PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021

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PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021

                                                      Vol. XLIII No. 5
                                                      May - 2021 ` 25

  Interactive Session with Finance Minister,
  Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman
                    PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                      1
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021
2   PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021
PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021   3
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021
4   PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021
Importance of Tika Utsav COVID Vaccination - Madhya Pradesh
                       Chief Guest, Mr. O P Sakhlecha, Hon’ble Minister for MSME Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

  Monthly news bulletin
  of PHD Chamber

  Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal

  Senior Vice President
  Mr. Pradeep Multani
                                                                        PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                6
  Vice President
  Mr. Saket Dalmia                                                      CHAMBER AT WORK                    9

  Editor:                                                               FOCUS STATES                       38
  Mr. Saurabh Sanyal
  Secretary General                                                     INTERFACE                          63

  Production Editor:
                                                                        Towards Inclusive Growth           65
  Ms. Neelu Kapoor
  Economist & Bulletin Head

India Inc. is the official publication of PHD Chamber of                Expressions                        79
Commerce and Industry and any part of the publication may
not be reproduced or transmitted in any other form in whole
or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The        MoUs                               83
opinions and views expressed within this publication are not
necessarily those of the publishers. The publishers regret that
they cannot accept liability for errors or omissions in this issue.     New Members                        85

For further information and feedback, please contact:                   Media Buzz                         88
           PHD House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area
           August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110016
    Phone : 91-11-26863801-04 Fax : 91-11-26855450
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                                                           PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                      5
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021



        We hope all of you are keeping safe and strictly following
    the COVID protocols.
         I must begin by expressing my and my country’s
    gratitude for the international assistance from about 40
    countries including the US, Russia, Australia, France, UK,
    Ireland, Thailand, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Mauritius, Romania
    and China who have proposed or already sent much needed
    critical emergency use equipment of oxygen concentrators,
    respirators and liquid oxygen, oxygen generation units,
    PPEs, vaccine-manufacturing supplies, rapid diagnostic
    tests, medicines and public health assistance to enable India
    counter the second wave. The Chamber would like to thank
    US President, Mr. Joe Biden and Vice President, Ms. Kamla
    Harris for sending supplies of medical life-saving equipment
    and also providing USD 100 million assistance to deal with
    the pandemic.
         The year 2021 began on a good note as the situation
    showed signs of normalizing, easing off the pain and anxiety
    of COVID-19 pandemic as experienced in 2020. The healing
    was slow and gradual but there was a comforting spell. The
    roll out of vaccines in the second week of January revived
    hopes of a better year and life.
         While we expected to return to pre-COVID normalcy,
    the virus struck again! This time much severe and lethal.
    India has unfortunately emerged as the new epicenter of
    the worst outbreak, with a higher caseload and aggressive
    rise in positivity rates and consequent mortalities. Never in
    our lifetimes could we have imagined that the world would
    see a virulent disease of such a magnitude and savagery.
    The virus has entered every household and is affecting the
    life of each one of us. Savings of the households are being
    diverted towards medical exigencies in the care of the family
        I fear to admit that some research models are projecting
    that the coronavirus wave that plunged India into the
    world’s biggest health crisis has the potential to worsen in
    the coming days. While the vaccination drive is pushed by
    the Government with maximum thrust, citizens must exert
    their personal responsibility of being cautious and safe. We
    need to support the agencies to implement strong measures
    at the local level, in the states, districts and in towns to avoid
    or at least mitigate the third wave of the Coronavirus.
        The re-emergence of the pandemic situation with partial
    lockdowns and curfews in many parts of the country has
    created incipient signs of economic slowdown in the coming
    months. Economic activity has been severely impacted with
    the closure of offices, shops and trading, causing subdued                   Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal

6                                                   PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021
President’s Message

demand and investment activity in the          of industry members. In this context,          the start of the pandemic.
country. This situation, compounded            a COVID Task Force has been created                Having said this, I opine that
by widespread information about new            to provide real-time information about         the Government needs to allocate
variants of the virus leading to further       availability of hospital beds, liquid          substantial portion of resources for
unrest and turmoil, lack of health             oxygen, oxygen concentrators, plasma           the health and welfare system that
infrastructure including testing facilities,   donors, availability of Remdesivir and         our country would need in the ensuing
hospital beds, supply of pure oxygen           life-saving drugs and Doctors on-call.         years. The Chamber has written to the
cylinders & concentrators, of lifesaving       We are also seeking information about          Government seeking a stimulus package
medicines, and availability of doctors         vaccination status of our members              including banning steel exports to China,
and allied medical professionals has           and their workers, pan-India, so that          to support economic growth. Further,
only further plunged the morale of the         arrangements can be made for them to           to provide relief and stimulus to the
citizens.                                      get the shot, if required.                     struggling industry, tax deducted at
    The sequential growth of passenger              To help tackle the tremendous             source rates for FY 2021-22 should be
vehicles and SENSEX declined in April          shortage of oxygen in NCT of Delhi,            reduced to the tune of 50 percent. I also
2021. The Business Activity Index also         we at the Chamber through our Family           agree with the Finance Minister that the
fell to 54 in April 2021 from 54.6 in          Welfare Foundation have ordered 10             best way forward to tackle the current
March 2021. Travel restrictions due to         oxygen plants and are helping to airlift       situation is through micro containment
COVID continued to curb international          at least some of them to hospitals facing      zones so that life and livelihood can be
demand for Indian services. Sectors            oxygen shortages. I must bring to your         protected. “Seeds of faith are always
like manufacturing, services and               attention that I along with other Former       within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to
construction have been negatively              Presidents and members of the Chamber          nourish and encourage their growth.”
impacted due to the lockdown.                  have donated generously for this effort            The pandemic in India has
    Some good news is the reinforced           in order to mitigate the oxygen shortage       affected the vulnerable category of
aggregate supply conditions because            and help save human lives.                     small businesses and MSMEs. With
of record production of food grains in             The Chamber is fully supporting            the objective of alleviating their
2020-21 as supported by the forecast of        the Government’s mass vaccination              potential stress, the Reserve Bank of
a normal monsoon which is expected             drive, ‘Tika Utsav’ to defeat the              India announced a set of measures,
to sustain rural demand in 2021-22. A          menace. We organized ‘Tika Utsav’              broadly in line with the contours of the
noteworthy initiative is the allocation        at various State-Chapters of the               Resolution Framework - 1.0 with suitable
of additional food grains to the poor          Chamber including Punjab, Rajasthan,           modifications. The Chamber suggests
NFSA Beneficiaries for another period          Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya             that MSMEs be provided financial
of two months – May and June, 2021 to          Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, J&K and North           and structural support in the form of
ameliorate their hardships due to the          Eastern region to help build confidence        extending the moratorium period and
disruption caused by Coronavirus. Also,        among the people to come forward               offering concessional rates of interest
GST collections increased by 14.1 percent      for vaccination. I would like to add that      on borrowings to tide over the crisis.
in April 2021, partly attributed to the        there is a need for a normalization of all         These are unprecedented times
significant acceleration in input costs        kinds of economic activity as the rollout      that require unprecedented efforts. The
vis-a-vis increase in commodity prices.        of the COVID-19 vaccines gathers pace.         Chamber will continue to monitor the
Having said this, the consensus growth         We urge the Government to ensure               emerging situation and assures its fullest
forecast for FY 2021-21 is between 10-11       immediate steps to facilitate voluntary        support to the Government of India
percent by most analysts.                      licensing for scaling up production of         to mitigate the daunting impact of the
    The Government is gearing up to            Covaxin, Covishield and other vaccines         COVID-19 pandemic on people, industry
increase oxygen production all over the        to meet the vaccination demand in India.       and economy. We concur that the five-
country in such a way so that situations       The Government should try to incentivize       fold strategy adopted in handling the
like these could be averted. In a bid to       directly foreign companies which own           infection cases i.e., test, track and treat
make oxygen available for COVID-19             the patents for other COVID-19 vaccines        along with following COVID appropriate
patients, the Government has not only          and also to grant licences and transfer        behavior of wearing a mask, keeping
asked manufacturing units to maximize          technology to domestic pharmaceutical          physical distance of 6 feet, sanitizing,
their production but also barred the use       companies in India.                            washing hands and getting vaccinated
of liquid oxygen for any non-medical                At the interactive session with the       will help to defeat the third wave of
purposes. The government has reduced           Finance Minister, I requested that the         the virus. And most importantly, I
the IGST for the import of oxygen              Government extend the timelines for            must thank our doctors, healthcare and
concentrators for personal use from 28         compliances under various corporate            medical field personnel, police and law
percent to 12 percent. Finance Minister,       laws. In this context, I appreciate            enforcement agencies and sanitation
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman at an interactive       the swift action taken by CBDT to              workers for their service towards taking
session recently with PHD members              extend the timelines across various            care of the society.
mentioned that the Government is               compliances under the Income Tax Act               To conclude, I would quote, “If you
monitoring the situation regularly             and Companies Act. The Government              have never failed, you have never been
and working arduously for better co-           has issued notifications exempting             tested and you haven’t seen your best
ordination between States, hospitals           Basic Customs Duty and Health cess on          yet. A setback is only an opportunity for
and suppliers of oxygen to match the           imports of a number of COVID-19 related        you to come back stronger.”
demand and supply in the country.              relief materials, for a limited period. I am
   The Chamber has launched a                  also glad that the Emergency Credit Line
COVID-19 helpline at its head office           Guarantee Scheme (ECGLS 2.0) has been
in New Delhi and across states for             extended for sectors like hospitality,
providing information on verified              aviation, travel, tourism and hotels that                         Sanjay Aggarwal
COVID-related facilities and handholding       have been facing great difficulty since                             President, PHDCCI

