Ovarian Cancer Symptoms Awareness Harm or Help?

Page created by Rachel Molina
Summer 2008

    Ovarian Cancer Symptoms Awareness
                            Harm or Help?

  Professor Mike Richards, National Clinical Director for Cancer, chaired the recent
  Ovacome / Eve Appeal conference which presented current evidence on ovarian
         cancer signs and symptoms. For a full report see pages 4 and 5.

ovacome is a nationwide support group for all those affected by ovarian cancer,
involving sufferers, friends, families, carers and health professionals
From the chair                                                 From the editor
It was great to see so many of you on Members' Day, an         So much has happened since the last newsletter that it
exciting event with so much going on. There were               is hard to fit it all in.
interesting speakers in the morning covering different areas
from what is new in ovarian cancer, to cancer genetics and     It never ceases to amaze me how much is achieved by
finally managing the side effects of cancer. Following a       the staff here. The office move, Members’ Day, the
good lunch with plenty of time for chat and to draw on the     Signs and Symptoms Awareness conference – all are
graffiti wall, there was an array of complementary therapies   such major events that they would stretch any
in the afternoon. So much to choose from, relaxation,          organisation, let alone one run by five part-time staff.
hypnotherapy, nutrition, Look Good, Feel Better, Health and    Their dedication and tenacity has resulted in several
Well Being and art therapy. I saw lots of beaming smiles       ‘re-thinks’ by NICE in the treatment of ovarian cancer
and various paintings and pottery and the make up looked       patients, the latest coup being with Epo, as reported on
great, knew I should have volunteered for that.                page 3. We are lucky to have such a great team
                                                               working on our behalf. As a cancer patient, I consider
We have moved offices and this was just before Members'        myself amongst the beneficiaries of their work.
Day – not great timing, but that's life. I therefore want to
say a special thanks to all the staff for making both events   Don’t forget to bag yourselves a bargain with our
happen and run so smoothly.                                    discounted Christmas cards, and look us up on
                                                               Facebook, the social networking site (just search for the
I would like to say a big thank you also to Jayne Pyper for    Ovacome page) where we have nearly 500 fans so far!
all her hard work as editor of the newsletter and co-
ordinating the marathons, she is taking a well earned rest     Susan
and enjoying the summer with her family. Welcome and
thank you to our committee member Susan Dunning for
stepping into the breach and editing this copy.                      Ovacome Information
The members committee is very important to Ovacome as it
is our way of keeping in touch with what is happening at                  Manager
ground level. Peter and Ann Butler have been stalwarts of
the committee and have travelled a long way for the bi-
monthly meetings. They have hung up their travelling cases             One day per week in the
so it is also a thank you to them both for their support and              Ovacome Office,
commitment over the years. Peter currently continues to
support Ovacome as a Trustee.                                               London W1
So we need your help. Do you know anyone who would be                  Salary £12.93 per hour
interested in becoming a member of staff, committee
member, Trustee or volunteer for Ovacome? Please contact
me via email noelineovacome@btinternet.com or phone the           Are you good with words? Can you work well
office for further details on Tel. 020 7299 6654 and ask to              independently and in a team?
speak to Louise or Jack.
                                                                  Ovacome is recruiting an information manager
Have a great summer,                                             to be responsible for all information output from
Noeline                                                            the charity: newsletter, factsheet production,
                                                                                 and web content.
                                                                      Relevant experience desirable, but not
     Ovacome Staff                                                                 essential.
                                                                   You will have computer skills and an eye for
    Louise Bayne, CEO, Three days a week
                                                                    detail, and be able to work to a deadline.
    Jacquelyn Arnold, Office Manager
    Monday to Friday. 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.                   Whilst mainly office based, some home working
    Ruth Payne, Support line/Administrator
                                                                                   a possibility.
    Wednesday, Thursday and Friday                                    For further information, please contact
    Teresa Cramer, Support line/Administrator                                 Jack on 020 7299 6654
    Monday and Tuesday
    Ruth Grigg, ROCC Manager
    Susan Dunning, Temporary Newsletter Editor
    Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.             This newsletter is produced in
    Telephone    Support line 0845 371 0554                           memory of Sarah Dickinson,
                 Admin line 020 7299 6654
                                                                           founder of Ovacome
Epo gets the OK from NICE
After a long, hard-fought battle, and        ruling by NICE, women whose                   guidance will be fully implemented by
following our final appeal against NICE,     haemoglobin levels have dropped can           the end of August.
we are delighted to report that they         start having treatment with Epo.
                                                                                           Unfortunately ovarian cancer was the
have finally approved the use of
                                             There are three different types of Epo        only tumour type to gain NICE approval
Erythropoietin in ovarian cancer.
                                             available on the UK market. They each         for using Epo and we feel saddened
The chemotherapies commonly used to          have different treatment schedules and        that colleagues in other cancer charities
treat ovarian cancer can have a              work in slightly different ways. All are      such as Myeloma UK and Leukaemia
profound affect on the bone marrow.          administered by a small injection, some       Care, whom we have worked with over
This is where red and white blood cells      weekly, with others at different intervals.   the past four years, have not had the
are produced. Low levels of white            Women do not need to go to hospital           same success.
cells, called neutropenia, leave people      for the treatment, but can either do the
                                                                                           We would like to thank colleagues and
vulnerable to infection. A low level of      injection themselves or go to their local
                                                                                           members who have supported our
red blood cells causes anaemia and it        practice nurse.
                                                                                           representations to NICE, and in
is this that can cause significant fatigue
                                             So who is eligible?                           particular Hannah Young, Ovacome
and exhaustion.
                                                                                           member, who represented us as an
                                             If you are on chemotherapy for ovarian
Erythropoietin, more commonly known                                                        expert witness.
                                             cancer and your haemoglobin level has
as Epo, is a drug that stimulates the
                                             dropped to 8, you will be entitled to         For more information on the guidance,
increase of red blood cell production,
                                             start treatment with Epo as soon as           please call our helpline on 0845 371
thus relieving the anaemia. Up until
                                             your PCT (Primary Care Trust) has             0554 or see the NICE guide for patients
now women having chemotherapy have
                                             ratified the guidance. Trusts have up to      at http://www.nice.org.uk/ guidance/
had to have blood transfusions to
                                             three months to do this, so the               index.jsp?action=download&o=40700.
manage their anaemia. Following the

