Portfolio Approach VIC - 9 November 2021 - UNICEF

Page created by Calvin Powell
Portfolio Approach
    VIC – 9 November 2021
1 Portfolio principles

           2 Current portfolio composition
           3 Supply forecast

Classified as Restricted

      Principles for inclusion of new candidates in Covax portfolio
       (1) Benefits of the vaccine candidates

                  Principle            Description                                    Metric A (TPP preferred) (1)                           Metric B (TPP critical / minimal) (1)
                                       Combines indicators for Safety,                Safety: Safety and reactogenicity sufficient           Safety: (a) Outbreak - Safety and reactogenicity
                                       Efficacy and Duration of protection.           to provide a highly favourable benefit/risk            whereby vaccine benefits outweigh safety risks. (b)
                                       Considers published data and                   profile in the context of observed vaccine             LT - Safety and reactogenicity sufficient to provide a
                                       starting/ongoing studies on efficacy           efficacy                                               highly favourable benefit/risk profile in the context
                                       against new variants, as well as               Efficacy: At least 70% efficacy (on                    of observed vaccine efficacy; with only mild,
                  Clinical             potential of technology platform for           population basis, with consistent results in           transient adverse events related to vaccination.
                  Differentiation      rapid adaptation                               the elderly) (2)                                       Efficacy: Clear demonstration of efficacy (on
                                                                                      Duration of protection: Confers protection             population basis) ideally with ~50% point estimate.
                                                                                      for at least 1 year                                    Endpoint may be assessed vs. disease, severe
                                                                                                                                             disease, and/or shedding/transmission (2)
                                                                                                                                             Duration of protection: Confers protection for at
                                                                                                                                             least 6 months
                  Breadth of
                                       Optimal target product profile (TPP)           Optimal TPP across age groups and type of population
                                       Product stability and storage, incl.           Higher storage temperatures and higher                 Outbreak: Shelf life of at least 12 months as low as
                                       cold-chain requirements and dose               thermostability will greatly enhance vaccine           – 60-70°C, and demonstration of at least 2- week
                                       regimen characteristics                        distribution and availability and are thus             stability at 2-8°C.
                                                                                      strongly preferred.                                    LT: Storage at -20°C or higher; Vaccine vial monitor
                                       Option for purchase in trays/boxes             Vaccine vial monitor (VVM): Proof of                   (VVM): Proof of feasibility and intent to apply a
                  Ease of              with varying numbers of doses; 0.5             feasibility and intent to apply a VVM to the           VVM to the primary container.
                  implementation       ml for any dose, whether primary or            primary container (3)
                                       booster; and Vax Vial Monitors
                                       (VVM) = Preferred, but not
                                       mandatory principles
(1) Metrics refer to preferred and critical/minimal scenarios in WHO Target Product Profile (TPP); https://www.who.int/blueprint/priority-diseases/key-action/WHO_Target_Product_Profiles_for_COVID-19_web.pdf
(2) Vaccines currently under development may not be able to demonstrate efficacy pre-EUL and will use immunogenicity data compared to vaccines with EUL. The level of immune response should give reasonable
likelihood to predict a level of efficacy of 70 or 50% efficacy.                                                                                                                                      3
(3) cf. Preferred characteristics in WHO Target Product Profile
Classified as Restricted

      Principles for inclusion of new candidates in Covax portfolio
       (2) Suitability to the COVAX portfolio

                   Principle             Description                             Metric A (TPP preferred) (1)                    Metric B (TPP critical / minimal) (1)
                                         Achieving “Total system                 Weighted average price per dose accounting for AMC pricing system in selected candidates.
                                         effectiveness” (as per Healthy
                                         Market Framework), taking into          NB: we will take into consideration total system effectiveness, however consider delivery costs
                                         consideration total cost of delivery    as part of the "Ease of Implementation" criteria to avoid double counting.
                   Geographic            Diversification of                      Location of supplier / manufacturer
                   distribution*         supplier/manufacturing base
                                         Supplier’s willingness and ability      Metrics to assess Supplier Performance may include:
                                         to supply at large scale to AMC         • Track record of the supplier (e.g. performance history supplying UNICEF)
                                         countries. COVAX will assess            • Vaccine policy
                                         robustness of plans in place,           Metrics to assess Supply Robustness (internal & external) may include:
                                         availability of adjuvants, etc.).       • Domestic manufacturing constraints imposed by country governments which impact supply
                   Readiness to Scale
                                                                                 • Supplier capacity: bilateral commitments by the supplier
                                                                                 • Robustness of manufacturing, capacity, etc.
                                                                                 • Supplier's access to materials and reagents
                                                                                 • Constraints on adjuvants
                                         Countries’ expressed interest in a      Country preference as expressed in CCP
                                         product. This however may be
                   Country Product       less relevant for new candidates
                   Preference            that may not have had a chance to
                                         develop a track record yet

        (4) Health Market Framework: https://www.gavi.org/sites/default/files/document/healthy-markets-framework--public-overviewpdf.pdf                                           4
        (*) These are more relevant for Covax from a pillar perspective, rather than individual participants
1 Portfolio principles

