Principal's Message - Karamea Area School

Page created by Melissa Vaughn
Principal's Message - Karamea Area School
June 2021

Principal’s Message
                                                                So, after many discussions, Stan (and his family) liked
                                                                the idea of heating the school/community swimming
Kia ora koutou,
                                                                pool, and how that would ultimately benefit the
                                                                whole community, and extend the overall aquatic
“Plant the seed of love and kindness in our children, and       season for everyone. Going forward, we have been
they will blossom, grow and journey towards the greatest        putting together a plan to get this underway before
pathway of life”. Whakatōngia te kākano aroha i roto i o        the coming summer season happens later this year.
tātou tai tamariki kei puawai i roto tō rātou tupuranga
aranui orange.                                                  We very much look forward to hosting Stan and
                                                                Shirley as our special guests of honour at a celebratory
Thank you all for taking the time to come and join us last      opening in November 2021, and knowing that
week for the laying of our Mauri stone. We always               everytime someone is enjoying a comfortable
appreciate the commitment and support that our local            temperature in our pool, we can think of the
community brings towards our special taonga (who are            generosity of a great Karamean legend: Stan Simpson!
our children). Anyone who has delved into the world of          This action reminds us that the greatness of a
“word inquiry” before knows Community comes from                community is most accurately measured by the
(communis + unity) and this has been presented many             compassionate actions of it’s members.
times over as a common theme here in Karamea.
                                                                Dean Rainey – Principal

                                                                Property Update

                                                                Earthworks are happening onsite, and the foundations
                                                                are currently being prepared. The new water bore is
                                                                in place at Market Cross with pipes placed
Every newsletter I keep reiterating how this year has been      underground along the road to the school.
full of new experiences, learning, growth and fun. This
term is no different, except we have been providing our
tamariki opportunities to slowly take more calculated
risks. When students arrived back for Term 2 we had some
new “loose parts” play equipment out in the yard for them
to be creative with. One being tyre swings (which the kids
seem to love). It’s interesting as I know we have not had
swings of any sorts here for quite some time, but really this
disables children if they’re not able to challenge themselves
and manage their own risks more often. Research shows
that play associated with increased physical activity builds
social skills, risk management skills, resilience and more      School Lunches
self-confidence. This also makes intuitive sense when you
actually watch our children at play.
                                                                Sometimes we have some spare Subway wraps, rolls
Finally, I have never met a person quite like Stan Simpson.     or yoghurts left over. Students and staff help
Several months ago I received a phone call from Stan’s          themselves to seconds (or more), and we have been
daughter-in-law informing me that Stan’s health was             sharing our leftovers with the Brosnan and Bettabuilt
unfortunately declining. Stan is an alumni of our school        construction crew. If you would like any leftover
with very fond memories of Karamea and particularly             Subway wraps, rolls or yoghurts sent to your home,
Karamea Area School. One of his wishes is to give back to       please get in contact with Kate in the Office (you
the school and community that helped enable him to fulfil       would need to provide a cooler bag so we can keep it
his ambitions.                                                  chilled until after school).
Principal's Message - Karamea Area School
Kowhai                                                                 Science
On Fridays Kowhai class has been working on making
On       blocksKowhai
     Fridays     for printing.   Theybeen
                         class has     haveworking
                                             made designs     using
                                                       on making       While the Y11s are trying not to lose their heads
symmetry    and    rotation  and   are  perfecting    cutting
potato blocks for printing. They have made designs using       their   studying for a Practical Investigation in Science (please
designs  into  their potatoes   before   printing  in the
symmetry and rotation. They are perfecting cutting their   colors of   check the photo carefully!), the Y7’s to Y10’s are
their choice.    Kowhai   also  shares  their reading    time
designs into their potatoes, then printing in the colors of    with    keeping micro-organisms at bay by salting their hare-
their   class onKowhai
                            mornings.    Theyreading
                                shares their    all enjoy   helping
                                                         time  with    skins. We have been lucky to have Andrea Galway
the  Nikau    students   with  their  reading   books
Nikau class on Friday mornings. They all enjoy helping   and   then    share her expertise with us. Bacteria, fungi and viruses
the      books
     Nikau       from our
              students      reading
                         with  their corner.
                                      reading books and then           are being examined – down to the order of
sharing books from our reading corner.                                 nanometers.


Year 11 Technology students
mark their posts with a datum
point to work from as they build
their small non-consent building.
The building will either become
the school’s recycling and refuse
centre or will morph into a
                                                                       Road Safety
chicken coop.

