April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church

Page created by Ron Ramsey
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
April 24, 2022
Mother of Perpetual Help Church
       Maryville, Illinois
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
Divine Mercy Sunday                                                                                                       April 24, 2022

                                                                  Parish Life

                                                                             Join us for a Field Day FUNdraiser! Saturday, May 14 from
                                                                             11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Mother of Perpetual Help Catholic
                                                                             The MAIN EVENT: Wiffle Ball Home-Run Derby! Father Rob
                                                                             is pitching - how many home-runs will YOU hit? Each batter
                                                                             will be timed to hit as many home-runs as they can. Winners
                                                                             will earn PRIZES!
                                                                             $5 donation for each at-bat. Pledge a monthly donation to
                                                                             extend your time at-bat.
                                                                             Sign-up for the derby ahead of time to secure your spot!
                                                                             Email Robin at roblack@siue.edu to get your name on the
                                                                             list! Sign-ups will be available at the event as well.
                       Sunday Divine Mercy                                   Sponsorships are available. Sponsor our event or sponsor a
 Acts 5:12-16. Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24. Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-   batter! Email Robin, our director of campus ministry, for
                           19. John 20:19-31.                                more information: roblack@siue.edu.
 Standing in Our Midst. Sometimes we just want
 proof. The words and witness of others is not always                        Other yard games like cornhole, Spikeball, washers, and
 enough. Even when we do not ask for Jesus to come, he                       kickball will be available for your enjoyment. Pete's Pops
 comes to us, just as he did to the disciples in the upper                   popsicle cart will be joining us!
 room. He is with us still, with us now, extending mercy and                 Come mingle with our students and learn more about our
 peace.                                                                      campus ministry community! Our event is family friendly
 • What signs do I see of Christ being present, being with                   and we can't wait to have some fun with you!
     us being with me?
 • How can I extend Christ’s Easter greeting of peace to                                                Called to Serve? Become
     others?                                                                                                 an Altar Server!
 • How will I be an ambassador of mercy? What work will
     I do this week?                                                                                     Mother of Perpetual Help Parish is
                                                                                                         inviting the young men and
                                                                                                         women in 3rd grade and above
                                                                                                         who have received their First
                                                                                                         Communion to become altar
                                                                                                         servers and assist in the
                                                                                                         celebration of the Mass and other
                                                                             liturgical events in the parish. For St. John Neumann
                                                                             students, this is a wonderful way to fulfill your “help the
                                                                             parish” requirement for tuition subsidy. Please complete the
                                                                             registration form found in the pamphlet rack in the main
                                                                             vestibule of the church. Put your completed registration
                                                                             form in the collection basket or mail/bring it to the Parish
View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
Divine Mercy Sunday                                                                                               April 24, 2022

                                                       Parish Life
                                                                                              Knights of Columbus
                                                                                         The MPH Knights of Columbus
                                                                                         would like to thank all MPH
                                                                                         members who joined us, either as a
                                                                                         worker or for a fish dinner, during
                       Thank You                                                         our Lenten Fish Frys. Thanks to you,
                                                                                         we served over 2,500 fish dinners, for
Thank you to everyone who took part in the 40 Days for Life
                                                                                         a very successful Lenten Fish Fry
2022 Spring Campaign. Whether you prayed at home, at
                                                                 season. Special thanks go out to Joe and Diane Semanisin for
Church or on the sidewalk at the abortion clinic, your
                                                                 making a wonderful coleslaw for every fish fry, and Bill and
participation is greatly appreciated.
                                                                 Maureen Schreiber for making well over 5,000 tasty
On Thursday, March 31st, we had 26 prayer warriors at the        homemade hush puppies! We look forward to an even more
abortion clinic praying throughout the day for the lives of      successful season next year. Thanks again!
the unborn. God used our prayers and sacrifices to change
the heart of a mother in distress and saved the life of her
baby that day. Let us keep praying this mother will continue
to receive the spiritual and physical help she needs to have a                      Children’s Liturgy
safe delivery and give birth to a healthy baby whether she       We are looking for some volunteers to help with our
raises the child herself or gives the baby up for adoption.      children's liturgy during the 10:30 AM Mass. If you are
I would also like to thank Father Rob for allowing us to say     interested or would like to know more about this, please call
the Family Prayer before each Mass. I am grateful as well to     Amanda at 618-344-6464.
Denise Guetterman and our cantors for agreeing to lead us
in the prayer. With our family values being undermined in
our country and after witnessing families in Ukraine being
separated or suffering the loss of loved ones it’s important                      Grant eternal rest, Lord,
to give God thanks for our families and the love that binds                    to the soul of Barbara Marini
So for this year, our parish family has taken a more active
role in putting an end to abortion. In January, many adults
and students participated in the 2022 Springfield March for
Life and now we have participated in our sixth 40 Days for
Life campaign. Although the demand for abortion is ever
present, especially in our state, I commend you for
remaining constant in your perseverance and unwavering
support of the pro-life movement. May God continue to
give us the courage to stand up for the dignity of human life
and may the Holy Spirit guide our Supreme Court Justices
to overturn Roe vs Wade.
Diane Hartman
MPH for Life                                                                      Grant eternal rest, Lord,
                                                                                to the soul of Irene Schuetz

