Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London

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Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London

Here for people who want to know more...

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London
“Choosing the right university for your postgraduate studies

                is one of the most important decisions you will make.
                We hope this will help you make the best choice.

            A promotion, a career change
                We aim to inspire you to become a creative professional
                and connect you to an exciting and rewarding career.
                Based in the heart of one of the UK’s most successful
                business regions, we have highly qualified staff with
                a wealth of experience in their respective disciplines
                and strong connections with key industries.

                The University has acquired a remarkable
                reputation for high-quality education closely linked
                to employment. Many of our graduates go on
                to achieve great success within their chosen
                discipline and professions.

                Welcome to the career university.”

                Professor Peter John

            Here for better options
                Come to an open evening and find out why you are
                going to love studying at the University of West London.
                Visit us on:       Thursday 22 November 2018
                		                 Thursday 20 June 2019
                		                 Thursday 21 November 2019
                		                 To book a place, visit
Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London
or a long-held ambition

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019
Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London

            We’ve been building
                 Over the years, leading academic
                institutions, career-specific training
                 providers and industry specialists
                  have come together to make us
                 what we are today – a university
                      dedicated to your career.

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London
         The Lady Byron School (later the
                                                In July, the University closes its site in
         University of West London) is          King’s Road, Reading (now home to
         founded when Ealing College of         Reading College).

         Higher Education, Thames Valley
         College of Higher Education,
         London College of Music and
         Queen Charlotte’s College of
                                                In April, we’re formally renamed
         Health Care Studies merge.
                                                the University of West London

         The Ealing College of Higher
                                                to reflect our new focus on the
                                                Ealing and Brentford sites. In May,
                                                Laurence Geller (a leading figure in
                                                the tourism and hospitality industry)
         Education is renamed the Polytechnic   is appointed Chancellor.
         of West London.

         1992                                   2015
                                                The Ealing campus undergoes a
         The Polytechnic becomes the
         Thames Valley University after         £100m+ transformation. Now it has
         being granted university status        a new social area, library, students’
         by royal assent.                       union, auditorium, gym, restaurants

                                                and cafés, studios for the student
                                                radio station and music students,
                                                and teaching spaces.

         The University merges with
         Northwick Park School of Nursing,
         Riverside College of Nursing and the
         North West Thames Regional Health      We buy the Brentford site (Paragon)
         Authority’s AIDS unit.                 giving us flexibility to grow and thrive.

careers for decades
         The University merges with
                                                We invest over £1m in the
         Berkshire College of Nursing           development of the Paragon Annex
         and Midwifery.                         studios and open a state-of-the-art
                                                nursing Simulation Centre at Reading.

         2004                                   2018
                                                Opening of the West London
         The University merges with             Food Innovation Lab and home to
         Reading College and Ealing             Heathrow Archives and Westmont
         School of Art and Design.              Enterprise Hub for Business Start-Ups.

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London

                                       We’re ranked 50th in
                                      the UK in the Guardian
                                      University Guide 2019.
                                         We’re also fourth
                                         in London overall.
                                        (The Guardian University Guide 2019).*

            UWL has been awarded
             Silver in the Teaching
            Excellence Framework.                 £150m
                                             campus investment
                                                   Our stunning campus has a
                                          modern library – with over 250 open-access
                                           computers, three IT suites, spacious study
                                          areas and comfy seating spread across the
                                          library – plus a newly refurbished students’
                                         union and industry-standard training facilities.

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London
Surrounded by
      brilliant businesses
   Our Ealing campus is in the heart of one of
    the UK’s most successful business regions.
 Through working with high-profile organisations
and experienced tutors, we use our strong industry
   connections to help you gain career-specific
           insight, expertise and skills.
                                                                      Over 1000
                                                                  Postgraduate students across
                                                                   eight academic Schools, the
                                                              Graduate School and ExPERT Academy
                                                                 (Expertise for Professionalism in
                                                               Education Research and Teaching)

                                                                 A blend of eight highly
                                                                   respected Schools
          Our graduates can                                         Our expertise covers a wide range of
            go anywhere                                            subjects, so you can gain the specialist
                                                                     know-how that gives you the edge
            Whether they’ve been studying                                  in your chosen career.
     law, music, design, psychology or business in
    one of our eight Schools, 98% of our graduates
       start their careers or carry on their studies
            within six months of graduating.
             (HESA employment indicator 2018 on
         graduates who say they are working or studying
       (or both) six months after completing their studies)

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London

            A postgraduate degree can enhance your career
            prospects, setting you apart in today’s highly
            competitive job market. If you’re considering a new
            career path, it’s a way to enhance and build on your
            current qualifications, and learn new, essential skills.
            You may also want to explore your passion for,
            and commitment to, a particular field of study.

