Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019

Page created by Marcus Jacobs
Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
What’s important to us and our community

                   PPS Motto

           Learn     Grow       Shine
           Ako       Tupu       Whiti

                   PPS Values
Respect        Responsibility       Resilience

Whakaute       Ngā Haepapa         Manawaroa

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
PPS Mission
Our tamariki will learn, grow and shine to become confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners.

                                               PPS Vision
                                   We will Learn, Grow and Shine by:

                           Showing respect to self, others and the environment

                  Showing responsibility towards ourselves, our actions and our learning

                    Showing resilience in times of challenge, risk and continued growth

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
Strategic Statements

                   Our children love coming to school                              The cultural diversity of our school is a strength that is reflected in our
                                                                                                             attitude and our actions
 Our children aspire to their best, are proud of their achievements and are
                             motivated learners                                   Our students show pride in their own culture and value cultural diversity in their

                                                                                 We value the contribution that cultural diversity amongst our people brings to our

 Our curriculum, our environment and our people work together to                       We honour the Treaty of Waitangi and celebrate tikanga Maori
                         inspire children to excel
                                                                                       We embrace and accept tikanga Maori to become bi-cultural citizens.
          Our school setting and facilities reinforce our curriculum.
                                                                                                    Tikanga is seen and heard within our school.
           Our community values are reflected in our curriculum.

                              We manage our resources so our school continues to provide the best education for students

Our resources are under constant review to be able to plan for a rich learning environment and opportunities, maximising student achievement and protecting our

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
Strategic Goals and Annual Plan
        Strategic Goal 1:           Strategic Goal 2:

       Whanaungatanga                     Ako

   Partnerships and Wellness        Learning for all

        Strategic Goal 3:           Strategic Goal 4:

       Te Taiao Akoranga                  Ako

         Environment              Accelerated Progress

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
Strategic Goal 1: Whanaungatanga
Partnerships and Wellness
                                           2019                                             2020                                     2021

We will increase family and whanau         We will achieve this through ensuring:              ●   3 way conferencing                    ●      review feedback from parents

engagement with their child’s learning.        ●    Parents are well informed about            ●   increased parent involvement in              on changes to reporting systems
                                                   the progress and achievement of                 whanau hui                            ●      review wellness budget and
                                                   their child throughout the year             ●   home-school partnership                      initiatives
                                               ●   Parents are given practical and                 strengthened
                                                   relevant information about how              ●   build on 2019 wellbeing
We will strengthen staff and student
                                                   to help their children at home                  initiatives and continue to
wellness                                       ●    Parents are empowered to ask                   promote staff and student
                                                   teachers for clear information                  wellbeing
                                                   about the progress of their child.
                                               ●   Staff and students know well-
                                                   being support that is available
                                               ●   the school actively promotes
                                                   wellbeing in its policies and
Annual Plan                                Progress Indicators                          Action timeline                              Coordinated by:      Budget:   Stakeholders:

What will the school do to achieve this?                                                F     M A M J          J   A S   O N D

Host an open evening/meet the teacher      At least 50% of families attend.                                                          Teachers                       Students
in week 2 to meet teachers and see         Parent survey in week 4
learning spaces
Hold 1 event each term to invite           Numbers attending hui                                                                     DP (OR)              Tikanga   Students
whanau for a hui

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
2 x counsellors from Laidlaw college to                                              Principal           Wellness   Identified
provide counselling to students in need
Provide staff wellness budget             Staff survey end of each term to monitor   Principal/DP (SM)   Wellness   Staff
                                                                                     BoT (Danni/Katy)
Staff meeting each term to support        ‘wellness’ of staff
wellness                                  Report back to board on survey results
Employ Kaiarahi te reo to support         Students and staff can say their           OR                  Tikanga    Matua Bumpa
teachers in tikanga, te reo and to lead   pepeha/mihi, sing the school waiata
kapa haka                                 and perform the haka.

