Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG

Page created by Jeffrey Leonard
Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG

                          Presentation of the Group

SZAG Investor Relations
Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units
          4 Strategy

                               SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG

          Global Presence

                     Strip Steel
                                                Mannesmann      Trading       Technology
                     Plate / Section Steel

                                                                                                                             SZAG Investor Relations
                                         Crude steel production 2017: 7.0 million tons; trading volume: 4.7 million tons;
                                            Among the top 3 producers of beverage filling and packaging machinery

Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
Salzgitter Group

          Diversified product portfolio

                                                    Steel and Technology
                      Strip products                                                   Line pipes

                      Steel Service Center                                       Precision tubes

                      Heavy plates                                                Stainless tubes

                      Sections                                              Stockholding trading

                      Engineering services                                   International trading

                      Injection molding machinery                          Beverage filling plants

                                                                                                     SZAG Investor Relations

Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
Salzgitter Group

           Group structure and key data FY 2017

                                                                         Salzgitter AG Group

                                                            External Sales cons.:   € 9.0 billion   Employees: 23,139
                                                            EBT:                    € 238 million

                                                       Plate /
                 Strip Steel                                                 Mannesmann                  Trading           Technology
                                                    Section Steel
           External Sales:                        External Sales:        External Sales:          External Sales:    External Sales:
            € 2.2 billion                           € 1.0 billion           € 1.1 billion             € 3.2 billion       € 1.3 billion
           EBT:                                   EBT:                   EBT:                     EBT:               EBT:
            € 182 million                          € -58 million           € -6 million              € 71 million        € 7 million
           Employees:                             Employees:             Employees:               Employees:         Employees:
            6,092                                   2,479                   4,638                     1,959               5,386

                                                                                                                                            SZAG Investor Relations

          All data about employees as per 12/31                                                                                             5
Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
Salzgitter Group

            Group structure

                                                                                       Salzgitter AG

                                                                Salzgitter Mannesmann / Salzgitter Klöckner-Werke

                   Strip Steel          Plate / Section Steel         Mannesmann                         Trading              Technology       Industrial Participations /
                       BU                        BU                       BU                               BU                     BU                Consolidation

           Salzgitter               Ilsenburger                                                Salzgitter Mannesmann                          Verkehrsbetriebe Peine-
                                                                Mannesmannröhren-Werke                                 KHS
           Flachstahl               Grobblech                                                  Handel                                         Salzgitter

           Salzgitter               Salzgitter Mannesmann                                      Salzgitter Mannesmann
                                                                Europipe                                               KHS Corpoplast         Hansaport
           Europlatinen             Grobblech                                            50%   Stahlhandel                                                              51%

                                    Peiner                                                     Salzgitter Mannesmann   Klöckner DESMA         Gesis Gesellschaft für
           Salzgitter Bauelemente                               Mannesmann Line Pipe
                                    Träger                                                     International           Elastomertechnik       Informationssysteme

           Salzgitter Mannesmann    DEUMU Deutsche                                             Universal Eisen
                                                                Mannesmann Grossrohr                                   DESMA Schuhmaschinen   Telcat
           Stahlservice             Erz- und Metall-Union                                      und Stahl

                                                                                                                                              Salzgitter Mannesmann
                                                                Mannesmann Precision Tubes

                                                                                                                                              Salzgitter Automotive
                                                                Mannesmann Stainless Tubes

                                                                Hüttenwerke Krupp
                                                                                                                                              Salzgitter Hydroforming
                                                                Mannesmann               30%

                                                                                                                                                                              SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                Mannesmann Boru          23%                                                                            20%

          BU = Business Unit

          As of April 2018
Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
Salzgitter Group

            External sales 2017 by customer industries

          13%                                                                                                                                    15%
          Other                                                                                                                   Vehicle construction

          13%                                                                                                                                    12%
          Food and beverage industry                                                                                             Construction industry

          4%                                                                                                                                       4%
          Mechanical engineering                                                                                                          White goods,
                                                                                                                                  electrical equipment

          5%                                                                                                                                       5%
          Re-rollers                                                                                                         Energy sector and utilities

          6%                                                                                                                                     23%
          Tubes producers                                                                                               Traders, Steel-Service-Centers

          Only from entities within the group of consolidated companies of Salzgitter Group, excluding EUROPIPE Group

                                                                                                                                                           SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                                              Broad customer base

Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
Salzgitter Group

            External sales 2017 by regions



          Americas                                                                                                                             48%
          Other Europe

          Other EU

          Sales by consignee (only from entities within the group of consolidated companies of Salzgitter Group, excluding EUROPIPE-Group)

                                                                                                                                                       SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                             Share of ex-Germany sales by consignee 52%

Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
Salzgitter Group

          Key data per 2017/12/31

                                                                                            FY 2017                 FY 2016           Δ 2017 – 2016

          Crude steel production                                           kt               6,955.2                 6,804.4                  150.8

          Consolidated Sales                                        € million               8,990.2                 7,905.7                1,084.5

          Earnings before tax                                       € million                 238.0                     53.2                 184.8

          Earnings after tax                                        € million                 193.6                     56.8                 136.8

          Earnings per share (undiluted)                                   €                    3.52                    1.00                   2.5

          ROCE                                                             %                     8.6                     2.7                   5.9

          Core workforce (12/31)                                                             23,139                  23,152                    -13

                                                                                                                                                      SZAG Investor Relations
                       Salzgitter Group closes the financial year 2017 with the highest pre-tax profit since the financial market crisis

Presentation of the Group - Salzgitter AG
Salzgitter Group

          Balance sheet per 2017/12/31

                      € million
                                                  8,318                                                         8,318

                                                                                      Equity ratio:
                                                                     Goodwill: 0 €
                        Property, plant and                                             35.9%                             Equity
                       equipment and other        3,566
                         non-current assets
                                                                         Assets to equity: 84%

                                                                                                                 2,440    provisions
                                    Inventories   2,085
                                                           € 820 m                                    € 409 m             Other non-current
                                     Cash and                                                                             liabilities
                                                   756                 Net position due to banks:                881
                                                                                € 381 m
                                  Other current            € 200 m                                    € 230 m             Current liabilities
                                                  1,911                                                          2,007

                                                  Aktiva                                                        Passiva

                                                                                                                                                 SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                      Sound financial basis

Salzgitter Group

            Salzgitter Group Investments and Depreciation / Amortization


                                                               43                                                                   15                     49

             359             345                              339                                340                    352        342                     342
                                                    270                                                                                             287

               2013                                 2014                              2015                               2016                       2017
                                     Investments1               Scheduled depreciation                   Unscheduled depreciation