            Here for all your questions.

  Why study a postgraduate
            Whatever your reasons, studying a postgraduate degree at the University of West London doesn’t
            mean you have to put your life on hold, or leave the workplace. Our full and part-time study options
            can fit around your current commitments. It will also grow your network and help you gain fresh,
            valuable insights into industry that you might not gain from the workplace alone.

            Research degree or taught course?
            Research degrees rely on independent study             Taught courses are led by tutors, and in
            with regular support from supervisors. The             common with undergraduate courses, students
            best-known research degree is the PhD, which           attend weekly seminars and lectures. There is
            can last three to four years full-time, or six years   some independent learning, but not as much
            part-time. Professional doctorate degrees are          as in a research degree.
            equivalent in status and challenge to a PhD
            but are intended to create knowledge that
            advances professional practice. In both PhDs
            and Professional Doctorates students are asked
            to research and present new knowledge in a
            thesis (typically 40,000 to 80,000 words in
            length, depending on the type of doctorate).

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London

Postgraduate Prospectus 2019 - Here for people who want to know more - University of West London
Postgraduate studies can give you an employment

                     edge, accelerate your progression and open up
                     new paths. We know that everybody has different
                     career goals, so our teaching is fully tailored to
                     your individual needs as an aspiring professional.
                     Our open and accessible learning environment
                     ensures that you’ll thrive.

            Here for your future
 Business connections                  • Professional networking              Employment Team
 We’re based in the heart of one of    • Leadership skills                    When you’re ready to start climbing
 the UK’s most successful business     • Self-employment/business start up    the career ladder, or if you simply need
 regions. Our teaching staff are       • Negotiation skills                   a part-time job while you finish your
 connected to their respective         • Working as a researcher              studies, we can help. We will provide
 industries with many still active                                             notifications of relevant vacancies,
 in their field, so they can pass on   Volunteering Service                    information direct from employers
 invaluable insights and specialist    We provide a wide range of activities   up to international level, and news
 subject knowledge.                    you can access working in our local     about upcoming recruitment and
 We have strong connections with       community. There are projects           employability events.
 many national and multinational       suited to all interests and tailored
 organisations such as Heathrow        to the amount of time you have          Work Placements
 Airport, BBC, Hewlett-Packard (HP)    whether that be a one off or a          Completing a work placement is a
 Ltd, Middlesex Law Society and the    regular commitment. Volunteering        great way to show employers that
 Savoy Education Trust.                not only helps out our community        you have the skills, experience and
                                       but it will allow you to make new       capabilities they are looking for.
 Careers                               friends and develop skills and          Our placements team can offer you:
 We offer life long careers and        experience which could help your        • Career-specific placements with
 professional development support      career development. All volunteering       recognised industry leaders
 to all students. This includes a      is recorded and celebrated at our       • Regular updates about
 CPD (Continuing Professional          annual volunteering awards.                new placements
 Development) programme                                                        • Information about recruitment
 supported by one to one career                                                   and employability events
 coaching from our professional
 Career Consultant available to
 you at any point in your career
 journey and at flexible times to
 suit you. Our CPD events include:

Here for collaborations
      We have several partners across the UK and abroad.
      UK Academic Partnerships                         Overseas Academic Partnerships
      •A  cademy of Music & Sound                     • American Education Limited (ANC)
      •A  ddict Dance Academy                         • Cyprus Institute of Marketing
      •C  ardiff and Vale College                     • Hong Kong Nan Yang College
      • J CA Academy                                     of Higher Education (UWL-HK)
      •N  exus Institute of Creative Arts             • International Institute of Hotel Management
      •B  allet Theatre UK Limited                    • Marbella International University Centre
      •C  helsea And Westminster Hospital             • Music Support Group GMBH
         NHS Foundation Trust                             (Deutsche Pop / United Pop)
      •D  elamar Academy Limited                      • Schweizerische Textilfachschule
      •H  ammersmith Medicines Research                  (Swiss Textile College - STF)
      • L ondon School of Science &                   • Singapore Raffles Music College
         Technology Limited                            • Wisdom Business School FZE (UWL-RAK)
      •M  et Film School Limited
      •N  orth East Surrey College of Technology
      •N  orth Warwickshire and
         South Leicestershire College
      •C  reative Academy
      • S outh Thames Colleges Group
      •T  he Windsor Forest Colleges Group


                                         We have an outstanding national and
                                         international reputation in practice-based
                                         and solution-driven research. It spans
                                         areas such as engineering, computing,
                                         hospitality, aviation, health, law, film and
                                         media, as well as music.