                                                                                          View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
Divine Mercy Sunday                                                                                                        April 24, 2022

                                                            Let us pray ...
               Pray for the Sick                                                                    Please pray for the following
                                                                                                    men and women who are
   Amory Fuehner             Evelyn Mueller                                                         serving in our armed forces.
       Jo Harris             David Hoffmann
                                                                                                             Jasper Bartony, USMC
    Don Nicoloff               John Frerker
                                                                                                             SSgt. Ian Basile, USMC
      Tom Carril                Keith Owen
                                                                                                          Steven Blair, Jr., U. S. Navy
     Jimmy Hoef               Craig Gillespey
                                                                                                        Dominic Catanzaro, U. S. Army
  Pat Niedringhaus            June Gillespey
                                                                                                       A1C Brittany Ford, U. S. Air Force
          Max                 Melba Wobbe
                                                                                                        Sgt. Summer Foster, U. S. Army
   Mike Pellegrin            Bob Warhoover
                                                                                                      SSgt. Eric Hartman, U. S. Air Force
       Margaret                 Dan Laslie
                                                                                                       A1C Landon Hiebert, U. S. Air Force
       Pellegrin                Amy Foust           Pray for our Diocesan Priests                             Ryan Hislop, USMC
    Betty Madden             Denise Klepper                                                                  Casey Hopper, USMC
   Sharrie LaCroix              Dick Butler         Please join in praying for the priests who
                                                    serve our diocese. There is a priest                 Kevin Hunsinger, U. S. Navy
   Alva Barbarotto                 Dean                                                                     Dominic Jakich, USMC
                                                    assigned to each day with the year of his
      Toby Cain               Zabtzenheiser                                                               Randy Johnson, U. S. Army
                                                    ordination in parentheses. We priests rely
    Laura Krumm                  Mary Ann           on your prayers and encouragement;                     Sr. Airman Daniel Jones,
     Ava Cromer                  Corradini          thank you for your faithfulness!                            U. S. Air Force
        BJ DeMage              Josh Reiniger                                                            Mark Kimball, U. S. Air Force
                                                             Sunday, April 24th                          Angus McCallum, U. S. Navy
                                                          Rev. Larry Brunette (1999)                    Joseph McCallum, U. S. Navy
 If you would like someone who is sick                                                                CPT Todd Mersinger, U. S. Army
 included in our prayer list or if your                                                                     Chris Nagel, U. S. Navy
                                                             Monday, April 25th
 family member or friend may be taken                                                                  Robert Rutledge, U. S. Air Force
                                                        Very Rev. Peter Harman (1999)
 off the above list, please call the                                                                     Lee Thomas, U. S. Air Force
 Parish Office. Names will be left on                                                                       Daniel Toth, U. S. Navy
                                                             Tuesday, April 26th
 the list for one month, unless we                                                                      Ashton Van Dyke, U. S. Army
                                                          Rev. William Kessler (1999)
 receive a call to leave the name on.                                                                      John Woycke, U. S. Navy
 All requests should be called in to the                                                            Christopher Youngman, U.S. Air Force
                                                           Wednesday, April 27th
 parish office at 344-6464 or emailed to                                                              Captain Matt Conner, U.S. Army
                                                          Rev. Manuel Cuizon (2001)
 secretary@mph.dio.org.                                                                                  Thomas Kraudel, U.S. Army
                                                           Thursday, April 28th
                                                          Msgr. David Hoefler (2002)                “Lord, hold our troops in your loving
                                                                                                    hands. Protect them as they protect
                                                             Friday, April 29th                     us. Bless them and their families for
                                                     Very Rev. Christopher House (2002)             the selfless acts they perform for us in
                                                                                                    our time of need. I ask this in the
                                                            Saturday, April 30th                    name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.
                                                    Rev. Bernard Thomas Donovan (2005)              Amen.”

