Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney

Page created by Francisco Solis
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
Prayer Diary
January – June 2022
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
1 | President's Letter                                                                                                                     President's Letter | 2

  President's Letter
  As we move into a new year full of promise I am reminded            We have, as an organisation, worked hard to adapt and
  of expectations and patience, of that longing we all have for       change as required and we have seen God at work, constant
  things to go well, for each of us to be content and able to serve   and faithful. We have seen Him bless the ministry of Gemma
  God right where he has placed us now.                               at Jamberoo and Rhiannon at Airds as our Parish Partnership
                                                                      Workers. Our Seminars, Families Equip courses and parenting
  Paul describes a heart liberated by grace as, among other           sessions and online presence enables us to reach families right
  things, patient (Gal 5:22). Patience means trusting in the          where they are. He has sustained and built up relationships
  sovereign care of God. It means waiting on the Lord’s timing,       amongst members when we were apart and comforted us
  trusting that His plans are better than ours. If there is one       through the kind words and actions of His people when we
  thing we have all had to learn these past two years it is that      were sad, anxious or fed-up.
  sometimes our plan just doesn’t happen and the truth of Paul’s
  words in Galatians is clear from our recent experience.             I am ever grateful for your support as we serve and pray, as
                                                                      we seek to make decisions in support of marriage and families
                                                                      under God. May we enjoy and be encouraged as we pray, for
                                                                      it is such a privilege.


                                                                      Photo Credit
                                                             — Sixteen Miles Out (cover), Tony Eight Media (p1), Loren Joseph (p22), National
                                                                      Cancer Institute (p35), Jonathan Borba (p37), Dragon Pan (p52), Priscilla Du Preez (p65), Guille
                                                                      Pozzi (p67), Gabriele Stravinskaite (p82), Orlando Allo (p97), Priscilla Du Preez (p98)
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
3 | How to Use This Diary                                                                            How to Use This Diary | 4

                                                               Daily Noon Prayers
                                                                            Core Prayers — Mothers Union Prayer
  How to Use This Diary                                             1
                                                                            Start (or end) each time of intercession with the
                                                                            Mothers Union Prayer, setting our hearts and
                                                                            minds on God and His work before focusing
                                                                            on individual needs. (The Marriage & Life, and
  Mothers Union Sydney is a ministry that is Christ-centred                 Mission prayers may also be added) pp5–7
  and prayer-based. Partner with us as we bring before the
  Lord the needs of the Mothers Union community both locally
  and globally.                                                             Core Prayers — Midday Prayers
                                                                    2       Pray a form of Midday Prayers. pp5–6 During
                                                                            these, refer to the two sections below.

                                                               Prayer Points by Date          Wave of Prayer
                                                               Pray for specific needs of     The Wave of Prayer was started
                                                               members and branches           after the first World War and
                                                               connected with our Sydney      continues today. Each Mothers
                                                               Diocese. Jan p9, Feb p24,      Union diocese is prayed for
                                                               Mar p39, Apr p54, May p69,     over a three-day period every
                                                               June p84                       year. Jan p21, Feb p36, Mar p51,
                                                                                              Apr p66, May p81, June p96

  "Do not be anxious about anything, but                       Prayer Points for the Next Prayer Diary
  in everything by prayer and supplication                     Prayer Points for July – December 2022

  with thanksgiving let your requests be                       Submit by: 15th April 2022

  made known to God."                                          Email:
                                                               (Please put your branch in the subject line, and put the date
  Philippians 4:6                                              of your branch meeting beside each prayer point.)
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
5 | Core Prayers                                                                                                         Core Prayers | 6

                                                                        Blessed Saviour, at this hour you hung upon the cross,
                                                                        stretching out your loving arms. Grant that all the peoples

  Core Prayers                                                          of the earth may look to you and be saved; for your tender
                                                                        mercies’ sake. Amen

                                                                        O Saviour of the world, by your cross and precious blood You
  Mothers Union Prayer                                                  have redeemed us; save us and help us we beseech you O
  Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who gave marriage to be a          Lord. Amen
  source of blessing, we thank you for family life, with all its joys
  and sorrows. May we know your presence and peace in our               Midday Prayers — Form 2
  homes. Fill them with your love and use them to your glory.           Jesus, Lord of life, by the power of your word and through the
  Bless all who are married and every parent and child. Pour            actions of love, call us to be your disciples.
  out upon us your Holy Spirit that we may truly love and serve
  you. Bless the members of the Mothers Union throughout                Give us strength to be different, to stand up for justice and
  the world, unite us in prayer and worship, in love and service        peace and be signs of your reconciling love for all.
  that, strengthened by your grace, we may seek to do your will
  through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen                                   God of grace, enable your servants to carry out your mission
                                                                        on earth through the work of Mothers Union worldwide. Today
  Midday Prayers — Form 1                                               we pray for the people and work of [refer to Prayer Points by
  We beseech you, O Lord, pour your grace into our hearts; that         Date and Wave of Prayer: January p21, February p36, March
  as we have known the incarnation of your Son, Jesus Christ,           p51, April p66, May p81, June p96].
  by the message of an angel, so by his cross and passion we
  may be brought to the glory of his resurrection: through Jesus        We pray for all members. May you be with them in every
  Christ our Lord. Amen                                                 part of their lives, encouraging and leading them, sheltering
                                                                        and strengthening them so they may work to your praise and
  O God, our heavenly Father, we ask you to bless the work of           glory. Amen
  the Mothers Union throughout the world, and especially for
  each diocese for which we pray today [refer to Prayer Points          Faithful and loving God, who called Mary Sumner to work for
  by Date and Wave of Prayer: January p21, February p36, March          the renewal of family life; inspire us to follow her example and
  p51, April p66, May p81, June p96].                                   respond to your call to new adventures, new possibilities and
                                                                        new visions for the work of Mothers Union around the world.
  Bless our members in their lives and in their homes that they,        May we always see the world through the eyes of Christ, speak
  being strengthened in love to you and to each other, may serve        to those we meet with the words of Christ, and take with us on
  you faithfully, to your glory: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen    our journey the peace of Christ. Amen
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
7 | Core Prayers                                                                  Core Prayers | 8

  Mothers Union Prayer (alternative version)
  Loving Lord, we thank you for your love so freely given to us
  all. We pray for families around the world. Bless the work of
  the Mothers Union as we seek to share your love through the
  encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and
  family life. Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in
  prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your
  hands across the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen

  A Prayer for Marriage and Family Life
  Heavenly Father, we thank you that you ordained marriage and
  family life, modelled on the relationship of Christ and his Church.
  We grieve as we see marriage devalued in the life of our nation.
  Please draw our people back to yourself and your word.

  Grant that young people will be prepared to live in purity and
  that they will commit themselves to one another through
  public promises.

  Grant that they will show each other the love which endures.

  Grant that parents will nurture their children in all godliness and
  that children will honour parents. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon
  husbands, wives and children so that they know love and security.

