PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...

Page created by Judith Banks
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...
 The Program Guide Summer Supplement is full of opportunities to try
 something new, dive deeper into that which interests you, and have FUN
 this summer with GSOSW!

 This guide is organized by date. When you find events that are just right
 for you, visit to find more detailed information
 about the events and sign up!

 Special icons in this guide indicate where you can spend your program
 credits ( ), and if the event is in person ( ).
                                                              These icons will
 SAMPLE ACTIVITY LISTING                                      tell you if you
                                                              can use program
This is where                                                 credits and if the
the event          FARM TO FORK: COMPOST                      event is in person
title, program                                                or virtual. In this
                   AND CHEESE
partner and                                                   example the
location can                                                  event is in person
                   Medford, OR
be found.                                                     and you can use
                                                              program credits.
                   Get your hands dirty in the garden and
Learn about        learn about compost and worms from
this event and     Bugs R Us! Afterward, learn how to make
                   ricotta cheese in the kitchen.             The time of the
whether it’s
                                                              activity and which
                                                              grade levels can
you would like           7/13/21         3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
                                                              participate are
to do!
                         $10/girl            All ages         located here.
                                                              are as follows:
The date and
                                                              D (Daisies), BR
cost of the
                                                              (Brownies), JR
events are
                                                              (Juniors), CAD
listed here.
                                                              (Cadettes), SR
                                                              (Seniors) and AMB
 GSOSW is excited to be offering a handful of in-person events this
 summer! GSOSW has collaborated with our program partners to ensure
 that all COVID-19 In-Person Troop/Group Meeting Guidelines laid out in
 Girl Scouts Together will be upheld and followed at all in-person events.
 Girl Scouts who are attending in-person events are required to sign the
 GSOSW Assumption of Risk, Release and Waiver of Liability Relating to
 COVID-19 upon registration for the event.
 Program credits that were set to expire September, 15, 2021, have
 been extended through December 31, 2021! This extension allows
 additional time for Girl Scouts to redeem balances towards program
 events and overnight camp. To find out more about which cards have
 been extended please see GSOSW’s Program Credits webpage.

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...

No matter how you participate in Girl Scouts or what your interests are,
Girl Scout Program Guide events are for you!

If you are in a Girl Scout troop, you can participate in events together
with your troop or on your own as an individual. Program Guide
events can be a great compliment to Girl Scout troop meetings and
badge activities, or a fun way for girls to explore their own interests in
addition to the cooperative learning they do with their troop.

If you are a Girl Scout Juliette—an individually registered member
in grades K-12—Program Guide events are a great way to explore Girl
Scout badges and connect with other Girl Scouts. In fact, you can do all
of the same things girls in troops do—from badges and events, to camp,
Fall Product and Girl Scout Cookie Programs, travel, highest awards and
more! Have questions? Contact us at for

Did you know? When you see the term “patrol” in this guide, it’s
referring to a travel patrol—a group of girls who function like a troop
for the duration of a GSOSW-sponsored travel opportunity, including
during the planning stages. Girls in troops and Girl Scout Juliettes can
apply for travel patrol opportunities! Learn more at

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...

      Your time to shine? Now.
Over the past year, you’ve shown the world—and maybe
even yourself—that nothing can stop your shine. Get ready
to take it to the next level and be your brightest, boldest
self with Girl Scouts—renew today! Renew your Girl Scout
membership by May 31, 2021, to take advantage of special
spring renewal benefits.

Don’t have a current Girl Scout membership? This year
only, Extended Year Membership is available to girls and
adults with lapsed Girl Scout membership (those who did
not have an active membership for the 2021 Girl Scout
year)! With Extended Year, you’ll receive membership for
the remainder of this year AND all of the upcoming 2022
membership year for just $35. That’s a $15 savings, and you
won’t need to renew again until September 2022!*

Extended Year Membership is also available for new girls
joining between now and July 31, 2021. Join us today at!
*Girl Scout membership must be renewed annually. Membership year is October 1–September 30.

