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THE VOICE OF CONGREGATION DOR HADASH An Affiliate of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation Volume 53 Number 19 Fall — 2021 // 1 Tishri — 27 Kislev 5782 President’s Column Bruce Herschlag The last three months have been very busy for Dor Second, I want to specifically acknowledge the Hadash! Thank you to all the volunteers who have contributions of our Covid Committee. Amongst the dedicated their time and talent to the congregation Committee’s members are some of the very best and to all the employees of the congregation who medical minds in Western Pennsylvania. As you know have done likewise. by now, in July 2021, the Committee recommended the resumption of in-person events and services only First, I want to specifically to see a significant increase in Covid cases in acknowledge the time and ef- Allegheny County and the State of Pennsylvania. In fort put in by the members of response to this troubling rising infection rate, the the Spiritual Guidance Search Committee recommended, and the Board approved, a Committee. The Committee (i) temporary suspension of in-person services, met regularly; (ii) consulted including our upcoming High Holiday services. Please with a Rabbi consultant; (iii) see the full recommendation here. developed an amazing job description; (iv) coordinated its I, like many of you, are disappointed with the absence search with the Jewish Reconstructionist Federa- of in-person services for the High Holiday services, tion; (v) interviewed, identified and vetted however, our number one priority must be protecting candidates; (vi) organized a Zoom Weekend for the the health and welfare of our congregants as we candidate, Rabbi Evette Luttman, and (vii) hosted continue to battle the pandemic. Please be assured an in-person weekend visit for the Rabbi. Although that the Covid Committee will continue to look at all virtually all of us liked Rabbi Evette personally, the data as it becomes available so we can return to in- Search Committee came to the realization that she person events as soon as possible and reconnect to would not be a good fit for the congregation. each other in person in a manner which we have all missed so much. As you know by now, the Committee came to the difficult decision not to offer Rabbi Evette the As President, the problems of the congregation tend position of Part-Time Spiritual Guidance Leader of to wind up on my desk and I must report the bigger the Congregation. If interested please see the full issues to you. However, as I noted in my last recommendation here: As I have stated before I President’s Column, the congregation has never been applaud the Search Committee for its diligence, more vibrant and active. We continue to offer dedication, and effort on behalf of the congrega- meaningful and regular services, including a Saturday tion. I have asked them to take a well-deserved Torah study, led by Dan Leger, beloved by many. We break until after the High Holidays. have renewed leadership for our Learning and Programming Committee, and I encourage you to The congregation needs professional spiritual check out its programs in the coming days and weeks. guidance. While I would like all the members of the The new Young Adults Ad Hoc Committee, Dor Haba, Search Committee to continue after this break, I is off and running. The Board also approved an Inclu- realize that some might need a longer break from sion Ad Hoc Committee, to allow us all to become this difficult task. Accordingly, I am asking more connected to the congregation and more members of the congregation to step up and knowledgeable of the needs of various congregants. volunteer to serve on the Committee. If you are interested in volunteering to serve on the Search Committee, please contact me at or Sai Koros, our Congregation Manager at to volunteer [Continued on Page 2] your services.
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 2 President’s Column [continued from page 1] Social Action Kerry Ban and Barb Murock continue to plan an The Social Action committee is focusing on two broad amazing Dor Hadash program celebrating the Cen- area, Anti-Racism/Social Justice and Immigrant tennial of the Bat Mitzvah Ritual to take place in Rights and Support. March. The Strategic Planning Implementation Com- We are collaborating with local and national organiza- mittee, led by Ellen Berne and Sarah Angrist, contin- tions to advance these agendas. ue to make progress in making the Dor Hadash Stra- tegic Plan a reality. The High Holidays Sub- Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network: Committee, led by Ray Engel, is on schedule with its Dor Hadash has been a dues paying member of this tasks to make the services memorable and meaning- collaboration of synagogues and churches. for many ful. years. Lara Putnam is on the PIIN Board. Criminal justice reform has been a key focus, working with the To solve our problems and to maintain our vitality Alliance for Police Accountability to pass referenda to requires each member of the congregation to assist in end solitary confinement and ban no-knock warrants. maintaining the life of the congregation. I understand SAC members collected signatures that got the that many of you have your hands full, but if you are initiatives on the ballot and did door-to-door canvass- able, I encourage you to volunteer for a committee. ing in this successful campaign. PIIN is now initiating Right now, the committees that are in most need of a new program, EXPO, a 12-week program for new members are the Communications Committee, previously incarcerated persons that will help them chaired by Dana Kellerman, the Security Ad Hoc improve their job readiness skills, learn their voting Committee, and the Hesed Committee, chaired by rights, and train them to organize for beneficial policy Libba Speigel. As many members of congregational changes. Other topics covered will include housing committees can