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PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021
8   PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021

 Interactive Session with
 Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister
 of Finance and Corporate Affairs

      he members of the Managing           interact with the members. She           Ms. Sitharaman also stated that a slew
      Committee of PHD Chamber             highlighted that the provision of        of announcements have been made
      interacted    through       video    oxygen, vaccines and logistics to        with regard to the drug Remdesivir and
conferencing with Ms. Nirmala              people affected by Coronavirus is        customs duty has been waived off and
Sitharaman, Union Minister of Finance      being ensured, given the recent surge    quantity for export has been held back
and Corporate Affairs on April 22, 2021.   in cases of COVID-19 pandemic across     for use in the country considering the
    Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal, President,        the country.                             requirement of Remdesivir injection.
PHDCCI welcomed Ms. Nirmala                    Ms. Sitharaman mentioned that        She said that these announcements
Sitharaman and thanked her for             the Government is reviewing and          are expected to increase the
sparing her precious time to interact      monitoring the situation regularly and   availability of the injection. The FM
with the members of Managing               working arduously for a better co-       emphasized that the way forward to
Committee of PHDCCI.                       ordination between States, hospitals     tackle the current situation is through
                                           and suppliers of oxygen and vaccines     micro containment zones so that lives
    Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal introduced
                                           to match the demand and supply in        and livelihood can be protected.
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, who is a
member of the Rajya Sabha since            the country.                                 The Union Finance Minister
2014. She formerly served as the               The Finance Minister stated          assured that valuable inputs received
Defence Minister of India, thereby         that the Prime Minister himself is       from PHD Chamber will be considered
becoming India’s second female             monitoring the situation with eminent    for the industrial and economic
Defence Minister and also second           doctors and vaccine manufacturers.       growth of the country.
female Finance Minister after Indira       She added that the import of vaccines,       Mr. Pradeep Multani, Senior Vice
Gandhi and the first full-time female      certified by international bodies has    President, PHDCCI delivered the vote-
Finance Minister. During the COVID-19      been allowed in India; support is        of-thanks to her.
pandemic, she was made in-charge           being extended to manufacturers              Former       Presidents,      Senior
of the COVID-19 Economic Response          by the Government by way of giving       Managing       Committee      Members
Task Force. Forbes Magazine has            advances and vaccination drive           and members from industry also
ranked her 34th among the 100 most         against coronavirus has been allowed     participated in the virtual interactive
powerful women in the world in 2019.       for people aged 18 years and above       session with the Union Finance
    The Minister expressed her             from May 1, 2021.                        Minister.
gratitude for the opportunity to

                                           PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                                                     9
PHD CHAMBER BULLETIN - Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Interactive Session with Finance Minister, May E-Bulletin 2021

      Review Of Industry Performance
      And Suggestions For Further
      Strengthening Economic Recovery
      And Growth

              r. Sanjay Aggarwal, President,   Further Strengthening Economic              about the three indexes prepared
              PHD Chamber and Dr S P           Recovery and Growth’.                       by PHD Chamber including EBM, GPS
              Sharma, Chief Economist &             Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal presented          and QET and put forward the export
     DSG, PHD Chamber participated in a        vital suggestions such as, becoming         growth projection by PHD Chamber
     Video conference with Hon’ble Union       more aggressive towards DFI scheme          at the rate of 12% for the next financial
     Minister, Mr. Piyush Goyal, Minister      for fulfilling large scale infrastructure   year. Further, the President discussed
     of Railways; Commerce & Industry;         funding, reducing the Excise duties         about RoDTEP and other trade related
     Consumer Affairs and Food & Public        and VAT on petroleum, diesel and            issues along with suggestions for
     Distribution, on March 24, 2021 on        allied products and recommended to          active engagement in the regional and
     the agenda of ‘Review of Industry         bring petroleum products under the          bilateral trade agreements.
     Performance and Suggestions for           ambit of GST. The President discussed

                                  Update on International Trade
          Union Commerce and Industry Minister Mr. Piyush Goyal, and Senior Officers of the Department of Commerce
          and Directorate General of Foreign Trade interacted recently with the Export Promotion Councils to discuss
          various issues concerning the international trade.

