Park Ridge March 2020 ACTIVITY CALENDAR-Calendar subject to change

Page created by Alex Vazquez
Park Ridge March 2020 ACTIVITY CALENDAR-Calendar subject to change
SUNDAY                          MONDAY                    TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                    SATURDAY
1 Sunday                   2 Monday                   3 Tuesday                4 Wednesday               5 Thursday                   6 Friday                      7 Saturday
9:00 Independent           8:00 AM Easy Listening    8:00 AM Easy Listening     8:30 AM Morning 8:30      9:00 AM Horseshoes          Easy Listening music          10:30 AM Rick Steve’s
Devotions                  music                     9:00 AM Exercises         AM Morning Greeting in    9:45 AM Current Events       9:00 AM Movement to           Europe Great Swill Cities
10:00 Chapel (Ch. 3)       9:00 AM St. Mark’s –      9:45 AM Current Events    Dining Room Easy          10:30 AM WELS                Music                         11:00 AM Badger
11:00 AM Sunday            Activity Room & Ch. 3     11:00 AM Church with      Listening music           Communion Service            9:45 AM Current Events        Basketball
Worship –Activity Room     9:15 AM Music Therapy     Jeffery Meyer             9:00 AM Strengthening     Living Room                  10:30 AM Word Building        1:10 PM Independent
1:00 PM Moments to         10:00 AM Crazy 8’s        1:00 PM Lebanon           Exercises                 2:00 PM Painting             12:45 Individual Recreation   Reading
Remember My Music          1:00 PM Walks to          Lutheran Kids             9:30 AM Mastering         Connections                  1:30 PM Bingo                 2:30 Field Trip with
2PM Classic Gospel: ch.7   activity                  1:45 PM Happy Hour        Moves with Molly           3:30 PM Folding Fun         3:00 PM Little known Facts    Curtis Stone: Central
5:30 Badgers Basetball     1:30 PM Horse Races        3:00 PM Mail Call        9:45 AM Current Events    7:00 PM Around the           about Daylight Saving’s       Coast
                           2:30 PM Program on        4:00 PM Walks to Dining   1:30 PM Card Bingo        Corner-                                                    3:15 PM Jay Hoffman
                           Annette, Funicello        Room                      3:00 PM Trisha the Cat                                                               6:00 PM Lawrence Welk
                           3:30 PM Bible reading     4:00 PM Great American     5:30 PM Rosary                                                                      (ch. 7) The Colorful
                           with Mark                 Railroad LA Junta to      7:00 PM Nature: The                                                                  World
                                                     Colorado Springs          Whale Detective                                                                      Turn Clocks ahead
                                                                               8:00 Badger Basketball
8 Sunday                   9 Monday                  10 Tuesday                11 Wednesday              12 Thursday                  13 Friday                     14 Saturday
9:00 Independent           8:00 Easy Listening       8:00 AM Easy Listening    8:30 AM Morning           7:30 AM Walks                7:30 AM Walks to Dining       10:30 AM Rick 7
Devotions                  music                     music                     Greeting in Dining Room   Easy Listening music         Room Easy Listening music     (Vienna) (Ch. )
10:00 Chapel (Ch. 3)        9:00 AM St. Marks        9:00 AM Exercises         Easy Listening music      9:00 AM Baking               9:00 AM Movement to           11:00 walks to Dining
11:00 AM Sunday            Activity Room & ch. 3     9:45 AM Current Events    9:00 AM Strength          9:45 AM Current Events       Music                         Room
Worship-Activity Room      10:00 AM Crazy 8’s        10:30 AM Devotion         exercises                 10:30 AM Walmart             9:45 Am Current Events        3:15 PM Dan Sullivan
1:00 Antiques Roadshow     10:30 AM Music            1:45 PM Happy Hour        1:30 PM Card Bingo        History                      10:30 AM Word Building        4:00 Badger Game
(ch.7)                     Exploration               3:00 Reading              2:00 PM State of the      1: 30 PM Watertown           12:45 Individual
2:00 PM Classic Gospel      1:00 Walks to activity   8:00 PM Badger            State: Texas              Shoe Factory                 Recreation                    6:00 PM Lawrence
Gaither Vocal Band         Room                      Basketball                2:00 Animals of Nature    3:30 PM Reading              PM Walks to Activity          Welk-Indiana
Daylight Savings Time      1:30 PM Hymn Sing with                              (Ch. 7)                   3:00 PM Nature: Hippos:      1:30 PM Bingo                 Happy Birthday Richard!