attest, being a member of a commit- and expungement of criminal records. tee is meaningful, rewarding, and fun. Again, if you have interest in helping the Committees listed above PIIN’s is holding its annual banquet virtually on or any Dor Hadash committees, please do not hesitate Sunday August 29, 6-7. It would be great to have a to contact Sai or me. good showing from the congregation. Finally, this is my last Kol Column before the High Here is the link: Holidays. May your High Holidays be meaningful and -piin-banquet/ may you all be inscribed for a good year - a year of Center of Life: health, a year of social progress, and a year of joy for Largely through the efforts of Andi Fischhoff, Dor you and your family. Hadash has been developing a rich relationship with L’shalom, the Center of Life in Hazelwood, led by Rev. Tim Bruce Smith. CoL supports Hazelwood youth through tutoring, athletic activities, jazz music instruction, or writing and performing their own rap music. They have now launched the Social Justice Resource Center. Andi Fischhoff and Anna Coufal are working on ways to have Dor Hadash and Center of Life teens and young adults work together to combat racism and promote educational reform. Tim Smith has been a thoughtful contributor to past services and Torah Study and will be joining us on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. [Continued on Page 3]
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 3 Social Action (Continued from page 2 ) In coming months, we plan to work with the New Pennsylvania Project. Th e go a l o f th e NP P is expand voter registration among underrepresented groups- especially in Black and Latino communities. The key to both justice reform and reinforcing de- mocracy and securing honest elections is electing legislators who prioritize these issues. We are plan- Casa San Jose ning a program for Dor Hadash to explore how voter has been doing spectacular work over the pandemic, registration is key to these efforts. including providing cash payments to over 600 families who weren't eligible for federal subsidies, rescuing The Social Action committee is focusing on Immigrant renters in risk of eviction, running a food pantry that also Rights and Support. educated about nutrition, making sure that school kids Members of Dor Hadash have been volunteering at had the technology needed for virtual classes, even Casa San Jose a n d w e h a ve be e n e n co u r aging running a virtual summer camp for kids last summer members to provide financial support. See the com- (and a hybrid one this summer), expanding services to mittee’s suggestions for Rosh Hashanah tzedakah. Butler, Beaver, Westmoreland and Washington County, etc. Their Covid vaccination program broadcasts accurate More recently, members of the committee have information in Spanish, and has provided 2700 shots to volunteered with Grannie’s Respond, gr e e tin g community members. They partner with JFCS to provide asylum seekers as they travel by bus to their spon- social services, offer ESL classes, immigration law sors in eastern cities. Joanie Isenberg describes the clinics, and advocacy work. Many Dor Hadash members program and how to get involved elsewhere in the volunteer there, including their volunteer coordinator Kol. Roye Werner. The committee is planning to invite representatives from HIAS, JFCS, and Casa San Jose to speak to the TransYouniting: congregation about the current state of immigration The committee wants to bring attention to under re- reform and the needs of immigrants in Pittsburgh. sourced organizations such as TransYouniting which serves transgender people. As Symone Saul puts it "1) it's Rich Weinberg hard for them to raise funds, 2) they both do local, direct Chair, Social Action Committee impact work (providing housing, jobs, and other life- savingresources) AS WELL AS advocacy and systemic organizing, 3) they support our most vulnerable neigh- bors." In addition to facing nationwide efforts by state legislatures to further stigmatize and marginalize them, Trans people are subject to high rates of violence and homelessness. TransYouniting offers crisis housing and food assistance and provides a space and community for ROSH HASHANAH TZEDAKAH LGBTQ youth. Members of Dor Hadash have a Rosh Hashanah tradition of giving generously to organizations Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank: advocating for and serving marginalized people. The Well known to all of you, the Foodbank has been an es- Social Action Committee would like you to consider sential service to many of our neighbors this past year donating to the following 4 organizations. and its resources have been stretched thin by enormous demand during the Pandemic. HIAS The situation for asylum seekers has not changed as much as we would have hoped with the Biden admin- istration. HIAS is providing direct help to asylum seekers to facilitate legal entry into the US. HIAS provides legal advice, cash-based assistance; "dignity kits" for the health and hygiene of women at risk. They are working to rescind "Title 42" which forces asylum seekers back to Mexico without even setting an immigration court date. Dor Hadash has a long standing relationship with HIAS which we cele- brate at our annual Refugee Shabbat
