Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022

Page created by Carl Brewer
Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022
Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club
     Nipper Education Program
         Parent / Guardian
        Handbook 2021/2022
Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022
Welcome .................................................................................................................................... 3
About Lifesaving ........................................................................................................................ 6
   Life Saving Victoria ................................................................................................................ 6
   Introduction to Nippers Education Program........................................................................... 7
   Nipper Education Program Details ........................................................................................ 8
   COVIDSafe Nippers ............................................................................................................... 7
   What to expect from Nippers Education Program ................................................................. 9
   What your Nipper(s) will learn ................................................................................................ 9
   What is required to participate in Nippers............................................................................ 10
   What to bring to each session.............................................................................................. 11
   Sun Safety ............................................................................................................................ 12
   Parent Involvement – How can I get involved? ................................................................... 12
      Junior Sport Competition .................................................................................................. 14
      Junior / Youth Opportunities with Life Saving Victoria ..................................................... 14
   Safety ................................................................................................................................... 16
      Medical / Health and Wellbeing Information .................................................................... 16
      Safeguarding Children and Young People....................................................................... 16
      Safeguarding Children and Young People Awareness Training ..................................... 17
      Working with Children Checks ......................................................................................... 18
      Code of Conduct............................................................................................................... 20
Contacts ................................................................................................................................... 20
Thank You ................................................................................................................................ 20

Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022

Point Lonsdale SLSC welcomes you to our Summer Nippers program for 2021-2022. We look forward
to seeing you at Santa Casa beach and at our social events in our new Clubhouse!
The attached Nipper Calendar outlines our program dates, starting with gear collection on
Monday 27 December and the first beach day on Tuesday 28 December. Please regularly check our
Club website for updates, as public health restrictions may result in last-minute changes.
We have an enthusiastic group of qualified instructors, age managers, and water safety volunteers
to work with your nippers, so please give them your support.
Important reminders:
Before Nippers starts you need to:
    •   Submit the Nipper Swim Test Form to office@plslsc.com.au
    •   Complete the LSV vaccination status form for each person aged 12 or over attending nippers
        (including nipper participants, parents and guardians)
    •   Volunteer for parent roles – at least two volunteer shifts per Nipper
    •   Collect gear from the Clubhouse on Monday 27 December (see timetable below)
During the program:
   •    Allow plenty of time to find a park, obey all traffic management, and DRIVE SLOWLY
   •    Be on the beach at 9:15am ready for a 9:30am start
   •    On arrival, QR code check-in and comply with all COVIDSafe procedures
   •    Head straight to your Nipper’s age group area on the beach to sign in with the Age Manager
   •    If you leave early for any reason, it is essential that you let your Age Manager know
   •    Every Nipper family needs an adult on the beach responsible for them in the event of
        distress or accident.
   •    At the end of Nippers, please leave via the exits to the east and west of the nipper area.
        Do not exit via the main path from the beach base, so we can maintain social distancing and
        allow for gear movement.
Finally, we could not run Nippers without our fantastic volunteers and sponsors. We would like to
thank them all, especially our key Nipper sponsors whose generous donations make the Nippers
programme possible:

Kerleys Coastal Real estate
Michael Limb Builders
Vitality Brands
Espresso Alfresco

If you have any questions, please contact us at nippers@plslsc.com.au.
See you on the beach!

Caroline Cotton – Director, Programs     caroline.cotton@plslsc.com.au
Emilie Fary – Junior Coordinator         emilie.fary@plslsc.com.au
Lisa Moore - Junior Coordinator          nippers@plslsc.com.au

Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022
Mon 27 Dec - Gear Collection at PLSLSC Clubhouse
All U8 nippers (and other new nippers) will collect a new rashie and skull cap. Returning nippers
must use their rashie and cap from last year, but there will be other gear to collect. A limited
number of rashies and skull caps will be available for purchase for returning nippers who need a new
one. General club merchandise will also be available for sale.
If you have pre-worn rashies that your nipper has outgrown, please bring them along and we will
rehome them.
Your nipper will not receive their gear unless you have signed up to volunteer for at least two
sessions per nipper.
Please attend only during your allocated time below, so we can ensure social distancing.
                    Surname beginning with           Arrive no earlier than:
                    A-F                              10.30 – 11:00am
                    G-L                              11:00 – 11:30am
                    M-R                              11:30 – 12:00 noon
                    S-Z                              12:00 – 12.30pm

