REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle

Page created by Luis Santos
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle

(740)369-2787| | |     Arts Castle

                            Delaware County Cultural Arts Center

                                 VOLUME 32 • ISSUE 1
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
Table of Contents
    CHILDREN                                                               TEEN/ADULT
     Ceramics                                                               Ceramics
     Family Ceramics .................................................3 Family Ceramics................................................10
     Youth Pottery .....................................................3 Continuing Ceramics Studies ..........................10
     Clayworks............................................................3 Youth Pottery....................................................10
                                                                            Beginning Pottery.............................................10
     Culinary Arts
     Seasonal French Macarons Youth (A) & (B)......3 Culinary Arts
     Seasonal French Macarons(Parent & Child).....3 Seasonal French Macarons (Youth) A& B........11
                                                                            Seasonal French Macarons (Teen/Adult) .......11
     Painting, Drawing & More                                               Seasonal French Macarons (Parent & Child) .11
     Preschool Art Adventures - A & B......................4
     Cartooning for Kids.............................................4 Dance
     Weekly Preschool Art Enrichment A & B..........4 Adult Ballet - Winter I & II................................11
     Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22 (Youth)..........4 All that Jazz: Decades! A & B............................11
     Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22
        (Tween/Teen) Beginners.................................4 Fiber Arts
     Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22                                        Knitting 101: Cocoon Cardigan........................12
        (Tween/Teen) Advanced.................................4 Introduction to Sewing....................................12
     Winter Creative Art Sampler ............................5 Kids Sewing: Flannel Scarf ...............................12
     ART FUNdamentals: Color Theory &                                       Kids Sewing: Valentine Pillow .........................12
        Painting for Kids...............................................5 Kids Sewing: Sewing for Your Dog ..................13
     ART FUNdamentals: Color Theory &                                       Kids Sewing: Macrame Cloud..........................13
        Painting for Tweens/Teens (A) & (B)...............5 Kids Sewing: Sock Monkey...............................13
     Anime Drawing for Teens ..................................5 Kids Sewing: Fox Pillow.....................................13
     Pet Portraits (Youth Workshop)........................6
     Drawing and Painting Sampler..........................6 Performing Arts
                                                                            An Actor’s Toolbox............................................13
     Fiber Arts
     Introduction to Sewing......................................6 Glass Arts
     Kids Sewing: Flannel Scarf .................................6 Stained Glass for Beginners A & B..................14
     Kids Sewing: Valentine Pillow............................6
     Kids Sewing: Sewing for Your Dog ....................7 Painting & Drawing
     Kids Sewing: Fox Pillow.......................................7 ART FUNdamentals: Color Theory
     Kids Sewing: Sock Monkey ................................7    & Painting Tweens/Teens (A) & (B)...............15
     Kids Sewing: Macrame Cloud ...........................7 Winter Creative Art Sampler ..........................15
                                                                            Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22
     Performing Arts                                                          (Tween/Teen) & (Adult)- Beginners..............15
     An Actor’s Toolbox..............................................7 Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22
                                                                              (Tween/Teen) & (Adult)- Advanced..............15
     Dance                                                                  Anime Drawing for Teens.................................16
     Barbie’s Ballet Class ...........................................8 Pet Portraits (Youth) & (Teen/Adult)...............16
     Rock ‘n Roll Ballet for Boys ................................8 Decorative Arts: Slate Sign
     Tap & Jazz Combo ..............................................8   (Spring Workshop) .........................................16
     All that Jazz: Decades! A & B..............................8
                                                                            PRIVATE LESSONS
    Small Groups & Troops.........................................9 Music, Art and Dance.......................................17

                                                                            Registration Form............................................18

2                                                                           Arts Castle Policies...........................................19
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
         (AGES 1 - 12)
FAMILY CERAMICS                                           CLAYWORKS
C0073-R122                      Ages: 7+ and adult        C0072-R122                             Ages: 7 to 10
Jan 24-Mar 7            Monday| 5:30PM-8:00PM             Jan 29-Mar 12         Saturday| 10:30AM-12:00PM
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17                    Registration Deadline: Friday, Jan. 21
Join us this winter for a weekly family ceramics class!   Beginning to advanced students will explore hand
Caregivers and children will practice throwing vessels    building in addition to receiving focused instruction
on the pottery wheel. An adult must accompany             on basic wheel-thrown forms. Dress for mess!
each child. All levels are welcome. All materials         Madison Langford                     Member: $125
included. Dress for mess!                                 # of sessions: 7                 Non-Member: $139
Emily Logan-Rastorfer     Member: $246/per pair
# of sessions: 7      Non-Member: $274, per pair

C0071-R122                          Ages: 10 to 15
Jan 27-Mar 10         Wednesday| 4:30PM-6:00PM
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 19
We will explore both hand built and wheel-thrown
forms through a series of projects; Emphasis will
be determined by student interest. Students will
explore a variety of glazing techniques. Great for the
experienced or the newly interested. Dress for mess!
Madison Langford                     Member: $125
# of sessions: 7                 Non-Member: $139

Seasonal French Macarons (Youth) (A)                      (PARENT & CHILD)
X0051-R122                           Ages: 10 to 14       X0054-R122                 Ages: 8 to 14 with adult
Jan 22                 Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM           Feb 5                   Saturday| 1:00PM-4:00PM
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17                    Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 31
Seasonal French Macarons (Youth) (B)                      Join us for a fun-filled family time of baking, laughing
X0053-R122                           Ages: 10 to 14       and sugar! In this fun, hands-on class, young chefs
Feb 5                  Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM           will work alongside a parent/guardian to make
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 31                    and assemble traditional French macarons. Our
Learn the art of making traditional French macarons       instructor will walk you both through the steps for
in this hands-on baking class! We will start from         making everything. Children not registered for class
scratch and learn all of the steps to making the          may not attend. (Please note: Macarons contain
macaron shell and delicious filling options. And,         both eggs & nuts.)
of course, sample our final product! (Please note:        Becky Shick                  Member: $58/per pair
Macarons contain both eggs & nuts.)                       # of sessions: 1         Non-Member: $64/per pair
Becky Shick                           Member: $46
# of sessions: 1                  Non-Member: $51