Begins                     Ina                                                 3:00 PM Reading           Africa’s River Giants-Ch.7   2:30 PM Birthday Party
                           3:30 PM Bible Reading                                5:30 PM Rosary           7:00 Around the Corner       6:00 Badger Basketball
                           with Mark
Park Ridge March 2020 ACTIVITY CALENDAR-Calendar subject to change
                                                                                                          with John McGovern-
                                                                                                          Fort Atkinson

15      Sunday           16 Monday                 17 Tuesday                 18 Wednesday                19                        20                          21 Saturday
9:00 Independent         9:00 AM St. Marks         8:00 AM 8Easy Listening    8:30 AM Morning              Thursday                 21 Friday                   10:30 Rick Steve’s Czech
Devotions                Activity Room & Ch. 3     music                      Greeting in Dining Room     7:30 AM Walks             7:30 AM Walks to Dining     Republic-ch.7
10:00 Chapel (ch. 3)     9:15 AM Music Therapy     9:00 AM Shamrock Toss      9:00 AM Strengthening        Easy Listening music     9:00 AM Movement to         3:15 PM Little Bit of
11:00 AM Chapel –        –Living Room              9:45 AM Current Events     Exercises                   9:00 AM Exercises         Music                       Heaven
activity room            10:00 AM Crazy 8’s        11:00 Am Church with       9:45 Current Events         9:45 AM Current Events    10:30 AM Resident Council   3:30 (Ch. 7) Flavor of
2:00 PM Classic Gospel   1:30 PM Ireland program   Kurt Liebenow              10:15 AM Irish Sing-a       10:30 AM Bake The Cake    PM Walks to Activity        Poland: Rzeszow
Music ch. 7 Soul         2:30 PM Group             1:45 PM St. Patricks Day   long Carol and Juanita      Game                      1:30 PM Bingo               6:00 PM Lawrence Welk
Supperstars              Crosswords                Happy Hour                 PM with walks to Activity   1:45 PM Staff Mtg         3:00 PM Center Piece        Musical Masterpieces
15                       3:30 PM Bible Reading     8:00 Badger Basketball     Room                        1:45 PM Chat with Jen-    Arranging                   Ch. 7
5:00 Great               with Mark                                            1:30 PM Card Bingo          Living Room               3:00 PM NOVA The            7:00 PM Bucks
Performances: Movies                               March Madness Begins       3:00 PM Trisha the Cat      7:00 Around Corner with   Planets: Saturn
for Grownups with AARP                                                        March Madness               John McGovern: Lake       5:00 Magical Land of Oz
                                                                              Basketball on TV            Mills                     Ocean
                                                                                                          7:30 The Arts Page        6:00 Badger Basketball
                                                                                                                                    Welcome Spring
22      Sunday           23 Monday                 24 Tuesday                 25 Wednesday                26 Thursday               27 Friday                   28 Saturday
9:00 Independent         9:00 AM St. Marks         8:00 AM 8Easy Listening    8:30 AM Morning             7:30 AM Walks             7:30 AM Walks to Dining     10:30 Rick Steve’s Czech
Devotions                Activity Room & Ch. 3     music                      Greeting in Dining Room      Easy Listening music     9:00 AM Movement to         Republic-ch.7
10:00 Chapel (ch. 3)     9:15 AM Basketball Toss   9:00 AM Exercises          9:00 AM Strengthening       9:00 AM Exercises         Music                       3:15 PM Sandy Webb
11:00 AM Chapel –        Living Room               9:45 AM Current Events     Exercises                   9:45 AM Current Events    10:30 AM                    3:30 (Ch. 7) Flavor of
activity room            10:00 AM Crazy 8’s        11:00 Am Devotion          9:45 Current Events         1:30 PM Right-Left-       PM Walks to Activity        Poland: Rzeszow
2:00 PM Classic Gospel   1:30 PM Spring Trivia     1:45 PM Happy Hour (in     10:30 AM Outing to the      Center                    1:30 PM Bingo               6:00 PM Lawrence Welk