          Minister Goyal noted that India’s merchandise exports in April 2021 was USD 30.21 billion, an increase of
          197.03% over USD 10.17 billion in April 2020 and an increase of 16.03% over USD 26.04 billion in April 2019. He
          said that Exports excluding POL, is even better, and has increased in this period by 15% over same period of
          2019-20. He said that performance of exports in April 2021 and 2020-21 gives a hope that an ambitious target
          of USD 400 billion merchandise exports can be achieved this year. There is a large potential for enhancing
          exports in several sectors like Pharma, Engineering, Auto-component, Fisheries and Agro-products, he added.
          The Department of Commerce has taken up several issues of exporters with the Ministry of Finance for solving
          issues of exporters such as RoDTEP, MEIS, Inverted duty structure, etc.

10                                             PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021

  The 2nd Edition of International
  (Virtual): Health & Wellness Expo
  & Conferences 2021

      he 2nd edition of International    Republic of Vietnam.                       and market reach.
      (Virtual) Health & Wellness Expo        Mr. Pradeep Multani, Senior Vice          H.E. Dr Ahmed A. R Albanna,
      & Conferences 2021 organized by    President, PHDCCI in his presidential      Ambassador, Embassy of the United
Health & AYUSH Committee, PHDCCI         address mentioned about the various        Arab Emirates spoke about strong
was inaugurated on March 18, 2021.       initiatives PHD Chamber is taking to       trade & commerce ties, cultural
    The special guests during the        support the Industry members during        and people-to-people relationships
virtual inaugural session included       the challenging COVID times. He            between UAE and India. He said
H.E. Mr. Ung Sean, Ambassador,           added that the pandemic accelerated        that there are lot of opportunities of
Royal Embassy of Cambodia; H.E.          one of the largest trends in healthcare:   collaboration in healthcare security,
Mr.      Bounneme        Chouanghom,     movement of high-quality healthcare        heathcare and the pharma sectors.
Ambassador, Embassy of the Lao           from hospital into homes and the           Dr Albana also mentioned about the
People’s Democratic Republic; H.E.       community. He added that this is the       increasing interest in Ayush, Yoga and
Dr Ahmed A. R Albanna, Ambassador,       right platform for all stakeholders        Ayurveda and other natural therapies
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates;     from pharma, medical devices,              in the UAE. He applauded Indian
Ms. Rony Yedidiya-Clein, Deputy Chief    healthcare delivery, AYUSH and             government for sending its medical
of Mission, Embassy of Israel in India   wellness to showcase core Indigenous       staff to UAE during total lockdown.
and Dr Do Than hHai, Deputy Chief        capacities and seek opportunities for          H.E. Mr. Ung Sean, Ambassador,
of Mission, Embassy of the Socialist     collaborations to enhance capacities       Royal     Embassy      of    Cambodia

                                         PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                                                     11

     appreciated the support given by           very important, including traditional      services at marginal costs in Medical
     the Government of India during             medicine measures and India has            Tourism, highest number of US-FDA
     the pandemic for supplying COVID           long been known as a country with a        compliant plants outside the US,
     vaccines to Cambodia and also sought       long tradition of traditional medicine,    expertise in low-cost generic patented
     the support of the Indian Government       especially Yoga which is very famous       drugs and a movement towards end-
     in getting over 4 million doses of the     in Vietnam. He further suggested that      to-end manufacturing with a strong
     vaccine.                                   two sides have to study the direction      domestic demand. He added that with
         H.E. Mr. Bounneme Chouanghom,          of cooperation of the Institute of         the approval of Production Linked
     Ambassador, Embassy of the Lao             Traditional Medicine of India with         Incentive Scheme for pharmaceuticals
     People’s      Democratic      Republic     the Institute of Traditional Medicine      & permission of 100% FDI through
     appreciated PHD Chamber for                of Vietnam in training, exchanging         automatic route, India will be a hub for
     organizing the virtual exhibition and      examination experiences and healing.       the pharmaceutical industry.
     gathering all the stakeholders on              Mr. Arvind Varchaswi, Chair,               Dr Sameer Gupta, Co-chair, Health
     one platform and assured for future        AYUSH Committee, PHDCI & MD,               Committee, PHDCCI & Director,
     collaborations.                            Sri Sri Tattva shared significance         Cathlab, Metro Group of Hospital
         Ms. Rony Yedidiya-Clein, Deputy        of Health & Wellness in India. The         spoke on the Production Linked
     Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in     current pandemic has created new           Incentive Scheme, towards making
     India gave an overview of the Israeli      opportunities for the Industry to have     India an ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ by
     technologies, which have their roots       a global presence of AYUSH systems.        enhancing domestic manufacturing
     in a long history of using innovative      He further mentioned that during the       capacities and exports. Dr Sameer
     technologies to improve healthcare         COVID period there has been lot of         also mentioned about the world’s
     delivery. She apprised that Israel         research and clinical trials registered    largest Government funded scheme-
     continues to invest significantly in IT,   by the entire AYUSH system.                Ayushman Bharat and suggested to
     with over 450 Israeli companies in             Mr.    Nishant     Berlia,    Chair,   give more focus on penetration &
     the field of Digital Health targeting      Pharmaceutical Manufacturing &             betterment of rural health.
     different technologies.                    Medical Devices Committee, PHDCCI              Mr. Jitender Sodhi, Co-chair,
         Dr Do Thanh Hai, Deputy Chief          & Co-Promoter, Apeejay Stya &              AYUSH Committee, PHDCCI & CMD,
     of Mission, Embassy of the Socialist       Svran Group (Martin & Harris Pvt.          AYUSH Herbs delivered the vote-
     Republic of Vietnam mentioned that         Ltd.) said that India is the largest       of-thanks to the esteemed guests
     India always ranks in the list of top      vaccine producer in the world              & industry members. The session
     10 trade partners of Vietnam while         and also the largest provider of           was moderated by Mr. Vivek Seigell,
     Vietnam is the 17th trade partner of       generic medicines globally. India          Assistant Secretary General, PHDCCI.
     India.                                     provides strong ecosystem for the          The exhibition was attended by more
                                                pharmaceutical industry’s growth           than 2100 delegates virtually.
         He further emphasized that
                                                through innovation & R &D, Quality
     improving health & early diagnosis is

                           First BRICS Employment Working Group (EWG)
                                 Meeting amongst BRICS Countries
          Mr. Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Labour and Employment chaired the 1st BRICS Employment Working Group
          (EWG) Meeting held on 11-12 May 2021 in Sushma Swaraj Bhawan, New Delhi in virtual format. India has assumed
          BRICS Presidency this year. The prime agenda for the discussions were Promoting Social Security Agreements
          amongst BRICS Nations, Formalization of labour markets, Participation of women in labour force and Gig and
          platform workers – Role in labour market. Apart from representatives of member nations i.e Brazil, Russia,
          India, China and South Africa, the representatives of International Labour Organization (ILO) and International
          Social Security Agency (ISSA) also made valuable interventions and suggestions on the agenda issues.

