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Page:1   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021   NEWS
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Page:2                                       The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021                                                                     LOCAL NEWS

          Culturama to
By Loshaun Dixon              COVID-19 task force            Evelyn said they were
                              to proceed with our            hoping to have Calypso
Culturama activities that     events, some of which          Tents on August 14 and
were expected in late July    would have been virtual.       28, as well as propos-
and August have been          Because of the lockdown        ing Soca Semifinals
postponed, with the major     and no rehearsal of some       September 4 and senior
events set to take place      of the activities, we had      Calypso      Semifinals
over the Independence         to cancel what we were         September 5.
weekend in September.         planning.”
                                                             A September 12 fash-
Minister of Culture in        They had to cancel the         ion show is also planned
Nevis, Eric Evelyn, speak-    ‘Mr Cool’ and Swimwear         and on September 16,
ing in the Nevis Island       competition and had            on National Heroes Day,
Assembly        announced     scaled back activities.        they are planning a culture                        Minister of Culture in Nevis, Eric Evelyn
the amended festival that                                    pot to showcase Nevisian
annually ends in early        “We believe that persons       Culture.
August. He said that the      would be happy to hear
challenges of COVID-19        that even though we had        Poets in the Square is be-                       THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT
                                                                                                                   IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
had led to the changes        to cancel what we were         ing planned for September                      FEDERATION OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS
                              planning for late July-        17, and on the evening, a                              SAINT CHRISTOPHER CIRCUIT
“When I spoke last year,      early August, you will be      Steel Band competition                                           A.D. 2021
the expectation was           having some semblance          between the Federation’s

They had to cancel the ‘Mr Cool’ and                                                       SKBHPB2021/0042

                                                                                           IN THE ESTATE of ALBERT CLIFFORD HEYLIGER late of Fort Street, in the town of

  Swimwear competition and had                                                             Basseterre, in the Island of Saint Christopher, in the Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis, who
                                                                                           died on the 16th day of November 2001 in St. Christopher and Nevis, deceased.

      scaled back activities.                                                                                ADVERTISEMENT OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT

we were going to have         of Culturama over the          leading steel orchestras.
full-fledged Culturama        independence   holiday                                       TAKE NOTICE that an application has been filed by CRYSTAL EDWARDS of Florence
this year, but when deal-     weekend.                       September 18 is Nevisian      Nightingale Lane, New Pond Site, Basseterre, St. Kitts in the Federation of Saint Christopher, but
ing with an enemy like                                       Heritage Day and in the       presently residing High Chapparal Upper Apt 158 Middle Road, Devonshire, Bermuda, FL 01, in the
COVID, you never know         “We already had per-           evening Soca Monarch.         Country of Bermuda for a Grant of:
what the future will hold.    mission, all we have to
                              do now is say we are           On      September     19,     Letters of Administration with Will Annexed to the Applicant who is the Grand Daughter of
“We have seen the effects     rescheduling. I know           Independence Day, the         the Deceased, the Deceased having died testate on the 16th day of November 2001.
of COVID-19 over the          that the calypsonian and       Senior Calypso finals will
past year. When it came       soca artiste, in particular,   take place.
last year we thought it       would be happy to hear,                                      Any person having an objection to the grant of Letters of Administration with Will Annexed
would blow off in a couple    they would have put a lot      Evelyn announced that on      to the application shall file an objection within fourteen (14) days of the publication of this
of months. Unfortunately      of work in; a lot of money     September 20, a T-shirt       Notice.
we have almost lost two       in, and they would have        Mass for fully vaccinated
Culturamas from the           released some of their         revellers will be held
pandemic.                     songs, and we do not want
                              to leave them in the cold.     “Only if you are fully vac-                                     Dated this 15th day of July 2021
He said they were plan-                                      cinated will you be able
ning to have Culturama        “We have proposed some         to attend that event at the
this year at end of July/     activities for the indepen-    Villa grounds.”
early August, but the lock-   dence weekend to ensure
down would have halted        our artistes have an outlet,   He hailed the sponsors        Filed by Mitcham & Benjamin, Attorneys-at-Laws, of Chambers, Kennylin House, P O. Box New Street,
everything.                   and some persons on the        of the festival, and urged    Basseterre, St. Kitts. Tel: 1(869)4652878: Fax:1(869)465-6077;;
                              Island can have enjoy-         more to come on board         Website:

“We had already got-          ment for Culturama.”           for the 2021 festival.                                                                 FIRST PUBLICATION
ten permission from the
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           NEWSNEWS                                                The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021                                        Page:3

