Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) - Central ...

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) - Central ...
Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) A45640                                                     Admission Application

                           Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA)
                                                  Program Code A45640

                                                   Admission Application
                                         Application Deadline: January 24, 2020
                                          Program Start Date: August 17, 2020


I. Program Overview
A Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) helps to improve or restore the physical function of patients of all ages under the
supervision of Physical Therapists. A PTA works to alleviate or prevent physical impairment. They may work with
patients to teach them how to perform exercises to increase mobility or to utilize mobility equipment such as crutches
or walkers. PTAs work in direct patient care settings such as hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, outpatient clinics, school
systems, geriatric healthcare facilities, and home health agencies.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Physical Therapist Assistant job outlook is much higher than average and
is expected to increase by 41% nationwide by 2022 in order to meet the needs of the nation’s aging population. Within
the past three years, all students seeking employment after earning their licensure have successfully found employment
within six months.
Our program at CPCC is a full-time, day program that prepares students to work as a Physical Therapist Assistant. The
program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). During the course of
study, students take courses on normal human anatomy and physiology, the consequences of disease and injury, and
physical therapy treatments of a variety of patient conditions. Graduates from the program are eligible to take the
National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) for licensure in whichever state they plan to work.

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) A45640                                                           Admission Application
II. Steps to Complete Before Applying for the PTA Program
Information Session
     Attend a Physical Therapist Assistant/PTA Program Information Session at CPCC.
     The PTA program hosts information sessions for students interested in a detailed description of the program and the admission
     process. Dates and locations of these sessions will be posted on the CPCC Physical Therapist Assistant program website.

CPCC College Admission
1.   Graduate from High School or complete the GED.
2.   Complete the CPCC College Admission Application.
     Applications are available online at or at any of the CPCC campus locations. Designate the Physical Therapist
     Assistant Holding Code (A55280T) as the program of interest on the College Admission Application.
3.   Request official transcripts for each of the following:
      Required transcripts include the following and must be received in student records no later than January 31 st.
         A. High school with date of graduation OR GED
              If you have earned an Associate’s degree or higher, you need to only submit your college transcripts showing
                   proof of graduation.
         B. College Transcripts for credit for courses taken at schools other than CPCC
         C. Advanced Placement (AP) exam scores if requesting college credit at CPCC through AP exam testing
              If you receive college credit through AP exam testing at CPCC and wish to use the course(s) for points, you MUST
                   include a copy of your High School transcript with your application.
      Official transcripts should be sent to: CPCC Student Records, PO Box 35009, Charlotte, NC 28235‐5009
         A. Transcripts are processed in the order of which they are received. Please allow up to four weeks for processing.
             Transcripts should be received by Student Records no later than one week after the application period is closed in
             order for the application to be eligible for review (Receipt can be verified by logging into MyCollege using your CPCC
             credentials then, under the ‘Student Menu,’ select ‘External Transcript Recv’d’ under the ‘Academic Profile’ heading).
             You will be notified via your CPCC student email when the evaluation is completed.
         B. If seeking credit for college courses by AP exam, the AP exam scores will need to be submitted to Student Records in
             addition to transcripts.
4.   If your high school or college transcripts are not from the United States, you will need an International Transcript Evaluation
     reviewed by an agent outside of Central Piedmont Community College.
     A list of International Evaluators is available in the Counseling Department in the Central High Building on the CPCC Central
     Campus or through the National Association of Credential Evaluating Services (NACES) website. There is a fee for this service.

Required Testing
1.   All students should speak to an academic advisor regarding the need to take the required Math and English Placement tests.
     Some students may be exempt from placement testing by a waiver. If required, the student must meet with an academic
     advisor to review placement test scores.
2.   All applicants must take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS). You will need to schedule an appointment following
     instructions at the Testing Center website.
      A study guide is available at
      A minimum TEAS Total Score of 60.0 and a minimum reading score of 50.0 are required for the application to be considered
          for admission to the program.

Required Coursework
     If required based on placement tests or high school GPA score, complete all required Developmental Studies Courses (DRE 098
     & DMA 040) with a grade of “C” or better.

Get a Head Start!
     Any non‐PTA prefix course required for the Physical Therapist Assistant program can be taken prior to submitting the PTA
     Program Application. Refer to the Pre-Map on the Physical Therapist Assistant website for the list of courses. Completion of
     designated courses will also increase your application score. All non-PTA prefix courses must be completed by the end of the
     first fall semester in the program.

