Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise

Page created by Gene Barnes
Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise

Packing Marie Kondo Style

                                                                         Autumn 2019

                                              Marie Kondo is famous for her KonMari
                                              method, bestselling book, “The Life
                                              Changing Art of Tidying Up“ and now the
                                              Netflix series taking the world by storm -
                                              "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" - all of
                                              which promise to help you gain control of
                                              the stuff in your home and only keep
                                              your most joyful belongings around you.
                                              But what about when you have to take
                                              some of that stuff on the road?
We have taken some excellent packing tips from our friends at Qantas and combined it
with our new love of KonMari. What we have created is what we believe is the best way
to pack, from start to finish. Enjoy!

Before you even pull your suitcase out of the cupboard and start throwing
clothes on your bed, do these things:

Digitise copies of your ID and travel documents. We recommend scanning them all
and saving them to a cloud-based or USB drive, smartphone or tablet. This enables
you to ditch some of your paper documents and back up important information should
anything happen to your luggage. Remember to keep your USB drive separately in
your hand luggage and out of your checked-in baggage for safekeeping
Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise
Remove any devices that can be replaced by another device on your trip. For
example, if you’re planning to take only happy snaps, you can use a smartphone
rather than a heavyweight camera. If you only want to access social media, a tablet
or smartphone will do instead of a laptop. And you won’t need a portable speaker if
your hotel has a Bluetooth-enabled speaker or stereo dock.

Next, check your chargers – if all of your devices use
USB, one compatible charger might be all you need
(provided you pack all of the necessary cables). If you
are taking your smartphone as your primary device, a
small portable battery pack or charging case will ensure
it lasts all day. Don’t forget to grab your international
power adapters – we stock them here in the office. We
recommend taking one adapter and a small power board
– preferably with USB ports for all your charging needs.

Save yourself time and effort on your next trip and make a list that you can refer to
and modify according to the destination and purpose of your trip. Yes, there’s an app
for that – try the free PACKPOINT app which lets you customise pre-prepared packing
lists based on weather and activities.
NEXT STEPS – Now it’s time to start choosing which belongings get the
privilege of being packed in your suitcase.
                                 TIP#5: GET TOUGH ON YOUR TOILETRIES
                                 If you’re happy to use the toiletries provided at your
                                 accommodation, you can easily cull some basic
                                 amenities. If you prefer taking your own products, use
                                 small screw-top containers to decant liquids, gels and
                                 creams rather than bringing a full-sized bottle.

                                 Pharmacies and supermarkets sell travel-sized
                                 versions of everything from dry shampoo and
                                 hairspray to toothpaste and deodorant, as well as
                                 travel bottles and tubes. We recommend packing all
                                 liquids in zip lock bags inside your toiletry bag to
                                 prevent leakage. Lastly, invest in a travel toiletry bag,
                                 preferably one you can hang in any type of bathroom
                                 you use – you won’t regret it!
Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise
Clear off a large space to work in. Gather up
everything that needs to fit in your bag and lay it all
out. You want to be able to see exactly what you are
hoping to fit in your bag. Next, organise your gear
into categories:
1. Clothing: separated into tops, bottoms,
outerwear, underwear and accessories
2. Shoes
3. Toiletries
4. Electronic devices
5. Miscellaneous equipment

This is the tricky bit that can also be a fun challenge. The aim here is to HALVE all of your
piles listed above (except for underwear!). Plan your outfits based on a colour palette and
make sure you’re covered for all weather contingencies at your destination as well as the
social situations and activities you’ll be participating in. Think about how frequently you
might be able to do your laundry.

What to take: choose versatile items, light layers and choose a colour scheme.
Choose clothing that can be dressed up or down and layers well. It’s best to stick to
neutrals (black/white/grey/navy) with one or two complementary accent colours and
minimal matching accessories like scarves and necklaces.. Be particularly mindful
when choosing heavier outerwear and footwear - taking only one jacket, or leaving
behind a pair of shoes, will make a big weight difference. Google "capsule wardrobes
for travel" for a huge range of inspiration. Remember, only pack what you love to wear.

When it comes to your miscellaneous pile, you may have gathered items such as
umbrellas, raincoats, books and perhaps a travel pillow. If you’re desperate to trim down
your baggage, consider alternatives or purchasing these items during your trip. For
instance, you could buy an umbrella at your destination, pack a disposable poncho, read
on your tablet instead of taking a book, or grab a magazine at the airport. Don’t be afraid
to bring items that have proven themselves on past trips, though – a neck pillow might
be exactly what you need to sleep well on a long-haul flight or lengthy train journey.
Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise
FINAL STEP – Pack like a pro with these last tips...

A guiding principle of the Konmari Method is to ask yourself if your belongings “spark
joy". How does this apply to a suitcase? As you’re packing, consider whether you
really love each piece you’re putting inside. If you don’t think you’ll wear it or use it,
leave it at home.

                                             TIP#9: GROUP LIKE WITH LIKE
                                             Marie Kondo is a big fan of packing similar
                                             items together like makeup, underwear and
                                             charging cords into packing pouches or
                                             cubes. She also says that shoes are "just a
                                             little happier when they’re stored in bags".
                                             Cute right?

We recommend dividing your packing cells into the following categories:
Tops, bottoms, underwear, beachwear (bathers, soft sunhats, sarongs), accessories
(hats, scarves, belts), miscellaneous (books, pens, travel diary), electronics (chargers,
adapters, power board, cords), toiletries, dirty laundry, wet weather gear, and
footwear. Small packing cells work really well in your hand luggage too.
Anyone familiar with Marie Kondo knows she’s devoted to folding (there’s an entire
chapter in her book about how to do it just right). Folding vertically and as small as
possible will save space in your suitcase. For thinner items, roll to prevent wrinkles.
Check out the video below for Marie Kondo's demonstration.

Happy Packing!!

  BONUS: Marie Kondo showed the team at Apartment Therapy how she packs a
   suitcase. You can watch this very satisfying before and after video here.

    Words & inspiration for this article from Apartment Therapy and our friends at
Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise Packing Marie Kondo Style - Nexus Travel & Cruise
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