                    #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
      740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |                          3
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
PRESCHOOL ART ADVENTURES                               POUR YOUR ART OUT! @ Gallery 22 (Youth)
Preschool Art Adventures - A                           A0156-R122                             Ages: 5 to 9
A0154-R122                             Ages: 3 to 5    Jan 29                  Saturday| 1:00PM-2:30PM
Jan 17-Jan 31           Monday| 1:00PM-2:30PM          Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 24
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 10                 In this unique workshop, students are invited into an
Preschool Art Adventures - B                           artist's working studio to explore the art of acrylic
A0155-R122                            Ages: 3 to 5     pour painting. Using a hands-on approach, students
Feb 14-Feb 28           Monday| 1:00PM-2:30PM          will learn basic pouring techniques using various
Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7                  tools to create one-of-a-kind works of art on canvas.
                                                       Janie Padilla-Goldman                Member: $32
Explore different art mediums as we visit old tales,
                                                       # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $36
master artists and more. Designed specifically for
preschool students.
                                                       POUR YOUR ART OUT!
    Paula Blosser                    Member: $63       @ Gallery 22 (Tween/Teen) - BEGINNERS
    # of sessions: 3             Non-Member: $70       A0157-R122                          Ages: 10 to 17
                                                       Feb 12                  Saturday| 1:00PM-2:30PM
    CARTOONING FOR KIDS                                Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7
A0150-R122                             Ages: 6 to 10
                                                       In this unique workshop, students are invited into an
Jan 18-Feb 8             Tuesday| 4:00PM-5:00PM
                                                       artist's working studio to explore the art of acrylic
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 11
                                                       pour painting. Using a hands-on approach, students
Each session we will learn how to draw a different     will learn basic pouring techniques using various
cartoon character with full color and background.      tools to create one-of-a-kind works of art on canvas.
Students will have choices of animals, super heroes,
                                                       Janie Padilla-Goldman                Member: $32
and mythical creatures.
                                                       # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $36
    Ike Greenwood                    Member: $58
    # of sessions: 4             Non-Member: $64       POUR YOUR ART OUT!
                                                       @ Gallery 22 (Tween/Teen) - ADVANCED
WEEKLY PRESCHOOL ART ENRICHMENT                        A0158-R122                          Ages: 10 to 17
Weekly Preschool Art Enrichment (A)                    March 5                 Saturday| 1:00PM-2:30PM
A0152-R122                             Ages: 3 to 5    Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 28
Jan  21-Feb 4            Friday| 10:00AM-11:30AM       In this unique workshop, students are invited into an
Registration Deadline: Friday, Jan. 14                 artist's working studio to explore the art of acrylic
Weekly Preschool Art Enrichment (B)                    pour painting. Using a hands-on approach, students
A0153-R122                             Ages: 3 to 5    will learn basic pouring techniques using various
Feb 18-Mar 4             Friday| 10:00AM-11:30AM       tools to create one-of-a-kind works of art on canvas.
Registration Deadline: Friday, Feb. 11                 Janie Padilla-Goldman                Member: $37
Increase your children’s love for art and artistic     # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $41
expression through drawing, painting, sculpting,
and various other mediums. Every Friday will be a
morning filled with fun and creativity - and we will
sneak in discovering facts about famous artists,
touch new textures and develop art vocabulary.
Sara Deericks                        Member: $63
# of sessions: 3                 Non-Member: $70
                        #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
4         740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
A0168-R122                             Ages: 6 to 14       PAINTING FOR TWEENS/TEENS
Jan 27-Feb 10            Thursday| 6:30PM-8:30PM           ART FUNdamentals:
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 20                    Color Theory & Painting for Tweens/Teens (A)
If you love to play with all types of art and craft        A0165-R122                           Ages: 10 to 15
supplies, this class is for you! We will create seasonal   Jan 22                  Saturday| 1:00PM-4:00PM
winter projects using a variety of materials: wood,        Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17
paint, paper, fiber, fabric and recycled items! Each       ART FUNdamentals: Color Theory & Painting
week we will be experimenting with a new medium!           for Tweens/Teens (B)
We will make a wood snowman, a paper/wood and              A0165-R122                          Ages: 10 to 15
fabric banner, a Valentine mobile, a canvas painting       Mar 12                 Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM
and MORE! This is a new series that will be offered        Registration Deadline: Monday, March 7
each season!
                                                           Expand your child’s creativity and skill set through
Laurie Haver                          Member: $90          learning the basics in color theory, perspective,
# of sessions: 4                 Non-Member: $100          composition, and painting. Participants will produce
                                                           an interactive color wheel and receive examples
                                                           of perspective/composition for future reference.
                                                           Each student will also complete an 11"x14" canvas
                                                           panel acrylic painting of a still life composed of age-
                                                           appropriate objects of interest. All materials are
                                                           included in this fun-filled & engaging workshop.
                                                           Christie Gianni-Shaw                  Member: $48
                                                           # of sessions: 1                  Non-Member: $53

                                                           ANIME DRAWING FOR TEENS
                                                           A0151-R122                           Ages: 11 to 15
                                                           Feb 15-Mar 8             Tuesday| 4:00PM-5:00PM
                                                           Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Feb. 8
A0161-R122                             Ages: 5 to 9        Learn the unique Japanese style of “Anime
Jan 22                 Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM            Cartooning” through the lessons of facial expression,
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17                     emotion, hairstyle, and clothing. Narrative
                                                           storytelling will also be a part of the lesson theme.
Expand your child’s creativity and skill set through
                                                           Bring your favorite characters for reference.
learning the basics in color theory, perspective,
composition, and painting. Designed especially for         Ike Greenwood                         Member: $58
students 5 to 9 years of age, participants will produce    # of sessions: 4                  Non-Member: $64
an interactive color wheel and receive examples
of perspective/composition for future reference.
Each student will also complete an 11x14” canvas
panel acrylic painting of a still life composed of age-
appropriate objects of interest. All materials are
included in this fun-filled & engaging workshop.
Christie Gianni-Shaw                   Member: $48
# of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $53