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) A45640                                                Admission Application
III. Physical Therapist Assistant Program Application Requirements
 Points are earned from the following areas:
   1. ATI TEAS Scores
   2. Completed Academic Courses
   3. Related Work Experience
 The points will be recorded on the application form on page 5. Application must be fully completed (typed,
 not hand‐written) and submitted along with the other supporting documents. All materials including official
 transcripts must be submitted in a timely fashion to ensure that the application is eligible for review.
   A. Complete all requested information in the “Student Identification” section of the Application Form found on page
   B. Complete the “Scores” section with the appropriate TEAS, Complete Academic Courses, and Work Experience
   C. Applicants must complete two required preadmissions activities and include documentation (may be
      hand-written or typed) with their application. The information should be recorded on the Observation
      Logs (page 6).The Observation Logs must be complete. Hand-written information must be legible.
       Observations
           Two observations must be completed in TWO different types of Physical Therapy settings.
              o Examples of settings in which to perform observations: Outpatient clinics, nursing homes, hospitals,
                  home health, pediatric clinics, inpatient rehab facility
              o Note: If you work in a physical therapy facility, you may directly observe a PT or PTA at that facility
                  as ONE of your observations. Your second observation must be at another facility and setting.
              o Each observation must be at least SIX HOURS total excluding lunch breaks.
              o Only observations with a PT or PTA will be accepted.
              o The applicant is responsible for making contacts and arrangements.
              o Original signatures must be provided as evidence of the observations.

   D. Applicants must also read the Essential Functions document, which provides the functions necessary for the
      successful completion of the Physical Therapist Assistant program.
           This information is provided to help you assess the appropriateness of this career field for you.
           To be eligible for admissions, you are required to check the box found on the Application Form (page 5)
              stating you understand the essential functions needed to be successful in the program.
   E. All documentation must be submitted no later than the deadline to ensure the application is eligible for
 Questions About the Admissions Process?
   Contact the Admissions Specialist at prior to submitting the application.

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) A45640                                                  Admission Application
IV. Acceptance Into the Program
     Students will be ranked in order of highest to lowest points received on the application, with the top scoring
     students offered acceptance. A maximum of 32 students are accepted into the program each year with 7
     alternates. Upon acceptance into the Physical Therapist Assistant program, students are required to:
         Submit results of a drug screen and medical exam at their own expense.
         Students must also provide a record of immunizations, show proof of medical insurance and carry
          CPCC’s student accident insurance.
         Submit results of a North Carolina and/or national criminal background check at the end of the first
          year in the program at their own expense.
         Students are required to be certified in first aid and CPR at the end of the first year in the program at
          their own expense.
      The required forms will be discussed at the mandatory Physical Therapist Assistant Orientation session for
      students who are accepted into the program.
      Students accepted into the program will also be asked to read and sign to acknowledge that they have read
      and understand an Essential Functions statement outlining the essential functions necessary for the
      completion of the Physical Therapist Assistant program.
         After acceptance and enrollment in the program, students are required to take all courses as
          scheduled and sequenced. This is considered a lockstep sequence program.
         BIO 168 must be completed prior to the first fall semester and all other non-PTA courses need to be
          completed by the end of the first fall semester.

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) A45640                                                                                      Admission Application
V. Physical Therapist Assistant Program Application Form
Student Identification
            Complete shaded areas with all information currently available
 First Name                                                        Last Name                                                    CPCC Student ID


 City                                                                                           State          NC                  ZIP

 Home Phone                                     Cell Phone                                         CPCC Email
                                                                                                   NOTE: If you have not completed high school or obtained your GED
 High School/GED Completion Date                                                                   prior to applying, you are not eligible to apply to the PTA program
                                                                                                   and your application will be declined.
 Essential Functions Document
       Please check the box to the right to indicate that you have reviewed and understand the criteria in the Essential Functions document.

            Record scores for Items 1-3 in shaded areas with all information currently available according to the instructions below.
                                                                                                                                               Points        Points
Item                                                                                                                                          Earned        Possible
                         Reading Score
                         (Minimum score 50.0)                                                                                                  0.00           (10)
 1. TEAS Test                                                                  (each score is multiplied by 0.1 to determine
                         Math Score                                                                                                            0.00           (10)
 Scores                                                                                        points earned)
                         Total Score
                         (Minimum score 60.0)                                                                                                  0.00           (10)

