LIBORI SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 PROGRAM - History of Women Philosophers ...

Page created by Jorge Nichols
LIBORI SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 PROGRAM - History of Women Philosophers ...
LIBORI SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 PROGRAM - History of Women Philosophers ...
Mo.             MONDAY/MONTAG 29.07.2019

                        Registration Foyer Building L/L-Gebäude      9:00

                                                          Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf
                                          President of the University of Paderborn
                                                      Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
                                                     Director of the Center HWPS
                                                                        Julia Mühl
                                                 Coordinator of the Center HWPS

                                                            Ruth Hagengruber
                              Changing the Canon and the History of Philosophy        10:30
                                                                 Room: L1 202

                                      Lunch break      12:00      Mittagspause

                        Chair: Sarah Hutton                             Vorsitz: Luka Boršić
                             Caterina Pelló                             Sabrina Ebbersmeyer
     Teaching Women in Ancient Philosophy:
            Phintys and other Pythagoreans
                                                    13:00               Elisabeth von Böhmen (1618-1680):
                                                                        Metaphysik, Ethik und Politik
                               Room: L1 202                             Raum: L2 202

                                     Coffee break      14:30       Kaffeepause

 Chair: Sarah Hutton                                                              Vorsitz: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer
 Ana Rieger Schmidt           Chair: Ruth Hagengruber                             Andrea Reichenberger
Reading Christine de
    Pizan as a Philo-
                                  Katharine O´Reilly &
                                       Branislav Kotoc         14:45              Logikerinnen in der
                                                                                  philosophischen Lehre und im
              sopher               Where’s my female                              Unterricht
        Room: L1 202             Socrates? Challenges                             Raum: L2 202
                                  and Opportunities in
                           Teaching Women in Ancient
          Chair: Sarah Hutton              Philosophy
  Victoria Mateos De Manuel              Room: L1 201
  If we must burn Sade, what
can feminist sexuality mean?
                 Room: L1 202

                                              End      16:15       Ende
LIBORI SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 PROGRAM - History of Women Philosophers ...
TUESDAY/DIENSTAG 30.07.2019                                         Tue.

                                Chair/Vorsitz: Ruth Hagengruber
                                Sarah Hutton
       10:00                    The History of Women Philosophers
                                and Teaching Experiences with Anne Conway
                                Room: L1 202

                                    Lunch break      12:00     Mittagspause

            Chair: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer     Chair: Jessica Harmening                   Vorsitz: Rebekka Böhme
                            Sarah Scott              Yuko Murakami                    Ariane Schneck
 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: The Right of
Women to Philosophize, the Limitations
                                            Women in Philosophy in
                                                              Japan   13:00           Workshop zu Mary
      of Reason, and the Use of Silence                Room: L1 201                   Raum: L2 202
                          Room: L1 202

                                   Coffee break      14:30     Kaffeepause

         Chair: Julia Mühl
              Lisa Benossi
The Concepts of Magnitude
and Number in Du Châtelet
             Room: L1 202
                                         Chair: Sabrina
                                                             14:45            Vorsitz: Janica Albers
                                                                              Rebekka Böhme
                                      Katarina Peixoto                        Der Klang der Sturmglocke
                                     Feminism, history                        der Vernunft -
                                     of philosophy and                        Zentrale Ideen im Werk von
                               conceptual analysis: an                        Olympe de Gouges
                             approach of the Elisabeth                        Raum: L2 202
                                 of Bohemia’s Thought
            Chair: Julia Mühl            Room: L1 201
                  Amir Winer
Edith Stein’s network theory
    as a basis for e-teaching
                Room: L1 202

                                            End      16:15     Ende
LIBORI SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 PROGRAM - History of Women Philosophers ...
Wed.                WEDNESDAY/MITTWOCH 31.07.2019

         Chair: Sarah Hutton                      Chair: Ronny Miron                Vorsitz: Ruth Hagengruber
       Sabrina Ebbersmeyer               Luka Boršić & Ivana Skuhala                Maria Nühlen
Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618-
 1680): Metaphysics, Ethics,
                                 Is Radical Feminism a Problem? The    10:00        Philosophinnen lehren:
                                                                                    Philosophinnen der Antike
                 and Politics             Case of Helene Druskowitz                 Raum: L2 202
                Room: L1 202                            Room: L1 202

                                       Lunch break       12:00    Mittagspause

       Chair: Ivana Skuhala     Chair: Jessica Harmening                         Vorsitz: Maria Nühlen
   Karasman & Luka Boršić                 Janelle Pötzsch                        Andrea Günther
         Anna Christensen       The Framing of the Shrew                         Investigation als
                                 - Harriet Taylor Mill as a                      Methodologie: Grüne Socken
     Women in Dialogue: A
Strategy to Include Women                     Philosopher                        bei Philosophinnen
   Ancient Philosophers in                   Room: L1 201                        explorieren, sich beim
                   Teaching                                                      Nachdenken über ihre
               Room: L1 202                                                      Schriften beobachten lernen,
                                                                                 Narrationen darüber erfinden
                                                                                 Raum: L2 202