           2 Current portfolio composition
           3 Supply forecast


COVAX Facility Supply
Product-specific portfolio overview
                                                                                                                                                                                       There are currently eleven
                                                                                                                                                                                       vaccines in the COVAX
COVAX Total Available Supply, M doses, 2021 and 2022
       Committed doses1                   Optional doses1                                                                                                                              1. SII: Covovax ("NVX-CoV2373")
       Dose donations2                    Under discussion/negotiation                                                                                           691      6,585
                                                                                                                                                                                       2. SII: Covishield ("AZD1222")
                                                                                                                                            620       5,894
                                                                                                                                 200                                                   3. Pfizer/BioNTech: BNT162b2
                                                                                       170       170      4,774
                                                                            200                                                                                                        4. Moderna: mRNA 1273
                                            414                                                                                                                                        5. Clover Biopharmaceuticals: SCB-
                                  500                                                                                                                                                     2019 (CpG1018/Alum)
           1,000                                                                                                                                                                       6. Sinovac: CoronaVac

 1,040                                                                                                                                                                                 7. Novavax : NVX-CoV2373

                                                                                                                                                                                       8. Janssen J&J4: Ad26COV2.S
                                                                                                           Signed                           Dose      Total              Adjusted
                                                                                                            deals                         donations                       Total        9. AstraZeneca: ChAdOx1-S
                                            Secured supply from                                                      Supply from non-binding               Adjustment for                 [recombinant] ("AZD1222")
                                         legally-binding agreements                                                 agreements and donations                single-dose
                                                                                                                                                                                       10. Sinopharm: BBIBP-CorV
1 “Committed doses” are doses that the COVAX Facility is required to procure. “Optional doses” are doses that the COVAX Facility has the option to procure in the future, but is not
required to purchase. Once optional doses are exercised, they become committed doses.                                                                                                  11. Sanofi-GSK: Recombinant Protein
2 “Dose donations” estimated based upon donor commitments to share new doses bilaterally with COVAX. The transfer of COVAX allocations from SFPs to AMC Participants are
already included in the volumes secured by COVAX from legally-binding agreements.
3 US support has allowed COVAX to secure an additional 1B Pfizer/BioNTech doses. Reflecting US funding above its original pledge, 700M of these are recorded as a donation.
4 COVAX has signed an Advance Purchase Agreement (APA) with Janssen for 200M doses; negotiations for up to an additional 300M doses are ongoing as per the Memorandum
of Understanding announced on 18 December 2020.                                                                                                                                                                         6
5 In these supply forecasts, volumes for single-dose regimen candidates have been doubled to ensure comparability with two-dose candidates.
1 Portfolio principles

           2 Current portfolio composition
           3 Supply forecast


       COVAX Facility Supply Forecast
       Ranged forecasts under low, most likely, and high scenarios

       COVAX Forecasted Supply, Cumulative, M doses, 2021 and 20221                                                                                                                               THREE BIGGEST DRIVERS OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNCERTAINTY FOR COVAX
                Low scenario2                  Most likely scenario2                   High scenario2
                                                                                                                                                                                   2,480          SUPPLY
                                                                                                                                       High: 1,380                                                - Timing and extent to which export
30%                                                                                                                                                                                                 controls in India are eased. While
                                                                                                                                                                      2,005                         vaccine have started being exported
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from India, the exact volumes and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    phasing of volumes for COVAX is still
                                                                                                                                                          1,645                                     under discussion.
coverage3                                                                                                                                                                                         - Manufacturers prioritizing supply
                                                                                               Reflects COVAX doses                          1,300
                                                                                                  released to date                                                                                  from global manufacturing
                                                                                                                                1,010                                                               networks to COVAX, allowing
                                                                                                                                                                                                    COVAX to access doses that it has
                                                                                                                     720                                                                            already secured and paid for under its
coverage3                                                                                                                                                                                           existing APAs.
                                                                                            370                                         Low: 1,160
                                                                                260                                                                                                               - Timely regulatory approval of
                                                                   160                                                                                                                              candidates that COVAX has signed
                              35           50          80
      10          10                                                                                                                                                                                deals with including those being
                                                                                                                                                                                                    developed by Novavax, SII-Novavax,
     Jan        Feb          Mar          Apr         May          Jun          Jul         Aug          Sep          Oct         Nov          Dec         Jan          Feb         Mar             and Clover.

                                                                        2021                                                                                           2022
       1 Timing of available supply is based on anticipated date of release by manufacturer, at which point doses become available for delivery. Timing of delivery to countries will be lagged
       due to need for local regulatory approvals, supply agreements, country readiness, export licenses, logistics, etc. Volumes for single-dose regimen candidates doubled to ensure
       comparability across vaccines. Volumes include dose donations that are committed to being delivered through COVAX. Volumes have been rounded to nearest 5M.
       2 Scenarios are based on best available information from manufacturers and analysis from Gavi and UNICEF on the impact and likelihood of potential mitigation efforts.                                                          8
       3 Coverage refers to proportion of total population in AMC91 Participants that could be fully vaccinated with available volumes, assuming India receives 20% of AMC-funded volumes.
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