Project Herald March 2021 - AIM: DUKE - Duke Royalty

Page created by Holly Conner
Project Herald March 2021 - AIM: DUKE - Duke Royalty
Project Herald
March 2021
Project Herald March 2021 - AIM: DUKE - Duke Royalty

These presentation slides and the accompanying verbal presentation (the “Presentation                  or in part, for any purposes whatsoever. In particular, they should not be distributed to or
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Project Herald March 2021 - AIM: DUKE - Duke Royalty
Presentation team

The management and investment committee have 70+ years of
combined direct royalty experience

       Neil Johnson                       Charlie Cannon-Brookes            Peter Madouros
       Executive Director and CEO         Executive Director                Chief Investment Officer
       Early player of UK listings for    London-based Executive Director   Extensive experience investing in
       Canadian and UK dual-listed                                          public and private markets at
                                          Extensive onshore and offshore
       companies between 2000 and                                           leading private equity and credit
                                          fund management experience
       2010. Led the first Canadian AIM                                     fund managers, including Pollen
                                          since 1998
       Nomad and UKLA sponsor                                               Street Capital and Moore Capital
       A total of £3 billion was raised
       for dual-listed companies

Project Herald March 2021 - AIM: DUKE - Duke Royalty
Investor highlights

We provide minimally-dilutive capital with no re-financing risk
for private, owner-managed companies with strong cashflows

                               Established portfolio                             ~6%
                               10 Royalty Partners and £115+ million             annualised dividend yield1 paid in cash
                               deployed since inception                          quarterly

                               Established market presence                       High operational leverage
                               first mover in UK and Europe                      and embedded long-term growth

                               Covid-19 resilience                               Growing market
                                                                                 post-Covid, providing opportunities in
                               demonstrated by cash flow preservation
                                                                                 alternative financing to SME’s

1   Duke share price as of 18 March 2021, and annualizing Q4 declared dividend

Project Herald March 2021 - AIM: DUKE - Duke Royalty
How are corporate royalties different?

A long-term participating loan with similar characteristics to traditional royalties
• Duke provides a lump sum of capital to a company with a term of 25-40 years
• Initial yield is 12.0-14.0% of capital, adjusted once per year with a collar of +/-6% in currency terms
  (0.7-0.8% of initial capital)
• Duke’s total obligation can be serviced out of current cash flow, without need for exit event
• No bullet repayment at end of term
• Company can Buyback royalty: after ~3 years, initial principal plus ~20% redemption premium. However,
  buyback granted at any time upon change of control (not a poison pill)

Illustrative Company Example            2020              2021           2022           2023           2024          2025

Duke payment to company                        £10.00

Company revenue (% change)           £20.00             £23.00 +15%    £21.16   -8%   £22.22   +5%   £24.44 +10%    £28.11
EBITDA                                £3.00             £3.45           £3.17          £3.33         £3.67           £4.50
Duke distribution (% change)              -             £1.35    +6%    £1.43   -6%    £1.35   +5%   £1.41    +6%    £1.50
Cash flow - post Duke distribution    £3.00             £2.10           £1.74          £1.99         £2.25           £3.00
% of economic interest retained
                                      100%               61%             55%            60%           61%             67%
by owners/management

Project Herald March 2021 - AIM: DUKE - Duke Royalty
An established alternative financing solution

Royalties appeal to owners who have a need for capital but want to
retain control. Royalties compete more against debt than equity, but
have characteristics of both

                     Debt                   Royalty             Private Equity

       Term        3-7 years             25-40 years          Permanent dilution

                  Significant                None              Pressure to exit

     Control        Passive                 Passive             Loss of control

  Covenants       Significant           Covenant-light          Covenant-light

    Security    Typically senior        Typically senior            None

  FCF impact
  (years 1-5)
                  Significant                Light                  Light

Benefits for investors

Royalty company shareholders benefit from attractive returns and
increasing valuation as they diversify their investment portfolios

                                                                       Security for downside
                          opportunity               High level of           Senior secured
   Annuity-like                                   operational
 revenue streams         through participation
                          in growth by annual       gearing            Inter-creditor agreements
                                                                           Events of default

                                                                          Payment remedies

                                                                             Board rights
      Yield                  of risk             Commitment                  Seize security
   compression            through addition of     to growing
   as portfolio grows    revenue streams and     quarterly dividends       Information rights
                           liquidity of shares