                    #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
      740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |                            5
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
    A0163-R122                            Ages: 8 to 14        A0167-R122                             Ages: 7 to 12
    Feb 12                 Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM            Mar 3-Mar 17            Thursday| 4:30PM-5:30PM
    Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7                      Registration Deadline: Thursday, Feb. 24
    Paint your pet like the pros! Bring a photo of your or a   Play with different media and improve your drawing
    loved ones furry friend to this informative workshop.      and painting skills. We will use a variety of materials,
    Learn how to capture their sweet faces on an 8"x10"        including pencil, charcoal, and watercolors. You are
    acrylic painted canvas. Class members should email         welcome to join us again if you have taken this class
    chosen photo prior to attending.                           before. Dress for mess.
    Christie Gianni-Shaw                   Member: $48         Angela Gage                            Member: $39
    # of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $53         # of sessions: 3                   Non-Member: $43
    INTRODUCTION TO SEWING                                     KIDS SEWING: FLANNEL SCARF
    F0061-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17         F0062-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17
    Jan 19                Wednesday| 5:30PM-8:30PM             Jan 26                Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM
    Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 12                  Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 19
    Intro to Machine Sewing will teach the basics needed       Learn to make an infinity scarf to keep you warm this
    to get started on this super fun and creative hobby.       winter. You will have a choice of several fun and cozy
    Learn how to identify machine parts and their              flannel patterns. We will also make hand warmers for
    purposes, how to thread your machine and bobbin,           your pockets that will help keep your fingers toasty!
    care for your machine, fix the inevitable thread           While this is a beginner class, attendees should have
    jam and more! This class (or previous knowledge)           basic knowledge of operating a sewing machine. If
    is required before attending other machine sewing          you have never operated a machine before, please
    classes. Students will make a fabric pouch or bag as       register for Intro to Machine Sewing prior to taking a
    their project. Don’t have a machine? Machine rental        project class. Don’t have a machine? Machine rental
    available for $5 per class.                                available for $5 per class.
    Laurie Haver                           Member: $46         Laurie Haver                           Member: $44
    # of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $51         # of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $49

                                                               KIDS SEWING: VALENTINE PILLOW
                                                               F0065-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17
                                                               Feb 2                 Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM
                                                               Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 26
                                                               Learn to make a pillow using duck cloth. We will
                                                               also learn how to appliqué hearts and other LOVE-
                                                               ly decorations to make a cute and colorful seasonal
                                                               pillow. While this is a beginner class, attendees
                                                               should have basic knowledge of operating a sewing
                                                               machine. If you have never operated a machine
                                                               before, please register for Intro to Machine Sewing
                                                               prior to taking a project class. Don’t have a machine?
                                                               Machine rental available for $5 per class.
                                                               Laurie Haver                           Member: $45
                                                               # of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $50
                        #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
6         740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
           (AGES 1 - 12)
F0064-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17       F0066-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17
Feb 9-Feb 16          Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM           Mar 2                 Wednesday| 5:30PM-8:30PM
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 2                 Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 23
Let’s make some fun accessories for your dog! We         Learn to sew a Sock Monkey from a pair of the
will make an over-the-collar reversible bandana and a    traditional Red Heeled Socks. We will use a
pouch that attaches to your leash. We will also make     combination on hand sewing and machine sewing. If
a toys from recycled materials: a braided/sewn tug       you have a sewing machine, please bring it to class.
ring from repurposed t-shirts. And from repurposed       Don’t have a machine? Machine rental available for
denim, you can design your own toy/ball complete         $5 per class.
with squeaker. While this is a beginner class,           Laurie Haver                          Member: $51
attendees should have basic knowledge of operating       # of sessions: 1                  Non-Member: $57
a sewing machine. If you have never operated a
machine before, please register for Intro to Machine
Sewing prior to taking a project class. Don’t have a
machine? Machine rental available for $5 per class.
Laurie Haver                         Member: $75
# of sessions: 2                 Non-Member: $83

F0067-R122                          Ages: 8 to 17
Feb 23               Wednesday | 6:00PM-8:30PM           KIDS SEWING: MACRAME CLOUD
Registration Deadline: pending                           F0063-R122                          Ages: 8 to 17
What will the fox say? Students will practice basic      Mar 9                 Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM
sewing skills and try appliqué and button sewing as      Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 2
we make this adorable fox felt pillow. This fun design   Let’s make a fun wall hanging for spring! First, we will
adds opportunities to pick some of your own design       paint our cloud, sun and the word “dream”. Then, we
and embellishment details. You will leave class with a   will learn a basic macrame knot as we add our yarn
one-of-a-kind creation! Don't have a machine? There      rainbow. Then we will assemble it! A fun mix of fiber
are machines available for rental for $5 per class.      arts and painting!
Laurie Haver                         Member: $45         Laurie Haver                          Member: $42
# of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $50         # of sessions: 1                  Non-Member: $47
M0029-R122                          Ages: 11 to 17
Jan 19-Mar 9          Wednesday| 6:30PM-7:30PM
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 12
In this class, students will perform selected
scenes chosen from classical to modern plays.
We will analyze the characters, apply different
tactics, strengthen the performer’s reactions and
movements as well as learn improvisation skills.
Tina Gleason                        Member: $120
# of sessions: 8                Non-Member: $120
                    #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
      740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |                         7
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
             (AGES 1 - 12)
    D0061-R122                             Ages: 4 to 9
    Jan 22-Mar 12           Saturday| 9:00AM-9:30AM
    Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17
    The world of Barbie takes stage in this new ballet
    class! Students will listen to their favorite Barbie-
    themed music as they learn basic ballet techniques.
    Lauren Cox                           Member: $50
    # of sessions: 8                 Non-Member: $56

