Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)

Page created by Dorothy Porter
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Post Secondary Pathways
         4 N(A)
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
The 3 Important ECG Questions
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Post-Secondary Pathways

Secondary 5

Arts Institution

Institute of Technical Education

Private Institution
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Post-Sec Pathways for N(A)-Level Students
         ITE Nitec courses                  DPP courses               PFP courses

                                                    DPP                     PFP
       ITE EAE          Joint Intake
                                                 Admissions              Admissions
        Conducted        Exercise
       before N(A)-                               Exercise                Exercise
                        Conducted after
          Level                                   Conducted after        Conducted after
                       N(A)-Level results
      examinations,                              N(A)-Level results         N(A)-Level
                         are released,
     students submit                               are released,          examinations,
                        students submit
      up to 3 course                              students submit        students submit
                        up to 12 course
         choices                                  up to 12 course         up to 5 course
                                                      choices                choices

Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Pathways for N(A) Students

     ITE NITEC                      NAFA                    Poly
     • 2-Year Course                • Via the NAFA          • Via the
                                      Foundation              Polytechnic
                                      Programme (NFP)         Foundation
                                                              Programme (PFP)

                       ITE Higher
                       • Via the Direct-          Continuing to
                         Entry Scheme to             Sec 5
                         Programme (DPP)
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Admissions Exercises Application
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Details of Admission Exercises (1)
Post Secondary Pathways - 4 N(A)
Details of Admission Exercises (2)
Progression Pathways for N(A) Students
    ELMAB3                         Pathways Eligibility for N(A) Students
ELMAB3 ≤ 12                *PFP          DPP** –      Traineeship                  Promotion to Sec 5N(A)
(all 5 subjects                          Higher Nitec
must be grade 3
or better)
ELMAB3 ≤ 19                              DPP** –      Traineeship                  Promotion to Sec 5N(A)
                                         Higher Nitec

ELMAB3 ≥ 20                              ITE Nitec           Traineeship

* Also obtained Grade 3 or better for all subjects used in the computation of ELMAB3. Certain PFP courses
 require an EL grade of 2.
** Also met course-specific entry requirements.
Different pathways to Polytechnic and University
 Year        PFP           DPP                      Sec 5 N(A)
                                                     5N(A) O        5N(A) O
          Foundation       Higher       5N(A) O
 2022                                                 Level          Level
          Programme     Nitec Year 1     Level

                           Higher                                    Higher
 2023     Poly Year 1                  JC Year 1    Poly Year 1
                        Nitec Year 2                              Nitec Year 1

                        Poly Year 2
                          (ITE Net
 2024     Poly Year 2    GPA > 3.5     JC Year 2    Poly Year 2
                                                                  Nitec Year 2
                        and course

 2025     Poly Year 3   Poly Year 3                 Poly Year 3    Poly Year 1

 2026                                  University   University
          University    University                                 Poly Year 2

 Nanyang Polytechnic        Courses are hands-on and
                               focus on preparing
  Ngee Ann Polytechnic
                                students for work
   Republic Polytechnic

  Singapore Polytechnic
                             Students graduate with
                                  a Diploma in
Temasek Polytechnic
                              specific area of study.
Polytechnics via the Polytechnic Foundation
Programme (PFP)
• The PFP is a one-year programme that offers a practice-orientated
  curriculum to better prepare N(A) students for entry into the relevant
  Polytechnic Diploma courses.
• PFP students are given provisional places in diploma programmes,
  subject to them passing all modules in the PFP.
• Eligibility does not guarantee placement in a PFP course.
• Students interested in applying for the PFP should first start their
  Secondary 5 year, while awaiting notification of elgibility and
  confirmation of a place in the PFF.
• From 2019, the number of students accepted into the programme has
  increased from to 1500.
Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP)
• ELMAB3 < 12pts or less (excluding CCA bonus pts)
• Meet subject-specific entry requirements
• One-year, practice-oriented programme at a poly
PFP Courses featured in Group 1                           Minimum Required Grades
English Language                                                    3
Mathematics / A. Mathematics                                        3
D&T, F&N, Science                                                   3
Any other two subjects excluding CCA                                3
PFP Courses featured in Group 2                           Minimum Required Grades
English Language                                                    2
Mathematics / A. Mathematics                                        3
Art, Lit. in EL, History, Combined Hum., Geography, POA             3
Any other two subjects excluding CCA                                3
Progression Pathways for N(A) Students –
Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP)
• Sec 4N(A) students who sat for O level subjects
• If student takes the same subject at both N and O levels, only the better
  grade will be computed
• Eligibility does not guarantee placement in a PFP course.
• Subject to vacancies and in open competition with other eligible participants
  based on merit.
Direct-Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP)
•   ELMAB3 < 19pts or less (excluding CCA bonus pts)
•   Meet subject-specific entry requirements
•   2-Year Higher Nitec course at ITE
•   10 weeks preparation programme
Applied Sciences, Engineering and Info-Communications       Required Grades
Technology Higher Nitec DPP Courses
English Language                                                 1–4
Mathematics                                                      1–4
Any three other subjects                                         1–5
Business & Services Higher Nitec DPP Courses            Minimum Required Grades
English Language                                                 1–3
Mathematics                                                      1–4
Any three other subjects excluding CCA points                    1–5
Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP)
  Guaranteed a place in a polytechnic diploma course mapped to their
  Higher Nitec Course upon completion and attain the required
  qualifying GPA
          Courses                                         Progress to 1st year in relevant
                                                          polytechnic Diploma course
          Applied Sciences                                ITE raw GPA > 2.5pts
          Higher Nitec Courses                            (excluding CCA bonus pts)
          Engineering or Info-Communications Technology   ITE raw GPA > 2.5pts
          Higher Nitec Courses                            (excluding CCA bonus pts)
          Business & Services Higher Nitec Courses        ITE raw GPA > 3.0pts
                                                          (excluding CCA bonus pts)
Can I use my school-based O-level preliminary results to
apply for DPP?