Our Royalty partners

Duke has proven experience investing across range of sectors, geographies and
transaction types

            October 2017                          February 2019                            April 2018                         November 2020                            August 2018       March 2018

                                                                                                                               Carmen, Verdi &

         BUSINESS SERVICES                             LEISURE                            INDUSTRIALS                      RIVER BOAT VESSELS                          HEALTHCARE        INDUSTRIALS
              Fair value:                            Fair value:                           Fair value:                           Fair value:                           Fair value:       Fair value:
             £12,093,000                            £12,051,000                           £10,903,000                           £10,360,000                            £9,425,000        £8,985,000
         Acquisition Capital                             MBI                        Acquisition Capital &                  Acquisition of Assets                      Growth Capital     Shareholder
                                                                                     Debt Refinancing                                                                                      Buyout

           September 2018                            June 2018                           February 2021                           August 2018

                 BIL                              Investments

         BUSINESS SERVICES                    EDUCATION & MEDIA                           INDUSTRIALS                       BUSINESS SERVICES                            EXIT              EXIT
              Fair value:                           Fair value:                            Fair value:                            Fair value
                                                                                                                                                                        IRR: 27%          IRR: 22%
              £8,501,000                            £6,308,000                             £6,197,000                            £5,873,000
              MBO / MBI                           Growth Capital                               MBO                                   MBO                         Acquisition Capital &   Acquisition
                                                                                                                                                                  Debt Refinancing         Capital

1   Fair value refers to the unaudited pro-forma fair value, which reflects the fair value at 31-Mar-20 adjusted for the cost of follow-on investments made in FY21

Duke’s financials – cashflow business

                                            FY2020    FY2019    FY2021 Trading Outlook
Cashflow highlights                           £000      £000

Cash revenue 1                              10,245     5,354
                                                                • Quarterly cash revenue trending upwards

Core operating expenses 2                   (2,273)   (1,392)   • Total cash revenue for FY2021 expected to
                                                                  be £11.0 million, an increase year-on-year
Other cash (expenses) / receipts 3          (1,189)      148
                                                                  despite Covid downturn
Net cash inflow from operating activities    6,783     4,110
                                                                • Cash revenue forgone has been captured as
Interest costs                              (1,425)    (172)      equity or deferred
Free cash flow                               5,358     3,930
                                                                • Using proceeds from proposed equity raise
Other highlights                                                  and full draw down on RCF to £55m, we
                                                                  expect a significant increase to pro forma
Operating cashflow per share (p)              3.17      2.52
                                                                  cash revenue
Dividend per share (p)                        2.95      2.80

Dividend yield 4                             11.6%      6.4%
                                                                 1   Cash revenue is cash distributions from royalty partners and net cash gains from sale of
Free cashflow (FCF) per share (p)             2.51      2.41         investments
                                                                 2   Core operating expenses excludes variable STIP payments
                                                                 3   Includes other operating income, royalty participation payments, tax and variable STIP
FCF yield 4                                   9.9%      5.5%         payments
                                                                 4   Based on share price of 25.40p @ 31.03.20 and 43.5p @ 31.03.19

Project Herald
Transaction summary

• Proposed equity placing to raise up to £20m

• Net proceeds to provide royalty financing in two new royalty partners under signed, exclusive heads of terms
  and one near term follow-on into current partner

• Further pipeline funded by revolving line of credit which post-placing is an LTV of ~35% when fully drawn at
  £55 million

                                      Proposed amount                          Annual adjustment
 Deal                                     (in GBP)        Initial cash yield      collar (+/-)      Term

 New: IT Managed Services              £11.0 million          13.5%                  6%            30 years

 New: Engineering & Construction       £7.5 million           13.2%                  6%            30 years

 Follow-on: New Acquisition            £3.8 million           13.5%                  6%            30 years

 Total / Weighted Average              £22.3 million          13.4%                  6%            30 years

                    Placing proceeds will increase market cap to £110m+ and provide sufficient
                                 liquidity to execute near-term deal opportunities

Pipeline of opportunities

The role of alternative financing has been on the rise since 2010 and we believe
Covid-19 will increase the size of the alternative financing industry

     Secular tailwinds                                                                               Robust pipeline
     • Higher capital costs for banks is creating growing demand for private                         • Record number of opportunities reviewed in Q1 2021 up 3x from
       credit instruments                                                                              Q1 2019
     • We are the long-term alternative capital solution                                             • Live opportunities under consideration include 21 deals representing
     • 45% of UK SME’s took new capital in 2020 and we stand to benefit as
       borrowers seek to reduce refinancing risk1                                                    • Focus on our successful situations, and an adherence to our
                                                                                                       investment criteria

