PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace

Page created by Randy Jacobs
PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
Maturity & Multiplication

         2023               1
PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
'And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds
    of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert
    and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.'
    Ephesians 6:18

    'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but
    against the rulers, against the authorities, against the
    powers of this dark world and against the spiritual
    forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'
    Ephesians 6:12

    'The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of
    the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to
    demolish strongholds.'
    2 Corinthians 10:4

    *Roman phalanx
PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
Prayer Shield
Welcome to CLM’s ‘Prayer Shield’ for        The link between the shield of faith
2023. This is a simple prayer guide,        and ‘praying in the Spirit, on all
to be used through the year, uniting        occasions, with all kinds of prayers…
our prayers together and ‘covering’         for all the Lord’s people’ (Eph 6:18)
the ministries, mission and people          seems clear. As we pray in faith for
of CLM as we seek to advance the            others, we lift up interlocking spiritual
vision to ‘bring the Kingdom of God         shields, bringing us protection from
to every life and sphere of society’.       the attacks of the enemy, as well as
                                            releasing God’s blessing over our
As we push forward in a season of
'maturity and multiplication,' the
importance of our praying cannot be         Besides the ‘defensive’ prayers
overstated.                                 of protection, we must also pray
                                            ‘offensively’ as we seek to bring the
The concept of the ‘Prayer Shield’ is
                                            Kingdom of God and take the Good
based on Paul’s teaching on spiritual
                                            News of Jesus Christ into enemy
warfare in Ephesians 6:10-20. Here
                                            territory – praying as Jesus taught
Paul highlights the significance of
                                            His disciples to pray; ‘Your Kingdom
each of us putting on the full armour
                                            come, Your will be done, on earth as
of God, including the need for each
                                            it is in heaven.’
one to 'take up the shield of faith'
with which we ‘can extinguish all the       Thank you for playing your part.
flaming arrows of the evil one’ (Eph.
                                            Martin and Esther
Paul’s picture is of the Roman

‘phalanx’ , with all the soldiers lifting
up their individual shields to ensure a
protection over the whole company.
In a similar way, we are called to lift
up our individual shields of faith –
bringing protection over not just our
lives, but over the whole church.

PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
    The Church Gathered
    Pray for the coming together of God’s people at CLM’s weekend services.

    Worship                                 •   Pray against any tactics of
                                                the enemy that would seek to
    "Yet a time is coming and has now           distract people from entering
    come when the true worshippers              into worship.
    worship the Father in spirit and
    truth, for they are the kind of
                                            •   Pray for anointing on the
                                                worship team and sensitivity to
    worshippers the Father seeks."              the Holy Spirit as they lead.
    (John 4:23)
                                            •   Pray for a multiplication of
    •   Pray that our gatherings would          musicians and technicians as
        be marked by a collective               we prepare for sites beyond
        passion for the Presence of God.        Coventry.
    •   Pray that our hearts will be open   •   Pray for the Lord to clearly direct
        and expectant as worshippers.           the Leadership regarding the
                                                location of new sites.

PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
Word                                     Power, Presence
"I keep asking that the God of our       and Fellowship
Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious
                                         "Stretch out your hand with healing
Father, may give you the Spirit of
                                         power; may miraculous signs and
wisdom and revelation, so that you
                                         wonders be done through the name
may know Him better. I pray also
                                         of your holy servant Jesus.’ After
that the eyes of your heart may be
                                         this prayer, the meeting place shook,
enlightened in order that you may
                                         and they were all filled with the Holy
know the hope to which He has
                                         Spirit. Then they preached the word
called you, the riches of his glorious
                                         of God with boldness."
inheritance in his holy people."
                                         (Acts 4:30–31 NLT)
(Ephesians 1:17-18)
                                         •   Pray for the power and Presence
•   Pray for an anointing on those           of God to be manifest whenever
    who minister, preach and lead            we gather together (both
    at CLM.                                  in-person and online), and for
•   Pray that people’s hearts                the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be
    will be receptive to the Word            at work.
    whenever it is preached and for      •   Pray for a harvest of souls in
    a willingness to respond.                2023 – a marked increase in
•   Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring        salvations in our services.
    revelation and understanding         •   Pray for signs and wonders,
    through the preaching of the             healings and miracles.
                                         •   Pray for those who become
•   Pray against any distractions            Christians; that they would be
    or resistance to what is being           filled with the Holy Spirit and
    preached.                                become integrated into the
•   Pray for all CLM children and            church community.
    youth: that they will experience     •   Pray for those who re-commit
    God’s Presence and know His              their lives to God; that they will
    Word; that they will have their          quickly get connected back into
    own revelation of Jesus Christ           church life.
    and choose to shape their lives
    around His truth and love.
                                         •   Pray for joy and unity as God’s
                                             people come together.

PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
    Health and Protection
    "Dear friend, I pray that you may        •   Pray for those who are unwell
    enjoy good health and that all may           that they will know the Presence
    go well with you, even as your soul is       of Jesus with them in their
    getting along well." (3 John 2)              suffering. Pray that God’s grace

    •   Pray for the overall health and
                                                 will be sufficient for them
                                                 (2 Corinthians 12:9).
        strength of God’s people and
        anyone else you are praying          •   Pray for those who are caring
        for. Declare that every part of          for someone who is mentally or
        their body will function as it was       physically unwell. Ask the Lord
        designed to function and that            to give them strength, grace,
        they will live a long and healthy        patience and faith and for the
        life.                                    Lord to help them to know His

    •   Where there are known health
                                                 Presence sustaining them.

        challenges, command all              •   Pray that our lives will be
        sickness to leave the person.            blessed, having a rhythm of
        Pray for full health and strength        work and rest so that we will
        to return to their body and/or           be full of energy and vitality to
        mind.                                    serve the Lord.

PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
"If you make the Most High your         •   Declare that we are living under
dwelling – even the Lord, who is my         God’s supernatural protection
refuge – then no harm will befall           and that we will enjoy safety
you, no disaster will come near your        and peace.
tent. For he will command his angels
concerning you to guard you in all
                                        •   Pray for protection over CLM,
                                            from any attacks, distractions
your ways;"
                                            and false accusations, that
(Psalm 91:9–11)
                                            the ministry would continue to
"Lead us not into temptation, but           advance with strength for the
deliver us from the evil one"               glory of God.
(Matt. 6:13)

•   Ask God to lead you away from
    temptation and to deliver you
    from evil.

•   Pray for God’s supernatural
    protection over His people – that
    they will be delivered from all
    harm, and that all plans of the
    enemy will come to nothing.

PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
    Bringing the Kingdom
    "Your Kingdom come, your will be        "For we are God's workmanship,
    done, on earth as it is in heaven."     created in Christ Jesus to do good
    (Matthew 6:10)                          works, which God prepared in

    •   Declare that God’s Kingdom will
                                            advance for us to do."
                                            (Ephesians 2:10)
        come and His will be done in our
        lives; over those we are praying    •   Pray that each of us will grasp
        for and over our city and nation.       that we have been created
    •   Pray that, as a church, CLM             with purpose, that we are part
                                                of God’s plan for humanity
        will fulfil the mandate God has
        given us, to bring the Kingdom          and have a unique calling and
        of God into every life and sphere       destiny to fulfil.
        of society.
    •   Pray for our society, the media,
                                            "…righteousness and justice are the
                                            foundation of His throne"
        government and education,
                                            (Psalm 97:2)
        that ungodly ideologies would
        be brought to nothing. Pray for     •   Pray that we would be effective
        God-fearing men and women to            in standing up for righteousness
        be appointed to key positions of        and justice wherever we have
        authority.                              influence, including against
                                                racial discrimination.

PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
"You are the light of the world. A city   •   Pray for members of CLM that
on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither           you know personally, who serve
do people light a lamp and put it             in significant places of impact,
under a bowl. Instead, they put it            influence and connection; and
on its stand, and it gives light to           pray for ‘increased influence’ for
everyone in the house. In the same            all, for the glory of God.
way, let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds
                                          •   Pray that whatever ‘spheres’
                                              we are in personally, we would
and praise your Father in heaven."            be kingdom ambassadors,
(Matthew 5:14–16)                             demonstrating the love and

•   Pray that at CLM we would
                                              goodness of God to all those
                                              around us.
    rise up as the body of Christ,
    influencing every sphere of               Pray for Pastors Martin and
    society; government, business,            Esther as they serve in key
    education, families, media,               positions within the united
    arts and entertainment, health            Church in Coventry and in
    and social care. Pray that we             helping other churches further
    would be the light of the world,          afield.
    demonstrating the goodness
    and the glory of God.

PRAYER SHIELD Maturity & Multiplication - Squarespace
     Spiritual Growth
     "I pray that out of his glorious riches       Track in the coming year,
     he may strengthen you with power              especially those completing the
     through his Spirit in your inner              ‘Rooted’ journey and Freedom
     being, so that Christ may dwell in            in Christ – for growth and
     your hearts through faith. And I              transformation.
     pray that... you may be filled to the
                                               "Therefore, I urge you brothers in
     measure of all the fullness of God."
                                               view of God's mercy, to offer your
     (Ephesians 3:16-19)
                                               bodies as living sacrifices, holy
     •   Pray that each person in CLM,         and pleasing to God – this is your
         from the youngest to the oldest,      spiritual act of worship. Do not
         will have a desire to grow in         conform any longer to the pattern of
         God, to know Him more and to          this world but be transformed by the
         become more like Him.                 renewing of your mind."
     •   Pray that everyone will be            (Romans 12:1-2)
         empowered by the Presence and
         power of the Holy Spirit, being       •   Pray that each person will
                                                   have an open heart before
         rooted in the love of Christ and
                                                   God, confessing their sin
         filled with the fullness of God!
                                                   and choosing to live a life
     •   Pray that every believer in CLM           of obedience, holiness and
         will grow in their identity as sons       intimacy with God.
         and daughters of the Father
         – knowing who they are and            •   Pray that each person will
                                                   become truly free from the pain,
         becoming more and more like
                                                   habits and patterns of thinking
                                                   of their old way of life.
     •   Pray that God would bring us as
                                               •   Pray that each person will have
         a congregation to a greater level
                                                   a (renewed) hunger for the Bible;
         of maturity, becoming more like
                                                   that the Holy Spirit will enable
                                                   them to understand it, use it to
     •   Pray for all those who will               speak to them and empower
         engage with CLM’s Growth                  them to do what it says.
"And without faith it is impossible    •   Pray that as a church will we
to please God, because anyone who          continue to have a passion
comes to him must believe that He          for the Presence of God –
exists and that He rewards those           worshipping and pursuing Him
who earnestly seek Him."                   wholeheartedly.
(Hebrews 11:6)
                                       •   Pray that we will be a people
"And pray in the Spirit on all             who are growing in courageous
occasions with all kinds of prayers        faith, daring to step out beyond
and requests. With this in mind            our comfort zone in obedience
always keep on praying for all the         to God, reaching wider to
saints." (Ephesians 6:18)                  impact individuals and our city.

"They devoted themselves to the        •   Pray that each person at CLM
                                           would be open to share their life
apostles teaching and to the
                                           with others in Christ-centred
fellowship, to the breaking of bread
                                           community, helping one another
and to prayer." (Acts 2:42)
                                           to grow in God; connecting
•   Pray that God would raise up a         with church and Life Groups
    congregation of praying people         consistently.
    at CLM, who will pray for one
    another, for the church and for
                                       •   Pray that as a church we would
                                           grow in spiritual momentum
    the Kingdom of God to come             throughout 2023.
    in Coventry, the UK and the
    nations of the earth.

