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PA RT N E R S H I P P RO P OSA L ICONIC GREAT WES TERN HOTEL ROCKHAMPTON’S ev ents to Central Quee ns land since 1862 Bringing thrilling
M U LT I - P U RP O S E AN ICONIC n m e n t V e n u e Entertai g CONCE wned for attractin RTS The venue is reno bull , Rockhampton’s ico nic e region including Established in 1862 major events to th l has a rich histor y an d adline music acts. Great Western Hote riding and many he tourist destination. rn Hotel caters to in is today a national The Great Weste and beer garden, aw ard patrons each year With four bars, air- excess of 260,000 vis ito rs d Steakhouse, stination where winning Bullhea is a ‘bucket list’ de er e g room, keno, po ol e unique atmosph FACILI T IES conditioned gamin can experience th and GAMIN G l bull and a la rg e and the bull riding table, mechanica th e of the Hotel itself ainment arena, undercover entert d music arena. tel is unrivalled an Hotel has featured Great Western Ho ’s M os t The Great Western as ‘Australia ism TV programs in is often referred to in numerous tour M EC H AN IC AL BU LL RI DI N G Unique Pub’. Australia and abroad . FOR FUNCTION S & EVEN TS G Darwin TR Y O U R V ER GR EA T W ES TE LA GE R ! Y OWN RN Cairns ROCKHA MPTON B U L L R I D I N A & FRIDAY NIGHT! A U S T R A L I Brisbane EVERY WEDNESDAY BUS PICT URED: LEE KE FR EE C O U R T E S Y RNAGHAN LI VE IN TH E AR EN A Per th Sydney Canb erra Adelaide Melbourne Hobar t KE K YS EY ATTS STTA S 5,400 $1.9 mil+ 21,000 + 260,000 national & international est per annum in Facebook followers spectators competitors media publicity
BULLRIDING D A T E S 2019 R O D E O G GUNS TOP GUNS & YOUN ULL RIDERS orld Finals Fund Ra iser GREAT WESTERN B SERIES❏ Youth Bull Riders W BRA)❏ Saturday 26th ASSOCIATION (GW is the Young Gun Series JANUARY Young Gun tion The Top Guns & ca le nd ar at Round 1: Top Gun / Bull Riders Associa nual bull riding Saturday 16th The Great Western highlight of the an le ad ing cently formed to pr omote Hotel. Australi a’s FEBRUARY / Young Gun The GWBRA was re the Great Western ev en t wi th Round 2: Top Gun sted at the Gr ea t W estern this prestigious Saturday 23rd bull riding events ho -profit riders compete in MARCH / Young Gun Hotel. The associa tion is a no t-f or fabulous prizemon ey on offer. Round 3: Top Gun by vo lu nt eers, ll be Saturday 13th at ion , ad m inistered ns & Young Gun wi APRIL / Young Gun or ga nis y objective of positive In 2019 the Top Gu n. Round 4: Top Gun with the primar ht of non stop actio Saturday 11th riding even ts an d rodeos. combined for a nig bu ll Series MAY / Young Gun pr om ot ion of is funded by mem bership p Gun/ Young Gun Round 5: Top Gun The organisation In addition to the To m be r of other Saturday 15th hosts a nu JUNE / Young Gun and sponsorship. the Great Western all y inc lu ding Round 6: Top Gun events annu Saturday 13th s funds to assist to send special bull riding ou gh to W ear GWBRA also raise ls - Tough En JULY / Young Gun to Texas USA in August PBR, Bulls ‘n’ Barre Series to na m e a fe w. Round 7: Top Gun young bull riders ll Riders Pink and Mowdown Saturday 17th te in the Youth Bu AUGUST / Young Gun each year to compe sday and Friday nig ht there Round 8: Top Gun World Finals. Plus every Wedne with Saturday 14th ich is very popular SEPTEMBER / Young Gun petitors represente d the is live bull riding wh . Round 9: Top Gun In 2018 nine com visiting the region Saturday 12th ll Riders Associatio n with locals and tourists Great Western Bu OCTOBER Young Gun p 10 including one World ay 9th FINALS Top Gun / 5 finishing in the to NOVEMBER Friday 8th & Saturd ley Leather. Champion – Macau N BULL RIDERS ASSOCIATIO
P A R T N E R S H I P T U N IT IES IN C LUD E: OPP O R OPEN BULL to take GHTS bull riders compete ARENA NAMING RI Australia’s leading ckle. le visit the Great W estern to win the elusive bu Over 260,000 peop inc luding out this honour and a range of even ts Hotel each year for en a Na ming ic acts. The Ar bull riding and mus op po rtu nity ROOKIE BULL r sponsorship riders make their wa y up the rights is the majo l an d co m es Many talented bull t Western Hote okie bull competiti on . available at the Grea an d ot he r ranks through the ro ge opportunities with extensive signa benefits. JUNIORS Hotel NG GUNS SERIES . The Great Western TOP GUNS & YOU The Next Generation g rid er s and developing youn is full supportive of kids NAMING RIGHTS is the the general public love to see