PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches

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PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
 JUNE 2022 – AUGUST 2022
 Bombay-Pokeno Anglican Church

…worshipping at Bombay, Pokeno, Mercer & Kaiaua

PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches

Tena koutou katoa. Greetings
and good wishes to all the
readers of Parish News.

Since our last Parish News
publication we have lived and
worked our way through the
Church’s seasons of Lent and
Easter, Anzac Day, the start of
our Healthy Church Consultation Programme, and the Annual
General Meeting of our Mission District here in Bombay-
Pokeno. We have also maintained our cycles of worship
through both gatherings in our Churches and through the on-
line Zoom conference format. We have also continued a
steady programme to repair, renovate and maintain our
properties and buildings and Bruce Owen details this work in
his report in Parish News. During these months we have been
operating at less restrictive levels of public health response to
the Covid-19 virus epidemic recognising that while the virus
remains active in our communities nationwide we will
continue to take the recommended actions to protect ourselves
and each other.

This year, because of Covid-19 protective measures, we
conducted our Ash Wednesday service and Lenten Studies
through the Zoom format. Bruce Owen, Penny Barnhill and I
offered the Lenten Study sessions based on some of the great
stories of our faith – creation, release from slavery, exile and
return, death and resurrection – and, as well as exploring the
PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
themes, we all learned more about meeting, praying, and
discussing matters on Zoom. At Easter time we used that
combination of Zoom and in-person gatherings to offer
services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter
Sunday. As we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter
morning we also had the impetus of our Church life
continuing to recover from the impact of the Covid-19
epidemic and looking forward with hope to resume our
activities and set out on new ventures in ministry.

The winter months are now with us and in the Church’s year
we will have the celebrations of Pentecost when we respond to
the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and Trinity Sunday
when we ponder the “triune” description of the nature of God.
On June 24th we will all have the first public holiday for
Matariki. This traditional observance by tangata whenua
Maori is triggered by the return of the constellation Matariki in
our eastern sky in the early mornings. The observance is
about fare-welling the year that has past, acknowledging those
we know who have died in the past year, appreciating and
valuing those closest to us, and planning for planting, crops
and food provision for the year ahead. Hopefully we can all
find points of contact with those purposes, relate to some of
the Matariki events in our communities, and enjoy the day off!

Our AGM was held at St. Mary’s on May 22nd after our
morning service and a cheerful gathering in the grounds to
place a time capsule marking the 120th anniversary of the
Church. At the AGM we received the reports of activity over
the past year and gave acknowledgement and thanks to all
who have supported and assisted us through the year. Once
PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
again our financial reports indicated a sound financial position
that has enabled us to meet our obligations and have some
capacity for added expenditure – especially for our ongoing
building maintenance programme. The meeting voted thanks
to our Treasurer Margaret Overdevest for another year of
careful administration of our finances.

Our election processes resulted in Margaret Overdevest and
Beverley Berwick being elected as our Synod representatives
for the next three years and the following people being elected
to the Vestry for 2022-2023 – Ex officio: Bruce Owen, Penny
Barnhill, Andrew Beyer, Marcia Anderson. Elected: Patricia
Graham, Rosemary Stoppard, Nalini Charan, John Otto,
Margaret Overdevest, Beverley Berwick, Linda Speight,
Jacquie Raynes, Lynn Woodyard, and Wayne Barnhill.
Former Vestry members Margaret Wilson and John Budd
were unavailable for election this year and they were both
acknowledged and thanked for their service over the past
year. No nomination for the position of People’s Warden was
received and the new Vestry will attend to an additional
nomination and election procedure to fill this position. John
Otto was thanked for his considerable contribution as People’s
Warden over the past year.

One of the most significant impacts of the long months of
combatting the Covid-19 virus has been on our regular Family
Services – we just haven’t been able to offer these services
during the months of lockdowns and other restrictions. We
now need to restore good contact and appropriate events for
young people and families in our Church community and this
may be a focus in our forthcoming Healthy Church
PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
Consultation programme. In the meantime we will use the
Family Service liturgy on the first two Sundays of the month
and be ready to adapt those services for people of all ages who
are encouraged to attend.

