Page created by Henry Rose


PARK TO PRO KICK OFF YOUR JOURNEY - TO MAKE EVERY GOAL COUNT                                                                                          

     FOREWORD                                                      INTRODUCTION
     Park to Pro is a unique company that specialises in a         • Park to Pro was established in 2020 by founder Adam
     variety of services, within the football industry. Whether    Clark, who is an experienced UEFA Licensed coach.
     you are a parent / coach at ‘grassroots’ or a professional
     player in full time training, Park to Pro will be able to     • Park to Pro is a unique football company in the south
     help you on your journey, and achieve your goals.             east of England, that will use new concepts to provide
                                                                   opportunities, experiences and coaching.
     Park to Pro founder Adam Clark has extensive experience
     in working at ‘grassroots’ with youth players and with        • Park to Pro will use the client as the starting point,
     professional players at the top level. He believes that by    to ensure that their personal improvement goals are
     forming Park to Pro, we will begin to see more players        identified and then met.
     and coaches progress in football.
                                                                   • All of the Park to Pro services are accessible to players,
                                                                   coaches and football clubs who wish to improve.

                                    ‘Park to Pro will be able to
                                    help you on your journey,      MISSION STATEMENT
                                    and achieve your goals’
                                                                   Aims - To provide specialised tuition for players and
                                                                   coaches to advance in football.

                                                                   Objectives - For all players and coaches to become
                                                                   unconsciously competent.

                                                                   Values - Resilience, persistence, determination,
                                                                   communication and self reflection.

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PARK TO PRO KICK OFF YOUR JOURNEY - TO MAKE EVERY GOAL COUNT                                                                                 

     WHY WE WERE FORMED                                       WHAT WE DO
     • To provide a pathway for players and coaches leading   We work alongside our client in identifying personal
     to the professional game.                                improvement goals and how we can achieve these.

     • To provide specialised programmes, that will help to
     achieve success.                                         HOW WE DO IT
                                                              We apply top-down instruction to get your personal
     • To provide unique experiences.
                                                              improvement goals aligned with one of our services and
                                                              then guide you through this process, using a bottom -
     WHAT WE DO & HOW WE DO IT                                up approach.

                                                              Once you have achieved your goals we will reassess your
                                                              long term ambitions and continue the journey.

                                                                                      ‘Resilience, persistence,
                                                                                      determination, communication
                                                                                      and self reflection’
      This flow chart shows how Park to Pro
      can help clients to achieve their
      personal improvement goals...

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PARK TO PRO KICK OFF YOUR JOURNEY - TO MAKE EVERY GOAL COUNT                                               

                    PARK TO PRO
                    PANNA FOOTBALL
                    Panna Football is an artistic form of street football where
                    players can execute a number of different techniques, in
                    order to beat their opponent. Sometimes the techniques
                    that players use are extremely impressive, while on other
                    occasions it’s the more simple techniques that could help
                    you succeed.

                    The aim of the game…show off your playing ability and
                    do all you can to beat your opponent. This could be from
                    scoring at least 1 more goal than them, or by executing a

                    HOW DO YOU PLAY PANNA FOOTBALL?
                    Panna Football takes place in a rounded octagon arena,
                    where players can battle it out in a game of 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2,
                    for around 3 minutes. The team that scores at least 1 more
                    than their opponent will be victorious, or the first player to
                    put the ball through an opponents legs. By doing this you
                    have achieved ‘Panna’ status!

                    USE OUR PANNA
                    ARENA TO                               Panna is so much fun, it can
                                                           help you refine your ball skills
                                                           in a fast paced environment,
                    • Have a large amount of               with no option of escape.
                    ball contact                           As well as being fun, you can
                                                           also interact with so many
                    • Experience continuous                different players, I’d strongly
                    decision making                        recommend giving it try.
                    • Execute a variety of                 I did this with Park to Pro and
                                                           loved every second!!”
                    • Play high intensity matches          Albert Adomah
                                                           Professional footballer at
                    • Have lots of fun!!!                  QPR, England
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PARK TO PRO KICK OFF YOUR JOURNEY - TO MAKE EVERY GOAL COUNT                                             

     From July 2021, Park to Pro have access to state of the art
     cameras, in Veo. This stunning piece of equipment takes
     football to the next level, by filming at 180c and at a height
     of 23 feet. By having a camera at this elevated height, with
     this vision, means it can capture the whole football pitch
     for recording purposes.

     Park to Pro use the footage taken from training or games,
     for analytical purposes and can assist you, in taking your
     game to the next level!

     The camera will be present at all of our training centre
     sessions, as well as games, from September 2021.
     Our coaching staff will have access to the footage and
     will feedback to the players, to assist their personal
     improvement goals. As well as the camera being used, ‘in
     house’, it is also available to hire for external football clubs
     and projects.

