COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School

Page created by Joanne Mcdonald
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
    What is the
   Trade Training

The Corangamite Trade Training Cluster commenced                 Camperdown College
operation in February 2018 and is providing vocational
                                                                 •   DUAL CERTIFICATE Retail Cosmetics SHB20116 &
education and training opportunities to senior secondary
                                                                     Salon Assistant SHB20216
students across the Corangamite Shire. The provision of
high quality VETDSS certificates (previously known as VETiS      Cobden Technical School
certificates) by qualified trainers is intended to address       •   Certificate II Building and Construction 22338VIC
skills shortages and support successful school completion,
                                                                 •   Certificate II Automotive Vocational Preparation
building the capacity of individuals and our community.
The CTTC facilities have been constructed on five sites
                                                                 •   Certificate II Electrotechnology Studies
(Camperdown College, Cobden Technical School, Derrinallum
                                                                     (Prevocational Course) 22261VIC
College, Terang College and Timboon P12 School) after a
successful application for funding through the federal Trade     Derrinallum P12 College
Training Centre program. Hampden Specialist School is a          •   Certificate II Business BSB20115
formal member of the Cluster. Enrolment in CTTC courses
is also open to students from surrounding government and         Terang College
non-government schools.                                          •   Certificate II Community Services Work CHC22015
While remaining enrolled at their base school to complete        Timboon P12 School
their VCE or VCAL, Corangamite students can undertake
                                                                 •   Certificate II Hospitality (1st year only) SIT20316
a CTTC VETDSS Certificate in their trade of choice on a
common day each week, travelling to the provider school for      •   Certificate II Engineering Studies (VCE VET) (1st
a four hour training block. The current suite of Certificate I       and 2nd year) 22470VIC
or II courses caters for a diverse range of future pathways      •   Certificate III in Music Industry CUA30915-VES
including Business, Automotive, Community Services,
Beauty, Building and Construction, Electro-technology,
Engineering, Hairdressing, Hospitality and Music.
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
Agriculture                          Healthcare &
     31%                             social assistance
      share of workforce

     +500-1,100                            10%
                                            share of workforce
      new workers required by 2021
                                            new workers required by 2021

Manufacturing                        Tourism, retail
& construction                       & hospitality
     8%                                    20%
      share of workforce                    share of workforce

     +450-950                              +300-1000
      new workers required by 2021          new workers required by 2021   Derrinallum

& automotive                                                               Camperdown
     5%                                                               Cobden
      share of workforce

      new workers required by 2021
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
    Retail Cosmetic &
    Salon Assistant
    These combined courses will
    provide you with a range of basic
    skills and knowledge in retail
    sales, product
    knowledge, and hairdressing

    Program structure                          You will also learn how to apply make up for all occasions,
    Two year program.                          braiding and basic hair styling techniques, and shampooing
    Weekly four hour block on a                and applying colour products.
    designated school day PLUS one
    week in school holidays.

Who should apply?
Students who are wanting to begin a       Units
career as a makeup artist or gain a
                                          First Year                                                           HOURS
traineeship or employment within the
beauty, spa or holistic therapies         Dry hair to shape                                                     40

industries.                               Maintain & organise tools, equipment and work areas                   20
                                          Provide shampoo and basin services                                    40
Possible job outcomes                     Research and use hairdressing industry information                    15
The majority of hairdressers are          Conduct salon financial transactions                                  25
employed in salons. Most hairdressers     Greet and prepare clients for salon services                          10
work in small salons of between four      Sell to the retail customer                                           20
and six people. Most salons require
                                          Recommend products and services                                       20
apprentices. Hairdressers may also
                                          Produce visual merchandise displays                                   35
be employed as stylists for TV, film,
                                          Design and apply make-up                                              45
theatre, day spas, cruise ships or
                                          Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement               20
advertising agencies. It is a large
                                          TOTAL                                                                 290
occupation with good employment
prospects. Hairdressers with good
retailing skills (selling products        Second Year                                                          Hours
or additional treatments) are             Apply hair colour products                                            30
particularly in demand.                   Braid hair                                                            30
                                          Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services    45
Pathways                                  environment
These qualifications are intended to      Communicate as part of a salon team                                   30
prepare you for further training in the   Contribute to health and safety of self and others                    20
beauty and hairdressing industries.       Design and apply make-up for photography                              30
                                          Organise personal work requirements                                   30
Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
VCE credits up to two units each year.    Research and apply beauty industry information                        20
Two 1 & 2 units. *90 nominal hours of     Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices             20
VET equals one VCAL credit.               Advise on beauty products and services                                30
                                          TOTAL                                                                 285
*Applies to all CTTC VET courses.
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
    Certificate II:
    This is a great course for
    those wanting to gain some
    base-level automotive skills
    to build on.