                             Aggregate private debt (in US$ bn)2                                         Pipeline by deal type                  Pipeline by geography
    $900                                                                                                  MBO            Buy & Build           UK                Ireland
                                                                                      > $800
    $800                                                                                                  Growth         M&A                   Germany           Canada
                                                                                                          Buyout                               Denmark           Netherlands
    $600                                                $550
                                                                                                                14%                                     5% 5%
                                                                                                                         24%                      10%
    $400                 $320
                                                                                                          19%                                    9%
    $200                                                                                                                                          9%
    $100                                                                                                        19%
                         2010                           2015                           2019

1   Source: According to British Business Bank
2   Source: Association for Financial Markets in Europe, PWC (Private debt worldwide, all sectors)

New Royalty partner: IT Managed Solutions

Company overview
• UK buy & build platform for IT managed service businesses with six
  operating businesses already acquired
• Recurring revenue generated via growing managed services offering and
  the reselling of hardware and software
• Cost synergies from centralization of overheads
• Products cross-sold to grow top-line organically
• Duke facility supporting management’s proven acquisition and
  onboarding program
• Targeted acquisition multiples are accretive to Duke’s coverage ratio
  (even prior to synergies being realized)
                                                                                        Annual adjustment
                                                                                        (based on revenue)

Why Duke
                                                                           £11m           +/-6%
• Founders maintain larger equity shareholding
• Duke’s Royalty product needs no re-financing                               Term
                                                                                         Initial obligation
                                                                                          (incl. principal)
• Duke offers a long-term partner that has appetite to provide further
  acquisition capital in the future
                                                                          30 years        13.5%

New Royalty partner: Engineering and Construction

Company overview
• Canadian buy & build platform for engineering, procurement and
  construction (“EPC”) solutions in commercial and industrial settings
• Three acquisition targets as part of the initial Group, the business units
  being in business since 1986, 1997 and 2003 and have completed projects
  in North and South America, Europe and Middle East
• Upon closing, the Group will have expertise in designing, engineering, and
  manufacturing of specialized construction projects, enclosures, and
  automation solutions for a variety of industries
• Experienced management team expects to realize economies of scale and
  cross-selling to grow EBITDA as well as through strategic acquisitions
• Group revenues 2020 c.£20 million and all business units profitable

Why Duke                                                                                       Annual adjustment
                                                                                               (based on revenue)
• Actual and targeted acquisition multiples of less than 4.0x are accretive to
  Duke’s coverage ratio without loss of management’s equity control
                                                                                 £7.5m           +/-6%
• At Duke’s discretion, agreed a facility of up to £11.5m to support
  additional acquisitions
                                                                                                Initial obligation
• Desire to have one capital provider and no refinancing risk                                    (incl. principal)
                                                                                 30 years        13.2%

Follow-on investment to existing partner

BIL: existing (resourcing) platform                                                            Bolt-on opportunity
BIL to date                                                                                    New opportunity
• BIL is a buy & build resourcing platform which has deployed a total of £9.4m to date         • 3.8m of new capital from Duke to
• This includes                                                                                  bring the total investment exposure
                                                                                                 to £13.2m
     • Permanent recruitment-focused Brightwater in September 2018, and
     • PharmEng Ltd in January 2020, providing the group with a strong profile of Temporary    • Target company is a well-
         Resourcing income, which has performed resiliently during the pandemic                  established business focused on
                                                                                                 the information technology sector,
• The two businesses operate predominantly in the Finance, Engineering                           servicing a number of large clients
  and Healthcare sectors in the UK and Ireland                                                   with long standing relationships
                                                                                               • Both revenue and profitability
                           Annual adjustment                              Initial obligation
        Investment                                      Term                                     have grown in the last 12 months to
                           (based on revenue)                              (incl. principal)
                                                                                                 March 2021, showcasing the quality
       £9.4m                   +/-6%                30 years                13.5%                of earnings and management’s
                                                                                                 ability to expand revenue with key
                                                                                                 customers and win further contracts
                                                                                                 as the business develops
                                                                                               • The company is being acquired
                                                                                                 at a multiple that is forecasted to
                                                                                                 be accretive to Duke’s key credit
                                                                            Brightwater wins
                                                                            Large Agency of
                                                                            the Year 2019