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...
DAY CAMP                                      Mad Science
Engage Thru Tech                              Online
Online                                        The forecast calls for meteorological
Get ready to embark on an adventure           mayhem in the form of thunderbolts,
that celebrates the technology that has       heavy winds, and your own personal
changed the world, all from the comfort       tornado—all produced in the safety of
of your own home! Play games to learn         your home.
about the ways we use energy and
how it affects the environment. Then                6/21/21              5 - 6 p.m.
put your energy to good use in a “take
action” video. Combine your passion                $17.50/girl            D/BR/JR
for the outdoors with technology and
connect with scientists! Count squirrels
and pollinators, help NASA measure            PLANETS, MOONS AND
tree heights and help spread the word
about citizen science. Tinker around with
                                              Mad Science
building structures, the design process,
and how engineers think. Then use what
you have learned to build something to        For centuries, astronomers have studied
help older adults in need!                    the skies to learn about the stars. Now
                                              it’s your turn to take your place in the
                                              grand orbit of our solar system, circling
  6/28/21 - 7/7/21      9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                                              the sun and weaving through rocky
      $125/girl             Daisies           planets and gas giants, while creating
                                              solar and lunar eclipses.
  6/28/21 - 7/7/21         1 - 4 p.m.
      $125/girl            Brownies                  7/5/21             5 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                   $22.50/girl            D/BR/JR
  6/21/21 - 6/25/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
      $175/girl             Juniors
                                              LIVE ONLINE CODING FOR GOOD
  7/12/21 - 7/16/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.   DAY CAMP
                                              Engage Thru Tech
      $175/girl            Cadettes           Online
                                              Release your inner coder! Create a
  6/21/21 - 6/25/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.   simple video game and app, and
      $175/girl             Seniors           experience coding processes such as
                                              algorithms, loops, events, conditional
                                              statements, arrays, and debugging.
  6/21/21 - 6/25/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
      $175/girl          Ambassadors
                                                 7/5/21 - 7/6/21    9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
                                                    $125/girl             Juniors

                                                7/19/21 - 7/23/21     9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                                                    $175/girl        Daisies/Brownies

                                                7/29/21 - 7/30/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
                                                    $125/girl            Cadettes

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...

Join us on June 19, 2021, at 11 a.m. as we celebrate our Gold Award Girl
Scouts for achieving the Gold Award—the highest award for Girl Scout
Seniors and Ambassadors! Meet Gold Award Girl Scouts, hear about
their innovative and sustainable solutions to community challenges,
and be inspired to change the world with a project of your own.
Hear from special guest and keynote speaker Judith Batty, Interim CEO,
Girl Scouts of the USA. Register to attend for FREE today!

Tour America’s first National Park with your Girl Scout sisters! Enjoy
the scenery as you lounge aboard a passenger train from Oregon to
Wyoming. Once at the park, visit the breathtaking natural wonders of
geysers, hot springs, waterfalls, lakes and unspoiled forests. Plan fun
outdoor activities like hiking or kayaking. Work as a team to plan all
aspects of the trip from transportation to what you are going to eat
while there! The patrol will travel in the summer of 2022. Final dates
and details to be determined by the patrol.

Estimated cost per person is $1,300. Final cost to be determined by
patrol and is dependent upon details/activities planned. Apply by
August 15, 2021, at

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...
JULY 2021
BADGE DAY CAMP                               WORKSHOP SERIES
Engage Thru Tech                             Code Ninjas
Online                                       Tigard, OR
Travel to the past through the “magic” of    In this workshop series Girl Scouts
2-D animation and green screen effects!      will learn how to keep their online
Along the way, dabble in stop-motion as      information private, stay safe on the
well as custom ring tones for your cell      web, and how investigators track down
phone.                                       hackers and fight cybercrime.

   7/7/21 - 7/9/21      9:30 - 3:30 p.m.      7/10, 7/17 & 7/24/21     5 - 6 p.m.
      $175/girl             Juniors                 $55/girl           D/BR/JR

