PROJECT UPDATE Wyangala Dam Wall Raising - WaterNSW

Page created by Javier Brown
PROJECT UPDATE Wyangala Dam Wall Raising - WaterNSW
Wyangala Dam Wall Raising
                                                                                   FOR P RIBE
                                                                                    UPDA      T

The project                                     This modelling and mapping is complex
                                                work, and it is critical that we get it right.
Wyangala Dam Wall Raising project will
provide thousands of Lachlan Valley             In line with the NSW Government’s previous
region residents and their communities with     announcement, WaterNSW is continuing
improved water security and increased           with the design and business case for a 10m
drought resilience.                             increase in Full Supply Level (FSL).

The project is jointly funded by the NSW and    Over the next six months we will continue
Federal governments.                            this modelling and mapping work, including
                                                further investigations of potential impacts,
It will see the existing 85-metre high dam      which will inform the environmental
wall raised, increasing water storage           assessments as well as design and
capacity by 650GL or 53%.                       construction considerations.
The upgrade will help make sure local           These hydrology and flood models use
water supplies are more resilient in times of   historical data and predictive forecasts
drought and increase capacity to meet the       including the effects of climate change.
area’s needs well into the future.              We will also run several iterations of the
                                                models to check they accurately reflect
Where is the project up to?                     the movement and storage of water in,
WaterNSW is continuing extensive                upstream and downstream of the dam.
investigations for the project to inform the    We expect to start these inundation
development of the final business case, the     discussions with landholders in early 2021
Environment Impact Statement (EIS) and          and anticipate we will have the final
the design. A key area of investigation at      inundation mapping available by mid-
this time is the hydrology and flood models     2021. We will continue to work directly
for the Wyangala Dam Wall Raising project.      with impacted landholders, as well as
These models are key to finalising the          Reflections Holiday Parks management and
inundation level, associated mapping,           van owners throughout the project.
the EIS and, ultimately, understanding the
impact on people’s properties and the
two holiday parks around the dam. The
modelling will also be used to assess the
impacts on the environment and both
upstream and downstream infrastructure.

PROJECT UPDATE Wyangala Dam Wall Raising - WaterNSW
Progress has also been made on an early
works package – a water treatment plant
                                                   Environmental Impact
to provide clean drinking water to the             Statement update
Wyangala Village and to the Reflections            WaterNSW has had multiple teams of
Holiday Park. We refer to the treatment            environmental and technical specialists
plant as ‘no regrets’ work as it is separate       carrying out field work since mid-2020.
from the wall raising construction and brings      To prepare the project’s Environmental
additional local benefits. In late October,        Impact Statement (EIS), the team has to
WaterNSW issued a request for tender and           gather significant historic and current field
briefed the market. Work on the treatment          data on a wide range of topics including
plant is expected to start mid-2021.               biodiversity, ecology, heritage, transport,
Both the Wyangala Waters and the                   hydrology and flooding.
Grabine Lakeside holiday parks will                In addition to the status updates on some
continue to operate throughout the                 key reports, the EIS will address public
planning and construction of the project.          safety, public access, impacts on utilities,
                                                   impacts on Crown Lands and bushfire risk.
This newsletter has information about              WaterNSW thanks landholders who have
what we are doing to keep you informed,            allowed our field teams to access their
as well as the opportunities for local             properties. The information gathered is vital
businesses and services to benefit from            to informing the project including the EIS,
the project.                                       concept design and final business case. We
                                                   appreciate your ongoing cooperation.

Specialist studies update

       Terrestrial biodiversity          Aquatic ecology                  Aboriginal Cultural
       fieldwork to finish early 2021,   fieldwork ongoing,               heritage
       assessment underway               assessment underway              fieldwork continuing

       Non-Aboriginal                                                     Noise and vibration
       heritage                          Traffic and transport            modelling finished,
       fieldwork is complete             assessment underway              assessment underway

       Air quality                                                        Contamination and soils
       modelling finished,               Health impacts                   fieldwork finished,
       assessment underway               assessment underway              assessment underway

       Hydrology                         Flood                            Environmental Sustainable
       fieldwork is complete,            fieldwork is complete,           Development (ISCA)
       modelling underway                modelling underway               assessment underway

       Landscape and
       visual impact                     Social impacts                   Waste
       assessment underway               fieldwork underway               assessment underway

       Climate change risk
       and greenhouse gas
       assessment underway
PROJECT UPDATE Wyangala Dam Wall Raising - WaterNSW
Our engagement so far                        Key activities
WaterNSW has been meeting with
landholders and residents across             2014   NSW Government funds a feasibility study into
                                                    Cranky Rock Dam
Wyangala, Woodstock, Darbys Falls, Reids
Flat and Bigga to provide an update on              Federal Government identifies new dam on
                                                    Belubula River (Needles Gap) for feasibility
the project. We have held 10 community              investigations
information sessions with about 60 people
                                                    Lachlan identified as priority catchment under
attending – these were done in small                NSW State Infrastructure Strategy
groups due to COVID-19 restrictions.
In addition to these sessions, WaterNSW      2015   Feasibility study phase 1 recommends a further
held 13 online community information                study into build and non-build options
webinars in October and December for the
broader NSW Central West communities,        2016   Feasibility study – phase 2 investigations continue
businesses and stakeholders.
These sessions follow on from engagement
with stakeholders and impacted               2017   Feasibility study – phase 2 investigations continue
landholders which started in early 2020.
Introductory letters and one-on-one
meetings have been held with almost all of   2018   Feasibility study (phase 2) completed

the potentially impacted landholders.               June
                                                    Wyangala Dam Wall Raising project identified in
WaterNSW staff have been at each
                                                    20-year Infrastructure Options Study
meeting to provide information on the
                                                    NSW Government provides funding for project’s
project, understand landholder and
                                                    final business case
stakeholder perspectives, answer questions
and discuss the approval processes and
next steps.                                  2019   NSW Government lists project in Critical Needs
                                                    (Water Supply) Act 2019
                                                    NSW and Commonwealth Governments
                                                    announce funding for project