               THE SPONSOR OF THE WEEK

                        Mother of
                      Perpetual Help                                                             Military Prayer List
                                                                           Please help us keep the above listing of military personnel up
                     Men's Booster Club                                                              to date! If your family member is
                                                                                                     currently on the list but is no
                      Meeting 1st Tuesday                                                            longer in the service, please
                      monthly @ 7:00 pm                                                              contact the parish office at 344-
                                                                                                     6464 or secretary@mph.dio.org
  This bulletin is an integral part of our parish. It comes to                                       and let us know. As always, you
  us cost free because of those generous people who                                                  may also contact us if you would
  advertise on the business page on the back. A big thanks                                           like to have a family member’s
  to the Men’s Booster Club for supporting our bulletin!                                             name added to this prayer list.

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
Divine Mercy Sunday                                                                                           April 24, 2022

                                                    Liturgical Life
                This Week in Our Parish                                           Mass Intentions
    Monday, April 25th
    8:30-3:30    Personal Prayer (Church)                      Saturday, April 23rd - Vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday
                                                                 4:00 PM    †Rose Marie Vesper
    7:00 PM      Knights of Columbus (Center)                               †Helen O’Rourke
    Tuesday, April 26th
                                                               Sunday, April 24th—Sunday of Divine Mercy
    8:30-6:00    Personal Prayer (Church)
                                                                 8:00 AM     Parish Family
    5:00 PM      Holy Hour and Communion Service
                                                                10:30 AM     †Beverly Busch
                                                                             †Donald & Jennifer Turpin
    6:00 PM      No Mass
    6:45 PM      SIUe (Center)                                 Saturday, April 30th - Vigil of Third Sunday of Easter
    Wednesday, April 27th                                        4:00 PM    Ted & Jennifer Hester
    Church and Adoration Chapel Closed all day                 Sunday, May 1st - Third Sunday of Easter
    8:00 AM    No Mass                                           8:00 AM    †Cynthia Yobby
    9:00 AM    Quilters (Center)                                            †Haig Ohanian
    Thursday, April 28th                                        10:30 AM    Parish Family
    8:00 AM      No Mass
    8:30-3:30    Personal Prayer (Church)
    6:30 PM      Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church)
    Friday, April 29th
    8:00 AM      No Mass                                       Collection Counters                Heavenly Dusters
    Saturday, April 30th                                                May 1
                                                                                                       April 24-30
    3:00-3:45    Confessions (Church)                               Bill Schreiber                  Team 5 Patty Bruns
    4:00 PM      Mass (Church)                                     Gloria Fuhrhop
                                                                     Paul Clover                        May 1-7
    Sunday, May 1st                                                  Bob Fulton                  Team 6 Angela Johnston
    8:00 AM      Mass (Church)
    10:30 AM     Mass (Church)
    11:30 AM     Meet and Greet Hospitality Sunday
                                                                                Liturgical Ministries
                                                               4:00 PM - Saturday, April 30th
                                                                 Lector Lorraine Travers
                Parish Facebook Page                           Ministers Deacon Adam; Pete Palumbo; Denise Bone
   Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page for              Ushers Larry Denton; Larry Powell; George Lacey;
   up-to-date information on everything going on in the                  Stephen Rendleman
   parish. Just search for “Mother of Perpetual Help            Servers Mark Munie; Amanda Munie
   Catholic Church”.                                             Music Denise Guetterman; Lydia Fulton
                                                               8:00 AM - Sunday, May 1st
                                                                 Lector Tom McGranahan
       Divine Mercy Prayer: SS Peter and Paul in               Ministers Deacon Adam; Bill Cefaratti; Jeanette Cefaratti
       Collinsville will have Quiet Adoration from              Ushers Kevin Kingsbury; Sheldon Carlson; John Deluca;
       12:30-1:00 PM followed by Adoration Prayers                       Dwayne Kelly
       and Divine Mercy on the 1st and 3rd Wednes-              Servers Lillian Thimsen; Charlie Hentz
       day of every month from 1:00-1:30 PM. All are             Music Denise Guetterman; Sharon Ax
       welcome. Contact Eileen Welle at 618-540-8773           10:30 AM - Sunday, May 1st
       for further details.                                      Lector Mary Ann Gensert
                                                               Ministers Deacon Adam; Abby Durst; Maria Juarez
                                                               Ushers Adam Samoska; Calvin Adams; Denis Heinle;
                Homebound Ministry                                       Andrew Heinle
If you know of a parish member that is homebound and in         Servers Madison, Garrett and Ava Harbison
need of help or Communion or if you would like to                Music Denise Guetterman; Adult Choir
volunteer, please contact the parish office at 618-344-6464.
                                                                                      View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
Divine Mercy Sunday                                                                                                                     April 24, 2022

