Page created by June Silva
VOL. 65, NO. 4 | Winter 2020

                            Isaiah 54

                                                            Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.
                                                            Brenda Barnes
                                                            Assistant Editor
Source of Light Ministries International is                 Eula Keener
an independent, faith mission that exists                   Melody Zink
to bring people of every nation, language,                  Betty Ingalsbe
and ethnicity into a mature relationship with               Kimberly Thigpen
Jesus Christ and into fellowship with a local               Ray Walker
church family.                                              Reaper Staff
SLM is a world-wide, disciple making,                       Joel Cockrell
church planting ministry that uses the                      Graphic Designer
medium of Bible lessons for all ages in both
printed and electronic format to achieve its                Ron Barnes III                       VOL. 65, NO. 4 |Winter 2020
goals. The International Headquarters in                    Photographer
Madison, Georgia, its Discipleship Training                 Michael Ventrello

                                                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
Branches (DTB), and Associate Discipleship                  Prepress
Schools (ADS), distribute lessons through-
out the world.                                              Board of Directors
Representatives and Missionaries of SLM                     Don Lowry, Chairman
are available to present the ministry to                    Dr. R.J. Sans, Vice Chairman
churches, missionary conferences, and                                                            4   Letter from                                  18   Striking While
other groups. Contact the SLM PR OFFICE                     Dr. Paul Seger, Secretary                the Editor                                        the Iron is Hot
for scheduling.                                             Darwin Blandon, Treasurer
                                                            E.B. Shoff                           7   World Wide Bible                             21   Strengthening
            For information visit us at:
                                                            David Meyer                              Institute Now Online                              the Stakes
                                                            Steve Woody
             or call 800.776.1207
                                                            Dr. B.H. Struthers                   9   New Season,                                  22   Expansion
                                                                                                     New Needs                                         in Asia
the REAPER is published by Source of Light                  Administrator’s Cabinet
Ministries International, Inc. and is free of
                                                            Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.            10   For Such a                                   25   Expansion in
charge to subscribers. Write or call to be                                                           Time as This                                      South America
                                                            General Director & CEO
placed on the mailing list.
                                                            Brian Thigpen
Change of Address or Subscription                           Chief Financial Officer             12   Expansion in North                           28   Prayer
                                                                                                     America                                           & Praise
If your address has changed or you are no                   Phil Winder
longer interested in receiving the REAPER,                  Director of Operations
please contact us using the postal or email                 Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.            16   Prepare Ye the Way                           31   Memorials
address on the back cover of this magazine.                 Director of Global Outreach
                                                            Hugh Jarrell
                     Copyright © 2020                       Director of Publications
                                                                                                              On the Cover                             Corrections & Clarifications
       Source of Light Ministries International, Inc.       Brian Thompson
      1011 Mission Road, Madison, Georgia 30650             Regional Director - North America                 Preparing Our Tent to Enlarge Our        For the latest version of the Reaper
                                                                                                              Vision — Isaiah 54                       go to
          All rights reserved including the rights to       Pablo Correa
           reproduce this publication or any parts                                                            “Mornings at 15000 feet in the Trans-
          thereof in any form without the express           Regional Director - South America
            written permission of Source of Light.
                                                                                                              Himalayan range” — Vishnu Prasad
                                                            Scotte Staab
    Printed in the United States of America, October 2020   Regional Director - Europe & Asia

2     |    the REAPER • Winter 2020                                                                       /   @slmin                                         3
Enlarging the                                 a mature relationship with Jesus
                                              Christ and into fellowship with a local
                                                                                          to live. God could have chosen some
                                                                                          sort of fixed structure analogy, but
                                                                                                                                         with what we have been given. Our
                                                                                                                                         Branches have also been attempting
Tent, Lengthening                             church family,” doesn’t mean we are         instead focuses on a structure meant           to make sure they are ready for the
the Cords, and                                even close to fulfilling it and thus, the
                                              Great Commission. There is so much
                                                                                          to be temporary, flexible, movable,
                                                                                          and inexpensive. With so much focus
                                                                                                                                         expansion of their ministries. These
                                                                                                                                         are just a few examples:
Strengthening the                             more yet to do.                             placed on facilities in ministries, the
Stakes at SLM                                 This most recent season at SLM has
                                                                                          disproportionate amounts invested              Uganda just recently purchased
                                                                                                                                         land for an office, a residence, and
                                                                                          in underutilized facilities over money
Letter from the Editor                        given us some time to look around                                                          facilities that can house some
                                                                                          used to minister to people, it’s
                                              at how we are doing what we are                                                            income generating micro-enterprises
There is nothing significant about                                                        fitting that God prepared the “barren
                                              doing and evaluate the operation,                                                          so that the ministry of SLM Uganda
“numbers” in the ministry and I’ve                                                        woman” to whom He promised a rich
                                              the oversight, and approaches to                                                           can expand and reduce some of its
always been hesitant in using them                                                        blessing to do so from among the
                                              doing ministry with a vision for the                                                       overseas dependency.
as some sort of gauge as to whether                                                       most modest of accommodations.
                                              future. It has become very clear that
we have been a success. In fact, if I         in order for us to achieve the next                                                        Brazil is looking to move from its
went off of numbers, certain seasons          level of ministry, we are needing to                                                       donated office space to a plot of land
of my own individual missionary work          “prepare our tents” for expansion,                                                         that has been offered to them and
would have appeared to be utter               similar to the exhortation in Isaiah 54                                                    build its own offices as God provides
failures, had I not been convinced we         verses 2 – 3:                                                                              the resources.
were in a season of planting seeds.
                                                  Enlarge the place                                                                      Guyana has just finished the
Among mission agencies, some
                                                  of thy tent, and let                                                                   relocation of its offices after adding
might see SLM as “the little guy,” that
                                                  them stretch forth                                                                     an office and storage facility to their
“little mission in Madison, Georgia.”
                                                  the curtains of thine                                                                  church plant building.
There might be elements of that
                                                  habitations: spare not,
statement that are true. But given
                                                  lengthen thy cords, and                                                                Romania seeks to expand their
the size of our administration and
                                                  strengthen thy stakes;                                                                 ministry into a rehabilitation facility
overhead compared to the impact the
                                                  for thou shalt break                                                                   of their own that would see former
ministry is having around the globe,
                                                  forth on the right hand                                                                inmates continue in their spiritual
our ministry “numbers” often dwarf
                                                  and on the left; and thy                Guyana: Beginning stage of the SLM office in   growth after incarceration, and also
the numbers of the “big guys.”
                                                  seed shall inherit the                  Guyana – Photo by Ron Barnes                   be trained for various trades.
It is in no way a competition and                 Gentiles and make the
                                                                                          When one visits SLM they are always            The Lord is also challenging us to
we pray diligently for our partners               desolate cities to be
                                                                                          surprised to see that it was “bigger           stretch the curtains and lengthen
in ministry that they would make                  inhabited.
                                                                                          than they imagined.” I am thankful             the cords. In recent months, we have
judicious use of their time and
                                              God instructed Israel, that in faith,       for those who went before me who               completed both the World Wide Bible
resources in the same way God has
                                              even in her barrenness, she should          invested in ample acreage and those            Institute and our Basic Courses in
blessed the efforts of SLM these
                                              prepare herself, craft her life, in         whose vision involved expanded                 Online formats and we have begun
many years.
                                              such a way as to be prepared for            facilities. Our modest facilities are          uploading them in different languages
But just because SLM has been                 an unimaginable expansion. The              not fancy, but they meet the needs             to be used by each of our Branches.
effective these many years at its             tent metaphor sets the stage for a          of what we need to accomplish for              This will give unprecedented access
mission to “bring people of every             mentality that I believe to be very         our many Branches. But even in                 to our courses for students from
nation, language, and ethnicity into          intentional about how He expects us         our facility use, we need to do more           around the world and in many places