  Grant that we, and our whole community, will strengthen and
  support marriage and family life, to the good of our people and
  the glory of your name: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  A Prayer for Mission 2022
  Our Heavenly Father, fill our lives with the fruit of your Spirit
  so that we may walk in joyful obedience, share your love by
  word and deed, and see Christ honoured in every community
  as Lord and Saviour. Amen
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
9 | January: By Date                                                                                            January: By Date | 10

                                                                    Tuesday 4 January 2022
                                                                    St John’s, Keiraville — We give thanks to God for the new year

  Prayer Points By Date                                             and new beginnings — the building of our new church hall is
                                                                    well underway. As we prepare for our new rector and his family
                                                                    to arrive, our expanded ministry team prepare new initiatives
                                                                    for connection and outreach. May our Lord and Saviour show
  Saturday 1 January 2022                                           our Mothers Union members how to play their part in serving
  NEW YEARS’ DAY — We give thanks that you have brought us          Him in this new year.
  to this new year Heavenly Father. Grant us opportunities as
  Mothers Union Sydney to uphold Christ’s teaching on marriage      St Faith’s, Narrabeen — Pray for this small group of faithful
  and Christian family life to your honour and glory.               members as they have felt very isolated and miss meeting
                                                                    altogether. May the Lord sustain members during this difficult
  Sudanese Group — Our hearts are saddened at the loss of           time. May they know God’s peace and comfort particularly
  our sister Beverley. Give thanks for her care and guidance and    those with health problems.
  faithfulness in leading us in God’s word.
                                                                    Christ Church, Peakhurst/Mortdale — Heavenly Father, we
  Sunday 2 January 2022                                             thank you for all that you provide for us. We pray for guidance
  Families in our Churches — We pray for the parents of families    for our Mothers Union programs in 2022. Pray that we can
  in our churches that in their busy lives they will be committed   help and support those in need, both physically and spiritually
  to take time to go to church each Sunday. We pray for children    whenever possible.
  and teenagers who attend with their parents and take part
  in Sunday School and Youth programs that they will have           Wednesday 5 January 2022
  opportunities to hear about God’s forgiveness through Jesus.      St Thomas’, Enfield — Loving Lord, you are our refuge and our
                                                                    strength. We thank you for bringing us through a very difficult
  Monday 3 January 2022                                             year and for reminding us just how much we need you, your
  PRAY FOR YOUR MINISTER AND FAMILY — Name ................         grace, your strength, your power and your authority. As we
  Father, we pray for our rector and staff, for good health,        prepare for the year ahead, please help us to continue to trust
  strength and wisdom as they minister to the diverse groups        you and live each day for you, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
  of parishioners. Pray that work and family life will enable our
  ministers to find time for relaxation and rest in the Lord.       Figtree Anglican — We thank God for bringing us to the opening
                                                                    of a new year of opportunities and ask for his way forward for
  PRAY FOR ALL PARISHES THAT HAVE MOTHERS UNION                     our Parish and his guidance for the staff in planning events that
  MEMBERS — We pray for our communities, for those who              will build up our congregations and bring new people into a
  suffer hardship, are lonely and excluded, that Mothers Union      relationship with Jesus.
  members within their parishes will pray for them and reach out
  with a helping hand where possible.
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
11 | January: By Date                                                                                             January: By Date | 12

  Parramatta Fellowship Group — Pray that members of the             Belmore Sudanese — Praise God for the faithful members of
  group will feel connected to Mothers Union and to each other       this group and pray for Nora as the group leader as we make
  through their contacts by phone.                                   decisions how to meet together without Beverley’s guidance.

  Thursday 6 January 2022                                            Sunday 9 January 2022
  St James’, Berala — Pray that we might find a way for Mothers      Glenda McSorley, President — Give praise and thanks for the
  Union to be relevant in our parish context.                        past year with all its difficulties and that I have been comforted
                                                                     by God’s word particularly by the truth of Philippians 4:6–7.
  St Jude’s, Bowral — Pray for good health and safety for our        Pray for this new year under God, for the opportunities for a
  members over the Christmas and holiday period as well as for       refresh before starting another year. Pray that I might have a
  our Rector and members of our church ministry team.                mind to be a good steward of my time always finding time to
                                                                     pray and read God’s word.
  St Andrew’s, Cronulla — Give thanks for the Christmas
  outreach activities we have been able to hold in Cronulla at the   Kimberly Rispin, Community Relations Officer — My son is to
  end of last year and for any opportunities to engage people in     be married this January. Please pray that the arrangements for
  our community with the life-changing message of the gospel.        the wedding will proceed smoothly in these uncertain times
  Pray that these opportunities would bear gospel fruit.             and that God will bless his marriage as he and his wife seek to
                                                                     please the Lord.
  Friday 7 January 2022
  St Paul’s, Carlingford — We thank you Lord for this New Year,      Monday 10 January 2022
  that you will reveal to our hearts and minds the plans you want    Mothers Union Sydney Life Vice President, Jan Livingstone
  put into practice to further the mission of Mothers Union and      OAM — Thank God for this new year with all the opportunities
  to bring honour and glory to your name.                            He will give us to serve. Ask that we may be constantly looking
                                                                     for ways to glorify the Lord in whatever we say or do.
  Mrs Cailey Raffel, Mothers Union Sydney Patron — Almighty
  God, we praise you that you are faithful to your promises and      Rhiannon Bartley, Mothers Union Worker Airds — Pray for the
  that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. In this       children as they hear about God through books of the Bible
  new year please guide the Archbishop as he leads the Diocese       including Ezra, Nehemiah, Jonah, Ruth and John.
  in proclaiming the excellencies of the Lord Jesus. Give him
  wisdom and courage in every situation he finds himself in to       Tuesday 11 January 2022
  speak boldly for Jesus.                                            St Philip’s, Caringbah — We pray for our ministry team, staff
                                                                     and volunteers, and thank them for such a wonderful zoom
  Saturday 8 January 2022                                            presentation each Sunday keeping us connected during those
  Wendy Mayer, Immediate Past President and Treasurer —              very long months in lockdown last year.
  Please pray for a relaxing family time for Wendy and pray that
  the stocktake for the Mothers Union Shop will happen smoothly.
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
13 | January: By Date                                                                                                January: By Date | 14

  St Alban’s, Corrimal — Lord we give thanks for this new year           Bible Studies. May this be true for Mothers Union across the
  and ask that you bless each member as we meet around your              world, remembering “everything changes but God changes
  word and encourage each other in our walk with you.                    not”. Amen.

  St Alban’s, Epping — We thank God for the love and faith of            St Stephen’s, Mittagong — Psalm 8 starts “Lord, O’ Lord, how
  Mothers Union members and for the fellowship we share. We              majestic is your name”. Lord, as the Christmas story fades
  pray that this year we will be able to meet freely and enjoy           and we head into the new year, we pray that your name will
  fellowship with each other and feel safe doing so.                     continue to be remembered and glorified.