MEMBERS’ DAY APRIL                2008
Very therapeutic and enjoyable
It may have been the idyllic setting of      Clinical nurse specialist Tracie Miles,       Christine Neillands, Health and
Regent’s Canal, or the informative and       from The Royal United Hospital, Bath,         Wellbeing with Beverly Hamilton were
stimulating speakers, that made              spoke about her role. She explained           just some of the options available.
Members Day so memorable.                    about the support levels available in         Others participated in the talks from Liz
Returning to the NCVO enabled us to          many hospitals for people with cancer.        Butler of the Penny Brohn Cancer
see many old friends and welcome new         She expanded in depth on the role of          Centre in Bristol and from Chrissy
ones, without the normal hustle and          the multi-disciplinary team and the           Tilbury from Look Good Feel Better. On
bustle of a hotel or conference centre.      flexibility that the service has in the       the latter a big thanks you to our two
The room was a buzz of conversation          provision of individualised care.             volunteer models Mona Tobin and
and anticipation as members got to                                                         Valerie Grose. Both looked very
                                             Each speaker generated so many
know each other over coffee before the                                                     glamorous.
                                             interesting and pertinent questions and
morning got under way. We were not
                                             it was inevitable that the morning            We have to thank all the speakers and
                                             overran. We are forwarding on any             workshop leaders who gave up their
After a welcome from Noeline Young           unanswered questions to the relevant          time on a Saturday and supported us.
(Chair of Ovacome), Professor                expert.                                       A massive thank you to the team at
Jonathan Ledermann opened the                                                              Ovacome, who work so hard to make
                                             After the break for lunch the group
programme with a presentation                                                              Members’ events not only a success,
                                             separated out into different workshops.
outlining current and future clinical                                                      but therapeutic and enjoyable.
                                             Relaxation with Julia Dunn, Art therapy
trials. He explained the differing
                                             with Michele Wood, Hypnotherapy with
approaches now being taken in anti
cancer treatments currently under
investigation. Though these theories                               Ovacome Calendar 2009
are quite complex and technical,             Following our appeal, we have had a great response from readers willing to
Professor Ledermann explained them           participate, from as far afield as Newcastle and Plymouth.
in an easy to understand way, which
was more enlightening than mystifying.       To date we have photographed five people (or groups of people) affected by
                                             ovarian cancer, and we have had offers of advice and valuable ideas on printing
Dr James Mackay followed with a talk         and distribution. In addition our patron, Jenny Agutter, has agreed to her picture
on the role of genetics in cancer, often     on the cover, which will help sales no end!
a very scary subject. Dr. Mackay
shared information on a new study            Although we now have enough models, we still welcome offers from readers who
looking at using genetics to specify         are willing to help this calendar raise the profile of Ovacome and provide much-
which treatments to use in the fight         needed funds for our work. So if you have any thoughts, advice or practical help,
against cancer. He also spoke about a        particularly in print or distribution, please contact me through the office.
new cancer risk assessment called             Geraldine


