Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)

Page created by Paul Klein
Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)
Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)

23th March 2021
Guide of the day: Karline Martorell accompanied by Philippa Benson
Participants: Delia, Richard and Sam
Weather conditions: sunny with a moderate wind (perfect for migration) dropping from mid-
day, temps ranging from 8°C to 18°C+
Highlights of the day: Penduline tit, Short-toed eagle and more broadly a superb migratory
flow all morning

Itinerary and birding spots of the day
The aim of the day was to observe spring migration, so we started the day in Leucate (les
Coussoules). At the Grau de La Franqui, an Oystercatcher and some Kentish plover were
feeding on the mud banks while groups of Alpine swift and various passerines passed over
our heads in a continuous stream. Walking towards the filtration pound, we saw large
numbers of Sparrowhawk and four Crane on migration quite low in the sky. Arriving at the
filtration pond, a Black-necked grebe was spotted in the middle of group of Coot.

Here we had a steady flow of raptors on migration really close: many Black kite,
Sparrowhawk, and Marsh harrier, some Kestrel, two Ospreys and one Red Kite. As we
walked around the reed bed, we were lucky to hear a Penduline tit. And after waiting a
while... it ended up showing itself! What a stunning view!!! Against a background of
migrating Black kite.

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 23th March 2021 –
Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)
Gorgeous view of Penduline tit!

         Then we went up to the Leucate migration spot where we had our picnic. Not many birds
         but a friendly moment in a superb setting!

         In the afternoon we had a look around the La Palme salt pans, where we saw some
         Flamingos, Avocet, Oystercatcher, Slender-billed gull and good close views of the Water

         Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 23th March 2021 –
Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)
For a last bit of migration watching we went up to a high point at Treilles and then to Feuilla.
Here we had a superb view of the local pair of Short-toed eagles, flying high in the sky right
above us. Then one of them flew down and perched on a tree in the valley below us. To
finish the day and because we love all nature, we got superb views of Algerian sand racer,
some orchids and other wild flowers (Wild tulip in photo below).

Sixty species for an another great day trip with a friendly team! As often with birding, it
turned out to be a day full of surprises! Some great rewards for migration!

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 23th March 2021 –
Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)
Bird List 23/03/21

  English Name                       French Name                  Scientific Name
  Mallard                            Canard colvert               Anas platyrhynchos
  Common Shelduck                    Tadorne de Belon             Tadorna tadorna
  Black-necked Grebe                 Grèbe à cou noir             Podiceps nigricollis
  Great Crested Grebe                Grèbe huppé                  Podiceps cristatus
  Great Cormorant                    Grand Cormoran               Phalacrocorax carbo
  Little Egret                       Aigrette garzette            Egretta garzetta
  Grey Heron                         Héron cendré                 Ardea cinerea
  Greater Flamingo                   Flamant rose                 Phoenicopterus roseus
  Western Osprey                     Balbuzard pêcheur            Pandion haliaetus
  Western Marsh Harrier              Busard des roseaux           Circus aeruginosus
  Common Buzzard                     Buse variable                Buteo buteo
  Short-toed Snake Eagle             Circaète Jean-le-Blanc       Circaetus gallicus
  Eurasian Sparrowhawk               Épervier d'Europe            Accipiter nisus
  Black Kite                         Milan noir                   Milvus migrans
  Red Kite                           Milan royal                  Milvus milvus
  Common Kestrel                     Faucon crécerelle            Falco tinnunculus
  Eurasian Coot                      Foulque macroule             Fulica atra
  Common Moorhen                     Gallinule poule-d'eau        Gallinula chloropus
  Common Crane                       Grue cendrée                 Grus grus
  Eurasian Oystercatcher             Huîtrier pie                 Haematopus ostralegus
  Pied Avocet                        Avocette élégante            Recurvirostra avosetta
  Kentish Plover                     Gravelot à collier interrompu Charadrius alexandrinus
  Common Snipe                       Bécassine des marais         Gallinago gallinago
  Common Sandpiper                   Chevalier guignette          Actitis hypoleucos
  Yellow-legged Gull                 Goéland leucophée            Larus michahellis
  Slender-billed Gull                Goéland railleur             Chroicocephalus genei
  Mediterranean Gull                 Mouette mélanocéphale        Ichthyaetus melanocephalus
  Black-headed Gull                  Mouette rieuse               Chroicocephalus ridibundus
  Common Wood Pigeon                 Pigeon ramier                Columba palumbus
  Eurasian Collared Dove             Tourterelle turque           Streptopelia decaocto
  Alpine Swift                       Martinet à ventre blanc      Tachymarptis melba
  Common Kingfisher                  Martin-pêcheur d'Europe      Alcedo atthis
  Thekla's Lark                      Cochevis de Thékla           Galerida theklae
  Crested Lark                       Cochevis huppé               Galerida cristata
  Common House Martin                Hirondelle de fenêtre        Delichon urbicum
  Sand Martin                        Hirondelle de rivage         Riparia riparia
  Barn Swallow                       Hirondelle rustique          Hirundo rustica
  White Wagtail                      Bergeronnette grise          Motacilla alba

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 23th March 2021 –
Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)
English Name                         French Name               Scientific Name
  Meadow Pipit                         Pipit farlouse            Anthus pratensis
  Water Pipit                          Pipit spioncelle          Anthus spinoletta
  Blue Rock Thrush (really quick view) Monticole merle-bleu      Monticola solitarius
  European Robin                       Rougegorge familier       Erithacus rubecula
  Black Redstart                       Rougequeue noir           Phoenicurus ochruros
  European Stonechat                   Tarier pâtre              Saxicola rubicola
  Cetti's Warbler                      Bouscarle de Cetti        Cettia cetti
  Zitting Cisticola (H)                Cisticole des joncs       Cisticola juncidis
  Sardinian Warbler                    Fauvette mélanocéphale    Sylvia melanocephala
  Dartford Warbler                     Fauvette pitchou          Sylvia undata
  Moustached Warbler (H)               Lusciniole à moustaches   Acrocephalus melanopogon
  Common Chiffchaff                    Pouillot véloce           Phylloscopus collybita
  Great Tit                            Mésange charbonnière      Parus major
  Eurasian Penduline Tit               Rémiz penduline           Remiz pendulinus
  Eurasian Magpie                      Pie bavarde               Pica pica
  Common Starling                      Étourneau sansonnet       Sturnus vulgaris
  European Goldfinch                   Chardonneret élégant      Carduelis carduelis
  Common Linnet                        Linotte mélodieuse        Carduelis cannabina
  Common Chaffinch                     Pinson des arbres         Fringilla coelebs
  European Serin                       Serin cini                Serinus serinus
  Common Reed Bunting                  Bruant des roseaux        Emberiza schoeniclus
  Cirl Bunting                         Bruant zizi               Emberiza cirlus
                                                                 60 species

              Thank you the good team for your participation and see you next time!

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 23th March 2021 –
Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11) Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11) Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11) Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11) Private guided day trip between Leucate, La Palme and Feuilla (11)
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