                                      Stewardship                                                                   Community News
                                                                                                          Collinsville Faith in Action: Free Spring
                Your Stewardship Gifts to Your Parish                                                     Yard Clean-Up for residents 60 and up and
                                 July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022                                            adults with disabilities. Please call 618-344-
                                                                                                          8080 to register.
  Weekly Budget………………………………………………………………………….. $10,975.00                                                  To join Circle of Friends or Elder Connection
  Collection (Apr 9/10)......................................................................$12,612.00   to build or rebuild strong social connections,
  Gain for week...…………...………....…...……………...…........................$1,637.00
                                                                                                          please call 618-344-8080. Free transportation
  Year-to-Date Budget…………………………………………………..….………..$439,000.00                                              is available.
  Year-to-Date Collected**..…………………………………………………...….$487,512.00                                           FIA is looking for volunteers! Call 618-344-
  Gain for year to date…………………...………………………..…………....…..$ 48,512.00                                        8080 or visit fiacollinsville.org.

  Sunday Collection*……..………….…………..…………....……...…..............$12,612.00                                 St. Boniface Church: Sunday, April 24th
  School Support……………………………………………….……….……....…........…… $60.00                                           Adoration and Confession 2:30-3:45 PM,
  Haiti…………………………………………………………..……...……..………..……...….$132.00                                               Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 PM, Mass at
  Building Fund…..………………………..………………………..…………….....…….….$810.00
  Catholic Relief Services…………………………………………………….……………….$10.00                                              4:15 PM.
  Easter Flower Offering…………………………………………………………………….$150.00
                                                                                                          Ladies Auxiliary of the Collinsville
  Easter Offering…………………………………………………………………………………$135.00
  Holy Land Good Friday…………………………………………………………………….$250.00                                                 Knights: Spring Brunch and Fashion Show
  Home Missions…………………………………………………………………..…….……….$30.00                                                   at Ss. Peter and Paul Fellowship Hall.
  Rice Bowl……………………………………………………………………………..……………$56.04                                                     Saturday, May 7th at 10:00 AM. The cost is
  Seminarians………………………………………………………………………….…………$221.00                                                     $20. For information and reservations
  *included in collection total for week                                                                  contact Anita at 618-972-7559 or
                                    Thank you for your gift!
                                                                                                          National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows
                                                                                                          Visitor Center:– IN PERSON Lazarus Come
                                                                                                          Forth: Our Path to a Better Future Couples
                                                                                                          Retreat Presenters: Fr. Mark Dean, OMI, Fr.
                                                                                                          Sal Gonzalez, OMI, Karen & Scott Seaborn
                                                                                                          April 29 – May 1, 5:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Come
                                                                                                          join us as a couple, to ponder, through the
                Your Stewardship Gifts to Your Parish                                                     lens of the story of Lazarus, how Jesus once
                                July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022                                             again steps into our world of loss and death
                                                                                                          and calls us to new life, while also entrusting
  Information was not available for the weekend of April 17th. Please see                                 us the continued task of unbinding and
                        next weekend’s bulletin.                                                          setting free…tasks which will lead us to a
                                                                                                          better future. Cost: $350 per couple (includes
                                                                                                          lodging and meals). Register at snows.org/
                                                                                                          programs, or call 618-394-6281.

                               February Parish Tithe                                                      Marriage Encounter: Worldwide Marriage
                                                                                                          Encounter is excited to announce the our
 February Income……………………………………………..……………..…..……. $60,075.00                                               summer and fall schedule. August 5 through
 Monthly Tithe to the Diocese…………………………………………..……..…. .$6,075.00                                          7 and September 30 through October 2 at the
                                                                                                          Courtyard Marriott, St. Peters, MO.
                                                                                                          Covenant Network: Easter is much more
                                                                                                          than a single day in the calendar year. As we
                                   New Parishioners                                                       remember and celebrate Christ’s triumph,
        Welcome to MPH Parish! Please register as soon as possible                                        tune into Covenant Network Catholic radio
        by calling or stopping at the parish office during office                                         for information and inspiration throughout
        hours. If your contact information changes or if you move                                         this holy season. On the radio at 1080 AM &
        from the parish, a call to the office (618-344-6464) would be                                     92.7 FM. Also on the Covenant Network
                                                                                                          mobile app or at OurCatholicRadio.org.
View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
Sun                       Mon
                                                                                           May 2022          Tue                       Wed                        Thu                      Fri                Sat