Harm or Help?
                                                                                Following presentations on the
      This Conference, organised by The Eve Appeal in
                                                                                evidence available, speakers from key
    partnership with Ovacome, was held on 8th April 2008 and                    organisations were invited to speak,
    brought together a wide range of experts to debate how best to              and give their perspectives. Louise
    present consistent advice to women on the signs and                         Bayne spoke on behalf of Ovacome,
    symptoms of ovarian cancer with the aim of producing a UK                   highlighting the great distress caused
     Consensus Statement on the issue.                                          by late diagnosis. Using evidence
                                                                                from our 2006 survey of nearly 400
There is already a consensus           UK. Professor Lesley Fallowfield,        members, she gave examples:
statement in the USA, which the        from University of Sussex, presented
                                                                                ●   Of 387 surveys analysed, women
American Cancer Society, the           on the psychological impact of
                                                                                    waited an average of 5.6 weeks
Gynaecological Cancer Foundation       awareness raising and Mr Sean
                                                                                    till seeking help
and the Society of Gynaecological      Kehoe from Oxford Radcliffe
Oncologists signed up to in 2007,      concluded with a review of existing      ●   Results demonstrate a clinical
which sets out agreement on            literature on ovarian cancer signs and       delay of 11.52 weeks. It took an
symptoms commonly associated with      symptoms.                                    average of 3.21 clinical
ovarian cancer.                                                                     appointments to achieve a correct
                                       In summarising the evidence,
In the UK, although there is general   Professor Richards highlighted key
agreement that women with ovarian      aspects: that awareness and              ●   In 171 cases the GP's referral
cancer may experience a common         understanding of risk for ovarian            pattern and conversations with
set of symptoms, UK experts –          cancer is very low in the UK; that           the patient showed a clear index
including charities as well as         studies show that symptoms could be          of suspicion that an ovarian
researchers and oncologists – have     frequent, although were not                  abnormality was present. In 94
yet to formally agree on signs and     experienced by everyone, and that            cases the GP did not illustrate
symptoms of the disease and how to     there is a broad level of agreement of       any suspicion of ovarian cancer.
communicate this to women and          what those symptoms are. He also
health professionals.                  raised the question of how symptoms      Whilst acknowledging that women
                                       could be used to identify women at       understood that ovarian cancer is
The Consensus conference was                                                    rarely seen by GPs (once every five
                                       higher risk of ovarian cancer and
chaired by the National Clinical                                                years) it is none the less frustrating
                                       spoke encouragingly of further
Director for Cancer, Professor Mike                                             when women feel that they could
                                       research in the area of ovarian
Richards, who opened proceedings                                                have been diagnosed sooner.
                                       cancer symptoms.
and introduced four speakers
                                                                                Louise pointed out that whilst there
                                                                                are many advantages to raising
                                                                                awareness of the signs and
                                                                                symptoms of the disease, there are
                                                                                pitfalls too. On the plus side, signs
                                                                                and symptoms awareness would
                                                                                ensure optimal diagnosis times, raise
                                                                                the profile of the disease, maintain
                                                                                good relationships between GPs and
                                                                                patients, and potentially improve
                                                                                survival; on the other hand It could
Representatives around the table give their perspectives on the issues          cause significant problems, provoking
surrounding ovarian cancer signs and symptoms                                   anxiety and having a negative impact
                                                                                on NHS resource, leading to delays in
presenting current evidence on         The second part of the conference        diagnosis for those who actually do
ovarian cancer signs and symptoms.     programme saw key groups present         have the disease.
                                       their perspective on the issue of        Louise concluded by saying that :
USA speaker Dr Robyn Andersen
                                       ovarian cancer symptoms awareness,
presented the results of a case-                                                ●   Raising awareness should be
                                       with those representing patients,
control study in the USA, while Dr                                                  based on sound clinical evidence
                                       ovarian cancer charities, screening
Usha Menon, from the
                                       trials, gynaecological oncologists,      ●   Raising awareness activity should
Gynaecological Cancer Research
                                       primary health providers, radiologists
Centre at UCL spoke about research                                                  occur within programmes which
                                       and the public health perspective all
projects currently under way in the                                                 include NHS infrastructure and
                                       contributing to the discussion.
                                                                                    education of NHS staff

●   Primary care should be the                Radiologists, UK)
    primary target, symptoms                                                          STOP PRESS STOP
                                          ●   The Public Health Perspective,         PRESS STOP PRESS
    awareness in particular.
                                              Professor Peter Sasieni (Cancer
●   Significant research is needed to         Research UK)
    plug knowledge gaps (stage shift,
    overall survival, impact on worried
                                          The audience of 80, which included
                                          Ovacome members, was invited to
                                          debate the evidence and perspectives     awareness &
Presentations from other charities        raised. Several members raised
and professional bodies followed:         questions and shared experiences,
                                          which were well received.
                                                                                  early detection
●   The Ovarian Cancer Action
    Perspective, Philippa Carr
    (Ovarian Cancer Action)
                                          Following well earned refreshments,
                                          the Consensus Group, which included
                                          speakers and members of other
●   The Wellbeing of Women                                                          As part of the Department of
                                          bodies such as the National Forum of
    Perspective, Gemma Hobson                                                      Health Cancer reform strategy,
                                          Gynae Oncology Nurses, reconvened
    (Wellbeing of Women)                                                          Ovacome has been working with
                                          for a closed meeting to debate the
                                                                                      the Department on National
●   The Screening Perspective,            issues raised and to formulate draft
                                                                                   awareness initiative. The aim of
    Professor Ian Jacobs (University      consensus documents. These drafts
                                                                                     the initiative is to identify key
    College London and Institute for      are now being circulated to health
                                                                                     messages to promote earlier
    Women's Health)                       professionals and bodies for
                                          consultation and agreement. It is       detection of cancers. They have
●   The British Gynaecological            hoped that a final consensus            already undertaken work in other
    Cancer Society Perspective,           statement on signs and symptoms of       cancers such as Lung, Breast,
    Professor David Luesley (Pan-         ovarian cancer will be ready for                Prostate and Bowel.
    Birmingham Gynaecological             launch by autumn 2008.
    Cancer Centre)                                                                    Ovacome, along with other
                                          A copy of the draft will be available     charities and key stakeholders,
●   The Primary Care Perspective, Dr      on the Ovacome website for comment          met with the DoH, and was
    Sarah Jarvis (Royal College of        in the near future.                      delighted that they plan to adopt
    General Practitioners)                                                         the key messages agreed at the
                                                                                     recent Eve Appeal/Ovacome
●   The Radiology Perspective, Dr Jo
                                                                                     consensus conference. Mike
    McHugo (Royal College of
                                                                                      Richards, National Lead for
                                                                                  Cancer, felt that the work we had
                                                                                  undertaken was unmatched in the
                                                                                        UK. This is a fantastic
                                                                                  endorsement of the process, and
                                                                                   the collaboration of all involved.