Music ch. 7              3:30 PM Bible Reading     rooms)                     Spot                        7:00 Around Corner with   3:00 PM Reading             Musical Masterpieces
                         with Mark                 8:00 Badger Basketball     PM Walks to Activity        John McGovern: Lake       3:00 PM NOVA The            Ch. 7
                                                                              Room                        Mills                     Planets: Saturn             7:00 PM Bucks
                                                                              1:30 PM Card Bingo          7:30 The Arts Page        5:00 Magical Land of Oz
                                                                              3:00 PM Reading             Remade Beautiful          Ocean
                                                                                                          Brewers Opening Day       6:00 Badger Basketball
Park Ridge March 2020 ACTIVITY CALENDAR-Calendar subject to change

29                         30 Monday                31                        Greeting Cards
10:00 AM Sunday            Easy Listening music     8:00 AM 8Easy Listening
Worship(ch.3)              8:00 AM Morning          music                     Are Available
11:00 AM Chapel            Greeting in Dining       9:00 AM Exercises         from Jen Activity
                           Room                     9:45 AM Current Events
3:00 Classic Gospel Soul   9:00 AM St. Marks        10:30 AM Devotion         Key
Supperstars                Activity Room & Ch. 3    1:45 PM Happy Hour        AR=Activity Room
                           10:00 AM Crazy 8’s       3:00 PM Mail Call         FR=Family Room
                           1:00 PM Walks to         6:00 Lake Mills (ch. 7)   DR=Dining Room
                           activity Room            6:40 Brewers              I=Independent
                           1:30 PM Exercise                                   Ch.3=Channel 3 on your
                           2:00 PM Nature (Ch. 7)                             TV’S
                           3:00 PM Bible Readings                              Independent Devotion
                           with Mark
March 2020
      SUNDAY               MONDAY                        TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                      SATURDAY
                 1                           2                             3                                4                          5                               6
9:00AM Worship       8:30AM Walks to ALA          8:30AM Walks to GC            8:30AM Walks to ALA             8:30AM Walks to ALA         8:30AM Walks to GC             7
Service(ALA)         9AM Better Balance (TC)      9:00AM Quiddler (GC)          9AM Sit & Stretch(TC)           9:00AM Chair Chi(ALA)       9:00AM Uno(GC)                 9:00AM News &
10:00AM Worship      9:00AM St. Mark’s Service    10:30AM Sit & Fit(TC)         9:00AM Strengthening            9:30AM Skip Bo(GC)          9:00AM Better                  Views(FP)
Service(Ch.3)        (Ch.3)                       1:00PM Walks to MCD           Exercise (ALA)                  10:30AM Sit & Fit           Balance(TC)                    10:00AM Chair Stretch,
2:00PM Classical     9:00AM Strengthening         1:30PM Happy Hour(MCD)        9:30AM Word Games (GC)          1:00PM Walks to ALD         9:15AM SKAT(Escapades)         Balance and Move Class
Gospel : (Ch.7)*     Exercise(ALA)                2:00PM Games &                10AM Sheepshead(TCE)            1:30PM Bingo(ALD)           11AM Bridge (TC)               with Beth(TC)
2-4PM Euchre(TC)     9:30AM Decorate              Cards(MCD)                    1:00PM Walks TC                 1:30PM Social               1:00PM Walks to (TC)           3:30PM Puzzles(Den)
5:30PM Cards &       Tree(ALD)                    1:30PM Social                 1:30PM Antiques with Joan       Billiards(Escapades)        1:30PM Irish Social with       5:30PM Cards &
Games(GC)            1PM Mah Jongg(TC)            Billiards(Escapades)          Johnson (TC)                    5:30PM Cards(GC)            Tom & Evan Leahy (TC)          Games(GC)
                     1:00PM Walks to ALD          3:30PM Crosswords(ALD)        2:30PM Wii Bowling(TC)          7:00PM Around the Corner    2:30PM Walks back to           6PM LW: (Ch.7)*
                     1:30PM Crazy 8’s(ALD)        5:30PM Cards(GC)              3:30PM Unscramble Letters       with John McGivern:         Rooms