                                                            TAP & JAZZ COMBO
                                                            D0063-R122                             Ages: 4 to 9
                                                            Jan 22-Mar 12         Saturday| 10:15AM-11:00AM
                                                            Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17
                                                            Are you looking for a dance class that is high energy?
                                                            Come join us for jumping jazz & tippety tap fun!
                                                            In this class we learn rhythm, basic tap, and jazz
                                                            Carrie Blust                         Member: $74
                                                            # of sessions: 8                 Non-Member: $82

                                                            ALL THAT JAZZ: DECADES!
                                                            All that Jazz: Decades! (A)
                                                            D0059-R122                               Ages: 11+
                                                            Feb 9                 Wednesday| 3:00PM-4:30PM
                                                            Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 2
                                                            All that Jazz: Decades! (B)
                                                            D0060-R122                             Ages: 11+
                                                            Mar 9                 Wednesday| 3:00PM-4:30PM
                                                            Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 2
    D0062-R122                            Ages: 4 to 12     This is a fun jazz class for beginner to intermediate
    Jan 22-Mar 12          Saturday| 9:30AM-10:00AM         students (with or without experience). We will do
    Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17                  a warm-up (isolations, strenghtening, stretching),
                                                            across the floor, and center movement. We will use
    Students will learn basic ballet techniques while
                                                            some hit songs from multiple decades, explore some
    jamming to some awesome pop hits! Designed
                                                            moves from different eras, and put it all together in
    to introduce boys to the art of ballet in a fun and
                                                            a short combination or two. Wear exercise/dance
    entertaining way. By incorporating fun exercises and
                                                            clothes, jazz shoes (ballet shoes or socks work too)
    lots of games, this is no ordinary ballet class!
                                                            and bring a water bottle for this high energy class!
    Lauren Cox                           Member: $50
                                                            Naomi Reineke                        Member: $21
    # of sessions: 8                 Non-Member: $56
                                                            # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $23

                        #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
8         740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
CHILDREN        (AGES 1 - 12)
Are you looking for something fun to do with a
small group, troop or organization? Bring them to
the castle! An instructor will lead the group through
two hours of creativity and fun. Minimum number
of troop leaders/adult assistants’ help is required.
Due to space requirements, a maximum number of
students may be accommodated for each course of-
fered. Please contact us for more info and to make
reservations.                                            #SMALL GROUPS AND TROOPS
                                                         DRAWING BADGE                        **Ages:9 to 11
CERAMICS BADGE                         **Ages:6 to 9     Geared toward learning basic drawing skills, the in-
                                                         structor will tailor the workshop to meet the specific
Geared toward learning basic ceramic skills, the
                                                         interests of the group. Each student will leave the
instructor will tailor the workshop to meet the
                                                         with a student-made portfolio with at least 6 draw-
specific interests of the group. Each person will
                                                         ings. A maximum of 15 students can be accommo-
produce hand built pieces (one of which will be
                                                         dated. Dress for mess.
glazed) while learning how to work with clay. All
materials included. The leader will be notified when                               $124 for up to 10 students
the pieces are finished and ready to be picked           # of sessions: 1             $12 each add’l student
up.   Due to space requirements, maximum of 12
students can be accommodated. Dress for mess.            #SMALL GROUPS AND TROOPS
                                                         JEWELRY BADGE **Ages:9 to 12
                          $152 for up to 10 students
# of sessions: 1             $15 each add’l student      Geared toward learning basic jewelry skills,   the
                                                         instructor will tailor the workshop to meet the
#SMALL GROUPS & TROOPS                                   specific interests of the group. Each student will
DANCE BADGE                                              leave with at least 4 pieces of handmade jewelry.
Geared toward learning basic dance steps, the            Dress for mess. A maximum of 15 students can be
instructor will tailor the workshop to meet the          accommodated. Each student should bring a small
specific interests of the group. A maximum of 15         interesting stone or shell to wire wrap.
students can be accommodated. Participants should                                  $136 for up to 10 students
wear ballet shoes, socks or bare feet and clothes that   # of sessions: 1             $12 each add’l student
allow easy movement.
                                                         #SMALL GROUPS AND TROOPS
                           124 for up to 10 students
                                                         CERAMICS BADGE                       **Ages:9 to 12
# of sessions: 1           $12 each add’l student
                                                         Geared toward learning basic ceramic skills, the
#SMALL GROUPS AND TROOPS                                 instructor will tailor the workshop to meet the
PAINTING BADGE                         **Ages:6 to 9     specific interests of the group. Each person will
Geared towards learning basic painting skills, the       produce hand built pieces (one of which will be
instructor will tailor the workshop to meet the          glazed) while learning how to work with clay. All
specific interests of the group. Each student will       materials included. The leader will be notified when
leave with individual paintings and a troop mural.       the pieces are finished and ready to be picked
A maximum of 15 students can be accommodated.            up.   Due to space requirements, maximum of 12
Dress for mess.                                          students can be accommodated. Dress for mess.
                          $124 for up to 10 students                               $152 for up to 10 students
# of sessions: 1             $12 each add’l student      # of sessions: 1             $15 each add’l student

                    #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
      740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |                           9
REGISTER TODAY! (740)369-2787 - Arts Castle - The Arts Castle
     C0073-R122                      Ages: 7+ and adult
     Jan 24-Mar 7            Monday| 5:30PM-8:00PM
     Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17
     Join us this winter for a weekly family ceramics class!
     Caregivers and children will practice throwing vessels
     on the pottery wheel. An adult must accompany
     each child. All levels are welcome. All materials
     included. Dress for mess!
     Emily Logan-Rastorfer     Member: $246/per pair
     # of sessions: 7      Non-Member: $274/per pair