                                                                                                             /   @slmin                      5
where the Word of God is prohibited.         Our Accounting Department has
This will also allow those who desire
a deeper study of the Word of God,
                                             “digitized” many processes that were
                                             time consuming and have reduced
                                                                                                        World Wide Bible Institute
particularly the many pastors,               the amount of paperwork and “man-                         Now Online at
evangelists, and missionaries who            hours” for doing some of these tasks.
                                                                                                                            by Brenda Barnes
have no formal training, to receive          We have created systems so that
the training that they have always           viewing of their accounts were made
longed for.                                  more accessible to our missionaries
                                             in real time and systems that donors
The Lord has already allowed students        and donations can be more easily                               There are approximately 10,000 Seminaries/Bible
in restricted access countries of            tracked.                                                       Colleges in the world today.
the Middle East to be taking our
courses in online format. Those who          Many of the tasks that required
operate in underground churches              missionaries to do on the network                              These institutions will only be able to produce
have previously been prevented               on the main campus at SLM has now                              approximately 5 – 7% of the needed pastors,
from attending any formal Bible              been streamlined so that they are                              evangelists, and missionaries.
training. We are also making strides         available wherever our missionaries
in updating the courses in wording           have an Internet connection.
and design and in over a dozen new                                                                          Less than 10% of all ministers worldwide have ever
languages. We want to make these             These improvements have come at                                had formal Bible College or Seminary training.
courses more universal in their              some cost, yes financial, but also
appeal to different cultures and easy        with significant learning curves. But
                                             we have been determined to see                If there was ever a need to have an        World Wide Bible Institute, or
to understand and translate.
                                             the vision and mission of SLM be              affordable Bible Institute option, not     WWBI, is a three-year Bible Institute
But finally, understanding the frailty       continually carried out far beyond            just for pastors and missionaries,         Curriculum created to be used in a
of our “tent”, particularly as we            each of us and bigger than any of             but for Christians seeking to deepen       structured on-line setting.
anticipate expansion, we have                us could dream it to be. So, it has           their faith and knowledge, the time
                                             been a small sacrifice and a short            is now.                                    WWBI’s curriculum is one that has
spent a significant amount of time
                                             inconvenience, to know that God will                                                     been carefully arranged so that it
“strengthening our stakes.”
                                             begin to fill the tent that we have           Bible Colleges, Institutes, and            progresses from simple to more
Our     staff   and    administration        expanded, in His time!                        Seminaries are struggling in a day         complex themes and produces a
have been feverishly preparing                                                             and age where cost, competition,           “building block effect” where each
and studying for newer and more                                                            and accreditation are driving them         subject and year builds upon what has
efficient methods to strengthen how                                                        out of existence. Many seeking the         been learned in another. It also gives
we operate. This training, study,                                                          next level of Bible training cannot        flexibility to a student’s particular
and research has impacted every                                                            afford to go away to school with           needs and abilities by allowing a
department and every missionary at                                                         jobs, ministries, and families, and        student the opportunity of choosing
SLM. We have improved how each of                            After years of serving as a   many find the pace of traditional          one or more courses to work on at
us, our foreign missionaries included,                       church planting missionary,
                                                                                           school impossible to manage. These         a time and the functionality of the
                                                             Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.
are reporting various types of                                                             challenges are exactly why Source          program allows a student to work at
                                                             now serves as the CEO for
information for greater accountability                       SLM.                          of Light Ministries International has      his or her own pace.
and more streamlined administration                          Follow me     @RonBarnesJr    created the completely online Bible
                                                                                                                                      WWBI     utilizes   the   very   latest
of that information.                                                                       Institute.

                                                                                                         /   @slmin                       7
techniques in the field of programmed
instruction. WWBI’s materials are
                                                   to submit and that is graded by the
                                                   professor which allows the student to
                                                                                                            NEW SEASON,                              missionaries about their
all produced using the Programmed                  practically apply to life and ministry                   NEW NEEDS                                2. Cloud-based donation
Instruction Method or PIM. With                    the information and truths learned                       by Brian Thigpen
                                                                                                                                                     entry software – Donation
this approach, small amounts of                    throughout that STEP.
                                                                                                                                                     entry is more automated
information are given to the student
                                                   Finally, a STEP-test is unlocked                     As Source of Light poises itself to          with default accounts
and then an immediate response                                                                                                                       for each donation. This
                                                   allowing the student to access it                    expand into online discipleship as
is called for in which the student                                                                                                                   reduces errors and the
                                                   when ready to take the test. With this               well as continuing to grow our reach
restates in writing the ideas just
                                                                                                        with printed lessons, how is the
                                                                                                                                                     amount of time required to
imparted.                                          method, students come away with a                                                                 process donations.
                                                   firm grasp of the material they have                 Finance Department to absorb the
A quiz is used following each section,             studied. The goal of this particular                 additional accounting and processing         3. Email receipting – We
which requires a second response to                method is entirely geared towards                    to support a growing ministry?               are also email receipt
that same information. At the end of               the student learning the material,                                                                capable, giving the donor
the “STEP”, a Pre-Test is constructed              having a deeper knowledge and
                                                                                                        Consider the fact that the vast              immediate confirmation
so that the student again repeats                  understanding of the Word of God,
                                                                                                        majority of missions’ organizations          and saving us time and
                                                                                                        take administrative fees to pay              money in the Finance
the information given. Almost all                  and the ability to apply it to their life
                                                                                                        for finance staff. However, all our          Department.
STEPs have an In-Service Project                   and ministry.
                                                                                                        finance staff are primarily supported
                                                                                                        by individuals and churches, which       Our financial team enjoys being able
                                                                                                        allows us to avoid admin fees from       to get more done, in less time, with
  50 per course                                   uS
                                                     tudy at your pace                                 donations, but makes it difficult to     fewer errors.
                                                                                                        maintain a full staff.
  cholarships available for those                 uS
                                                     tudy without leaving home                                                                  With a total staff of four, and two of
 demonstrating their need                                                                               These challenges are why we have         those being only part time, a global
                                                     AP year                                           spent the last year and a half           ministry spanning over 30 countries
  ll 6 semesters are cheaper than                                                                                                               and thousands of donors is a
                                                     omeschool Dual Enrollment                         researching and implementing new
 one semester at other schools                                                                                                                   challenge to maintain.
                                                                                                        technologies and processes in the
u T ypically transfer of credit is possible       uA
                                                     ssociates Degree                                  Finance Department. A few examples
                                                                                                                                                 It was a steep learning curve for this
                                                    in Christian Ministry                               of improvements:
  rticulation agreement with                                                                                                                    68-year-old mission agency, but we
 many Bible Colleges for guaranteed                                                                         1. A New staff portal                are now poised to move into the next
 acceptance of courses                                                                                      – Our local and global               season as Source of Light expands
                                                                                                            missionaries are now able            with our online lessons launch. New
                                                                                                            to see their donations and           technology for a new season of
                                                                                                            current balances in real             opportunity with the same eternal
                                                                     Brenda Barnes has served
                                                                                                            time from anywhere in the            Good News.
                                                                     as a missionary in Hungary             world. They can respond
                                                                     and the Czech Republic as a            to financial partners
                                                                     teacher and discipler as well as
                                                                     having homeschooled all three
                                                                                                            quickly and know when                                Believing every place is a
                                                                     of her children. She serves at         funds are available. It also                         mission field, Brian Thigpen
                                                                     SLM as the Assistant Reaper            frees up our finance staff                           served overseas, taught high
                                                                     Editor, Hospitality Coordinator,                                                            school math, and now serves
                                                                     and the WWBI Registrar.                from regular requests                                as CFO at SLM.
                                                                                                            for information from

