PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild

PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
Gold Coast Quilters Guild                                  Page 1

 Volume 36 Issue 12 Edition 427                 Editor: Marlys Cordes                    April, 2021

     PRESIDENT'S LETTER                                   PROGRAMS and WORKSHOPS
                                                         Tuesday, April 20th: Zoom: We welcome
What type of quilter are you? When I ask that            guest speaker Diane Murtha. She will be
question about myself, I consider several things.
My fabric color choices are all over the color
                                                         presenting on “Accepting the Chal-
wheel, from Civil War reproductions to the newer         lenge,” giving us ideas for a great Quilt
bright, happy colors, though I do seem to gravitate      Challenge Experience. (visit her website at
to the blues. My style of quilting started out as tra-
ditional patterns, with an occasional look at mod-       We are hosting our first WORKSHOP on
ern quilt patterns. I will do some applique and          April 21. It will be a shortened program on
hand stitching. I guess you might call me an ec-         Zoom from 10-2. The cost of the workshop
lectic quilter.                                          is $35, plus a $5 template. Via Pay Pal!
        On reflection, another thing I learned about
myself is that I have lots of good intentions about
                                                         Quilt as You Go Hexies
getting organized. I’ve purchased books on organ-        We have 2 spots remaining !
ization, downloaded articles, purchased notebooks        Contact Debbie DeJesse if you want to
and sheet protectors, sorted and re-sorted, but al-      Join this workshop!
ways seem to end up with piles of patterns, maga-        Calling all members… we have 4 open
zines, and fabric on most of the flat surfaces. And      months on the schedule this year and we
fabric….what can I say about fabric except that I        are looking for volunteers to present.
have a large stash. When my son visits me, he            Do you have a fun project or technique you
looks around and asks, “What will I do with all this
when you are gone?” I tell him that there will al-
                                                         would like to share? We always have great
ways be a quilt guild and I have it in my Will that it   presentations at our retreats or camp and
all goes to the Gold Coast Quilter’s Guild. I know       many very talented members. Since we
he considers a lot of it junk, but “junk is something    haven't met in a year, maybe you have a
you throw away three weeks before you need it.” I        great idea you would be willing to share
saw that definition in one of those emails that get      with us!! Get together with another mem-
circulated on the Internet. However, I don’t con-        ber and choose a theme such as Holiday
sider any of my quilting things “junk.” Maybe this       Projects in July, or a "tips and tricks panel
thought is what keeps me from getting into my
sewing room and really starting to clean it up.
                                                         of experts.” How to free motion quilt on
What if I get rid of something and then need it next     your home machine, tips for prepping your
week, next month, or even next year. I have a            quilt for the long armer, etc...
nice large sewing table whose top is covered with        If you have an idea and need help organiz-
“junk” and I have about an 18” x 18” area on which       ing, or want to do part of a meeting pro-
to sit my sewing machine. Somehow, I’m still able        gram please let me know. (I can assist with
to sew.                                                  the technology if that is a challenge.) We
        What can you say about yourself? No mat-         must stay within our budget so unfortu-
ter what type of quilter you are, we are all mem-
bers of the Gold Coast Quilters’ Guild and that’s
                                                         nately outside speakers are not an option
what makes it great!                                     for every meeting. I look forward to hearing
Still sewing,                 Jean                       from you!            Debbie
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
Page 2                                Gold Coast Quilters Guild
                             Minutes—Gold Coast Quilter’s Guild
                             General Meeting—March 16th, 2021

The Zoom March 16,2021 general meeting of the Gold Coast Quilter’s Guild was called to order at 7p.m.
by our president, Jean DeFrances. She welcomed all participates and gave a special thank you to Lorna
Lyn who has stepped up to take over the chairmanship of Pillow Pals. Lorna will be preparing kits and ac-
cepting fabric donations.

 Debbie DeJesse introduced Diane Murtha who will present our April 20th lecture. Diane gave us a pre-
view of her workshop scheduled for April 21. Diane's goal has been to modify projects that can be worked
on in small areas. She has spent the winter living in an RV and knows first hand how working in a small
space can be challenging. In her workshop, you will create a table runner or topper using her hexagon tech-
nique. She also provides 3 or 4 options for the layout. The price of the class includes the template and can
be purchased through PayPal. Debbie DeJesse will distribute the templates. The price of the workshop is
$41.46. This includes the $1.46 PayPal fee.