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 4 A Movement Trip Chris and I recently had the opportunity to travel by car to Dauphin Island, Alabama and thought that Dor Hadashers would be interested in some of the places we visited. Along with beautiful state parks (Hocking Hills, Ohio is special), one of our goals was to visit sites key to the history of the civil rights movement. We used Debo- rah Douglas’ guide, US Civil Rights Trail: A traveler’s guide to In Jackson, we visited the Mississippi Civil Right the people, places, and events that Museum. It shares its beautiful building with the made the Movement (Moon). Museum of Mississippi History. They have done a Birmingham is a sister city to Pittsburgh, built on the terrific job of displaying the real history of Black life in coal and steel industry in the late 19th century. The Mississippi, and the importance of soldiers returning Birmingham Civil Rights Heritage Trail commemo- from World War II in sparking the modern civil rights rates the Birmingham Campaign which broke the hold movement, the stunning bravery of Medgar Evers, segregation had on the city. Kelly Ingram Park is Fannie Lou Hamer, Bob Moses and so many others. The where city police and firefighters, under orders of oral history displays really bring the period to life. We Eugene “Bull” Connor, attacked protestors with dogs were proud that the work of Julius Rosenwald, chairman and high-pressure hoses. Park sculptures helped us of Sears Roebuck, was highlighted. We learned of Rabbi imagine the fear of being attacked by dogs, and others Perry Nussbaum’s support for jailed freedom riders and honored the children murdered at the 16th St Baptist the moving letters he wrote to their families. Church, which borders the park. The Birmingham The trip was intellectually stimulating and emotionally Civil Rights Institute helped us understand the history powerful. We encourage everyone to visit these and of Birmingham, the experience of Blacks in the Jim other sites in Douglas’ guide to get a richer understand- Crow era, and the many people who bravely confront- ing of the history of the Black struggle for equality. ed segregation. The emphasis on the local leaders and the many children who demonstrated and were jailed Chris Miller reminded us of the necessity and the power of local Rich Weinberg activism. In Montgomery, we visited the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Envisioned by Bryan Stephenson of the Equal Justice Initiative, the memorial honors the 4000 men and women who were lynched in racial terrorism from 1877-1950. Each person’s name is engraved on a steel column, with the date of their murder. There is one column for each county where lynching occurred, including Coatesville, PA where Zachariah Walker was killed August, 1911 (one of eight known lynching in Pennsylvania). It is a stark and powerful design, which reminded us of the sobering experience of visiting the Vietnam War Memorial in D.C.
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 5 The Bat Mitzvah Centennial Celebration: Update and Call for your Help By Kerry Ban, Chair of Special Events Subcommittee (of Kehillah Committee) Plans for the celebration of the first bat mitzvah are moving along well. We are reaching out to all local congregations to encourage them to include a formal recognition of this landmark in Jewish history in their Saturday services that weekend. We are also consult- ing with the Dor Hadash Ritual Committee as they plan our own Shabbat service, on March 19, 2022. On Sunday, March 20, 2022, we will host a luncheon We need more volunteers to ensure a successful (in the general style of a Bat Mitzvah lunch) open to event. Here are our current top priorities for assis- the whole community, to be held at Rodef Shalom. tance: We are excited that Rabbi Deborah Waxman, the CEO and President of Reconstructing Judaism and Fundraising: We will be asking congregations, also PhD in history (with research on the role of organizations and businesses to cosponsor or to women in Judaism over time) has accepted our place ads in a program book. Some of this could invitation to be the keynote speaker at the luncheon. be done via email. And, whether or not you join The afternoon will continue with activities, including this group, we would love your suggestions for panel discussions, probably a film, and other fun and people or organizations who might want to sup- informative events that the program task group is port us. busy organizing Logistics: This group will be responsible for the In addition to this weekend of activities, we hope to Sunday luncheon event, including working with also have an additional weekend where there is an the caterer and planning the room layout. We can adult group bat mitzvah. If you are interested in use some help now with the advanced planning participating, contact Judy Grumet at and will need more help as the event approaches. Outreach: This involves contacting congregations We hope you will all be there for this joyous occasion. or Jewish organizations to inform them of this Here is how you can help: centennial event and invite and encourage their We will want to reach out to all! Did you celebrate a participation in both our events and in planning bat mitzvah? If so, please let us know, including to commemorate the anniversary in their congre- where and when. Also let us know if you have family gation members who celebrated a bat mitzvah, especially to those who celebrated their bat mitzvah at Dor Communication: Assist with publicizing the event Hadash. We would love to have them participate or and activities being planned in the community be acknowledged in our service or program. and through various media. If you would like more information on any of these, contact Kerry Ban (; 412-427-4397). As always, all questions and suggestions appreciated. Judith Kaplan Eisenstein at the 70th anniversary of her bat mitzvah (Courtesy of the Eisenstein Reconstructionist Archives)