This is an extended programme of review, evaluation, and
future planning for the life and work of our Church and is
conducted for us by Archdeacon Jonathan Gale representing
the Diocese of Auckland and our Bishop. The programme has
begun by numbers of our Church members completing a
survey about our life and work. The next step will be a
workshop day following our Church service at Bombay on
Sunday June 19th. Please book that date to come along to the
workshop – either side of lunch together – and help us to
review our current performance and decide some priorities for
future action.

Bruce Owen at Pokeno and myself at Bombay contributed to
the community gatherings for Anzac observance and both
events were very well supported by local people. Many of
those people expressed their appreciation that we were able to
have our Anzac events without the disruptions of the last
several years – the real spirit and purpose of Anzac Day
remains strong in Bombay and Pokeno and surrounding

We have received some inquiries regarding Confirmation – the
sacramental action of the Church where people who are
Baptised make an affirmation of their faith and a commitment
PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
to Christian service and receive the laying on of hands from a
Bishop of our Church. By July this year we will notify a
Confirmation preparation programme to be conducted in
August and September and we will seek to book our Bishop
for a Confirmation service soon after that. Please contact me if
you are interested in joining in our Confirmation preparation
or with any questions you may have.

As soon as the Covid-19 public health restrictions eased
sufficiently earlier this year we resumed the fortnightly
gatherings for the Meet and Greet. The gatherings have been
very well supported and people comment on how much they
enjoy the regular programme of light activity, a prize draw or
two, reports on happenings in Pokeno, good conversation, and
morning tea. The “backyard produce” table provides a setting
where people bring a great seasonal variety of fruit, vegies,
plants, preserves and other good things and where those who
want them can take them. I appreciate greatly the members of
our Church community who attend the gatherings and
provide support in all sorts of ways. The Meet and Greet
happens 10am – 12pm fortnightly at the Pokeno Community
Hall and the dates for the next several months are: June 2, 16,
30; July 14, 28; August 11, 25. All are welcome to attend. The
gatherings will continue to observe the public health
requirements that are current at the time.

Once again I express our special thanks to all the people who
have helped to sustain the life and work of our Church
through some very challenging and unpredictable times.
Thank you to all who have assisted with our worship services
PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
and in the care of our buildings. Thank you to all our donors
for the loyalty and commitment that has helped us to retain a
sound financial position. I know how much people value our
cycle of worship and community gathering, and how much
people want us to make a positive contribution within the
wider communities in our areas. I look forward to working
together on those things and, hopefully, our Healthy Church
Consultation Programme will assist us in extending our
effective service and ministry.

Every blessing,

Andrew Beyer
Priest in Charge, Anglican Churches in Bombay-Pokeno
0274 508 389 |

        Janet celebrating her 80th with Girl Guiding mates
                        at Hampton Downs
PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
by Patricia Graham

When Harriet Johnson laid the foundation stone of St Mary’s a
time capsule was placed under it. At the centennial of the
church this was opened and you can see its contents framed
on the walls of the church. Another time capsule was then
laid in the same place.

At the time of our 120th anniversary it was decided that we
would like to add to it. This was not only because of this
significant event but also we wanted to record the effect of the
pandemic on the church and the rapid growth of Pokeno.
Well of course the pandemic has got in our way and it was not
until Sunday 22nd May 2022 at the AGM that it was eventually
laid. It was buried close to the foundation stone with a paver
marking the spot. It is interesting to think what the

PARISH NEWS JUNE 2022 - AUGUST 2022 - THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH - Pokeno Anglican Churches
congregation of the time will think when they dig it up in 100
years’ time, as it is for us to wonder what the area will be like
for them and particularly how our beautiful church will be
functioning. God willing it will be a vibrant place of worship,
caring and good fellowship.