                                                                                                                           /   @slmin                   9
SLM has been working to get our          lessons. He survived, and one of           Envision Americans studying lessons
    FOR SUCH A                               evangelistic and discipleship courses    his persecutors read the lessons           while waiting at the doctor’s office,

    TIME AS THIS                             into an online, globally accessible
                                             format. The advantages to this would
                                                                                      and came to Christ. Another of his
                                                                                      fellow workers, however, was recently
                                                                                                                                 Africans reading the Gospel as they
                                                                                                                                 ride public transport, Asians sharing
    by Kimberly Rae Thigpen
                                             be immense.                              murdered and the motorcycle he used        lessons in secret, device to device.
                                                                                      for ministry stolen. For Muslims or        Picture a great wave of new seekers
                                             Even before the Covid shutdown,          those in Communist countries, even         learning, growing in the Lord, and
Source of Light’s first lessons were
                                             our missionaries around the world        asking questions about Christ can          then reaching others.
hand-cranked through a mimeograph
                                             were seeing the need for courses         be dangerous. Online lessons would
                                             online. Madison Discipleship School      allow them to seek God on their            We recently heard about forty new
                                             Director, Brian Thompson, says,                                                     pastors in one country, men who had
                                             “There are situations even in English-                                              before been graders of SLM lessons.
                                             speaking parts of the world where                                                   That is the sustainable, reproducible
                                             it is too expensive to send lessons                                                 ministry we strive for  —  planting
                                             to those who need them. We have                                                     seeds, reaping the harvest, and from
                                             had people desperate to study God’s                                                 that harvest to planting more seeds.
                                             Word, but lessons would get lost
                                                                                                                                 Online lessons are not to replace our
                                             going the long distances to reach
                                                                                                                                 print ministry here at Source of Light,
                                             them in countries where we have no
                                                                                                                                 but to expand it. More people getting
                                             Branch or Associate Schools.”
                                                                                                                                 the Gospel. More being discipled.
Machine used in 1952.                        Right now, we have countries waiting     There are currently more mobile device     That’s why we are here.
                                                                                      connections online than there are people
                                             on delivery of courses. Locations        in the world.
                                                                                                                                 Please pray with us that God will use
Over the 68 years since, millions of         in Peru are requesting hundreds of
                                                                                      phones or tablets or computers.            this new tool in a mighty way. We
lessons have been mailed, hand-              lessons, but the Branch does not
                                                                                      Those around them would have no            expand our ministry to expand His
delivered, loaded onto transports,           have that many in stock and could
                                                                                      idea they are not playing solitaire or     Kingdom!
or shipped by barge. SLM now ships           not travel to deliver what they do
                                                                                      doing online shopping. Imagine the
about three tons of material in a            have.                                                                               As Esther was told during a time of
single year.                                                                                                                     great crisis, before a time of great
                                             Through online courses, Thompson
                                                                                      Covid has shown us the great power         deliverance, who knows if we are
But what happens when shipping               says, “God is providing a way to send    of the Internet as a tool for the Gospel   “come to the kingdom for such a time
costs skyrocket, civil unrest blocks         missionaries, via the Internet, to       message. In Mexico, a Vacation Bible       as this?” (See Esther 4:14)
deliveries, or a global pandemic             places we have been unable to help       School was offered online rather than
shuts down international trade?              before.”                                 in person. Expecting 200 – 300 as in
What do we do for the millions of                                                     previous years, they were amazed
people in closed countries, where            Online courses would allow those
                                                                                      to see logins from over 1,000
holding a Bible lesson in their hands        in countries hostile to the Gospel
could result in prison or death? And         to share the Good News phone to                                                                       Kimberly Rae Thigpen,
how do we most effectively reach a           phone or computer to computer,           Already, the results of initial online                       author of 35 books, is
                                                                                                                                                   married to SLM’s CFO,
generation more comfortable with a           with much less risk to themselves        attempts are, as one of our directors                        Brian Thigpen, and
gadget in their hands than a book?           or those seeking truth. One of our       declares, “amazing.” Ministry leaders                        currently homeschools
                                             Branch Directors has been beaten         are able to reach beyond their local                         their two children.
It’s time to expand!                         and left for dead while carrying         areas, and even beyond borders.

                                                                                                         /   @slmin                  11
opportunity to significantly expand         buy seed for another crop for next
                                             their ministry space and finally own        year. This has the potential to keep
EXPANSION IN                                 their own office facility. This will give   the ministry self-funded for years to
NORTH AMERICA:                               them around 1,000 more square feet
                                             to operate with. It is in a residential

STRENGTHENING,                               area, so we need your prayers as            Canada –    Pray for the harvesting
                                                                                         of the crops that will pay for the
BROADENING, AND                              city re-zoning regulations are worked
                                             through with a planning technician.         ministry after they are sold in
ENLARGING                                    We rejoice with them as they work           October.                                 Leon and Susan Scott