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 6 Dor Hadash Religious School Each class will continue to use the google classroom, ————————— which offers a central, virtual home for our curriculum. Karen Morris—Principal As our thoughts turn to Rosh Hashanah: In my June Kol article, I re- Our Father, our King, receive our prayers. flected on being careful to Our Mother, our Queen, teach us how to be good not expect a return to lovers. “normal.” I mentioned a Our Source and our Destiny, teach us how to be good “new normal.” We were hop- parents. ing to be in a better place by the start of school, but now Our Guide and our Truth, teach us how to be good we find ourselves with new children. challenges. We must dig deep (From the Yamim Noraim supplement of Congregation to move forward, to find Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia.) meaning, to create new beginnings together during this struggle. All children deserve the very best, and their childhoods are precious, and they’ve had to face a אָ ִֽבינּו מַ לְ ֵ ִֽכנּו חָ ֵנִֽנּו ַוע ֲֵנִֽנּו כי אֵ ין ָ ִֽבנּו מַ עֲשים pandemic that makes my childhood worries feel simple. :יענּו ִֽ ֵ עֲשֵ ה ע ָ ִֽמנּו צְ דָ קָ ה ו ֶ ִָֽחסֶ ד וְ הֹוש We are planning to open in person this school year. There will be hybrid/virtual options for those students Avinu Malkeynu khoneynu va'aneynu ki eyn banu who need that set up at this time. Our classes are small, ma'ashim asey imanu tz'dakah va'khesed v'hoshieynu. we can use multiple levels of safety mitigations. We are fortunate to house our school in Rodef Shalom Avinu malkeinu (3), grant us justice and bring us salva- Congregation that follows the best safety protocols. Our tion, teachers are busy preparing their curriculum for this Grant us justice and loving kindness (2) and bring us sal- school year, and are excited to start working with our students and families. vation. It was such a pleasure to see some of our families who Wishing you a safe, meaningful and sweet New Year! could attend our get together at Wightman Park. Students got to meet their teachers, play on the L’Shanah Tovah U'metukah! playground, and take home a fantastic treat bag made by our membership committee. A warm thank you to Rosie Pincus and Beth Silver for these amazing treat bags. The Our 2021-22 Teachers playground was enjoyed by our youngest 5 year old to Sharon Serbin: K inder gar ten/1st Gr ade our oldest students in the 7th grade. How after so much (Gan/aleph) time physically apart to be outdoors together, to chat, to play, and enjoy each other’s company. I reflect on these Ami Weintraub: 3r d - 5th Grade (Gimmel - Hey) simple pleasures that we once took for granted as they Sai Koros: 6th Gr ade (Vav) felt like a near miracle for our school community. It was also an opportunity for parents who had not met, to Anna Coufal: 7th Gr ade (Mitzvah Class) meet each other. It struck me how much we ended up in our small silos the past 18 months. I feel it is time to Roan Hollander: teen teacher ’s assistant/madricha look outward, to face this journey head on, to be as safe as possible, and continue living to the fullest extent possible. Dor Hadash Religious School focuses Jewish learning and exploring through the lenses of Reconstructing Ju- We will continue to use zoom and virtual methods as daism. Please spread the word so we can welcome new needed as we begin our school year. Flexibility and pa- students and families into our school, and our congrega- tience will be essential as we navigate through the next tion. few months. Fortunately, we have virtual tools that we now know how to use well. Please feel free to be in touch with me anytime via email to learn more about our school.
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 7 Learning and Programming The Learning and Programming Committee is planning to bring to the congregation speakers from Combatants for Grannies Respond Peace, as well as a movie about the organization. Chelli Hovne, a member of L&P, has been instrumental in by Joanie Isenberg planning this program. Members of Dor Hadash, along with members from St. Combatants for Peace is an Israeli-Palestinian NGO and an Andrew Lutheran Church, the Pittsburgh Mennonite egalitarian, bi-national, grassroots movement working Church,and the Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community towards a two-state solution in the 1967 borders, OR have become volunteers with the Grannies Respond towards any other mutually agreed upon solution that will program. allow both Israelis and Palestinians to live in freedom, Grannies Respond is a national grassroots movement security, democracy and dignity in their homeland. The formed in the spring of 2018 in response to the separa- members of the group--Palestinians and Israeli Jews--had tion of families seeking asylum at the southern border previously engaged in violent actions against the other side of the United States. Chapters of the organization and are now committed to nonviolent action. have developed in many cities throughout the U.S. The The movie, Disturbing The Peace, shows how members Overground Railroad Project is an outgrowth of of the group were transformed into believers in non- Grannies Respond and helps immigrants at bus stops violent actions to promote peace and shows some of their across the country as they travel to their sponsoring creative peaceful protests. families. The Pittsburgh chapter of Grannies Respond, established in April 2021, serves these asylum-seekers The idea to showcase Combatants for Peace was brought to as they pass through the Pittsburgh Greyhound Bus the DH book club, which had read a book about two of the Station. Primarily Spanish speaking, they have no founders of their sister organization ( Parents circle money or food and few belongings. Volunteers meet Families Forum). The book was Apeirogon by Calum the buses to assist with their tickets and provide water, McCann. The reading group members were enthusiastic food, and other needed items. Volunteers also are or- about engaging with members of the group. ganizing to raise donations of funds and supplies. We The details are still being worked out; we think we will get hope to secure an accessible storage site near the bus the rights for everyone to watch the movie on their own station. If you would like to join us there are several computers in the days before the meeting; then we will ways to help. You can contact Joanie Isenberg at gather online and meet with members of the group to ask and you will be directed to the them questions and hear other stories—this is tentatively contact person best suited to your interests. planned for October 3rd at 1:00 PM. We will keep you posted.
