COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite

Page created by Catherine Lyons
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
COVID-19 Response
              Ministry of Fitness SG
This is from our experience and how we can help
                  Tips & Advice
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
Government protocol is you cannot reopen until the facility
is fully disinfected by an NEA approved company.

Anyone in direct contact is advised to self quarantine. The
government will issue a quarantine order officially to anyone
who they deem a suspected case.

Biggest feedback we have received from members is the
appreciation of swift information, transparency and honesty.
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
• This is a situation where we were contacted before the Government
  Contact trace team had notified us of the Exposure.
• We have created this PowerPoint to help other gyms and fitness facilities
  understand what needs to be done and what protocols you can follow if
  you have a COVID-19 confirmed case enter and use your facility.
• We want to be as transparent as possible and we have included all of our
  response emails and actions.
• Please understand we would not like this information to be passed to
  external parties, but we are happy for you to utilise this information to
  assist with your processes, if you are as unlucky as we have been to deal
  with a COVID-19 situation.
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
Timeline – *This is from a log we started when we first receive the call at 1500*
Date Time      Comment
        1500   Receive call from Client about Covid-19 Case visiting the Ministry of Fitness for a class on the 10th March 2020 at 1830
        1515   Cancel Junior Leaders course due in at 1630
        1533   We Contact COVID-19 case 259 to confirm information
        1548   We call MoH hotline for information - Told to wait to be contacted
        1630   We Contact Main Company Shareholder
 20     1637   Evening Classes Cancelled (Next class 1730) - Clients told this was due to instructor unavailability (email on slide 9)
        1658   Cancel Morning classes (18 Mar 20) - Clients told this was due to instructor unavailability (email on slide 10)
        1730   We contact with LandLord about the COVID-19 case and potenial closure of the facility - Land Lord organised cleaning of building communal areas
        1830   Close venue and left premesis - decision made to wait for MoH contact with guidance before informing clients and fully disclosing the situation
        2010   Trampoline Email Sent to parents of children who attended trampoline lessons (Email on slide 11)
               Start to prepare emails for:
               1.Those in same class as pateint
               2. Those in the Spartan bootcamp adjoining the class with the patient
       0800    3. Those taking part in strong by zumba class in the facility at the time
               4. Members using the fitness suite facility at the same time
               5. Members
               6. Fitness users who have been to classes through trials and classpass in the period between 10/03/20 & 17/03/20
       0842    We call MoH Hotline for guidance. Told after cleaning the premecise can reopen, told to be patient and we will be contacted by the MoH
       0958    Bootcamp Instructor of the exposed class Contacted by MoH Contact Tracing - Asked for details of everyone in the venue at the time and details about where they went within the facility i.e. class space (Diagram on
               slide 12)
       1120    Cleaning contract confirmed with Cleenfirst to clean the faclility at 1430 on 18 Mar 20
       1151    Email sent to contact tracing with venue diagram and contact details of who was in the building at the time. (Image on slide 12)
       1156    Email sent to those in same class as patient (Email on slide 13)
       1157    Email Sent to Spartan bootcamp adjoining the class with the patient (Email on slide 14)
       1157    Email sent to those taking part in strong by zumba class in the facility at the time (Email on slide 15)
       1159    Email Sent to Members (Email on slide 16)
       1208    Email sent to Fitness Users – ClassPass & Trials (Email on slide 17)
       1401    Classes Cancelled up until 24th March 2020 - letter attached with explanation of the situation (Email on slide 18)
       1405    ClassPass informed of situation
       1406    Email received by MoH providing guidance for advice to send to members in the building during the exposure (Email on slide 20)
       1413    Spear Throw Workshop Cancelled
       1416    1900 Spartan Class informed of guidance provided by MoH in 1406 email
       1417    1830 Military Bootcamp informed of guidance provided by MoH in 1406 email
       1418    1830 SBZ informed of the guidance provided by the MoH in 1406 email
       1430    Cleaners arrive to disinfect and deep clean entire Ministry of Fitness facility.
       1459    Bootcamp Instructor of the exposed class Contacted by MoH Contact Tracing. Informed he will receive a quarantine note at home for 14 days from the date of exposure.
       1643    Cleaner finished disinfecting the facility
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
Contact Details
NEA approved Cleaning companies