Yes. Students can combine their GCE N-Level
examination results and school-based O-Level
preliminary examination results to apply for the DPP.

Upon the release of the GCE O-Level examination results,
ITE will verify if DPP applicants who had previously used
school-based preliminary examination results for
admission have fulfilled the necessary criteria to
continue in the DPP.
What if I am interested in applying for the PFP?

You should first progress to Sec 5N(A). You may then
apply for the PFP upon release of the GCE O-Level results
in January. All PFP-bound students are required to attend
Sec 5N(A) classes in their secondary schools.
Can I apply for both the PFP and DPP?

Yes. However, if you are offered a place in both
the PFP and DPP, you may only accept one course
offer. Students who accept both offers will have
their offers voided.
What should I do, given that the DPP application is in
December and the PFP application is in January?

Option 1:    Progress to Secondary 5N(A) in January and
             then apply for both the PFP and DPP upon
             release of the GCE O-Level examination results.

Option 2:    Start DPP in January first. Upon notification of
             eligibility for PFP, apply and accept PFP offer.
             Then, apply for withdrawal from the DPP
             course as well for a refund of your DPP
             enrolment fees, subject to ITE’s approval.
Progression Pathways for N(A) Students –
Nitec & Traineeship (ITE)

          Nitec                    Traineeship
       2 or 3 years                 1 – 3 years
        Full-time          Off-the-job and on-the-job
     Nitec Certificate   Nitec Certificate + Certificate of
Secondary 5
Criteria for moving on to Secondary 5
• ELMAB3 is 19 points or less
• At least a grade 5 for all subjects used in the computation of
Moving on to Sec 5 and taking the GCE ‘O’ Level
               Some factors for consideration...
1. Your learning preferences – hands-on vs academic
2. ‘Topping up’ to meet the demands of the O level syllabus
3. Different, and higher O level assessment requirements
4. Your likelihood of success at ’O’ levels . . .