  Encouraging Nevisians to vaccinate
        turns hot button issue
By Loshaun Dixon                any action was taken.”         the solution to the crisis.
                                                               He confirmed the meet-
O p p o s i t i o n             She said the Opposition        ing with the opposition,
Parliamentarian in the          extended an invitation to      and referred to a letter re-
Nevis Island Assembly,          the Premier, to meet to        ceived addressed to him
Cleone          Stapleton-      discuss the issues of the      on June 9 .
Simmonds, has urged             pandemic.
the     Nevis       Island                                     He said the letter had
Administration to offer         “I am pleased to report        stated that the Opposition
incentives to encourage         that on May 26, 2021,          was “unable to accept the
Nevisians to go out and         the Leader of the NRP          offer at this juncture”
get vaccinated.                 Dr Janice Daniel-Hodge
                                met with the Premier,          The letter Brantley read
Speaking in the Nevis           and discussed a number         said, “The opposition will
Island Assembly on              of COVID-19-related is-        continue to do its part in
Tuesday,         Stapleton-     sues. However, the vac-        creating awareness and
Simmonds quoted from a          cine was the main focus.       sensitising citizens about
letter she wrote to Premier     At the conclusion of the       the COVID-19 virus and
Brantley - responding to        meeting, the Opposition        available vaccine. We           (File Photo) Hon. Cleone Stapleton-Simmonds, the only opposition
a letter from the Premier       agreed to revert to the        pray that your govern-         member in the Nevis Island Assembly, and Area Representative for the
- to take the opportunity       Premier with his deci-         ment will continue the         Parish of St. Thomas, Lowlands, meets for the first time in her official
to propose incentives to        sion for collaboration to      education and awareness                capacity with Hon. Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis, at
encourage citizens to get       encourage persons to take      drive, whilst at the same
vaccinated.                     the vaccine.                   time try to strike a bal-                 his Pinney’s Estate office on September 04, 2020
                                                               ance to ensure the rights
“Such incentives includ-        She said the offer only        and freedoms of our peo-
ed free medical consul-         focused on one aspect          ple are respected”.
tation for side effects or      of the COVID situation
other health issues per-        in Nevis, and that was         Brantley said he had nev-
sons may experience after       vaccination.                   er referred to it in public
taking the vaccine. I also                                     before statements made
made a recommendation           “I do believe that greater     by Stapleton-Simmonds.
of a vaccine health hot-        and wider collaboration
line, where persons can         in terms of dealing with       “I believe it is important
get urgent medical advice       a holistic approach to         that the public under-
as it relates to any side ef-   the pandemic, as well as       stands that the hand of
fects they may experience       greater collaboration as it    friendship and partner-
as a result of the vaccine.”    relates to any economic        ship that was extended on
                                recovery, would have           this issue leaves no room
She said she took the           perhaps best served the        for politics that the hand
opportunity to advocate         interest of all citizens and   was not accepted.”
for comprehensive out-          residents of Nevis.”
reach programmes that                                          He said since the meeting,
can reach all levels of the     Stapleton-Simmonds said        he shared all the informa-
community.                      the opportunity still exists   tion he has received with
                                for holistic collaboration     Stapleton-Simmonds.
“I further made one final
recommendation for the          “I take this opportunity       “Whenever I receive in-
government to consider          to extend the invitation       formation as it relates to
covering the cost of medi-      to this honourable house;      COVID...I forward to the
cal expenses of those who       to members opposite, to        Cabinet and I forward it
may suffer side effects af-     offer a wider collabora-       to the member opposite.”
ter taking the vaccines.”       tion between both oppo-
                                sition and government,         He said the government
Stapleton-Simmonds said         so we can get on the           did all it can to extend
she was not aware to date       path of assisting our citi-    hand of partnership with
that any of the recom-          zens in dealing with the       the opposition.
mendations    submitted         COVID-19 pandemic.”
that were put forward                                          “We recognise on this
by the Parliamentary            Responding to those            side we are all in this to-
Opposition were taken           claims, Premier Brantley       gether, and COVID is no
into consideration or           said that the govern-          respecter of persons or
enforced.                       ment had been inviting         party.”
                                Stapleton-Simmonds and
“I stand to be corrected if     her party to being part of
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                                                                                                                            LOCAL NEWS