    Program structure                             The CTTC offers a pre-apprenticeship program which
    Two year program.
                                                  provides general knowledge, mechanical skills and hands-
    Weekly four hour block on a                   on workshop experience of basic automotive functions
    designated school day.                        and vehicle systems. This is a great starting point and
                                                  knowledge of this nature is never wasted.

Who should apply?
Students interested in further study in   Units
specialist or industry specific streams
                                          VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                              HOURS
of the automotive industry. The course
will also appeal to students seeking      Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace          20
a sound working knowledge of basic        Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive             20
automotive procedures.                    workplace
                                          Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an       25
Possible job outcomes                     automotive workplace
People working in trades are in high
                                          Identify automotive mechanical systems components                 25
demand. Apprenticeships are available
in industry specific streams. With        Resolve routine problems in an automotive workplace               20
additional training and experience,       Carry out basic vehicle servicing operations                      40
future employment opportunities may       Inspect, test and service batteries                               10
include: Trimmer,
               detailer,                  UNITS 3 & 4
panel beater, heavy or                    Communicate effectively in an automotive workplace                20
light vehicle mechanic.                   Operate electrical test equipment                                 40
                                          Solder electrical wiring and circuits                             20
                                          Construct and test basic electronic circuits                      40
This course has been designed to
articulate with a number of TAFE          Select and use bearings, seals gaskets, sealants and adhesives    10
certificates such as Motorsport, Light    Dismantle and assemble single cylinder four stroke petrol         40
Vehicle, and/or Automotive Mechanical     engines
Apprenticeship.                           Dismantle and assemble multi cylinder four stroke petrol          40
Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
                                          TOTAL                                                             370
On the completion of the Certificate
II program, students are eligible for
credit of up to four VCE VET units on
their VCE Statement of Results. Two
of these units are at 1-2 level and two
are 3-4 level.
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
    Certificate II:
    Building &
    This course is designed to
    provide the skills required for
    a successful career in building

    Program structure                         Get a taste of the building industry and learn to use a wide
    Two year program.                         variety of building tools and techniques with a partial
    Weekly four hour block on a               completion of the pre-apprenticeship program in carpentry.
    designated school day.

Who should apply?
Units in the pre-apprenticeship           Units
include safe handling of plant and
power tools, quality principles for the   VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                             HOURS
building industry, calculations, wall     Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry    20
and roof framing, building structures,
                                          Conduct workplace communication                                  20
setting out and workplace
documents and plans.                      Carry out measurements and calculations                          20
                                          Apply basic levelling procedures                                  8
Possible job outcomes
                                          Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the           20
Carpenter, fixing
                                          construction industry
carpenter, formwork
                                          Prepare to work safely in the construction industry               6
carpenter, joiner,
bricklayer, or builder.                   Provide basic emergency life support                             12
                                          Prepare for work in the building and construction industry       16
This course has been designed             Identify and handle carpentry tools and equipment                100
to articulate with Certificate II in      VCE VET UNITS 3 & 4
General Construction (Carpentry Pre-      Perform basic setting out                                        24
Apprenticeship) and Traineeship for
Construction Worker.                      Construct basic sub-floor                                        48
                                          Construct basic wall frames                                      48
Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
Upon completion of the VCE                Construct a basic roof frame                                     40
VET program, students will have           Install basic window and door frames                             24
achieved credits towards the pre-
                                          Interpret and apply basic plans and drawings                     25
apprenticeship certificate. Students
wishing to complete the entire pre-       Erect and safely use working platforms                           24
apprenticeship certificate will need      TOTAL                                                            455
to undertake modules beyond the
requirements of the VCE VET program.
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
    Certificate II:
    The course provides students
    with the skills and knowledge
    to enhance their entry level
    employment prospects.