First Nipper Day (Tues 28 Dec)
Please arrive at Santa Casa beach by 9.15am using the Henry Street beach access. Nippers should be
dressed at home and ready to go as soon as they hit the beach.
Age groups are divided into sub-groups (e.g. bullsharks, blue whales) - make sure you know your
nipper’s group before you arrive. Check the noticeboard at the beach base to determine the
location of your nipper’s group. Go straight to your group area on the beach to sign in with the Age
Manager. There will be no large group gathering at the start of nippers.
What you need to bring to Nippers:
  •    yellow nipper rashie          •    towel
  •    nipper cap – named as         •    sunscreen
       shown                         •    drink bottle
  •    brimmed hat                   •    warm clothes
  •    bathers                       •    wet suit (optional)
  •    goggles
Back Beach Day (Tues 4 Jan)
U12 and U13 will meet on the beach at the foot of the back beach based on Tues 4 Jan at 9.30am.
We will focus on water safety and surf conditions and provide an opportunity for Nippers to
experience a swim at the back.
Other key dates
Tues 2 Jan 2022         Nipper Social
Sun 2 Jan 2022          Annual Door Knock – all nippers required to participate
Fri 7 Jan 2022          Cosy Corner Junior Carnival
Sat 8 Jan 2022          Nipper Championships / Presentation Evening
Sun 16 Jan 2022         Intraclub junior carnival with Bancoora
25-27 Feb 2022          Junior Victorian Lifesaving Championships, Lorne

Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022

Before Nippers
Please read the Nipper Parent Checklist to ensure all COVIDSafe protocols are adhered to.

Undertake the Personal Health Checklist every morning before attending Nippers. If any of your
household are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, do not come to Nippers – get tested for COVID-
19, and stay home until you receive your test results.
QR Check-in on arrival
Please check-in on arrival using the QR Codes displayed on signs at the entrance (so bring your
phone!). Please be nice and show your vaccination certificate if requested by our Covid Marshals.
All attendees 12 and over (including nippers, parents and carers) must be vaccinated against
COVID-19. Please make sure you have completed the LSV vaccination status form for each person
aged 12 or over attending nippers (including nipper participants, parents and guardians) before the
first day.
Check-in with your Age Manager on the beach
Please arrive by 9:15am, ready for a 9.30am start.
On arrival, go straight to your group area on the beach. Check the notice board at the beach base as
areas may change daily according to activities.
Age managers will check-in each nipper. If you leave the beach early for any reason, please let your
Age Manager know.
Know the plan for the day
This year there will be no gathering of Nippers and parents at the start and end of the day to listen
messages over the PA system, due to COVID compliance requirements. Details of each day’s
activities will be posted on the notice board at the beach base. Most activities will take place within
the age group area. We may make general announcements over the PA system throughout the day.
Please listen to these this is our way of communicating any changes to the program.
Complete your volunteer obligations
Please make sure you note in your calendar which days you have signed up to volunteer, and the
start time. Our Nipper program is run entirely by volunteers, and we rely on our wonderful
community to ensure all roles are filled each day. Remember, this is your Club - the more you put in,
the more you and your children will get out of the experience! If you are unsure what a particular
volunteer role involves, check out the role descriptions on the Club website and ask on the beach.
Bring cash
Our sausage sizzle and icy poles are cash only, so please dust off that cash jar and bring it along!
These are key fundraising activities for the Club and help support us run the Nippers program.

Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022
About Lifesaving
The primary mission of Victorian Life Saving Clubs is to provide a safe and enjoyable
aquatic experience for all visitors to our beaches. Over the summer period (usually the end of November
through to Easter) Life Saving Clubs and Lifeguards provide beach patrols at over 60 Victorian beaches
on weekends and public holidays.
Victoria’s coastline and inland waterways are unique and their recreational opportunities endless. Life
Saving Victoria is keen to ensure that all visitors are aware of their own abilities and the potential
dangers at the beach. Life Saving Clubs train volunteer lifesavers in aquatic rescue and resuscitation
techniques as well as offering water safety education to the general beach going public.
Since the early 1900’s Life Saving Clubs have been an integral part of Australia’s coastal and inland
waterways, with volunteers providing education and training in lifesaving activities, as well as providing
the iconic ‘Swim between the red and yellow flags’ patrolled areas. Life Saving Clubs harness the
support of local communities and use a network of support services such as Westpac Lifesaver Rescue
Helicopter, Rescue Water Craft and Marine Search and Rescue boats to ensure the safety of the
nation’s waterway users.