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 8 Financing Our Values Many Dor Hadashers contributed to the congrega- We do have some advantages in this process: tion’s Strategic Plan. As with any group, priorities Our membership has been growing varied among members, but one common theme was We don’t own or manage a building the desire to develop a financial foundation that Our robust volunteer culture not only enriches our would sustain us through the years and support our experience as Dor Hadashers, but keeps costs down. community’s values and goals. To quote one member of the finance team that’s As we work toward implementing the Strategic Plan, working on these issues: “This is who we are, we are we have an opportunity to come together with the fi- generous people, these are our values.” nances needed to make our values and goals a reality. In the next few months we’ll be making decisions on What will that entail? To think this through together, budgeting, dues, and fundraising. Whatever approach it may help to review some of the things our commu- we take, however, will be done in the spirit of our com- nity wants and the additional financing needed to munity coming together to finance our values. make them happen. Rob Kraftowitz, Treasurer Spiritual professional services to complement our lay-led culture 412-897-2650 Education for adults and children Community engagement and social action Inclusivity Increased management services to better balance Ritual Committee Report our culture of volunteer management Fair compensation for staff Ritual life at Dor Hadash remains vibrant during COVID thanks in large part to the on-going efforts of members of In addition, we can anticipate increases in some of the Ritual Committee, a multi-generational working our basic costs: group. We collaborate with other standing and ad hoc committees to plan meaningful services and other ritu- Increased security costs al events to nurture the spirits of our members, friends, Increased rental costs and guests. We aim to address the various aesthetic Increased technology costs for religious services, tastes within our membership and welcome feedback; educational programs, member database, and please feel free to contact me with suggestions. yahrzeit communications Since Rabbi Klein’s last service, we have been able to in- vite guests - rabbis, singers, and cantors - to assist our How far away is our budget from the level needed to service leaders present our regular schedule of services cover these costs? A general estimate that I made is while the search for a spiritual guide continues. For the about $60,000. This is based on the above costs and upcoming High Holidays, we have the privilege of the spiritual professional being a half-time position. working with Cantor Laura Berman for Slichot and our The actual number will come from discussions by regular services during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Board members and other interested congregants. Although recent safety concerns about COVID’s Delta Ultimately it will be decided by the entire congrega- variant are keeping us at a bit of a distance again this tion. Similarly, we’ll decide together the best way to year, we look forward to seeing everyone on Zoom. As we generate these funds. did last year, we will ask each of you to pre-register your- Some of the funding could come from increased dues. self, friends, and family. The High Holiday schedule of However, some could also come through new ap- services and service leaders appears on the next page. proaches to donations and fundraising, grants, and Please check the Congregational weekly emails for details gains from our investments - as mandated by the about registration, Machzor distribution, service leaders, Strategic Plan. Slichot, Tashlich, Shabbat Shuvah, Cemetery visitation, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah. L’Shalom Wendy Kobee