    Program structure                             The course provides students with the skills and knowledge
    Two year program.                             to enhance their entry level employment prospects in
    Weekly four hour block on a                   apprenticeships and traineeships in a range of industries
    designated school day.                        such as electrical, electronics, refrigeration & mechanical.

Who should apply?                         Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
This course provides pathways to new      VCE VET Electrical Industry provides a Unit 1-4 sequence for satisfactory
skills as new technologies are adopted,   completion purposes. Students undertaking the program are eligible for credit
especially in energy efficiency and       of up to five VCE VET units on their VCE Statement of Results: three units at Unit
sustainability. Students must have a      1-2 level and two at Unit 3-4 sequence.
good understanding of mathematics.
It can lead onto apprenticeships and
traineeships. People working in trades
are in high demand and its one of the        VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                                 HOURS
biggest employment sectors in the            Apply occupational health and safety regulations, codes and           20
country.                                     practices in the workplace
Possible job outcomes                        Carry out routine work activities in an energy sector environment     40
Provides exposure to a diverse range         Identify and select components, accessories and materials for         20
of related industries which lead onto        energy sector work activities
traineeships and apprenticeships in          Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment                            20
the electrical field.                        Use of routine equipment plant technologies in an energy sector       80
                                             Set up and test residential audio/video equipment                     40
This course can lead into Electrical
Apprenticeships and Traineeships.            VCE VET UNITS 3 & 4
Further study options include                Work safely in the construction industry (pre-requirement)             6
Certificate III in Electrotechnology,        Provide basic emergency life support                                  12
Certificate IV in Electrotechnology,         Apply occupational health and safety regulations, codes and           20
solar installation, solar design, also       practices in the workplace
the telecommunication industry and           Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components       40
electrical distribution networks such
                                             Produce products for carrying out energy sector work activities       80
as Powercor etc.
                                             Solve problems on ELV single path circuits                            40
Note: Cost of first year includes first      HOURS                                                                 418
aid course and Construction Induction
(CI) card.
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
    Certificate II:
    This course provides students
    with a variety of skills and
    knowledge needed to under-
    take administrative roles in a
    business or office

    Program structure                             The certificate provides an understanding of business
    One year program.                             fundamentals within the Australian context and will assist
    Weekly four hour block on a                   students to gain employment opportunities in an entry level
    designated school day.
                                                  administrative or customer service role.

Who should apply?                        Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
This course is designed for students     Recognition of up to four units of credit at Units 1 and 2 level.
looking to move into a business
administration position in the future.

Possible job outcomes
Business administrator,                      Units
data entry operator,
information desk clerk,                      VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                             HOURS

receptionist, executive                      Organise and complete daily work activities                      20

administrative assistant,                    Process and maintain workplace information                       30
                                             Communicate in the workplace                                     40
personal assistant.
                                             Use digital technologies to communicate remotely                 20
Pathways                                     Work effectively with others                                     15
Certificate II can provide pathways to       Deliver a service to customers                                   40
various traineeships in the business
                                             Work effectively in a business environment*                      30
or administration. Alternatively it
                                             Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices*       20
could lead to a Diploma or Bachelor of
Business.                                    Handle mail                                                      60
                                             Produce digital text documents                                   20
                                             Use business technology                                          20
                                             Contribute to health and safety of self and others
                                             TOTAL                                                            330
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School
    Certificate II:
    This course provides a general
    overview of the community
    services and health industries.

       Program structure                              This course provides a qualification that can lead onto
       One year program.                              further training in individual support, early childhood,
       Weekly four hour block on a                    disability work, ageing support, nursing and community
       designated school day.                         services.