     Effective Mission
     "Therefore, go and make disciples        "The god of this age has blinded the
     of all nations, baptising them in the    minds of unbelievers, so that they
     name of the Father and of the Son        cannot see the light of the gospel of
     and of the Holy Spirit."                 the glory of Christ, who is the image
     (Matthew 28:19)                          of God." (2 Corinthians 4:4)
     "And they were all filled with the       "The Lord is not slow in keeping
     Holy Spirit and spoke the word of        his promise, as some understand
     God boldly" (Acts 4:31)                  slowness. Instead he is patient

     •   Pray that we would all be bold
                                              with you, not wanting anyone to
                                              perish, but everyone to come to
         in sharing Jesus and in praying
                                              repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)
         with others that they might
         encounter Him for themselves.
                                              •   Pray for the eyes of unbelievers
     •   Pray that our lives will cause           to be opened; that they would
         those we meet to ask questions           see their need of salvation and
         about Jesus and to want to               come to repentance.
         know Him.
                                              •   Pray for CLM ventures in 2023,
     •   Pray for a ‘season of salvation’         where we are reaching out with
         and a ‘harvest of souls’ coming          the Gospel, including:
         to Christ in 2023.
                                                  •   Personal connections and
     •   Pray that God would lead us into             conversations.
         great impact – reaching the
         ‘nations’ in our midst locally and
                                                  •   Guest Services and Alpha.

         also reaching overseas.                  •   CLM Schools Work.

                                                  •   The Go! Weekend in June

                                              •   Pray into a season of
                                                  multiplication at CLM – that the
                                                  Lord would help us and lead us
                                                  to reach people in other towns
                                                  and cities for Christ.
"For I was hungry and you gave me        •   Reaching out and praying
something to eat, I was thirsty and          for the sick on the streets of
you gave me something to drink, I            Coventry.
was a stranger and you invited me
in, I needed clothes and you clothed
                                         •   Befriending those in social
me, I was sick and you looked after
me, I was in prison and you came to      •   Rescuing and restoring
visit me." (Matthew 25:35-36)                those trapped in modern-

•   Pray that we will be passionately
                                             day slavery.

    engaged in meeting the               •   Serving refugees and
    physical and spiritual needs of          asylum seekers in Coventry.
    those living in our city; that the
    Holy Spirit would empower us
                                         •   Reaching young people
                                             in schools, speaking into
    to be caring, loving, generous,          mental health.
    authentic and relevant.

•   Pray for CLM’s Prison Work to
    have a great impact.

•   Pray that we would reach
    hundreds of people through our
    role as a Foodbank Centre.

•   Pray for our work to be effective
    as we join with our Missions
    Partners in:

    •   Helping those recovering
        from debt.

    •   Providing food and clothing
        for those in need.

     "But seek first his kingdom and his           they will thrive and succeed.
     righteousness and all these things            Pray for creative ideas, wise
     will be given to you as well."                strategies and the ability to
     (Matthew 6:33)                                make wealth for the Kingdom.
     "And my God will meet all your            •   Pray by name for anyone you
     needs according to the riches of his          know who is looking for work at
     glory in Christ Jesus."                       this time, that God would open
     (Philippians 4:19)                            up a new door of employment or

     •   Pray that we would put our full
                                                   another source of income.
         trust in God as our Provider; not     "Now he who supplies seed to the
         fearing what the future may           sower and bread for food will also
         hold, but knowing that He will        supply and increase your store of
         richly supply all our needs.          seed and will enlarge the harvest

     •   Pray that God’s people would
                                               of your righteousness. You will be
                                               made rich in every way so that you
         be consistent in honouring God
                                               can be generous on every occasion,
         with what they have, so that
                                               and through us your generosity will
         tithes and offerings are regular
                                               result in thanksgiving to God. This
         and growing, facilitating the
                                               service that you perform is not only
         ministries and mission of the
                                               supplying the needs of God's people
                                               but is also overflowing in many
     •   As we honour God with our             expressions of thanks to God."
         finances, pray that He will open      (2 Corinthians 9:10–12)
         up the floodgates of Heaven
         over us. Pray that we will know       •   Declare that we will be a
                                                   generous people, ready and
         His protection over our finances
                                                   willing to sow joyfully into
         and God’s people would flourish
                                                   the lives of others. Pray for
         and prosper even in a ‘cost of
                                                   abundance (more than enough)
         living crisis’. (See Malachi 3:10).
                                                   to achieve all that God has
     •   Speak protection and God’s                for us to do individually and
         favour and blessing over jobs             together.
         and businesses; declare that
•   Declare that we will be a people     •   Pray for diligence and wisdom
    with courageous faith who will           for CLM’s finance team,
    step out and trust God in the            leadership, and board of
    area of finance. Pray that we will       directors, as they steward what
    have many testimonies of God’s           is given at CLM.
    miraculous provision as we do