  7/26/21 - 7/28/21     9:30 - 3:30 p.m.
      $175/girl            Cadettes          FLING FLYER DESIGN
                                             Evergreen Aviation and Space
CODING FOR GOOD                              McMinnville, OR
Code Ninjas                                  Join us as we uncover the secrets to
Tigard, OR                                   flight! Go on a guided scavenger hunt
                                             to learn more about the four forces of
In this workshop series Girl Scouts will     flight, then put your knowledge to the
learn how computers work, how video          test by building your own glider.
games are made, how apps are created,
and who some influential women in
                                                    7/10/21          10 - 11:30 a.m.
computer science are!
                                                   $ 17.50/girl        Brownies
 7/10, 7/17 & 7/24/21      2 - 3 p.m.
       $55/girl             D/BR/JR
                                             BROWNIE PETS BADGE
                                             Oregon Humane Society
Code Ninjas                                  Join us as we explore the world of pets.
Tigard, OR                                   We will talk about what different pets
                                             need to be happy and healthy, and how
In this workshop series Girl Scouts will     to keep them safe. Girls will earn the
learn how to design, build, and program      Brownie Pets badge. Badge is included
a robot! This workshop series will fulfill   with registration and will be mailed to
all of the requirements needed to earn       girls after the workshop.
all three of the badges in the Robotics
progressive badge series for Daisies,
                                                     7/12/21           4 - 5 p.m.
Brownies, and Juniors.
                                                     $15/girl          Brownies
 7/10, 7/17 & 7/24/21      4 - 5 p.m.
       $55/girl             D/BR/JR

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 SUPPLEMENT - Girl Scouts of ...
JULY 2021
Mount St. Helens Institute                   Beaverton Civic Theatre
Online                                       Online
Investigate one of the world’s only          Explore the use of music in theatre,
growing glaciers at a volcano! Join us       dance and the movies. Learn about
for a follow-along-at-home experiment        musical instruments and composers. Go
as we model the inside of the crater of      behind the scenes and see how sound
Mount St. Helens and the glacier growing     effects and music are created!
inside ... with cookies and ice cream!
                                                   7/14/21             4 - 5 p.m.
      7/13/21              1 - 2 p.m.
                                                    $5/girl               Juniors
      $7.50/girl          BR/JR/CAD

                                             THE GHOST OF PANDORA’S
AND CHEESE                                   MYSTERY EXPERIENCE
GSOSW                                        TwistsNTurns
Medford, OR                                  Online

Get your hands dirty in the garden and       Rumor has it that some tourists went
learn about compost and worms from           missing while visiting Pandora’s Manor!
Bugs R Us! Afterward, learn how to make      Join this unique and interactive detective
ricotta cheese in the kitchen.               game experience in which girls become
                                             active participants in immersive stories,
      7/13/21           3:30 - 5:30 p.m.     and must work together as a team to
                                             unravel the plot before time runs out.
      $10/girl               All ages

                                                   7/14/21            6 - 6:50 p.m.
                                                  $19.50/girl             All ages
Portland, OR                                 VOLCANO ART
                                             Mount St. Helens Institute
Learn to respond to a range of situations
in which people need first aid, and
how to assist as you wait for medical        Gather up your art supplies as we
professionals to arrive at an emergency.     explore volcanoes through art! Join us
By successfully completing this online/      in this follow-along-at-home art session
in-person hybrid course, girls 14 and        as we view volcano art and think about
older will earn an American Red Cross        how people who experience volcanic
certification in Adult and Pediatric First   eruptions share their stories. Unlock
Aid, CPR, and AED, valid for two years.      your creativity and make some volcano-
                                             inspired art of your own!
      7/14/21          10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                                                   7/15/21             1 - 2 p.m.
      $70/girl            14 years +
                                                   $7.50/girl          BR/JR/CAD
      7/14/21              1 - 3 p.m.
      $70/girl            14 years +

JULY 2021
Mad Science                                Beaverton Civic Theatre
Online                                     Online
Look out 007—the Mad Science Secret        Celebrate space with Beaverton Civic
Agent Lab is on the case! Step into the    Theatre’s production of “Silent Sky”
shoes of a spy in action from decoding     and explore the life of Henrietta Leavitt,
messages, to metal detecting and using     an astronomer in the early 1900s
night vision goggles.                      who worked at Harvard as a human
                                           computer and charted the stars!
      7/19/21          9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                                                  7/21/21             4 - 5 p.m.
     $17.50/girl             JR/CAD
                                                  $5/girl              Brownies