by Brian Thompson
                                             with almost 2,000 active students.
                                             New Mexico –  Office Building Project:                                               Brian Thompson supervises the
                                             Pray for the needed funds, help, and                                                 home office School that has
                                             planning it is going to take for the                                                 students in all 50 states and some
Often overlooked in the rush
                                             new facility in Las Cruces.                                                          even overseas. Over 100 salvations
overseas, North America has equally
as needy unreached people groups                                                                                                  were reported in just the first half
according to the same standards                                                                                                   of the year! The staff works hard
we use for foreign statistics. Our                                                                                                at perfecting a means to use the
                                                                                         Joe and Penny Homontowski
                                                                                                                                  lessons and see an impact in lives
seven Branch offices diligently share
                                                                                         Kansas                                   for eternity. All the Branches in North
the Gospel even during a pandemic
                                                                                                                                  America deal with inmates in prisons
this year.                                                                               Leon Scott oversees our Branch in        and jails, but over half of Madison’s
                                                                                         the Midwest. They serve to help          student body are incarcerated. The
Beside the office in Madison, SLM
                                                                                         many to know Christ and to follow        new opportunity that they are taking
has Branches in Canada, Kansas,              Darryl and Joan Evans                       Him in obedience.        Their 4,400     on this year is to manage the grading
New Mexico, Haiti, and Jamaica. At
                                                                                         active students are learning what it     of lessons on-line. This has a great
these locations, our Branch Directors        Canada                                      means to be a Christian and how to       potential to reach many more souls
lead the discipleship programs that
                                             Joe Homontowski runs the Canada             live for Him every day. This year they   for Christ. They are also involved in
reach many people all over their
                                             Branch out of his home/office in            are working on upgrading the mission     reworking the grading keys, revising
                                             Saskatchewan. They have a thriving          building. They will end up fixing the    courses, and developing additional
                                             ministry especially with the children       gutters, computers, the indoor lights,   resources for counseling.
New Mexico                                   in Western Canada.         They keep        and the parking lot lighting. They
Darryl Evans heads up the office in          enough inventory of English and             need these upgrades to keep up the       Madison –    Pray for the Lord’s work
Las Cruces, New Mexico, working              French lessons to facilitate their work     discipleship work they are doing.        in our students’ hearts and to bring
with English and Spanish language            and provide lessons to Associates,                                                   in many new students through the
students. They call their ministry,          across Canada. This year they were          Kansas –     Office upgrade project:     online courses.
“Bible Studies by Mail” which began          able to plant canola in a donated           Between the indoor and outdoor
in 1979 in George and Mary Baker’s           field so that the proceeds from the         projects, they still need $5,500.        West Jamaica
home. After significant growth, the          crop could benefit the ministry. As         Please pray that God will protect        Don Schiffer started Follow the
ministry moved to a rented office            it is harvested and sold, there is a        everyone who works to remodel and        Source after several trips that made
space for over 30 years. In all, it          good possibility that it will provide       upgrade the lighting and computers       clear the need to reach the school
has been 40 plus years of blessing           $25,000 for the work of the ministry.       at the office. Praise the Lord for His   children in the western part of
upon blessing! Now they have an              Some of the funds will be held to           provision for the supplies.              Jamaica. They called the ministry

                                                                                                          /   @slmin                 13
“Follow the Source” because the                for the ones that complete all the                    “PREPARE YE THE WAY                         team, for provision, and
“Source of Light” name was already             courses in French. Every few months                   OF THE LORD”- THE SLM                       safety.
in use at the Kingston Branch. Now             a new class from one of the twelve                    OPERATIONS TEAM                             4. Our ministry donors
they are well-established with a               Associate Schools holds a ceremony.                   by Phil Winder                              who donate goods, time,
national candidate being developed                                                                                                               talent, and finances for
for future leadership of the Branch.           The country is experiencing great
                                                                                                     John the Baptist came on the scene          the team to build, repair,
The schools have given them an open            economic and political upheaval and                                                               replace, and maintain our
                                                                                                     to prepare the way of the Lord (Mark        housing and buildings.
door to share the Gospel and the               it makes travel and daily life very
                                                                                                     1:3). The primary responsibility of
lessons during the school year. They           challenging. They have not had any                    the Operations Team is the ongoing      We also maintain a fleet of vehicles
have thousands of children through             power for months. They need to                        maintenance of the headquarters         for our team’s use, which includes
using their teachers as distributors.          put in solar power to the newly built                 building, mission housing, and          transporting missionaries to and from
They also host mission teams that go           headquarters near Port-au-Prince.                     vehicles. In a sense, perhaps you       the airport, hauling mail, or taking
into the schools with programs and             With solar power, they would not                      could say we are preparing the way of   missionaries to meetings. We always
presentations.                                 have to rely on the government to run                 the Lord by preparing the home office   need additional vehicles for our fleet.
                                               the electronics in their compound.                    and grounds for His people’s use.
Follow the Source –   Security Project:        More could get done and it would be                                                           SLM Fleet Project: SLM needs a
Please pray that God would provide             sustainable.                                          Our     mission    housing     hosts    fuel-efficient vehicle, a truck, and a
the needed $2,700 to finish                                                                          missionaries who serve the Lord at      minivan or SUV to replace our aging
the security fencing around the                Haiti –   Construction of a solar power               the SLM office in Madison, as well as   fleet.
headquarters compound and for                  array: Please pray that the Lord                      guests who come to visit, volunteers
monthly funds for their national               would provide the resources for the                   who come and spend their vacations      Would you consider a donation of
partner who will take over leadership          solar array at a cost of $2,500.                      serving here, retirees, interns, and    funds or a vehicle you no longer need
in the coming months.                                                                                our own missionaries from around        for a tax-deductible receipt or “a gift
                                               SLM Lessons for North America: The                    the globe who come stateside for        in kind” letter?
                                               current 2021 budget for printing for                  furloughs to report to and make
                                               the entire region of North America                    new ministry partners. Our houses       In order to succeed, we need all our
                                               is $27,000. It is our prayer that God                 are “home away from home” for our       team members; we need more team
                                               would provide the entire amount                       guests and our own missionaries.        members and we heavily rely on our
                                               so that we can fully provide what                                                             volunteers.
                                               we anticipate being the needs for                     You can see the value in maintaining
                                               all Branches in North America for                     mission housing, but it takes a team    In order to “enlarge our vision” and
                                               2021!                                                 to accomplish. Let me introduce you     “widen our tents” we need additional
Don and Elaine Schiffer                                                                              to our team.                            team members to join us. Would you
                                                                                                                                             consider volunteering or serving at
                                                                                                          1. Our maintenance men             SLM?
                                                                                                          who work diligently every
Claudy Jean-Baptiste has made the                                  Brian Thompson is the                  day for the Lord.
                                                                   North American Regional                                                                     After years of owning
most of wonderful opportunities in                                                                        2. Our volunteers who                                and managing businesses,
                                                                   Director. He oversees the seven
difficult times. He has Associates                                 Branch offices in that region          come to serve alongside                              Phil Winder now serves
that are using the materials to                                    while overseeing the Madison           of our men. They come for                            as Director of Operations

evangelize all over the country.                                   Discipleship School. He came           a day, a week, or in some                            and Coordinator of
                                                                                                                                                               Volunteer teams.
They are distributing 7,500 lesson
                                                                   to work at SLM after spending          cases forever.
                                                 12 years as a church planting missionary in Maine                                                             Contact Phil:
books every month. The wonderful                 using SLM lessons to help establish the church.          3. Our ministry partners                   
thing is that they have graduations                                                                       who pray fervently for our

                                                                                                                   /   @slmin                     15
LOOKING TO EXPAND                                         GLOBAL
      CONSIDER SERVING WITH SLM IN                           OUTREACH
     Come Spend a Day, a Month, or a Year With Us

An expanding ministry will mean expanding needs
and expanding opportunities in Madison. We are
seeking work teams, visitors, retirees, and experienced
missionaries. Every skill level is welcome- what we are      Source of Light International in Madison, Georgia operates and
             seeking most is willingness.
                                                             ministers to each of its missionaries without any administrative
Contact to find out how to get started.         fees charged. We rely solely on gifts and regular donations
                     SLM is looking for:                     in the same way as any of our missionaries, purely by faith.