  St Stephen’s, Normanhurst — We pray for our Holy Communion             Thursday 13 January 2022
  and short annual general meeting to commence the year. We              Marilyn Wilkinson, Diocesan Secretary — Praise to our Lord
  are thankful for this lovely time to reconnect and restore our         for leading us through the worst of this pandemic. May
  fellowship and remind each other of the grace of God.                  He continue to watch over us as we carefully plan to meet
                                                                         together and continue with our ministries.
  St Mark’s, Pennant Hills — We thank God that He has shown His
  love for us here in NSW as we now are learning to manage and           Barbara Thomas, Assistant to Vice President Southern Region —
  live with COVID. Please give our citizens patience to observe          Lord God, we pray the Seminar planned for February will be
  any rules that we may need to keep during the months ahead.            held in the Cathedral with freedom for many women to
                                                                         gather in person and to be encouraged by those who lead and
  St John’s, Sutherland/Gymea — Give thanks for the holiday              speak. Amen.
  period that it will bring rest and relaxation to busy families after
  the challenges of 2021. We ask that everyone will stay safe and        Friday 14 January 2022
  well, ready to begin a new year.                                       Jan Donohoo, Chaplain, Prayer and Spirituality — Praise God
                                                                         with me for the appointment of the new Dean of the Cathedral,
  Wednesday 12 January 2022                                              the Very Rev'd Sandy Grant. Ask that he and his wife, Karyn, will
  St John’s, Camden — Pray for the ministry team and staff as            settle well and that their work will bring honour to the Lord
  the year commences that they all will be filled with hope for          Jesus as the gospel of God's grace is proclaimed and lived out
  the coming year and are refreshed from their holiday. May the          in this big city of Sydney.
  Holy Spirit strengthen and guide them.
                                                                         Gemma Bartlett, Mothers Union Worker, Jamberoo — Give
  Jannali Anglican — Heavenly Father at the beginning of a               thanks for a new year and new opportunities to serve the mothers
  new year we look back with thankfulness for the ”in person”            and their families at Jamberoo Anglican Church. Pray for vision,
  meetings we had in 2021. We now look forward with hope and             planning and intentional conversations around seeking first
  joy for a more normal time of praise, prayer and fellowship            God’s kingdom in family life and allowing the gospel to shape
  as we learn from your Word, through visiting speakers and              people’s plans and directions in the coming year.
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
15 | January: By Date                                                                                            January: By Date | 16

  Saturday 15 January 2022                                         to live for Christ. Give wisdom to our speakers, Jo Gibbs, Rob
  Blacktown Sudanese — Pray for the leaders of the Sudanese        Smith and Jenny Brown. We give thanks for the opportunity to
  groups, Achol, Nora and Martha as they discuss a way forward     promote Christ’s teaching on marriage and Christian family life.
  of how best to support and teach God’s Word to the members
  of their groups.                                                 Fairy Meadow Hospital Visitors — Pray that restrictions to
                                                                   Hospital Visiting will be lifted and that members will be able to
  Life Member of Council, Pam Goodhew — Give thanks for            visit new parents in Wollongong Hospital.
  Sandra Chambers and Mothers Union of Grafton Diocese for
  providing Pam with the contents of the Mia Mia on CDs.           Tuesday 18 January 2022
                                                                   St Mark’s, Sadleir — Dear Lord, we pray for the ongoing
  Dillwynia Women’s Prison Chaplain, Louise Groot — Please         women’s ministry at our Church. Give wisdom to those
  pray for the restrictions to be lifted on Bronwyn Kyngdon to     responsible especially our minister Rev. David Morgan.
  re-enter the centre. The COVID command centre blocked
  Bronwyn to enter due to working in both the hospital and jail.   Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Chaplain, Katherine Hilton —
  As our state restrictions lift, please pray the COVID command    Please pray that Volunteer Chaplains (including Mothers Union
  centre will follow.                                              visitors and Christian volunteers) can come back to the hospital
                                                                   and that we will prepare well to have them and encourage them.
  Sunday 16 January 2022
  Elizabeth Lowe, Vice President Wollongong Region and             Wednesday 19 January 2022
  Southern Highlands Area President — As the beginning of the      St Paul’s, Bankstown — Our group is quite small. Please pray
  year can often be a quieter time, may we take this opportunity   as we meet that the Lord will continue to bless our time
  to read and reflect on God's word, and so, as a pattern, be      of fellowship.
  refreshed. As the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:11,
  'to aspire to live quietly and mind our own affairs' so that     St John’s, Dee Why — We pray for all our Mothers Union
  the words of the Hymn ring true — 'and let our ordered lives     branches and our churches as we prepare to resume ministries
  confess the beauty of Thy peace’.                                after the holidays. May we be refreshed physically and spiritually
                                                                   as we look forward to a year of service in Christ’s name.
  Kara Hartley, Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry — Please pray
  as the year begins that the women serving in churches and        St John’s, Moss Vale — We thank God for his mercy and
  organisations have energy and enthusiasm for the various         guidance over the past year and pray that our fellowship will
  ministries in which they serve.                                  be blessed as we serve Him through Mothers Union.

  Monday 17 January 2022                                           Toongabbie Anglican — We give thanks for our new Lead
  Mothers Union Sydney February Seminar — Gracious Lord we         Pastor Mike Hastie who joined us this month. We pray for him
  pray for the seminar next month at the Cathedral and Online,     and his wife and family that they will settle in well to our Parish.
  ‘For Such a Time as This’. May those who attend be encouraged
Prayer Diary January - June 2022 - Mothers Union Sydney
17 | January: By Date                                                                                             January: By Date | 18

  Thursday 20 January 2022                                           Ann Cunningham, Marriage and Family Resources — Please
  St Andrew’s, Lane Cove — Give praise and thanks for the            pray for the development of an online parenting course
  new year and all it might hold. Pray for members as we             presence through our Facebook Group.
  gather informally for fellowship outside after the busyness
  of Christmas. Pray for those members who have moved to             Sunday 23 January 2022
  supported living, making significant changes and pray that they    Overseas and Northern Outreach — Give praise and thanks for
  might feel settled and encouraged in their new surroundings.       contacts made at gatherings over Christmas. Pray for workers
                                                                     returning after the Christmas break to remote Australia — for
  Prue Feather, Court Coordinator — Pray for the court staff and     safety in travel and for fruitful connections with clergy, pastoral
  judicial officers as they deal with the extra workload of people   workers and the church.
  still being online.
                                                                     Australian Defence Forces Chaplaincy — Father, we pray for
  Mowll Village Group — Pray that we will be filled with the         those training to be in the Defence Forces Chaplaincy. We pray
  knowledge of the Lord’s will in all wisdom and spiritual           for their family as they are often away from home. Give them
  understanding so that we walk in a manner worthy of him and        stability and calmness as they face constant moves. In Jesus’
  so are fully pleasing to him.                                      name, Amen