Who should apply?                        Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
Students who are interested in           On successful completion of Certificate II in Community Services students will be
further study in both the health and     eligible for:
community-based services that focus
                                         •   The award of Certificate II in Community Services
on the promotion of good health
                                         •   Credit to two units of VCE at Units 1 & 2 level or VCAL Industry Specific Skills
practices. The course reflects the
role of workers in the community and     •   Pre-requisite studies for Certificate III in Community Services. Certificate
/ or residential setting who follow          III Community Services can also provide credit at VCE Units 3 & 4 including
individual health and wellbeing plans        scored assessment.
for people who may require support
due to aging, disability or some other
                                              VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                                HOURS
Possible job outcomes
                                              Participate in workplace health and safety                            20
Child care, aged care,                        Provide first point of contact                                        35
home and community                            Work with diverse people                                              40
care, alcohol and other                       Communicate and work in health and community services                 30
drugs work, disability                        Organise and complete daily work activities                           20
work, social housing or                       Manage personal stress in the workplace                               40
mental health work, and                       Use routine strategies for work-related learning                      15
the health sector.                            Interact effectively with others at work                              10
Pathways                                      Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems               15
This course has been designed to              Provide first aid                                                     18
articulate with other streams of              TOTAL                                                                243
Certificate III in Community Services,
which lead onto the Certificate IV
Community Services, Diploma of
Community Services and onto the
Bachelor of Social Work. Streams
include aged care, disability or
COURSE HANDBOOK 2021 - Cobden Technical School

    Certificate II:
    This course provides students
    with a solid foundation
    in the basic principles of

    Program structure                              The Certificate II in Engineering Studies focuses on four
    Two year program minimum.                      main areas: fabrication, electrical/electronics, production
    Weekly four hour block on a                    and mechanical. Students will gain an overview of
    designated school day.                         engineering and the career opportunities available.

Who should apply?                          Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
Students considering advanced              Certificates II and III in Engineering Studies each provide a Unit 3-4 sequence
training in a broad range of               for satisfactory completion purposes. Students undertaking Certificate II in
engineering related fields. This course    Engineering are eligible for credit of up to four VCE VET units on their VCE
could provide students with increased      Statement of Results: two units at Unit 1-2 level and a Unit 3-4 sequence.
opportunity to gain an apprenticeship      Students have the option to undertake scored assessment and the study score
in Fitting and Turning or Electrical and   can be fully counted towards a student’s ATAR. This certificate will satisfy
Metal Fabrication. They may also seek      learning outcomes for the industry specific skills and work related skills strands
employment as a trade assistant or         in the VCAL program.
process or production worker in the
metals manufacturing industry.               Units
Special requirements                          VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                                  HOURS
Student’s workbook, safety glasses,           Apply principles of Occupational Health and Safety                     10
project materials, overalls safety            Use hand tools                                                         20
boots, hat or hairnet and drawing
                                              Report on a range of sectors in manufacturing, engineering and         30
                                              related industries
Pathways                                      Select and interpret drawings and prepare three dimensional (3D)       20
This course has been designed to              sketches and drawings
articulate into the trade-based               Perform basic machining processes                                      40
Certificate III or and Advanced               Apply basic fabrication techniques                                     40
Certificate or Associate Diploma              Use power tools / hand held operation                                  20
in Engineering at TAFE. University
                                              Perform basic metal fabrication operations                             60
diploma and degree level courses may
also be available. It is recommended          UNITS 3 & 4
that the following VCE subjects be            Undertake a basic engineering project                                  80
undertaken: English 1 and 2; or               Perform intermediate engineering computations                          40
Mathematics 1 and 2.                          Perform basic welding and thermal cutting                              60
                                              TOTAL                                                                  420

     Certificate II:
     (First year only)
     This course provides workers
     in the hospitality industry
     with the training required to
     develop their practical skills
     and experience.

     Program structure                            The Certificate II Hospitality is the pathway Hospitality
     One year program.                            students are taking as part of their VCE VET program. It
     Weekly four hour block on a                  provides the skills and knowledge required to work in the
     designated school day.                       hospitality industry.

Who should apply?                         Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
Students who have an interest in          Students who complete Certificate II in Hospitality qualify for two VCE units at
gaining employment in the hospitality     1-2 level. This certificate will satisfy learning outcomes for the industry specific
industry in front of house, waiting and   skills and work skills strands in the VCAL programs.
food service, cooking/catering, or in
the retail food industry.