          On the issue of Social Security Agreement (SSA), the Member Nations resolved to enter into dialogue and
          discussion with each other and take it forward towards signing of the agreements, while the ISSA and ILO on
          their part, expressed willingness to provide technical support in facilitating conclusion of such agreements.
          On the issue of formalization of labour market, Member Nations discussed various initiatives taken by them
          towards formalization of jobs and how COVID-19 has enhanced informalization risk. On participation of women
          in the labour force, the member countries resolved to promote participation of women in remunerative,
          productive and decent work and to extend social security cover to the women workers engaged in informal
          sector. On the issue of Gig and Platform workers and their role in labour market, the member nations discussed
          how the proliferation of Digital Labour Platforms is transforming the labour processes in the world of work.
          Challenges faced by them and various measures being taken by member nations including extension of social
          protection system were also discussed.

12                                              PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021

                                                                                      talking about COVID-19, he highlighted
                                                                                      that the new strain of the virus is
                                                                                      spreading very quickly and affecting
                                                                                      more young people. He stated that
                                                                                      the Delhi police is making every
                                                                                      possible effort for ensuring law and
                                                                                      order during the lockdown and also
                                                                                      permitting easy supplies of essential
                                                                                      goods such as oxygen cylinders
                                                                                      through green corridors. He assured
                                                                                      that if we stand together and followed
                                                                                      COVID protocols such as putting up
                                                                                      masks, social distancing, timely hand
                                                                                      sanitization and by staying indoors,
                                                                                      this time period will pass very soon.
                                                                                           One of the major challenges
                                                                                      highlighted by Mr. Shrivastava is to
                                                                                      keep police men healthy as they are
                                                                                      continuously in fields with improper
                                                                                      sanitation facilities. The Delhi police is
                                                                                      continuously making efforts to boost
                                                                                      the morale of policemen and keeping
                                                                                      strict checking protocols if anyone of
                                                                                      them is facing any symptoms of illness.
                                                                                      Mr. Shrivastava is arranging webinars
                                                                                      on a timely basis and also sending
                                                                                      video messages to the staff for their
                                                                                      awareness and also to answer their
                                                                                           The Police Commissioner apprised
                                                                                      the members that in 2020 even after
                                                                                      lockdown, there was a steep decline
                                                                                      in various crimes such as street
                                                                                      crimes by 50%; motor vehicles theft

  Interactive Session with
                                                                                      by 25% and crime against women by
                                                                                      15-30%. He also apprised that arrest
                                                                                      of criminals has increased by around

  Mr. S N Shrivastava,                                                                40%. However, there is a heavy surge
                                                                                      in cybercrimes which were at its peak
                                                                                      during May and June in 2020, but after
  Commissioner of Police,                                                             promoting awareness by police, banks
                                                                                      and regulatory authorities, it has

                                                                                      started declining at a good pace.
                                                                                           Mr. Shrivastava mentioned that
                                                                                      they are getting around 1000 calls for

                                                                                      E-Pass during the lockdown and the
      he members of the Managing         cadre officer who was repatriated
                                                                                      same is being issued on an immediate
      Committee of PHD Chamber           to the Delhi Police from the Central
                                                                                      basis. He believed that there is need
      interacted    through     video    Reserve Police Force (CRPF). He
                                                                                      for structural reforms in the working
conferencing with Mr. S N Shrivastava,   also has been appointed as Special
                                                                                      of policemen by providing use of
Commissioner of Police, Delhi on April   Commissioner (Law and Order). Prior
                                                                                      technology and ensuring welfare
21,2021.                                 to this, he was serving as Special DG
                                                                                      of policemen to make them more
    Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal, President,      (training), CRPF. He was also the Delhi
                                                                                      efficient and effective in their working.
PHDCCI welcomed Mr. S N Shrivastava,     Police’s elite Anti-Terror Unit Chief till
                                                                                      The recording of crimes is also being
Commissioner of Police, Delhi and        2015. He was later transferred to the
                                                                                      increased as it will help to track the
thanked him for sparing his precious     Recruitment Cell and Delhi Armed
                                                                                      case and convict the criminals, he
time to interact with the members of     Police 3rd Battalion.
Managing Committee of PHDCCI.                Mr. Shrivastava expressed his
                                                                                           Mr. Pradeep Multani, Senior Vice
    The President introduced Mr. S       gratitude for the opportunity to
                                                                                      President, PHDCCI delivered the vote-
N Shrivastava, a 1985-batch AGMUT        interact with the Members. While
                                                                                      of - thanks to the Police Commissioner.

                                         PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                                                           13
Distinguished Speakers releasing the Knowledge Report titled ‘Harnessing Power of Heritage Tourism with Focus on Sustainability’

       Harnessing Power of Heritage Tourism
       with Focus on Sustainability

           he Tourism Committee of
           PHDCCI organized the 10th
           International Heritage Tourism
     Conclave with the theme ‘Harnessing
     Power of Heritage Tourism with Focus
     on Sustainability’ from 12-13 March
     2021 at WelcomHeritage Ramgarh,
         The programme was supported by
     the Ministry of Tourism, Government
     of India; Madhya Pradesh Tourism
     Board; Rajasthan Tourism; Haryana
     Tourism Corporation Ltd; InterGlobe
     Technology Quotient and Indian
     Railway Catering and Tourism
     Corporation Ltd. The Conclave was                  Ms. Rupinder Brar (IRS), Additional Director General – Ministry of Tourism, Government of India
     attended by over 80 delegates from
     travel and hospitality industry.                       The Inaugural Session was graced                Ambassador, Embassy of the Socialist
                                                        by Ms. Rupinder Brar (IRS), Additional              Republic of Vietnam; and Mr. Ferdy
         Building on the previous nine
                                                        Director General – Ministry of Tourism,             Piay, Charge d’Affaires, Embassy of the
     editions, the Conclave deliberated
                                                        Government of India; H.E. Mr. Milan                 Republic of Indonesia. The Diplomats
     on how tourism and culture
                                                        Hovorka, Ambassador, Embassy of                     shared the heritage tourism potential
     sectors can work together more
                                                        the Czech Republic; H.E. Mr. Thomas                 of their respective countries.
     collaboratively and increase public-
                                                        Selby Pillay, High Commissioner,                        PHDCCI was represented by Mr.
     private partnerships to ensure the
                                                        High Commission of the Republic of                  Sanjay Aggarwal, President; Mr.
     protection of Cultural and Natural
                                                        Seychelles; H.E. Dr. Marjan Cencen,                 Anil Parashar, Chairman – Tourism
     Heritage while extending benefits to
                                                        Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic                 Committee; Mr. Pranav Gupta,
     local communities.
                                                        of Slovenia; H.E. Mr. Pham Sanh Chau,               Chairman – Haryana State Chapter;

14                                                       PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021
Mr. R S Sachdeva, Mentor – Punjab
State Chapter, Mr. Karan Gilhotra,
Chairman – Punjab State Chapter
and Mr. Rajan Sehgal, Co-Chairman –
Tourism Committee.