                                              Time capsule loaded
                                                and ready to bury

Contents of the Capsule
Parish News newsletters of the time
Tidings of the times
Bruce’s book The Bells of St Marys
Photographs of the church and the expanding town of Pokeno
taken by John Budd
The Rev. Bruce Owen
                            with the box he made to
                             house the time capsule

The time capsule has
been buried at St
Mary’s in Pokeno on
22 May 2022

SERVICES for June, July, August
(all services and events subject to Covid-19
Protection Framework requirements)

June 2022
Sun 5 Jun       9:30am    St Peter’s   Family Service
Sun 12 Jun      9:30am    St Mary’s Family Service
Sun 19 Jun 9:30am St Peter’s Holy Communion
followed by Healthy Church Consultation planning workshops
Sun 26 Jun      9:30am    St Mary’s Holy Communion
Matariki        4pm       Kaiaua    Holy Communion

July 2022
Sun 3 Jul       9:30am    St Peter’s   Family Service
Sun 10 Jul      9:30am    St Mary’s Family Service
Sun 17 Jul      9:30am    St Peter’s   Holy Communion
Sun 24 Jul      9:30am    St Mary’s Holy Communion
                4pm       Kaiaua    Holy Communion
Sun 31 Jul      9:30am    TBA       Holy Communion

August 2022
Sun 7 Aug       9:30am    St Peter’s   Family Service
Sun 14 Aug 9:30am         St Mary’s Family Service
Sun 21 Aug 9:30am         St Peter’s   Holy Communion
Sun 28 Aug 9:30am         St Mary’s Holy Communion
           4pm            Kaiaua    Holy Communion

             All most welcome especially new families.

One of the larger challenges for our ministry unit is keeping
on top of our property maintenance, and currently, looking
after the Vicarage maintenance. In our last newsletter I
highlighted the quite long list of improvements required there.

In April our vestry approved two major projects: -
    • Vicarage Roof: The Vicarage roof will be replaced at a
       quoted cost of just short of $23,000. The quote has been
       accepted, but unfortunately the start date is delayed by
       materials shortage. It is likely to be August before
       work can begin.

   •   Vicarage Trees: A quote of around $5700 has been
       accepted to undertake a major trim of overhanging and
       dead branches, together with the removal of several
       trees of varying sizes.

   •   Vicarage Property Management: As the Vicarage is
       currented rented out we engage property managers to
       look after the management of tenants, urgent
       maintenance and rent collection etc. Until the end of
       March this year, L J Hooker were engaged as our
       managers. We have now engaged Barfoot and

   •   Healthy Homes Requirement: All rentals are required
       to comply with minimum standards regarding heating

and ventilation etc. A recent survey of the property
      showed it to be compliant, with the exception of a
      bathroom extractor fan. This is being attended to, and
      the installation of a fan has been approved.

  •   Dent in our Budget: The total cost of the above projects
      will cost just short of $30,000, which will make a
      significant dent in our reserves. This is only the
      beginning of a several year process of upgrading our
      Vicarage, to a standard which makes it attractive for a
      clergy family to live in. Any donations (which will
      qualify for a donations tax rebate) would be welcome.
      Details of how to donate are found later in this
      Newsletter. So far, we have had a $1000 already


•   Columbarium: Last Newsletter we reported that
       several tiles had fallen of the Columbarium, which is
       the repository for a number of ashes. The tiles have
       now been reattached.
   •   Toilet Doors: The doors to the downstairs toilets and
       the storeroom have been repainted. A rotten window
       sill has been repaired and repainted.
   •   Pathway Handrail: The handrail alongside the path
       from the road to the church, as well as along the
       roadside has been repainted. Thanks to John and
       Marcia Anderson for attending to the repainting.


Early in May, a working bee set to work cleaning up the
grounds, including the trimming of overhead branches. It is
still a work in progress, but the grounds look a lot more

Thanks go to those who helped, but in particular to John
Anderson for disposing of a couple of trailer loads of rubbish
and to Howard Gould for some weed spraying.