  Friday 21 January 2022                                             Monday 24 January 2022
  Mothers Union Sydney Executive — Gracious Heavenly Father,         Kay Landahl, Vice President Northern Region — As we move
  as we commence a new year bless the work of the Executive          into the new year we thank God and celebrate being able to
  as they plan and endeavour to further the ministry of Mothers      meet together and reconnect with our church community and
  Union Sydney.                                                      friends. Help us to be aware of those members who may be
                                                                     hesitant after the lockdown to share together in worship and
  Christine Jensen, OAM, Members Coordinator — Heavenly              in smaller groups.
  Father, the past year has been challenging in so many ways
  but we give thanks that you are ‘in charge’ of the world and our   Prince of Wales Hospital Chaplains, with Sydney Children’s
  lives. As this new year begins continue to guide so we might       Hospital Chaplains, and Bronwyn Kyngdon — Bethany Downes
  please you in all we do.                                           started as the second Anglican chaplain at the beginning of
                                                                     June after David moved to Concord Hospital; pray for her
  Saturday 22 January 2022                                           to continue to settle in well and for God to strengthen and
  Mothers Union Sydney Life Vice President, June Hickey —            encourage her in this role. Pray for her as she is ordained as a
  Pray for June as she carries out a number of roles in her local    deacon early next year.
  community that those around will ‘see her good works and
  glorify her Father in Heaven.’                                     Tuesday 25 January 2022
                                                                     Dapto Anglican — The Lord is our Shepherd. Thank you Loving
                                                                     Father that you lead us, provide for us and protect us. Psalm 23
19 | January: By Date                                                                                        January: By Date | 20

  Mothers Union Dioceses in NSW, Armidale — May the Lord            and also for the emergency room staff. Also, would you please
  give us wisdom how to use our scarce resources people-            pray that the application to receive funding for a 2-day per
  wise, to run Diocesan events and projects and to care for our     week paediatric chaplain into Randwick Kids’ Hospital may
  branches which are elderly and finding it hard.                   be successful.

  Wednesday 26 January 2022                                         Saturday 29 January 2022
  Holy Trinity, Wentworth Falls — Join with us thanking God         Ruth Cunningham and Linda Wheeler, Office Secretaries, and
  that during 2021 we were able to continue meeting using           Mothers Union Office and Shop Ministry — Loving Father God,
  Zoom and so be encouraged by meeting with one another             thank you for a time of rest and renewal after the Christmas
  and by our speakers. Pray that we will make wise decisions as     celebration period. Thank you for the time we have to enjoy
  we finalise our program for the year.                             family and friends. With the change in routine, may we not
                                                                    neglect spending time and drawing close with you Lord.
  Helen Cooney, Vice President Southern Region, Life Vice
  President — We pray for guidance and wisdom as we plan            Rev. Anne Kennedy, AMUAPresident — We pray for Mothers
  our program for the year in the Southern Region. We thank         Union members throughout the world and ask God to
  God for his caring in the past, and pray for our Mothers Union    strengthen those working to assist families and communities.
  members as we look at the way ahead that, despite COVID
  issues, we will remain constant and faithful in our walk with     Sunday 30 January 2022
  him. “For that I know the plans I have you” declares the Lord,    St Thomas’, Auburn — We give thanks to God for the ministry
  “plans to prosper you and not to hurt you, plans to give you      of Beverly Ovens with our two groups of women at Auburn.
  hope and a future,” Jeremiah 29:11.                               Pray as these women continue to meet that they will continue
                                                                    to grow in their love and knowledge of the Lord.
  Thursday 27 January 2022
  St Mark’s, West Wollongong — Thank the Lord for the holiday       Monday 31 January 2022
  rest. Pray that members will return refreshed in February ready   Nungalinya Bible College — Pray for our new course ‘Learning
  to serve the Lord. Pray for new members to join our group.        an Australian First Language’ as a pathway into further Bible
                                                                    translation work.
  Moore College Hospital Visitors — Please pray for restrictions
  to ease so that Hospital Visiting can restart this year at RPA.   Hospital Visiting — Give praise and thanks for Mothers Union
                                                                    Sydney’s long hospital ministry. Pray that as hospitals open
  Friday 28 January 2022                                            up to visitors, our volunteers may be allowed back. Give
  Sydney Children’s Hospital, Westmead, Chaplains, Rev. Robert      thanks for opportunities to reach families sharing God’s love
  Denham — Give thanks for the rest for many of the hospital        through visiting.
  staff after the last two years with COVID. Ask the Lord for
  safety on the roads and waterways, especially for the children
  and youth. Give thanks for our emergency service personnel,
21 | January: Wave                                                                                              January: Wave | 22

                                                                   22–24 January
                                                                   Egypt in Egypt, Gasabo in Rwanda, Otukpo in Nigeria, On the

  Wave of Prayer                                                   Coast in Nigeria, Bathurst in Australia, Nasik in India

                                                                   26–28 January
                                                                   False Bay in South Africa, Shinyanga in Tanzania, Umuahia in
  On Mondays pray for the work of Mothers Union Worldwide          Nigeria, Ijebu South West in Nigeria, Bath and Wells in England,
  focusing on the area the Holy Spirit brings to your attention.   Vellore in India

  1–3 January                                                      29–31 January
  The Worldwide President, Central Trustee board and all           Masvingo in Zimbabwe, Kibondo in Tanzania, Nebbi in Uganda,
  Mothers Union trustees and staff throughout the world            Bida in Nigeria, Llandaff in Wales, Kanyakumari in India

  5–7 January
  Swaziland in Swaziland, Ruaha in Tanzania, Aguata in Nigeria,
  Lagos Mainland in Nigeria, Norwich in England, Chotanagpur
  in India

  8–10 January
  Lesotho in Lesotho, Kibungo in Rwanda, Etche in Nigeria,
  Ogbomoso in Nigeria, West Yorkshire and The Dales in England,
  Hanuato'o in Solomon Islands

  12–14 January
  Mauritius in Mauritius, Kericho in Kenya, Katsina in Nigeria,
  Kumasi in Ghana, Winchester in England, Nandyal in India

  15–17 January
  Seychelles in Seychelles, Bukedi in Uganda, Enugu in Nigeria,
  Birmingham in England, Marathwada in India

  19–21 January
  St Mark the Evangelist in South Africa, Butare in Rwanda,
  Okigwe-South in Nigeria, Gambia in Gambia, British Columbia
  in Canada, Rajasthan in India
23 | February: By Date                                                   February: By Date | 24

                                Prayer Points By Date
                                Tuesday 1 February 2022
                                St John’s, Keiraville — At the beginning of the school year,
                                we pray especially for Lisa our Children’s and Youth ministry
                                leader. May God bless her with energy, imagination, inspiration
                                and faithfulness to him and his Word as she prepares and
                                organises classes for Kingdom Kids (Sunday School), Thrive
                                (youth group) and local primary school scripture (Schools
                                Religious Education).