Debbie DeJesse, introduced this evening’s program, “MEMORIES,” with a PowerPoint presentation. Mem-
ories have been a staple in the quilting community for generations. Some of the themes used for quilts and
other creative projects are the birth of a child, baby years, grandchildren, extended family member, child-
hood memories, anniversaries, reunions, retirement, memorials for loved ones who have passed on, pet
memorials, life events, and milestones, etc. The reasons for creating a memory quilt are endless
and Debbie’s presentation was more than worthy of credit.
Techniques used can be traditional, made from clothing or other items such as T-shirts, men’s
ties, aprons, handkerchiefs, etc. Crazy quilts, I Spy quilts, photo transfer quilts, and coin quilts are also
popular types of quilts. We must also bear in mind who will be using the quilt and its purpose. If it will be
laundered and how it is embellished is important.
One fun technique she talked about is when a group of people each make a block and assemble them into
a quilt. Examples are groups such as friends, sewing bees, family, school class, and camp groups. The
internet is a great resource for ideas for creating different types of memory quilts. Debbie’s presentation
was filled with ideas, techniques, and valuable pictures for memory quilts. Remember memories are
very powerful.
Debbie DeJesse then began the screen presentation of "The Memory Project." She introduced the Guild
members who will be sharing their memories. Jean DeFrances began the presentation
telling about our Guild quilt that hangs outside our meeting room at the BRCC. She was followed by Ellen
Anderman, Ellen Birnbaum, Kathy Cochran, Marlys Cordes, Jean DeFrances,
Sheryl Gilson, Dot Gruber, Jane Hill, Kiki Jacobs, Joanne Locke, Lani Miller, Judy Shelton, Rose-
mary Wellner, and Jo Wiley. Each person told about their quilts as they appeared on the screen, and the
significance it held in their memories.

Announcements: Debbie DeJesse announced future workshops and reminded us to check the newsletter
for additional information.
Check our newsletter for the 2021 Block of the Month information, You will find everything you need to
know clearly presented by our chairpersons Diane Paquin Provost and Melinda Schwartz.

Heart Blocks- Marlys Cordes
Betty Surman has passed away and a donation in her memory will be sent to the NationalQuilt Museum in
Paducah, KY. Judy Shelton’s brother, Robert Gehr, has also passed away. Check your guild roster for
The April Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 6 at 7pm on Zoom.
The meeting was closed shortly after 9pm by our president, Jean DeFrances.

Submitted by,
Ellen Birnbaum General Meeting Secretary
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
Gold Coast Quilters Guild                                  Page 3

                           What’s the Buzz Around the Guild?
                   Quilts of Valor                                Internet Connections
                                  Your Friend the Computer
                                                                 Have you always wanted to try
         Thanks to all who continue                             making a scalloped border on a
           to support the QOV program.                          quilt?
                                                                This month I have found just the
The latest finished quilts can be seen                          tutorial you have been looking
at the link above. Due to the pandemic for.
we are currently unable to have our
large distribution of quilts. To help us   scallop-borders
identify individuals who are illegible for
a quilt, please use the online nomination                             Here is a YouTube
form.                                                                 video that is very
Sign into                                                good!
Click Nominations and Awards at the                                   RQunyTO0-ZM
top of the page.                                                      Ellen Birnbaum
Read the Eligibility and Mission of
Quilts of Valor.
Fill out the online nomination form.       APRIL BIRTH-
Please call if you need help finishing          Kiki Jacobs            2
your QOV or are new and need help               Diane Paquin Provost   4
starting your first QOV.                        Ellen Weston           6
Susan Rowe                                      Sandi Campbell
                                                Joanne Hamburger
                                                Marcia Costello        15
                                                Pam Kepchar            20
                                                Beverly DeCrane        23
                    2021 UFO                    Marcia Degner           28
                    Challenge                   Julie Miller           29
                                                Margaret Starr         30
                Frieda will put the names
          of everyone who participated in
          the UFO Challenge! (Your name          Whether you are working from home or
goes in the drawing the number of quilts         videoconferencing with family, try these
you turned in to Frieda. She will draw one       tips to download, join a session, or host
name and the winner will be announced at         a meeting on Zoom.
the April General Meeting! The winner  
will receive $50 gift certificate to be          personal-technology/info-2020/how-to-
used with one of our Long-arm Quilter            use-zoom.html
Newsletter advertisers! Many thanks to
Frieda Toback for chairing this Chal-
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
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PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
Gold Coast Quilters Guild              Page 5