            Postgraduate research
 We focus on producing useful            College of Nursing,                   London School of Film,
 knowledge. Our research centres         Midwifery and Healthcare              Media and Design
 concentrate on socio-economic                                                 • Adaptation Studies, Film Studies,
                                         • Ageing
 and creative issues with a                                                       Genre Studies, Popular Fiction
                                         • Child Health
 view to generating solutions to                                               • Creative Writing
                                         • Healthcare Epidemiology
 social, economic, creative and                                                • Filmmaking, Film Theory,
                                         • Healthcare Education
 technical issues.                                                                Screen Studies, Gallery and
                                         • Healthcare Policy
                                            and Management                        Museum Studies
 As a doctoral student, you’ll be able
                                         • Infection Prevention and Control   • Media Arts, Art and Design
 to study within your School/College,
                                            and Communicable Disease              History and Cultural History
 and in the Graduate School.
                                            Prevention Management              • Media History and Theory,
 You will take part in School-based
                                         • Mental Health                          Photography History and Theory,
 research seminars, conferences, and
                                         • Midwifery and Women’s Health           Media and Photography Practice
 other activities recommended by
                                         • Nursing Practice                    • Media Studies, Branding,
 your supervisors. You’ll also follow
                                         • Patient Centric Care                   Public Relations, Television,
 a programme of research training
                                         • Public Health                          News and Journalism.
 in the Graduate School.
                                         • Social Policy Translational
 You will have the chance to discuss                                           London College of Music
 and present your research as you                                              • Composition
 progress through your doctoral          School of Law and                     • Music Education
 journey and to build networks           Criminology                           • Music/Audio Technology
 with fellow doctoral students and                                             • Musicology
                                         • Criminology
 researchers in your field.                                                    • Performance
                                         • International Law
                                                                               • Record Production.
 We encourage all our PhD students       • Policing
 to present their research and publish   • Sentencing
 during their studies.                   • Social Policy and Social Justice.

 We’ll welcome your application in
 any of the following subject areas:

London Geller College of              School of Human and                   How to apply
Hospitality and Tourism               Social Sciences                       To apply for a PhD, you need to
• Airline and Airport Management      • Applied Forensic Analytics          submit a brief research proposal,
• Consumer Behaviour                  • Dementia Care                       your CV, the transcript of your
• Foodservice Operations              • Early Years Education               highest qualification and an
• Hospitality Management              • Nutritional Medicine                application form. You can submit
• Industry Dynamics, Strategy        • Physiology                          your application online at
   and Internationalisation           • Psychology                          research/graduate-school
• Reputation, Risk, Relationship     • Substance Abuse/Misuse
                                                                            The proposal helps us
   and Revenue Management             • Social Work.
• Tourism.                                                                  assess your suitability
                                      The Claude Littner                    for higher degree work,
School of Computing and               Business School                       including:
Engineering                           • Accounting and Finance              • Viability of the topic as a
• Architectural Technology            • Age Management at the Workplace       research study
• Artificial Intelligence             • Business and Management.            • Clarity of the topic
• Built Environment                                                         • Methodology and the practicalities
• Civil/Structural Engineering        ExPERT Academy
                                                                               required for a research degree
• Computer Networking and           (Expertise for                        • Appropriate supervisor(s)
   Distributed Systems                Professionalism in                       to be appointed to support
• Computing Interaction Design,     Education Research                       your research.
   Usability and Global Software
                                      and Teaching)                         Registration on PhD
• Construction Project Management
• Cybersecurity                       • Academic Cultures
                                                                            For additional information,
• Digital and Audio Engineering       • Academic Identity
                                                                            download the research degree
•Fibre Optics and Electronic        • Higher Education Pedagogies
                                                                            enquiry pack
   Engineering                        • Change Theory and
                                                                            or contact the Graduate School
• Geotechnics and Soil Engineering      Change Management
• Human Computer Interaction          • Higher Education
• Hydraulics and Water Engineering    • Teaching and Learning
• Information Security                • Technology-enhanced Learning.
• Materials and Concrete Technology
• Software Engineering.               You’ll be supported by the Graduate
                                      School, which collaborates with
                                      academic supervisors so that
                                      you can access the facilities and
                                      resources you need.