Deputy Premier Hon.           has been completed, so        5.4 acres of land as phase
Alexis Jeffers, Minister      we’re about to roll out.      three of the Cedar View
responsible for Housing       We’ll have a ground-          Housing Development in
in the Nevis Island           breaking shortly. We will     Maddens. He pointed out
Administration (NIA), has     be constructing 14 houses     that lands had to be pur-
announced the imminent        up there at Hamilton on       chased at Low Ground, at
construction of almost        3.09 acres of land.           Maddens, and Craddock
100 affordable homes, as                                    Road, as the NIA had no
the Nevis government re-      “We’ve had some approv-       government lands avail-
sumes its housing solution    als by some of the vari-      able in those areas. He
program.                      ous financial institutions,   said plans are already in
                              so we are ready to go at      place to start construction
In a Ministerial state-       Hamilton. So in short or-     on these projects in the
ment made during the          der we’ll see construction    immediate future.
July 13 sitting of the        started there,” he said.
Nevis Island Assembly,                                      “So that is what will be
Mr. Jeffers revealed that     Sixteen affordable homes      accomplished over the
the NIA, through the          will    be     constructed    next couple of months.
Nevis Housing and Land        on 2.5 acres of land in       We have some approvals
Development Corporation       Low Ground, which             that we are working on,
(NHLDC), is about to roll     forms phase three of the      and shortly we will start
out several housing proj-     Cherry Garden Housing         construction, assigning
ects across the island over   Development. The gov-         houses to contractors, sub-
the coming months.            ernment will be construct-    contractors, electricians,    Case Number :SKBHPB2021/0043
                              ing 21 houses on 3.6          plumbers, painters and the
“The Hamilton project         acres of land at Craddock     like.
that has been long in the     Road, which will be
making, we would have         named Mountain Crest          “As such, the Nevis
bought land from three        Residences, in addition       Housing       and      Land
                                                                                                                         Submitted Date:15/07/2021 15:26

different owners. So that     to nine houses on 1.89        Development Corporation                                      Filed Date:15/07/2021 15:26

process of consolidating      acres of land in Rices,       will be fulfilling its man-                                  Fees Paid:52.00
all of those lands up there   Gingerland.                   date to its people - that
under one title would                                       is, providing affordable
have taken some time…         The Housing Minister          housing to Nevisians.”
We had some difficulty        also informed that 38
having that done, but that    houses will be built on
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        LOCAL NEWS                                             The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021                      Page:5

                                SKN reopened but virus
                                    threat remains
By Loshaun Dixon              begin practices that will    sense of personal respon-
                              best allow us to live with   sibility, will help us to
With 24-hour lockdown         COVID-19. Never drop         make the best possible
no longer in effect in St.    your guard when it comes     decisions for our families,
Kitts and Nevis, authori-     to protecting yourself and   our communities, and our
ties are warning that going   your loved ones from         country as a whole.
forward, citizens and resi-   the Coronavirus disease.
dents will have to learn to   It is dangerous and it is    “More than ever before,
live with the virus.          deadly.”                     the decisions of every
                                                           person have the propen-
Prime     Minister      Dr    Dr Harris also gave tips     sity to affect a large num-
Timothy Harris said the       on how to cope and get       ber of people. Therefore,
country was opening up        back to work with the        personal responsibility
in a phased manner, given     threat of the virus.         is a significant factor in
the changing nature of the                                 this fight. Let us not think
virus.                        “An effective strategy       only of ourselves, but let
                              to survive in the midst      us think of others. Let us
“…A return to work for        of COVID-19 embod-           think of how our actions
government      workers,      ies widespread vaccina-      may affect others, espe-
private sector businesses     tion against the virus…      cially the most vulner-
opening fully – sub-          strict observance of and     able. Let us do what is

         Dr Harris said that during these                                                             Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris

          initial two weeks, there will be
     continuous monitoring and assessment
           of the situation on the ground.
ject of course to nightly     adherence to established     necessary to provide the
curfew and established        COVID-19 protocols -         best protection to our-
COVID-19         protocols,   that is, wearing masks       selves, our families, our
passenger buses allowed       properly outside of your     communities and our be-
a maximum of 10 pas-          place of residence, social   loved country.”
sengers, a resumption of      and physical distancing,
inter-island travel, and      frequent washing or sa-      Chief Medical Officer
our vendors allowed to        nitising of your hands and   Dr Hazel Laws said the
ply their trade in the pub-   high touch areas.”           COVID-19 virus will re-
lic market free of cost.”                                  main a factor of life.
                              He said there also needs
Dr Harris said that during    to be “the discovery of      “We have controlled
these initial two weeks,      new and innovative ways      this outbreak and the
there will be continuous      that would allow for the     daily case count is low.
monitoring and assess-        completion of the task,      However, we will not be-
ment of the situation on      while at the same time       come virus-free anytime
the ground.                   reducing risk of transmis-   soon. We will continue
                              sion of the virus”.          to have newly-diagnosed
“You would appreciate                                      cases daily and weekly.”
that coming out of the        “Avoid crowds as much
24-hour lockdown, this        as you can. Crowded          She explained what
represents significant ease   events can exacerbate        it means to live with
of the restrictions and the   the spread of the virus.     COVID.
reopening of business and     Of course, such risks are
commerce.”                    minimised when persons      “Living with COVID-19
                              are vaccinated and adhere   means coming on board
He warned, however, that      to the protocols.”          and accepting the vaccine
this must not be viewed as                                if you have not already
if the Federation is out of   “A renewed and enhance done so, because it is a pro-
the danger zone.              sense of personal respon- tective measure. Living
                              sibility, for your life and with COVID-19 means
“Increasingly it appears      livelihood, should moti- adopting the COVID-19
that COVID-19 will be         vate you to do the right protective and preventive
with us for some time. We     thing and vaccinate. A measures.”
have to take measures and     renewed and enhanced
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                                                                                                    LOCAL NEWS

    Dr. Wilkinson: No discrimination against
         unvaccinated, only protection

                                                                         Dr Cameron Wilkinson

By Loshaun Dixon             include our young folks        adults.
                             who are below 18,” Dr
There is no attempt to       Wilkinson said.                “If one wants to go to
discriminate against un-                                    the CPL and you can be
vaccinated individuals in    “Our fight has always          vaccinated, then you can
St Kitts and Nevis, only     been for the pregnant          simply go forward and
efforts to protect them.     mother and for the un-         get vaccinated and attend
                             born child that cannot be      the CPL games. There is
These sentiments were        vaccinated. There is no        no discrimination at all.”
expressed by the Medical     discrimination. By us en-
Chief of Staff of the JNF    couraging you who can          Dr Wilkinson said having
Hospital Dr Cameron          be vaccinated to go for-       a crowd attend the CPL
Wilkinson.                   ward and get vaccinated,       who have vaccinated, the
                             is so you can protect those    chance of a super spread-

     “Children cannot be vaccinated”
Dr Wilkinson was at          persons. Our fight has         er event emerging is sig-
the time speaking at a       also been for the elderly      nificantly decreased.
COVID-19 forum, re-          and frail who cannot be
sponding to a question       vaccinated.”                   “Children cannot be vac-
as to if entertainment and                                  cinated, but can go under
sporting events that will    Addressing mass events         the umbrella of their par-
now only have a fully        and      the    Caribbean      ents or guardians.”
vaccinated audience were     Premier League (CPL)
discriminatory to the        that is set to be hosted       He said the child will
unvaccinated                 here, he said they can be      obtain herd protection of
                             potential super spreaders      families and other per-
“There is no discrimina-     with unvaccinated people       sons who are there and
tion against the unvacci-    in attendance.                 vaccinated.
nated. Our fight all along
has been for the unvacci-    ‘We know mass events           Addressing players who
nated. We have been try-     can be super spreaders,        are unvaccinated, Dr
ing to get as many persons   and in the first instance as   Wilkinson said, “Players
who can be vaccinated so     we are moving forward          are in a different bubble
that we can protect those    with mass events, we are       and there will be no com-
who cannot, and those        saying that it can be safe-    munication between the
who cannot be vaccinated     ly done with vaccinated        players and spectators.”
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        LOCAL NEWS                                               The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021                                                    Page:7