     Receptionists                         Maintenance       In order to continue to operate this way, we are asking God, by
    Graphic Artists                        Landscaping       faith, to raise up new individuals, churches, and foundations
       Designers                           Accounting
                                                             to support the work of the home office through the Global
Social Media Influencers                   Data Entry
      Marketing                      Office Administration                           Outreach Fund.
 Small Engine Repair                           IT
     Construction                          Discipleship      Would you prayerfully consider partnering with SLM through
                                                                               the Global Outreach Fund?

Our desire in the coming years is to                 the seed for some of the orphans as        Over the years of ministry in DR

      STRIKING                                       expand into new Branches where we
                                                     have laid some initial groundwork and
                                                                                                          they grow up learning the trade to be
                                                                                                          able to start their own farms whether
                                                                                                                                                     Congo, they haven’t been able to
                                                                                                                                                     trust the mail system and delivery
      WHILE THE                                      have trained workers on the ground
                                                     and so our desire is to raise about
                                                                                                          they became full-time farmers, or they
                                                                                                          choose to use it as a micro-enterprise
                                                                                                                                                     methods that were in place, so many
                                                                                                                                                     times shipments of much-needed
      IRON IS HOT                                    $400 per month support for Burkina                   for their own ministry ambitions. This     literature never arrived. And often
      IN AFRICA                                      Faso and Benin in the next year, and
                                                     slowly adding additional ones in the
                                                                                                          type of model opens the door for more
                                                                                                          ministry to be accomplished and less
                                                                                                                                                     they would wait extended periods of
                                                                                                                                                     time uncertain if the delivery might
      by Ron Barnes
                                                     coming years. Please pray that God                   need from foreign resources. It has        eventually come before they would
                                                     would provide supporters for the                     been the vision of Ivory Coast Director,   place another request.
Africa is seeing one of the greatest                 vision of establishing these two new                 Isaiah Bernasko, for many years, and
evangelical movements in the world.                  Branches.                                            to see this come to fruition would be      This has caused many of the schools
Source of Light Ministries has been                                                                       an answer to his prayers and ensure        to travel great distances, by boat,
involved in the front lines of this from             Expansion obviously comes with                       the expansion of the ministry of Ivory     by motorcycle, and by car on some
the earliest days of its existence.                  a price, and one of the things we                    Coast.                                     of the most dangerous roads
But the momentum of the Gospel is                    are aiming to do is to have many                                                                imaginable.
evident in all our countries.                        of the costs covered by in country                   Ivory Coast –    Pig Farming Project:
                                                                                                          Please pray for the Ivory Coast Pig
                                                                                                          Farming Project and the $13,000 it
                                                                                                          will take to see this off the ground.

                                                                                                          DR Congo
                                                                                                          Expansion in Africa will also
                                                                                                          entail creating facilities that can
                                                                                                          accommodate a broader future of
                                                                                                          ministry. In DR Congo, we are looking
                                                                                                          to establish a ministry center that
                                                                                                          would house our offices and material
Nelson in front of the old school building in        Local leaders from Ivory Coast meeting with          in a location more easily accessible       Brian Trapp and the SLM staff in DR Congo
Liberia.                                             Director Barnes
                                                                                                          to schools and partners. Vedette
Currently, we have Branches in                       self-supporting possibilities                 like   Nlandu is the Director of the SLM          So, having a place where someone
                                                                                                          Branch in Kinshasa, DR Congo, and
Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo,                   micro-enterprises.                                                                              could come to get rest after such a trip
                                                                                                          it has been his vision to see the
Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, DR Congo,                                                                                                                    as well as to receive better training
                                                                                                          ministry center used very broadly to
and South Africa. These Branches                     Ivory Coast                                                                                     and tools would be an excellent way
                                                                                                          accommodate the offices as well as
also reach into neigh­ boring coun-                                                                                                                  to minister to our partners.
                                                     In Ivory Coast, “Pig Farming” has been               to serve to accommodate the visitors
tries with training and discipleship
                                                     determined to be an excellent way of                 who often come from great distances
resources in Botswana, Mozambique,                                                                                                                   Vedette hopes that some of the land
                                                     doing such a project. It would help                  to carry the courses back to their
Zimbabwe, Republic of Congo, Benin,                                                                                                                  would be used to also restart some
                                                     cover many of the costs of running                   remote areas. He would love to have
and Burkina Faso. Our materials span                                                                                                                 of the micro-enterprises they have
                                                     the Branch as well as helping to meet                a place where they can be housed,
many of the rest of the languages                                                                                                                    attempted in the past, but with less
                                                     the needs of the orphanages that                     trained, encouraged, and then send
throughout Africa.                                                                                                                                   overhead by using their own land. The
                                                     SLM has. It would also be used to be                 these partners back to their home
                                                                                                                                                     vision to expand the future ministry
                                                                                                          areas well trained and refreshed!