          1 Property,   plant and equipment and intangible assets, excluding financial assets | 2 restated because of first time adaption IFRS 11

                                                                                                                                                                  SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                                      Focus on expansion investments
                                                                           Outlook 2018 / 2019: € 70-100 million above depreciation

Salzgitter Group


                                               Strip Steel BU                    1998 Salzgitter AG                 Mannesmann BU                  Technology

                                           1937 Construction                   1989 Name change to
                                          Hüttenwerk Salzgitter                                                    2017 Relaunch of         2007 Integration into SZAG
                                            (Part of Reichswerke)               Preussag Stahl AG                 the brand presence

          First broad-flanged                      1964                                                            2000 Liquidation of             1992 - 1995
                                                                                     1970 Merger
          beam mill in Peine, 1914      Salzgitter Hüttenwerk AG                 to form Stahlwerke               Mannesmann Group,          Insolvency, restructuring        Cross-rolling process sketch of
                                        (since 1961 part of state-owned
                                               Salzgitter AG old)                Peine-Salzgitter AG            Integration Tubes into SZ   and end of steel production         Max Mannesmann, pre 1885

                                         Plate / Section Steel BU                                               1912 first attempts with
                                                                                                                 stainless steel tubes                  1977
                                                                             1880 Acquisition of Peiner
                                                                                                                1897 Start of production    First acquisition of part. in
                                        llsenburg: est. 1595,                   Walzwerk, est.1872
                                                                                                                  welded steel tubes        filling technology (H & K)
                                        plate since 1948
                                        Mülheim an der Ruhr:
                                        plate since 1882                                                           1886 First process                1923
                                                                                  1858 Foundation
                                                                                                                    for the rolling of      Foundation of steel group
          Demonstrations to save                                                  Ilseder Hütte AG
                                        Peine: Sections since 1876                                                seamless steel tubes        Klöckner-Werke AG
          the smelting works in                                                                                                                                                      Bottle filling line Phönix
          Salzgitter, c. 1950                                                                                                                                                                           c. 1936

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                                                                                                                                 Privatization and acquisition
                                                                                                                                                                            of the Ilsenburg rolling mill, 1992

          1989 privatization with the                                     First blast furnace in Ilsede, 1861         Stock listing 1998
          sale to Preussag AG                                                                                                                                                                                     12
1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units
          4 Strategy

                               SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Market Situation

            Economy in the European Union

                                                     Industrial production in selected countries of the EU (Jan. 2007 = 100)

                  110                                                                                                                                   110%




                     Jan 07          Jan 08          Jan 09          Jan 10        Jan 11    Jan 12   Jan 13   Jan 14   Jan 15   Jan 16   Jan 17   Jan 18

                                 Germany            UK       France        Italy     Spain
          Source: Eurostat, own research, last figure from February 2018

                                                                                                                                                                SZAG Investor Relations
                             The trend of the previous year continues: Slightly improving EU industrial production, Germany remains strong

Market Situation

           Raw materials

                    Iron ore                            Coking coal                                Steel scrap
           (62% Fe CFR China, US$/dmt)              (FOB Australia, US$/t)                       (grade 2/8, €/t)
          100                                 350                                          300

           90                                                                              270
           80                                                                              240
           70                                                                              210

           60                                 200                                          180

           50                                                                              150
           40                                                                              120
           30                                                                               90

           20                                  50                                           60

                                                                                                                     SZAG Investor Relations
                                         Raw materials markets marked by high volatility

Market Situation

           Steel prices

                               Spot prices Northern Europe                                                Hot-rolled coil prices international
          (€/t)                                                                         (€/t)
              850                                                                       850

              750                                                                       750

              650                                                                       650


              550                                                                       550

              450                                                                       450

              350                                                                       350

              250                                                                       250
                    Jan 16    Jul 16       Jan 17       Jul 17        Jan 18                  Jan 16   Jul 16          Jan 17         Jul 17        Jan 18
              HRC EXW Ruhr      Plate EXW Ruhr      Medium sections                                    Northern Europe EXW Ruhr   USA EXW Indiana   China Schanghai

                                                                                                                                                                        SZAG Investor Relations
                                           Following a period of recent rises, steel prices are stabilizing at the moment;
                                                   different trading policies result in regional price variations

Market Situation

          EU trade defense actions relevant for Salzgitter AG

          Product/Type of investigations   Against …          Filed on…             Status                                Results / Next steps
          Cold-rolled strip                China,             March 31, 2015        August 4, 2016                        Final duties exceed provisional tariffs.
          Anti-dumping investigation       Russia                                   Final AD-duties adopted               Noteworthy: retroactive application of
                                                                                    China: 20-22%                         duties
                                                                                    Russia: 19-36%

          Hot-rolled strip                 China              December 23, 20151/   June 8, 2017                          Positive: EU-Commission finds
          Anti-dumping investigation1                         March, 31 20162       Final duties                          dumping (96-107%) and subsidies
          (Threat of injury) and                                                    China: 18-36%                         (5-39%)
          anti-subsidy investigation2                                                                                     Negative: Lesser Duty Rule limits
                                                                                                                          duties to injury margin (18-36%)

          Heavy plate                      China              Dezember 23, 2015     March 1, 2017                         Risks of circumvention under review
          Anti-dumping investigation                                                Final duties
                                                                                    China: Ø 70%!

          Hot-rolled strip                 Russia, Ukraine,   May 20, 2016          October 6, 2017                       Best final result among the possible
          Anti-dumping investigation       Brazil, Serbia                           Final measure: fixed Euro per ton     alternatives (after veto of member
                                           and Iran                                 duties; range between €/t 17.60 and   states against a minimum import
                                                                                    €/t 96.50; Ø €/t 55.                  price).