    Inaugurating the Conclave, Ms.
Rupinder Brar (IRS), Additional
Director General – Ministry of Tourism,
Government of India, said, “Heritage
Tourism plays a crucial role in building
the visitor economy and destinations
should seek to maximize the                Mr. P. P. Khanna, President, ADTOI; Mr. Jagdeep Singh Chandail, Senior Member, IHHA; Dr Shikha
                                           Jain, Convener, Haryana Chapter, INTACH; Ms. Shabnam Siddiqui, Executive Director, UNGCNI and
opportunities it brings. India currently   Mr. Pankaj Parashar, Indian Film and Television Director
has 38 UNESCO World Heritage Sites,
a number we are certain will grow in       long VC meetings, the very thought              across the world and in the country.
the years ahead. Each of these sites is    of seeing everyone’s presence today             The report provides ample scope and
a potential hub for economic activity.”    reconfirms my faith in the saying               opportunities towards preservation of
    She further added, “Besides            that ‘there is an opportunity in every          world’s cultural and natural heritage.
World Heritage Sites, intangible           adversity’. With international travel
cultural heritage too is a major driver    remaining largely out of bound to the
                                                                                               While setting the theme of the
of sustainable development. While          travellers, domestic travel will have its
                                                                                           Conclave, Mr. Anil Parashar, Chairman–
tourism offers the most obvious source     strong hold in the second half of 2021,
                                                                                           Tourism Committee, PHDCCI, said,
of revenue, every effort must also be      as more and more people look inwards
                                                                                           “We all are aware that COVID-19
made to develop urban infrastructure       to explore their own homeland.”
                                                                                           has adversely impacted the Tourism
and revitalize other forms of heritage         Mr. Aggarwal further added that             industry. The government as well as
around these sites in order to build       a 360 degree approach panning from              the industry will need to rise to the
thriving local economies.”                 investment from the government                  challenge of transforming top Indian
    Ms. Brar mentioned that the            to build supporting infrastructure              destinations as world class tourist
Ministry of Tourism has been               and industry focus on innovation,               attractions. The use of data science,
organizing series of Webinars under        technology,       sustainable       best        big data and artificial intelligence is
the theme ‘Dekho Apna Desh’,               practices, exemplary service, creating          essential for promoting Responsible
showcasing the diverse culture,            customer experience will surely and             and Sustainable Tourism to support
heritage, destinations and tourism         steadily help in strengthening the              and unify communities for years to
products of the country. “We reaffirm      thrust in domestic tourism.                     come. Innovation should be integrated
our commitment to work with private            PHDCCI and its Knowledge                    for better management, promotion
stakeholders and other partners too,”      Partner – ORG India jointly released a          and preservation of heritage, also to
she said.                                  Knowledge Report titled ‘Harnessing             make Heritage Tourism accessible.”
    In his presidential address, Mr.       Power of Heritage Tourism with Focus                Mr. Rajan Sehgal, Co-Chairman–
Sanjay Aggarwal, President, PHDCCI,        on Sustainability’. The report gives            Tourism Committee, PHDCCI, said,
said, “This conclave comes after a year-   a holistic view on heritage tourism             “Cultural Heritage – both tangible

                                           PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                                                                  15

     Delegates during the Heritage Walk at Pinjore Gardens

     and intangible are resources that
     need to be protected and carefully
     managed. It is fundamental that
     tourism authorities study how best to
     develop these cultural heritage sites
     while protecting and preserving them
     for the long-term.”
         The domain experts in the Panel
     Discussion on ‘Generating momentum
     for making India the global epicenter
     for Heritage Tourism’ included Mr.
     P. P. Khanna, President, Association
     of Domestic Tour Operators of India
     (ADTOI) as the Moderator while
     Panellists included Dr. Shikha Jain,               Cultural Evening during the 10th International Heritage Tourism Conclave
     Convener– Haryana Chapter, Indian
                                                        creation of new partnerships and                    organized at Pinjore Gardens for the
     National Trust for Art and Cultural
                                                        collaboration which shall reinvent                  delegates to enjoy the heritage city
     Heritage (INTACH); Ms. Shabnam
                                                        and diversify the offerings of                      of Panchkula, not only as past, but
     Siddiqui, Executive Director, United
                                                        Cultural and Heritage Tourism with                  as a living tradition. Mr. Chandrakant
     Nations Global Compact Network
                                                        larger focus on sustainability. The                 Kataria, Additional Managing Director,
     India (UNGCNI); Mr. Jagdeep Singh
                                                        panellists highlighted that culture                 Haryana Tourism Corporation Ltd.
     Chandail, Senior Member, Indian
                                                        and heritage acts as an engine for                  welcomed all the delegates and
     Heritage Hotels Association (IHHA);
                                                        tourism development which is truly                  showcased the heritage component
     and Mr. Pankaj Parashar, Indian Film
                                                        sustainable and we can look forward                 of Pinjore Gardens. He shared the
     and Television Director.
                                                        to nourishing the balance of universe               commitment of Government of
         Over a year being lost and with                through tourism and culture.                        Haryana in fostering private-public
     the second wave hitting across                                                                         partnership for improving tourism
                                                            A Heritage Walk was also
     a number of countries, calls for                                                                       ecosystem.

16                                                      PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021

glimpses of the Event

   PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021         17

                                                                                           where there is a need to Invest in
                                                                                           creating awareness towards EV
                                                                                           technology, tax benefits, financing
                                                                                           options etc. He mentioned the need
                                                                                           for more clarity on National EV Policy
                                                                                           and Scrappage policy for ICE, etc.
                                                                                           He further opined that Government
                                                                                           should support the multi-level policy
                                                                                           like Tax cuts/rebates, incentives
                                                                                           for Localization, State and Centre
                                                                                           coordination on issues faced.
                                                                                               Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, Chairman,
                                                                                           Power, RE & AE Committee, PHDCCI
                                                                                           invited new investments in EV sector
                                                                                           and stated that PHDCCI will hand hold
                                                                                               Mr. Saurabh Sanyal, Secretary-
                                                                                           General, PHD Chamber gave the
                                                                                           opening remarks of the technical
                                                                                           session where he expressed the
                                                                                           optimism that India had a huge EV
                                                                                           market and that investors should keep
                                                                                           a long term perspective. He added
                                                                                           that the emerging technology and the
                                                                                           introduction of new systems will be

      Making India An EV Nation:                                                           a huge opportunity for new jobs and
                                                                                           required skill development.

      Learning Globally
                                                                                               Mr. Hugo Spowers, Founder,
                                                                                           Riversimple, UK explained that
                                                                                           business models have to change
                                                                                           and how both battery & hydrogen