                                                                                                                         /   @slmin                             19
of Congo will really be possible when            to expand. The school has been an                    STRENGTHENING                          As with introducing any new program,
the groundwork of this project is laid.          excellent way to attract unbelieving                 THE STAKES OF OUR                      there were some challenges getting
                                                 families into their ministry and church              TECHNOLOGY                             started. However, many of the staff and
D. R. CONGO –     Ministry Center and            as well.                                             by Ronnie Barnes                       administrators were already familiar
Offices: Please pray that God                                                                                                                with the Google Suite from having been
                                                 Several years ago, the Lord put it on                                                       taking weekly training courses on the
would provide the necessary funds,
                                                 their hearts that education was a way            For years we’ve run into challenges        subject for the past year.
approximately $24,000 for the                                                                     with    the    HR, statistical, and
                                                 into the community that would broaden
completion of the ministry center.               the influence of the Gospel and they             accounting reports we send out to our      Since this change, the amount of time
                                                 have continued to see that to be true.           missionaries and Branches abroad.          that we spend troubleshooting has
Liberia                                          The Lord further put on their heart the          Our reports were being sent back as        dropped significantly because more of
                                                 establishment of a larger school on              corrupted files, worksheets returned       our staff are fairly proficient with the
Liberia has been a focus of instability
                                                 a different property which they would            blank, and some struggled to even          program! Even some of the processes
on and off for nearly its entire history.
                                                 own, thereby bringing the costs down             open the files. Countless hours were       our home office staff were undertaking
SLM’s early work in Liberia was all but
                                                 which would allow for more resources             spent troubleshooting problems and         has become significantly less time
erased as civil war destroyed all its
                                                 for the ministry, and allow the campus           questions over the phone. It seemed        consuming as they underwent their own
offices and materials, sent the workers                                                           after carefully reviewing these issues,
                                                 to also house a pastors’ training facility                                                  training.
into exile, and saw any trace of its                                                              we were able to narrow down the issues
                                                 for pastor and ministry leader training.
official existence burned.                                                                        to one key problem. We discovered that     For the past two years, we have
                                                 Liberia: Construction of a School                nearly everyone who struggled with         been challenging our staff to spend
But the Gospel, the discipleship, and
                                                 Building and Offices –     Please pray           the reports were using either outdated     time weekly learning more about the
the burden of those early missionaries                                                                                                       programs that they regularly use, with
                                                 that the Lord would provide the                  versions of the Microsoft products we
allowed the smoldering flames of                                                                                                             the goal being that we can leverage
                                                 resources for the school and offices             were using or some form of knock-off
the ministry to be rekindled. Exiled                                                                                                         all of our resources to the highest
                                                 at a cost of $46,831.                            versions.
missionaries, who studied for the                                                                                                            possible degree so as to be the best
ministry in Ghana while in exile,                                                                 Last November we decided we needed         stewards of not only the finances given
returned to Liberia to reestablish an            SLM Lessons for Africa: Paper
                                                                                                  to reduce the amount of possibilities      to SLM but also our time and tools.
office and attempt to pick up the pieces         Partners for Africa 2021
                                                                                                  for errors. We considered buying all of
of ministry and put them back together.                                                           our Branches the latest Office software,   We praise God that we have significantly
                                                 The current 2021 printing budget
                                                                                                  but the cost of getting each Branch        reduced    the    IT   troubleshooting
After a few years now, they have seen            for the entire continent of Africa                                                          throughout the organization as well
                                                                                                  their own membership and the fact that
ministries, churches, and individuals            is $82,000 US. It is our prayer                  I would likely be the one on the phone     as increasing the productivity of all
reconnect with SLM Liberia with great            that God would provide the entire                trying to explain each step, potentially   our missionaries in their various
zeal for the Word of God and a great             amount so that we can fully provide              presented even more challenges.            assignments. These recent measures
desire to grow through the use of the            what we anticipate being the needs                                                          will help us tremendously as we
lessons. Nelsen Cyrus and his wife               for all Branches in Africa for 2021!             We started looking into what our non-      broaden our ministry in the future.
have been spearheading the effort as                                                              profit license for Google Suite had to
the DTB Director and have been doing                                                              offer. Each staff member already has
so with extremely modest resources,                                                               their own Google Suite account with
but a clear and evident calling from God.                                                         access to Google’s version of everything                    Ronnie Barnes lived the
                                                                                                  that Microsoft has. The key differences                     majority of his life as an MK
                                                                    After years of serving as a                                                               involved with church planting
The Lord allowed them to establish a                                church planting missionary,   are that nothing needs to be downloaded,                    in Hungary and the Czech
small school where the community has                                Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.      everyone can use the same program,                          Republic. He has served for
embraced their passion for education                                now serves as the CEO for     we have more control over the files, and                    8 years with SLM even while
                                                                    SLM.                                                                                      completing his university
and their commitment to excellence.                                                               we can easily collaborate on the same                       studies and is the HR and
The community has seen their love                                   Follow me     @RonBarnesJr    file when our Branches run into issues.                     Media Outreach Coordinator.
and have continued to ask for them

                                                                                                                     /   @slmin                      21
Evangelists go wherever the road
                                                                                                                                                          takes them – Photo by Tory Doughty

“. . . FOR
NOTHING. . .”                                    Children listening to the Word of God – Photo by

JOHN 15:5                                        Tory Doughty

by Scotte Staab

                                                 experience with God through His                    coming weeks and months. Please pray      There are three villages where I
Jesus taught about abiding in the vine           dear Son. As a result, we have seen                with us as we prepare new co-laborers.    serve. Recently, I took my laptop and
(Himself) and that if we (the branches)          53 people come to know Christ. Our                                                           showed the children Christian films
                                                 expanding ministry has branched                    India North East Zone Projects:           and preached the Gospel in these
would abide in Him, we would bear fruit
                                                 out to DARJEELING 100 miles                        Evangelist Support: $100 Monthly –        communities. Their hearts responded
for His glory. Expansion in the ministry
can happen as we abide in Him and                north of Calcutta, ALIPURDUAR 800                  With our difficult task at hand, we       to the Gospel and in two weeks we
grow and disciple and train others.              miles north of Calcutta, DINAJPUR                  need help. For $100 a month we            will have ten people to obey the Lord
In Asia and Europe, we desire to                 (North) 600 miles north of Calcutta,               can support an Evangelist with food,      in believer’s baptism. Praise the Lord!
continue to “grow” the ministry through          MURSHIDABAD 60 miles north of                      materials, and transportation.            I currently need ministry aids that will
discipleship.                                    Calcutta, BANKURA 80 miles west of                                                           help me in this area and resources
                                                 Calcutta, BAGUA (HOWRAH) 50 miles                  Ministry Vehicle: $4,000   –      As a    to provide for the evangelists who will
We currently serve in the nations                west of Calcutta, AMTA (HOWRAH) 40                 shepherd for these servants, I could      follow up after the initial outreaches.
of India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Japan,              miles west of Calcutta, MOURIGRAM                  use a vehicle to encourage the
Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, and           (HOWRAH) 40 miles west of Calcutta,                believers and spread the gospel           India Central Zone Projects:
Romania. I would like to highlight just a        BANKURA 80 miles west of Calcutta,                 throughout our entire region.             Data projector $1,000  –        so I can
few areas of expansion in our regions.           GANGASAGAR 100 miles south of                                                                show Christian films and lessons to
                                                 Calcutta, BISHNUPUR 100 miles south                                                          the people, plastic mats $100 for the
                                                                                                    India Central Zone – by “D. W.” Branch    people to sit on, so they do not have
                                                 of Calcutta, and BARUIPUR 50 miles
Asia                                                                                                Director. I have recently returned from   to sit in the mud. And lastly, we have
                                                 south of Calcutta. We also work in the
India North East Zone – by “K . J.”                                                                 a series of villages on the border with   nine village evangelists who need
                                                 regions of Assam, Tripura, and Manipur.
Branch Director. Our goal in these                                                                  Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. These       support of $40 a month since their
days is to teach and promote “one                God is opening significant doors                   are tribal villages where, as I serve     supporting church closed due to the
on one” evangelism and discipleship.             throughout northeastern India and                  them, I must adapt to their culture.      Covid virus. We are praising the Lord
This model has been so effective.                SLM India North East Zone wants to                 I cannot wear normal western style        for His goodness and looking forward
We have distributed Bibles and SLM               be prepared to be able to respond with             pants but wear the tribal clothing. I     to celebrating with the tribal village
Bible lessons and shared our personal            the right people and resources in the              cannot even take pictures.                baptism.

                                                                                                                   /   @slmin                         23
EXPANDING                                  church planting, prison work, the use of
                                                                                                                                                         mass media, and support for hundreds
                                                                                                              THE SLM                                    of local churches. There are thousands
                                                                                                                                                         of testimonies from Argentina, Bolivia,
                                                                                                              VISION FOR                                 Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and
                                                                                                                                                         Peru of how God has used each Bible
                                                                                                              SOUTH                                      course to transform lives. The materials

                                                                                                              AMERICA                                    touch thirsty souls who give their lives
                                                                                                                                                         to the Lord to be part of the militant
                                                                                                              By Pablo and Dalila Correa                 Church of Christ.