                                                                                                                                                                      SZAG Investor Relations
          Corrosion resistant (non-auto)   China              October 24, 2016      February 8, 2018                      Final duties after application of Lesser
          Anti-dumping investigation                                                Final duties                          Duty Rule on the level of provisional
                                                                                    China: 17-29%                         tariffs. Risks of circumvention under

Market Situation


                                 International trade policy                                                  Steel imports into the EU-28
                                                                                  Import of finished steel products (1,000 t/month)
                                                              40% of all global      2,500
                                                              trade defense
                                                              concern steel



                                                                                                     2015               2016              2017        Q1 2018

                                                                                          China    Ukraine     Russia    Turkey       India   South Korea   Rest

                                                                                                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
                                          The steel sector is of paramount importance for industrial value chains;
                             European AD-measures against China having impact – steel imports into the EU remain at a high level

1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units: Strip Steel
          4 Strategy

                                          SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Strip Steel Business Unit


                                      Capabilities                                     External sales by customer industry 2017
                                       Integrated steel works with three blast       2%                                                                 4%
                                        furnaces                                      Mechanical engineering                                           Other
                                       Approx. 4.7 mt/year crude steel capacity      13%                                                               37%
                                       Modern production plants                      Re-rollers                                        Vehicle construction
                                       High processing competence (SSC)
                                                                                      Tube producers
                                      Core competences and products                                                                                      5%
                                       High-quality steel grades for sophisticated   31%                                               Construction industry
                                        applications                                  Traders                                                            7%
                                       Custom made solutions, e.g., hot-rolled       only from entities within the group of
                                                                                                                                                 White goods,
                                        and cold-rolled coil, galvanized and          consolidated companies of Salzgitter Group         electrical equipment

                                        coated sheet, laser-welded tailored            Key data FY 2017
                                        blanks, corrugated sheets, coffers,
                                        sandwich and acoustic elements
                                                                                       Consolidated Sales                          €m              2,160
                                       Customer focus through local presence
                                                                                       Earnings before taxes                       €m                 182

                                                                                       Core workforce (12/31)                                      6,092

                                                                                                                                                                 SZAG Investor Relations
                                                Established supplier of the demanding German automotive industry

Strip Steel Business Unit

           Strip Products

          Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           Hot-rolled coil, cold-rolled coil, electrogalvanized, hot dip
            galvanized and organic coated sheet                                     Supplier of premium OEMs
           Integrated steel works with 3 blast furnaces
           Around 4.7 mt yearly crude steel capacity
           Top modern production plants
           High-tech downstream facilities
           3% market share in the EU28

                                                               2016         2017
           Shipments                             kt            4,331        4,154

                                                                                                                SZAG Investor Relations
           Sales                                €m             2,204        2,652
           Employees                         12/31             5,563        5,587

Strip Steel Business Unit


           Salzgitter Europlatinen GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
          Custom-made solutions: Laser welded
          Tailored Blanks for lighter car bodies

                                                                 2016              2017
           Sales                                   €m              63               77
           Employees                          12/31               109               117

           Salzgitter Bauelemente GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
          Corrugated sheets, coffers, sandwich a. acoustic elements for wall and
          roof constructions of commercial buildings

                                                                 2016              2017

                                                                                           SZAG Investor Relations
           Sales                                   €m              43               46
           Employees                          12/31                66               67

Strip Steel Business Unit

           Steel Service Center

          Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlservice GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           Two locations
                                                                  Excellent position in the heart of
           Modern plants and processes                           Europe
           600,000 t/year processing capacity

                                                    2016   2017
          Shipments                          kt     605    598

                                                                                                        SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                             €m      326    402
          Employees                       12/31     324    321

1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units: Plate / Section Steel
          4 Strategy

                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Plate / Section Steel Business Unit


                                   Capabilities                                   External sales by customer industry 2017
                                    Section steel:                                                                                                 2%
                                     − Top-modern mini mill with two electric                                                      Vehicle construction
                                       arc furnaces                              Other                                                            11%
                                     − Annual crude steel capacity 1 mt          2%                                                Construction industry
                                                                                 Mechanical engineering                                             5%
                                     − Two rolling mills for medium and heavy
                                       sections                                                                                             White goods,
                                                                                                                                    electrical equipment
                                    Plate:
                                     − Two rolling mills for plate with          Tube producers
                                       1.6 mt annual capacity                    only from entities within the group of
                                     − Plate width up to 4,800 mm                consolidated companies of Salzgitter Group

                                   Core competences and products                  Key data FY 2017
                                    High-strength, wear resistant and
                                     specialized steel grades                      Consolidated sales                         €m              1,024
                                    Medium and heavy sections, heavy plate
                                     incl. offshore and tube grades                Earnings before taxes                      €m                 -58

                                                                                   Core workforce (12/31)                                     2,479

                                                                                                                                                            SZAG Investor Relations
                                                      Plate: Broad range of high quality plate products
                                                              Section Steel: Efficient production

Plate / Section Business Unit

           Heavy Plate

          Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           Broad diversified heavy plate steel grades
           Construction plate, fine grained construction plate, alloyed
            and unalloyed boiler plate, offshore and tube grades
           High-strength and wear resistant grades
           6% market share in the EU28
           State of the art facilities, one of the most modern water
            quenching plants

                                                             2016          2017
          Shipments                            kt             673          682

                                                                                   SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                               €m              415          501
          Employees                         12/31             763          739

Plate / Section Steel Business Unit

           Heavy Plate

          Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           Heavy plate mill specialized in plate for longitudinally
            welded line pipe and similar applications, especially for
            EUROPIPE GmbH
           Pipe bending plant for seamless and welded steel tubes
            in carbon, alloyed, and high-alloy steels
           Test Center with a wide range of mechanical and
            technological tests

                                                             2016       2017
          Shipments                                 kt        473       584

                                                                                SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                                    €m         292       394
          Employees                              12/31        689       607

Plate / Section Steel Business Unit


          Peiner Träger GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           Medium and heavy steel beams, Peine sections
           Progressive and flexible mini mill
           Two top-modern electric arc furnaces
           Adjusted crude steel capacity 1.0 mt/year
           13% market share in the EU28 (plus N, CH)
           Two of the most efficient section mills worldwide with
            comprehensive range of products

                                                             2016    2017
          Shipments                                 kt      1,009    997

                                                                             SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                                    €m         489    523
          Employees                              12/31        778    783

Plate / Section Steel Business Unit

           Other Companies

           Deutsche Erz- und Metall-Union-Gruppe
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
          Specialist trader for ferrous scrap, non-ferrous scrap, new metals and
          ferro alloys, as well as rolled steel products

                                                                  2016             2017
           Sales                                   €m              489             627
           Employees                             12/31             332             378

                                                                                           SZAG Investor Relations

1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units: Mannesmann
          4 Strategy

                                         SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Mannesmann Business Unit


                               Capabilities                                     External sales by customer industry 2017
                                Own crude steel supply via 30%
                                 participation in Hüttenwerke Krupp
                                                                               40%                                                                         Vehicle construction
                                 Mannesmann GmbH
                                Plant for the production of semis for the                                                                                                   2%
                                 seamless tubes business                                                                                                   Construction industry
                               Core competences and products                   10%
                                Line Pipe: participation (50%) in the world   Mechanical engineering
                                                                                                                                                                  Energy sector
                                 market leader EUROPIPE; international         6%                                                                                   and utilities
                                 presence                                      Tube producers                                                                                3%
                                Precision Tubes: European market leader       only from entities within the group of                                                   Traders
                                Seamless Stainless Tubes: top player in       consolidated companies of Salzgitter Group, excluding EUROPIPE Group