Life Saving Victoria
Life Saving Victoria (est. 2002) is an initiative of the Royal Life Saving Society Australia Victoria Branch
(est. 1904) and Surf Life Saving Victoria (est. 1947).
Operating as a social enterprise, we are an independent company that is limited by guarantee. Life
Saving Victoria is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
(ACNC) and has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Taxation Office.
Life Saving Victoria’s is forging new lifesaving and water safety initiatives while respecting the proud
traditions and programs of Royal Life Saving and Surf Life Saving National organisations.
Our Mission
Life Saving Victoria’s mission is to prevent aquatic related death and injury in all Victorian communities
and has the vision that all Victorians will learn water safety, swimming and resuscitation and be
provided with safe aquatic environments and venues.
Our Vision
All Victorians will enjoy our aquatic environment after learning water safety, swimming and resuscitation
    •     Positive and respectful relationships (cultural and intergenerational).
    •     Being open, welcoming and inclusive
    •     Personal development through commitment to lifesaving
    •     Developing healthy lifestyles.
    •     Taking personal responsibility for betterment.
    •     Being relevant in today’s and tomorrow’s society.
    •     Efficient and appropriate use of available resources.
    •     Building stronger and safer communities.

Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Nipper Education Program Parent / Guardian Handbook 2021/2022
Introduction to Nippers Education Program

Life Saving Victoria aims to encourage all children to achieve, do their best and develop to their full
potential, whilst learning new skills and having fun. We encourage participation in all activities.
The vision for Nippers is to provide a safe and friendly environment where both nippers and parents
can learn and enhance their knowledge about lifesaving and to prepare our Nippers to eventually be
patrolling members.
There are 12,000+ Nippers here in Victoria. Nippers start learning about surf and inland waterway
awareness, and safety through the Nipper Education Program. They are also able to participate in board
paddling, swimming, running, wading and other activities and games, that will assist Nippers to become
future lifesavers.
Surf awareness and education is a primary aim of the program. Children are taught from the youngest
age how to respect and read the surf and to use it to their advantage. This is done in an environment
of fun, healthy lifestyle and camaraderie which is unique to lifesaving.

COVIDSafe Nippers

COVIDsafe Key Principles

We are committed to keeping all members of the club safe, and we thank you for your support and
understanding in these changing times.

While we know this year is different, we are keen to for Nippers to continue.

This year Nippers will operate in a modified capacity based on our COVIDSafe plans, in line with the
Victorian Government Roadmap.

The advice this season is to ‘arrive, participate and leave’. We are asking all parents to comply with
this, avoiding spending additional time at the beach outside of Nippers.

This season, our Instructors, Age Managers and Water Safety Personnel will help us ensure that
nippers are kept safe both in the water and on the beach. As always, we would love for more people
to join the team! If you are interested to find out more, please email nippers@plslsc.com.au.

Staying safe

We are asking all parents / carers to support us to meet government requirements and
stay safe by:

    •   Staying at home if you or your child have any COVID-19 symptoms or are unwell
    •   Practicing good hygiene
    •   Wearing a face mask if required by public health directions at the time
    •   Going directly to your allocated group areas
    •   Ensuring that you QR check-in when attending Nippers to assist with contact tracing
    •   Maintaining physical distancing while spectating, both in and around the clubhouse and on
        the beach
    •   Bringing your own sunscreen, water bottles and towels to avoid sharing
    •   Adopt an ‘arrive, participate, and leave’ approach – get ready and shower at home.

Please read the Nipper Parent Checklist before attending Nippers.

As the Victorian Government Roadmap and our COVIDSafe plans adapt prior to season start, we will
endeavour to update you on information as it becomes available.

We are committed to keeping all members of the club safe, and we thank you for your support and
understanding in these changing times.

Nipper Education Program Details
Our Summer Nippers program is held at Santa Casa Beach (off Henry St), Queenscliff.
The Nipper program runs from 9.30 am – 11.30am on the days indicated on the attached calendar.
Nippers will run on all designated days (rain, hail or shine), but may need to be cancelled in the
event of EPA advice about poor water quality.
We welcome nippers of all abilities and run a modified Starfish Nippers program alongside our
summer age group program.
Road Safety
The area around Santa Casa becomes congested before and after Nippers. Please allow plenty of
time to find a park, obey all signs and DRIVE SLOWLY. Traffic professionals are employed by the club
to supervise crossing Flinders Street near Henry Street. Please do not cross below or above this
designated area. Use the crossing - it is for you and your children’s safety.
Please follow the COVID signs for entry and exit to the beach.
Please take all rubbish home with you
We are a large group and should not leave any rubbish at Santa Casa Beach. Please look around you
before you leave and collect any rubbish in your area. Our marine wildlife will thank you for it!
No Dogs please
Please don’t bring your dog to Nippers, even if you have just come from the dog beach. Council
restrictions require no dogs on Santa Casa beach after 9am during summer, and the Council is
actively enforcing these restrictions.