                                                                                                                                                         And it is throughout this enormous
                                                                                                         An unexpected pandemic has failed to            Spanish-speaking territory, the hand of
SLM Philippine director has a vision throughout        The staff of SLM Romania – Photo by Ron Barnes    stop the development of the Church              the Lord continues to manifest itself
all the Philippines and Asia – Photo by Chuck                                                                                                            in a powerful way. Today the vision, as
Roswell                                                                                                  of Christ. A Christian song that is
                                                                                                         sung in Latin America says, “Oh glory,          an obvious result of the changes, is
Philippines – by Dr. Abraham Vallega.                  rehabilitation facility of their own that         oh hallelujah, in struggles and trials,         spreading in each of our Latin American
Finally, on a “grass roots” level, we                  would see former inmates continue in              the Church continues to walk . . . .”           Branches. Given the situation that
have an Associate School that is                       their spiritual growth after incarceration,       The Church of Christ kept walking,              emerged, each one has ventured
expanding in Gamay, Northern Samar                     and also be trained for various trades.           even has extended its stakes. Christ            into the use of technology, joining the
in the Philippines. Based in the Blue                  This has been a vision for many years,            commanded us to make disciples,                 virtual era. Using all possible networks
Ridge Baptist Church, Pastor Dalina                    but the project has been slow in raising          teaching them to keep all the things            to continue the task of discipleship
has celebrated his fifth year with this                funds.                                            that He had taught. And the things he           is resulting in more Christians being
church. To get to this small Island of                                                                   taught are not just to be fulfilled in a        involved in disciple-making as the Bible
Samar, you must arrive by boat. This                   Romania     Rehabilitation      Facility                                                          teaches.
                                                                                                         certain building, chapel, cathedral, or
remote area is needy for the Gospel                    Project: $128,263 – Will complete
                                                                                                         temple. We are the temple of the Holy
and the local church is committed to                   the next phase of this project.                                                                   We are striving to reinforce the stakes
                                                                                                         Spirit and we are the Church, called to
discipleship and evangelism using the                                                                                                                    to extend out before the clamor of
                                                       Let’s take this time to make sure that            complete the task.
Source of Light lessons, as evidenced                                                                                                                    Cuba, Venezuela, and Honduras, to
by a baptism on August 2. The Lord                     our roots are grounded in the Vine,               Source of Light ministry in Latin America       provide them the tools to reach their
is moving in this young church. They                   Jesus. As we serve, may the Lord                  has been reaching thousands of people           own people. We have an unlimited
currently need Bible lessons. Would                    expand our vision and bear fruit for His          of all ages and socio-economic levels,          future to reach more countries of Latin
you consider joining “Paper Partners”                  glory.                                            with printed Bible lessons. The power           America.
and support this ministry?                                                                               of discipleship has been shown, in
                                                                                                                                                         Each Branch in Latin America is
Philippines – Paper Partners Project:                                                                                                                    committed to the proper use of each
$14,000 – Would you pray for God to                                                                                                                      Bible lesson that is distributed to local
provide the necessary funds to provide                                                                                                                   churches, schools, prisons, retreat
this new area with evangelistic and                                                                                                                      centers, camps, children, and youth.
discipleship resources?                                                                                                                                  All these countries have projects that
                                                                           Scotte Staab and his wife
                                                                           Beth Ann served in Romania
                                                                                                                                                         they long to see achieved, believing
                                                                           for many years prior to                                                       that nothing will be able to stop the
                                                                           coming to SLM as the                                                          vision that God in His mercy has
Romania: As mentioned in the                                               European and Asian Regional                                                   granted them. This southern part of the
Director’s article, Cristian Oprea                                         Director.
                                                                                                                                                         great American continent is a land of
                                                                                                         Mexico Director Manuel Lopez Teaching by Zoom
seeks to expand their ministry into a                                                                                                                    opportunities, but with huge needs.
                                                                                                         – Photo by Vicky Lopez

                                                                                                                           /   @slmin                        25
Argentina                                                                                                    THE SOUTH AMERICA…                     need to have fresh life breathed into
Under the leadership of Jorge Ovando,                                                                        WHERE THEY DON’T                       it with a new vision for the future.
                                                                                                             SPEAK SPANISH                          Samuel Milanez (Director) and Sergio
the ministry is reaching hundreds of
                                                                                                                                                    Rodrigues, his Assistant Director, are
people through social means, in his                                                                          by Ron Barnes
                                                                                                                                                    two new faces of SLM in a broadening
country and even outside its borders,
                                                                                                                                                    ministry. They have attempted to
like Paraguay, requesting Source of                                                                                                                 make the courses available to schools
Light courses.                                                                                                                                      throughout Brazil in both printed and
                                                                                                                                                    electronic form. They are also doing
Argentina: Fuente De Luz Christian                                                                       Dwayne Daniels grew up studying the        live discipleship and training with
school needs $1,300 to connect                  Church in Tarija, Bolivia – Photo by Miguel              Source of Light materials and used         students via video conferencing as a
gas pipes to the SLM school before              Sanchez                                                  them in the ministries he served in as     part of a broader vision to utilize the
in-school classes can be resumed.                                                                        an adult. As he saw the ministry of SLM    latest methods of communication and
They also have a Camp Project and               the north coast of the country, near                     Guyana begin to struggle to meet the       media to spread the Gospel and make
need $25,880 for construction of                the border with Venezuela. This will                     demands of those who were involved         disciples among Portuguese speakers
dormitories.                                    expand the ministry significantly and is                 in using the lessons, he offered his       in Brazil and beyond.
                                                a strategic area of need.                                services to help the ministry.
Bolivia                                                                                                                                             Brazil: DTB and Assistant Director
                                                                                                         But when it became clear that the          Support –   The Branch is attempting to
                                                Colombia: Printing Press Replacement-
Our Bolivia Branch, in the central west                                                                  current leadership was unable to           raise $500 a month support so that
                                                It will take $8,000 to replace the
of South America, is led by Miguel                                                                       meet the day-to-day needs of running       an Assistant Director can be paid full
                                                aging printing equipment that has
Sanchez who has been serving God                                                                         the office, he began to inquire of SLM     time to serve in the Brazil office and
                                                produced tens of thousands of lessons                    leadership if he might be of help to
from Tarija as a church planter and             over the years.                                                                                     for various office needs. Please be
the SLM Director. His ministry extends                                                                   resume its operation and respond to        in prayer for God to raise up monthly
throughout the country, but he has a                                                                     the great demand for the courses and       partners.
                                                The current 2021 Printing Budget for
particular vision to go to the unreached                                                                 training. He not only saw the current
                                                Spanish Speaking South America is                        need; he saw the future potential of
villages. Few have this vision and even                                                                                                             SLM Lessons for South America: Paper
                                                $39,000. We trust God to provide the                     how God could use the SLM ministry in
fewer could handle the trek.                                                                                                                        Partners for South America 2021
                                                total amount to supply each Branch in                    a much-expanded way among churches
                                                the region for 2021!                                     and schools. SLM’s history in Guyana       The current 2021 budget for printing
Bolivia: Branch Work Funds and
                                                                                                         has been rich, so Dwayne has a desire      for Non-Spanish Speaking South
Director Support: Miguel serves
                                                                                                         to cultivate those earlier relationships   America is $9,000 US. It is our prayer
faithfully while significantly under
                                                                                                         and see a broadened ministry of SLM        that God would provide the entire
supported. To function fully, he needs
                                                                                                         Guyana.                                    amount so that we can fully provide
$300 monthly for support and $400
                                                                                                                                                    what we anticipate to be the needs
for Branch ministry expenses.                                                                            Guyana: DTB and Director Support-          for all Branches in South America for
                                                                                                         In order to rebuild and resource the       2021!
Colombia                                                                                                 Branch in Guyana we anticipate the
                                                                                                         greatest need to be $800 monthly for
This is our newest Branch in South                                                                       support and office needs.
America even though it has been                                        Dalila Correa has ministered
using Source of Light lessons for over                                 with her husband, Pablo, in
                                                                       Peru for nearly 40 years.         Brazil
15 years. The office is in Bogotá and                                                                                                                                After years of serving as a
                                                                       Though now living in Colorado,
has been printing lessons in-country                                   they travel frequently to Peru,
                                                                                                         SLM has been in Brazil for decades                          church planting missionary,
reaching prisons, rehab centers,                                       especially now as the ministry    and has seen scores of people saved                         Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.
                                                                                                         and discipled, as well as seeing it used                    now serves as the CEO for
schools, and churches. God placed in                                   in Lima is in a process of
                                                                       reorganization.                   in local churches quite extensively.
Gilberto Vanegas a vision to expand
the ministry to the Guajira, an area on                                                                  In recent years, their office too has                       Follow me     @RonBarnesJr
                                                                                                         seen a transition in leadership and a