Next Celebration Assembly Drama                                        Just a polite reminder to SLOW DOWN when driving
Performances - Artemis Fowl and The Wave                               past our school. The speed limit (not a target) when
                                                                       passing the school bus is 20kms. When the kids are
Students are re-creating some important scenes from the                around, the limit is 40kms.
novels they have been studying.
                                                                       Additionally, it is advised that parents park on the
                                                                       school side of the road whenever possible. Should you
Artemis Fowl is a 12-year
                                                                       need to park across the road, could we please ask that
old genius and descendant
                                                                       you accompany your children across the road.
of a long line of criminal
                                                                       Thanks for your understanding of this matter and for
He soon finds himself in an
                                                                       helping to keep our tamariki safe.
epic battle against a race
of powerful underground
fairies who may be behind
his father's disappearance.                                            Parent Teacher Interviews

                                   The       Wave      is    a         These will take place on Tuesday 15th June 3:30pm to
                                   fictionalized account of a          6:00pm and Thursday 17th June 4:30 to 7:00pm.
                                   real social experiment
                                   conducted in a California           To book go to and enter
                                   high school in 1967. Like           the code vq96g. The smooth running of our event
                                   many of Strasser's works, it        relies on all parents keeping to the timetable. If you
                                   deals with controversial            need more time with a particular teacher, please book
                                   themes including bullying           a double appointment.
                                   and corruption. The novel
                                   won the 1981 Massachusetts          Secondary students have different teachers for their
                                   Book Award for Young                subjects so make sure you book with each subject
                                   Adult literature.                   teacher.

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Principal's Message - Karamea Area School
Sport                                                       Buller District Primary Cross Country

Term 2 has had a lot to offer with sporting opportunities   Job well done to Matilda MacMillan, Odin O’Dwyer, Alfie
for our primary and secondary students. Not only has        Murton, Sebastian Jones Klaver, Lailah Jones Klaver, Dan
there been school opportunities but also club               Murton, and Jen Galway who represented KAS at the
opportunities for those who play Netball, Soccer, and       cross country in Reefton this year. Everyone had a great
Rugby.                                                      time and gave it their all with the event. The top six in
                                                            each race qualified to compete in the West Coast
KAS Cross Country                                           Primary Cross Country which was held in Kumara on
                                                            Wednesday, June the 2nd. We had 5 students who
On Tuesday May the 11th we held our annual cross
country event at the Karamea Golf Course. The day
                                                            Tilly MacMillan 1st place, Year 5 girls. Odin O'Dwyer 3rd
turned out beautiful and we had a great turn out of
                                                            place, Year 6 boys. Lailah Jones Klaver 6th place, Year 7
parents who came to support the students with their
                                                            girls. Jen Galway 2nd place, Year 8 girls. Dan Murton 3rd
races. While not all students enjoy running, it was great
                                                            place, Year 8 boys.
to see a good level of participation on the day.
                                                            Amazing results folks, you should all be very proud of
                                                            yourselves and a big thanks to Sylvia Raikes for taking
                                                            the kids down.

                                                            WC Primary Cross Country

                                                            On June 2nd KAS had 5 students head down to Kumara
                                                            to compete in the West Coast Primary Cross Country. It
                                                            was a pretty fresh morning in Kumara and nerves were
                                                            running high but the kids came through with fast feet
                                                            and big smiles! For most of our runners this was a first
The following students came 1st, 2nd, and 3rd within        time experience and it was awesome! We had 2 students
their age groups.                                           who have qualified to compete in Canterbury this year.
                                                            Odin O'Dwyer 3rd place, Year 6 boys. Jen Galway 5th
Novice Girls - Elenore Walker 1st, Emilee Hansen-Higgs      place, Year 8 girls. Dan Murton, Lailah Jones Klaver, and
2nd, Maria Waines 3rd.                                      Tilly MacMillan may not be going to Canterbury but
Novice Boys - Robbie Murton 1st, Ollivah Thomas 2nd,        they gave it a grand effort! I hope to see you all back
Hunter Manning 3rd.                                         out there next year.
Junior Girls - Meg Exton and Jen Galway 1st, Matilda
MacMillan 2nd, Lailah Jones-Klaver 3rd.
Junior Boys - Dan Murton 1st, Louis Volckman 2nd,
Odin O’Dwyer 3rd.
Senior Girls - Rebecca Galway 1st, Ebony Manning 2nd,
Fern Doherty and Libby Tavinor 3rd.
Senior Boys - Julian Guppy 1st, Jack Newman 2nd,
Archie Volckman 3rd.

Thank you to staff for your help out on the course and
Karamea Express for always getting our kids there and
back safely.

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Principal's Message - Karamea Area School
Sport (continued…..)
                                                              Elly did a great job with her position as GA and GS.
                                                              Although she did not make Nationals this year I have no
SSC Canterbury Cross Country
                                                              doubt she will be back at trials next year, ready to make
                                                              the team!
KAS had 3 secondary students head over to Christchurch
on June 2nd to compete in the South Island Cross
Country. It was a beautiful day in Christchurch with the
top runners from all over the South Island ready to
compete. The competition certainly was tough with
schools proving themselves and the dedication they have
to running as a top sport.

                                                              We had four boys go through for Football trials this year.
                                                              It was great to see the level of competition was high with
                                                              all those out on the field looking strong.

                                                              Julian Guppy, Jack Newman, and Archie Volckman all
                                                              made the team for Nationals with Kyran Guppy as a
Julian Guppy, Jack Newman, and Rebecca Galway ran
in the U19 and U16 events. While they did not qualify for
Nationals they all ran a great race while there. It is good
to see at what level others are at so KAS runners have
something to aim for next year. With support,
perseverance, and dedication these folks will keep
aiming high and making us proud.