                                 the world market                               Key Data FY 2017
                                Longitudinal and spiral welded large-
                                 diameter pipes, medium line pipes,              Consolidated Sales                                                   €m               1,093
                                 seamless and welded precision tubes,
                                 stainless tubes
                                                                                 Earnings before taxes                                                €m                    -6

                                                                                 Core workforce (12/31)                                                                4,638

                                                                                                                                                                                     SZAG Investor Relations
                                         Global player in the high quality segment of the global tubes market

Mannesmann Business Unit

           Line Pipes

          EUROPIPE Group
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 50%, Dillinger Hüttenwerke 50%
           Longitudinal and spiral welded large-diameter pipes for
            transcontinental and underwater pipelines
           In-house coating activities
           World market leader (7% market share)
           3 locations in D, USA
           Since January 1, 2014 reported at equity

                                                           2016       2017
          Shipments                           kt           1.003      1.099

                                                                               SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                              €m            1.148      1.042
          Employees                       12/31            1.112      1.031

Mannesmann Business Unit

           Line Pipes

           Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
          HFI-welded medium line pipes incl.
          plastic- and cement coatings

                                                                  2016      2017
           Sales                                 €m                139      261
           Employees                           12/31               441      385

           Mannesmann Großrohr GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
          Spiral-welded large-diameter pipes made of hot-rolled coil

                                                                  2016      2017

                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
           Sales                                 €m                    79    78
           Employees                           12/31               129      124

Mannesmann Business Unit

           Precision Tubes

          Mannesmann Precision Tubes Group
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           Seamless and welded cold drawn precision tubes for the
            automotive and engineering industries as well as the energy
           State of the art push bench plant for the production of hollows
           Market leader in the EU28 (24% market share)
           10 locations in D, F, NL and Mexico

                                                            2016              2017

          Shipments                            kt             264              282

                                                                                       SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                              €m               430              477
          Employees                        12/31            2,314             2,313

Mannesmann Business Unit

           Seamless Stainless Tubes

          Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes Group
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           Seamless hot- and cold finished stainless tubes
            for the chemical- and engineering industries,
            as well as for the energy sector
           7% market share in the world
           4 locations in D, F, I, USA

                                                              2016   2017

          Shipments                           kt               24     25

                                                                             SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                              €m               228    237
          Employees                        12/31              943    935

Mannesmann Business Unit

           Significant shareholdings

          Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: ThyssenKrupp 50%,
          SZAG 30% + Vallourec 20% (Pool)
           Steel works with two blast furnaces
           Production of slabs and round steel bars
           Up to 1,000 different steel grades
           Yearly crude steel production of > 5 million tons

                                                                2016   2017

                                                                                SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                               €m            1,824      2,515
          Employees                         12/31           2,977      2,907

1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units: Trading
          4 Strategy

                                      SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Trading Business Unit


                                  Capabilities                                      External sales by customer industry 2017
                                   103 sites in 43 countries                      5%                                                                      13%
                                                                                   Mechanical engineering                                                 Other
                                   Own distribution network for steel products
                                    with warehousing sites in Europe               4%                                                                       4%
                                                                                   Re-rollers                                             Vehicle construction
                                   Processing group specialized on heavy          3%
                                    plate products                                 Tube producers
                                                                                                                                         Construction industry
                                   International trading                          31%                                                                      4%
                                  Core competences and products                    Traders                                                         White goods,
                                                                                                                                           electrical equipment
                                   Global presence in all relevant regions with                                                                            9%
                                    own representation                             only from entities within the group of            Energy sector and utilities
                                                                                   consolidated companies of Salzgitter Group
                                   Distribution channel for Salzgitter Group
                                    products                                       Key Data FY 2017
                                   Procurement channel for Salzgitter Group
                                    works                                          Consolidated Sales                           €m                   3,230
                                   Value add services for customers
                                                                                   Earnings before taxes                        €m                        71

                                                                                   Core workforce (12/31)                                            1,959

                                                                                                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
                                         High customer and market orientation through a global sales organization

Trading Business Unit

          Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel Group

                                                               Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel
                                            Shipments 2017: 4.4 mt                           Sales 2017: € 3.1 billion

          Trading                                 Stockholding                                                           Agencies

          International                           Salzgitter Mannesmann
                                                   Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlhandel   Europa                            Europa
          10 Companies                            Stahlhandel GmbH, Düsseldorf
                                                   GmbH, Düsseldorf (SMSD)             7 Companies                       4 Agencies
          2 Rep. offices                          (SMSD)

                                                  15 Branches with warehouses
                                                   20 Branches with warehouses and
          Salzgitter Mannesmann International     and further processing (incl. 4
                                                   further processing (incl. 4 flame
          GmbH, Düsseldorf (SMID)                 flame cutting plants), 4 Sales
                                                   cutting plants), 4 Sales offices

          Salzgitter Mannesmann International     Stahl-Center Baunatal
                                                  Stahl-Center Baunatal GmbH,
          (USA) Inc., Houston (SMIH)              Baunatal (SCB)
                                                  Baunatal  (SCB)

          Salzgitter Mannesmann International
          (Canada) Inc., Vancouver (SMIV)

                                                                                                                                       SZAG Investor Relations
                                                         77 locations in 33 countries with 1,593 employees

Trading Business Unit

          Universal Eisen und Stahl Group

                                        Shipments 2017: 0.2 mt                          Sales 2017: € 0.2 billion

          North America                                                                             Europe

          UNIVERSAL STEEL AMERICA, Inc., Houston, USA                                                     Universal Aciers Sarl, Couzon au Mont d'Or, France
                                                            Eisen und Stahl GmbH, Neuss (UES)

                                                                                                          UNIVERSAL STEEL HOLLAND B.V., SK
          1 Branch in Chicago                               5 Branches
                                                                                                          Papendrecht, Netherlands

                                                                                                          UNIVERSAL-Stal Sp. z o.o, Gliwice, Poland

                                                                                                          UNIVERSAL OCEL spol. s.r.o., Prague,
                                                                                                          Czech Republic

                                                                                                                                                                SZAG Investor Relations
                                                        17 locations in 11 countries with 366 employees

1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units: Technology
          4 Strategy