                                                                                                                         /   @slmin                       27
PRAYER                                                                                       PRAISE
u  Please pray that God will provide           they will find a way to be able to continue   u  We praise the Lord for how He has          associates pass away. They have been a
additional financial resources for printing    to serve their students currently in these    been able to encourage our SLM                great encouragement to their Directors
materials. We have many open doors             situations.                                   personnel through online prayer and           by meeting with them online and over
for distribution, and our international                                                      praise meetings during the pandemic.          the phone ministering to them during
                                               u  S.S., in Source of Light India’s North                                                   times of great loss. We are so thankful
Branches are eager to serve more                                                             From different places around the world,
                                               Zone, is planning to have the children’s                                                    that God had them in place “for such a
people as resources become available.                                                        our International Directors have kept us
                                               Source of Light courses translated                                                          time as this.”
                                                                                             updated on how God is working through
u  Some of our Source of Light mis­            into Hindi. They are looking for just the
                                                                                             their ministries. In many areas the           u  We praise the Lord for his faithful
sionaries are serving in areas that are        right person to do the translation work.
                                                                                             lockdowns were very tight, and these          provision for Source of Light ministries
particularly hostile to the work of Christ.    Please pray that God will lead them to
                                                                                             Directors who are used to traveling           and missionaries during the COVID-19
Recently a pastor was returning from           this person.
                                                                                             extensively to minister to people have        crisis. We have seen several of our
his area of ministry and was killed. He
                                               u  Several of our Branches need vehicles.     felt “cabin fever” at times. But they         international Branches receive the
leaves behind his wife and two children.
                                               During this time of coronavirus, the          have embraced the opportunities to use        donations needed to complete projects
Please pray for his family that God will
                                               need becomes highlighted even more,           media resources that will continue to         during these months.
provide all their needs. Pray, as well, that
                                               because it is so difficult to maintain        enhance their ministries in the future.
his ministry will continue and that many                                                                                                   u  We praise the Lord for our “paper
                                               social distancing when traveling by public
people will come to Christ in the area                                                       u  Most of our Branches have been able        missionaries” that continue to serve
                                               transportation. Many times, the taxis
where he was serving. It is a village of                                                     to bring needed relief to many during         people when we cannot meet with
                                               and buses in the Third World countries,
about 2,400 people.                                                                          the world-wide health crisis. They have       people face to face. In April, when the
                                               where many of our staff serve, are
                                                                                             provided food and hygiene supplies to         lockdowns began, Ron Barnes, Source
u  The orphanage run by our Branch in          poorly maintained and the drivers are
                                                                                             numerous people, while at the same            of Light’s CEO, challenged us to pray for
Togo, West Africa, cares for 18 children.      reckless. Please pray for these servants
                                                                                             time, sharing the Good News of Christ.        people who had lessons laying around
One of the youths is away doing an             of the Lord that God will provide reliable,
                                                                                             One Branch Director became a barber           that they had not finished, that they
apprenticeship in welding. Two more            secure, and comfortable transportation,
                                                                                             for the day and went to an elderly man’s      would pick them up during the lockdown
recently left to do apprenticeships in         and that He will protect them in the
                                                                                             home to cut his hair. He said, “I cannot      and resume their studies. Madison
hair dressing and sewing. That will leave      public transport they rely on until these
                                                                                             cut my own hair,” as he pointed to his        Discipleship School reports that they
16 living in the home. Some of the             needs are met.                                                                              have seen inactive students returning
                                                                                             hair in the online meeting, “but I can help
children have special health challenges        u  Pray that God will comfort the family      others.” One missionary reported going        their lessons. God is answering our
that require regular medication. The           of Ray Hill, an Associate Discipleship        house to house delivering vegetables.         prayers. One prisoner wrote to thank
orphanage provides food, housing,              School Director, who went to be with the      She said, “We have to social distance,        Source of Light for their continued
clothing, schooling, and for the medical       Lord. Ray had a very effective ministry       but we are seeing many people come to         correspondence at a time when they
needs of the young people. They are            working with the homeless, and his            know Christ!”                                 were locked down and could not attend
currently needing additional funding so        Associate Discipleship School serves                                                        the regular prison fellowships.
they can adequately care for the needs                                                       u  Mordecai asked Esther in Esther
                                               many inmates. Please pray that God will                                                     u  We praise the Lord for our lesson
of the children. Please pray that the Lord                                                   4:14, Who knoweth whether thou art
                                               direct and provide for all they need to                                                     graders all over the world who are
will provide the $1,100 monthly to meet                                                      come to the kingdom for such a time
                                               continue the work he left behind.                                                           grading or have graded lessons from
their budget needs.                                                                          as this? We have felt like this about our
                                               u  Our Regional Directors who faithfully      South America Director, Pablo Correa,         their homes during the lockdowns, so
u  The Madison Discipleship School                                                                                                         that our students could continue their
                                               minister to our National Directors see        and his wife, Dalila, who oversee our
(MDS) struggles to meet the restrictions                                                                                                   studies. We are also grateful for our
                                               many needs each day. Pray that God            Spanish-speaking ministries. They were
                                                                                                                                           faithful ministry directors who have
and changes that are being instituted          will give wisdom, words of comfort and        just settling into this new role at Source
                                                                                                                                           shuttled lessons to and from the homes
by some of our prisons concerning              encouragement, and partners who will          of Light when the pandemic hit. It has
                                                                                                                                           of their staff and volunteers.
materials that can be mailed to                assist them in providing the families         been very devastating in their region
prisoners. MDS requests prayer that            they serve with relief in crisis times.       and they have had many close ministry

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