Mad Science                                JULY FIELD TRIP TO
Online                                     MOUNT ST. HELENS
Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores—      Mount St. Helens Institute
oh my! Explore paws and claws and          Coldwater Lake, WA
how animals use them to survive. Learn     Explore the volcanic landscape of Mount
about animal adaptations as you explore    St. Helens in a field-based adventure led
the animal kingdom.                        by a Science Educator from the Mount
                                           St. Helens Institute. This field trip will
      7/19/21            5 - 6 p.m.        include hands-on investigations, hiking,
                                           art and other activities. Roll up your
     $17.50/girl          D/BR/JR          sleeves, strap on your boots and join us
                                           in the field to learn about the science
                                           and stories of Mount St. Helens!
MOUNT ST. HELENS                                 7/24/21            10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Mount St. Helens Institute                       $35/girl             BR/JR/CAD
When a volcano erupts ... what happens
to the birds? Gather your art supplies
                                           A TRIP TO MARS: AN
and join us in this follow-along-at-home
art session as we illustrate different     IMMERSIVE MYSTERY
birds that make their homes in the new     EXPERIENCE
landscapes created by the 1980 eruption    TwistsNTurns
of Mount St. Helens.                       Online
                                           Rumor has it that there has been some
      7/20/21             1 - 2 p.m.       foul play on the planet Mars! Join a
                                           unique and interactive detective game
     $7.50/girl          BR/JR/CAD
                                           experience in which girls become active
                                           participants in immersive stories, and
                                           must work together as a team to unravel
                                           the plot before time runs out.

                                                 7/24/21            10 - 10:50 a.m.
                                                $19.50/girl             All ages


Back this summer by popular demand! Camp On! inspires Girl Scouts
to explore camp activities on their own time and from their own
neighborhood. Bring the magic of camp home with a curated box of
supplies for all new, themed hands-on activities sent by mail to your
home. At the end of the month, join other campers in a live streamed
Camp In Campout to celebrate the month’s theme in true camp style.
Develop skills, build confidence, and stay mentally and physically active
through adventures with Camp On!

What’s included in the mailed Camp On! box?
• One Camp On! t-shirt and one patch
• Supplies for 3-4 themed
• A Camp On! activity packet
  filled with additional activities
  and recipes
• Friendship bracelet string
• Lanyard string and key ring
• Pre-stamped envelope with
• Free admittance to that
  month’s Camp In Campout
• And more!

Visit for more details!


Join girls and families across Oregon and SW Washington for a virtual
campout! Experience the magic of Girl Scout camp from the comfort
of your own home, including singalongs and a campfire. Pitch a tent
in your yard or create a blanket fort in your home to sleep in. Show off
your gourmet s’mores, make a traditional camp craft and video chat
with your friends or troop. Get a taste of overnight camp without leaving

Visit for more details!

INTRODUCTION TO                             THIS AND THAT ABOUT
PHOTOGRAPHY                                 KITTENS AND CATS
Lens and Learn                              Oregon Human Society
Online                                      Online
Calling all aspiring shutterbugs! Join
                                            Join the Oregon Humane Society for a
this virtual introduction to photography
                                            fun and interactive workshop all about
workshop to learn the fundamentals and
                                            kittens and cats. Find out all sorts of
basics of photography.
                                            interesting details about cats and make
                                            a simple cat toy during the workshop.
      7/24/21          10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
      $25/girl         JR/CAD/SR/AMB               8/3/21            3:30 - 5 p.m.
                                                  $7.50/girl       Daisies/Brownies

BADGE WORKSHOP                              THE GHOST OF PANDORA’S
Oregon Humane Society
                                            MANOR: AN IMMERSIVE
                                            MYSTERY EXPERIENCE
Join us as we look at the many ways         TwistsNTurns
that pets help people. We will talk         Online
about the bond people have with their
pets, how animals help us stay safe         Rumor has it that some tourists went
and help us emotionally, and ways that      missing while visiting Pandora’s Manor!
animals help people with disabilities.      Join this unique and interactive detective
Then we will look into the future and       game experience in which girls become
predict how animals may be helping us       active participants in immersive stories,
then. Girls will earn the Cadette Animal    and must work together as a team to
Helpers badge. Badge is included with       unravel the plot before time runs out.
registration and will be mailed to girls
after the workshop.
                                                   8/6/21            6 - 6:50 p.m.
                                                 $19.50/girl           All ages
      7/26/21            3:30 - 5 p.m.
      $15/girl            Cadettes