Cultural leader to oversee all other      Students will have opportunities           Cultural Leader     MUnit      Students
                                                                                     (LP)                           Whanau
cultural events for school                throughout the year to celebrate their
                                          own and others cultures.
FoS invited to Board meetings to          5 year plan developed                      Principal                      FoS
develop a sound partnership and vision
Surveys completed throughout the year                                                Principal

– staff/students wellness and whanau
How we do things round here booklet                                                  Principal
for new parents / website
Staff form wellness goal as part of       Staff meet their wellness goal by end of
appraisal                                 2019

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
Strategic Goal 2: Ako
Learning for all
                                        2019                                            2020                                        2021
                                        We will achieve this through:                       ●   Review 3 year PPS curriculum               Review PPS curriculum
                                            ●   ensuring our local curriculum is            ●   Development of Digital
We will ensure that our local
                                                unique to PPS                                   technology curriculum as part
curriculum provides rich learning
                                            ●   Our children articulate a love of               of local curriculum
experiences for children that
                                                learning and an aspiration to               ●   Review inquiry into PBL
enable and encourage them to

Annual Plan                             Indicators Measures of Progress            Action timeline                                  Coordinated    Budget:          Stakeholders:
                                                                                    F   M   A   M    J    J   A   S   O   N     D

Hold a parent evening in term 2 and 4   Parent voice following events                                                               DPs            Events           Whanau
to celebrate and inform parents of
Digital Literacy PD                     Teachers/staff confident in use of                                                          DP/DL Leader   PD budget (but   Students
                                                                                                                                                   apply for        Teachers
                                        google suite.
                                                                                                                                                   Ministry PLD)
                                        Teachers more confident in teaching
                                        digital literacy following external
                                        provider support
Employ teacher aides for each year      Targeted students will show                                                                 DPs            TA               Targeted
level to provide extra support for      accelerated progress.
                                                                                                                                                                    Teacher Aides
targeted students

Development of middle leaders           Evaluation of inquiries                                                                     Principal                       Middle
                                                                                                                                                                    Leaders –

Peninsula Primary School Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and Annual Plan 2019
Inquiry into Play Based Learning          Inquiry will outline how we will        Team Leader                HS
                                                                                  (HS)                       Students
                                          introduce PBL into PPS from term 3
Review reporting procedures               Parent voice re home-school             Principal

                                          partnership will show positive
                                          change to reporting system
STEM Café for identified learners         Student voice indicating learning       SM            GaT          Identified
                                          Teacher voice indicating the progress
                                          made by identified learners
ESOL teacher aide provided with PD to     Student voice about how their           AO            PD           ESOL students
                                                                                  OR                         AO
enhance programme running for ELL         learning in ESOL programme helps in
students                                  class.
                                          Teacher voice.
DP to form an inquiry into how ESOL       Evaluation of spirals of inquiry        OR

programme is
Outside experts (authors etc) linked to                                           OF            Curriculum   All

inquiry learning
Review of local curriculum                PPS curriculum is unique to our kura    OF            Curriculum   All

Strategic Goal 3: Te Taiao Akoranga
                                        2019                                      2020                                          2021
                                        We will achieve this through ensuring          ●    All classrooms are resourced              ●    Review of e-vision strategic plan
                                        that:                                               as per the E-vision strategic             ●    Review of 5 year grounds plan.
We will ensure that our school
                                            ●   Classroom environments are                  plan                                      ●    Review of PB4L
environment meets the needs of
                                                resourced to inspire                   ●    Play based learning is
our school curriculum
                                                excellence and high standards               embedded in junior
                                                and enable them to become                   classrooms
                                                independent learners                   ●    Travelwise, Enviroschools,
                                            ●   The outdoor environment                     Garden to Table is embedded
                                                becomes a learning                          into our strategic direction
                                                environment through free               ●    PB4L is embedded into our
                                                play and play based learning                strategic direction
                                            ●   PPS is an environmentally
                                                friendly school
                                            ●   PB4L is rolled out school-wide

Annual Plan                          Indicators Measures of Progress        Action timeline                                    Development             Budget:   Stakeholders:
                                                                                                                               Coordinated by:
What will the school do to achieve                                          F    M A       M J     J   A   S      O   N    D
Outline the resourcing we need for   E-learning strategic plan in place                                                        External Facilitator/   IT        Students
                                                                                                                               ML                      PD        Staff
IT hardware and software
throughout the school

Garden to Table reintroduced to    Year 3 and 4 students successfully     Principal          Curriculum     Year 3 and 4 teams
Year 3 and 4 students              completed 12 months of GtT.