Possible job outcomes
Fast food industry,                          VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                          HOURS
sandwich hand, front                         Work effectively with others                                   15
of house, waiting, food                      Source and use information on the hospitality industry         25
services, cooking/                           Use hospitality skills effectively                              0
catering, or in the retail                   Show social and cultural sensitivity                           20
food industry.                               Interact with customers                                        20
                                             Participate in safe work practices                             12
After achieving the Certificate III in
                                             Use food preparation equipment                                 25
Hospitality, you may choose to
progress to the Certificate IV in            Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery                  45
Hospitality, or to Certificate IV            Prepare and present simple dishes                              25
qualifications in other service              Clean kitchen premises and equipment                           13
industry fields such as Tourism.             Use hygienic practices for food safety                         15
Alternatively, the Diploma of
                                             Maintain the quality of perishable items                       10
Hospitality Management may be
                                             TOTAL                                                         225
     Certificate III:
     A nationally recognised
     qualification, the course of
     study is designed to develop
     songwriting and performance

     Program structure
                                                      Students write, record and perform their own songs,
     Two year program.
     Weekly four hour block on a
                                                      developing a repertoire of songs that they can perform at
     designated school day.                           the end of the second year of the course.

Who should apply?                         •   Compose, arrange, perform and             •   Depending on electives,
Students considering a career in              record an original song                       students will be able to perform
music or those with an interest           •   Gain basic skills in performance,             in a local amateur environment,
in developing their musical and               technology and/or business                    in a group and/or as a soloist,
performance skills.                           practice                                      using improvisation
                                          •   Demonstrate appropriate health,           Contribution to the VCE/VCAL
Special requirements
                                              safety and security procedures            Students who complete Certificate III
Students need to be able to play a
musical instrument or sing or be          •   Work with others through                  in Music gain a Certificate III in Music
willing to learn. They also need to be        organising a music act and event          as well as four units towards their
prepared to perform in front of an        •   Promote their works                       VCE.
Certificate III in Music is designed to       VCE VET UNITS 1 & 2                                                   HOURS
provide students with a wide range            Contribute to health and safety of self and others                       20
of knowledge and skills to be able to         Implement copyright arrangements                                         20
maximise employment as a performer            Work effectively in the music industry                                   35
or composer in the music industry.
                                              Apply knowledge of style and genre to music industry practice            40
At the completion of Certificate III in       Develop ensemble skills for playing or singing music (elective)          50
Music Industry, students will be able
                                              Compose simple songs or musical pieces (elective)                        35
                                              VCE VET UNITS 3 & 4
•   Gain an insight into music
    industry sectors and career 		            Develop technical skills in performance                                  20
    opportunities                             Prepare for performances                                                 35
•   Explain how the music 		                  Develop improvisation skills                                             35
    industry works in their local             Develop and maintain stagecraft skills                                   70
    environment                               Perform music as part of a group (elective) OR                           70
•   Identify music styles,                    Perform music as a soloist (elective)
    production processes and 		               TOTAL                                                                   430
    promotional opportunities
                                          BOND              MATERIALS                 BLOCK                    For further
                                      Bond is refunded         FEES                  TRAINING              information please
COURSE                 CAMPUS          to students at       Current prices are    Additional training in
                                                                                                           ask to speak to the
                                    successful completion    available at this    some school holiday
                                                                                                            Campus Principal:
                                         of program          link: https://bit.

Dual Certificate II
Retail Cosmetic
& Salon Assistant                          $350                   $290                     NO                03 5593 1617
(SHB20116 &
Certificate II
Automotive              Cobden                              $200 first year
Vocational             Technical           $350              $200 second                  YES                03 5595 1202
Preparation             School                                  year
Certificate II
                        Cobden                              $200 first year
Building and
                       Technical           $350              $200 second                  YES                03 5595 1202
                        School                                  year
Certificate II
                        Cobden                              $530 first year
                       Technical           $350              $360 second                  YES                03 5595 1202
                        School                                  year
Certificate II
Business                                   $350                   $195                     NO                03 5597 6625
Certificate II
Community Services                         $350             $185 first year                NO                03 5592 1349
Certificate II
Engineering Studies                                         $200 first year
(VCE VET) (1st                             $350              $100 second                   NO                03 5598 3381
                      P12 School
and 2nd year)                                                   year
Certificate II
Hospitality                                $350                   $200                    YES                03 5598 3381
                      P12 School
Certificate III
                                                            $100 first year
Music                  Timboon
                                           $350              $60 second                    NO                03 5598 3381
(Performance)         P12 School
Uniform CTTC Polo
                          All                                      $30
Shirt with logo
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