What to expect from Nippers Education Program
The main aims of the Nippers Education Program are to:
  •           Develop surf and inland waterway awareness
  •           Increase confidence and skills in beach related activities
  •           Instill and re-enforce SunSmart philosophies
  •           Encourage enjoyable and healthy participation
  •           Promote a positive non-threatening environment
  •           Meet new friends

What your Nipper will learn
Your Nipper(s) will learn a number of new skills on the beach and in the
water, as well as key education areas and water safety
Nipper Skills
Nipper skills builds progressively on skill development from U8-U13 in beach, water and lifesaving
activities. The activities are designed to provide Nippers the skills to be safe around open water and
prepare them to complete their Surf Rescue Certificate.

          Beach Activities                                                 Water Activities

          •     Beach Sprints                                              •   Wading
          •     Beach Relay                                                •   Dolphin Diving
          •     Beach Run                                                  •   Surf Race
          •     Beach Flags                                                •   Boards
          •     Nipper Games                                               •   Run-Swim-Run – U8+
                                                                           •   Board Relay – U10+
                                                                           •   Ironman/Ironwoman – U12+

Nipper Education
Nipper Education progressively builds on knowledge development from U8-U13. Lessons are
designed to educate Nippers to be safe around the open water environment and provide basic
knowledge to prepare them to complete their Surf Rescue Certificate.
Topics include:
      •        Introduction to Lifesaving
      •        Personal Safety Network
      •        Know the Beach
      •        Our Beach Environment
      •        Eat, Drink and Exercise
      •        Play It Safe in the Water
      •        First Aid
      •        Becoming a Lifesaver

What is required to participate in Nippers
All participants that wish to be part of the Nippers Education Program must:
        •   Be a financial club member for the current season
        •   Be 7 – 13 years of age by midnight on September 30.
        •   Stay in designated age group, even if their birthday occurs during the season
        •   Complete a Preliminary Swim Test prior to commencing Nipper activities in the water.
            Please arrange for the form to be completed by your qualified swim instructor and submit
            to office@plslsc.com.au before Nippers starts.
Age Groups

A nipper is appointed to a particular age group each season based on their age at midnight on 30
For example; a member turns 12 years of age on 4 August 2020; he/she will be registered as U13 for
the 2020/21 season. A member turns 12 years on 4 October 2020; he/she would be registered as U12
for the 2020/21 season.
Note: A child cannot be classed as a member until they turn 5 year old (eg. If a child turns 5 on 1
November, they can’t partake in any activities until that date).
A child who turns 5 after 30 September in the current season will be required to join as an U6 for the
current and the following season.

             Age Group                      Date of Birth              Surf Education Award

                 U8                    1/10/2012 – 30/09/2013              Surf Aware One

                 U9                    1/10/2011 – 30/09/2012              Surf Aware Two

                 U10                   1/10/2010 – 30/09/2011                  Surf Safe One

                 U11                   1/10/2009 – 30/09/2010                  Surf Safe Two

                 U12                   1/10/2008 – 30/09/2009              Surf Smart One

                 U13                   1/10/2007 – 30/09/2008              Surf Smart Two

                 U14                   1/10/2006 – 30/09/2007                      SRC

Preliminary Swim Requirements
Being able to swim competently is an integral part of making
children safe at the beach as well as allowing them to actively
participate and enjoy lifesaving activities. The Nippers program
is not a “learn to swim” program. We strongly encourage you to
enrol your children in “learn to swim” classes depending on their
current ability.
Swimming evaluations are in place to ensure that Nippers are
fit and able to meet the minimum requirements for safety of the
Nipper Program. The evaluations consist of a swim and survival
These will be completed at the beginning of the program so we
can determine how many Nippers can go in the water at once
and if anyone will need extra support in the water activities.
Should your child not meet the minimum requirements one-on-one water safety will be provided (if there
is sufficient number of water safety available), otherwise your child can participate in land based
activities only, and we will work with your child to meet the minimum requirements.
We do recognise that swimming in the ocean is a new experience for many children and that even
competent pool swimmers can find this challenging at first. Our aim is to encourage children and to help
develop their confidence and skills swimming in the ocean as well as provide surf and inland waterway

What to bring to each session
It is compulsory that Nippers wear their Nipper yellow rashie and skull cap during sessions for easy
You should wear or bring:
    •   nipper rashie
    •   nipper cap – named as shown
    •   bathers
    •   Wide brim or bucket style hat or legionnaire style cap
    •   goggles
    •   towel
    •   sunscreen(at least SPF 30+)
    •   Water bottle (filled with water only)
    •   Wetsuit (optional)
    •   Dry clothes for after nipper program session (suggested only)

Please label all belongings clearly.