                     February   St Faith’s, Narrabeen — In these uncertain times we praise
                                you Heavenly Father for all those who have the heart to serve
                                those in need, especially in our church. We thank you for the
                                outreach of members over many years.

                                Christ Church, Peakhurst/Mortdale — Merciful Father we ask
                                you for a quick control of the Coronavirus currently ravaging
                                our world. Hear the prayers of those affected by the virus
                                in various part of the world. Grant healing to the sick, and
                                consolation to the bereaved families. We pray that an effective
                                medicine to combat the sickness be found.

                                Wednesday 2 February 2022
                                St Thomas’, Enfield — Heavenly Father, we thank you that you
                                promise to be with us always. We ask that you will safeguard
                                all children and young people as they resume face to face
                                learning at school this year. Please encourage them to find
                                joy in their learning and in their play. Provide them with your
                                loving care and protection and help them to make new friends,
                                In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
25 | February: By Date                                                                                             February: By Date | 26

  Figtree Anglican — We are thankful for the Life Groups               Friday 4 February 2022
  regathering, our SRE teachers being welcomed into some               St Paul’s, Carlingford — Lord in this ever changing, doubting
  classrooms and for contacts being renewed and built on               and broken world we are so very thankful for your life-giving
  amongst our young people and children. We pray for the staff         word, the Bible, which never changes. Thank you for the
  as they deal with all the issues of training and organising the      assuredness of your love, grace and mercy in our life.
  numbers needed for these ministries.
                                                                       Glenda McSorley, President — Give praise and thanks for family
  Parramatta Fellowship Group — Pray that members of the               life and the joy that brings. Pray for Chris and I as we juggle the
  Group will feel connected to Mothers Union and to each other         blessing of looking after our granddaughter sometimes during
  through their contacts by phone.                                     the week and as I spend time looking to the day to day needs
                                                                       of Mothers Union Sydney. Thank you Father, for our families
  Thursday 3 February 2022                                             and for our fellowship families and for the privilege of serving
  St James’, Berala — Please pray for cross cultural Ministry          you. Pray for the February Seminar, for Christine and Ann, for
  Worker JoAnn Elvery as she meets with people from different          speakers, for those who attend and those who will pray.
  nations including Afghani Hazara people seeking to help family
  members. Pray that they might be happy to hear the gospel as         Saturday 5 February 2022
  well as help with, more material support.                            Kimberly Rispin, Community Relations Officer — This month
                                                                       is very busy with assisting with the Seminar. Please pray for
  St Jude’s, Bowral — As we come together for our Holy                 all the organisation with registration, for no changes to onsite
  Communion Service at St Jude’s, let us praise our Heavenly           registration, for an ease of public health orders and for numbers
  Father for all our blessings and especially for the promise of       attending. Pray especially for the speakers as they prepare.
  eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
                                                                       Hospital Visiting — Give praise and thanks for the many
  St Andrew’s, Cronulla — Pray for the children attending the five     members who contribute to hospital ministry, for those who
  primary schools in our parish, that their parents will decide to     pray, sew and knit and for those who visit. We pray for open
  let them attend Christian SRE classes as this may be their only      doors, for opportunities to reach families.
  opportunity to hear about Jesus. Thank God for the volunteer
  teachers who take these classes in our local schools, especially     Sunday 6 February 2022
  our member Jackie, who co-ordinates Primary SRE in Cronulla          Jan Donohoo, Chaplain, Prayer and Spirituality — Pray that
  and Kurnell. Please pray that there will be sufficient teachers to   our annual seminar will not only teach attendants truths, but
  cover all classes.                                                   connections will be made that are sustainable even if health
                                                                       restrictions again eventuate. Please pray that plans for our
  Mowll Village Fellowship — Thank you for the spiritual               annual Festival Service and AGM to be held on 25th March
  guidance given by the village chaplains. We pray especially          will result in encouragement, joy and thankfulness to our
  today for Sue Steele Smith as she speaks to us from your Word.       generous God.
27 | February: By Date                                                                                          February: By Date | 28

  Elaine Longford, AMUA Vice President — Pray for Elaine             St Stephen’s, Normanhurst — Pray as the time of Lent
  as she supports Anne Kennedy as well as being Melbourne            commences and we start our first Bible Study this month that
  Diocesan President.                                                we will always be hungry for more of God's word.

  Monday 7 February 2022                                             St Mark’s, Pennant Hills — Be with our Speaker as she opens
  PRAY FOR YOUR MINISTER AND FAMILY — Name ................          God’s Word in the 1st Study for the year, that our hearts and
  Father, we pray for our rector and staff, for good health,         minds will be open to His truths. We also ask that the Seminar
  strength and wisdom as they minister to the diverse groups         later in the month will be successful and many will attend.
  of parishioners. Pray that work and family life will enable our    Please be with the speakers as they put the last touches to
  ministers to find time for relaxation and rest in the Lord.        their talks.

  PRAY FOR ALL PARISHES THAT HAVE MOTHERS UNION                      St John’s, Sutherland/Gymea — We meet for the first time
  MEMBERS — We pray for our communities, for those who               this year praying for wisdom as we organise our program for
  suffer hardship, are lonely and excluded, that Mothers Union       2022 and giving thanks to God for his many blessings and the
  members within their parishes will pray for them and reach out     freedom to gather in fellowship once again.
  with a helping hand where possible.
                                                                     Wednesday 9 February 2022
  Tuesday 8 February 2022                                            St John’s, Camden — Pray for the first meeting of the year
  St Philip’s, Caringbah — We thank God for our Mothers Union        that members will be encouraged to return to meeting in
  Communion Service today, praising God that we have so              person. Pray for the communion service to be a blessing and
  much to be thankful for. We pray for our Sydney seminar this       encouragement. Give thanks for this fellowship of women.
  month, and for all Mothers Union members here in Australia
  and around the world.                                              Jannali Anglican — As we meet for the first time this year we
                                                                     look forward to a time of sharing and encouragement and the
  St Alban’s, Corrimal — We ask your blessing Lord, on all branch    joy of just “getting together again.”
  leaders. Give them wisdom as they lead and encourage us this
  coming year.                                                       St Stephen’s, Mittagong — In our communion service today,
                                                                     help us to focus on our saviour, Jesus, and the great sacrifice he
  St Alban’s, Epping — We give thanks that we are once again able    gave for us. Pray for our church ministers and others in positions
  to meet as a group face to face and share Holy Communion           of leadership within our congregations. We pray that they will
  together. Bless us as we share lunch together and hold our first   lean on Jesus’ teaching, guiding us in our Christian walk.
  meeting for some time. We pray for the Seminar at the end of
  this month and for those organising it                             Thursday 10 February 2022
                                                                     Mrs Cailey Raffel, Mothers Union Sydney Patron — Please pray
                                                                     for wisdom for the Archbishop as he prepares for synod and
                                                                     chairs these meetings at the end of the month. Please pray
29 | February: By Date                                                                                          February: By Date | 30