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 10 High Holidays Services – 5782 All Services are via ZOOM Monday, September 6 Wednesday, September 15 Erev Rosh Hashanah Erev Yom Kippur 7:15 pm - Judy Grumet (SL), Cantor Laura Berman Cemetery Visitation Guest Speaker: Charlie White 2:00 pm - Dan Leger & Judy Yanowitz “Begin Again: When an End is a Doorway” Social distancing and masks. Weather permitting Tuesday, September 7 Kol Nidre Rosh Hashanah 7 :15 pm - Barbara Baumann (SL) Early Childhood Service Speaker: Miriam Cremer “Kindness and Empathy” 9:30 - 10:15 AM - Early Childhood Service - Karen Morris Thursday, September 16 Morning Service Yom Kippur 9:30 am - Jeremy Resnick (SL) Early Childhood Service Guest Speaker: Abigail Horn “Two steps back, two steps forward” 9:00 AM - Pre-K - 2nd grade; Karen Morris Family Service 1:30 PM - Family Service - Shacharit & Musaf Karen Morris, Maria Carson 9:30 am - Judy Yanowitz and Lara Putnam (SL) Speaker: Jed Lewinsohn Wednesday, September 8 Musaf - Led by Miri Rabinowitz Alternative Service & Shofar 10:00 AM - Nancy Levine (SL) Yizkor Discussion: Reverend Tim Smith & Donna Smith (Center of Life) 1:00 pm - Joni and Gary Schwager (SLs) Saturday, September 11 Family Service 3:00 PM - Karen Morris and Maria Carson Shabbat Shuvah Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study Mincha/Neila 9:00 am - Maria Carson (SL), Anna Coufal 5:30 pm Lisa Levinson(SL) Conclude with Havdalah Zochreinu l’chayim, melch chafetiz ba-chayim, v’khotveinu b’seifer ha-chayim, l’ma-ancha Elohim chayim; Remember us for life, Our Sovereign who wishes us to live, and write us in the Book of Life, for Your sake, ever-living G-d. (from the Rosh Hashanah service)
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 11 Contributions General Donations Chai Fund John P Ryan Pamela Fagelson Edward Wolf Michele Perel Phillips Estate of Edith Belov Bruce Ledewitz Lisa Brush Stacey Biro In honor of the Marriage of Mara Silver and Jordan Shultz-Mcardle Rosa Lynn Pinkus Ilana Diamond and Roni Rosenfeld Janice Gordon and Rob Kraftowitz Christine Miller and Richard Weinberg In Honor of Eve Wider’s 50th Birthday Frances Fall Ron Linden and Nancy Isreal Alyson Bonavoglia and George Wittenberg In Appreciation of Dor Hadash’s Dedication Joan Saroff to Education and Community Carl Fertman and Barbara Murock Jay Stone Rice Nancy Levine In Honor of High Holiday Service Leaders Dalia Belinkoff Anonymous Janice Gordon and Robert Kraftowitz Peter and Stephanie Brown In Honor of Hal Grinberg and Dor Hadash Book Group Theodore Stern Anonymous Lara Putnam In Honor of Guest Speakers for Pride Service Abe Debenedetti and Emily Rook-Koepsel Anonymous Matt Nicotra and Shari Rogal Allen Baum and Elizabeth Witzke-Baum In honor of Rabbi Cheryl Klein Wendy Kobee and Michael Thompson Janice Gordon and Rob Kraftowitz Edward Feinstein Nancy Merenstein Membership Fund In Honor of Rabbi Cheryl and my Aliyah In memory of Milt Kramer Ella Zeilinger Ziff Melvin and Susan Melnick For New Member Marketing Nancy Levine Rabbi Cheryl and Mark Klein Eleanore Yanowitz Shiva Fund Nancy Merenstein Janice Gordon and Robert Kraftowitz Janice Gordon and Robert Kraftowitz In Honor of Phyliss Blee Melvin and Susan Melnick In memory of Alan Sampson Constatine Gatsonis In honor of Roger Kobee Emily Andelman On the yahrzeit of Karen Abelson In Honor of Rob Kraftowitz & His Service to Alan and Linda Selig the Congregation Lisa Brush In memory of Dan Ziff & Mollie Zeilinger In Honor of the Marriage of Eve Wider and Ella Zeilinger-Ziff Scott Morgenstern Stacey Shore Karen Meharra On Maurice J. Wittenberg’s First Yahrzeit Harriet Wittenberg In honor of Rabbi Cheryl Klein Janice Gordon and Rob Kraftowitz