     Contact us now if you would like:

     • Your footage recorded and analysed (regardless of the
     level you work at)

     • Have all your footage in 1 place

     • Receive clear footage, as VEO records with two 4K

     • Not have to worry about a member of staff filming, as
     VEO works by itself

     • To take your game to the next level and gain that
     competitive edge!
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PARK TO PRO KICK OFF YOUR JOURNEY - TO MAKE EVERY GOAL COUNT                                                      

                                  We offer the following professional services:

                                                  FOR THE PLAYER
                                             • Training Centre (Open Entry)
                                              • Training Centre (Invite Only)
                                               • Position Specific Training
                                                    • 1-to-1 Coaching
                                               • Daytime holiday courses
                                            (open to all during school breaks)

                                                  FOR THE COACH
                                                   • Coach Education
                                                    • Video Analysis
                    PARK TO PRO                    FOR THE CLUB
                     SERVICES                  • Park to Pro Partnerships
                                                    • Team Scouting
                                              • Player and Team Analysis
                                                  (using VEO software)

                                                  PRO SOLUTIONS

                                                • Football CV Production

                                               FOR THE COMMUNITY
                                                    • PANNA Football
                                               • In School and After Hours
                                                  Football Programme

                                               • Birthday Parties / Events
                                                • Football for Beginners
                                                      (4-6 year olds)
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FOR THE PLAYER                                                                                              FOR THE PLAYER

       TRAINING CENTRE (OPEN ENTRY)                                    1-TO-1 COACHING
       • All players are invited to enrol regardless of experience.    • This service can be utilised by all players that wish to
                                                                       focus on certain specifics of the game.
       • This session is ideal for players that don’t currently have
       a club or for supplementing current club sessions.              • The sessions are to be booked via an online form.
       • Boys and girls are welcome from ages of 5 - 14
                                                                       • After participating in the 1-to-1 sessions, players are
       (Optional goalkeeper training available to all age groups)      encouraged to join the position specific training,
                                                                       followed by attendance at our training centre - if not
                                                                       already enrolled.
   • This session is invite only and is used to assist players in
   making the progression into academy football.
                                                                       DAYTIME HOLIDAY COURSES
                                                                       (OPEN TO ALL DURING SCHOOL BREAKS)
   • Ex-academy players are welcomed and advised in
   returning to the academy system.                                    • A wide variety of training courses will be available
                                                                       throughout the year during all school breaks. The
   • Players who aren’t quite yet at this level of training, will      courses will be streamed into foundation, intermediate
   be offered an opportunity to enrol in our open entry                and advanced groupings.
                                                                       • ‘Play with a Pro’ training opportunities will be launched
   • This session is available to boys and girls between the           in 2022 (invite only).
   ages of 6 - 11.
                                                                       • Open to children of all playing abilities, between the ages
   (Optional goalkeeper training available to all age groups)          of 6 - 14.

   • All groups are separated by desired position and
   capped at a maximum of 6 participants only.

   • This session can be used as a continuous development
   pathway opportunity for players.

   • Available to all ages and abilities.
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FOR THE COACH                                                                                            FOR THE CLUB

   COACH EDUCATION                                               TEAM SCOUTING
   • All education will be led by founder and head of player     • The team scouting service is available for all amateur,
   and coach development, Adam Clark.                            semi-professional and professional teams. This can help
                                                                 your football club gain a competitive edge over your
   • Learning will be via a number of workshops and courses,     rivals, by using an up to date reporting system.
   using a theory based framework as a starting point.
                                                                 • We will offer in-depth analysis of all opponents and
   • A number of guest coaches are invited to lead workshops     filming upon request.
   and assist the coach educator with a variety of topics.

   • We have equipment available for filming and recording       PLAYER AND TEAM ANALYSIS
   purposes, that can be used for analysis.                      (USING VEO SOFTWARE)

                                                                 • We use state of the art software in VEO and HUDL, to
FOR THE CLUB                                                     offer highlight footage of teams and players.

                                                                 • All clips can be used alongside our football CV service,
   PARK TO PRO PARTNERSHIPS                                      to give ‘strength’ to a player or coach’ profile.

   • Park to Pro are recruiting partners at grassroots, semi-
   professional and professional levels to aid the progression                                        PRO SOLUTIONS
   of all players and coaches.

   • Partners will be filtered into 3 areas. They will be:       FOOTBALL CV PRODUCTION
   1 - Local to the area                                         • This service is available to players and coaches from all
   2 - Local to the county                                       levels.
   3 - Nation / Worldwide
                                                                 • It is vitally important to have a professional CV to
   • All partners will receive a number of benefits (including   showcase yourself in order to gain a new opportunity.
   various coach, player and parental support opportunities)
   and discounts for our services.                               • To be an ongoing document and can have new
                                                                 achievements added.

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PARK TO PRO KICK OFF YOUR JOURNEY - TO MAKE EVERY GOAL COUNT                                                                                     

   • School team coaching available to prepare players for
   games and tournaments.