                                            CAMP ASTRO GIRL: SPACE
                                            SCIENCE EXPO
FANTASTIC FLYERS                            GSOSW
Mad Science                                 Camp Whispering Winds
Learn to control air surfaces and build     Join GSOSW at Camp Whispering
your own loop-flying stunt plane.           Winds for this fun and interactive space
Become familiar with the forces of flight   science expo event hosted by the
and the functional elements of multiple     GSOSW Astronomy Clubs!
plane designs. You’ll be an Amelia
Earhart after this class!                          8/7/21           10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                   $5/girl             All ages
       8/2/21            5 - 6:30 p.m.
     $22.50/girl           D/BR/JR                 8/8/21           10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                   $5/girl             All ages

DAY CAMP                                     WORKSHOP SERIES
Engage Thru Tech                             Code Ninjas
Online                                       Tigard, OR
                                             In this workshop series Girl Scouts will
Get ready to embark on an adventure
                                             learn how computers work, how video
that celebrates the technology that has
                                             games are made, how apps are created,
changed the world, all from the comfort
                                             and who some influential women in
of your own home! Play games to learn
                                             computer science are!
about the ways we use energy and
how it affects the environment, then
put your energy to good use in a “take        8/14 8/21 & 8/28/21       2- 3 p.m.
action” video. Combine your passion                $55/girl              D/BR/JR
for the outdoors with technology and
connect with scientists! Count squirrels
and pollinators, help NASA measure
tree heights and help spread the word        ROBOTICS WORKSHOP SERIES
about citizen science. Tinker around with    Code Ninjas
building structures, the design process,     Tigard, OR
and how engineers think. Then use what
                                             In this workshop series Girl Scouts will
you have learned to build something to
                                             learn how to design, build, and program
help older adults in need!
                                             a robot! This workshop series will fulfill
                                             all of the requirements needed to earn
   8/9/21- 8/13/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.   all three of the badges in the Robotics
      $175/girl            Juniors
                                             progressive badge series for Daisies,
                                             Brownies, and Juniors.

   8/9/21- 8/13/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
                                              8/14 8/21 & 8/28/21       4 - 5 p.m.
      $175/girl           Cadettes
                                                   $55/girl              D/BR/JR

  8/16/21- 8/20/21     9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
      $125/girl            Daisies           CYBERSECURITY WORKSHOP
  8/16/21- 8/20/21     9 a.m. - 12 p.m.      Code Ninjas
      $125/girl           Brownies           Tigard, OR
                                             In this workshop series Girl Scouts
  8/16/21- 8/20/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.   will learn how to keep their online
                                             information private, stay safe on the
      $175/girl             Senior
                                             web, and how investigators track down
                                             hackers and fight cybercrime.
  8/16/21- 8/20/21   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
      $175/girl         Ambassadors           8/14 8/21 & 8/28/21       5 - 6 p.m.
                                                   $55/girl              D/BR/JR

ANIMAL HEROES AND                          THE SCOOP ON DOGS
HABITATS                                   Oregon Humane Society
Beaverton Civic Theatre                    Online
                                           Join the Oregon Humane Society for a
Travel to the Middle Ages, where people    fun and interactive workshop all about
kept dogs, cats, birds, monkeys and        dogs. Find out all sorts of interesting
many other kinds of animals as pets.       details about dogs and make a simple
Stop to see animal heroes, habitats and    dog toy during the workshop.
training on the way back to the present.
                                                 8/17/21            3:30 - 5 p.m.
      8/14/21          10 a.m. - 1 p.m.          $7.50/girl       Daisies/Brownies
      $25/girl        Juniors/Cadettes

                                           THE WIZARDING WORLD
BUGS                                       OF WILDLIFE SAFARI
Mad Science                                Wildlife Safari
Online                                     Medford, OR

Examine a world within our own!            Join Wildlife Safari for an enchanting
Hear the buzz about the world’s most       night full of magical creatures. Learn
abundant inhabitants. Learn the parts      about the magically scientific powers of
of an insect as well as how they defend    animals and camp under the stars!
themselves. Find out exactly what it
means to be bug-eyed.
                                             8/21/21 - 8/22/21     5 p.m. - 9 a.m.
                                               $65/person        BR/JR/CAD/SR/AMB
      8/16/21             5 - 6 p.m.
     $17.50/girl           D/BR/JR