                                                                                   Whilst the consensus agreement
                                                                                    is still a work in progress, some
                                                                                   key outcomes have already been
                                                                                      agreed. Having identified that
                                                                                     lack of knowledge about some
                                                                                     fundamental issues was a real
                                                                                        barrier to earlier diagnosis,
                                                                                   research in the area is a critically
                                                                                      important next step. We have
                                                                                    been charged with organising a
                                                                                  research interest group which will
                                                                                         continue the work of the
                                                                                  consensus meeting in considering,
                                                                                      prioritising and recommending
     As part of the run-up to the consensus meeting,                                     studies which need to be
     Louise Bayne, our CEO was invited to be the first                                 undertaken in order to make
           author of The Times on line debate.                                         earlier diagnosis of ovarian
                                                                                   cancer a possibility for the future:
           You can join the discussion by going to:                                 a challenge the Ovacome team
        http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/                                    will grasp with relish.


Onward and upward (and just along the road)
Ovacome and the Eve Appeal            which would not previously been
(the gynaecological cancer            possible. Louise and Alex, in                Our new
research charity) share many key      particular, are enjoying the
objectives and ideals. During the     benefits of an 8-foot commute to          contact details
past year we have undertaken          meetings. The members                      Ovacome, PO Box 6294,
several joint projects, such as the   committee have already enjoyed               London W1A 7WJ
TEA parties, and April's              their first meeting in the offices.
                                                                                Support line 0845 371 0554
consensus conference (see
                                      Thanks in particular to Jack, Ruth        Admin line 020 7299 6654
pages 4 and 5). During one of
                                      and Teresa for all the hard work
the planning meetings we were                                                 e-mail ovacome@ovacome.org
                                      that went in to planning and
each bemoaning our respective                                                       www.ovacome.org
                                      executing a smooth transition, as
lack of space. It was only a few
                                      well as to David Frew for his skills
weeks later that the suggestion of
                                      with a screwdriver.
co-locating to new offices was
first suggested. We thought
carefully about this, and following
some detailed planning decided
to start 'living together'.
Whilst it was a wrench to leave
the Elizabeth Garret Anderson
Hospital behind, we are enjoying
settling into our new space (and
the air conditioning and windows
are a particular favourite of the
Although we are still unpacking
boxes, our new space is fantastic.
We are already seeing the
advantages of co-location too,
and have plans for further shared
                                      Jack and Ruth make the most of extra space in their airy new office
projects with The Eve Appeal

