P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School

Page created by Arthur Tate
P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
P5 Address
   Mr Yazeed Said
    Vice Principal
P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
• Since 2011, we have focused on developing a
  student-centric, values-driven education with a
  specific focus on schools, students and teachers
  each year
• “When parents, teachers and the community work
  together, we multiply our efforts to make every
  student an engaged learner. We multiply the
  domains in which our children can find success...
  indeed we create new pathways to success.”

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                                       ADDRESS          2
P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
• Since 2011, we have focused on developing a
  student-centric, values-driven education with a
  specific focus on schools, students and teachers
  each year
• “When parents, teachers and the community work
  together, we multiply our efforts to make every
  student an engaged learner. We multiply the
  domains in which our children can find success...
  indeed we create new pathways to success.”

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P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
2019-2021 Focus Areas
     Learn for life
       o We educate our students holistically to develop in them 21st
         century competencies, values, an intrinsic motivation to learn
         and relevant skills for the future.

     Embrace All Learners
       o We honour our students’ individual traits. We embrace a
         harmonious community of diverse learners as a strength and
         as an outcome.

     Enhance Student Well-being
        o We care for our students’ mental, physical and social well-
          being in order to develop strong character, minds and bodies.


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P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
What is ahead.

                                                 What should I know.
Final Lap of Primary Education
Supporting your child’s journey beyond primary
                                        school   What can I do.
                                                              Your P5
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P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
What is ahead.
COVID19- now still a major driving force, had
thrust us suddenly in 2020 into full Home-Based
Learning (HBL), and has shown us the powerful
potential of HBL for developing in students:

• Self-directedness and independence
• Self-discipline and self-management

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P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
Face-to-face lessons

• Learning is a social activity, allowing development of
   social-emotional learning
• Some subjects require special facilities and equipment
• May have to transit to HBL if COVID19 situation worsens

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P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
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P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
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P5 Address Mr Yazeed Said Vice Principal - Xinmin Primary School
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Cyber Addiction
The common signs include
• preoccupation with the target (addicted)activity,
• development of tolerance and withdrawal symptoms,
• compulsive need to engage in activity or a sense of loss of control,
• unsuccessful attempts to stop or cut down,
• and neglect of social, academic and functional obligations (eat, sleep, bathe)

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Negative effects of Cyber Addiction
Ill-health effects on the adolescents such as
• impaired psychological well-being,
• less peer and family interaction,
• poor academic performance,
• school refusal,
• aggression, violence,
• inability to achieve psychosocial developmental tasks
  • development of autonomy, the establishment of identity, and future orientation/ aspirations

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Principles behind MOE’s Cyber Wellness curriculum
Respect for Self and Others
uphold their own dignity when online (e.g. share appropriate content and participate in only legal online activities)
respect other people online (e.g. put themselves in others’ shoes, accept diverse views and opinions, give credit when
using other people’s work and seek permission where necessary, avoid sharing hurtful materials)

Safe and Responsible Use
have an understanding of the risks of harmful and illegal online behaviour, and take steps to protect themselves (e.g. keep
their personal information private, verify the reliability of information using various sources, take steps to avoid dangers
they may encounter online).
make wise and healthy choices (e.g. maintain a healthy balance of their online and offline activities).

Positive Peer Influence
be a positive role model online (e.g. share healthy and positive content, harness the affordances of technology to do good
for society).
advocate positive online behaviour (e.g. stand up for their peers online, report cases of cyber bullying to a trusted
adult/authority, post encouraging remarks on social media).                                           Your Logo or Name Here
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