Sun Safety
We aim to teach children about all aspects of waterways/beach safety, including sun protection.
We encourage all participants and spectators to follow these procedures:
        1. Slip on sun-protective clothing
        2. Slop on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen at
           least 20 minutes before going outdoors and re-apply every two hours
        3. Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that protects your face, head, neck and ears
        4. Seek shade
        5. Slide on sunglasses
Remember to think UV not heat, the UV level can be as high on a cold or cloudy day as
it is when it is a hot day. The free SunSmart app tells you when sun protection is
recommended for your location and shows the current UV levels.
Source (https://www.cancervic.org.au/preventing-cancer/be-sunsmart)

Parent Involvement – How can I get involved?
Nippers cannot run without our parent helpers - no lifesaving knowledge is necessary as you will learn
alongside your Nipper. This may include setup and pack down of the beach/activities, becoming a
qualified Age Manager, becoming qualified water safety, assisting with particular nipper activities or
social functions.
Please note: a nipper parent/guardian is required to be on the beach at all times, whilst the
program is running.

     Role                    Overview                                 Pre – requisites

 Age             An Age Manager has the                •   No lifesaving experience necessary
 Manager         responsibility of a Nipper Age
                 Group in conjunction with our         •   Be 18 years or older
                 instructors                           •   Be a financial member of a Life Saving
                 Key tasks include:                        Club

                 •   take roll call at the start and   •   Hold a current Working with Children
                     end of the day                        Check with details recorded in SurfGuard
                 •   oversee safety of the nipper      •   Completed the online Safeguarding
                     group, including by taking a          Children and Young People awareness
                     head count as nippers enter           course
                     and exit the water
                 •   provide general                   •   Completed the online or face to face Age
                     encouragement and support             Managers Course
                     for nippers                       •   Undertake a minimum of two on-the-beach
                 •   help instructors ensure a             mentoring sessions with an Age Manager
                     respectful and inclusive              Mentor
                 •   help ensure all COVIDSafe         Click here for instructions of how to access the
                     protocols and procedures are      Age Manager Online course
                     adhered to                        Click here for instructions of how to access the
                 •   communicate any concerns          Safeguarding Children and Young People
                     with the Junior Coordinators      Awareness Course

Role                    Overview                                Pre – requisites

Age             An Age Manager Assistant is           •   Be 16 years or older
Manager         someone who assists the Age
Assistant       Manager deliver the Nipper            •   Be a financial member of a Life Saving
                program.                                  Club
                                                      •   Hold a current Working with Children
                                                          Check with details recorded in SurfGuard
                                                      •   Completed the online Safeguarding
                                                          Children and Young People awareness

Water           Water safety requirements are 1:5     •   Bronze Medallion
Safety          therefore the number of water
                safety personnel will determine the   •   Be a financial member of a Life Saving
                number of nippers who are able to         Club
                enter the water at any one time.      •   Hold a current Working with Children
                                                          Check with details recorded in SurfGuard
                                                      •   Completed the online Safeguarding
                                                          Children and Young People awareness

BBQ             Parents who cook the BBQ for post     •   Hold a current Working with Children
                nipper sessions                           Check with details recorded in SurfGuard

Set up and      Parent helpers who do assist          •   Hold a current Working with Children
pack up         setting up and packing up all the         Check with details recorded in SurfGuard
                beach activities

Nipper          Assisting the Nippers Coordinator     •   Hold a current Working with Children
Admin           with administration of the Nippers        Check with details recorded in SurfGuard
Assistance      program

Junior Sport Competition – Stingers

Sport competition began as and continues to be a way for our lifesavers to maintain the skills and
physical abilities required to be a lifesaver. There are a wide range of opportunities available for
members interested in participating in lifesaving sport.

The skills learned in the Nipper program are based on key lifesaving skills and many will be part of
competition events. There are a number of carnivals run throughout the season for nippers to
participate in.

From the age of 8 (Under 9), junior members can begin to compete in swimming and board events at
junior carnivals. To ensure that all juniors have the ability, strength and fitness required to complete
the course they must pass the Competition Skills Evaluation specific for their age group, as
determined by SLSA. There will be an opportunity to undertake the Competition Skills Evaluation On
Wednesday 29 December immediately after the Nippers session.