Increasing portfolio diversification

Pre-transaction                                                                                                    Illustrative full deployment

                                                                                  Lynx                                                                                        Miriad
                               6%                                                                                                              5%         9%                  UGG
                      6%                      14%                                 Miriad                                               5%
                                                                                  UGG                                                                                         Duke Switzerland
                                                                                                                                5%                                  9%        InterHealth
              7%                                                                  Duke Switzerland
                                                                                  InterHealth                                                                                 Trimite
                                                            13%                                                                                                               BIL
                                                                                  Trimite                                                                                8%
         10%                                                                                                              2%                                                  Step
                                ~£95m                                                                                    5%                   £150m+                          Fabrikat
                               deployed                                           Fabrikat                                                   deployed1                   7%
                                                                                                                                                                              New deal - IT
                                                                                  BHP                                       7%                                                New deal - E&C
             11%                                         12%
                                                                                                                                                                    7%        Follow-on deal
                                                                                                                                      4%                                      Debt funded deal (i)
                          10%              11%                                                                                                                 7%
                                                                                                                                            4%       6%                       Debt funded deal (ii)
                                                                                                                                                                              Debt funded deal (iii)
                                                                                                                                                                              Debt funded deal (iv)

             Through full deployment of debt and equity, Duke will seek to increase its portfolio diversification with
                              no investment representing more than 10% of total capital deployed
1   Includes investment based off proposed £20m equity raise and utilisation of leverage under Honeycomb credit facility including assumed accordion upsize

Duke’s investors: top global funds

Strong base of blue-chip institutional investors with significant
management ownership

                   9.81%                             9.18%                         7.95%                         6.64%
                   ownership                         ownership                     ownership                     ownership


                   5.09%                             4.29%                         3.69%                        ~5.00%
                   ownership                         ownership                     ownership                     ownership

                               High level of liquidity with Duke in the top quartile of AIM traded stocks by value
1   Data as at 15 March 2021


•   Use of proceeds are for two new deals already under exclusive Letters of Intent and
    one follow-on deal
•   Total cash revenue for FY2021 expected to see an increase year-on-year despite Covid
•   Further potential for growth as trading environment normalises, buyouts materialize
    and positive annual adjustment resets
•   Non-dilutive capital of £55 million revolving credit facility to execute growing pipeline
    of opportunities
•   Pro forma £150+ million of invested capital will result in expected increase in Cash
    Flow per Share

An experienced team, including Royalty pioneers

Management and investment committee have direct royalty experience of 70+ years
         Neil Johnson – Executive Director and CEO               Jim Webster – Chairman of Investment Committee
         • Pioneered UK listings for Canadian and UK dual-       • Pioneered world’s first drug royalty public
           listed companies between 2000 and 2010                  company on TSX (from 1993-2002), and has
         • £3 billion raised for dual-listed companies and led     25 years of royalty expertise                                       Nigel Birrell
           the first Canadian AIM Nomad and UKLAsponsor          • Previous royalty companies have a total of                          Non-Exec Chairman
                                                                   £4 billion under management                         • Group CEO of Lottoland Limited
                                                                                                                       • Former director of two FTSE 250
                                                                                                                         companies, including HIT
         Charlie Cannon-Brookes – Executive Director             Steven Russo – VP, Investments                          Entertainment
         • London-based Executive Director                       • Six years of experience in mezzanine debt and
         • Co-owner of FCA-regulated Arlington Group                select equity growth capital transactions at
           Asset Management                                         Difference Capital Financial Inc.
                                                                 • Holds a J.D./MBA Degree from Queen’s
                                                                    University (2011)with expertise in corporate law
                                                                    and governance                                                      Matthew Wrigley
                                                                                                                                        Non-Exec Director
                                                                                                                       • Former Partner at MJ Hudson and
         Peter Madouros – Chief Investment Officer               Ajay Shivdasani – VP, Investments                       resident of Guernsey
         • Extensive experience investing in public and          • Four years of private-equity LBO transaction        • Former General Counsel of a fund
           private markets at leading private equity and            experience and deal origination at DW                management company with > £650m
           credit fund managers, including Pollen Street            Healthcare Partners and four years of global         AUM
           Capital and Moore Capital Management                     management consulting experience at Oliver
         • BA from Cornell University, Magna cum Laude,             Wyman
           and MBA from Columbia Business School                 • Holds an MBA from INSEAD University (2014)