                      CPL promises riveting show
                            at Warner Park

                                                             CPL anticipating exciting tournament in St. Kitts

By Loshaun Dixon              “We are really looking         “You think of Warner           multiple tests during the      period.”                     schedule.
                              forward to getting into        Park you think of sixes        duration of the stay to
A summer of exciting          the process of putting on      flying out of the stadium...   ensure everyone comes          He said the CPL’s op-        “The schedule was for-
cricket is promised when      a world-class cricket tour-    you think of the phenom-       in negative and stays          erations team is working     mulated with a number
the Caribbean Premier         nament and giving fans         enal atmosphere of fans        negative.                      with the Chief Medical       of considerations in mind.
League (CPL) rolls into       in St. Kitts and Nevis and     right on the boundary,                                        Officer to plan the proto-   First of all, we want as
town next month and wel-      around the world a real        and one of the best places     “We will be maintaining        cols for the tournament.     many games as possible
comes back fans into the      spectacle.”                    in the world to watch          that biosecure bubble,                                      that are attractive times
stadium for the first time                                   cricket.                       so while we are here we        Watson also spoke to the     for the fans to be able to
since the pandemic.           Watson said he was con-                                       won’t be interacting with      atmosphere fans who at-      come and attend. As well
                              fident about being able to     “That was in our think-        the wider population.”         tend games can expect        as evening and weekend
 Chris Watson, Head of        stage a successful tourna-     ing when scheduling the                                       when at the CPL this         games scheduled with
Marketing for CPL, told       ment in St. Kitts at Warner    tournament. St. Kitts is a     He told the Observer that      season.“Without      fans,   fans in mind. We had to
the Observer in an exclu-     Park.                          location we love, and we       it is anticipated the major-   CPL is a very different      factor in the condensed
sive interview that they                                     can’t wait to come back.       ity of the cohort will be      proposition. We have         window with more tour-
are excited to be coming      “One venue can be a chal-      And the fact that we will      fully vaccinated.              world-class cricketers,      naments to be played.”
to St. Kitts and Nevis, and   lenge. We have thrown in       have some fans here, we                                       but what really sets CPL
are extremely grateful for    world-class ground staff,      think it is going to be a      “Every single person           aside from other tourna-     The tournament would
the level of support they     and a consultant who has       spectacle for those who        in the cohort has been         ments on the global cal-     also be played during
have gotten and the level     arrived in St. Kitts and       are coming to the games.”      strongly impressed that it     endar is the fans and the    the peak hurricane sea-
of relationship with the      is working very closely                                       is an expectation, wher-       carnival atmosphere the      son, and Watson said the
government.                   with all the staff at Warner   The marketing official         ever possible, to be fully     fans bring.                  scheduling gives them the
                              Park to ensure the pitches     said that protocols to keep    vaccinated. We know a                                       luxury to delay games.
“Not just this year in the    are prepared to the high-      the competition safe will      high percentage of our         “We certainly want to
build-up, but over a num-     est possible standard and      be in place for the entire     cohort has been fully          continue that...we want      “We have only really lost
ber of years of coming        enable the best quality of     tournament.                    vaccinated.                    pumping music, we want       one game a year over the
here. Thanks to that type     cricket.                                                                                     good moves, and have         last couple of years. It has
of working relationship,                                     “We are bringing a cohort      “If there are any persons      everyone have fun whilst     been largely unaffected
we are able to bring the      “We believe the pitches        of somewhere between           in the Cohort unvacci-         being responsible and        by the schedule, and we
entire tournament here        will hold up and will be       250 to 300 persons into        nated, whether it be be-       taking responsibility for    do have the luxury of
this year.”                   fine, and we will rotate       St Kitts, and will be main-    cause of their age or lack     the fact that we are in a    delaying start times if
                              them accordingly, to           taining those persons in a     of availability where they     pandemic, and encourag-      we need to if there is bad
He said being in the          make sure the cricket is as    biosecure bubble. We will      came from, the protocol        ing people to be safe.”      weather. We certainly
middle of a pandemic has      sparing as possible to the     be isolated from the rest      processes are being final-                                  don’t want to lose a ball
been a challenging year       pitches.”                      of the population. People      ised and can’t be shared       The CPL schedule was         of cricket to the weather,
with putting on a cricket                                    will be undergoing tests       at this stage, and will        released on Wednesday,       and hopefully, we won’t.”
tournament, and flying        He hailed Warner Park as       before they arrive in St.      be different processes.        and features multiple
people around the world       always being an exciting       Kitts, tests when they ar-     For anyone who isn’t           double and triple header     The CPL bowls off on
to allow that to happen.      venue for CPL games.           rive during the quarantine     fully vaccinated, they will    days. Watson gave the        August 26 and end on
                                                             period, and there will be      have a longer quarantine       rationale for the type of    September 15.
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                                    CONCEPT TO

                                A strong CBI Programme aims to:
                • Create job opportunities
                • Upgrade the interior airport terminal building
                • Complete the construction of the Old Road Bay realignment project
                • Install a new runway and lighting at the RLB International Airport
                • Construct more hotels
                • Construct better roads
                • Construct the bus terminals
                • Complete the second cruise pier

         Prosperity for our country, a bright future for our people.
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NEWS                                               The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021                                                    Page:9

          New solid waste management ordinance on
               Nevis to bring sweeping changes