     C0070-R122                              Ages: 18+
     Jan 25-Mar 8             Tuesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM
     Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 18
     If you’ve already learned the basics and want to
     improve your proficiency, this class will help you          YOUTH POTTERY
     expand your knowledge or refresh your skills. There         C0071-R122                          Ages: 10 to 15
     will be technical demonstrations, discussions and           Jan 27-Mar 10         Wednesday| 4:30PM-6:00PM
     ample time to work independently. Fee includes 25           Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 19
     lbs. of clay, glazes, and firing. Prerequisite: Beginning   We will explore both hand built and wheel-thrown
     Ceramics or permission of instructor.  Bring basic clay     forms through a series of projects; Emphasis will
     tools, or include $15 materials fee for clay tools at       be determined by student interest. Students will
     registration. Dress for mess!                               explore a variety of glazing techniques. Great for the
     Rhainy Edwards                        Member: $257          experienced or the newly interested. Dress for mess!
     # of sessions: 7                  Non-Member: $286          Madison Langford                     Member: $125
                                                                 # of sessions: 7                 Non-Member: $139

                                                                 BEGINNING POTTERY
                                                                 C0069-R122                               Ages: 15+
                                                                 Jan 27-Mar 10           Thursday| 6:00PM-8:30PM
                                                                 Registration Deadline: Thursday, Jan. 20
                                                                 An introduction to throwing on the potter’s wheel,
                                                                 plus hand building techniques and glazing basics.
                                                                 Pieces will be glazed and fired in the final weeks.
                                                                 Clay, glaze, and firing costs are included in the class
                                                                 fee. Bring basic clay tools, or include $15 materials
                                                                 fee for clay tools at registration. Dress for mess!
                                                                 Rhainy Edwards                       Member: $257
                                                                 # of sessions: 7                 Non-Member: $286

                         #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
10         740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |
Seasonal French Macarons (Youth) (A)
X0051-R122                           Ages: 10 to 14
Jan 22                 Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17
Seasonal French Macarons (Teen/Adult)
X0052-R122                             Ages: 15+       SEASONAL FRENCH MACARONS
Jan 22                  Saturday| 1:00PM-4:00PM        (PARENT & CHILD)
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17                 X0054-R122                 Ages: 8 to 14 with adult
Seasonal French Macarons (Youth) (B)                   Feb 5                   Saturday| 1:00PM-4:00PM
X0053-R122                           Ages: 10 to 14    Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 31
Feb 5                  Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM        Join us for a fun-filled family time of baking, laughing
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 31                 and sugar! In this fun, hands-on class, young chefs
Learn the art of making traditional French macarons    will work alongside a parent/guardian to make
in this hands-on baking class! We will start from      and assemble traditional French macarons. Our
scratch and learn all of the steps to making the       instructor will walk you both through the steps for
macaron shell and delicious filling options. And,      making everything. Children not registered for class
of course, sample our final product! (Please note:     may not attend. (Please note: Macarons contain
Macarons contain both eggs & nuts.)                    both eggs & nuts.)
Becky Shick                         Member: $46        Becky Shick                  Member: $58/per pair
# of sessions: 1                Non-Member: $51        # of sessions: 1         Non-Member: $64/per pair
ADULT BALLET - WINTER                                  ALL THAT JAZZ: DECADES!
Adult Ballet - Winter I                                All that Jazz: Decades! (A)
D0064-R122                             Ages: 18+       D0059-R122                               Ages: 11+
Jan 17-Feb 7            Monday| 3:00PM-4:30PM          Feb 9                 Wednesday| 3:00PM-4:30PM
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 10                 Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 2
Adult Ballet - Winter II                               All that Jazz: Decades! (B)
D0065-R122                            Ages: 18+        D0060-R122                             Ages: 11+
Feb 14-Mar 7            Monday| 3:00PM-4:30PM          Mar 9                 Wednesday| 3:00PM-4:30PM
Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7                  Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 2
This class is designed for adults who love to dance!   This is a fun jazz class for beginner to intermediate
Throughout class we will work on barre technique,      students (with or without experience). We will do
balance, form, and putting everything together into    a warm-up (isolations, strenghtening, stretching),
combinations. All experience levels are welcome!       across the floor, and center movement. We will use
Julia Hodge                         Member: $74        some hit songs from multiple decades, explore some
# of sessions: 4                Non-Member: $82        moves from different eras, and put it all together in
                                                       a short combination or two. Wear exercise/dance
                                                       clothes, jazz shoes (ballet shoes or socks work too)
                                                       and bring a water bottle for this high energy class!
                                                       Naomi Reineke                          Member: $21
                                                       # of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $23

                    #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
      740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |                           11
                                                               KIDS SEWING: FLANNEL SCARF
                                                               F0062-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17
                                                               Jan 26                Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM
                                                               Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 19
                                                               Learn to make an infinity scarf to keep you warm this
                                                               winter. You will have a choice of several fun and cozy
                                                               flannel patterns. We will also make hand warmers for
                                                               your pockets that will help keep your fingers toasty!
                                                               While this is a beginner class, attendees should have
                                                               basic knowledge of operating a sewing machine. If
                                                               you have never operated a machine before, please
                                                               register for Intro to Machine Sewing for Kids prior to
                                                               taking a project class. Don’t have a machine? There
                                                               are machines available for rental for $5 per class.
                                                               Laurie Haver                         Member: $44
     KNITTING 101: COCOON CARDIGAN                             # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $49
     F0068-R122                             Ages: 13+
     Jan 17-Feb 7            Monday| 6:00PM-9:00PM
     Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 10
     Learn the basics of knitting in this new four-week
     winter offering. Participants will be making a
     beautiful one-of-a-kind cardigan while becoming
     familiar with different stitches, casting and finishing
     techniques. Student material list will be provided at
     time of registration.
     Pia Douglas                          Member: $170
     # of sessions: 4                 Non-Member: $189