  too for Cailey and the other Anglicare Cross Cultural Advisors,      Sunday 13 February 2022
  writing resources for use in church ESL ministries and supporting    Mothers Union Sydney Life Vice President, Jan Harrison —
  churches seeking to reach multicultural communities.                 Thank God for the wonderful hymns that have been written
                                                                       which bring to our mind the precious truths about him. ‘How
  Wendy Mayer, Immediate Past President and Treasurer —                sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear, It soothes
  Pray for Wendy as she prepares the Mothers Union Sydney              our sorrows, heals these wounds, and drives away our fear.’
  accounts for the auditor and makes sure the other beginning
  of year details are carried out.                                     Prince of Wales Hospital Chaplains, with Sydney Children’s
                                                                       Hospital Chaplains, and Bronwyn Kyngdon — Pray for the
  Friday 11 February 2022                                              possibility of a dedicated Sydney Children’s Chaplain to be
  Ann Cunningham, Marriage and Family Resources — Pray for             appointed as it would be fantastic to have a chaplain to focus
  the development of the Let’s Chat — parenting via the Facebook       solely on the Kids’ Hospital.
  group, that it would become a regular source of support and
  encouragement and challenge to parents.                              Monday 14 February 2022
                                                                       Overseas and Northern Outreach — Pray for Clergy families
  Kay Landahl, Vice President Northern Region — We pray for our        as they serve in remote Australia. Give praise for their
  Mothers Union branches as they meet together for the first time      commitment to the gospel and to the people they care for.
  since June last year. May we look forward to recommencing            Pray for wisdom as they seek to share the gospel with people
  opportunities to serve as the courts and hospitals open their        who are sometimes unwilling to hear.
  doors to enable Mothers Union members to visit. We pray
  for and thank you Lord, for all our Mothers Union volunteers         Suzanne Reimer, Area President, Western Region — We give
  reaching out and serving you through Mothers Union e.g.              our God thanks that we are able to meet with one another
  the shop/office, assisting at play groups and a variety of ways      again. We pray we may listen well to those we meet, that we
  within Mothers Union and their church communities.                   may be gentle and kind and that we always share the love that
                                                                       God so generously gives to us.
  Saturday 12 February 2022
  Diocesan Members — Gracious Lord we pray for our members             Tuesday 15 February 2022
  who are not able to attend branch meetings. May you uphold           St Mark’s, Sadleir — Continue to pray for members who are
  them in every circumstance of life and may they be encouraged        now Diocesan members that they will still be connected and
  in the fellowship we share through Mothers Union.                    supported by Mothers Union Sydney.

  Marilyn Wilkinson, Diocesan Secretary — We pray for our              Gemma Bartlett, Mothers Union Worker, Jamberoo — Pray
  teachers and students who have endured such disruption over          for me (Gemma) and all of us that “We might live a life worthy
  the past 2 years. May they be renewed, invigorated and inspired      of the Lord and may please him in every way, bearing fruit in
  to keep learning, trusting in our loving Lord for their education.   every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being
                                                                       strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so
31 | February: By Date                                                                                            February: By Date | 32

  that we might have great endurance and patience and joyfully         honoured by the commitment, presence and participation of
  give thanks to the Father who has qualified us to share in the       our members. We value your prayers that this commitment
  inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.” (Col:1:10–12)    will be a witness to their church and their own families. We also
                                                                       value your prayers, as the representatives for our Branches
  Wednesday 16 February 2022                                           plan for our Area Day.
  St Paul’s, Bankstown — Give thanks for the faithful members
  at Bankstown over the years. Pray that they will continue to be      Friday 18 February 2022
  encouraged by the fellowship of Mothers Union.                       Mothers Union Sydney Executive — Pray as Executive meets
                                                                       today that the Lord will bless their time together and grant
  St John’s, Dee Why — We pray for our branch as we plan for           them wisdom in decision making.
  the year that we may keep in mind the aims and objectives
  of Mothers Union. We pray too that God’s Spirit would shine          Ministry to Cross Cultural Women, Margie — Give thanks for
  through us and help us to truly live out the gospel within our       easy reconnections face to face with women from the English
  families, parish and wider community.                                class and wider community.

  Moss Vale Anglican Parish — We remember, as we join together         Saturday 19 February 2022
  sharing The Lord's Supper, his gift of salvation to us. We pray      Sudanese Group — Pray as the Sudanese groups continue to
  particularly for the continuation of SRE in our schools. May         meet that they will grow in their understanding of God’s word
  young hearts be softened to hear and see God's love for them,        and be blessed by the fellowship they share in the Lord’s name.
  through those led to teach SRE.
                                                                       Ruth Cunningham and Linda Wheeler, Office Secretaries, and
  Toongabbie Anglican — We would value your prayers as                 Mothers Union Office and Shop Ministry — Thank you God for
  we commence this year’s program commencing with Holy                 the blessing and encouragement of each of our members who
  Communion. As we implement the program we pray that our              phone, visit, volunteer and generously give to the shop and
  gatherings will be effective in helping us to grow in knowledge      office, especially with the current changed circumstances. It is
  and depth of insight so that our lives will reflect God’s love and   a privilege to spend time with them, as they so willingly share
  compassion to the people around us.                                  their time, gifts and love in service to you. May we be mindful
                                                                       of showing our appreciation to them.
  Thursday 17 February 2022
  St Andrew’s, Lane Cove — Give praise and thanks for                  Sunday 20 February 2022
  opportunity to begin our year with a Communion Service, for          Helen Cooney, Vice President Southern Region, Life Vice
  time together, for worship and prayer and fellowship.                President — We remember this month our children and
                                                                       grandchildren who are returning to school for the coming year.
  Elizabeth Lowe, Vice President Wollongong Region and                 For some it will be a new experience and for older students
  Southern Highlands Area President — As the meetings in               in their final year, we pray that you will bless them, lead and
  the Branches recommence, we pray that God's name will be             protect them through the uncertainties ahead.
33 | February: By Date                                                                                             February: By Date | 34

  Dillwynia Women’s Prison Chaplain, Louise Groot — Please               Wednesday 23 February 2022
  pray for our Muslim Chaplain, Manal, who contracted COVID.             Holy Trinity Wentworth Falls — We pray that we will continue
  Although she has recovered from COVID, she is still unwell             to be an encouragement to one another in our walk with the
  and feeling weak. Please pray for healing and the Chaplaincy           Lord and as we share together in our meeting and as we join
  team at Dillwynia as we care for the Muslim inmates.                   the live stream seminar on Friday.