 NIA CHARLESTOWN             any waste land, beach,          Any person who imports       offender.                     vehicle and take it to a      administrating any provi-
NEVIS (July 14, 2021) —      foreshore, marine waters,      any hazardous waste con-                                    site referred to in subsec-   sion of Part V11.
The public on Nevis can      rivers or river banks.         trary to subsection (1)         Also, under Part V in       tion (1).
expect some sweeping                                        commits an offence and        Section 40 which speaks                                      Under Section 52 which
changes when the Nevis       Any person who contra-         shall be liable on summa-     to Derelict vehicles etc.      All expenses incurred by     deals with the cleanliness
Solid Waste Management       venes Section 28 shall be      ry conviction to a fine of    in subsection (1), a per-     the Authority related to      of vacant land, accord-
Authority Bill 2021 takes    liable upon summary con-       not less than $650,000 but    son who owns a derelict       the removal may be re-        ing to subsection (1), any
effect shortly.              viction. If the person li-     not exceeding $800,000        vehicle, white goods or       covered from the owner        person who owns or is
                             able is an individual, they    or imprisonment for a         other scrap metal shall       or person in charge of        in charge of vacant land
The Bill which repeals       will be subject to a fine of   term of five years or both;   take such vehicle, goods      the vehicle as a civil debt   shall keep that land clean
and replaces the 19-year-    not less than $25,000 but                                    or scrap metal to an ap-      owing to the Authority at     and free of overgrown
old existing Nevis Solid     not exceeding $50,000           On conviction on indict-     proved landfill site or       the Magistrate’s Court in     grass, bush or trees, and
Waste        Management      or imprisonment for a          ment, the offender would      another site approved for     Charlestown.                  shall not allow that land
Authority       Ordinance    term of not less than six      be subject to a fine of not   the purpose of managing                                     to be used as a place for
Cap. 3.03 legislation was    months but not exceeding       less than $1million but       such vehicles, goods or          In Part V11 – Litter       the dumping of litter.
passed at a sitting of the   two years or both.             not exceeding $2million       scrap metal.                  Abatement – in Section
Nevis Island Assembly                                       or imprisonment for a                                       49 which speaks to the         A litter warden, accord-
on July 13, 2021. It ad-      If the offender is a com-     term of seven years or         According to subsection      appointment of litter war-    ing to subsection (2)
dresses issues including     pany, it will face a fine of   both.                         (2), the Authority or an      dens, the following per-      may, in accordance with
the unauthorised disposal    not less than $250,000 but                                   authorised officer may        sons shall be ex-officio      the provisions of Section
of solid waste; the prohi-   not exceeding $400,000          Any person who imports       order a person referred to    litter wardens:               48 which deals with the
bition on the importation    or imprisonment for a          any waste, other than         subsection (1) to remove                                    prohibition on disposal
of waste, the appointment    term not less than two         hazardous waste, in con-      such vehicle within seven      A member of the Board;       of litter, can issue a litter
of litter wardens, and the   years but not exceeding        travention of section (1)     days by issuing an en-        the General Manager           removal order.
management of vacant         four years or both fine and    commits an offence and        forcement order.              of the Solid Waste
land.                        imprisonment.                  shall be liable on summa-                                   Management Authority;           When a litter removal
                                                            ry conviction to a fine of      Where a person who          the Operations Manager;       order is issued and the
Hon. Hazel Brandy-            Under Section 32 of Part      not less than $85,000 but     owns a vehicle referred       an Environmental Health       offender fails to com-
Williams, Junior Minister    V – Waste Management           not exceeding $150,000        to in subsection (2) can-     Officer and a member          ply with the terms of the
of Health, who tabled        Operations – dealing with      or imprisonment for a         not be identified, the        of the police force. The      order, the litter warden
the Bill, noted that un-     the Prohibition on the         term of two years and six     Authority or authorised       Minister may by instru-       may make arrangements
der Section 28 of Part       importation of waste, no       months or both.               officer shall affix the en-   ment in writing appoint       for the cleaning of the
1V – Waste Management        person shall import any                                      forcement order on the        other persons to be litter    vacant land and recover
Licences and Permits         waste other than what is        On conviction on indict-     vehicle that is required to   wardens.                      the expenses incurred
– dealing with the           provided for in subsection     ment, a fine of not less      be removed and if on the                                    in cleaning up the land
Unauthorised disposal        (1) including waste gen-       than $250,000 but not ex-     expiry of seven days such      The litter wardens will      as a civil debt owing to
of solid waste, no one       erated by aircraft landing     ceeding $350,000 or im-       vehicle is not removed,       be responsible for pre-       the Nevis Solid Waste
should deposit or know-      on the island and also in      prisonment for a term of      the Authority or an autho-    venting contravention,        Management Authority in
ingly cause to be depos-     manufacturing.                 four years or both would      rised officer shall arrange   ensuring enforcement,         the Magistrate’s Court in
ited solid waste in or on                                   also be imposed on the        for the removal of such       and assisting generally in    Charlestown.
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Page:10                                       The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021   LOCAL NEWS