Visitors to St Mary’s could not fail to notice the rotten state of
the main door sill. The rot has now been removed, bogged,
painted and with a non-slip metal cover placed over.

New door
plate and
steps at
St Mary’s

Talking of doorways, the bell tower door steps, which used to
be the main entrance in times past, had rotted, requiring
urgent attention, as this is an emergency exit. Thanks to David
Braks the steps have been totally rebuilt and should last
another 120 years.

Bruce Owen, Property Convenor

The Covid lockdowns and restrictions have caused churches
across the world to review the way they ‘do church’. For us at
Bombay Pokeno it was a challenge. Initially, we used
Facebook and recorded worship, but then as Zoom gained in
its use, and parishioners became familiar with it, to keep in
contact with families and friends, that became a possibility.

Our lockdown last year saw good support of our Zoom
services. Up to 18 joined in. When ‘in church’ services
resumed, a group averaging about 8 people each Sunday
joined in to Morning Prayer. Andrew’s sermons were heard in
church and also on Zoom being read by me on Andrew’s
behalf. We also involved the Rev’d Penny Barnhill, in both
preaching and leading the liturgy. Martha Hosick also acted
as liturgist. This meant that, together with readers, those
participating did not have to listen to me droning on all the

Now that ‘in church’ services are being supported by many,
there is disappointment that Zoom services will discontinue.
There seems to be some support for an Evening Prayer via
Zoom a couple of times a month. No decisions have been
made, but we are interested if there is such support. Let
Andrew or Bruce know if you are interested. The time would
be late afternoon or early evening, like 5.00pm or 6.00pm and
would be a short service of around 20-30 minutes.

Bruce Owen


Recently Janet McRobbie celebrated her 80th birthday.

A group of parishioners invited her to join with them at the
Hampton Downs Café to honour her special milestone. A
bouquet of flowers was presented to her as well. We all wish
Janet well and thank her for her considerable support of the
church and community over many years.


It is about nine months since the Gold Card Wanderers went
last had an outing, just before lockdown last year. There is
interest in resuming, going somewhere local. Any trip will be
promoted through the weekly Tidings.


Those who are regular contributors to our church funds, by
online banking or through the envelope scheme, will have
now received their donation receipt. All donations to our
church, being a registered charitable organization, qualify for a
33.3% tax rebate. That is one third of what you gave being
returned to you by the IRD. You are entitled to this, no matter
what your financial status. If you are not already familiar with
the procedure, go online to the IRD website and search for
donations rebate and print off the IR526 form. This can then
be filled in and, with any donation receipts you have, post to
the IRD address given. If you don’t have access to on line, or a
printer, we have hard copies at both churches, alternatively
contact Bruce on 021681962.

Bruce Owen


This long term pastoral ministry of our Church community is
convened and managed by Martha Hosick and involves a
group of our Church members who pray for others regarding
any needs or matters in their lives as requested. The Prayer
Chain operates on a confidential basis. Any who wish to join
in to pray for others and any who wish to request prayers for
themselves or others may contact Martha – phone 09 233 6609

If you are unwell, or need some help or support or, if you
know of someone needing support please ring one of the
people listed:-
     Bombay             Marcia               09-558 9082
     Pokeno             Martha               09-233 6609
     Mercer             Margaret O.          09-238 1877
Under guidance of Clergy we offer a confidential ministry and
pray that God may bless us in our desire to support one

We make no apology for continuing the call for regular
financial contributions to support the running of the parish. As
the current cost of running the parish is in excess of $1600 per
week, we need all the support we can get.

We encourage regular monthly direct debit donations as this
ensures a regular income for us. Donations can be made by
online banking using the following steps:-
       Online banking: credit to
       Bombay Pokeno Parish 02-0404-0013078-00

For a general donation enter ‘general’ with your initials and
If you wish to remain anonymous leave out the details of your
name and insert ‘anon’. However by including your name, it
does mean that we are able to supply receipts which will allow
tax rebates on your donations.