  Monday 21 February 2022                                                Marilyn Robey, AMUA Treasurer — Pray for Marilyn as she
  Christine Jensen OAM, Members’ Coordinator — Gracious                  oversees the finances of AMUA.
  Lord, we thank for the privilege of connecting with many
  younger women through the February Seminar. We pray for                Thursday 24 February 2022
  this year’s seminar on Friday, ‘For Such a Time as This’. May          St Mark’s, West Wollongong — Pray for our service, short meeting
  it give a real boost and encouragement to those attending in           and lunch today, and for our speaker, Simone Boswell, our Area
  person and online to know that their true identity is in Jesus.        President, Wollongong area, as she encourages members.

  Rhiannon Bartley, Mothers Union Worker, Airds — Pray for               Life Member of Council, Sandra Hugo — Father we thank you that
  more leaders to be raised up and convicted by God to serve             we live in a safe country where the government, church and non-
  in ministry.                                                           profit organisations have been able to provide for the physical
                                                                         and mental needs of people during the COVID pandemic.
  Tuesday 22 February 2022
  Dapto Anglican — Thank you Lord for your strength that                 Friday 25 February 2022
  sustains us every day. ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake   February Seminar — ‘FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS’ — Gracious
  you.’ Hebrews 13:5                                                     Lord we bring before you the seminar today. We pray for the
                                                                         speakers that you will uphold them as they speak. We pray for
  Prue Feather, Court Coordinator — Please pray for safety from          the organisation and that those attending will be encouraged
  COVID for our volunteers as the courts reopen.                         to find their true identity in Jesus and that those who are
                                                                         challenged in their family life will find support.
  Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Rev. Katherine Hilton, Chaplain —
  Please pray that as Royal Prince Alfred plans for the                  Saturday 26 February 2022
  redevelopment of the hospital that Christians and other                Mothers Union Dioceses in NSW, Bathurst — Please pray for
  religions would be catered for with a chapel and other religious       our Bishop Mark Calder and his wife Susan as they together
  spaces. Please pray Chaplains will get good office space near          nurture the Diocese and particularly ministry families. Give
  the Chapel. Please pray that the spaces are accessible to all          thanks for the new clergy that have come to serve in our
  and that these spaces will be useful for generations to come           Diocese and pray that new clergy will offer to serve in the
  and for wisdom in the negotiations with the hospital.                  vacant parishes.
35 | February: By Date                                                                                           February: Wave | 36

  Hospital Visiting — Give praise and thanks for the many
  members who contribute to hospital ministry, for those who
  pray, sew and knit and for those who visit. We pray for open
  doors for opportunities to reach families.                         Wave of Prayer
  Sunday 27 February 2022
  St Thomas’, Auburn — Continue to pray for the two groups of        On Mondays pray for the work of Mothers Union Worldwide
  women meeting at St Thomas’ for the Mandarin group and the         focusing on the area the Holy Spirit brings to your attention.
  Multinational group. May the Lord bless their fellowship and
  may they reach out to those who don’t know Jesus.                  2–4 February
                                                                     Matlosane in South Africa, Mumias in Kenya, Eha-Amufu in
  Kara Hartley, Archdeacon for Women’s Ministry — Pray for           Nigeria, Ballarat in Australia, Niagara in Canada, North Kerala
  the women being ordained in February (and give thanks for          in India
  those ordained in November 2021) that they will continue in
  faithfulness to God’s word and his people all their days.          5–7 February
                                                                     Botswana in Botswana, Marsabit in Kenya, Idah in Nigeria,
  Monday 28 February 2022                                            Jebba in Nigeria, Salisbury in England, Andaman and Nicobar
  Sydney Children’s Hospital, Westmead, Chaplains, Rev.              Islands in India
  Robert Denham — Give thanks for the School at Westmead
  Kids’ Hospital. As the teachers and assistants get to know the     9–11 February
  longer term patients and work on their individual plans, please    Lainya in South Sudan, Ankole in Uganda, Abuja in Nigeria,
  pray that the children and youth will be helped to keep up their   Lagos-West in Nigeria, Lichfield in England, Karnataka North
  schoolwork as they recover, and that the teachers can relate       in India
  well with them.
                                                                     12–14 February
                                                                     Matana in Burundi, South Ankole in Uganda, Morogoro in
                                                                     Tanzania, Ohaji/Egbema in Nigeria, New Westminster in
                                                                     Canada, Dornakal in South India

                                                                     16–18 February
                                                                     Bentiu in South Sudan, Bunyoro Kitara in Uganda, Okigwe-
                                                                     North in Nigeria, Omu-Aran in Nigeria, Kilmore, Elphin and
                                                                     Ardagh in All Ireland, Krishna-Godavari in India
37 | February: Wave                                                        August: By Date | 38

  19–21 February
  Free State in South Africa, Bondo in Kenya, Ogbia in Nigeria,
  Offa in Nigeria, Swansea and Brecon in Wales, Argentina
  in Argentina

  23–25 February
  Wau in South Sudan, Kigeme in Rwanda, Bauchi in Nigeria, St
  David's in Wales, Mandalay in Myanmar

  26–28 February
  Mundri in South Sudan, Madi and West Nile in Uganda, Isikwuato
  in Nigeria, Chichester in England, Seoul in South Korea

39 | March: By Date                                                                                           March: By Date | 40

                                                                   Figtree Anglican — It is Ash Wednesday and our staff are
                                                                   away for Retreat today. We ask God's blessing on their Bible

  Prayer Points By Date                                            studies and deliberations that they will be strengthened and
                                                                   encouraged considering the lessons learned in the struggles
                                                                   of last year that they can shepherd the Parish well.

  Tuesday 1 March 2022                                             Parramatta Fellowship Group — Thank the Lord for this faithful
  St John’s, Keiraville — We give thanks for the appointment       group and pray that they will be able to meet up soon.
  of Jason and Paula McPhail to our ministry team with special
  responsibilities for our University of Wollongong students.      Thursday 3 March 2022
  As the academic year begins, we pray for good contacts and       St James’, Berala — Give thanks for the generosity of church
  connections with both local and overseas students and a          members and others which has meant we are able to meet
  genuine welcome to our international church service.             some physical needs of people who ask for help.