     Cruise ships
       are back
      next week
By Loshaun Dixon               “With that in mind we         will come every week
                               want to encourage per-        thereafter, and then
Cruise ships are set to re-    sons working in the sec-      we have the Celebrity
turn to St. Kitts and Nevis    tor to be prepared. If you    Millennium which will
next week, when the            have not been vaccinated,     come on July the 28th.”
Seabourn Odyssey makes         go and get vaccinated,
the first call to port since   and hopefully, you can        He said that when
the pandemic started.          benefit from the arrival of   Celebrity      Millennium
                               the cruise industry once      comes, it will come every
Chair of the COVID-19          more.”                        other week thereafter.
taskforce Abdias Samuel
announced that the             Last week, Minister of        “I should also say that
Seabourn Odyssey is ex-        Tourism Lindsay Grant         August looks or is look-
pected to make a port of       said that since the pan-      ing pretty good, as in fact,
call and tender at South       demic hit in March of         we should have in August
Friars Bay area on the         2020, they were working       a number of ships includ-
22nd of July.                  assiduously behind the        ing the Allure of the Seas,

   “With that in mind we want to encourage
 persons working in the sector to be prepared.
       If you have not been vaccinated,
     go and get vaccinated, and hopefully,
     you can benefit from the arrival of the
          cruise industry once more.”

“In this regard we are ap-     scenes, getting stakehold-    which is of the Royal
pealing to all the tourism     ers ready for the eventual    Caribbean brand, and is a
stakeholders who will be       day of the restart of the     huge ship.
participating in this exer-    cruise industry.
cise, to ensure that they                                    “We are basically begin-
have cleared all the nec-      “We have trained in           ning the phase of allow-
essary protocols and pro-      excess of 5000 of our         ing ships in, and I must
cedures with the St. Kitts     persons in the industry,      tell you though that as far
Tourism Authority. We          ensuring that the new         as we are aware, the ships
want to ensure that ev-        protocols that are now        that would come - that is
eryone who will be work-       in place will be followed     the Seabourn Odyssey
ing within this sector has     when we open up our           and      the     Celebrity
already been cleared to        cruise industry. As it        Millennium, will come
do so through the said         stands at the moment, we      with fully vaccinated
Tourism Authority.             are ready and able to ac-     crew and passengers.
                               cept the first cruise ship,
He said that the Celebrity     which would be Seabourn       Grant said they are ex-
Millennium is set make a       Odyssey, on Thursday the      pecting the crew onboard
port of call at Port Zante     22nd of July.                 to be 98% vaccinated and
on the 28th of July.                                         the passengers to be 95%
                               “The Seabourn Odyssey         vaccinated.
NEWS                          The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021   Page:11

Case Number :NEVHPB2021/0034

                               Submitted Date:15/07/2021 10:08

                               Filed Date:15/07/2021 10:08

                               Fees Paid:52.00
Page:12   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021   NEWS
NEWS                                                                        The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021                                                                           Page:13