                                                                                           driven vehicles are the next big
           he Power, RE & AE Committee,         standardization of the charging            thing. According to him, a mix of EVs,
           PHDCCI         organized       an    stations. He also requested the            Hydrogen & CNG vehicle could provide
           international     webinar      on    industries to come up with fast            clean transport to India.
     ‘Making India an EV Nation: Learning       charging options. He added that
     Globally’ on April 30, 2021. Mr. Rajeev                                                   Ms. Purnima Voria, Founder &
                                                financing companies should tie-up
     Arun Ekka, IAS, Principle Secretary                                                   CEO, National US India Chamber
                                                with the EV Companies to promote
     to CM, Principle Secretary (Dept. of                                                  of Commerce, USA said that in
                                                the sales.
     Labour Emp. & Training, IT & e-Gov.)                                                  September 2018, the Hon’ble PM of
                                                    Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal, President,        India, Mr. Narendra Modi mentioned
     cum-Labour Commissioner-cum-MD
                                                PHD Chamber in his presidential            his vision for Electric Vehicle market
     JBVNL, Government of Jharkhand,
                                                address        complimented          the   in India and the process of adapting
     was the Chief Guest of the webinar.
                                                Government of India and various            global practices. She added that many
     Mr. Ekka mentioned that while talking
                                                State Governments, specially the           US based companies are looking
     about Electic Vehicles, we should keep
                                                Government of NCT of Delhi’s               to invest in India in EV sector and
     in mind 3 factors: Pollution, Public
                                                ‘SWITCH DELHI’, for their progressive      technology exchange.
     Transport and Purchasing Power of
                                                policies and continuous endeavors for
     the Public. He underlined that EV Policy                                                  Mr. Bobby Ravji, MD, Bloova
                                                promoting adoption of EVs in India.
     should incorporate the exemptions,                                                    Ltd., UK, explained how the right
                                                Encouraging adoption of electric
     subsidies and should also highlight                                                   components inside the charging
                                                vehicles in India is one step out of the
     the low interest loans as compared to                                                 stations can impact its efficiency. He
                                                large number of steps which need to
     normal vehicles to attract the buyers.                                                mentioned the benefits of creating
                                                be taken for sustainable development,
     He further added that large numbers                                                   massive battery storage units and
                                                he added.
     of charging stations are needed                                                       working in collaboration with the
     and the prices of the EVs should be            Mr. Salil Gupta, Co-chairman,          government.
     competitive with the ones running on       Power, RE & AE Committee, PHDCCI
                                                                                               Mr. Skrypnyk Sergiy, Project
     fuel.                                      asked for Supportive Government
                                                                                           Head, CARIS EV LLC, Ukraine showed
                                                policies and a favorable investment
         Guest of Honour, Dr Kamal Preet                                                   the benefits of creating the right
                                                climate for achieving Atma Nirharta
     Singh, IAS, Secretary, Department                                                     infrastructure when it comes to the
                                                in EV sector and create more
     of Transport, Food, Civil Supply                                                      charging stations.
                                                employment opportunities.
     & Consumer Protection, GAD,                                                               The webinar was moderated by Dr
     Government         of      Chhattisgarh        Mr. Ashish Modani, Vice President
                                                                                           Yogesh Srivastav, Assistant Secretary-
     suggested that there should be             & Sector Head, ICRA Ltd. shared his
                                                                                           General, PHD Chamber and was
                                                views on the EV Market Development

18                                              PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021

attended by many industry stalwarts     industry also participated.                Investments and Advisors Limited;
Pan-India. ICRA was the Knowledge           The webinar was supported by           Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic; DCM
Partner, EV Tech News was the Media     DLF India; Multani Pharmaceuticals         Shriram Industries ltd; Radico Khaitan
Partner. A large number of foreign      Ltd; JK Tyre & industries ltd; Marble      ltd.; Timberworkz; Jaguar Overseas
investors and 190 delegates from auto   City; Paramount Cables ltd; SMC            and Instinct Power & Infra.

  e (Chai-Pe-Charcha) on Insolvency
  and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment)
  Ordinance 2021

       he Insolvency and Bankruptcy     Multani, Senior Vice President,            The other pertinent issues deliberated
       Committee, PHDCCI organized      PHDCCI. Mr. Sanjeev Ahuja, Chair, IBC      were related to the Financial Creditors,
       e (Chai-Pe-Charcha) on April     Committee, PHDCCI introduced the           Operational Creditors, Corporate
15, 2021 to discuss the Insolvency      session citing major amendments.           Debtors, Role of Registered Valuers
and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment)             The major topics of the discussion     and Applicability of Section 52. In the
Ordinance, 2021 allowing pre-           included The Main Advantages and           Q&A Session, topics such as Clean
packaged       insolvency  resolution   Drawbacks of the Recent Ordinance,         Slate Theory of the Supreme Court
process for corporate debtors           Pre-Packaged Insolvency Resolution         of India, Swiss Challenge Method and
classified as MSMEs.                    (PIRP),      Corporate       Insolvency    Waterfall Mechanism were discussed.
    The ‘Charcha’ started with the      Resolution      Procedure        (CIRP),       Dr Jatinder Singh, Director,
Presidential Remarks by Mr. Sanjay      Corporate Debtor Restructuring             PHDCCI delivered the vote- of –thanks
Aggarwal, President, PHDCCI followed    (CDR), Extension of Moratorium             to the guests.
by Special Remarks by Mr. Pradeep       Period and Applicability of Section 29A.

                                        PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                                                       19

      E-Conclave On Blockchain Technology
      For Agriculture And Supply Chain

           HDCCI in association with the       his theme presentation said that          (MANAGE), Ministry of Agriculture
           National Productivity Council       Blockchain       gives     transparent    and Farmers Welfare mentioned that
           (NPC), DPIIT, Ministry of           information on inventories and            lack of connection between farmers
     Commerce and Industry organized           contracts in agriculture, where the       and suppliers, and middlemen are
     an ‘E-CONCLAVE ON BLOCKCHAIN              collection of such information is often   roadblocks in the agriculture sector,
     TECHNOLOGY FOR AGRICULTURE                incredibly costly.                        which can be overcome through
     AND SUPPLY CHAIN’ on March 26,                                                      Blockchain technology.
                                                   Mr. Arun Kumar Jha, Director
     2021 through virtual platform. The
                                               General, National Productivity Council,       Mr. Samudra Mukherji, Manager,
     e-Conclave brought together industry
                                               DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and           S&O, Deloitte India mentioned that
     leaders, government representatives,
                                               Industry mentioned that emerging          India’s strength in Blockchain lies in
     blockchain technologists & regulators
                                               technologies such as Blockchain,          the vibrant Start-up ecosystem and
     to explore applications of blockchain
                                               AI, Robotic & IoT when applied to         proactive Government support while
     for agro-based industry and supply
                                               agriculture and supply chain can reap     humongous opportunities can be
                                               exponential benefits by improving         unleashed because of JAM (Jan Dhan
         Mr. Pradeep Multani, Senior Vice      scale, speed and efficiency in the        Aadhar Mobile) trinity and low data
     President, PHDCCI said that farmers       processes.                                costs.
     need a transparent, trusted and
                                                   Ms. P R Lakshmi Eswari, Senior            Mr. Sumit Arora, Blockchain
     reliable source of information that can
                                               Director, Centre for Development          Expert, explained deep technicalities
     connect them directly to the market,
                                               of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)             of Blockchain technology Based
     banks & consumers and eliminate
                                               Hyderabad, Ministry of Electronics        Application for Cross Border Supply
     middlemen. Various benefits through
                                               and IT (MeitY) quoted ‘Blockchain is      Chain and asserted that Blockchain
     Blockchain technology include time
                                               known as Layer of Trust Protocol’.        is a foundation technology not a
     and cost efficiency, time-saving,
                                               She asserted that Blockchain is secure    disruptive technology.
     privacy, security, fraud reduction,
                                               storage for the World’s (Physical) data       Dr Jatinder Singh, Director,
     smart contracts, record keeping and
                                               and transaction.                          PHDCCI, moderated the session.
                                                   Mr.     G.    Bhaskar,    Assistant       The e-conclave was supported by
         Mr. Ashish Aggarwal, Chairman,
                                               Director (IT), National Institute of      the National Productivity Council.
     Startup Committee, PHDCCI in
                                               Agricultural Extension Management