MoH Hotline – 6325 9220

Ministry of Fitness – 83038973 (Jessica Hinton – Director)
Please call if you need advice or help
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
What you need to do
1.    Do not allow any customers to enter the facility
2.    Confirm the situation (if possible with the individual or MoH)
3.    Cancel any classes in the immediate future i.e. we found out at 1600 and cancelled the evenings classes. We used instructor
      availability as the reason.
4.    Contact Landlord and relevant parties about the situation (think of this as an emergency first aid situation. Who must be
      informed right away.)
5.    Map out where the person was and who/what classes could have been affected.
6.    Prepare contact details for all of these individuals (MoH will require name and contact number)
7.    Arrange cleaning from the NEA approved list. (Details on slide)
8.    Self-Quarantine all staff members who were in direct contact with the COVID-19 case.
9.    Emails should be sent to inform members and class attendees about the situation.
10.   Government advice is you cannot reopen until the facility is fully disinfected by an NEA approved company. If you have the
      manpower you will be recommended to split your manpower 50/50 if possible.
11.   Start thinking bigger picture – rent if you have to close the facility & the potential repercussions of closure. Inform those who
      need to know

*The MoH will contact anyone they feel relevant from the information they receive from all parties involved.
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
Key Points – From our point of view
• You have to be proactive as a company and Be prepared to contact all members and
  assist with contact tracing.
• We were in a situation where we were informed prior to Contact Tracing. This meant we
  could get ahead of the game. Timeline wise we received a call from the MOH 19 hours
  after the initial call from the friend of the confirmed case. She actually tested positive in
  the morning of the 17th Mar, we were first informed at 1500 on the 17th. The MoH is
  extremely busy dealing with a large number of cases, they were helpful throughout the
• After calling the MoH hotline 2 times to gain information, we decided to send the
  information to our client base after being told the Bootcamp coach is likely to be
• The Quarantine starts 14 days from exposure which made our decision to close until the
  25th March.
• Preparation would have been key, ideally drafting emails would have saved lots of time.
  Contact details ready is also a time consuming process.
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
• Anyone in direct contact was issued a quarantine notice (Those in the same bootcamp class)
• Those in the Spartan class adjoining were contacted by MoH and told to continue life as normal.
  They would receive regular calls from MoH and if they feel symptoms they should self quarantine
  and seek medical assistance.
• Those in the facility at the time were not contacted by the MoH but we were advised by email
  from the MoH to inform them:
    •   To maintain good hygiene
    •   Wash hand with soap
    •   Take temperature twice a day and if symptoms develop ,seek medical treatment
    •   (see email on slide)
• We made the decision to close for the rest of the 14 day quarantine of our bootcamp instructor
  because as a small business we did not have enough instructors to operate above 50% capacity.
• As a company we made the decision, when we reopen, we will stop all individuals who have
  travelled outside Singapore in the last 14 days from using our facility. This is to protect our
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
17 Mar 20 Evening Classes closure email
COVID-19 Response Ministry of Fitness SG This is from our experience and how we can help Tips & Advice #gymownersunite
18 Mar 20 Morning Classes closure email
Trampoline Email Sent to parents of children who attended trampoline lessons
Image of the venue breakdown – requirement by MoH

In the email we also sent the details of names and contact number of everyone in the facility at the time of exposure
             We took these from our Health Declaration forms which we have saved on our google drive
Email sent to those in same class as patient
Email Sent to Spartan boot camp adjoining the class with the patient
Email sent to those taking part in Strong by Zumba class in the facility at the time
Email Sent to Members
Email Sent to Fitness Users – ClassPass & Trials
Classes between 18th & 24th Mar closure email
Letter attached to Classes between 18th & 24th Mar closure email
Email received by MoH providing guidance for advice to send to members in the building during the exposure
We hope this has been informative. If you ever require advice or
           assistance please feel free to contact us.
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