There are various levels competition and commitment available in the Stingers programme, ranging
from training and development sessions, informal friendly meets with other surf clubs, and competitive

Training and development sessions

Sunday mornings during school term at Santa Casa Beach.
Contact Graeme.smith@plslsc.com.au for more information

Inter-club Meets and Surf Carnivals
                        Meet                                           Date
           LSV Junior Carnival U8-U13                               Friday 7 Jan 2022
             @Cosy Corner, Torquay                                       (All day)
  There is no Nippers programme this day, and we
     would love to get as many of our nippers to
   represent the Club at this friendly surf carnival

   Inter-club friendly meet with Bancoora SLSC                    Saturday 15 Jan 2022
                  @Barcoora beach                              (Short meet- approx 2 hours)

    Inter-club friendly meet with Elwood SLSC                   Saturday 22 January 2022
                 @Santa Casa beach                             (Short meet- approx 2 hours)

           LSV Junior Carnival U9-U13                                6 February 2022
                    @Point Leo
           (subject to sufficient interest)

        LSV State Junior Championships U9-U13                       25 - 27 Feb 2022
              (subject to sufficient interest)

If your nipper is interested in attending these events:

    •   Email pwcoon@yahoo.com by Wednesday 29 December
    •   Ensure your nipper completes their Competition Skills Evaluation on
        Wednesday 29 December immediately after the Nippers session.

Junior / Youth Opportunities with Life Saving Victoria

There are a number of opportunities for members to get involved with Life Saving Victoria
development programs. These include:

U13 Development Camp (for 12 and 13 year olds)

The U13 Development Camp is a fun filled weekend of challenging camp
and lifesaving activities, designed to develop interpersonal skills.
Throughout the camp participants will create a state wide network of friends
and broaden their understanding of lifesaving as they are mentored by
volunteer leaders.
Champion Junior Lifesaver Development Day (13 and 14 year olds)

CJL is a fun filled day of leadership development workshops, exposure to the
many opportunities in lifesaving and practical team based SRC scenarios.

The day also incorporates the prestigious Mike Martin Champion Junior
Lifesaver award, to recognise and celebrate the achievements and
commitments of our youth members to their club and local community.
This award forms part of the Life Saving Victoria Awards of Excellence.
U15 Development Camp for (14 and 15 year olds)

The U15 Leadership Development Camp is a fun filled weekend of thought
provoking activities designed to develop participants knowledge of self and
their team mates, while learning the fundamental skills of leadership
Throughout the camp participants will build their state wide network of
contacts and broaden their understanding of lifesaving as they are mentored
by experienced volunteer leaders.

Youth Symposium

Life Saving Victoria hosted the inaugural Youth Symposium on the 1st of June 2019. This event
highlighted the significance that LSV places on retaining our youth members, establishing strong
relationships with our future leaders and most importantly making sure our young members have a
voice, about what the future of lifesaving looks like in Victoria.

The youth symposium was aimed at 13-17 members from all aspects of lifesaving. This unique
opportunity provided young members with an opportunity to meet peers from across the state, hear
from and network with the leaders and decisions makers from across lifesaving, sport and emergency

For more information on any of the above opportunities visit https://lsv.com.au/clubs-

Safety is our first priority for all activities. Safety extends to on the beach and in the water
and also gives consideration to the protection of all children

Medical / Health and Wellbeing Information
Should your child have any medical / health conditions, please ensure these are recorded upon
registering for the season and inform the Junior Coordinators and Age Managers.

Safeguarding Children and Young People
Life Saving Victoria is committed to the Safeguarding of Children and Young People (SCYP) and
acknowledges a safeguarding organisation doesn’t just happen; it requires conscious action to protect
children from harm.
It is imperative that we provide a safe and supportive environment for children and young people, that
focus’ on fun, education and building the confidence of our people through positive learning and
LSV’s core values include being open, welcome and inclusive and building stronger and safer
communities for everyone. LSV empowers and expects all employees, members, board members,
affiliated Clubs, consultants, contractors and licensees, to create and maintain a safe culture for children
and young people.
LSV is committed to reducing the risks of abuse and harm to children and young people, and will ensure
all staff; members, affiliated Clubs, consultants, contractors and licensees understand and adhere to
the SCYP Policy and Procedure, relevant legislation, and statutory requirements.

Our Commitment to Children and Young People
     We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people who access any of
     our activities, programs, events or services
     We are committed to providing children and young people with positive and nurturing experiences
     We commit to supporting families and communities to promote children and young people’s healthy
     development and wellbeing
     We will strive to ensure that children and young people are protected and are not exploited, abused
     or harmed during their involvement with any of our activities, programs, events or services
     We will listen to children and young people and empower them by taking their view seriously and
     address any concerns that they raise with us
Our Commitment to Parents and Carers
     We are committed to supporting parents and carers to protect their children. We will offer
     assistance that builds on a family’s strengths and empowers them to meet the changing needs of
     their children.
   We are committed to communicating honestly and openly with parents and carers about the
   wellbeing and safety of their children
   We will promote and distribute information about this Child Protection Commitment Statement to
   children and young people and parents/carers as part of an introduction to our services and
   We commit to transparency in our decision-making with parents and carers as long as doing so does
   not compromise the safety of children and young people or breach any confidentiality obligations.
   We will work to create an environment in which children and young people are safe and feel safe in
   any of our program, activities, and/or events