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 12 BOARD MEMBERS President Bruce Herschlag Past President Donna Coufal VP Administration Claudia Davidson VP of Youth Education Emily Rook-Koepsel VP of Ritual Wendy Kobee Treasurer Rob Kraftowitz Secretary Miri Rabinowitz Learning & Programming Daniel Heifetz Hal Grinberg Kehillah Barb Murrock Alyson Bonaviglia Membership Janice Gordon Chair Social Action Rich Weinberg Chair of Hesed Libba Spiegel Chair of Communications Dana Kellerman Member at Large Sanae Inagami Covid Committee Rich Weinberg Congregation Dor Hadash 4905 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Sai Koros Congregation Manager Phone: 412 467-6188 Hesed: 412 254-3358
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 13 Yahrzeits September 2021 Yahrzeits October 2021 Hebrew Name Death Date English Date Name Death Date Hebrew Date English Date Date Gertrude Kayten 9/21/1998 1 Tishri 9/7/2021 Max Jacobson 10/6/1950 25 Tishri 10/1/2021 Hubert Delano 9/12/1999 2 Tishri 9/8/2021 Anna Cherry 10/11/1974 25 Tishri 10/1/2021 Kenny Elias 9/18/2012 2 Tishri 9/8/2021 Catherine Fetterman 10/16/2017 26 Tishri 10/2/2021 Sally Kalson 9/26/2014 2 Tishri 9/8/2021 Sarah Flicop 10/17/1979 26 Tishri 10/2/2021 William R. Kalson 9/17/1977 5 Tishri 9/11/2021 Freda Mattes 10/14/1982 27 Tishri 10/3/2021 Ellen Barrett 9/23/2009 5 Tishri 9/11/2021 Israel Mattes 10/25/1935 28 Tishri 10/4/2021 Bradley Hersch 9/14/2018 5 Tishri 9/11/2021 Thomas Blee 10/27/2019 28 Tishri 10/4/2021 Davita Colker Bryant 9/20/2004 5 Tishri 9/11/2021 Rhoda Jonas 10/14/1985 29 Tishri 10/5/2021 Richard Schoenwald 9/30/1995 6 Tishri 9/12/2021 Molly Shonberg 10/6/1983 29 Tishri 10/5/2021 Albert Gross 9/21/1993 6 Tishri 9/12/2021 Mildred Rubenstein 10/4/2013 30 Tishri 10/6/2021 Albert Gross 9/21/1993 6 Tishri 9/12/2021 Milton Dolinka 10/31/1997 30 Tishri 10/6/2021 Samuel Jaron 9/24/2001 7 Tishri 9/13/2021 Mariam Mizel 10/24/1987 1 Heshvan 10/7/2021 Ruth Fisher 9/16/2018 7 Tishri 9/13/2021 David Hineck 10/20/1963 2 Heshvan 10/8/2021 Gutza Reder 10/2/1976 8 Tishri 9/14/2021 Robert Koepsel 10/16/1996 3 Heshvan 10/9/2021 Mikhail Ryskina 9/28/2017 8 Tishri 9/14/2021 William Needle 10/18/2004 3 Heshvan 10/9/2021 Erwin Schwager 10/5/1992 8 Tishri 9/14/2021 Robert Koepsel 10/16/1996 3 Heshvan 10/9/2021 Harry Goldstein 10/10/1978 9 Tishri 9/15/2021 Leslie Reggel 10/11/1983 4 Heshvan 10/10/2021 Morris Saroff 10/5/1965 9 Tishri 9/15/2021 Herman Engelberg 10/10/2002 4 Heshvan 10/10/2021 Myra Engel 9/15/2002 9 Tishri 9/15/2021 Herman David Engelberg 10/10/2002 4 Heshvan 10/10/2021 Dorothy Kotovsky 10/5/2003 9 Tishri 9/15/2021 Louis Begler 10/27/1960 6 Heshvan 10/12/2021 Frances Stearns 9/20/1991 12 Tishri 9/18/2021 Jacob Levinson 11/3/1995 10 Heshvan 10/16/2021 Herbert Rosenberg 9/25/2007 13 Tishri 9/19/2021 Sadie Lubar 11/5/1973 10 Heshvan 10/16/2021 Joan Latta 10/2/1990 13 Tishri 9/19/2021 Larry Wertheim 11/13/2005 11 Heshvan 10/17/2021 Frances Sampson 9/19/1994 14 Tishri 9/20/2021 Harry Davis 10/30/2009 12 Heshvan 10/18/2021 Hyman Levy 9/27/1996 14 Tishri 9/20/2021 Mollie Rae Begler 11/4/1987 12 Heshvan 10/18/2021 Lee Ann Levinson 10/16/2016 14 Tishri 9/20/2021 Anna Gumerman 11/1/1990 13 Heshvan 10/19/2021 Hyman Levy 9/27/1996 14 Tishri 9/20/2021 Sadie Schoenwald 11/12/1932 13 Heshvan 10/19/2021 Nellie Gelman 9/19/2013 15 Tishri 9/21/2021 Amelia Andersson 10/22/2018 13 Heshvan 10/19/2021 Harold Towne 10/11/1984 15 Tishri 9/21/2021 Robert Abelson 11/13/1989 15 Heshvan 10/21/2021 Harold Towne 10/11/1984 15 Tishri 9/21/2021 Goldie Gross 10/21/2002 15 Heshvan 10/21/2021 Evelyn Kohn Ackerman 10/12/2003 16 Tishri 9/22/2021 Mildred Weinberg 11/6/2006 15 Heshvan 10/21/2021 Evelyn Langa 9/28/2007 16 Tishri 9/22/2021 Margit Diamond 11/15/2019 17 Heshvan 10/23/2021 Libby Elbaum 10/14/2014 20 Tishri 9/26/2021 Lawrence Saroff 11/15/2008 17 Heshvan 10/23/2021 Eileen Kaufman 10/3/1996 20 Tishri 9/26/2021 Jerry Rabinowitz 10/27/2018 18 Heshvan 10/24/2021 Nathan Elbaum 10/2/1988 21 Tishri 9/27/2021 Eli Krotman 10/29/1980 19 Heshvan 10/25/2021 Nathan Elbaum 10/2/1988 21 Tishri 9/27/2021 Bernard Freedman 10/27/2010 19 Heshvan 10/25/2021 Herky Mort Cohen 10/11/2017 21 Tishri 9/27/2021 Eli Krotman 10/29/1980 19 Heshvan 10/25/2021 Clara M. Weintraub 9/30/1972 22 Tishri 9/28/2021 Irving Swartz 11/22/2005 20 Heshvan 10/26/2021 Wayne Waters 10/14/1968 22 Tishri 9/28/2021 Gerty Alexander Lieberman 11/18/1989 20 Heshvan 10/26/2021 Nathan Grumet 9/28/1994 23 Tishri 9/29/2021 Carol Weinberg 10/25/2013 21 Heshvan 10/27/2021 Irving Gordon 10/6/1996 23 Tishri 9/29/2021 Rose Poe 11/9/1971 21 Heshvan 10/27/2021