Please welcome a new                                     New merchandise
member of the team                                       Ovacome now has car stickers for sale! They
                                                         measure 25mm by 70mm and have the Ovacome
We are delighted to announce that on the 7th July a      logo and contact details printed in teal on a white
new member of the office team will be joining us.        background. They are made of self-cling vinyl so can
Ruth Grigg will be taking the post of Regional           be used again and again and won't leave a sticky
Ovarian Cancer Coordinator (ROCC) manager.               residue on your window or windscreen. Perfect for
                                                         showing that you support the work of Ovacome,
Our local volunteers are a valuable and important        spreading the word about us or for fundraising.
part of the charity, ensuring that members can
support our work at a local level. ROCCS are             The stickers cost £1 each or for fundraising bulk
people who have experienced ovarian cancer, either       orders please contact the Ovacome office on 020
themselves or in a loved one and who spend a few         7299 6654.
hours a month on local Ovacome activities.               Coming soon ... enamel ribbon pin badges and
We are delighted that following collaboration with       notelets in a variety of designs!
The Eve appeal and funding from Boots, Ruth will
be able to provide dedicated support, training and
advice to our volunteers. She can be contacted by
ringing our admin line on 020 7299 6654. If you are
interested in learning more about the ROCCS                     0845 371 0554     www.
programme, please do get in touch.
Making Cancer a Priority
I had not long been on the Ovacome         choice. Delegates could
committee when the ECPC was                activate a microphone
launched and committee members             which also showed the
were asked to read the aims of the         delegate on all screens. As
coalition and decide if Ovacome            usual the hospitality was
should become a member. The                first class and a reception
committee voted unanimously to             on the first evening of the
support the ECPC. I have frequently        conference gave an
visited their website since that time      opportunity to meet an
and kept in touch with their activities.   impressive array of
                                           delegates from many EU
I went to ECPC conferences in Europe
                                           countries. Members from
as a member of the Hereford Cancer
                                           the new states were there in
User Group, first in Milan and I later,
                                           force and exhibited great         Sandra pictured with Lynn Foulds Wood,
with an ECPC bursary, in Ljublijana. I
                                           enthusiasm for establishing                                Chair of ECPC
have always been committed to
                                           best practice in their own                           (photo courtesy of Phillipe Veldman)
equality of access to cancer treatment
and clinical trials across the European                                            As well as listening to the inspiring
Union and the entry of many Eastern        The chair of the ECPC Lynn Faulds       presentations given by speakers from
European states has presented              Wood was present with her usual         many European Union, states there
significant challenges. Many have no       enthusiasm and astonishing ability to   was plenty of opportunity to network
cancer plans and not all even register     remember everyone's name and            and meet with patients from many
cancer incidence.                          affiliations. There was an impressive   states and tumour groups. As usual
                                           array of speakers and one of the        there were no representatives from
It was good to have the opportunity to
                                           highlights was an address by            other gynaecological cancer groups
attend the Brussels conference
                                           Androulah Vassiliou, EU Health          but strong representation from breast,
wearing the Ovacome badge, thanks
                                           Commissioner. She was a very            lung and prostate bodies.
to an ECPC bursary which would
                                           passionate speaker on the subject of
cover my expenses up to £500.                                                      I always find ECPC conferences both
                                           cancer and impressed all with her
I flew to Brussels from Birmingham         commitment to the continued struggle    informative, inspiring and supportive. I
on April 6th and stayed at the Sofitel     to obtain equity of access to cancer    take away from the meetings new
Hotel which was situated in a lively       services across all member states.      ideas for raising the profile of patient
square with a visiting fair and just a     Other speakers concentrated on          involvement and many memories of
short walk across a park to the            improving outcomes for cancer           meeting with patients who each have
conference centre. The conference          patients, cancer research and entry     their own story to tell. I fully endorse
centre itself boasted state of the art     to clinical trials. There was a very    the ECPC mantra that cancer
communications and technology.             practical session for patients on       patients should be there in the middle
Each delegate had an individual            campaigning for improved patient        of all decision making.
console through which one could            involvement in cancer services in       Sandra Woodward
access the translation language of         their respective countries.

Ovacome with style
Together with accompanist Chris Wiltshire,
professional soprano Jayne May-Sysum
(pictured) recently gave a concert in aid of
Ovacome to a capacity audience at The
Royal Pump Rooms, Royal Leamington
Spa. The concert was dedicated to the
memory of Margaret Halfacree, Jayne's
aunty. The family lost Margaret to cancer a
couple of years ago.
The beautifully elegant Assembly Room in
The Royal Pump Rooms was full and the                                        performance and the genuine warmth she
audience enjoyed a varied programme of                                      shows towards her audiences is
musical show numbers, opera and song. There was                          unmistakable. As a consequence, people feel
something for everyone, as the standing ovation at the         she is singing just to and for them.
end of the evening proved. Jayne's delight in                  The concert raised £1,105 for Ovacome.