20                                             PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021

L-R: Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal, President, Mr. Pradeep Multani, Senior Vice President and Mr. Bimal Jain, Chairman, Indirect Taxes Committee, PHD Chamber; Ms.
Geetika Shrivastava, Executive Partner, TATTVAM Advisors
L-R: Mr. Birjesh Bansal, Partner, S S Kothari Mehta & Co.; Mr. Sandeep Garg, Partner, SSAR & Associates; Mr. Puneet Bansal, Managing Partner, NITYA Tax
Associates; Mr. Ayush Mehrotra, Partner. Khaitan & Co.
From Left to Right: Third Row: Mr. Saket Patawari, Executive Director, Nexdigm (SKP) and Ms. Monika Shingari, Joint Secretary, PHD Chamber

   QRMP Scheme; Dynamic QR Code;
   Compulsory Quoting Of HSN/SAC For
   Supply of Goods & Services - Issues and
   Way Forward

      he Indirect Taxes Committee                   known as IFF, could be tedious. He                  unresolved issues with QRMP scheme
      of PHD Chamber organized a                    added that there could be cases where               and this will not be successful until
      webinar on “QRMP Scheme;                      a dealer has more than Rs. 50 lakhs of              it is aimed at ease of doing business.
Dynamic QR Code; e-invoicing;                       sales in a month; there will be cases               Mr. Jain added that Trade needs to
Compulsory Quoting of HSN/SAC for                   of mismatch in GSTR 1 & 2B, which, in               prepare well for implementation of
Supply of Goods & Services - Issues                 turn, could lead to compliance issues               dynamic QR code and e-invoicing
and Way Forward” on March 26, 2021.                 and hassles for trade & industry.                   w.e.f. 1st April 2021, a taxpayer having
     Mr. Sanjay Aggarwal, President,                    Mr. Pradeep Multani, Senior Vice                aggregate turnover of more than Rs.
PHD Chamber observed that though                    President, PHD Chamber said that any                500 Crores is required to generate a
the QMRP is aimed at facilitating                   scheme mooted by the Government                     dynamic QR code for all B2C supplies
compliance, however, there could be                 should focus on ease of doing business              and e-invoicing for registered person
issues when a small business supplies               along with reduction in cost of doing               having aggregate turnover of more
goods or services to larger businesses              business.                                           than Rs. 50 Crores in any preceding
filing monthly GST returns. Telling                                                                     FY from 2017-18 for all B2B taxable
                                                        Mr. Bimal Jain, Chairman, Indirect
the vendors to upload invoices in the                                                                   supplies. Further, it is also important to
                                                    Taxes Committee, PHD Chamber in his
Invoice Furnishing Facility, popularly                                                                  understand the correct classification
                                                    theme presentation said that there are

                                                    PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                                                                        21

     of goods & services in view of              be considered as an invalid invoice.          Mr. Ayush Mehrotra, Partner,
     Notification 12/2017, as amended by             Mr. Puneet Bansal, Managing           Khaitan & Co. in his presentation
     Notification 78/2020 dated 15 October       Partner, NITYA Tax Associates made        on ‘Classification of Services under
     2020 for compulsory quoting HSN/            a presentation on “Classifications        Goods and Services Tax Regime’
     SAC code on tax invoices w.e.f 1st          of Goods - Issues, Rates disputes,        discussed the Concept of service &
     April, 2021.                                Divergent Rulings, Cautions”. He said     levy of tax under GST; significance
         Ms. Geetika Shrivastava, Executive      if classification is not possible based   of classification system; contentious
     Partner, TATTVAM Advisors made              on description of goods specified         issues under GST regime and
     a comprehensive presentation on             under tariff headings, chapter and        classification of services. He said
     Quarterly Return Filing and Monthly         section notes, then the taxpayer has      similar to goods, services also require
     Payment of Taxes (QRMP) Scheme              to follow the Rules of classifications.   a uniform classification worldwide
     under GST. She explained that QRMP          He explained the General Rules            and these classification codes are
     is a Trade facilitation measure for         of Interpretation with numerous           known as Services Accounting Code
     small scale businesses by allowing          examples. He further highlighted          or SAC. SAC Code was issued by CBIC
     quarterly returns along with monthly        various contentious issues relating       to uniformly classify each service
     payment of taxes. She said those who        to classification of goods in case of     under GST. Each service has a unique
     have opted for the QRMP scheme can          hand sanitisers; mosquito repellants;     SAC. These codes are used to classify
     use the Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)   automobile parts among others.            services for better measurement,
     which allows quarterly GSTR-1 filers to                                               taxation, and recognition of services.
                                                     Mr. Sandeep Garg, Partner, SSAR
     upload their invoices every month. It                                                 He discussed some controversial
                                                 & Associates made a presentation
     is an optional facility, similar to Form                                              issues of Classifications of Services
                                                 on Compulsory Quoting of HSN/ SAC
     GSTR-1.                                                                               under GST with case studies &
                                                 for Supply of Goods or Services w.e.f
         Mr. Birjesh Bansal, Partner,            April 1,2021. He said Harmonized
     S S Kothari Mehta & Co. made a              System of Nomenclature, or HSN,               Mr. Saket Patawari, Executive
     presentation on “Dynamic QR code;           was conceived and developed by the        Director, Nexdigm (SKP) made a
     its applicability, Preparation, Cautions    World Customs Organization (WCO)          presentation on ‘E-Invoicing under
     and Precautions”. He observed that in       with the vision of classifying goods      GST’. He mentioned that E-invoicing
     order to promote the Digital Payment,       from all over the World in a systematic   requires getting all invoices to be
     Dynamic QR Code is brought by the           and logical manner. He explained          registered with the government on
     Government vide notification no.            the requirement of HSN on invoices/       the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP)
     72/2019, 14/2020 and circular no.           e-way; Bill of Entry among others. He     and generating a unique Invoice
     146/02/2021. It is very important to        further explained the implementation      Reference Number (IRN). Only a
     note that one should mandatorily            of Advanced Analytics in Indirect         registered e-invoice with IRN is
     print QR code on the invoice. Non-          Taxation; correction of incorrect HSN     considered as a valid invoice.
     printing of QR code would lead to           at time of e-invoice and determination
     non-compliance and the invoice will         of 6 digit HSN.

           Cabinet approves Production Linked Incentive scheme ‘National
              Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell Battery Storage’
          The Cabinet has approved the proposal of Department of Heavy Industry for implementation of the Production
          Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme ‘National Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage’ for
          achieving manufacturing capacity of Fifty (50) Giga Watt Hour (GWh) of ACC and 5 GWh of ‘Niche’ ACC with
          an outlay of Rs.18,100 crore. ACCs are the new generation of advanced storage technologies that can store
          electric energy either as electrochemical or as chemical energy and convert it back to electric energy as and
          when required. The consumer electronics, electric vehicles, advanced electricity grids, solar rooftop etc. which
          are major battery consuming sectors are expected to achieve robust growth in the coming years.