                                      Coffee break       14:30    Kaffeepause

                                                                                 Vorsitz: Maria Nühlen
       Chair: Ivana Skuhala     Chair: Janelle Pötzsch
    Karasman & Luka Boršić                                                       Melanie Förg
                                       Carla Schriever                           Liebe und Intellekt – als
            Luciana Santos „How to stop reading white                            Niedrigste das Höchste
     The Philosophy of Lou
               Room: L1 202
                                      Challenging the
                                 Philosophical Canon
                                                                  14:45          denken. Eine kontrastive
                                                                                 Einführung in Höhepunkte
                                                                                 der Werke von Mechthild von
                               for more Diversity and                            Magdeburg und Marguerite
                                       Representation                            Porete
                                         Room: L1 201
                                                                                 Raum: L2 202

Chair: Ivana Skuhala Karasman & Luka Boršić           Chair: Janelle Pötzsch
                                Neşe Aksoy             Tatiana Kolomeitceva
     Anne Conway- Kant: Ethical Concept of           Teaching Philosophy by
                              ‚Punishment‘ Translating Women Philosophers
                              Room: L1 202                     Room: L1 201

                                                End      16:15    Ende
THURSDAY/DONNERSTAG 01.08.2019                                                Thu.

                                                     Chair: Antonio Calcagno
                                                                Ronny Miron
                                        From Phenomenology to Metaphysics
                                    Hedwig Conrad Martius idea of Philosophy.
                                                                Room: L1 202

                                     Lunch break       12:00      Mittagspause

                                   Chair: Julia Mühl
Chair: Ronny Miron              Katarina Mihaljević
                          Teaching Women Philoso-                                Vorsitz: Jessica Harmening
Nastassja Pugliese
                        phers: a Case Study of using                             Janelle Pötzsch
   & Giselle Secco
 Teaching Logic in
     Nísia Floresta
                          Rose Rand’s Work and Life
                        to Challenge the Traditional
                                                          13:00                  Seine geniale Freundin:
                                                                                 Harriet Taylor Mill als Philosophin
     Room: L1 202        Distinction between Minor                               RaumL2 202
                           and Marginalized Figures
                                       Room: L1 202

                                     Coffee break      14:30      Kaffeepause

                     Chair: Ronny Miron                                                    Vorsitz: Janelle Pötzsch
                       Alzbeta Hajkova                                                     Jessica Harmening
 Teaching Women Philosophers: Hannah
  Arendt and the Perplexities of Refugee
                                             14:45             Vorsitz: Rebekka Böhme
                                                               Sarah Stermann, Simge
                                                                                           Utopien anhand des
                                                                                           Beispiels „Herland“ von
                                                                                           Charlotte Perkins Gilman
                           Room: L1 202                        Alunbüken, Violeta          Raum: L2 202
                                                               Milicevic & Aylin
                                                               Lady Welby:
          Chair: Janica Albers                                 Sprachphilosophie
                Eveline Groot                                  unterrichten in der
 The Philosopher as a Genius.                                  Sekundarstufe II
     Or why it is problematic
    to call yourself a livelong
                                                               Raum: L2 202
        student of philosophy
                 Room: L1 201

                                              End      16:15      Ende
Fr.              FRIDAY/FREITAG 02.08.2019

                                                        Chair: Ronny Miron
                                                         Antonio Calcagno
                        Engaging and Teaching the Philosophy of Edith Stein   10:00
                                                             Room: L1 202

                                  Lunch break      12:00       Mittagspause

              Chair: Antonio Calcagno       Chair: Sarah Hutton                   Vorsitz: Julia Mühl
      Lussandra Barbosa de Carvalho             Prasenjit Biswas                  Maria Robaszkiewicz
 Madame de Staël: Philosophical Litera- Possibility of Différance
         ture and Literary Philosophy in Gyatri Spivak’s Corpus:     13:00        Hanna Arendt: Politik,
                                                                                  Freiheit und Bildung
                         Room: L1 202       Reading Sexualities                   Raum: L2 202
                                                    Room: L1 201

                                  Coffee break     14:30       Kaffeepause

            Chair: Antonio Calcagno          Chair: Sarah Hutton              Vorsitz: Maria Robaszkiewicz
                    Krissah Taganas                 Evina Glantzi             Julia Mühl
Towards a transformative Education
     through feminist Pragmatism
                                               On teaching Tullia
                                         d’Aragona’s Dialogue on     14:45    Der Mensch als soziales
                                                                              Wesen – Gerda Walthers
                       Room: L1 202           the Infinity of Love            anthropologischer Ansatz
                                                    Room: L1 201              Raum: L2 202

                    Closing Remarks – Abschließende             15:30
Evening Event - July 31, 2019
         Moderatorin: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer

         mit Dieter Birnbacher, Ruth Hagengruber, Sarah Hutton und Maria Nühlen
         “Philosophinnen im Kanon?”
         Raum: L1 202

    Wine and Snacks    20:00      Wein und Snacks

Evening Event - August 2, 2019
          Closing Ceremony at the Deelenhaus
          Krämerstraße 8-10, 33098 Paderborn      18:00
Project director: Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber, Paderborn University, Germany
Project advisor: Prof. Dr. em. Mary Ellen Waithe, Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA
Project coordinator: Julia Mühl, Paderborn University, Germany

Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

A project funded by the Ministry of Culture and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia

Universität Paderborn
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

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