Teresa's day at the marathon
   At Ovacome we do our best to support all our members and our                        later Angie discovered she'd lost her
 fundraisers, by trying to attend as many events as possible. Sadly we                 tickets (her boyfriend's season ticket),
 were very thin on the ground for the London Marathon, but Teresa                      her bank card and £10, all in a flimsy
 Cramer, who normally works on our Support Line, saved the day and                     Oyster wallet. Two very nice young
 gave up her Sunday to cheer on the many brave runners fundraising on                  men overheard our conversation and
  our behalf. Here is her rather eventful account.                                     said they'd seen the ticket wallet on
                                                                                       ground at Canary Wharf. We
                                            annoying members of the public went        returned, searched platform and flat
I went with my lovely friend, Angie,
                                            on the road in front of us – there was     surfaces in the hope that someone
who should really be thanking me as
                                            only a red and white ribbon next to        may have picked it up and left it there.
she’s decided that she'd like to join a
                                            our barrier, where the samba band          Alas, nothing. I said "Let's ask that
samba band and run the next
                                            originally were. In less than 10           station man yonder" and Angie did.
marathon simultaneously. Her parents
                                            minutes they completely obliterated        He asked her name, produced said
are fantastic athletes by all accounts,
                                            us. I merrily yelled enthusiastically to   lost item, all intact, from his back
so come on Angie! (Her dad ran a
                                            the runners (any and all), even more       pocket! Angie was overjoyed, and
100k marathon in 26 hours!)
                                            so, when some man was on his               her faith in London/UK is
We started on Blackheath, queuing           mobile, pushing against me to try and      overwhelming, as she said how
for coffee 20 minutes before the elite      get past. I stoically held my place.       honest people are here and that that
ladies' start, basking in the sunshine.     Angie had crept to                                            would not have
We got lost trying to find the start        the kerb                                                      happened in South
point, found the blue zeppelin              cautiously and                                                Africa. Hence she
balloon, but not the exact start, by        spotted the South                                             knows the flag.
which time the race had started.            African flag and
                                                                                                         She left me at
We then went to Canary Wharf as             Gordon Ramsey. I
                                                                                                         London Bridge and I
arranged and set up beside the band         have to say, she
                                                                                                         carried on to
like Jayne had done in previous years.      wasn't too focused
                                                                                                         Westminster. The
Thanks to Angie for blowing up so           on spotting the
                                                                                                         rain was again
many Ovacome balloons: with lungs           Ovacome runners
                                                                                                         threatening. I saw
like that she should really join a brass    as her heart was
                                                                                                         many runners going
band. I secured the balloons to two         set upon spotting
                                                                                                         past and asked a
plastic fly swats, tied them to a barrier   Jonathan Ross.
                                                                                                         police lady the way
and bravely stood behind them hoping        We didn't see him
                                                                                                         to the park, got there
to be noticed. Angie swayed to the          either. She was
                                                                                                         and thought instead
very loud London School of Samba            very good at
                                                                                                         of going to the
band who were fantastic. They had a         spotting the
                                                                                                         grandstand I'd hang
very beautiful and exceptionally            unusual. I
                                                                                                         around the Meet &
energetic dancer showing her midriff. It    cheered on the
                                                                                                         Greet tree just in
was pretty cold and I expect she’s          Pink Panther, and
                                                                                                         case. As it was then
curled up in bed with a kidney infection    the chap clothed
                                                                                                         nearly two o clock, I
by now. Angie sportingly wore the           in ivy and the
                                                                                                         reckoned a few
Ovacome tee-shirt over her jacket (she      nearly naked man.
                                                                                                      Ovarunners might have
is very petite and beautiful – a bit like   Watching on TV later we found that
                                                                                       finished and perhaps had decided to
Bo Derek from 10, if anyone can             the former two were celebs and the
                                                                                       meet/greet with their families and
remember that far back). Mine was my        latter just rather nice. So, after
                                                                                       friends elsewhere. The heavens
sole source of upper clothing under my      feeling thoroughly wet I had bought a
                                                                                       opened and at 2.35 I strolled to
jacket, but I also wore the cap.            cheap £1.99 turquoise and white
                                                                                       Victoria station, managing to get
                                            brolly as I don't have an Ovacome
So we were set up (without the                                                         some good shots from the temporary
                                            brolly or golf brolly, which would have
banner – it's somewhere in one of                                                      pedestrian bridge to get there. There
                                            been brilliant for the Ovacome
our two premises) (sounds rather                                                       may be an Ovacome runner in there.
                                            runners to see us, we left at 12.50 to
grand that two premises, but we were                                                   The joys of supporting!
                                            move on.
in the middle of a move). Then it                                                      Despite our various mini adventures,
rained and rained and rained. The           It was then that Angie's day could
                                                                                       and the big disappointment of not
band stopped playing for about 20           have gone wrong, but it was
                                                                                       seeing our Ovarunners, we did have
minutes and moved themselves (very          remarkably salvaged -sadly nothing
                                                                                       a good time. I was very pleased with
sensibly) under cover. My ears were         to do with Jonathan Woss. We had
                                                                                       myself as my pedometer said I'd
overjoyed, sadly Angie was                  decided to use our Grandstand
                                                                                       walked 11.3 km.
disappointed.                               Passes and go to St James Park and
                                            hopefully see an Ovacome runner or         Huge thank-you to Angie for joining
All was going great, apart from the         two. We boarded the tube about 1pm         me and to all the marathon runners,
weather, until about 12.30 and              at Canary Wharf and two stations           running for Ovacome.