   • Teachers are encouraged to assist with all sessions to
   further their own learning.

   • A mixture of theory and practical applied to all sessions.

   BIRTHDAY PARTIES / EVENTS                                      SERVICE QUALITY
   • A service available to boys and girls between the ages
                                                                  We aim to provide an exceptional service to our
   of 5-16, via an email booking system.                          customers, our partners and supporters of Park to Pro.
                                                                  While professionalism is a key fundamental in ensuring
   • All party packages are ranked in a 3 tier system to
                                                                  we deliver the best service around, we will always strive
   determine which package you would like.                        for perfection until the task is complete.

                                                                  Our coaching team, partners and advisors all have vast
                                                                  experience in their respective fields with qualifications
   FOOTBALL FOR BEGINNERS                                         and experience to suit. Alongside this, we ensure that
                                                                  all staff members and members associated with Park
                                                                  to Pro, have the correct and approved safeguarding
   • This session is often important for the local community      certifications.
   in assisting with player development at a young age.

   • Children are encouraged to attend this session, followed     GET IN TOUCH
   by our training centre at the ‘open entry’ level.
                                                                  If you have any questions, or for further information
   • Boys and girls are welcome.                                  about our services please contact the Park to Pro team:

                                                                                 Telephone: 07922 421 777
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PARK TO PRO KICK OFF YOUR JOURNEY - TO MAKE EVERY GOAL COUNT                                    

                          Adam Clark - founder, head of
                          player and coach development

                          Adam possesses coaching
                          badges from the following
                          governing bodies; UEFA,
                          English FA, World Football
                          Academy, Coerver and

                           Adam has gained professional
  experience at Reading FC and Queens Park Rangers
  FC. As well as this, Adam has managed and coached at
  semi-professional level for 7 years, including teaching in
  primary schools in the UK for 6 years.

  In the past 4 years Adam has studied Spanish and
  Dutch coaching methodology that has assisted with his
  long term learning of the game. Visits to the following
  football clubs have been successful and assisted with
  his progression; Real Madrid (Spain), Atletico Madrid
  (Spain), Rayo Vallecano (Spain), Leganes (Spain),
  Ajax (Holland), Red Bull Leipzig (Germany), Red Bull
  Salzburg (Austria), Hajduk Split (Croatia), Philadelphia
  Union (US), Fulham (UK), Crystal Palace (UK), Brighton
  (UK), QPR (UK) and Reading (UK).

  Adam has coached players who have now signed
  for: Manchester City, Arsenal, QPR, Reading,
  Bournemouth, Swindon Town, Barnet, Luton Town
  and scholarships in the US.

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  DON’T JUST TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT...                                                      Adam and I worked together for Academy SC in
                                                                                          the Cayman Islands. As a coach, Adam had a clear
                                                                                          process and identity within his coaching, working
                  I have known Adam for several years and worked                          methodically to develop and improve players of all
                  with him on projects at the World Football                              abilities and ages. His understanding and reading
                  Academy events in Holland and Austria. He has an                        of the game to identify opportunities and threats
                  impressive record in youth and adult football, with                     within matches was highly useful, and coupled
                  a wealth of experience in coaching across different     with his communication qualities it made Adam a very influential
                  cultures. It’s safe to say he has excellent knowledge   member of our team.
                  of the game and is extremely passionate about
 developing players.                                                      Jack Brazil
                                                                          Coach at Valerenga FC, Norway
 Spencer Fearn
 Coach at Sheffield Wednesday, England

                                                                                            Evidence of Adam’s commitment, loyalty and
                                                                                            honesty was seen throughout my time working
                    Adam and I have worked on a number of projects                          with him at Basingstoke Town Football Club
                    over the last 3 years, within the World Football                        with his professionalism, both as a person and
                    Academy pathway. His application to all tasks that                      as a coach. Adam prides himself on unlocking
                    we were given was extremely professional and he                         and maximising the potential of every player he
                    would always push himself, as well as others to                         worked with. His enthusiasm was shown through
                    raise the bar. I’m looking forward to working with    his personality, which has allowed him to develop excellent working
                    Adam again in the very near future.                   relationships with the children, parents and other members of staff.
 Jason Aldous                                                             Akin Lord
 Director of Coaching at Liverpool Soccer Club, USA                       Coach at QPR, England

                    I’ve been coached by Adam on numerous
                    occasions and his sessions are thoroughly                              I’ve known Adam in a professional capacity for
                    enjoyable. He takes the game as the starting                           many years now and his attention to detail is
                    point, which ensures all players can transfer the                      exceptional. I’m sure all of the services he will be
                    information to match day a lot easier.                                 providing for Park to Pro, will be the best in the

 James Harper                                                             Steven Jones
 Ex-professional football player                                          Head of Academy Performance at Dalian FC, China

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 If you have any questions, or for
  further information about our
    services please contact the
         Park to Pro team:

  Telephone: 07922 421 777
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