                     1:30PM Wii Bowling(TC)                                     Fun(ALD)                        (Ch.7)*                     3:30PM Fireplace
                     3:30PM Fireplace Chats                                     5:30PM Fireplace Chats                                      Chats(FP)
                     5:30PM Yahtzee(GC)                                         6:30PM Lenten Worship                                       5:30PM Dominos(GC)

                 8                            9                                                            11                                                      13
9:00AM Worship       8:30AM Walks to ALA          10 8:30AM Walks to ALA        8:30AM Walks to ALA               12                        8:30AM Walks to ALA                        14
Service(ALA)         9AM Better Balance (TC)      9:00AM Word Games             9AM Sit & Stretch(TC)           8:30AM Walks to ALA         9:00AM Strengthening           9:00AM News & Views
10:00AM Worship      9:00AM St. Mark’s Service    10:00AM Resident              9:00AM Strengthening            9:00AM Chair Dancing          Exercise(ALA)                (FP)
Service(Ch.3)          (Ch.3)                     Council(FP)                   Exercise (ALA)                    (ALA)                     9:30AM Luck of the             10:00AM Chair Stretch,
2:00PM Classical                                  10:30AM Sit & Fit(TC)                                         9:30AM Skip Bo(GC)            Irish(ALA)                   Balance and Move Class
                     9:15AM Music                                               9:30AM Last Letter Game
Gospel : (Ch.7)*       Therapy(ALA)               1:00PM Walks to MCD           (ALA)                           10:30AM Sit & Fit           9:00AM Better                  with Beth(TC)
2-4PM Euchre(TC)                                                                                                11AM Hearing Health with      Balance(TC)                  1:30PM Irish Bingo(TC)
                     1PM Mah Jongg(TC)            1:30PM Happy Hour(MCD)        10AM Sheepshead(TCE)
5:30PM Cards &                                                                                                    Melissa Koehler Elite     9:15AM SKAT(Escapades)         3:30PM Puzzles (Den)
                     1:00PM Walks to ALD          2:00PM Games &                1:00PM Walks ALD
Games(GC)                                         Cards(MCD)                                                      Hearing Centers(TC)       11AM Bridge (TC)               5:30PM Cards &
                     1:30PM Crazy 8’s(ALD)                                      1:30PM Craft: St. Patty’s Day
                                                  1:30PM Social                                                 1:00PM Walks to ALD                                        Games(GC)
                     1:30PM Wii Bowling(TC)                                     Gnome (ALD)                                                 1:00PM Walks to (TC)
                                                  Billiards(Escapades)                                          1:30PM Bingo(ALD)                                          6PM L.W: (Ch.7)*
                     2:00PM Free Hearing                                        2:30PM Wii Bowling(TC)                                      1:30PM Irish Celebration
                       Test(TC)                   3:30PM Crosswords(ALD)        3:30PM Unscramble Letters       1:30PM Social                 with Easy Days
                     3:30PM Fireplace Chats       4PM Bible Study w/Jane        Fun(ALD)                          Billiards(Escapades)        Quartet(TC)
                                                  Gehler(TC)                    5:30PM Fireplace Chats          5:30PM Cards(GC)            2:30PM Walks back to
                     5:30PM Yahtzee(GC)
                                                  5:30PM Cards(GC)                                              7:00PM Around the Corner      Rooms
                                                                                6:30PM Lenten Worship
Daylight Saving                                                                 Service(TC)                     with John McGivern:         3:30PM Fireplace
                                                                                                                (Ch.7)*                     Chats(FP)
                                                                                                                                            5:30PM Dominos(GC)