                                                                                                                                                           NATIONAL CARIBBEAN INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED

                                                                                                                                                                     CAREER OPPORTUNITY

                           Vacant Position
                ASSISTANT MANAGER – NCI Nevis Branch
                                                                                                                             Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill positions with our Sales Department on
                                                                                                                             the island of St. Kitts.
_______________________                       THE POSITION:
                                                                                                                                                                        Sales Consultants
EXPERIENCE & ATTRIBUTES                       The purpose of this job is to:
………………………………                                                                                                                 Individuals should be self-motivated with the initiative and drive to succeed in a very dynamic industry.
∙Candidate must have approximately 3                Work with the Senior Branch Manager to manage the Branch and
– 5 years’ experience in the insurance              assume full responsibility for Branch operations in the absence of the
industry                                                                                                                     QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SHOULD:
                                                    Senior Branch Manager. The candidate selected should therefore be
∙ Good oral and written communication
                                                    versed in General Insurance with a working knowledge of Life &            Have a minimum of four (4) O’ Levels/CXC General subject passes including English
skills                                              Health Insurance.
                                                                                                                              Possess good communication and interpersonal skills
∙ Excellent team building and                 PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:                                          Have the ability to work within a team
interpersonal skills
                                                                                                                              Be willing to help people
………………………………                                  •    Manage the daily operations in the General Department.
∙ Sound analytical skills                     •    Approve Non-Life New Business, Renewals and Premium Financing.
                                              •    Conduct property inspections i.e. buildings, contents, vehicles etc.      EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING:
∙ Excellent time management and
organizational skills                         •    Oversee the life & health administration functions
………………………………                                  •    Provide guidance and support to the claims teams                           A minimum of 5 years working experience is required for this job.
∙ Detail and documentation oriented           •    Provide monthly performance reports.                                       Previous sales experience could be an asset.
………………………………                                  •    Assist in the management of the Nevis Branch to ensure all
∙ Keen interest in honing/acquiring the            performance targets are met and customer experiences are exceptional       Insurance experience would be a plus. However, Training and support will be provided on a con-
skills required to support personal and
                                                                                                                                 tinuous basis as part of our commitment and excellence.
professional growth.
………………………………                                  QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE
∙ Self-starter with the ability to plan and
prioritize workload for self and others                                                                                      DUTIES:
                                              The ideal candidate should possess the following:
∙Excellent computer skills                                                                                                    Qualify prospective buyers of Life & Health insurance
                                              ➢    BSc. Degree in Business or a related managerial discipline
_____________________________                 ➢    At least 5 years’ experience in the Insurance Industry                     Obtain appointments through telephone or face to face contact, etc.
                                              ➢    At least 3 years’ experience a in management or supervisory position
                                                                                                                              Execute Sales interviews
                                              ➢    Knowledge/understanding of Life & Health Insurance
                                              ➢    Competent with Microsoft Office (especially Excel, Word, Access)           Close Sales

                                                                                                                              Service prospect/client: first premium, medical exams, etc.

 Please send applications with Two references by 30 July 2021 to: or                                          Write quality business

                                                                                                                              Deliver policies, provide service after sale
 The Executive Manager, Human Resources
 National Caribbean Insurance Company Limited                                                                                

 P.O. Box 374                                                                                                                Please send applications by Friday 23 July 2021 to: or
 Basseterre                                                                                                                  The Executive Manager, Human Resources
 St, Kitts                                                                                                                   C/o National Caribbean Insurance Company Limited
                                                                                                                             P.O. Box 374
Page:14   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021   NEWS
NEWS                                                The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday July 16th, 2021                   Page:15

                       NIA saves Cherry Garden residents
                             over $270k in repairs
The Ministry of Housing      Supervisor in the PWD].        soakaways that were not
in the Nevis Island                                         built properly…and per-
Administration    (NIA)      “This particular project,      sons over there would
has completed repairs to     eliminating the difficul-      have had some rather un-
30 defective soakaways       ties being faced by some       settling circumstances to
and septic systems in        30 homeowners over             deal with, and that is why
the first phase of the       at Cherry Garden, was          as a good government and
Cherry Garden Housing        indeed undertaken by           a caring government we
Development, saving im-      Public Works, and we’ve        would have undertaken
pacted homeowners over       had glowing reports from       the cost and responsibility
$270,000.                    those homeowners,” he          of rectifying those septic
                             said.                          and soakaway issues over
Deputy Premier Hon.                                         there.“So Mr. Brand, I
Alexis Jeffers, NIA          He explained that the          want to publicly thank
Minister responsible for     problems with the soak-        you and thank Alister
Housing,      commended      aways had been affect-         Thompson and his team,
Hon. Spencer Brand,          ing homeowners for             and all those involved in
Minister of Public Works     some time, and although        eliminating these particu-
and his team at the Public   the Nevis Housing and          lar difficulties to the tune
Works          Department    Land          Development      of [$274, 470.85],” he
(PWD) for the work done      Corporation was no lon-        said.
to remedy the longstand-     ger responsible for any
ing infrastructural issue.   repairs at these homes,        Mr. Jeffers also thanked
                             the NIA took the decision      Premier Hon. Mark
“Let    me    commend        to assist the residents with   Brantley, the area repre-
the Minister respon-         the costly repairs. Mr.        sentative for St. John’s,
sible for Public Works       Jeffers was at the time ad-    for fulfilling his commit-
Hon. Spencer Brand…          dressing the Nevis Island      ment to the affected resi-
and his team, including      Assembly on July 13.           dents of Cherry Garden,
Mr. Alister Thompson                                        and ensuring that the proj-
[Building       Division     “There were septics and        ect came to fruition.                  Cherry-Garden-Housing-Development
Page:16   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday   July 16th, 2021
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