                                         SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Technology Business Unit


                                 Capabilities                                     External sales by customer industry 2017
                                  17 Production plants worldwide                6%                                                              3%
                                  60 Service sites
                                                                                 Vehicle                                                 White goods,
                                  > 90% of sales outside of Germany             construction                                   electrical equipement
                                 Core competences and products
                                  KHS: among the top 3 global suppliers for                                                                     3%
                                   filling and packaging machines; technology    88%
                                                                                                                              Mechanical engineering
                                   and innovation leadership                     Food and beverage
                                  DESMA Elastomertechnik: Global leader         industry
                                   for rubber and silicon injection molding
                                   machines                                      only from entities within the group of
                                                                                 consolidated companies of Salzgitter Group
                                  DESMA Schuhmaschinen: World market
                                   leader for the production of machines for      Key data FY 2017
                                   the production of shoes and shoe soles
                                  Turn-key lines, single machines and            Consolidated Sales                          €m             1,285
                                                                                  Earnings before taxes                       €m                  7

                                                                                  Core workforce (12/31)                                     5,386

                                                                                                                                                         SZAG Investor Relations
                                     Top 3 producer for filling and packing industry, world market leader for rubber and
                                                silicon injection molding as well as direct soling machines

Technology Business Unit

           Filling and packaging

           KHS Group
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
           A global leader and solution provider of first choice in the packaging
           Among the Top 3 producers
           Focus on beverage applications
           Supplier of single machines and turnkey solutions (one-stop-shop
           Leadership in technology and innovation
           11 production sites: 5 in Germany, 2 in the US, and 1 each in Mexico,
            Brazil, China and India

                                                                   2016              2017

                                                                                              SZAG Investor Relations
           Sales                                  €m               1.180             1.138
           Employees                            12/31              4.565             4.648

Technology Business Unit

           Special machinery

          Klöckner DESMA Elastomertechnik Group
          World market leader for rubber and silicone injection molding

                                                            2016          2017
          Sales                              €m               88          100
          Employees                        12/31             505          530

          DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH
          World’s largest producer of machines for the fabrication of
          shoes and shoe soles

                                                            2016          2017

                                                                                  SZAG Investor Relations
          Sales                              €m               39           47
          Employees                        12/31             199          208

1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Industrial Participations
          4 Strategy

                                        SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance
Industrial Participations


          Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH
          Germany; shareholder: SZAG 100%
          Research and development for the Group and external customers
          with a focus on:
           Processes for the manufacture, processing
            and application of metallic materials and products made of them
           Development of new materials
           Development of application areas
           Material and component characterization including testing
           Application and engineering technology from component design
            through forming and assembly to corrosion protection
           Automation and testing techniques, as well as the construction
            of non-destructive testing facilities

                                                                               SZAG Investor Relations

Industrial Participations

              Raw Materials and Logistics

              Glückauf Immobilien, RSE
          Companies specialized in real estate- and facility development
          as well as management

          Germany's largest seaport terminal for handling dry bulk goods
          (coal and ores), annual capacity of approximately 15 million tons

              Verkehrsbetriebe Peine-Salzgitter
          Commercial transportation provider with an annual freight
          volume of approximately 43 million tons

                                                                               SZAG Investor Relations
          1   SZAG share: 51%

Industrial Participations

           Data Processing and Communications

          Telcat Multicom/Telcat Kommunikationstechnik
          Systems for decentralized communication, Broad array of
          information solutions ranging from office communication and
          video technology to network services

          GESIS Gesellschaft für Informationssysteme
          Integration of business processes into one uniform IT-solution
          that reflects the entire workflow, Electronic data processing
          center capacities and
          the internet-based eService platform as a unified hub for order
          processing are offered for group companies and external clients

                                                                             SZAG Investor Relations

Industrial Participations


          Aurubis Dividend (€/Share)
          1.40                                       1.35                                1.35
          1.20                                                   1.10
                             1.00                                            1.00
          1.00                                                                                                                SZAG shareholding: 20.00%
                                                                                                                               (per April 9, 2018)
                 0.65                                                                                                         Net dividend received since
          0.60                                                                                                                 2009: € 92.2 million
                                                                                                                               (per FY16/17)











                                                                                                                                                              SZAG Investor Relations
                                                        Since 2008 successful shareholding in the leading European copper producer

1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units
          4 Strategy

                               SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance

          360° Concept


                               MISSION STATEMENT
                              Motivation & Qualification
                                                                                       CORPORATE POLICY
                                                                                         Independence at the core

                                   INNOVATIONS                                             EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS
                                                                                             Stabilize competitiveness
                         Open up new opportunities
                                                                                      Salzgitter AG 2015
                                                                                     FitStructure SZAG

                                                     DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS UNITS
                                                     Developing potential: Growth programs

                                                                                                                          SZAG Investor Relations
                                                           … we are helping ourselves!


          Programs of measures I

                                                                                 Group Strategy SZAG 2021

                                                                                 Growth          Organic growth in product areas with
                                                                                 programs         high contribution margins
                                                                                                 Develop potential through
                                                                                                  investments and R&D initiatives
                                                                                                 Expansion of the share of non-steel sales from
                                                                                                  currently 40% to 50%
                                                                                                2018 – 2021
                                                                                                around € 240 million p.a.
                                                                                                additional profit contributions

                                       2012-2017                                                               2018-2021

           SZAG 2015                               Other programs                FitStructure    Focus on cost savings and efficiency
                                                   (since end of 2016 combined   SZAG             enhancement
                                                   under FitStructure SZAG)                      Substantial part from
                                                                                                  Mannesmann and Technology
                                                                                                  business units

              2012 – 2016                                                                       2018 – 2021

                                                                                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
           260 Mio. € p.a.                         € 240 million p.a.                           around € 140 million p.a. earnings
                                                                                                improvement potential
           € 450 million p.a. earnings improvement potential


           Programs of measures II

          FitStructure SZAG                                                           SZAG 2021 Growth Programs
          € million earnings improvement potential                                   € million additional profit contribution
          160                                                                         250

                                                                 ~30                  200                                                      ~60

          100                                                                         150

                                                 ~50                                                                            ~90


            0                                                                           0
                         2018                    2019           2020 ff.                          2018                 2019     2020           2021

                                                                                                                                                      SZAG Investor Relations
                          All in all more than € 350 million in additional effects planned – the dynamism started in 2012 will be maintained

          “Salzgitter AG 2021” growth strategy

          Goal:                                                       Stipulations:

                                                                      Rolled steel production and parts of the tubes
                  Steel-related    Less steel-related                  production can only grow qualitatively, not
                  2016    60%             40%                         Quantitative growth is possible exclusively in activities
                                                                       apart from steel – especially in the Technology Business
                                                                      External growth on a larger scale is not mandatorily
                                                                       necessary for the development of the business units –
                                                                       can, however, be desirable for the Technology Business
                                                                       Unit, especially for product and technology expansion.