                                                              Congratulations to all for having the skills,
                                                              determination, and confidence to go through for trials.
                                                              These events test us on so many levels and the growth
                                                              that comes from these experiences are so important for
                                                              our young people. Keep aiming for the top with all you
                                                              do, you're an inspiration to all those around you .
                                                              All the Best for Nationals this year!

                                                              The Big Little Sponsorship

                                                              KAS could win a sports grant worth $10,000 for our
                                                              students. It takes team work though! I have nominated
National Area Schools Trials                                  KAS but we need as many nominations as possible as
                                                              only one school on the north island and one school on the
This year KAS had 5 students who went through to trial        south island will be selected. Remember that your
for the National Area Schools Tournament which will be        children can also nominate the school, you just have to
held in Dunedin on July 18th-21st. Trials were held in        help them if they are under the age of 18.
Rangiora with students from the Top of the South Island
east and west coast area schools competing to make the        Nominations close on Saturday June 19th. Please go
teams for various sports.                                     online now and nominate Karamea Area School -
Elly Newman represented KAS with Netball this year. As
you can imagine this is quite a competitive sport to trial    Thank you for all your support!
for especially when you are the only one from your
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Principal's Message - Karamea Area School
New Zealand Student Athlete Commission                         Kindness Week

Congratulations to Julian for being appointed to the           During Week 4 we held Kindness/anti-bullying week
inaugural School Sport NZ Student Athlete Commission.          with a variety of activities for students to participate in
This is an exciting new initiative that will give an           at our break times. Chalk drawing on the footpaths
authentic student voice to the school sports sector,           provided colour and some wonderful messages of
especially as Julian is flying the flag for Area Schools and   kindness and aroha, and another day saw plenty of
there are only 11 students on the Commission from all over     compliments being handed out to staff, students and
New Zealand. The Commission has been set up to allow           visitors.
student input to the design and delivery of school sport
and in informing change and development, increasing
the quality of events, leading to positive experiences and
therefore, increased participation in school sports.

Julian has already been attending
zoom meetings with the commission
and will participate in-person
meetings plus School Sport Conference
and other events as required, as a SAC

Well done Julian for your leadership                           We held our Pink Shirt Day in conjunction with
and participation in this Commission.                          Gumboot Friday to culminate the week's activities - this
We know you will do a great job                                was well supported with plenty of pink around school.
representing KAS and area schools.

Totaras Composting Experiment

On April the 16th Totara class went out to the gardens by the old flat at Karamea Area School and buried a bunch of
different materials like: compostable plastic, Subway wrappers, cotton fabric, synthetic fabric, compostable coffee cup
and a plastic bag. We buried these to see what would decompose and what wouldn't decompose.

Six weeks later, in groups of two and three we dug up all the things that we buried and these are the results. The
compostable plastic and the Subway wrapper decomposed and left no trace. The plastic bag and the synthetic fabric
didn’t decompose at all; you could wash them and reuse them again. The cotton fabric would rip which meant it was
rotting even though it hadn’t decomposed completely. Turns out that the compostable coffee cup partially
decomposed, but we discovered that there is plastic on the inside of the “so called” compostable coffee cup so it’s not
entirely compostable.

In conclusion all of Totara were very surprised with the results including Totara’s teacher Brett Mawson. We think the
most surprising thing is that the compostable plastic and Subway wrapper completely decomposed and that there is
actually a plastic bit in the middle of the compostable coffee cup so it is not actually fully compostable.

Totara thoroughly enjoyed this learning experience and has learnt a lot from it like don’t use a plastic bag instead use
a reusable bag.

By Meg Ella Exton and Jennifer Louise Galway

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Principal's Message - Karamea Area School
Band Academy

We have two bands in full swing for term two called the "Kool Kats" and "The Pink Fluffy Unicorn Chickens". We
aren't in Smokefree Rockquest this year however we have some preparatory gigs lined up so some come down,
support us, and let us rock your sock off!

6:30pm-7pm,19th of June at "Winter Solstice", the Little Wanganui Hall.
6 pm, 24th of June at the NBS Theater in Westport.

                   Dates for the Diary

                   15th June         WCSS Swimming
                                     Celebration Assembly
                                     Parent/Teacher Interviews

                   16th June         Yrs 11-13 Careers Roadshow – Westport

                   17th June         Parent/Teacher Interviews

                   21st June         Onesie/PJ Day – Shortest Day

                   23rd June         Canterbury Primary Cross Country

                   24th June         Keeping Ourselves Safe – NZ Police
                                     WC Junior Netball WHS

                   25th June         Keeping Ourselves Safe – NZ Police

                   29th June         Celebration Assembly

                   30th June         WCSS Football Reefton

                   8th -9th July     Yrs 9-12 TPP Kayaking Course

                      Note: BOT Parent By-election Nominations close 4th July

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Principal's Message - Karamea Area School Principal's Message - Karamea Area School Principal's Message - Karamea Area School Principal's Message - Karamea Area School
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