  St Faith’s, Narrabeen — We pray Lord, that you sustain members   St Jude’s, Bowral — Pray that God’s Holy Spirit will open our
  during these uncertain times and that they may know your         hearts and minds as we commence our first Bible Study of the
  comfort and peace.                                               year. We give thanks for the preparation of our guest speaker
                                                                   and that she too will be guided by the Holy Spirit.
  Christ Church, Peakhurst/Mortdale — As Lent begins on Ash
  Wednesday 2nd March, pray: Father, give us a willing heart to    St Andrew’s, Cronulla — As we meet together for the first time
  hear your message. We ask you to refresh our spirit so that we   in 2022, we give thanks for all who have worked so hard during
  might delight in you afresh.                                     the past year to keep us safe from COVID as we are able to
                                                                   again meet face to face, both in church and in Mothers Union.
  Wednesday 2 March 2022                                           We also pray and give thanks for the speakers who come and
  St Thomas’, Enfield — Loving God, as we celebrate the 125th      share with us. We pray that our program for the year will meet
  anniversary year of St. Thomas’s Enfield Branch of Mothers       the needs of our members. We also pray that more families
  Union, we give you thanks and praise for the humility,           and children will join our church.
  faithfulness, generosity and commitment of all those who
  have been dedicated to supporting the needs of families          Friday 4 March 2022
  and communities worldwide, and bringing them hope. In a          St Paul’s, Carlingford — Lord we give thanks for all who have
  world full of chaos and despair, we pray that going forward,     gone to different parts of the world in our name to proclaim
  the extraordinary work of Mothers Union will continue to         your word and name. We pray especially for members of
  grow, and respond to the ever changing needs of families and     Mothers Union as they seek to bring health measures, family
  communities everywhere, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.                    and community safety and Christ’s love and grace into the
                                                                   lives of all.
41 | March: By Date                                                                                              March: By Date | 42

  Glenda McSorley, President — Give praise and thanks for times      Monday 7 March
  shared with Mothers Union Sydney members as we serve the           PRAY FOR YOUR MINISTER AND FAMILY — Name ................
  Living God. Pray for the Festival Service and AGM on March         Father, we pray for our rector and staff, for good health,
  25th that both might bring glory to God as we worship together     strength and wisdom as they minister to the diverse groups
  and consider the broad ministry of Mothers Union Sydney. May       of parishioners. Pray that work and family life will enable our
  we be led by His Spirit always looking forward.                    ministers to find time for relaxation and rest in the Lord.

  Saturday 5 March 2022                                              PRAY FOR ALL PARISHES THAT HAVE MOTHERS UNION
  Barbara Thomas, Assistant to Vice President Southern Region —      MEMBERS — We pray for our communities, for those who
  Heavenly Father, grant that members from the five branches         suffer hardship, are lonely and excluded, that Mothers Union
  in Sutherland/St.George Area will be able to participate in an     members within their parishes will pray for them and reach out
  Area Day at a date still to be set. Bless, inspire and encourage   with a helping hand where possible.
  Executive as they plan and participate in these days. Amen.
                                                                     Tuesday 8 March 2022
  Overseas and Northern Outreach — Pray for the church and           St Philip’s, Caringbah — We look forward to the blessing of
  peoples of Papua New Guinea still struggling with COVID. Give      having guest speakers come and share God's word with us again.
  praise for the medical and support teams who seek to care for
  the sick and dying. Pray for the exhausted medical system and      St Alban’s, Corrimal — We pray for our members worldwide.
  hospitals, that they will be reopened to serve the community.      Give them your Holy Spirit as they continue to support families
                                                                     who have lost loved ones over this past 2 years.
  Sunday 6 March
  Mrs Cailey Raffel, Patron — Please pray for the Archbishop         St Alban’s, Epping — We pray for all Hospital visitors from
  on retreat with the Sydney Assistant Bishops (March 9–11)          Mothers Union who visit in the Maternity wards. We pray that
  and at the National Bishops' Conference (March 18–22). Pray        we can do it safely when we are permitted to carry out this
  for Cailey as she meets with other Ministry Wives this month.      ministry. May it always be done to the glory of God. We pray
  May she encourage them in their support of their husbands          for all Hospital Chaplains as they carry out their ministry.
  and ministries, in their care for their families and in seeking
  gospel opportunities wherever the Lord has placed them. Pray       St Stephen’s, Normanhurst — We look forward to another
  especially for their family that they will not feel isolated but   Bible study in this year's series as we are always eager to
  have good friends to support them.                                 learn, inwardly digest and encourage one another with our
                                                                     fellowship and time of reflection. ’Twas grace that taught our
  Moore College Hospital Visitors — Pray that student wives          hearts to fear, and grace our fears relieved. How precious did
  at Moore College will sign up to do Hospital Visiting this year    that grace appear the hour we first believed.’
  and be able to complete the online training necessary to do
  Hospital Visiting at RPA.                                          St Mark’s, Pennant Hills — Please be with our Rector, Craig, as
                                                                     we have our annual Communion Service, that, as he opens God’s
43 | March: By Date                                                                                                  March: By Date | 44

  word to us, our hearts will also be open to receive and know of     Friday 11 March 2022
  His wonderful promises.                                             Nungalinya Bible College — Pray for our last ‘Languages
                                                                      Workshop’ as Elders record sermons in First Languages
  St John’s, Sutherland/Gymea — We ask God's blessing on the          focussing on the Easter story.
  children attending Promise Land kids' program each Sunday
  and give thanks for the loving guidance of their families as        Elizabeth Lowe, Vice President Wollongong Region and
  they grow in understanding His love and saving grace.               Southern Highlands Area President — As we see the changing
                                                                      of the seasons, may it cause us to reflect, not only on changes
  Wednesday 9 March 2022                                              in our lives, but on a God who never changes, and who daily
  St John’s, Camden — Pray for our members as we look at              provides for those who trust Him. "Look at the birds of the air:
  the Bible study together. Pray that we grow in knowledge of         they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your
  your word and understanding of its application to our lives.        Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than
  Give thanks that we can study together for the first time in        they." Matthew 6:26
  many months.
                                                                      Saturday 12 March 2022
  Jannali Anglican — We pray for members no longer able to            Jan Donohoo, Chaplain, Prayer and Spirituality — Thank God
  attend meetings. We thank you for their many years of loving        for the seasons of life, climate and the church. Pray that as we
  service and pray you will grant them your peace and that they       enter Lent all Mothers Union members will reflect deeply on
  are well cared for in their changed circumstances. In Jesus’        the meaning of sacrifice and turn again to the Lord Jesus and
  name, Amen.                                                         so serve Him, with grateful hearts.

  St Stephen’s, Mittagong — We thank you, Lord, for the many          Refugees — Gracious Lord, we bring before you the thousands
  gifts, talents and abilities that you have given each of us. Help   of Afghan refugees seeking to escape injustice and war in
  us to be mindful of all that we have and to share what you have     Afghanistan. May those who have been able to settle in Australia
  provided, being generous in all areas of our lives.                 be able to cope with the trauma they experienced and the many
                                                                      changes they are facing. May they find their true home with you.
  Thursday 10 March 2022
  Ann Cunningham, Marriage and Family Resources — Pray that           Sunday 13 March 2022
  we will find new avenues to offer our parenting programs e.g.       Kimberly Rispin, Community Relations Officer — Pray for my
  colleges and schools. I am running a single seminar in March        visits to Senior Ministers in our churches in Sydney to help
  at Excelsia College.                                                them understand Mothers Union Sydney and encourage them
                                                                      to see that Mothers Union can help them reach out to families
  Hospital Visiting — We pray for a person to co-ordinate             in their churches.
  hospital visiting across the diocese. We thank you for those
  who have carried this task previously and pray for the right        Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Rev. Katherine Hilton, Chaplain —
  person to come forward.                                             Please pray that we will be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow
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