                15                                                                                         18                          19                          20                            21
9:00AM Worship                   16                             17              8:30AM Walks ALA                8:30AM Walks to ALA         8:30AM Walks to ALA            9:00AM News &
Service(ALA)         8:30AM Walks to ALA          8:30AM Walks to FP            9:00AM Sit & Stretch(TC)        9:00AM Chair Chi(ALA)       9:00AM Strengthening           Views(FP)
10:00AMWorship       9:00AM Strengthening         9:00AM Flower Making          9:00AM Strengthening            9:30AM Skip Bo(GC)          Exercise(ALA)                  10:00AM Chair Stretch,
  Service(Ch.3)      Exercise(ALA)                  (ALA)                         Exercise (ALA)                                            9:30AM Uno(GC)                 Balance and Move Class
                                                                                                                10:30AM Sit & Fit(TC)
2-4PM Euchre(TC)     9:30AM Banana                10:30AM Sit & Fit(TC)                                                                                                    with Beth(TC)
                                                                                9:30AM Shut the Box(GC)         1:00PM Walks to ALD         9:30AM Cards(GC)
2PM Classical        Grams(GC)                                                                                                                                             3:30PM Puzzles(Den)
                                                                                10AM Sheepshead(TCE)            1:30PM Bingo(ALD)           9:00AM Better
Gospel: (Ch.7)*      9AM Better Balance (TC)      1:00PM Walks to TC                                                                                                       5:30PM Cards &
                                                                                1:00PM Walks to ALD             1:30PM Social               Balance(TC)
5:30PM Cards &       9:00AM St. Mark’s Service    1:30PM St. Patrick’s Day                                                                                                 Games(GC)
                     (Ch.3)                                                     1:30PM Kings in the               Billiards(Escapades)      9:15AM SKAT(Escapades)
Games(GC)                                           Celebration Music By A                                                                                                 6PM Lawrence Welk
                     10AM Rosemaling(TC)                                          Korner(ALD)                   1:30PM Saturday Club        1:00PM Walks to TC
                                                    Little Bit Of Heaven(TC)                                                                                               Show: (Ch.7)*
                     1PM Mah Jongg(TC)                                          2:30PM Wii Bowling(TC)            Bingo(TC)                 1:30PM Hello Spring
                                                  1:30PM Social
                     1:00PM Walks to ALD                                        3:30PM Word Mining(ALD)         2:30PM Walks to TC          Party w/ Neal & Connie
                                                    Billiards(Escapades)                                                                    Mundt (TC)
                     1:30PM Crazy 8’s(ALD)        2:30PM Walks back to rooms    5:30PM Fireplace Chats          5:30PM Cards(GC)
                     1:30PM Wii Bowling (TC)                                                                                                5:30PM Dominos(GC)
                                                  5:30PM Cards(GC)              6:30PM Lenten Worship           7:00PM Around the Corner
                     3:30PM Fireplace Chats                                     Service(TC)                     with John McGivern:
                     5:30PM Yahtzee(GC)            Happy St. Patrick’s                                          (Ch.7)*
                       Spring Spirit Week
                      “March Madness Day”
                                                                                      “Rainbow Day”              First Day of Spring         “Sock it to Winter Day”
                                                                                    Wear rainbow colors           “Flower Power Day”           Wear Crazy Socks!