•   Pray for all who are redeeming
    Vision Offering pledges: that
    God will provide ‘seed for the
    sower and bread for food’ for
    all those who have pledged
    with faith from the youngest to
    the oldest – so that all will be
    able to redeem what they have

     "Let us not give up meeting together    "I urge you to live a life worthy of
     as some are in the habit of doing,      the calling you have received. Be
     but let us encourage one another –      completely humble and gentle; be
     and all the more as we see the Day      patient, bearing with one another in
     approaching." (Hebrews 10:25)           love. Make every effort to keep the

     •   Pray for the consistency of God’s
                                             unity of the Spirit through the bond
                                             of peace." (Ephesians 4:1-3)
         people to meet and ‘be’ together
         on Sundays and at other times       •   Pray for God’s blessing and
         (both in-person and online).            protection over our relationships

     •   Pray that CLM Life Groups
                                                 within the church.
         (along with Student Connect,        •   Pray that the unity of the Spirit
         Youth, Synergy and all other            will be maintained and that
         ‘groups’) will enjoy powerful and       we would be protected from
         transformational Christ-centred         anything that would seek to
         community where people                  bring division within the church.
         can belong and grow in God
                                             •   Pray that we would treat each
                                                 other with gentleness, humility,
     •   Pray that all those who call CLM        patience and love.
         ‘home’ would join a Life Group
         and be connected to others in
                                             •   Pray for godly friendships to
                                                 flourish and that we would spur
         Christ-centred community. Pray
                                                 one another on to grow in our
         that those who are lonely would
         find a place to belong in God’s
         family.                             •   Pray that in love, we would grow

     •   Pray for CLM’s Life Group and
                                                 in understanding of one another
                                                 - especially as a diverse church
         Cluster leaders that they would
                                                 with different backgrounds,
         know God’s grace, strength and
                                                 cultures and generations. Pray
         protection as they lead and
                                                 that we will grow as a church
         oversee groups each week.
                                                 of all nations, being able to
                                                 celebrate, champion and

support one another as brothers      •   Speak over marriages at
    and sisters in Christ, with              CLM that what God has
    generosity and grace.                    joined together man shall not

•   Pray that God’s people will be
    quick to forgive one another and     •   Pray for sexual purity in our
    resolve conflict where it exists.        relationships; for faithfulness
                                             within marriages and for those
"Let marriage be held in honour
                                             not married, that they would
(esteemed worthy, precious, of
                                             have strength, grace, and
great price, and especially dear)
                                             wisdom to live with purity.
in all things. And thus let the
marriage bed be undefiled (kept un-      •   Pray for families; including for
dishonoured)" (Hebrews 13:4 AMPC)            healthy relationships between

•   Pray that marriages in CLM will
                                             parents and children. Pray that
                                             children and young people will
    thrive and be long-lasting: that
                                             grow up knowing that they
    they would be blessed and be a
                                             are loved. Pray for wisdom
    source of blessing to others. Pray
                                             for parents as they raise their
    for any marriages that are in
                                             children and young people –
    difficulty, for love and peace to
                                             that their lives and relationships
    be restored.
                                             will encourage their children to
                                             love and serve Jesus.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more
    than all we ask or imagine, according to his power
    that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church
    and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for
    ever and ever! Amen."
    Ephesians 3:20-21

We would like to thank Kingsgate Community Church, Peterborough, for their
help and inspiration in shaping CLM's Prayer Shield.

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