                    SUNDAY, May 16th
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
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                  Quilts for Caring
                          Thanks to all of you
                  who continue to support
                  Quilts for Caring. I have re-
                  ceived 55 beautiful quilts so
far this month, and Lani Miller has 14 more
which I will pick up soon.
I have been busy making up new kits to keep
up with the demand. I really appreciate all                 Gold Coast Quilters Guild:
the fabric many of you have donated over the
last few months. Marlys just delivered a bag
                                                       36 Years Old this Month!
full of pretty fabric, along with lots of finished                Save the Date!!
quilts. New fabric inspires me to make more                      2021 QUILT CAMP
pretty kits!                                         Wednesday, August 11th - Saturday August 14th
Because so many of you are keeping busy                     Duncan Center, Delray Beach
making these lovely quilts, I have had plenty
to donate. Thank you to Debbie DeJesse,              Registration forms and additional details will be in
                                                                     future newsletters.
who has been very helpful distributing quilts.
She picked up 60 quilts recently, which will go       Please note: Due to COVID 19, all
to various charities. Also, I have given 46          participants will be required to have
children’s quilts to Stormy. She will deliver                received the vaccine.
                                                       We need an idea of how MANY members are
them to several children’s charities. I would             WILLING /COMFORTABLE to attend!
like to thank Susan Rowe for helping gather
                                                        Please e-mail Suzanne McGee :
up the quilts for Stormy.
I hope we will all be able to get together again 
             Pam Kepchar
                                                        We need PILLOW PALS!
                                                                 Lorna Lyn has kits
            Care 2 Share aka Heart Blocks                       and you can pick up/
                                                                 drop off when we
           Judy Shelton’s brother Rob-
           ert Gehr, passed away on                               get together at
Sunday, March 14th. He had multiple                                    BRCC
health issues and had been in Trust-
Bridge Hospice at Delray Medical Center
for a little over a week. He would have                                 Hi Debbie,
been 82 on May 7.                                    Thank you again SO much for these
                                                     amazing pillows and blankets. The chil-
Long-time GCQG member Betty Sur-
man passed away in February during a                 dren love them! Feel free to reach out to
cancer operation.                                    us again in the future! We will make sure
Judy Cornell is home recovering from                 they all find good homes :).
her hospitalization.
                                                     Samantha Utter, MA, CCLS
                                                     Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
Gold Coast Quilters Guild                                    Page 7

                                    Gold Coast Quilters Guild
                                       “Panel Play”
                             Special Quilt Challenge is ending!

This challenge began in September 2020 and will finish in MAY 2021. There are many pretty panels
available at our local quilt stores now. One simple solution is to take a large panel and frame it with
various borders. There are many other unique ideas for placement, embellishment and design possi-
ble. Please take a picture of the panel before starting.

                                     Design Specifications:
Theme: Panel Play; use of a pre-printed panel in a creative quilt top application
Finished Size: Minimum: 24” X 24” or 96” total diameter
               Maximum: 35” X 55” or 180” total diameter
Completed Requirements: Completed means that your project is quilted, has no raw edges and is
                                            DUE DATE!

PICTURES of finished quilts (before & after) will be due BY Sunday, May 16th, 2021. to Debbie
DeJesse’s e-mail:

                 A Ballot and Pictures of Challenge quilts will be posted
                                 in the June Newsletter!
                     Everyone can vote for ‘Viewers Choice.’

                         Prizes: First Place $65, Second Place $35
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
Page 8                           Gold Coast Quilters Guild

               New Address!
   6190 N. Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, 33487
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
Gold Coast Quilters Guild                                   Page 9

                    Who, What, When, Where? AND IF?
                  General Meeting: ZOOM 7:00 pm—9:00 pm;
  Tues   April 20 Program: Guest: Diane L Accepting the Challenge
         April 21 Workshop: 10-2 PM on Zoom :Diane Murtha: Quilt As You Go Hexies!
  Wed    April 28 May Newsletter Deadline:
  Tues   May 4   Board Meeting, 7PM, ZOOM: All members are invited to attend.

 Need help with the ZOOM Platform for our
 meetings? Here is a YouTube to help you                             Our Mailing Address…….
                                                                     Gold Coast Quilters Guild                                      P.O. Box 2333
                                                                     Boca Raton, FL 33427-2333

Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look
        like and celebrating it for everything that it is. Mandy Hale
PRESIDENT'S LETTER - Gold Coast Quilter's Guild
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