               Important to make your choices wisely.
N vs O Levels (Science) - Syllabus
Subject                N level Sci(Physics)                          O level Sci(Physics)
          1. Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement   1. Physical Quantities, Units and
Content   2. Kinematics                                       Measurement**
          3. Dynamics                                     2. Light
          4. Mass, Weight and Density                     3. Static Electricity
          5. Turning Effect of Forces                     4. Current of Electricity**
          6. Pressure                                     5. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
          7. Energy, Work and Power
          8. Kinetic Model of Matter
          9. Transfer of Thermal Energy                   ** There are new contents to be covered in
          10. Thermal Properties of Matter                these topics taught at NA level.
          11. General Wave Properties
          12. Electromagnetic Spectrum
          13. Sound
          14. Current of Electricity
          15. D.C. Circuits
          16. Practical Electricity
N vs O Levels (Science) - Syllabus
Subject           N level Sci(Chemistry)                 O level Sci(Chemistry)
          1. Kinetic Particle Theory           1.   Chemical Calculations**
Content   2. Measurement in Chemistry          2.   Chemical Analysis
          3. Separation and Purification       3.   Oxidation and Reduction
          4. Elements, Compounds and Mixture   4.   Periodic Table**
          5. Atomic Structure                  5.   Metals**
          6. Chemical Bonding                  6.   Energy Changes
          7. Chemical Calculations             7.   Speed of Reaction
          8. Acids and Bases                   8.   Alkanes and Alkene**
          9. Salt Preparation                  9.   Alcohols and Carboxylic acids
          10.Periodic Table
          11.Metals                            ** These are new contents to be covered in
          12.The Atmosphere and Environment    these topics taught at NA level.
          14.Alkanes and Alkene
N vs O Levels (Science) - Assessment
  Subject            N Level Science                       O Level Science
           • Paper 1 : Multiple Choice [20m]    • Paper 1 : Multiple Choice [40m]
Assessment            (Physics)                            (Physics & Chemistry)
           • Paper 2 : Structured [30m]         • Paper 2 : Structured and Free Response
                      (Physics)                              (Physics) [65m]
           • Paper 3 : Multiple Choice [20m]    • Paper 3 : Structured and Free Response
                      (Chemistry)                          (Chemistry) [65m]
           • Paper 4 : Structured [30m]         • Paper 5 : Practical [30m]
                      (Chemistry)                          (Physics & Chemistry)
   Note      Students will be seating for two     There is an additional component of
             papers (for each science) at the      practical exam (taken in October)
             same timing.
N vs O Levels (Science) – Sample Question
                    N Level Science                         O Level Science
Sci(Phy)   [N level 2020 P2 Q7(b)]               [O level 2020 P2 Q2(a, b)]
           A 2 kg mass is dropped a distance     A girl standing on a clifftop of height
           of 0.60 m onto a bench. Air           30 m drops a pebble. Mass of pebble
           resistance is negligible.             is 200 g.
           i. Calculate the change in            (a) Calculate the loss in GPE as the
                gravitational potential energy       pebble falls from her hand to the
                of the mass. [1]                     shore. [2]
           ii. How much kinetic energy does      (b) Ignoring any effects of friction,
               the mass have just as it hits         calculate the speed of the falling
               the bench? [1]                        pebble when it is at a height of
                                                     20 m above the shore. [3]
N vs O Levels (Science) – Sample Question
                     N Level Science                              O Level Science
Sci(Chem) [N level 2017 P4 Q5(c)]                     [O level 2020 P3 Q9(c)]
           Bromine, another member of Group           You are to distinguish between two gaseous
           VII, is used to test for unsaturation in   compounds. One is propane, an alkane, and
           hydrocarbon molecules.                     the other is propene, an alkene.
            (i) What is the physical state of
                 bromine used in this test? [1]        (i) Describe the method you could use and
           (ii) Describe an observation which              the observations you would expect to
                 would prove that the sample being         make. [3]
                 tested is an unsaturated             (ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for
                 hydrocarbon. [1]                          any reaction that takes place in your
           (iii) Name the type of reaction that            method. [1]
                 occurs between bromine and the
                 unsaturated hydrocarbon. [1]
N vs O Levels – Humanities
  Social Studies          N Level                  O Level

                   • Exploring Citizenship • Exploring Citizenship
     Content         and Governance          and Governance
                   • Living in a Diverse   • Living in a Diverse
                     Society                 Society
                   • Being part of a       • Being part of a
                     Globalised World        Globalised World
                      - Driving Forces of
                      - Economic Impact on
                      countries, companies
                      and individuals
N vs O Levels – Humanities
  Social Studies      N Level                O Level

                   Same as O Level   Section A (Sourced-
   Assessment                        Based Case Study) – 35
                                     (a) to (d) Source-handling
                                     skills on specific sources
                                     (e) Source-handling skills
                                     requiring use of multiple
                                     sources [10m]
N vs O Levels – Humanities
  Social Studies          N Level                   O Level

                   Section B (Structured–    Section B (Structured–
   Assessment      Response Question – 15    Response Question – 15
                   marks                     marks
                   (a) Constructing          (a) Constructing
                   explanation by giving     explanation by giving
                   reasoned argument         reasoned argument
                   and/or making             and/or making
                   recommendation on an      recommendation on an
                   issue (only require one   issue (requires two
                   explanation/              explanations/
                   recommendation) [7m]      recommendations) [7m]
N vs O Levels – Humanities
  Social Studies           N Level                     O Level

                   Section B (Structured–      Section B (Structured–
   Assessment      Response Question – 15      Response Question – 15
                   marks                       marks
                   (b) Constructing            (b) Constructing
                   explanation of two          explanation of two
                   factors / perspectives on   factors / perspectives on
                   an issue [8m]               an issue and making
                                               judgement on the
                                               relative importance of
                                               factors or giving
                                               balanced conclusion on
                                               the issue [8m]
N vs O Levels – Humanities
 Elective Geography           N Level                   O Level