                                             2020   Concept design started
                                                    Environment Impact Statement preparation and
                                                    assessments started
                                                    Site investigations and environmental field studies
                                                    Landholder engagement started
                                                    Community information sessions and webinars
PROJECT UPDATE Wyangala Dam Wall Raising - WaterNSW
Upcoming activities                      Opportunities for local
                                         WaterNSW has launched a portal so
                                         businesses local to the Wyangala region
                                         can register their services. This information is
                                         already being used by the project team with
Environmental       Landholder
field surveys and   engagement           hundreds of thousands of dollars already
investigations      continues            spent with local businesses.
continue                                 So far more than 300 businesses have
                                         registered on the portal to provide products
                                         and services. All businesses will be provided
                                         to our project partners and contractors so
Community           Environmental        they can locally source the services they
information         Impact               require.
sessions and        Statement            Maximising opportunities for businesses in
webinars            public display for   these local communities is important to the
continue            consultation         NSW Government and WaterNSW. We are
                                         working closely with all local councils and
                                         Cowra Business Chamber and the broader
                                         business community to identify and assess
Final business      Construction         local services.
case developed      partner              All procurement for the project will require a
                                         focus on local businesses and services.
                                         Registering your business is really easy and
                                         can be done by visiting

Detailed design     Construction of
starts              Water Treatment
                    Plant at
                    Wyangala starts

planning for
Holiday Parks
PROJECT UPDATE Wyangala Dam Wall Raising - WaterNSW
Frequently asked questions
Will there be new water licences made            ƒ BBQs and other amenities will be
available?                                           relocated or renewed at a higher level
This project aims to create greater security     ƒ Existing infrastructure will be maintained
and reliability for existing water licences in       wherever possible.
the Lachlan Valley. There are no intentions      We’re currently working very closely
for any new water licences to be provided        with Reflections Holiday Parks and the
following the raising of the dam wall.           Councils on how best to improve the visitor
Will the extra water be used for new or          experience for when the dam project
existing mining operations?                      is finished. We will also be working with
There are no intentions for any new water        local tourism groups and seeking broader
licences to be provided following the            community feedback as the project
raising of the dam wall. This includes new       progresses.
and existing mining operations in Central        Will Wyangala Waters and Grabine
West NSW.                                        Lakeside Holiday Parks close during
Will tourism and recreation be affected?         construction?
WaterNSW knows the significant value             Both holidays parks will remain open
the tourism industry and people visiting         throughout the project’s construction
Wyangala Dam brings to the local                 work and the project team want to ensure
economy. There will not be any limitations       holiday van owners and recreational
on accessing the lake during the                 users still have access to the lake and
construction and multiple access points to       holiday parks. There may at times, be some
the lake will be maintained. There will be       changes to amenities and access, but
restrictions to accessing the actual dam         the project team will work closely with the
structure (for example, no walking on the        holiday parks’ management, Reflections,
dam wall), construction staging areas and        to minimise impacts for holiday makers.
downstream of the dam structure once             Where vans and sites are impacted by the
construction starts.                             new full supply level, we will be engaging
Managing community safety throughout             closely with Reflections and the affected
construction will be front of mind at all        van owners and site holders in the planning
times.                                           and staging to new locations in the holiday
This project creates an opportunity to
maximise benefits to the tourism and             We will continue to collaborate with
recreation needs through the development         Reflections to keep van owners and
of new infrastructure in the redevelopment       casual recreational users updated as the
of the Wyangala Waters Holiday Park and          project progresses and will have the final
Grabine Lakeside Holiday Park as part of         inundation mapping available by mid-2020.
the early works for the project.
Community assets will be relocated prior         The Reflections Holiday
to finishing the dam. Relocation of these        Parks at Wyangala Waters
assets provides an opportunity to improve        and Grabine Lakeside are
amenities for the future. For example:           open as per usual. Park
ƒ Boat ramps to accommodate higher               guests, day visitors and lake
   water levels                                  users are welcome to come
ƒ Car parks will be relocated and built at a     and enjoy the facilities and
   higher level                                  natural wide open spaces.
ƒ Toilet amenities will be relocated and         For bookings, please call Grabine Lakeside
   built at a higher level                       on (02) 4835 2345 or Wyangala Waters on
ƒ Picnic spots will be available at a higher     (02) 6345 0877. Alternatively, visit
Stay up to date on project news
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our initial
community information sessions and webinars.
We will regularly be holding further sessions and
webinars and providing further updates on the
project as it progresses.

If you would like to receive information about the
project directly from WaterNSW, please visit our
website or send your name and contact details to

      For general enquiries and to
      subscribe to project updates email

      To join the Community Facebook Group visit
      WaterNSW – Wyangala Dam Wall Raising

      Follow us on Twitter @WaterNSW

      Call 1800 735 822

      To register your local business visit
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