Wear Favorite Sport       “Keep Calm and Shamrock                                          Wear Floral Prints
                        Team Apparel                on day” Wear Green
        SUNDAY           MONDAY                            TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                       FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
              22                                                         24                              25                           26                        27                         28
9:00AM Worship        23                        8:30AM Walks to ALD           8:30AM Walks to ALA             8:30AM Walks to ALA          8:30AM Walks to GC        9:00AM News &
Service(ALA)        8:30AM Walks to ALA         9:00AM Baking                 9:00AM Sit & Stretch(TC)        9:00AM Chair                 9:00AM Cards(GC)            Views(FP)
10:00AM Worship     9:15AM Music                  Cupcakes(ALD)               9:00AM Strengthening              Dancing(ALA)               9:00AM Better             10:00AM Chair Stretch,
Service(Ch.3)       Therapy(ALA)                9:30AM Resident Choice          Exercise (ALA)                9:30AM Skip Bo(GC)             Balance(TC)               Balance and Move
2-4PM Euchre(TC)    9:00AM Better                 Music(ALD)                                                                                                           Class with Beth(TC)
                                                                              9:30AM Connect Four(GC)         10:30AM Sit & Fit(TC)        9:15AM SKAT(Escapades)
2PM Classical       Balance(TC)                 10:30AM Sit & Fit(TC)                                                                                                3:30PM Puzzles( Den)
                                                                              10:00AM Sheepshead(TCE)         1:00PM Walks to ALD          11AM Bridge (TC)
Gospel:             9:00AM St. Mark’s Service                                                                                                                        5:30PM Cards &
                                                1:30PM Bingo(MCD)             1:00PM Walks to ALD             1:30PM Card Bingo(ALD)       1:00PM Walks to TC
                    (Ch.3)                                                                                                                                           Games(GC)
                                                2:30PM Birthday               1:30PM Five Crowns(ALD)         1:30PM Social                1:30 A Wee Bit O’ Irish
                    10AM Rosemaling(TC)                                                                                                                              6PM Lawrence Welk
                                                  Party(MCD)                                                    Billiards(Escapades)         with Heavenly Harps &
                    1PM Mah Jongg(TC)                                         2:30PM Wii Bowling(TC)                                                                 Show: (Ch. 7)*
                    1:00PM Walks to ALD         1:30PM Social                                                 5:30PM Cards(GC)               Hammers(TC)
                                                                              2:30PM Walks to Rooms
                    1:30PM Crazy 8’s(ALD)         Billiards(Escapades)                                                                     2:30PM Walks back to
                                                                              5:30PM Fireplace Chats          7:00PM Around The
                    2:30PM Wii Bowling(TC)      1-3pm Marquardt Village                                       Corner:                        Rooms
                                                  Sheepshead Tournament       6:30PM Lenten Worship
                    2:45PM Devotions with                                                                     (Ch.7)*                      5:30PM Dominos(GC)
                                                  (TC)                        Service(TC)
                    Rev. Jane Gehler (ALD)
                    3:30PM Fireplace Chats      3:30PM Crosswords(ALD)
                    5:30PM Yahtzee(GC)          4PM Bible Study w/Jane
                                                5:30PM Cards(GC)
                                                6:00PM Badger Basketball

               29                                                                                                                                                    KEY CODE:
9:00AM Worship        30                          31                                                                                                                 ALA= Assisted Living
  Service(ALA)      8:30AM Walks to ALA         8:30AM Walks to GC                                                                                                   Activity Room
10:00AM Worship     9:00AM Strengthening        9:00AM Mexican                                                                                                       ALD= Assisted Living
Service(Ch.3)       Exercise(ALA)               Dominos(GC)                                                                                                          Dining Room
2-4PM Euchre(TC)    9:30AM Noodleball (ALA)     9:30AM Resident Choice                                                                                               GC=Game Corner by
2PM Classical       9:00AM Better               Music                                                                                                                Activity Room
Gospel:             Balance(TC)                 10:30AM Sit & Fit(TC)                                                                                                TV= Room with TV
                    10AM Rosemaling(TC)         1:30PM Happy Hour(MCD)                                                                                               FP= Fireplace
                    1PM Mah Jongg(TC)           2:00PM Games &                                                                                                       MCD= Memory Care
                    1:00PM Walks to ALD         Cards(MCD)                                                                                                           Dining Room
                    1:30PM Crazy 8’s(ALD)       1:30PM Social                                                                                                        TC= Towne Centre
                    1:30PM Marquardt Village    Billiards(Escapades)                                                                                                 TCO= Towne Centre
                    Progressive Bingo(TC)       3:30PM Crosswords(ALD)                                                                                               Occasions
                    2:30PM Wii Bingo(TC)        5:30PM Cards(GC)                                                                                                     TCE= Towne Centre
                    3:00PM Voting(ALA)                                                                                                                               Escapades
                    3:30PM Fireplace Chats
                    5:30PM Yahtzee(Den)
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