Our Commitment to LSV People
    We commit to a management structure that supports and develops staff in their roles
    We commit to providing all LSV people with the necessary support to enable them to fulfil their roles.
    This will include regular and appropriate development opportunities and supervision.
    We commit to providing regular opportunities to clarify and confirm policy and procedures in relation
    to children and young people protection and welfare.
    We commit to regular training with regards to understanding the principles and intent of the
    Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
    We commit to listen to all concerns voiced by LSV people in regards to keeping children and young
    people safe from harm.
    We are committed to providing a robust reporting mechanism for all LSV people for any concerns
    around the safety or wellbeing of children and young people.
    We commit to provide opportunities for LSV people to receive the most appropriate support, which
    may include formal debriefing and counselling arising from incidents of child and young person
Our Commitment to Ensuring A Child Safe Organisation
    We are committed to using good practice standards in the recruitment, screening and employment
    of LSV people, so as we protect from harm, abuse or exploit children and young people who are
    involved in our events, programs, services or activities.
    We commit to creating an environment for children and young people to be safe and to feel safe in
    any of our programs, activities or events.
    LSV Behaviour Guidelines can be found here - Life Saving Victoria Safeguarding Children and
    Young People Behavioural Guidelines
    Further Safeguarding Children and Young People resources can be found on the LSV Website -
    Surf Life Saving Australia Member Protection Policy – SLSA MPP 6.05

 Safeguarding Children and Young People Awareness Training
 LSV recommends that all Members over the age of 18 or any Member in a position of authority (ie. Age
 Managers) should undertake the Safeguarding Children and Young People Awareness Online module
 prior to the season commencement and refresh every two years.
 The Safeguarding Children and Awareness Module provides participants with an awareness of child
 abuse and child protection and the confidence to be able to take appropriate action when they become
 concerned with the safety of a child.
 Click here to view to user guide of where to access the Safeguarding Children and Young People
 Awareness Course

Working with Children Checks
Member screening is a strategy adopted by LSV to enhance the positive environment for
its junior members. The LSV Working with Children Check Policy is aligned with current
state-based legislation and ensures a best practice approach to safeguarding children.
Any person 18 years and older, in a voluntary or salaried position, who has direct contact with person’s
under 18 years of age in any capacity is required to have a valid Working with Children Check registered
to LSV and their Life Saving Club.
This information should be read in conjunction with:
        The full policy can be found by clicking on the attached – Working with Children Check Policy
        The member guidance notes can be found by clicking on the attached - Working with Children
        Check – FAQ’s
        SLSA Policy Statement – Member Protection Policy – Policy Number 6.05
        Working with Children Act 2005 (the Act)
Life Saving Victoria is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all its members and is
dedicated to providing a best practice approach to ensure a safe environment for those participating
in lifesaving activities.
Life Saving Victoria is a unique organisation that has multiple purposes including community service,
sporting, education and leadership opportunities and programs. Each of these individual aspects
inter-relate with each other. It is due to the multifaceted nature of Life Saving Victoria, that members
18 years of age and above interact with children across a broad spectrum of activities, that this policy
must be broadly applied.
Additionally, Life Saving Victoria as an employer and volunteer organisation has a responsibility to:
        Ensure no employee or volunteer with a Negative Notice (ie. have been found unsuitable to
        work with children from the WWC Check) and/or Interim Negative Notices (as defined under
        the Act), undertakes child related work
        Employees and volunteers have the appropriate WWC Check according to the work
LSV has a moral obligation to protect its young members (U18). It also has a State legal requirement
to ensure all young members are protected from physical and sexual harm. This legal requirement
involves all members eighteen (18) years and older who undertake volunteer work that:
Any person 18 years and over, in a voluntary or salaried position, who works with person’s under 18
years of age in any capacity is required to have a valid Working with Children Check registered to Life
Saving Victoria and their Life Saving Club. The Department of Justice WWC Check website defines
Child related work as contact with a child that is “direct” and part of the person’s duties. Direct contact
includes oral, written or electronic communications as well as face to face”. (reviewed 11 July 2017,
This includes all members over the age of 18 years old and recommended for all member regardless
of age that are in Positions of Authority (PPA).
A WWCC will consider offences of a sexual, violent and drug related nature and any offences
that presents an unjustifiable risk to the safety of children. The check includes:
National criminal record check for relevant convictions, findings of guilt and relevant pending charges
a review of relevant findings from prescribed professional disciplinary bodies (currently only the
Victorian Institute of Teaching)