We do appreciate all financial support.


        in Kaiaua                   From the Registers
                                             April 2022
                                         formerly of Bombay
         All Welcome                Ian Kenneth Carter ADAMS
                                        Sunday 10 April 2022
                                        Funeral and Burial at
    2pm Wed 15 June 2022               St Peter’s in the Forest,
    2pm Wed 20 July 2022                Friday 15 April 2022

  2pm Wed 17 August 2022                     Wedding
                                             May 2022
Ph 09-236 0870 for venue details     Trudie Ingrid COUPE &
                                    Nicholas Stuart STEVENS
                                      Saturday 14 May 2022
        Prayer Chain                St Mary on the Hill, Pokeno
The prayer of the righteous
       is effective

 There is a small group of people
                                    Contacts to book a wedding at
 who are willing to pray for you.
                                      any of the parish churches
  If you have a need of any kind
 that you would like prayer for,          The Revd Andrew
   please ring Martha on 09-233             09-236 0870
    6609. (This is a confidential         or Diana O’Brien
             ministry).                     09-236 0199


 Jun 5, Pentecost         Jul 3, Ordinary 14
 Acts 2: 1-21; Romans     2 Kings 5: 1-14; Gal
 8: 14-17; John 14: 8-    6: (1-6), 7-16; Luke
 17, (25-27)              10: 1-11, 16-20
 Jun 12 Trinity Sunday    Jul 10, Ordinary 15
 Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-     Amos 7: 7-17;
 31; Romans 5: 1-5;       Colossians 1: 1-14;     Aug 7, Ordinary 19
 John 16: 12-15           Luke 10: 25-37          Isaiah 1: 1, 10-20;
 Jun 19, Ordinary 12      Jul 17, Ordinary 16     Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-
 1 Kings 19: 1-4, 8-      Amos 7: 7-17;           16; Luke 12: 32-40
 15a; Galatians 3: 23-    Colossians 1: 1-14;     Aug 14, Ordinary 20
 29; Luke 8: 26-39        Luke 10: 25-37          Isaiah 5: 1-7;
 Jun 26, Ordinary 13      Jul 24, Ordinary 17     Hebrews 11: 29 – 12:
 2 Kings 2: 1-2, 6-14;    Hosea 1: 2-10; Col 2:   2; Luke 12: 49-56
 Galatians 5: 1, 13-25;   6-15, (16-19); Luke     Aug 21, Ordinary 21
 Luke 9: 51-62            11: 1-13                Jeremiah 1: 4-10;
                          Jul 31, Ordinary 18     Hebrews 12: 18-29;
                          Hosea 11: 1-11;         Luke 13: 10-17
                          Colossians 3: 1-11;     Aug 28, Ordinary 22
                          Luke 12: 13-21          Jeremiah 2: 4-13:
                                                  Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-
                                                  16; Luke 14: 1, 7-14

                            WHO’S WHO
PRIEST IN CHARGE          The Revd Andrew Beyer            0274-508 389
PRIEST ASSISTANT          The Revd Bruce Owen               021-681 962
         home 09 294 6629, email
PRIEST IN CHARGE WARDEN: Marcia Anderson                    09-294 8268
Vestry Secretary:     Beverley Berwick                      07-836 3730
Vestry Treasurer:     Margaret Overdevest                   09-238 1877
Parish Administrator: Diana O’Brien                         09-236 0199


         For a list of services please turn to page 12

                                   DEADLINE FOR NEXT “PARISH NEWS”
Vestry Meetings St Peter’s 7pm               23 AUGUST 2022
                                       ANY ARTICLES OF INTEREST
 Jun 2022 – Thursday 16 June                      SEND TO:-
  Jul 2022 – Thursday 21 July                   Parish News,
Aug 2022 – Thursday 18 August       150 Bombay Rd, RD1, Bombay 2675,
                                      or email

           For more information: phone 09-236 0870

         Return Address: 150 Bombay Road, RD1, Bombay 2675

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