Presented by - Social Soup

Page created by Jeffery Jacobs
Presented by - Social Soup
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Presented by - Social Soup
The times they are a changin’
Week 6:
Presented by - Social Soup
We are at the crossroads
We want to go forward, not back.
Presented by - Social Soup
‘In some
                                                                                       ways would like
                                                                                       the lockdown
                                                                                       to last longer’

                                                                                       50%        Strongly agree
                                                                                                  + agree

Do you agree or disagree that: In some ways I would like the lockdown to last longer Base n=205
Presented by - Social Soup
It’s not fear of Covid-19 keeping us at home










                                                         NET Hopeful                                NET Not fearful

Where would you say you are right now on the scale below from 'Not hopeful at all' to 'Very hopeful indeed’?, Where would you say you are right now on the scale
below from ‘Extremely fearful’ to ’Not fearful at all’? Base n = 779-402
Presented by - Social Soup
And we appreciate less work travel time
    and more flexibility

        33%                                            29%                                                 24%                                                 24%
    Quicker to                                    Not needing                                             Greater                                     The ability to
    get to work                                   to travel to &                                        flexibility in                                do home stuff
                                                    from work                                           how I work                                     during work

Since COVID-19 a lot has changed about the way we work, please tell us what are the three things you are appreciating more about the way you're working now?
Base n = 241
Presented by - Social Soup
But the things we miss are

            33%                                             36%
      Going to a                                          The
     place outside                                 effortlessness of
      of my home                                    face to face

Since COVID-19 a lot has changed about the way we're working, please tell us what are the three things you are missing from the way work used to be? Base n = 241
Presented by - Social Soup
And the importance
        of the “3rd space”

          Clear separation
         of work & home life

Since COVID-19 a lot has changed about the way we're working, please tell us what are the three things you are missing from the way work used to be? Base n = 241
Presented by - Social Soup
We want the security                                                                          Job Security                                              23
                                                                             Future in industry/change of pace                                         16
    of work but want                                                                 Changing work practices                                      10

    work to change                                                                           Grateful for work
                                                                                                Value of Work                                 8

                                                                                        Work from home more                               7
          Certainly job                                                                     Work-Life Balance                         6

          security to a                                                                    Harder to find work
                                                                                              Essential Worker                5

          degree but I enjoy                                                     Work has remained the same                   4

          working                                                                            Financial Security               4
                                                                                            Future pandemics              3
          independently of                                                                           Economy              3
          the office as I get                                                                    Time to retire       2
                                                                                  Difficulty working from home        2
          more done with                                                                           Being paid         2
          less stress”.                                                                    Stood down/Let go          1
                                                                                             Reflecting on life   1
                                                                                                      Hygiene     1
                                                                                                Get back to it    1
What has COVID-19 made you think about your work in the future? Base n=402
Presented by - Social Soup
The desire for change is
    higher amongst 18-24s

    33%            Considering their future in work/
                   change of pace (vs. 16%)

    33%             Relishing the chance to find new
                    and different ways of doing things
                    at work (vs. 20%)

    32%            Salary increased (vs. 9%)

What has COVID-19 made you think about your work in the future? Base n=402
The future of work…
    Flexibility                                                   Socialisation
          That there is no reason why they                           That many people are really reliant
          have to be so inflexible with work                         on work for social contacts and
          arrangements”                                              identity and that so many people
                                                                     are not comfortable with
    More than just profit                                            themselves and the time they have
          Job security is important. sick of                         to spend away from the norm”
          working for profit driven company
          willing to take advantage of staff.”                    Sustainable
                                                                     I think work for the future for me will
    Technology & Adaptation                                          be more focused on the benefit of
          How we can leverage technology                             our family. Using better practices
          to remain collaborative I.e. virtual                       when it comes to sustainability and
          design thinking sessions/workshops                         also taking more time for the
                                                                     mental side of work”

What has COVID-19 made you think about your work in the future?
We aren’t prepared to give up
    More personal responsibility
    and accountability                                         66%   34%   Less personal responsibility
                                                                           and accountability