           While several companies have already started investing in battery packs, though the capacities of these facilities
          are too small when compared to global averages, but there still is negligible investment in manufacturing,
          along with value addition, of ACCs in India. All the demand of the ACCs is currently being met through imports
          in India. The National Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage will reduce import
          dependence. It will also support the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative. ACC battery Storage manufacturers will
          be selected through a transparent competitive bidding process. The manufacturing facility would have to be
          commissioned within a period of two years. The incentive will be disbursed thereafter over a period of five

22                                               PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021

 Early Warning Signals: Fitting
 Into IBC in India

      he Insolvency & Bankruptcy          International Turnaround Professional    and management, preparedness and
      Committee of PHDCCI in              and Mr. Rocky Ravinder Gupta, Project    crisis management by organizations
      association with Early Warning      Director, Early Warning India. The       and turnaround management.
India and Missing Bridge organized        speakers elucidated about the basic          The immediate incorporation of
a webinar on ‘Early Warning Signals :     concept of Early Warning Signals, its    this need of the hour mechanism
Fitting Into IBC In India’ on April 19,   importance, how and why it gained        into the Indian system and the role
2021.                                     popularity in the western world,         of private players in its successful
    The session started with the          about its relevance in Indian context    induction was stressed upon during
welcome address by Mr. Saurabh            especially for MSMEs.                    the deliberation.
Sanyal, Secretary General, PHDCCI             Elaborating more the idea of Early       Mr. G P Madaan, Co-chair, IBC
followed by the Opening Remarks and       Warning Signals, the eminent speakers    Committee, PHDCCI in his special
Session Introduction by Mr. Sanjeev       expounded its basic structure, its       address was very positive about this
Ahuja, Chair, IBC Committee, PHDCCI       relevance in introducing necessary       mechanism in India and suggested
who also moderated the session.           changes in the organization, resource    that a legislation to that effect should
    The distinguished speakers at the     management for a turnaround towards      be brought in immediately by the
webinar were Mr. Morten Moller,           a positive growth, how to ensure quick   Indian government.
Project Leader, Early Warning Europe;     and honest closure of an organization
                                          if no other option is viable. Some of        Dr Jatinder Singh, Director,
Dr Linda Spedding, International                                                   PHDCCI delivered the vote-of-thanks
Lawyer      (Risk   Management       &    the other important topics discussed
                                          were risk identification, assessment     to the guests.
Turnaround); Dr Jan Adriaanse,

                                          PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021                                                     23

     L-R: Mr. Jogiranjan Panigrahi, Joint Secretary, Textiles Infrastructure & Investment; Mr. Upendra Kumar Gupta, Deputy Advisor, Niti Aayog; Mr. Sharad
     Jaipuria, Former President, PHDCCI and, Chairman and Managing Director , Ginni International Limited; Mr. Sandeep Aggarwal, Chairman, Industry Affairs
     Committee , PHDCCI
     L-R: Mr. Mukesh Agarwal, Co-chairman Haryana Committee, Mr. Vishwanath, Co-chairman, Industry Affairs Committee, Mr. Vikram Agarwal, Co-chairman,
     Industry Affairs Committee and Mr. Saurabh Sanyal, Secretary General, PHDCCI

        Investment Avenues in India’s
        Textile and Apparel Industry

           he Industry Affairs Committee                set up over the next three years would             He informed that to overcome the
           of PHD Chamber organized                     give a huge boost to domestic textile              constraints of exports, the central
           a webinar on “Investment                     manufacturers. Also the removal of                 government has initiated several
     Avenues in India’s Textile and Apparel             the anti-dumping duty on man-made                  structural reforms in the last few years,
     Industry “on April 6, 2021.                        fiber has also resulted in making this             due to which the textile sector in the
         Mr. Jogiranjan Panigrahi, Joint                segment more competitive, he added.                country would witness exponential
     Secretary, Textiles Infrastructure &                    Mr. Upendra Kumar Gupta, Deputy               growth in the near future.
     Investment, stated that setting up                 Advisor, Niti Aayog , said that India’s                Mr. Sharad Jaipuria, Former
     of 7 major textile parks with plough               share in world trade is close to 4%                President, PHDCCI and, Chairman and
     and play facility in the next 3 years              which is much lower than that of China             Managing Director, Ginni International
     will help to provide large-scale                   which has a share of 34%. He explained             Limited mentioned that the domestic
     employment opportunities in the                    that small sized and fragmented                    textile industry which is currently at
     textile industry. He explained about               manufacturers pose a major challenge               the size of US$ 137 billion can reach the
     the hardships faced by textile industry            to scale production in the textile                 figure of US$ 300 billion by the year
     players during the COVID lockdown                  industry. On the other hand, higher                2025. He stated that though China
     influenced industry to diversify into              cost of manufacturing in Taiwan,                   dominates the world textile market,
     manufacturing of PPE kits and N95                  South Korea and China provides                     its share is falling due to an increase
     masks and generated business worth                 opportunity to India. He explained                 in its labour cost and decrease in its
     Rs. 7000 crores in India. Today, India             that India is facing competition from              domestic consumption. He explained
     has 1100 registered manufacturers of               countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh                that India has a huge opportunity
     PPE kits and have gained competence                and Vietnam due to higher import                   to dominate the sector due to its
     to become the second-largest                       duty, higher production costs, use of              lower cost of labour and its trade
     exporters of PPE kits during the COVID             outdated technology and small size                 relations with other countries. He
     period. He explained that almost                   production and manufacturer base in                also mentioned that manufacturing
     80- 90 percent of the machines used                India. He informed that Bangladesh                 has shifted from advanced countries
     in the textile industry are imported,              has witnessed a 14 percent of                      like US to South Asian and South East
     valuing currently at Rs 28,000 crores.             compounded annual growth rate in                   Asian countries. China has been a
     He stated that the Ministry of Textiles            its textile sector due to the duty-free            dominant player, but US has increased
     has identified 60-65 machines that                 export grants from the European                    the import duties on apparels from
     can be manufactured domestically,                  Union, while India faces a 9.5 percent             China due to the trade war between
     which would save crores of rupees                  duty.                                              US and China and increased wages
     for the Indian textile manufacturers.                   Also the size of the Indian textile           in China has provided opportunities
     According to Mr. Panigrahi, initiatives            manufacturing unit is very small and               to countries like India, Bangladesh,
     from the central government like                   is almost one-third the average size               Cambodia and Vietnam. The PLI
     the production linked incentive (PLI)              of a textile manufacturing unit in                 Scheme and MITRA Scheme have the
     scheme and the MITRA program                       Bangladesh, so we cannot take the                  potential to increase India’s share in
     where 7 mega textile parks would be                advantage of economies of scale.                   the world trade, he added.

24                                                       PHD Chamber Bulletin | May 2021
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