Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"

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Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
Workshop on “Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs”

Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids
   and at surfaces on their intrinsic timescales

                                Martin Wolf
       Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
                                       Elementary      molecular
                                                  interactions in movie
► The „holy grail“ of stuctural dynamics: Mapping the time-evolution of a
  quantum system (molecular or solid state) as function of its atom positions.

                                                molecular target

                                                   snapshot probe

                                            Key question (so far):
                                          © MPIbpc; © DESY Photon Science

                                         How do     the atoms move?
    X-ray free electron laser
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
Beyond the
                                Elementary    molecular in
                                           interactions  movie…
► The „holy grail“ of stuctural dynamics: Mapping the time-evolution of a
  quantum system (molecular or solid state) as function of its atom positions.

                                           molecular target

                    How to access intrinsic time-scales
                    of electron-nuclear

                    Electron-nuclear coupling is
                    key in chemical dynamics
                                     © MPIbpc; © DESY Photon Science
                                - Reactions at surfaces
                                - Phase
                                        transitions in solids
    X-ray free electron laser
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
Surface femtochemistry
  rate-limiting step in catalysis:
     dissociative adsorption                            associative desorption
            ABgas                                               ABgas
          Aads        Bads                                    Aads        Bads
                             ABgas        D

Femtochemistry at metal surfaces: Nonadiabatic coupling to electronic excitations
     fs-laser pulse

                                                              monolayer is optical thin
                                                              excitations dominate

                             Review: Ch. Frischkorn and M. Wolf, Chem. Rev. 106, 4207 (2006)
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
fs-laser-induced CO oxidation probed by trXAS
A. Nilsson & coworker (trXAS)            (400 nm)
   Science 347, 978 (2015)                                    CO2
                                O + CO
 O + CO → CO2 / Ru(001)

                                             Appearance of new
                                             XAS  contrast
                                             electronic states in
                                               O K-edge XAS
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
fs-laser-induced CO oxidation probed by trXAS
                                                 Science 347, 978 (2015)

Appearance of new electronic states: Formation of transient CO─O species
Transients: Rapid increase of O 2p* in 280 fs, CO 2p* shift occurs in 500 fs
            and new electronic states appear on 800 fs timescale
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
fs-laser-induced CO oxidation probed by trXAS
                                                    Science 347, 978 (2015)

                                                               Time evolution
                                                               “smeared out”
                                                               by electron
                                                               dynamics in the
                                                               metal substrate

   Appearance of new electronic states: Formation of transient CO─O species
Faster trigger required to access intrinsic
  Transients: Rapid increase of O 2p* in 280 fs, CO 2p* shift occurs in 500 fs
time-scale        of
              and new   electron-nuclear
                   H. Öström       states
                              et al.,      appear
                                      Science       on 800
                                              347, 978     fsdynamics
                                                       (2015) timescale      !
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
Ultrafast photoinduced phase
transition in quasi-1D atomic
     nanowires on Si(111)
           ARPES probe

           pump pulse

             C. Nicholson et al, Science 362, 821 (2018)
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
The In/Si(111) (4 x 1) to (8 x 2) phase transition
LEED                                               Surface structure
                              § In(4x1)/Si(111) is a quasi 1D metallic nanowire system
                              § Structural phase transition into (8x2) upon cooling
                                                                    below Tc ~130 K
                                   In(4 x 1)/Si111                  In(8 x 2)/Si111
                                   metallic phase               insulating CDW phase
                                  highly anisotropic              periodicity doubling

                                           ‚high T‘ (>140 K)                    ‚low T‘ (
Probing electronic and nuclear dynamics of solids - Workshop on "Attosecond to Few-Femtosecond Ultrafast Science at Future FELs"
Structural dynamics: ultrafast trRHEED vs trARPES
Ultrafast photoinduced phase transition: (8 x 2)In/Si → (4 x 1)In/Si
 M. Horn von Hoegen et al (trRHEED)           M. Wolf et al (trARPES)

         Nature 544, 207 (2017)                 Science 362, 821 (2018)

                            In/Si(111)              500 fs
                           (8 x 2) phase
                                                                       700 fs
                    ~1 ps
                                           200 fs

              Delay (ps)                                  Delay (fs)

  § Structural transition < 1 ps           § Sequence of time scales:
    (with t ~ 350 fs)                        (gap closing, band edge shift
                                               & structral transition)

  UED is only
  trARPES     sensitve
           reveals     todistinct
                   three  structural changes
                                  time scales
Ultrafast phase transition in In/Si
► trARPES yields deep insight into sequential steps                      500 fs
  of the band structure dynamics                                                      700 fs
► Scenario: All unit cells switch coherently together
                                                                200 fs