Classrooms adequately resourced    All classrooms are resourced as        Principal / Team   Furniture      Students
                                                                          Leaders            and            Teachers
for all furniture / device         per E-learning strategic plan
Sustainability – Travelwise,       Student groups for TW and ES in        Principal/Lead     Sustainabili   Students
                                                                          Teacher (LG)       ty             Staff
Enviroschools,                     place.
                                   Reduced waste for school
Implementation of 5YA              New property advisor in place.         Principal          5YA            All
                                                                          BoT Property
    -   Complete covered           Projects completed by end of 2019
        walkways                                                          Portfolio Holder

    -   Redesign of rooms 21 and
    -   Admin painting

Make fund applications for cover   Successful fund application            FoS                Fund           All
for 1 court area

Staging for school hall                                                   DP (SM)            Furniture      All

Weather proofing of decks on ILE   ILE buildings are fully compliant by   Principal          Ministry       All
                                                                          BoT (PR)
blocks to be completed             end of Term 1
PB4L is prominent in our school    Matrices are completed for all         Principal          Ministry       All
                                                                          PB4L team
environment                        areas and for classrooms
                                   Lesson plans are complete and
                                   taught on a weekly basis
                                   Whole school community use the
                                   PB4L language

Strategic Goal 4: Ako
Accelerated Progress
                                          2019                                      2020                                       2021

We will accelerate the progress of        We will achieve this through ensuring;         ●   review teacher inquiries in            ●      review good practice
                                              ●    staff have targeted                       reading, writing and maths
targeted children who have not
                                                   professional development to           ●   continue targeted approach of
made 1 years progress over 2018
                                                   enhance teacher practice in               achievement and progress to
                                                   writing.                                  accelerate Maori / Pasifika /
We will have equity and excellence
                                              ●    teacher inquiries target                  students at risk
for all our learners, and especially               underachieving learners with a
for those who are underachieving                   focus on teacher pedagogy
                                              ●    there is a focus on Maori and
                                                   Pasifika student’s
                                                   achievement and progress

Annual Plan                            Indicators Measures of Progress        Action timeline                                  Coordinated by:      Budget:   Stakeholders:

What will the school do to achieve                                            F    M A     M J     J   A    S   O   N      D
Form specific writing targets for      Targets set stretch achievement                                                         Principal                      Students
                                                                                                                               DP (SM and OR)
each Year level                        expectations for all learners
Identify students who are not          Teachers can identify the students                                                      Team Leaders                   Identified students
                                                                                                                               DP (SM and OR)
making progress and action as          in their class who are not making
appropriate                            progress.
                                       Teachers, through inquiry, make
                                       changes to their practice to
support target children

Teachers from each year level to    Teachers engage actively in the       Team Leaders   PD       Students
attend Writing PD and report back   PLD sessions and apply new ideas
to staff                            through their teaching inquiries.
                                    Teachers recognise that merely
                                    doing more of the same will not
                                    necessarily accelerate student
                                    Improvements in teachers practice
                                    are observable through
                                    observations and reflections.
Review of Expected Practice in      There is a clear picture of what is   DP (SM)                 Students
Writing throughout school           currently working and where there
                                    are gaps and a plan to improve the
Assessment to be carried out        Teaching programmes are               Teachers       Assess   Students
                                                                                         ment     Teachers
termly as per the Expected          constantly responsive to the
Practice                            learners needs.
                                    Information on progress is shared
                                    regularly with students, parents
                                    and trends and patterns with the
                                    Board of Trustees.
Writing Process to be embedded      There are shared expectations         Teachers                Students
into teaching practice throughout   amongst staff of what an effective
school                              writing programme looks like.
                                    Teachers’ programmes are
                                    differentiated and adapted to meet

the specific learning needs of
                                    targeted learners
Ensuring writing levels are         Writing moderation assessments       Team Leaders   Students
                                                                         DP (SM)        Teachers
assessed consistently across year   show increasing consistency in
levels.                             level assigning.
Home/school partnership for         Parents are informed about ways      Teachers       Students
                                                                         Team Leaders   Whanau
writing at home – newsletter        they can support the literacy
                                    curriculum at home.
                                    Parents are aware of their child’s
                                    progress and achievement.