                      • Geographical            • Geographical
      Content           Investigation (GI)        Investigation (GI)
                      • Global Tourism          • Global Tourism
                      • Variable Weather and    • Variable Weather and
                        Climate                   Climate;
                      • Living with Tectonics   • Living with Tectonics
                                                • Food Resources
N vs O Levels – Humanities
 Elective Geography      N Level               O Level

                      Same as O Level   Section A – 13 marks
     Assessment                         • Two structured
                                        • Geographical
                                        • Global Tourism;
                                          Variable Weather and
                                        • Choose one question
N vs O Levels – Humanities
 Elective Geography          N Level                 O Level

                      Section B – 12 marks    Section B – 12 marks
     Assessment       • Compulsory            • Two structured
                        structured question     questions
                      • Global Tourism        • Global Tourism;
                                                Variable Weather and
                                              • Choose one question
N vs O Levels – Humanities
 Elective Geography          N Level                    O Level

                      Section C – 25 marks      Section C – 25 marks
     Assessment       • Two structured          • Two structured
                        questions                 questions
                      • Living with Tectonics   • Living with Tectonics;
                        Hazards; Variable         Food Resources
                        Weather and Climate     • Choose one question
                      • Choose one question
N vs O Levels – Humanities
  Elective History          N Level                    O Level

                     • Impact of World War I    • Impact of World War I
      Content        • Rise of authoritarian    • Rise of authoritarian
                       regimes and its impact     regimes and its impact
                       in the interwar years      in the interwar years
                     • World War II in Europe   • World War II in Europe
                       and Asia-Pacific           and Asia-Pacific
                     • Reasons for Cold War     • Reasons for Cold War
                     • Impact of Cold War       • Impact of Cold War
                       (partial)                • Reasons for end of
                       - Korean War               Cold War
N vs O Levels – Humanities
  Elective History      N Level                O Level

                     Same as O Level   Section A (Sourced-
    Assessment                         Based Case Study)
                                       [30 marks]
                                       • (a) to (d) Source-
                                          handling skills on
                                          specific sources
                                       • (e) Source-handling
                                          skills requiring use of
                                          multiple sources and
                                          contextual knowledge
N vs O Levels – Humanities
  Elective History          N Level                   O Level

                     Section B (Structured-    Section B (Structured-
    Assessment       Essay Questions) – 20     Essay Questions)
                     marks                     [20 marks]
                     • Describe events         • Explanation of events
                        and/or issues             and/or issues
                        [8 marks]                 [8 marks]
                     • Explain events and/or   • Evaluate and make
                        issues                    judgment for on
                        [12 marks]                events and/or issues
                     • Choose 1 question          [12 marks]
                                               • Choose 1 question
N vs O Levels – POA
           Subject:                               N Level                                       O Level
Principles of Accounts (POA)

                               •     The Roles of Accounting                •    The Roles of Accounting
          Content              •     The Accounting Information System      •    The Accounting Information System
                               •     Elements of the Financial Statements   •    Elements of the Financial Statements
                               •     The Financial Statements               •    The Financial Statements
                               •     Business Entities                      •    Business Entities
                                                                            •    Financial Statements Analysis

                                   Skills                           %           Skills                          %
       Assessment                  Knowledge and understanding      30%         Knowledge and understanding     25%
                                   Application                      45%         Application                     30%

                                   Analysis and synthesis           25%         Analysis and synthesis          30%
                                                                                Evaluation                      15%
                                                                            O level assessment involves more thinking
                                                                            and writing skills.
Arts Institutions
NAFA Foundation Programme

• The new Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) Foundation Programme (NFP) is a one-year practice-
  based programme at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) that prepares students to pursue a diploma
  in the creative arts at NAFA.
• Starting in March 2019, the NFP will cover a range of subject areas to nurture students’ technical,
  artistic and literacy skills in preparation for a creative arts diploma at NAFA.
• NFP students will be given a provisional offer of admission to the diploma courses, and will be offered a
  place in their course of choice upon successful completion of the NFP.

