, UK                 Laboratory
the Air Resources Board         organizations, including
                                                                 •   Center for Climate and Energy        • Oak Ridge National Laboratory
and automakers about the        standards development
                                                                     Solutions (formerly the Pew Center   • Oncor Electric Delivery
redefinition of zero-emis-      committees, other auto
                                                                     on Global Climate Change)            • Pacific Gas & Electric
sion vehicle credits. A         companies and electric
                                                                 •   City of Chattanooga, TN              • PacifiCorp
revision to this regulatory     utilities in the United States
                                                                 •   City of Knoxville, TN                • PECO Energy Company
framework applied to            and abroad, PEV charging
                                                                 •   Clinton Foundation -                 • Portland General Electric
cars sold in California, the    equipment manufacturers,
                                                                     Clinton Climate Initiative           • Public Utility District No. 1 of
largest market in the United    facilities management
                                                                 •   Colorado State University              Snohomish County
States, would potentially       companies, PEV advocacy
                                                                 •   Columbia Hospitality                 • Puget Sound Energy
shift billions of research      groups, and federal and
                                                                 •   Commonwealth Edison Company          • Sacramento Municipal Utility
and development dollars         state government agencies
                                                                 •   Delaware Valley Regional Planning      District
at various auto companies.      to inform PEV and charging
                                                                     Commission                           • Salem Electric
The study was performed         infrastructure design and
                                                                 •   Electric Drive Transportation        • Salt River Project
on a data set of 158,000,000    deployment decisions, elec-
                                                                     Association                          • San Diego Gas & Electric
miles from 21,000 vehicles      tricity grid load forecasting,
                                                                 •   Energy & Environmental Resources     • Seattle City Light
operated throughout the         cost/benefit analyses, and a
                                                                     Group, LLC                           • Seattle University
United States. Eight models     variety of other endeavors.
                                                                 •   Eugene Water & Electric Board        • Southern Company
                                                                 •   Harvard University                   • Tucson Electric Power
For more information about The EV                                •   International Energy Agency          • Union of Concerned Scientists
                                                                 •   Georgia Power                        • University of California - Davis
Project and ChargePoint America,                                 •   Green Mountain College                 Institute for Transportation Studies
                                                                 •   London Hydro, Inc.                   • University of Central Florida
including publications detailing                                 •   Los Angeles Department of Water      • University of Georgia
                                                                     & Power                              • University of Texas Austin
additional findings and lessons                                  •   Memphis Light Gas & Water            • Vermont Energy Investment
learned, visit                             •   Middle Tennessee Electric              Corporation
                                                                     Membership Corporation               • Wall Street Journal
and                                     •   Nashville Electric Service           • Washington State Department of

About Idaho National Laboratory

Idaho National Laboratory is one of the U.S. Department
of Energy’s 10 multiprogram national laboratories. The
laboratory performs work in each of the U.S. Department
of Energy’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security,
science, and the environment. Idaho National Laboratory
is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research
and development. Day-to-day management and oper-
ation of the laboratory is the responsibility of Battelle
Energy Alliance.

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