     F0061-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17        KIDS SEWING: VALENTINE PILLOW
     Jan 19                Wednesday| 5:30PM-8:30PM            F0065-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17
     Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 12                 Feb 2                 Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM
     Intro to Machine Sewing for Kids will teach you all       Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 26
     the basics you need to get started on this super fun      Learn to make a pillow using duck cloth. We will
     and creative hobby. Learn how to identify machine         also learn how to appliqué hearts and other LOVE-
     parts and their purposes, how to thread your              ly decorations to make a cute and colorful seasonal
     machine and bobbin, care for your machine, fix            pillow. While this is a beginner class, attendees
     the inevitable thread jam and more! This class (or        should have basic knowledge of operating a sewing
     previous knowledge) is required before attending          machine. If you have never operated a machine
     our other kids machine sewing classes. Students will      before, please register for Intro to Machine Sewing
     make a fabric pouch or bag as their project. Don’t        for Kids prior to taking a project class. Don’t have a
     have a machine? There are machines available for          machine? There are machines available for rental for
     rental for $5 per class.                                  $5 per class.
     Laurie Haver                          Member: $46         Laurie Haver                         Member: $45
     # of sessions: 1                  Non-Member: $51         # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $50
                         #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
12         740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |
F0064-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17         F0066-R122                           Ages: 8 to 17
Feb 9-Feb 16          Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM             Mar 2                 Wednesday| 5:30PM-8:30PM
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 2                   Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 23
Let’s make some fun accessories for your dog! Make         Learn to sew a Sock Monkey from a pair of the
an over-the-collar reversible bandana and a pouch          traditional Red Heeled Socks. We will use a
that attaches to your leash. We will also make a few       combination on hand sewing and machine sewing. If
toys from recycled materials: a braided/sewn tug           you have a sewing machine, please bring it to class.
ring from repurposed t-shirts. And from repurposed         Don’t have a machine? There are machines available
denim, design your own toy/ball complete with              for rental for $5 per class.
squeaker. While this is a beginner class, attendees        Laurie Haver                         Member: $51
should have basic knowledge of operating a sewing          # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $57
machine. If you've never operated a machine before,
please register for Intro to Machine Sewing prior to       KIDS SEWING: FOX PILLOW
taking a project class. Don’t have a machine? There        F0067-R122                          Ages: 8 to 17
are machines available for rental for $5 per class.        Feb 23               Wednesday | 6:00PM-8:30PM
Laurie Haver                           Member: $75         Registration Deadline: pending
# of sessions: 2                   Non-Member: $83         What will the Fox say? Students will practice basic
                                                           sewing skills and also try appliqué and button sewing
KIDS SEWING: MACRAME CLOUD                                 as we make this adorable fox felt pillow. This fun
F0063-R122                          Ages: 8 to 17          design adds opportunities to pick some of your own
Mar 9                 Wednesday| 6:00PM-8:30PM             design and embellishment details. You will leave
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 2                  class with a one-of-a-kind creation! Don't have a
Let’s make a fun wall hanging for spring! First, we will   machine? There are machines available for rental for
paint our cloud, sun and the word “dream”. Then, we        $5 per class.
will learn a basic macrame knot as we add our yarn         Laurie Haver                         Member: $45
rainbow. Then we will assemble it! A fun mix of fiber      # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $50
arts and painting!
Laurie Haver                           Member: $42
# of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $47

M0029-R122                          Ages: 11 to 17
Jan 19-Mar 9          Wednesday| 6:30PM-7:30PM
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 12
In this class, students will perform selected
scenes chosen from classical to modern plays.
We will analyze the characters, apply different
tactics, strengthen the performer’s reactions and
movements as well as learn improvisation skills.
Tina Gleason                          Member: $120
# of sessions: 8                  Non-Member: $120

                    #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
      740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |                         13
     Stained Glass for Beginners (A)
     G0046-R122                             Ages: 13+
     Feb 21-Feb 28           Monday| 6:00PM-9:00PM
     Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb, 14
     Stained Glass for Beginners (B)
     G0047-R122                             Ages: 13+
     Mar 7-Mar 14            Monday| 6:00PM-9:00PM
     Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 21
     Beginners can learn all the basic skills required to
     make a stained glass window using the copper foil
     technique.  Leave the class with a stained glass panel
     that is ready to hang. More advanced students
     may continue their exploration of the media.   The
     pattern changes every quarter, so if you have taken
     this class before, you can take it again and make a
     different design.   All material included in the class
     fee. Students are limited to a 12" x 12" stained glass
     Pia Douglas                          Member: $98
     # of sessions: 2                Non-Member: $109

                               2022 Exhibit Schedule

         190 W. Winter St.| Delaware, OH                      22 E. Winter St. | Delaware, OH
         Juried High School Exhibit                           Logos of Life Jack Haunty
         January 23 - February 27                             January 7 - February 26

         Art in Flight                                        My Favorite Things
         March 6 - June 25                                    Kristin Morris/Mike Siculan
                                                              March 4 - April 30

                                      GIFT SHOP
                                                                            VISIT OUR NEW
                                                                      GALLERY SHOP AT GALLERY 22
                                                                         Friday 6:00pm - 8:30pm
                                                                        Saturday 6:00pm - 8:30pm