                  2021 50%              50%

                                                                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
                                       Strategic cornerstones for the development of the Group


          “Salzgitter AG 2021” – example Hot-Dip Galvanizing Line 3

          Strategy SZAG 2021 – focus on growth
           Satisfaction of rising quality requirements by customers
           Reinforcement of the market position in the
            automotive segment
           Expansion of the galvanizing capacity

          FitStructure SZAG – cost cutting and efficiency
           Shortening of retooling standstills due to greater
            specialization of the lines within the galvanizing shop
            along distinct product divisions

           Compensation of the market-induced lower demand for
            elo-galvanized steel
           Satisfaction of higher demand for high- and ultra high-
            strength hot-dip galvanized steels

                                                                                                             SZAG Investor Relations
                                               Key component in the group’s “Salzgitter AG 2021” strategy


          “Salzgitter AG 2021” – example Plate / Section Steel BU

          Measures at the Ilsenburg site

          Strategy SZAG 2021 – focus on qualitative growth
           Investment into a modern and competitive heat treatment line
           Commissioning: 2020

          FitStructure SZAG – cost cutting and efficiency
           Capacity reduction to 700 kt p.a. with corresponding                                                             52%

            workforce adjustment                                                                                  44%

           Temporary decrease of weekly working time to                                                36%

            32 hours without wage compensation
          Goal: Profitability improvement of the company
           Optimization of the product portfolio
           Strengthening of the market position and volume                                             2016     2018*     2020*
            expansion for higher value grade segments such as high                                        Volume development of
                                                                                                           higher value grades
            strength and wear resistant, water tempered steel

                                                                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
                                                 Restructuring and future orientation go hand in hand

          * planned volumes                                                                                                        56

          “Salzgitter AG 2021” – example Precision Tubes

          Strategy SZAG 2021 – focus on growth
           Expansion of the plant in Mexico
           Construction of a production line for thick-walled tubes
           Upgrade of the existing finishing line

          FitStructure SZAG – cost cutting and efficiency
           Realignment of Mannesmann Precision Tubes Group as a                                                                         Pump case
            technology provider
                                                                                             tube                                                    Stabilizers

           Program comprising 180 individual measures                                                                                                               Suspension


          Goal: Sustainable pre-tax margin of 5% as of 2021                            components

           Growth with profitable products                                                                                                             Seat belt-

           Extension of the value chain                                                Camshafts

           Growth through internationalization
                                                                                                                                                                       Drive shafts
                                                                                                          Drivetrain and steering components

                                                                                                                                                                                       SZAG Investor Relations
                                              Key component in the group’s “Salzgitter AG 2021” strategy


           SALCOS – SAlzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking

                                       Utilization of hydrogen (H2) instead of carbon (C) for the reduction of iron

                     Use of H2 for               Iron ore                                                   Use of already established
                    reduction with                pellets                                                    (direct reduction using natural
                                                                         Direct reduction plant
                      natural gas
                                                                                                             gas) as well as innovative
                                                                                                             (hydrogen generation and use)

                                                                                                            Integration into existing and
                                                                                                             optimized steel works
                  Further utilization                                            reduced iron as            gradual reduction of CO2-
                of renewable energy:                                             energy storage
                 additional use of H2
                                                                                                             emissions: between 10% and
                                                                                                             80% CO2 savings!

                                                                                                                                                SZAG Investor Relations
                                                            Having an eye on the future of CO2-reduced steel production

          Source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft/SZAG                                                                                                 58
1 Salzgitter Group
          2 Market Situation
          3 Business Units
          4 Strategy

                               SZAG Investor Relations
          5 Guidance

              Business Units – Forecast 2018

              Strip Steel                         Plate / Section Steel                 Mannesmann                           Trading                              Technology
             very good start to the year        Plate: continuing difficult        Large-diameter pipe mills:            international trading will not      KHS Group: continuing fierce
              2018 thanks to the increase         market environment with high        good utilization in Germany,           fully compensate the weaker          competitive pressure in the
              in selling prices                   level of imports                    order situation in North               sales of the first quarter           global project business
             continuing robust demand           Section steel: burdened by          America remains                       earnings level continues to         positive impact of the
              expected                            increase in other material                                                 return to more normal levels         measures to raise efficiency
                                                                                     Medium line pipes: Demand
                                                  costs                                                                      compared to the previous            KDS and KDE Group:
                                                                                      from North America is likely
                                                                                                                             year that was impacted by the
                                                 nevertheless, capacity              to be lower than year before                                                positive prospects
                                                                                                                             temporary widening of
                                                  utilization will remain largely    Precision and stainless
                                                  sound at all three plants           tubes: positive development

                                                                                              Business Unit

             significantly higher sales         moderate sales growth                sales on previous year’s level      slight downturn in sales         Based on a high order backlog:
             EBT likely higher than             significant reduction in pre-        significantly improved again        gratifying pre-tax profit ,         moderate increase in sales
              originally forecast albeit          tax loss                              positive pre-tax result              nevertheless considerably           tangible increase in pre-tax
              clearly below the outstanding                                                                                  below the previous year’s
              year-earlier result                                                                                            outstanding figure

                                                                                                                                                                                                  SZAG Investor Relations


             Salzgitter Group – Guidance from May 15, 2018

          Given the good start to the year, the generally positive business outlook, as well as the planned further effects of the programs of measures and to
          promote growth, Salzgitter AG lifted its earnings forecast at the end of April for the financial year 2018. We now anticipate:

             a marginal increase in sales to above € 9 billion,

             a pre-tax profit of between € 250 million and € 300 million and

             a return on capital employed that is stable compared with the previous year's figure.

          Legal Note and other remarks

          We make explicit reference to the fact that imponderables, including changes in the cost of raw materials, precious metal prices and exchange rates, along with global trade policy measures, may have a considerable impact over the course of the financial year 2018.