                                                    1                         2 St. Athanasius       3 St. Phillip & James       4                         5                        6                  7
                                                    8A Mass (CH)              8:30-3:30 Personal     8:30-6 Personal Prayer      8A Mass (CH)              8A Mass (CH)             7:30A-2P SJN 3rd   3-3:45 Confessions
                                                    10:30A Mass (CH)          Prayer (CH)            (CH)                        8:30-3:30 Personal        8:30-3:30 Personal       Grade (C)          (CH)
                                                    11:30A Hospitality Meet   7P Altar Society (C)   5P Holy Hour (Ch)           Prayer (CH)               Prayer (CH)              8A Mass (CH)       4P Mass (CH)
                                                                                                     5-5:45 Confessions (CH)
                                                    & Greet (C)                                                                  9A Quilters (C)           6:30P Adult Choir (CH)
                                                                                                     6P Mass (CH)
                                                                                                     6:45P SIUE Newman (C)

                                                    8 Mother’s Day            9                      10                          11                        12                       13                 14 St. Matthias
                                                    8A Mass (CH)              8:30-3:30 Personal     8:30-6 Personal Prayer      8A Mass (CH)              8A Mass (CH)             8A Mass (CH)       3-3:45 Confessions
                                                    10:30A Mass (CH)          Prayer (CH)            (CH)                        8:30-3:30 Personal        8:30-3:30 Personal                          (CH)
                                                                              7P KC (C)              5P Holy Hour (Ch)           Prayer (CH)               Prayer (CH)                                 4P Mass (CH)
                                                                                                     5-5:45 Confessions (CH)
                                                                                                                                 6P Pastoral Council (C)   6:30P Adult Choir (CH)                      SIUe Cougar Catholic
                                                                                                     6P Mass (CH)
                                                                                                     6:45P Finance Council (O)   9A Quilters (C)                                                       Fundraiser
                                                                                                     7P Booster Club (C)
                                                    15                        16                     17 No Mass                  18 No Mass                19 No Mass               20 No Mass         21
                                                    8A Mass (CH)              8:30-3:30 Personal     8:30-3:30 Personal Prayer   8:30-3:30 Personal        8:30-3:30 Personal                          3-3:45 Confessions
                                                    10:30A Mass (CH)          Prayer (CH)            (CH)                        Prayer (CH)               Prayer (CH)                                 (CH)
                                                                                                     No Holy Hour or Confes-     9A Quilters (C)           6:30P Adult Choir (CH)                      4P Mass (CH)

                                                    22                        23                     24 No Mass                  25                        26 The Ascension of      27                 28
                                                    8A Mass (CH)              8:30-3:30 Personal     8:30-6 Personal Prayer      8A Mass (CH)              the Lord                 8A Mass (CH)       3-3:45 Confessions
                                                    10:30A Mass (CH)          Prayer (CH)            (CH)                        8:30-3:30 Personal        8A Mass (CH)                                (CH)
                                                                              7P KC (C)              5P Holy Hour (Ch)           Prayer (CH)               8:30-3:30 Personal                          4P Mass (CH)
                                                                                                     5-5:45 Confessions (CH)
                                                                                                                                 9A Quilters (C)           Prayer (CH)
                                                                                                                                                           6:30P Adult Choir (CH)

                                                    29                        30                     31
                                                    8A Mass (CH)              8:30-3:30 Personal     8:30-6 Personal Prayer
                                                    10:30A Mass (CH)          Prayer (CH)            (CH)
                                                                                                     5P Holy Hour (Ch)
                                                                                                     5-5:45 Confessions (CH)
                                                                                                     6P Mass (CH)

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
View Our Parish Supporters at www.DiscoverMass.com

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                                                                                                                                                                                            Bethlyn Cluphf
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         Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000
and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government
                                                                                                                                                                Semanisin Family
   National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency

                                                                                                                                                                 Mother of
                                                                                                                                                               Perpetual Help
                                                                                                                                                               Men's Booster Club

                                                                                                                                                               Meeting 1st Tuesday
                                                                                                                                                               monthly @ 7:00 pm

                                                                                    License# 058-156522

              For Ad Information Call:

                                                                          1 Cor 13:4-8
April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church April 24, 2022 Maryville, Illinois - Mother of Perpetual Help Church
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