The effects of writing                                            Ten things I’d like to
about significant events                                           tell my oncologist
on well-being                                                   1 However bleak things are, please give me
                                                                  some hope, otherwise I will find it difficult to
       Between May 2006 and September 2007,                       cope with the treatment I am having.
    Ovacome members were enrolled into a trial                  2 I am an individual – despite all the research,
    assessing the effectiveness of writing about
                                                                  there may be very specific reasons why I
    significant events on improving well-being. The trial
                                                                  decide to go down a particular treatment
    was run by Yori Gidron and Emily Arden-Close at
    the University of Southampton. The results are                route.
     reported below.                                            3 I am frightened – a lot hangs on this
                                                                  appointment. I may be one of a hundred
One hundred and two members of Ovacome and their                  patients you see today, but the thought of
partners participated in the trial. There were two                this appointment has kept me awake for
conditions. In the intervention, participants wrote about         nights on end.
the woman's diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer
according to given instructions. In the control (placebo)       4 It's nothing personal but sometimes I find it
condition, participants wrote about what the woman did            difficult trusting the medical profession. It
the previous day. Participants did the writing for 15             took six visits to my GP before I was found
minutes a day over three days.                                    to have advanced ovarian cancer.
Questionnaires were completed before, three months after        5 I know there may not be any proof that
and six months after writing. There was no overall effect         certain diets or complementary treatments
of writing about the patient's diagnosis and treatment of
                                                                  work but I want to try and help myself in any
ovarian cancer. However, it was beneficial for some of the
participants.                                                     way possible. It might not cure the cancer
                                                                  but it does make me feel better and give me
•     Quality of life improved for members who said they          back a bit of control.
      would recommend the intervention (approximately 70%
      of the participants).                                     6 Please take notice if I feel something isn't
                                                                  quite right, I've got to know my body very
•     Quality of life improved for members who reported an
      improvement in communication with their partners            well and am quite in tune with any changes
      about the illness.                                          that might be happening.
•     Distressing thoughts about the illness were no longer     7 I'm not the only one affected by my illness so
      associated with emotional distress in general (although     please don't feel threatened if I want
      they were before people wrote).                             someone to sit with me at my appointments
•     Distressing thoughts that partners had about the            and ask questions. I need their support and
      illness were no longer related to members' quality of       sometimes they are able to remember things
      life (although they were before people wrote).              about my health that I don't and they are
                                                                  another pair of ears to hear what you tell
People also improved depending on how they wrote.
Members who used more positive emotion words such as              me.
fortunate, thankful, etc. when writing about how they feel      8 It is difficult for me to make a split-second
now experienced less distress three months later and also         decision about what treatment option I
reported improvements in their communication with their           decide to have. I might need to go away,
partners about their illness. As expected, all participants
                                                                  think about it and ask others before deciding
used some negative emotion words, such as angry,
shocked, but those who used more positive emotion words
                                                                  what to do when so much depends on it.
as well as the negative emotion words improved more.            9 If I ask for a second opinion or see
The intervention did not seem to be helpful for partners.         something on the internet, don't feel insulted
                                                                  I need to know I have explored all the
Overall, it appears that writing about the diagnosis and
                                                                  possibilities as I may only have one chance
treatment of ovarian cancer has a positive effect on well-
being in some individuals. However, further research is           at dealing with this disease.
needed to understand who may benefit, and the most              10 Thank you for looking after me. I really
effective instructions to provide.                                 appreciate all that you have done for me.
The team at the University of Southampton would like to         ANON
thank everyone who participated in this study. If you have
any questions we are happy to answer them.

Gynae Patient Support in Dudley
The Gynae Cancer Patient                                                                         The second event
Support Group based at                                                                           organised on March 26th
The White House in                                                                               by Ailine Madders Support
Dudley held two events to                                                                        Group Coordinator at
mark Ovarian Cancer                                                                              Cancer Support, The
Awareness Month in                                                                               White House Dudley,
March. The first event on                                                                        attracted about forty
March 18th was an                                                                                patients, relatives and
information stall in the                                                                         health care staff. It was a
foyer of Russells Hall                                                                           meeting to hear about
Hospital, Dudley. It                                                                             Advances in Ovarian
displayed posters and                                                                            Cancer Treatment and for
balloons and we gave                                                                             patients to share their
information away about                                                                           experiences. It was an
the signs and symptoms                                                                           enjoyable and informative
of ovarian cancer. We also                                                                       afternoon. A raffle was
sold pin badges and raised                                                                      held to raise fund for The
£90 for Ovacome.                                               White House which is building used entirely to provide
                                                               facilities for cancer patients and their carers. It offers
This display was manned by members of the group and
                                                               support, practical help and information. The Dudley
Sara Hiam Macmillan Gynae Oncology Clinical Nurse
                                                               Gynae Cancer Patient Support Group meets there on the
Specialist based at the hospital. It was a well attended
                                                               fourth Wednesday of each month at 2 pm. New members
event with a constant flow of visitors including patients
                                                               are welcome, further details about the group are available
and staff as well as the general public.
                                                               via the Ovacome office.