          To the extent that this presentation contains statements oriented towards or related to the future, such statements are based on our current state of knowledge and the estimates based on such knowledge made by the management of Salzgitter AG.
          However, as is the case with any forecasts or prognosis, such statements are also subject to uncertainties and risks. Notwithstanding prevailing statutory provisions and capital market law in particular, we are not obligated to update this data. In particular, we
          shall not assume liability of any kind for knowledge and statements, as well as any acts resulting on the basis of such knowledge or statements that emanate directly or indirectly from the analysis of the data, content and correlations of this document. The
          information and data made available do not represent an encouragement or invitation to buy, sell or conduct any other type of trade in securities. Salzgitter AG shall neither assume liability for direct nor indirect damages, including lost profits, arising as a
          result of the utilization of the information or data contained in this document.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SZAG Investor Relations
          For computational reasons, rounding-off differences of +/– one unit (€, % etc.) may occur in the tables. This document is also available in German language. In the event of any discrepancy, the German version shall prevail.
          1 Financials
          2 Pensions
          3 Investor Relations

                                 SZAG Investor Relations

           Key data per 2018/03/31

                                                                                                                           Q1 2018    Q1 2017       Δ

          Crude steel production                                                                                     kt     1,773.8    1,739.6   34.2

          External sales1                                                                                 € million         2,307.5    2,353.9   -46.4

          Earnings before tax                                                                             € million           95.9       77.1    18.8

          Earnings after tax                                                                              € million           65.2       48.7    16.5

          Earnings per share (undiluted)                                                                              €       1.18       0.87    0.31

          ROCE                                                                                                      %          11.6      10.3     1.3

          Core workforce2                                                                                                   23,333     23,287      46

          1 only   from entities within the Group of Consolidated Companies of Salzgitter Group   2   per reporting date

                                                                                                                                                          SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                              Salzgitter Group off to a strong start to the year


          Income statement

          Income Statement (€ million)                                                            Q1 2018     Q1 2017
          Sales                                                                                     2,307.5     2,353.9
          Increase/decrease in finished goods/own work capitalized                                    18.9        16.0
          Total output                                                                              2,326.4     2,369.9
          Other operating income                                                                      55.8        76.1
          Cost of materials                                                                         1,505.0     1,576.2
          Personnel expenses                                                                         422.4       414.7
          Amortization and depreciation                                                               84.6        85.0
          Other operating expenses                                                                   270.7       303.9
          Income from shareholdings                                                                     0.1         0.7

          Profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method
                                                                                                        9.5       33.1
          Finance income                                                                                3.6         5.3
          Finance expenses                                                                            16.9        28.4
          Earnings before taxes (EBT)                                                                 95.9        77.1

                                                                                                                           SZAG Investor Relations
          Income tax                                                                                  30.7        28.4
          Consolidated result                                                                         65.2        48.7


          Consolidated balance sheet

          Assets (€ million)                                  2018/03/31    2017/12/31       Δ
          Non-current assets                                      3,586.2       3,565.9    20.3
          Intangible assets, property, plant and equipment        2,412.1       2,433.3   -21.2
          Investment property                                        21.4          21.5    -0.1
          Financial assets                                           81.0          84.1    -3.1
          Investments accounted for using the equity method         653.0         577.5    75.5
          Trade receiveables                                         20.6          25.6    -5.0
          Other receivables and other assets                         20.2          26.0    -5.8
          Income tax assets                                           2.8           4.5    -1.7
          Deferred income tax assets                                375.1         393.2   -18.1
          Current assets                                          4,821.5       4,751.8    69.7
          Inventories                                             2,075.8       2,084.5    -8.7
          Trade receivables                                       1,428.0       1,492.2   -64.2

          Contract assets                                           193.0           0.0   193.0
          Other receivables and other assets                        401.8         394.2     7.6
          Income tax assets                                          28.6          24.9     3.7
          Securities                                                 70.6          76.6    -6.0

                                                                                                   SZAG Investor Relations
          Cash and cash equivalents                                 624.0         679.4   -55.4
          Balance sheet total                                     8,407.7       8,317.7    90.0


          Consolidated balance sheet

          Equity and liabilities (€ million)                2018/03/31    2017/12/31        Δ
          Equity                                                3,103.5       2,989.7   113.8
          Subscribed capital                                     161.6         161.6       0.0
          Capital reserve                                        257.0         257.0       0.0
          Retained earnings                                     2,995.8       2,854.6   141.2
          Other reserves                                          22.6          51.1     -28.5
          Unappropriated retained earnings                        27.1          27.1       0.0
          Treasury shares                                        -369.7        -369.7      0.0
          Minority Interest                                         9.2           8.1      1.1
          Non-current liabilities                               3,204.5       3,321.5   -117.0
          Provisions for pensions and similar obligations       2,338.2       2,440.5   -102.3
          Deferred tax liabilities                                41.9          41.9        0
          Income tax liabilities                                  98.2          97.6       0.6
          Other provisions                                       299.9         303.5      -3.6
          Financial liabilities                                  422.0         433.8     -11.8
          Other liabilities                                         4.3           4.1      0.2
          Current liabilities                                   2,099.6       2,006.5    93.1
          Other provisions                                       225.8         232.3      -6.5
          Financial liabilities                                  245.7         237.8       7.9
          Trade payables                                        1,103.0       1,169.0    -66.0
                                                                  90.9            0.0    90.9

                                                                                                  SZAG Investor Relations
           Liability contracts
          Income tax liabilities                                  32.4          28.2       4.2
          Other liabilities                                      401.9         339.2     62.7
          Balance sheet total                                   8,407.7       8,317.8    89.9


          Cash flow statement

          (€ million)                                                                   Q1 2018                  Q1 2017       Δ

          Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the period                             679.4                   818.1   -138.7

          Cash flow from operating activities                                              100.6                   -29.6   130.2

          Cash flow from investment activities                                            -147.0                   -95.4    -51.6

          Cash flow from financial activities                                                -7.0                   -7.7      0.7

          Changes in cash                                                                   -53.4                 -132.8    79.4

          Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                               624.0                   686.7    -62.7

                                                                                                                                     SZAG Investor Relations
                                           Operating cash flow characterized by lower working capital increase



                                                                              Convertible Bond

              Volume: € 167,900,000
              Coupon: 0.0 % p.a.
              Issue date: June 5, 2015
              Maturity date: June 5, 2022
              Denomination: € 100,000
              Conversion ratio: 2,116.5141 Shares per Bond1
              Conversion price: € 47.24751
              Underlying shares: 3,553,6271
              Conversion right period: July 25, 2015 to May 26, 2022
              Early redemption at the option of the Issuer: On or after June 5, 2018, and upon giving not less than 30 nor more than 40 calendar days notice,
               only possible if the volume adjusted average XETRA-quotation on at least 20 of the 30 consecutive trading days directly prior to the notification
               date exceeds 130% of the then applicable conversion price

                                                                                                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
          1   Most recently adjusted per 2017/06/07


           Strip Steel Business Unit

                                                                                               Q1 2018                 Q1 2017         Δ

          External sales                                               € million                  609.4                   548.9      60.5

          Order bookings                                                      kt                1,240.3                 1,195.1      45.2

          Order backlog1                                                      kt                  944.6                   903.0      41.6

          EBITDA                                                       € million                  117.9                   107.2      10.7

          EBT                                                          € million                   62.5                     53.7      8.8

          Core workforce1                                                                         6,148                   6,133       50