            Research degree
                  Doctor of Philosophy                     Support for
                  A candidate for a PhD degree is          research students
                  expected to critically investigate and   When you’re registered as a research
                  evaluate an approved topic resulting     student, you’ll be assigned two
                  in an independent and original           (sometimes three) supervisors
                  contribution to knowledge,               who will guide and support your
                  worthy of publication in complete        research. A key aspect to your
                  or abridged form. You must show          study will be regular meetings and
                  evidence of your ability to undertake    correspondence with your supervisors
                  further research without supervision     and engagement with the activities
                  and must also present and defend         of the Graduate School. There is
                  your thesis by oral examination          also a mandatory programme of
                  to the satisfaction of examiners         research training. We run an annual
                  appointed by the University.             conference for doctoral students,
                  A PhD is normally completed              where participants are encouraged
                  in three to four years (full-time)       to present a paper or poster on some
                  or five to six years (part-time).        aspect of their research. You’ll also
                                                           have other opportunities to present
                                                           your research such as postgraduate
                                                           student seminars and forums, and
                                                           seminars within your subject area.

                             For more details on becoming a research student at the
                            University of West London, please visit

Research centres
Research at the University of West       context of hospitality, tourism and      research and consultancy work on
London spans a broad range of            aviation, focusing primarily at the      the applications of non-destructive
fields across the arts, STEM, health,    management of reputation, risk and       testing methods and techniques.
education and more. We focus             resilience in these industry sectors.    The Centre utilises both hardware
on research that has an impact on                                                 and software technology in their
                                         The Centre’s goal is to address the
real-world problems, drawing on                                                   research and consultancy projects.
                                         most important and pressing issues
our close ties with businesses and
industries as well as the expertise
                                         in hospitality, tourism and aviation     Centre for Research
                                         by fostering outstanding research,       on Learning in the
of our staff.
                                         drawing on cutting-edge ideas
We have built up particular              and practices and collaborating
                                                                                  Platform Economy
specialisms in the following five        with leading experts from both           The Centre for Research on
areas. Each of our Research Centres      the academic and practitioner            Learning in the Platform
is staffed by experts with an enviable   communities.                             Economy (LeaP) takes forward a
record of publications, conferences,                                              programme of interdisciplinary and
media and public engagement work         The Richard Wells                        international research focused on
in their chosen fields.                  Research Centre                          advancing our conceptualisation,
                                         The Richard Wells Research Centre        methodology, policy and practice
 olicy and Practice
P                                        conducts an active programme of          of workplace learning, focusing on
Research Institute for                   research focusing on improving           emergent forms of digital work in
Screen and Music                         patient safety. The Centre conducts      the platform economy.
The Institute focuses on impacting       primary research, undertakes             European Institute for
research in the music and screen         guideline development and
                                         review and, through its work as an
                                                                                  Person-Centred Health
industries and draws on the
University’s long history of expertise   internationally accredited centre for    and Social Care
in film and performing arts.             evidence-based practice, carries out     The last decade has brought with
                                         comprehensive systematic reviews.        it an increasing recognition that
The Cybersecurity and                                                             chronically ill patients need more
                                         Our particular areas of expertise are:
Criminology Centre                       • patient safety and infection
                                                                                  comprehensive forms of assistance,
The Cybersecurity and Criminology                                                 mandating a need to move away
                                         • mental health
Centre is a hub for interdisciplinary                                             from our current approaches to the
                                         • midwifery and family health
research and public engagement                                                    management of these conditions
                                         • learning disability
in cybersecurity, crime and their                                                 and towards newer models of care
intersections.                           The Faringdon Centre for                 that are personalised, integrated
                                                                                  and contextualised.
                                         Non-Destructive Testing
The International
                                         The Faringdon Centre for Non-            The European Institute for
Centre for Hospitality                   Destructive Testing explores new         Person-Centred Health and
and Aviation Resilience                  avenues of research into the             Social Care will rapidly signal the
Management (ICHARM)                      development and enhancement of           University of West London’s entry
This centre provides an inclusive        the capabilities of non-destructive      into this new and high profile field
platform for interdisciplinary           testing equipment. Within this           of academic enquiry.
impactful research within the            context, the Centre carries out

                           For more information visit


     Our Schools

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