                                           FLOWER BADGE
A TRIP TO MARS: AN                         Evergreen Aviation and Space
IMMERSIVE MYSTERY                          Museum
EXPERIENCE                                 McMinnville, OR
Online                                     Uncover the science of flowers! Go on
                                           a virtual tour of the Space, Technology,
Rumor has it that there has been some      and Astrobotany Research Room, where
foul play on the planet Mars! Join a       you’ll discover what a flower looks like
unique and interactive detective game      under a microscope and how scientists
experience in which girls become active    plan to use plants in space exploration.
participants in immersive stories, and
must work together as a team to unravel
the plot before time runs out.                   8/21/21           10 - 11:30 a.m.
                                                $ 17.50/girl          Juniors
      8/16/21            7 - 7:50 p.m.
     $19.50/girl           All ages


GSOSW is gearing up for a fun-filled space science event this summer
that will be out of this world! Spend the day at Camp Whispering Winds
learning all about space from STEM experts, engage in fun hands-on
activities led by members of GSOSW’s very own astronomy clubs,
and explore all that camp has to offer. This event is $5/girl and will
be hosted twice, on August 7 and August 8, so join us on the day that
works best for you!

All Girl Scout members can continue the fun with a FREE live virtual
event the following weekend on August 14, where Girl Scouts can
observe the stars through a virtual telescope, learn all about a local
observatory, engage in fun program partner workshops and so much
more! Registration opens on June 1 at


Check out what each of the GSOSW astronomy clubs have to offer and
start exploring the galaxy with fellow Girl Scouts by joining today! Girl
Scouts can use Program Credits to join either GSOSW astronomy club.

Space Explorers Team—Willamette Valley Astronomy Club
This girl-led astronomy club votes on a topic to explore each month
and arranges virtual guest speakers, then blasts off with newfound
knowledge! Open to Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and
Ambassadors. Contact to join!

Space Science Research Team—Portland Metro Astronomy Club
Join the Portland Metro Astronomy Club to participate in monthly
stargazing challenges, attend virtual telescope workshops, discover
new at-home activities, and gain access to a telescope loan
program. When you join, you’ll receive a monthly newsletter and
fun gift from the astronomy club! Open to all grade levels. Contact
gsoswastronomyclub@ to join the program!

AUGUST FIELD TRIP TO                         CODING FOR GOOD
MOUNT ST. HELENS                             WORKSHOP SERIES
Mount St. Helens Institute                   Code Ninjas
Coldwater Lake, WA                           Tigard, OR
                                             In this workshop series Girl Scouts will
Explore the volcanic landscape of Mount
                                             learn how computers work, how video
St. Helens in a field-based adventure led
                                             games are made, how apps are created,
by a Science Educator from the Mount
                                             and who some influential women in
St. Helens Institute. This field trip will
                                             computer science are!
include hands-on investigations, hiking,
art, and other activities as we explore
the ways in which the May 18, 1980,           9/11, 9/18 & 9/25/21      2 - 3 p.m.
eruption shaped the landscape and the               $55/girl             D/BR/JR
plants and animals that have returned
since the eruption.

      8/28/21           10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
                                             ROBOTICS WORKSHOP SERIES
                                             Code Ninjas
      $35/girl            BR/JR/CAD          Tigard, OR
                                             In this workshop series Girl Scouts will
                                             learn how to design, build, and program
HOME SCIENTIST                               a robot! This workshop series will fulfill
Mad Science                                  all of the requirements needed to earn
Online                                       all three of the badges in the Robotics
                                             progressive badge series for Daisies,
Learn about the amazing chemical             Brownies, and Juniors.
process of eating and digestion, make
Mad Science putty with household
                                              9/11, 9/18 & 9/25/21      4 - 5 p.m.
ingredients and play with static
electricity!                                        $55/girl             D/BR/JR

      8/30/21            5 - 6:30 p.m.
     $22.50/girl          BR/JR/CAD
                                             CYBERSECURITY WORKSHOP
                                             Code Ninjas
                                             Tigard, OR
                                             In this workshop series Girl Scouts
WORKSHOP                                     will learn how to keep their online
Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum
                                             information private, stay safe on the
McMinnville, OR
                                             web, and how investigators track down
                                             hackers and fight cybercrime.
Discover more about our Solar System!
Go on a guided scavenger hunt of the
Space Museum, where you’ll learn              9/11, 9/18 & 9/25/21      5 - 6 p.m.
about the different objects in our                  $55/girl             D/BR/JR
neighborhood—and beyond.