th e yo un g r 19, Young Gun Series tegories includ e Un de The Top Guns & r at the in action. The age ca al bull riding calenda Under 11 and Un de r 8. highlight of the annu riders Under 15, Under 13, l. Australia’s leading Great Western Hote bu lous tigious event with fa compete in this pres NER prizemoney and tro phy buckles on off er Run . PRESENTATION DIN year February to Novem ber. late November each over 10 months from Traditionally held in s th e op po rtu nity Pr es entat ion Di nn er provide th e ents of tstanding achievem to celebrate the ou BULL FIGHTERS the the year. of rodeos who have The unsung heroes sa fe . Th e ing the bull rider important job of keep LIVE BULL RIDING tir e nig ht e arena for the en bull riders are in th r. ld every Wednesd ay and sure for the sponso Live bull riding is he ensuring great expo lar with locals and tourists Friday and is popu visiting the region. BARREL RACING hts with pular on rodeo nig Barrel racing is po horse and riding ne gotiating their wa y around ARENA BIG SCREEN o and ded barrels in th e fastest ed for all major rode three sponsor bran The Big Screen is us rmanent es and replays. Pe possible time. shows the bull rid or below n be erected above sponsor signage ca the screen. BRONCS ction – ries in the broncs se There are two catego d stay saddle and bareback . Watch rider s try an ARENA SIGNAGE Great rse for 8 seco nd s. people visiting the on their bucking ho With over 260,000 nu mber year there are a Western Hotel each ur brand ies to promote yo of great opportunit OFFICIALS ge and billboards. events include the Ju dge/s, including chute signa Official for bull riding Boss & Announcer. Timekeeper, Chute
SP ONSORSHEI: P BENEFITS INCLUD TION DINNER ANNUAL PRESENTA the popular invitations to NAMING RIGHTS Sponsors will receive ally ena, bull riding even ts and Di nner which is tradition Available for the Ar Annual Presentation r each year. bull riders. held late Novembe TIONS SIGNAGE TROPHY PRESENTA nity to flags and banners. onsors the opportu Including billboards, The GWH offers sp at th e An nual d trophies present buckles an Presentation Dinner BIG SCREEN in the screen located with The GWH has a big T FROM THE RING Arena, outside at th e front of the Hote l on the o ACKNOWLEDGEMEN d als Dennision Street an ANNOUNCER corner of Stanley & lbo ard ge sponsors shopp electronic bil r will ackn owled access to a major Bi The Ring Announce & Fitzroy Street. on the corner of East on the night. ADVERTISEMENTS TV/RADIO/PRINT se on various WEBSITE support e GWH adverti owledge sponsors For feature events th The GWH will ackn eir we bsite. TV, radio and press. on the GWH website with a link to th mediums including NGNITION TICKETING ticketing SOCIAL MEDIA RECO wers. y to discuss your page has 21.5K follo The GWH is happ eat way to The GWH Facebook on th e GWH ich are a gr knowledged needs to events wh ts and to Sponsors will be ac d existing clien entertain news an Facebook page. reward staff. MERCHANDISE ich we HOSPITALITY e of merchandise wh spitality The GWH has a rang a wide range of ho offer to sponsors at a 10% disco unt The GWH can offer a wi th tables in the Aren options including co rp orate box, tion, private elf on overlooking the ac ead rn Hotel prides its e award winn ing Bu llh The Great Weste ckages Beer Garden or th lised partnership pa developing persona bu dg et . Steakhouse. ting needs and to suit client’s marke Cox – on please call Denis For further informati 92 2-38 88 or e: ger on 07-4 GWH General Mana .au manager@greatwes
PARTNERSHIP ENTITLEMENTS 2019 GREAT WESTERN BULLRIDERS ASSOCIATION PARTNERSHIP LEVEL ARENA SERIES BULL BARREL BRONC BRONC PICK UP OFFICIALS OPEN ROOKIE JUNIORS PRACTICE PRESENTA- ARENA ARENA NAMING NAMING FIGHTERS RACING – – MEN BULL BULL BULL TION BIG SIGNAGE LD! RIDING DINNER RIGHTS RIGHTS SADDLE BAREBACK D! D! SO SCREEN SOL SOL Naming Rights Signage Logo on Uniform Big Screen TV/Radio/Print Ticketing Hospitality Annual Presentation Dinner Trophy Buckle Presentations Ring Announcer Acknowledgement Website Social Media Merchandise From INVESTMENT (EX GST) $POA $POA $6,000 $6,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $6,000 $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $POA $5,000
Denis Cox CO N TA CT General Manager/ M 0497 223 888 E manager@grea Part Owner .au tel Great Western Ho P (07) 4922 3888 00 ckhampton, QLD 47 A 39 Stanley St, Ro tel.c W greatwesternho GWHROCKY
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