                         #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
14         740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |
TEEN/ADULT          (13+)
ART FUNDAMENTALS: COLOR THEORY                             POUR YOUR ART OUT! @ Gallery 22 -
   & PAINTING FOR TWEENS/TEENS                             BEGINNERS
ART FUNdamentals:                                          Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22
Color Theory & Painting for Tweens/Teens (A)               (Tween/Teen) - Beginners
A0165-R122                           Ages: 10 to 15        A0157-R122                          Ages: 10 to 17
Jan 22                  Saturday| 1:00PM-4:00PM            Feb 12                  Saturday| 1:00PM-2:30PM
Registration Deadline: Monday, Jan. 17                     Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7
ART FUNdamentals: Color Theory & Painting                  Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22
for Tweens/Teens (B)                                       (Adult) - Beginners
A0165-R122                          Ages: 10 to 15         A0159-R122                             Ages: 18+
Mar 12                 Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM            Feb 19                  Saturday| 1:00PM-2:30PM
Registration Deadline: Monday, March 7                     Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 14
Expand your child’s creativity and skill set through       In this unique workshop, students are invited into an
learning the basics in color theory, perspective,          artist's working studio to explore the art of acrylic
composition, and painting. Designed especially for         pour painting. Using a hands-on approach, students
students 10 to 15 years of age, participants will          will learn basic pouring techniques using various
produce an interactive color wheel and receive             tools to create one-of-a-kind works of art on canvas.
examples of perspective/composition for future             Janie Padilla-Goldman                Member: $32
reference. Each student will also complete an 11x14”       # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $36
canvas panel acrylic painting of a still life composed
of age-appropriate objects of interest. All materials      POUR YOUR ART OUT! @Gallery 22 -
are included in this fun-filled & engaging workshop.       ADVANCED
Christie Gianni-Shaw                   Member: $48         Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22
# of sessions: 1                   Non-Member: $53         (Tween/Teen) - Advanced
                                                           A0158-R122                          Ages: 10 to 17
WINTER CREATIVE ART SAMPLER                                Mar 5                   Saturday| 1:00PM-2:30PM
A0168-R122                             Ages: 6 to 14       Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 28
Jan 27-Feb 10            Thursday| 6:30PM-8:30PM
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 20
                                                           Pour Your Art Out! @ Gallery 22
                                                           (Adult) - Advanced
If you love to play with all types of art and craft        A0160-R122                             Ages: 18+
supplies, this class is for you! We will create seasonal   Mar 12                  Saturday| 1:00PM-2:30PM
winter projects using a variety of materials: wood,        Registration Deadline: Monday, March 7
paint, paper, fiber, fabric and recycled items! Each
                                                           In this unique workshop, students are invited into an
week we will be experimenting with a new medium!
                                                           artist’s working studio to explore the art of acrylic
We will make a wood snowman, a paper/wood and
                                                           pour painting. Using a hands-on approach, students
fabric banner, a Valentine mobile, a canvas painting
                                                           will learn basic pouring techniques using various
and MORE! This is a new series that will be offered
                                                           tools to create one-of-a-kind works of art on canvas.
each season!
                                                           Janie Padilla-Goldman                Member: $37
Laurie Haver                          Member: $90
                                                           # of sessions: 1                 Non-Member: $41
# of sessions: 4                 Non-Member: $100

                    #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
      740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |                            15
                                                             PET PORTRAITS
                                                             Pet Portraits (Youth Workshop)
                                                             A0163-R122                            Ages: 8 to 14
                                                             Feb 12                 Saturday| 9:00AM-12:00PM
                                                             Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7
                                                             Pet Portraits (Teen/Adult Workshop)
                                                             A0164-R122                             Ages: 15+
                                                             Feb 12                  Saturday| 1:00PM-4:00PM
                                                             Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7
                                                             Paint your pet like the pros! Bring a detailed photo of
                                                             your beloved furry friend or a loved one’s pet to this
                                                             informative workshop. Learn how to capture their
                                                             sweet faces on an 8x10” acrylic painted canvas. Each
                                                             class member will need to email their chosen photo
                                                             prior to attending the course as well as bringing the
                                                             photo to the workshop.
     ANIME DRAWING FOR TEENS                                 Christie Gianni-Shaw                  Member: $48
     A0151-R122                           Ages: 11 to 15     # of sessions: 1                  Non-Member: $53
     Feb 15-Mar 8             Tuesday| 4:00PM-5:00PM
     Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Feb. 8
     Learn the unique Japanese style of “Anime
     Cartooning” through the lessons of facial expression,
     emotion, hairstyle, and clothing. Narrative
     storytelling will also be a part of the lesson theme.
     Bring your favorite characters for reference.
     Ike Greenwood                        Member: $58
     # of sessions: 4                 Non-Member: $64

                                                             DECORATIVE ARTS:
                                                             SLATE SIGN (SPRING WORKSHOP)
                                                             A0166-R122                             Ages: 18+
                                                             Mar 12                  Saturday| 1:00PM-3:30PM
                                                             Registration Deadline: Monday, March 7
                                                             Join us for this afternoon decorative arts workshop!
                                                             Participants will learn how to paint seasonal slate
                                                             welcome signs. These signs are great for outdoor use,
                                                             in the home, or as a gift! Each student will be supplied
                                                             with a precut piece of slate tile (approximately 8"x10"
                                                             in size). All materials included.
                                                             Christie Gianni-Shaw                  Member: $46
                                                             # of sessions: 1                  Non-Member: $51

                         #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
16         740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |
             Private lessons are available in four-30-minute session passes
                 & are dependant on room and instructor availability.
PRIVATE GUITAR (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                             Ages: 10+
Bob Claymier                                                        92/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE FLUTE, PIANO & VOICE (ONLINE)**                    Ages: 6+ (11+ for voice lessons)
Rebecca Brickner                                                  $
                                                                   92/ four 30-min. lessons
PRIVATE FLUTE & PICCOLO (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                     Ages: 6+
Kaci Holmes                                                         92/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE ART (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                              Ages: 5+
Paula Blosser                                                   124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE ART (ONLINE)**                                                          Ages: 5+
Terry Claymier                                                  124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE ART (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                              Ages: 5+
Lauren Cox                                                      124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                                  Ages: 5+
Pia Douglas                                                     124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE CERAMICS (IN PERSON)**                                                  Ages: 5+
Rhainy Edwards                                                  124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE ART (ONLINE)**                                                         Ages: 14+
Pat Getha                                                       124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE ART (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                             Ages: 18+
Rick Mock                                                       124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE ART (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                              Ages: 5+
Robin Shoup                                                     124/ four 30-min. lessons