       9/4/21            10 - 11:30 a.m.
     $ 17.50/girl            Juniors


LIFE AT SEA                                  THINK LIKE A CITIZEN
Mad Science                                  SCIENTIST JOURNEY
Online                                       WORKSHOP
                                             Engage Thru Tech
Are you ready to be a Marine Biologist?      Online
Swim through the warm sunlit zones of
the ocean, meander into deeper waters        Combine your passion for the outdoors
and finally dive deep down into the          with technology and connect with
abyss. Discover the animals that live in     scientists! Count squirrels and
the sea, and what you can do to help         pollinators, help Alzheimer’s researchers,
them thrive. Explore the technologies—       and help spread the word about issues
man-made and biological—that can take        related to the environment.
us there!

                                               9/18/21 - 9/25/21     9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
      9/13/21              5 - 6 p.m.
                                                   $68/girl         Daisies/Brownies
     $17.50/girl          BR/JR/CAD

                                               9/18/21 - 9/25/21      1 - 7:30 p.m.

FIRST AID AND CPR/AED                              $84/girl           CAD/SR/AMB

GSOSW                                          9/18/21 - 9/25/21    9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Portland, OR                                       $84/girl              Juniors

Learn to respond to a range of situations
in which people need first aid, and
how to assist as you wait for medical        WILDERNESS FIRST AID
professionals to arrive at an emergency.     FOR GIRLS
By successfully completing this online/      GSOSW
in-person hybrid course, girls 14 and        Camp Arrowhead, Stevenson, WA
older will earn an American Red Cross
certification in Adult and Pediatric First   Learn to provide first aid care while
Aid, CPR, and AED, valid for two years.      outdoors in remote environments.
                                             Topics include patient assessments,
      9/15/21              4 - 6 p.m.        bone and joint injuries, heat and cold-
                                             related illness, wounds, allergies, and
      $70/girl            14 years +         more, all considering a wilderness
                                             context. Girls must hold current
      9/15/21           6:30 - 8:30 p.m.     certification in basic first aid, CPR,
                                             and AED by the start of this course.
      $70/girl            14 years +
                                             Completion of the course results in an
                                             American Red Cross certification in
                                             Wilderness and Remote First Aid, valid
                                             for two years.

                                               9/18/21 & 9/19/21     8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
                                                   $125/girl           14 years +

Mad Science

Become a Rocket Scientist! Race a
balloon rocket and design your own
car engine as you learn about thrust,
gravity, drag and lift. See the principles
of propulsion at work and build your very
own Skyblazer rocket to take home.

       9/27/21           5 - 6:30 p.m.
     $27.50/girl          BR/JR/CAD

Engage Thru Tech

Tinker around with building structures,
the design process, and how engineers
think! Then use what you’ve learned
to build something to help the

  10/2/21 - 10/9/21     9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
       $68/girl        Daisies/Brownies

  10/2/21 - 10/9/21      1 - 7:30 p.m.
       $84girl           CAD/SR/AMB

  10/3/21 - 10/10/21   9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
       $84/girl             Juniors


This summer, set an outdoor adventure goal for yourself and cheer
on other Girl Scouts as they work towards their own. Your personal
adventure could be to …
   • Climb a mountain near you
   • Go backpacking for the first time
   • Complete a North Face High Adventure badge
   • Plan a family paddling trip
   • Run a trail race
   • Any personal outdoor challenge that makes you excited and
       builds your skills!

No matter your goal, this program will lead you through a mix of
self-led activities and virtual events to build your outdoor skills and
confidence. Programs will include topics like:
    • Outdoor adventure planning
    • Risk management and safety
    • Choosing and using gear
    • A behind-the-scenes look at mountaineering
    • The Trail Adventure and Snow/Climbing Adventure badges

At the end of the summer, share your adventure with GSOSW, and
together we’ll celebrate our growth with a new patch! Youth and adult
Girl Scouts are welcome to participate.

Keep an eye on the monthly Program Opportunities email and
GSOSW’s Facebook page to see virtual event opportunities. Want to be
notified via email when events are planned and self-led activities are
released? Join the interest list!

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