    More independence / less
    structure but more responsibility                          79%   21%   Less independence / more
                                                                           structure but less responsibility

    Work more hours and
    earn more salary                                           63%   37%   Work fewer hours and
                                                                           earn less salary

    More flexibility in my work
    but more reporting in                                      77%   23%   Less level of flexibility in my
                                                                           work and less reporting in

A tough one now! In this new future, would you rather Base n=241
Time to re-think the
‘gig economy’ in the
light of job insecurity

  It’s time to stop
  thinking about the gig
  economy as some
  novel idea, and to
  start addressing the
  reality that this is how
  millions of people in
  this country earn some
  or all of their livings”
We are at the crossroads
We want to go forward, not back
• Half of us agree that ‘In some ways we would
  like the lockdown to last longer’
• There is a tension between seeking job security
  and seeking job flexibility
• It is time to re-imagine work, to accept the ‘gig’
  economy and make it actually work for people
Pandemic Purchases
Consumers are preparing
for “home warfare”
1 in 2
people have bought
a product or service
specifically to improve
their life or make their
life a little better during
Even as restrictions ease, we are arming
ourselves for our at-home lives
K-mart Broadway, 2 May 2020
Category dive:
Electronics, appliances
                                                 Electronics                                                       16%

                                Appliance / White Good                                                   12%

and products for the                                   Home                                         11%

home are the leading
                                    Health / Gym / Sport                                           10%

                          Food / Non-alcoholic beverage                                       9%

purchases, collectively                      Personal care                             6%

representing –
                                       Art Supplies / Craft                         6%

                                                      Service                     5%

39%                                  Alcoholic beverage                     3%

                                                      Beauty               2%

                                                    Gaming                 2%

                                                  Education            1%

                                                     Fashion           1%

                                                        Music        1%

                                         Bicycle / Scooter           1%

                                Q: Which category would you say best describes this purchase? (n=146) – All figures in %
Product dive:
(top 15)                Computer + Laptop + Related hardware
                                                   Arts & Craft                             8

Computers and                                  Gym + Exercise                          6

laptops have been
                                                   Gardening                       4
                      Coffee Machine + Coffee brewer + Coffee                      4

the most popular                                        Puzzles
                      Amazon Prime + Other Streaming Services

purchases, followed
                                                     Food kits                 3

by arts and crafts                                      Baking
                                                       Blender             2

                                       Zoom + Similar Programs             2
                                                        Phone              2
                                                         Shoes             2
                                             Groceries + Food              2
                                                Ipad + Tablets            2

                                                    Q: What was the product or service? (n=146) – All figures in %
The main reason                           To make me feel good                                                         13%
people are buying                         To improve my health                                                     12%

products is to make                For entertainment purposes                                                    11%

them ‘feel good’, to
                                          For self-care purposes                                             10%

                                    To increase my productivity                                            10%

‘improve their health’,                   To make my life easier                                     8%

or for ‘entertainment                    To provide me comfort

                                  To make my familys life easier


purposes’                           To provide a creative outlet                           5%

                                        To improve my cooking                              5%

                          For DIY purposes (home improvements…                        4%

                                    To help me learn a new skill               2%

                                           To broaden my mind                 1%

                                                  Something else                           5%

                                    Q: Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchased this product? (n=146)
But the motivations                          To make me feel good                                                                       19%

are different

                                               To improve my health                                                     13%

between genders:                         For entertainment purposes                                         8%


                                               For self-care purposes                                               11%

                                         To increase my productivity                                   7%

                                              To make my life easier                             5%
   Females are driven by                                                              3%
                                             To provide me comfort
   purchases that make                                                                                                  13%
   them ‘feel good’                    To make my familys life easier                        5%

                                         To provide a creative outlet                                 7%

                                             To improve my cooking                                6%
   Males are purchasing    For DIY purposes (home improvements etc)                  3%
   products for                                                                   2%
                                         To help me learn a new skill
   ‘entertainment’                                                               2%