Strategic Actions
 Strategic Action                            Target Cohort
Learning                                     Gender                   Boys                                    Girls
                                             Ethnicity                All             Maori                   Pasifika       Other
                                             Year Group               Year 1          Year 2       Year 3     Year 4         Year 5       Year 6
                                             Focus Area               Writing         Maths        Reading    Other

Annual Target                                Reasoning
All Maori (107 students) and Pasifika (52)   Data has identified that Maori and Pasifika students have not made the equal amount of progress in
students have made progress of at least 1    writing and maths over the 2018 calendar year as their peers. A high percentage of Maori girls are
years progress (based on NZC levels) in      working below expected curriculum levels in Maths and Writing

 Strategic Action                            Target Cohort
Learning                                     Gender                   Boys                                    Girls
                                             Ethnicity                All             Maori                   Pasifika       Other
                                             Year Group               Year 1          Year 2       Year 3     Year 4         Year 5       Year 6
                                             Focus Area               Writing         Maths        Reading    Other
                                                                      At Level 1
Annual Target                                Reasoning
75% of all Year 4 students to be working     2018 data has shown that just under 54% of Year 2018 3 students have not made the progress in
At Level 2 by end of 2019.                   writing that was expected for after 3 years at school. Predictions had indicated that more students
                                             would have made the expected progress/level. 43% of the students are working at Level 1, thus
                                             putting them below expected level. Discussions with teachers indicated that students were not able
                                             to write at a consistent level ‘independently and most of the time across the curriculum’.

Strategic Action                              Target Cohort
Learning                                      Gender                   Boys                                   Girls
                                              Ethnicity                All               Maori                Pasifika      Other
                                              Year Group               Year 1            Year 2    Year 3     Year 4        Year 5     Year 6
                                              Focus Area               Writing           Maths     Reading    Other
Annual Target                                 Reasoning
All 9 boys will be working at Early Level 2   There are 9 NZE boys who are working below the expected level in writing after 120 weeks at school.
by mid-year and At Level 2 by end of 2019     These boys were all working at expected level after 80 weeks at school, but have not made the
                                              progress required to keep them on track.

Strategic Action                              Target Cohort
Learning                                      Gender                   Boys                                   Girls
                                              Ethnicity                All               Maori                Pasifika      Other
                                              Year Group               Year 1            Year 2    Year 3     Year 4        Year 5     Year 6
                                                                       Writing           Maths     Reading    Other
Annual Target                                 Reasoning
All 11 students will be writing at 1At by     These 11 students were at expected curriculum level for reading but below the expected level for
end of term 2 and progress to 2Early by       writing.
the end of 2019

Strategic Action                             Target Cohort
Learning                                     Gender                   Boys                                    Girls
                                             Ethnicity                All             Maori                   Pasifika       Other
                                             Year Group               Year 1          Year 2       Year 3     Year 4         Year 5    Year 6

                                                                      Writing         Maths        Reading    Other
Annual Target                                Reasoning
To be working in all 3 areas At Level 2 by   This target group are working at Level 1 which puts them well below expected level in reading, writing
the end of 2019.                             and maths. All of these boys have had external support for learning over the last year.

Strategic Action                             Target Cohort
Learning                                     Gender                   Boys                                    Girls
                                             Ethnicity                All             Maori                   Pasifika       Other
                                             Year Group               Year 1          Year 2       Year 3     Year 4         Year 5    Year 6
                                                                                                                                       6 target
                                                                      Writing         Maths        Reading    Other
Annual Target                                Reasoning
These children will be working at Early      These 6 students have not made any progress over a calendar year (2018) and have gone from Above
Level 4 by the end of 2019.                  expected curriculum level at the beginning of 2018 to At expected curriculum level at the end of 2018.

Strategic Action                          Target Cohort
CoL writing                               Gender                   Boys                                   Girls
                                          Ethnicity                All            Maori                   Pasifika      Other
                                          Year Group               Year 1         Year 2       Year 3     Year 4        Year 5     Year 6

                                                                   Writing        Maths        Reading    Other
Annual Target                             Reasoning
There is a shared understanding and       Primary, Intermediate and College all have Level 4 students working within the curriculum. There was
consistent teaching of Level 4 writing.   inconsistencies between what Level 4 writing looks like dependent on what year level the student was

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