Kol — Fall 2021 Page 14 Yahrzeits October 2021 Yahrzeits November 2021 (continued) Name Death Date Hebrew Date English Date Name Death Date Hebrew Date English Date Robert Marks 10/27/1956 22 Heshvan 10/28/2021 Alice Jacobson 12/7/1973 12 Kislev 11/16/2021 Arthur B Prise 11/1/1961 22 Heshvan 10/28/2021 Celia Resnick 12/3/1968 12 Kislev 11/16/2021 Paul Tauberg 11/6/1993 22 Heshvan 10/28/2021 Elizabeth Stern 11/24/2015 12 Kislev 11/16/2021 Manny Kolski 11/11/2020 24 Heshvan 10/30/2021 Elfi Rook 12/14/2016 14 Kislev 11/18/2021 Blanka Engler 11/1/1972 24 Heshvan 10/30/2021 Sally Friedman 12/3/1998 14 Kislev 11/18/2021 Reuben Karp 11/25/1978 25 Heshvan 10/31/2021 Claire Krotman 12/11/2000 14 Kislev 11/18/2021 Florence Berman Karp 10/30/1994 25 Heshvan 10/31/2021 Zeev Brickenstein 11/28/2012 14 Kislev 11/18/2021 Jessie Kholos McKibben 11/14/1998 25 Heshvan 10/31/2021 Elfi Rook 12/14/2016 14 Kislev 11/18/2021 Samuel Heinz 11/26/1959 25 Heshvan 10/31/2021 Ben Davis 12/15/2005 14 Kislev 11/18/2021 Eva Seiner 11/25/1978 25 Heshvan 10/31/2021 Claire Krotman 12/11/2000 14 Kislev 11/18/2021 Annie R. Belle 11/26/1959 25 Heshvan 10/31/2021 Eli Weinraub 11/19/1975 15 Kislev 11/19/2021 Regina Belle 11/19/2013 16 Kislev 11/20/2021 Charles G Hirsh 12/5/2017 17 Kislev 11/21/2021 Yahrzeits November 2021 Isidore Dyen 12/14/2008 17 Kislev 11/21/2021 Nathan Merenstein 11/21/1994 18 Kislev 11/22/2021 Sally Rabinowitz 12/4/2020 18 Kislev 11/22/2021 Name Death Date Hebrew Date English Date Bill Hashinger 12/10/2014 18 Kislev 11/22/2021 Seraphina Polak 11/7/1969 26 Heshvan 11/1/2021 Esther Freed 12/3/2012 19 Kislev 11/23/2021 Lora Train 11/5/1999 26 Heshvan 11/1/2021 Kathleen London 11/27/2018 19 Kislev 11/23/2021 Seymour Rook 11/26/2008 28 Heshvan 11/3/2021 Miriam S Levinson 12/7/2017 19 Kislev 11/23/2021 Sy Rook 11/27/2008 29 Heshvan 11/4/2021 Joel A. Clickner 12/6/2020 20 Kislev 11/24/2021 Jane Coleman 11/30/2016 29 Heshvan 11/4/2021 Joseph Herschlag 11/30/1969 20 Kislev 11/24/2021 Barbara Zwicker 11/30/2016 29 Heshvan 11/4/2021 Sybil Bracher 12/2/2015 20 Kislev 11/24/2021 Todd Chelemer 12/4/1967 2 Kislev 11/6/2021 Elizabeth Brown 12/20/2016 20 Kislev 11/24/2021 Edith Spitz 12/2/2016 2 Kislev 11/6/2021 Ernestine Goldstein 12/16/1992 21 Kislev 11/25/2021 Moe Goldman 11/12/1988 3 Kislev 11/7/2021 Daniel Hoffman 12/5/1974 21 Kislev 11/25/2021 Manuel Forman 11/21/2009 4 Kislev 11/8/2021 Beverly Ann Rosenberg 12/19/2019 21 Kislev 11/25/2021 Neal Harold Herschlag 11/20/1955 5 Kislev 11/9/2021 Barbara Bonner 12/6/2012 22 Kislev 11/26/2021 Sol Kurtzman 11/14/1999 5 Kislev 11/9/2021 Esther Brown 12/20/1962 23 Kislev 11/27/2021 Harold Chelemer 12/6/2016 6 Kislev 11/10/2021 Molly Sara Sokulski 12/3/2007 23 Kislev 11/27/2021 Joseph Abraham Flicop 11/18/2015 6 Kislev 11/10/2021 Floyd Heller 12/24/2016 24 Kislev 11/28/2021 Anne Levine 12/8/2005 7 Kislev 11/11/2021 Morris Poe 12/14/1998 25 Kislev 11/29/2021 Kermit Clickner 12/4/2000 7 Kislev 11/11/2021 Emeline Cohen 12/9/2004 26 Kislev 11/30/2021 Lucy Hineck 11/25/1971 7 Kislev 11/11/2021 Esther Shalit 12/10/2012 26 Kislev 11/30/2021 Milton Marks 11/14/1983 8 Kislev 11/12/2021 Robert Coleman 12/6/2007 26 Kislev 11/30/2021 Irving Levine 12/5/2008 8 Kislev 11/12/2021 Joseph Oscar Artman 12/8/1996 27 Kislev 12/1/2021 Emeline Cohen 12/9/2005 8 Kislev 11/12/2021 Jack Belle 11/16/2010 9 Kislev 11/13/2021 Daniel Hineck 11/30/1987 9 Kislev 11/13/2021 Joseph Lempert 12/6/2008 9 Kislev 11/13/2021 Mary Pearlman 11/18/1980 10 Kislev 11/14/2021
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