                                               To broaden my mind                   3%

                                                     Something else                           5%                 Female          Male

                                                  Q: Which of the following reasons best describes why you purchased this product? (n=146)
Apple                                                    5

                                       eBay                                               5

                                 Officeworks                                   4

                                    Amazon                                 4

of purchases made                 Hello Fresh                              4

to improve consumers
                                    Spotlight                          3

                                   Aliexpress                   3

COVID-19 iso lives           Harvey Norman                  3

have been via                         Kmart


e-commerce, with                    Nescafe         2

Apple and Ebay              Catch of the day        2

leading online retailers.
                             The Good Guys          2

                                      Telstra   2
                                                                Q: “What retailer did you
                                   Magshop      2               buy this from?” (online
                                                                answers only). All figures %
Preparing for home warfare
Improving our lives through purchasing
• Technology, appliances and anything for the home are the top purchases to improve
  our lives in COVID times.

• The top motivations for purchasing are to ‘feel good’ and improve my health and

•   59% of purchases were made online and this is likely to signal a change in purchasing
    behavior moving forward.
The return we yearn
what are we looking forward to?
People most look forward to socialising

70 %
Catching up
                                           59 %
                                            Visiting my
                                                                                         50 %
                                                                                         Sitting at
                                                                                                            48 %
                                                                                                            Going to
with friends                                parents/family                               the local coffee   the movies

Q: When we return to a more normal time, what are you looking forward to doing? Go on, be honest
The second thing people look
forward to is escape

35 %
Getting on
                                                                      33 %
                                                                                                28 %
                                                                                                Going for
an airplane to                                                        camping/                  drinks! Maybe
travel overseas                                                       going bush                a dance

When we return to a more normal time, what are you looking forward to doing? Go on, be honest
3rd thing people most look
forward to is looking good!

31 %
Going to my
                                           27 %
                                            Dressing up
                                                                                         26 %
                                                                                         Hitting the
                                                                                                          18 %
                                                                                                          Buying that
hairdresser/                                to go out                                    shopping mall    new outfit/new
barber                                                                                   or high street   clothes

When we return to a more normal time, what are you looking forward to doing? Go on, be honest
18-24s are looking
forward to …

56%    Buying new clothes/outfit
       (vs. 18%)

       Going shopping/hitting the
       high-street (vs. 26%)

16%    Buying a luxury item (vs. 5%)
A year from                                Restaurants/Cafes/Pubs/Events/Hospitality                                         17

now, people                                Delivery businesses                                                          15

                                           Travel industry                                                         10
think on-line                              Video Meeting/Collaboration software                                9

retail/delivery,                           Camping industry/Domestic travel                                8

travel and the                             Online retail                                               7

hospitality                                Small Business/Australian Business                          7

                                           Online learning/Self Learning                           6
industry will                              Health and Medical                                  5

take off.                                  Adaptive businesses                                 5

                                           Fitness/Gyms                                        5

                                           IT/Telecommunications industry                  4

                                           Cleaning and Sanitation                         4
Thinking forward to a year’s time – use
your imagination & tell us what
businesses you think will take off & why
                                           DIY/Home Improvement Industry               3
The return we yearn
what comes next?

• People are most looking forward to socialising and reconnecting post COVID 19. Forms
  of escape are second with spending/shopping the third highest activity desired.

• Youth (18-24) are the highest on returning to shopping and spending which could
  provide an efficient way for the government stimulus reach the economy

• Businesses predicted to benefit from our emergence from COVID 19 are
  restaurants/bars along with delivery/online retail and travel
In conclusion
• Half of us want the lockdown to last longer
• The GFC brought us the ‘gig economy’, now Covid-19 is forcing an evolution to a
  more purposeful, equitable, flexible and more sustainable work.
• We have been arming our homes with products that makes us feel good
• We will appreciate our café’s and restaurants more when they re-open and we
  have change our shopping behavior forever.
• Times they certainly are a’changing’
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