                                                                                                                                             SZAG Investor Relations
                                   Gratifying increase of pre-tax profit boosted by higher selling prices for strip steel products

          1 per   reporting date                                                                                                            69

           Plate / Section Steel Business Unit

                                                                                          Q1 2018                Q1 2017       Δ

          External sales                                           € million                 286.6                  265.5    21.1

          Order bookings                                                  kt                 629.2                  586.1    43.1

          Order backlog1                                                  kt                 380.8                  373.3     7.5

          EBITDA                                                   € million                  20.6                   22.7    -2.1

          EBT                                                      € million                   9.3                     9.4   -0.1

          Core workforce1                                                                    2,467                  2,585    -118

                                                                                                                                     SZAG Investor Relations
                                   Pre-tax result at year-earlier level due to the good performance of Peiner Träger GmbH

          1 per   reporting date                                                                                                    70

          Mannesmann Business Unit

                                                                  Q1 2018        Q1 2017      Δ

          External sales                   € million                 271.0         289.3   -18.3

          Order bookings                          kt                 382.8         411.9   -29.1

          Order backlog1                          kt                 539.7         457.7   82.0

          EBITDA                           € million                  19.0          14.9    4.1

          EBT                              € million                       1.6      -3.0    4.6

          Core workforce1                                            4,651         4,711    -60

                                                                                                    SZAG Investor Relations
                                     Improved result, now positive again

          1)per   reporting date                                                                   71

           Trading Business Unit

                                                                                                  Q1 2018                Q1 2017                        Δ

          External sales                                                   € million                 759.8                  861.8                 -102.0

          Shipments                                                               kt               1,122.7                1,258.8                 -136.1

          EBITDA                                                           € million                  17.9                   24.4                     -6.5

          EBT                                                              € million                  13.8                   21.6                     -7.8

          Core workforce1                                                                            1,991                  1,935                      56

                                                                                                                                                              SZAG Investor Relations
                         Improved margin situation of the stockholding steel trade business and the UES-Group largely offsets shortfall in volumes;
                                                                          gratifying pre-tax profit

          1 per   reporting date                                                                                                                             72

           Technology Business Unit

                                                                                                   Q1 2018                Q1 2017                     Δ

          External sales                                                     € million                 327.7                  335.1                 -7.6

          Order bookings                                                            kt                 305.9                  290.0                 15.9

          Order backlog1                                                            kt                 686.1                  627.6                 58.5

          EBITDA                                                             € million                  15.9                   18.4                 -2.5

          EBT                                                                € million                  11.2                   13.1                 -1.9

          Core workforce1                                                                              5,425                  5,337                  88

                                                                                                                                                            SZAG Investor Relations
                               Pre-tax-profit dropped due to the weaker result of KHS, smaller special machinery producers with earnings increase

          1 per   reporting date                                                                                                                           73

           Industrial Participations / Consolidation

                                                                                              Q1 2018               Q1 2017                         Δ

          External sales                                               € million                  52.9                   53.4                     -0.5

          EBITDA                                                       € million                   1.8                   -2.8                      4.6

          EBT                                                          € million                   -2.4                 -17.8                     15.4

          Core workforce1                                                                        2,616                 2,586                       30

                                                                                                                                                          SZAG Investor Relations
                      Earnings before taxes enhanced, previous year impacted by valuation effect from the bond exchangeable into Aurubis shares

          1 per   reporting date                                                                                                                         74
          1 Financials
          2 Pensions
          3 Investor Relations

                                 SZAG Investor Relations

          Mechanics of internal pension commitment funding

          Internal funding over lifetime of employee

                                                                      ...                                             ...
                     Joins               5 years                                         Retirement
                        Pension provision (non-cash)   Contribution by SZAG (non-cash)   Pension payment (cash)

                                                                                                                                                 SZAG Investor Relations
            Provision is determined by development of individual salary, time in employment at SZAG, actuarial life expectancy and inflation
            Contribution as personnel expense and interest element (both non-cash)
            Monthly payout from operating cash flow


               Funding of pension commitments

              (2017/12/31)                                                               € bn                                                  (2017/12/31)
           Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO):                                                                                                 Balance sheet: pension provisions
            € 2,515 m1                                                                                                                           € 2,441 m
           According to IAS 19:                                                                                                                Assets held by external funds:
               − Discount rate of 1.75%2                                                                                                         € 74.3 m
                 – in line with market average                                                                                                  Non-current assets: € 3,556 m
               − Trend in salaries: 2.75% p.a.                                           2                                                      Net position due to banks:
               − Trend in pensions:                                                                                                              € 381 m
                 1.75% p.a.
               − Staff turnover: 1% p.a.                                                 0
               − Valuation based on the actuarial


                                                                                                                               assets + cash


          1   thereof € 74.3 million covered by assets held by external funds 1 adjusted in Q1/2018, previously 1.50%

                                                                                                                                                                                      SZAG Investor Relations
                                                                        Pension obligations completely covered by internal funds!

          1 Financials
          2 Pensions
          3 Investor Relations

                                 SZAG Investor Relations
Investor Relations

           Dividend proposal
                 €                                                             Financial year 2017                       € million
                                                                               Dividend per share:     0.45 €
              0.50                                                                                                       400

              0.40                                                                                              0.45     300
              0.30                                                                                                       200
              0.20                                                  0.25
                                0.20          0.20                                                   53                  100
              0.10                            -15                    4
                                       1                                   1
                                2013         2014                   2015                             2016       2017     -100

             -0.30                                                                                                       -300

             -0.40                                                                                                       -400

             -0.50                                                                                                       -500
          1 restated

                                                                                                                                      SZAG Investor Relations
                                           Dividend increased by 50% compared to the previous year

Investor Relations

          Shareholder structure and share turnover

                                     Shareholder structure                                                  Daily turnover in thousand shares


              Other shareholders                                                   Salzgitter AG

              Inst. shareholders
              – other Regions                                                                      400
                                                                                        State of
              Inst. shareholders
                                 5.8%                            26.5%            Lower Saxony
              – other Europe

              Inst. shareholders                                                                   200
              – UK + Ireland          17.2%                                   Inst. Shareholders
                                                                                      – Germany

                                                              Inst. shareholders – North America     0
                                                                                                         1Q 12 4Q 12 3Q 13 2Q 14 1Q 15 4Q 15 3Q 16 2Q 17 1Q 18

              Free float: 63.5%
              Treasury shares: as of July 8, 2010; other information is based on the external
              shareholder identification as of January 2018

                                                                                                                                                                  SZAG Investor Relations
                                   Balanced shareholder structure                                                        High liquidity


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                                                                                                                                                                                SZAG Investor Relations
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