All applications must be started online
Members must complete the WWC Check Application form online before lodging the form with
Australia Post. An easy 2-step application process for a WWC Check will involve filling out the form
Step 1 – Submit your details online
Go to the WWC Check website www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au
Fill out the form online
Print out the Application Summary and Receipt with all the details you entered
Step 2 – Lodge your documents at participating Australia Post retail outlet
Go to a participating Australia Post outlet to lodge your application, taking with you:
        the Application Summary and Receipt
        relevant proof of identity documents
        a passport size photo
        if you are applying for an Employee card the application fee
The code for Clubs and Associations is 42, coaching and tuition is 28 and overnight camps 10.
Individuals (both cardholders and applications) are required by law to notify the department within 21
days of any changes to:
        your name and those you are or have been known by
        your birth date
        your residential address
        the phone numbers you have provided in your application
        the organisations you do child-related work for and their contact details.
Website Update
Clubs can confirm members have a valid card by periodically using the check status function on the
department of justice website linked below: https://online.justice.vic.gov.au/wwccu/checkstatus.doj

Paid/Volunteers Checks
If a member already has a paid WWC Check it is possible to add a volunteer organisation to the
employee WWC Check. However, a volunteer check cannot be updated to include an employer

Code of Conduct
General Code of Conduct Members and all people involved in any way with SLS will:
    a) Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others – treat others as you would like to be treated
    b) Be ethical, considerate, fair, courteous and honest in all dealings with other people and
    c) Be professional in, and accept responsibility for your actions
    d) Be aware of and follow – at all times – SLS’ standards, rules, policies and procedures and
       promote those standards, rules policies and procedures to others
    e) Operate within the rules and spirit of the sports, including the national and international
       guidelines that govern SLS
    f) Understand the possible consequences of breaching the Codes and/or this Policy
    g) Report any breaches of the Codes or this Policy to the appropriate PPA
    h) Refrain from any form of Abuse, Harassment, Discrimination and Victimisation towards others
    i) Raise concerns regarding decisions of PPA through the appropriate channels and in a timely
    j) Provide a safe environment for the conduct of activities in accordance with any relevant SLSA
    k) Show concern, empathy and caution towards others that may be sick or injured
    l) Be a positive role model to all
    m) Respect and protect confidential information obtained through SLS activities or services;
       whether individuals and/or organisational information
    n) Maintain the required standard of accreditation and/or licensing of professional competencies,
       as applicable to the role(s)
    o) Ensure that any physical contact with others is appropriate to the situation and necessary for
       the person’s skill development
    p) Refrain from intimate relations with persons over whom you have a position of authority
    q) Agree to abide by the Codes
    r) Maintain a duty of care towards others
    s) Be impartial and accept the responsibility for all actions taken

Should you need to get in touch with us throughout the season please contact –
Caroline Cotton – Director, Programs caroline.cotton@plslsc.com.au
Emilie Fary – Junior Coordinator emilie.fary@plslsc.com.au
Lisa Moore - Junior Coordinator and Age Manager Mentor nippers@plslsc.com.au

Thank You
Thank you for supporting the Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club.
We look forward to seeing you on the beach!

PLSLSC Nipper Calendar 2021/2022

 Mon 27 Dec            Tues 28 Dec         Wed 29 Dec        Thurs 30 Dec       FRI 31 Dec         Sat 1 Jan         Sun 2 Jan
    Clubhouse                                                                                                         KNOCK
                      9.30am-11.30am       9.30am-11.30am                      9.30am-11.30am
    By Surname
                         Santa Casa           Santa Casa                          Santa Casa                          9:00am
A-F: 10:30-11.00am
G-L: 11.00-11:30am                                                                                                   Clubhouse
 M-R: 11:30-12.00    PARENT SOCIAL
S-Z 12.00-12:30pm      EVENING
                      Clubhouse 6-8pm
   ( Clubhouse)

  Mon 3 Jan             Tue 4 Jan           Wed 5 Jan         Thu 6 Jan          Fri 7 Jan         Sat 8 Jan        Sun 10 Jan
NIPPER DAY 4          NIPPER DAY 5                          NIPPER DAY 6       COSY CORNER         NIPPER
                          U8-U11                                                                CHAMPIONSHIPS
9.30am-11.30am        9.30am-11.30am                         9.30am-11.30am   SWIM CARNIVAL
   Santa Casa            Santa Casa                             Santa Casa                       8.30am-11.30am
                                                                                TBC, Torquay
                                                                                                    Santa Casa
                     9.30am – 11.30am
                        Back Beach                                                                 NIPPER
                     NIPPER SOCIAL                                                                  NIGHT
                     Clubhouse 3pm-5pm
                                                                                                 Clubhouse 6-8pm
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