    (8 x 2)                                     (4 x 1)
                         700 fs
    phase                                       phase

► Structural dynamics driven by transiently enhanced electron temperature

                                                  Tel /1000 K

                             Science 362, 821 (2018)
                                                                         Delay (fs)
Ultrafast phase transition in In/Si
► trARPES yields deep insight into sequential steps                  500 fs
  of the band structure dynamics                                              700 fs
► Scenario: All unit cells switch coherently together
                                                            200 fs

    (8 x 2)                                       (4 x 1)
                           700 fs
    phase                                         phase

► Structural dynamics driven by transiently enhanced electron temperature

► Mechanism of photoinduced transition ?
  A simple Peierls picture is insufficient (gap closes
  before the structural transition is completed)
              Photoinduced chemical reaction driven
              by the transient electron temperature
              Example for pronounced e-ph coupling
                               Science 362, 821 (2018)
Light-induced Lifshitz transition
        in MoTe2 driven by
 ultrafast change of Hubbard U
Fermi surface U = 2 eV                      Fermi surface U ~ 0 eV
                         ARPES probe

                         pump pulse

Abrupt change in Fermi surface topology
Ultrafast non-equilibrium Lifshitz transition: MoTe2

 XUV based trARPES employing the k-space microscope (METIS)
Ultrafast modification of Hubbard U
TDDFT + U (A. Rubio)


                       Beaulieu et al., Science Advances 7, eabd9275 (2021)
Ultrafast modification of Hubbard U
TDDFT + U (A. Rubio)

                       Ultrafast change
                  of electronic correlations
                     (pulse width limited)


                       Beaulieu et al., Science Advances 7, eabd9275 (2021)
Challenges and future directions
► Coupled electron-nuclear dynamics is key in ultrafast surface reactions
  and various photoinduced phase transitions.

► Implementing few femtoscond time-resolution is great, but….

► Access to intrisic timescale is hinderd by lack of real ultrafast triggers:
  Estabished excitation mechanisms often „smear out“ the dynamics.

► Need for further research:
  Search for direct excitation (as-pulses)

                                                    Tel /1000 K
  or light field driven processes (not
  dominated by hot electron dynamics in solid).

► Promising systems:
  - Photo-catalysis on oxide surfaces
                                                                  Delay (fs)
  - Ultrafast light-induced changes of screeing
    and/or electron correlation (e.g Mott transitions)
Challenges and future directions
► How to probe electron-nuclear coupling in chemical dynamics?
  - Photoemission at as/few fs FELs is limited by space charge effects
    and modest energy resolution (DtDE)
  - Photon-in/photon-out techniques (XAS, XES, trRIXS) enable high
    spectral resolution of chemical shifts (reaction intermediates)

► Competition for future FEL experiments: Lab setups for transient XAS
  with attosecond time resolution in soft X-ray regime (up to 600 eV)
  will be competitive (beam time,
  reasonable photon flux)

                   see e.g.
                   J. Biegert & coworkers,
                   PRX 7, 041030 (2017)
                                             200   300     400      500   600
                                                     Photon energy (eV)

► Future FEL experiments: Focus on XAS, XES, trRIXS with few fs
  time resolution for chemical dynamics.
LCLS collaboration:
Toyli Anniyev, Martin Beye, Ryan Coffee, Martina Dell'Angela,
Alexander Foehlisch, Jorgen Gladh, Tetsuo Katayama,
Sarp Kaya, Oleg Krupin, Jerry LaRue, Andreas Møgelhøj,
Anders Nilsson, Dennis Nordlund, Jens Norskov, Hirohito Ogasawara,
Henrik Öberg, Henrik Ostrom, , Frank Abild-Pedersen,
Lars GM Pettersson, William F Schlotter, Jonas A Sellberg,
Florian Sorgenfrei, Joshua J Turner, Wilfried Wurth, Honglian Xin

University of Hamburg and DESY, Stockholm University, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin,
Fritz Haber Institute, SLAC (LCLS, SIMES, SSRL, SUNCAT)
J. Makler, S. Dong, M. Puppin, C. Monney, T. Pincelli P. Xian, HHG-based
S. Beaulieu, L. Rettig & R. Ernstorfer                          trARPES
Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin                          & METIS

C. Nicholson, L. Rettig & R. Ernstorfer                       In/Si(111)
Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin

D. Christiansen, E. Malic, A. Knorr                        theory exciton
Technische Universität Berlin                             dynamics WSe2

A. Lücke and W.G. Schmidt                                   ab initio MD
Universität Paderborn                                        In/Si(111)
N. Tancogne-Dejean, M. Sentef & A. Rubio                   TDDFT, DFT+U
MPI for Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg             MoTe2
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