         Hugo Evans – Finance Director                           Alex Hibbard – VP, Investments                                          Mark Le Tissier
         • Extensive experience in senior finance roles within   • 3 years at London-based PE firm Terra Firma,                          Non-Exec Director
           financial services                                       where he focused on investment opportunities       • European Regional Director of
         • 11 years of UK plc reporting experience                  and managing portfolio companies                     Trident Trust, leading global
         • Chartered Accountant (Grant Thornton)                 • Chartered Financial Analyst                           corporate services provider and a
                                                                                                                         resident of Guernsey

Duke Royalty’s Covid-19 response

               Preservation of value                                               Long term approach
       F21 cash revenue - Q1: £2.0m Q2: £2.4m Q3: £4.2m                Forbearance agreements with hardest-hit royalty partners
  Cash revenue forgone has been captured as equity or deferred      But deployed further capital into strong partners enabling growth

              Future value acquired                                             Return of cash dividends
        Equity stakes up to 30% in some royalty partners            Scrip dividend was paid during the crisis phase of the pandemic
 Most held at or near nil value currently on Duke’s balance sheet    Cash dividend reinstated after two quarters of scrip dividends

Duke’s typical investment criteria

                                     • c.£5m - £20m                                                       Preferred sectors
 Investment fit within               • Western Europe and North America
 Duke Portfolio                      • Appropriate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards

 Alignment of management goals       • 10+ years of operating history
 with Duke’s objectives              • Back management with a track record of delivery

                                                                                                           Business services

 Collateral/capital backing Duke’s   • Senior security sought on available assets
 investment                          • If other debt exists, we seek inter-creditor agreements

                                     • Competitive sustainable advantage
 Capacity to pay and grow royalty    • Royalty coverage greater than 2.0x
 payments                            • Payback period of 6-7 years                                           Technology

                                                                                                             No start-ups
                                     • Approval required by independent investment committee and             No oil & gas
 Overall risk/reward evaluation        board of directors                                                     No mining
                                                                                                             No biotech

Strong origination and due diligence

                                                                      Origination process
                   Origination through relationships                    Relationship driven,
                     675+ investment opportunities since 2016     management and financial
                                                                   strength more important
                                                                        than industry sector
                    Indication of interest submitted
                          105+ investment opportunities

                          Preliminary evaluation
                  Greenlight approval from Investment Committee

                          In-depth due diligence                         Approval process
                     In-house + global experts via partnerships   Production of due diligence
                                                                      report and 2x approval

                        Independent Investment
                      Committee recommendation

                               Board approval

What is Royalty financing?

Royalties are deployed in multiple sectors and are part of the growing market in
alternative financing

                 Year listed                                 Year listed                     Year listed      Year listed     Year listed
                    1983                                  2005 & 2020                          2018             2020            2020

                 Exchange                                     Exchange                       Exchange         Exchange        Exchange
              TSX & NYSE                                    TSX & LSE                           LSE             NYSE             LSE

                    Sector                                      Sector                         Sector           Sector          Sector
                  Mining                                       Mining                         Songs        Pharmaceuticals     Songs

               Market cap.1                                Market cap.1                     Market cap.1     Market cap.1    Market cap.1
                  £17.0b                                      £12.9b                          £1.3b            £20.9b          £246m

                                       Royalties in all forms emerged 40 years ago, but have gained traction in the UK
                                         with several IPOs on the London Stock Exchange over the last three years
1   FX conversion rates as of 15.03.2021: (i) GBP:US$ = US$1.3862 (ii) GBP:CAD = C$1.7358

Benefits for owner-operators

Private business owners receive immediate capital without selling part of their
equity stake in the company, allowing them to retain full control of the business

          No refinancing risk                        Retain control of timing
          for owners                                 of any refinancing event

          A long term approach                       Unique structure
          to the business relationship               creates alignment to succeed

          Retain control of the board                Retain equity upside
          and strategic direction                    as participation is capped

Funding solutions

               Debt or                                            Acquisition
               equity                     MBOs                      capital

                                     Allows experienced
          Debt refinancing or       management teams to      Flexible financing model
          shareholders exiting     become majority owners    enables cash drawdowns
                                                               in multiple tranches
          We support owners         We back people who
        without creating another   created equity value to       Used for bolt-on
            future exit event      keep strategic control          acquisitions

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