PPRIVATE LOOM WEAVING (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                   Ages: 18+
Mary Nice                                                       124/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE BALLET (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                              Ages: 5+
                                                                    84/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE TAP (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                                 Ages: 5+
                                                                    84/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE LYRICAL (ONLINE & IN PERSON) **                                            Ages: 5+
                                                                    84/ four 30-min. lessons

PRIVATE JAZZ (ONLINE & IN PERSON)**                                                Ages: 5+
                                                                    84/ four 30-min. lessons
                   #one day workshop | ** online registry not available
     740.369-2787 | 190 West Winter St. • Delaware, OH 43015 || | |         17
Registration Form
 Adult or Parent Name________________________________________________________
 City_____________________________________________Zip Code___________________
 Phone (H)______________________________ (C)________________________________
 Email_____________________________________ Arts Castle Member?             YES     NO
 Adult’s Relationship to Students(s)_____________________________________________

 Student 1: First Name______________________Last Name (if different)_______________
 Address of student if different from adult_________________________________________
 If student is a child under age 15, Age______ Medical Concerns/Special Needs__________

 Class #         Class Name                                      Day/Time           Fee

 Student 2: First Name______________________Last Name (if different)_______________
 Address of student if different from adult_________________________________________
 If student is a child under age 15, Age______ Medical Concerns/Special Needs__________

 Class #         Class Name                                      Day/Time           Fee

 Add’l fees (check brochure listing):  Materials__________  Tools________  Total________
                                                               TOTAL DUE $__________
 PAYMENT:   Check #___________
             Credit/Debit Card (Visa/MasterCard/American Express)_________________
             Card # _________________________________________________________
             CVC_____________________Exp. Date  ______________________________
             Signature _______________________________________________________
Registration                                            Inclement Weather
Registration for classes is on a first-come,            Class cancellations due to inclement weather
first-served basis.   You may register online at        will be announced on radio stations 610 WTVN, in person during office hours (T-F,     (AM) and Sunny 95 WSNY (AM/FM) and on TV
9 am - 5 pm) or by mailing the registration form        channels 4, 6 and 10. An announcement will also
with your check or credit card to: The Arts Castle,     be recorded on the Castle’s answering service,
190 W. Winter St., Delaware, Ohio 43015. Phone          which can be accessed by calling 740/369-2787.
registrations can be made with MasterCard, VISA         Please note: Schools may be closed, but we may
or American Express (either debit or credit cards).     be open (or vice versa). Check to be sure.

Class Cancellations                                     Refund Policy
Early registration helps insure that classes will       For cancellations up to the close of business on
run.   Registration continues until classes are         the registration deadline, a $10 processing fee is
filled or the registration deadline passes. We          retained. A refund of 50% of the course fee will
may accept registrations after the published            be given if a student withdraws before 2 business
deadline for classes that have met our minimum          days prior to the first day of the course.  Due to
registration requirements.   The Arts Castle            contractual obligations, The Arts Castle will be
reserves the right to cancel classes if the need        unable to refund class fees after this time.  Fees
arises; you will be notified if your class must         may not be carried over to the next season. Class
be cancelled.                                           credit will not be given.

In the event the Castle is required to close because    Unattended Children Policy
of local or state regulations, a pro rata refund will   The Arts Castle is an institution where all patrons
be given. If a class is cancelled due to weather        can engage in artistic activities safely. However,
or instructor illness, students will be notified as     due to limitations of space and resources, our
to the day and time of the make-up class.   If a        staff and instructors are not available to provide
student is unable to attend the re-scheduled class,     adequate security and safety for children outside
the student will forfeit the instructional time.        of the registered class time frame. Therefore, it is
Refunds for re-scheduled classes will not be given.     imperative that parents/guardians drop off and
                                                        pick up children for classes in a timely manner.
Student Work                                            Children should be picked up from class within
Except by special request, student artwork              10 minutes of the scheduled class completion
will not be retained past the end of the quarter.       time. In addition, children who visit the center
Ceramic artwork must be removed by the                  for activities such as exhibit viewing and special
posted deadline.                                        events should always be accompanied by a
                                                        caregiver or parent.
Participant Waiver
By registering for a class, workshop, camp or           Special Note
event, you hereby grant and give this organization      Classes with an ** are not available online
and its partner organizations the right to use your     for initial registration.   Please call The Arts
photograph or your child’s photograph or image          Castle, 740/369-2787 or stop in to register.
with or without your name or your child’s name,         These classes are also exempt from the 10%
both singly and in conjunction with other persons       membership discount.   For information about
or objects, for any and all purposes including, but     membership, please call our office or see our
not limited to, private or public presentations,        home page on
advertising, publicity, and promotion.
                                                        Health, Safety & Covid
Also, you hereby, for yourself, your heirs,             Our safety and mask mandate guidelines will follow
executors, and administrators, waive and release        the guidelines set by Delaware City Schools. Our
any and all rights and claims for damages you           policy is subject to change if their guidelines change.
or your child may have against this organization        As of the print date, everyone is required to wear a
and its partner organizations, representatives,         mask. Please visit our website for the most current
successors, and assigns for any and all injuries        information.
suffered by yourself or your child during any
activity sponsored by these groups.
Supporters        NON-PROFIT ORG.
                                                                U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                 MAIL PRO 1

190 West Winter Street
Delaware, OH 43015
   | |                                         Register
January 10
                                               TO   DinAterY
                                                for W
CLASSES AVAILABLE                                   Classes!
for all ages
Membership saves you 10% on classes
(Excluding private lessons, Dance Academy
and Small Groups & Troops)
Forms available online or in the office.
By phone		(740)369-2787
In person M – F, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
By mail   190 W. Winter St. | Delaware, OH 43015
You can also read