   Find out more:

Institute of Technical Education
ITE Early Admissions Exercise (ITE EAE)
• ITE EAE is an aptitude-based admissions exercise that allows you to
  apply and receive a conditional offer for admission to ITE courses
  based on your child’s aptitude and interest before taking the national
• Student’s relevant work experience and his/her achievements in
  sports, arts, leadership, entrepreneurship and community service will
  be considered in the application.
It’s for those who have aptitudes and
1   interests in specific fields of study
    • Focus on course-specific aptitudes and interests
    • But, non-course-specific achievements, e.g.
      sports, performing arts, leadership, are also

      2     You’ll be assessed through different
            • E.g. interviews, aptitude tests, showcasing your
              portfolio, depending on the course you apply for

                 All this will take place before your N Level
           3     exams
                   • If your application is successful, ITE will
                     give you a conditional offer before you
                     take the national exams
You’ll still have to meet the minimum
4   entry requirements
    • Most Nitec or Higher Nitec courses have subject-specific
      minimum entry requirements

               But you won’t have to compete for
         5     admission to ITE strictly on the basis of
               how well you do academically compared
               to everyone else
Things You Could
Do Before You

Explore your interests and
Step 1         develop your strengths

• Elective Modules, Advanced Elective
  Modules; Applied Subjects; Applied Learning
• Work attachments; community / volunteer
• Course-related school / personal activities,
  course-related achievements and projects,

Research on the ITE courses you are
Step 2     interested in and related careers in
           the sector

 • Conduct online research, e.g ITE website
 • Visit the ITE ECG Centres that are open for
 • Talk to your teachers, ECG Counsellors,

Step 3             Prepare for your application
Prepare your write-ups
   • Short-write-up on why you want to enter the course
   • Clear and concise descriptions of your interests, passion and
       relevant skills, experiences and activities participated in
Prepare relevant documents
   • Portfolios (where relevant), e.g. samples of creative work
       done for design courses
   • Other examples include evidence of experiences /
       involvement in course-related activities, CCA records, course-
       related certificates / awards, latest school-based examination
   • Upload the supporting documents onto the online portal
Prepare for interviews
Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

                        For students
                     with an aptitude for
                   hands-on learning

                 National          Higher National
             ITE Certification     ITE Certification
                  (Nitec)           (Higher Nitec)
ITE Higher Nitec Courses
• The Direct-Entry Scheme Polytechnic Programme (DPP) is a
  programme that prepares N(A) students for progression into selected
  polytechnic diploma courses after a two-year Higher Nitec courses at
• DPP students who complete their Higher Nitec courses with the
  required minimum qualifying Grade Point Average (GPA) scores will
  be guaranteed a place in a polytechnic diploma course mapped to
  their Higher Nitec course.

  Find out more:
ITE Nitec Courses
N(A) students who apply for admission to the Nitec courses will have a
wide range of Nitec courses available providing hands-on training in
Engineering, Info-Comm Technology and Business and Services.

Find out more:
Progression Pathways for N(A) Students –
Nitec & Traineeship (ITE)

          Nitec                    Traineeship
       2 or 3 years                 1 – 3 years
        Full-time          Off-the-job and on-the-job
     Nitec Certificate   Nitec Certificate + Certificate of
Some factors for consideration
All Higher Nitec courses have prerequisites, e.g. selected Nitec or relevant ‘O’
Level subjects for direct entry. Please find out more if your child wishes to pursue
specific Higher Nitec courses.
1. Do find out as much information about their possible options to make informed decisions.
2. Some Nitec courses allow students to choose from a broader array of Higher Nitec courses
   as opposed to others.
3. There are always progression options for different industries, via Higher Nitec or WSQ
4. Always find the best-suited courses for your child based on their interests, strengths and
   work values.
Private Education
The 3Rs when deciding on Private

 Reasons           Readiness                  Risks

  Why are you      How ready are            Do you know
 furthering your   you to further           the possible
     studies?      your studies?            drawbacks?

8 Things You Should Know Before
You Enrol in A Private School
Which path should your child take after secondary school?

  One student talks about his choice of the Polytechnic Foundation
  Programme (PFP) route.

  Another student broke the mould by going from Normal stream to NUS
  medical school
Is your child preparing for their next educational stage after secondary
school? Use MOE redesigned beta site ( to find
out more about the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), and the courses
offered by the junior colleges, Millennia Institute, polytechnics and ITE!
Additional Information For Students
Information                               Attachment/Link
DPP Information                 
PFP Information                 
PFP Eligibility Requirements    
ITE EAE                         
JIE ‘N’/JIE ‘E’ – Joint Intake Exercise
ITE Course Booklet 2021         
ITE Traineeship Course Booklet 2021
NFP – NAFA Foundation Programme 
Resources for Private Education 
Additional Information For Students and Parents
Information                               Attachment/Link
MySkillsFuture Student Portal   
ECG Resources (What’s Next)     
ECG Resources (Journeying with our
children, supporting their aspirations)
SEL Resources for Parents       
Contact Us

    Mr Oun Yejiu           Mr Anantharaja
    Year Head Sec 4/5      Assistant Year Head Sec 4/5 (Int)
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