2. Completed Academic Courses                                             ENG 111                                           n/a
  1. Select one course from each Category that                  I         High School AP 11th Grade English                                       0
  you have completed and received a grade.                                (only if AP score of 3 or greater earned on AP    n/a
  Only high school AP courses in which the                                English Language & Comp. exam)
  exam was taken for college credit and a score
  of 3 or greater was received can be counted.
                                                                          ENG 112, 113, or 114                              n/a                   0           (35
  2. Please note, no substitutions may be                                                                                                                    points
  made. Only courses that have been
  completed by the application deadline may
                                                                          MAT 110 or higher                                 n/a                              total)
  be counted and will be verified from your                    III        High School AP Calculus or Statistics                                   0
  attached transcripts.                                                   (only if AP score of 3 or greater earned on AP
  3. All courses must have a grade of “C” or                              Calculus AB or BC or AP Statistics exam)
  better.                                                                 BIO 168
  4. Course points computation: A=7 pts; B=4                   IV
                                                                          (must be completed within 5 yrs of the            n/a                   0
  pts; C=2 pts (For AP courses being counted,                             application)
  record the high school AP course grade                                  BIO 169
  accordingly)                                                 V
                                                                          (must be completed within 5 yrs of the            n/a                   0
 3. Related Work Experience, If applicable
   Work experience (either FT or PT if applicable) must have occurred               Physical Therapy Tech, Physical Therapy Aide, or
   within five years of application under the direction of a physical               Rehab Tech employed full-time for a minimum of                             (2)
   therapist or physical therapist assistant and must be documented by a
                                                                                    six full calendar months
   letter of verification on letterhead from the employer including:
    •     Dates of employment
    •     Type of Employment (Part-time or Full-time)
    •     Job title                                                                 Physical Therapy Tech, Physical Therapy Aide, or
    •     Brief description of job responsibilities                                 Rehab Tech employed part-time for a minimum                                (1)
    •     Signature and professional title of the applicant’s supervisor
                                                                                    of six full calendar months
    •      Applicant’s supervisor work phone and email address

                                                   Total Application Points                                                                    0.00           (67)

4 September 2019                            To clear all fields, select button to the right.                                                                Page 5
                                            This will erase all of your entries to this form.                    Reset
Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) A45640                                                                 Admission Application
VI. Required Preadmission Activities
It is important that all applicants become familiar with the field of physical therapy in order to make an informed
decision to pursue this career. To be considered for admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant program, you must
show evidence of having completed the following activities prior to the application deadline by submitting the
appropriate verification.
Please follow directions as listed on page 3, complete the Observation Logs below, and submit with the application.

 First                                                     Last
 Name:                                                     Name:
                                                               Observation #1:
 Printed Name and Title of observed
 PT or PTA:
 Facility Name:
                                                                                              Phone #:
 Facility Location:

 Type of Facility/Setting:
                              Select from the list
 Select from dropdown menu
 DATE                 FROM:          TO:                   HOURS           Signature of licensed PT or PTA
                      0:00 am         0:00 am

                                                               Observation #2:
 Printed Name and Title of observed
 PT or PTA:
 Facility Name:
                                                                                              Phone #:
 Facility Location:

 Type of Facility/Setting:
 Select from dropdown menu
                              Select from the list
 DATE                 FROM:          TO:                   HOURS           Signature of licensed PT or PTA
                      0:00 am          0:00 am

                              To clear all fields, select button to the right.
                              This will erase all of your entries to this form.                Reset

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) A45640                                               Admission Application

VII. Application Submission
        Check Your Application for Completion
                1. Type all information on the Program Application Form (page 5) and print.
                2. Secure the following documents to the application:
                     a. Official TEAS scores
                     b. Verification of Work Experience (if applicable)
                     c. Documentation of Required Preadmission Activities (pages 6-7)

               Please note: Your application will be considered ineligible for review if any required documents or
               forms are incomplete or missing.

               Official external high school/GED and college transcripts as well as AP exam scores must be
               received by Student Records by January 31st. (see page 2)

        Submit the Completed Application

                 Submit on or before the deadline date as follows:

                      Drop Box

                            Deposit during standard business hours (Monday-Friday) in the labeled drop box
                            located on the third floor of the Health Careers building on the Central Campus,
                            Room # 3545 (across from the elevators)


                      Mail to:          Admissions Specialist
                                         c/o Physical Therapist Assistant
                                         CPCC Central Campus, Belk/Health Careers Bldg
                                         PO Box 35009
                                         Charlotte, NC 28235-5009
                            Mailed applications must be postmarked by application deadline date.


                      Email to:
                           Scan application pages 6-8 and all additional documents to include as an
                           attachment if emailing.

         Questions About the Admissions Process?
                  Contact the Admissions Specialist at or schedule an appointment
                     to meet with the Admissions Specialist for this program

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