Oh, knickers!                                                                   Odyssey
                                                                                Odyssey is a charity which enhances the
                                                                                quality of life for people with cancer
                                                                                through imaginative programmes of
                                                                                challenging and dramatic activities using
                                                                                the outdoors.
                                                                                The charity was started in 1984 by an
                                                                                oncologist, runs outdoor challenges for
                                                                                people of all ages from 18-84 to help
                                                                                them deal with the emotional and
                                                                                psychological challenges that can be
                                                                                caused by the disease. The purpose of
                                                                                the courses is to enable cancer patients
                                                                                rebuild their confidence, regain a zest for
                                                                                life and a sense of control over the next
                                                                                stage of their lives. It is available for
                                                                                anyone over 18.
                                                                                The courses last for five days and runs
                                       Picture courtesy of the Hereford Times
                                                                                eight times a year at various locations
                                                                                around the UK including Scotland, Kent
Members from the Herefordshire Gynae Cancer Support Group did their             and the West Midlands. The courses are
bit towards raising publicity for ovarian cancer awareness month by             free and get booked up quite quickly but
decorating and personalising panties and inviting the Hereford Times            there are often standby places available.
photographer to come along tomake a permanent record of their art work.         In general you need to be able to climb
                                                                                stairs and walk about a mile.
The speaker at the meeting, Dr. Ray Owen, who was addressing the group
on ‘Being positive in the face of uncertainty’, claimed to find the line of     Their website covers almost every
displayed panties a distraction while he was giving his talk!                   question you could have about the
                                                                                challenge and whether it is right for you. It
If any Ovacome members would like to go to the group's meetings on the          is well worth a look. If you go on a course
first Thursday in each month at Belmont Golf Club, Hereford, please             please tell us about your experience.
contact the Ovacome office for details.

Susan and Ellie run with the stars
    The 2008 Adidas Women's 5K Challenge (formerly the Hydroactive                     centre London to have her
 5k) is a fun run for women of all ages taking place in London,                        chemotherapy and during the
 Birmingham and Liverpool on 7th September. It’s a fun, informal event,                holidays I would go into town and visit
 and you can run or walk, or just cheer people along in the late summer                her and then go to the zoo or
 sunshine. Every year Ovacome supporters and office staff run the event                Hamleys with my dad and grandma.
 to raise money and spread the word about Ovacome and this year we're                  We would go to the chemo suite and
 absolutely thrilled to have our patron, Jenny Agutter, running for Team               pick mummy up and all go home. I
 Ovacome in London! Susan Dunning, our newsletter editor, and her                      got sad again when she had to have
 daughter Ellie are also taking part. You an sponsor them at                           the next operation. We visited her
 www.justgiving.com/elliedunning or www.justgiving.com/susandunning.                   every morning so we could watch
   And to find out how to join them see page 14.                                       Tweenies together, she would do my
                                                                                       hair and then I would get the tube
My name is Ellie, I am 11 years old          too. The next day we went to see her      with daddy and go to nursery. That
and I’m going to take part in the            and she looked so much better. She        was in 2000 and I am happy to say
Adidas Women's 5k Challenge. I don't         told me that they had taken out what      mum is much better now. I feel sad
know if I can run that far, but I            had made her so ill. It was the size of   that she is always in so much pain
promise everyone who sponsors me             a melon and she weighed 12 lb             and glad she has new medication to
that I’ll walk as fast as I can.             lighter. She couldn't move but was a      help. All the surgery and chemo left
                                             lot happier. Then I got sad again         her with fibromyalgia (I had to look up
I know I’m not a woman yet, but want                                                   the spelling). With her new tablets
                                             when I realised mummy wasn't
to do this to support my mum and                                                       she is much more like the old mum I
                                             coming home that night, or the one
raise money for Ovacome, so they                                                       remember. I am happy she survived.
                                             after that or the one after that too. I
can help other families, whose mums                                                    My mum's doctor ignored all her
                                             remember walking back to the car
have cancer of the ovaries. My mum                                                     signs and symptoms, Ovacome works
                                             and she waved at us through the
found out she had cancer when I was                                                    hard to make sure GPs are aware of
                                             window. It's etched on my memory, I
three and I remember it so well.                                                       the signs and symptoms and, as
                                             would have given anything to have
Everyone thinks three-year-olds don't                                                  mum keeps telling me, we have to
                                             been able to stay with her, and I
understand: well, they are wrong, I                                                    help Ovacome help other families. I
                                             remember thinking if I was very good
did! I can remember going to the                                                       hope you sponsor me.
                                             and quiet I could just stay and sleep
hospital with mum because she was
                                             on a corner of her bed.
so ill and having to leave her in                                                      Susan adds:
accident and emergency, because we           After about three days my grandma
had to go home and eat.                      came and stayed with us which made        I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer
                                             me happier. Mummy came out of             in 2000 and happy to be here to tell
I go to hospital a lot because my                                                      the tale. Being Ellie’s mum means I
                                             hospital and I was glad. A few days
body reacts funny to food and I go                                                     can't get out of this one! I hope we
                                             later mummy found out she had
into anaphylactic shock, so it is                                                      will raise lots of money for Ovacome.
                                             cancer. She told me that she had
difficult to find food safe for me to eat.                                             Like many ovarian cancer patients,
                                             some wonky cells in her and she was
I remember later that night, the phone                                                 despite obvious symptoms, I was
                                             going to have some medicine that
rang and it was my mum. I was                                                          misdiagnosed for many years by my
                                             would make her hair fall out, but I
asleep on my dad's knee with my hat                                                    GP, until I was taken into hospital for
                                             wasn't to worry because it would
and coat on waiting for her to call us                                                 an emergency appendectomy. I want
                                             make her feel better and her hair
to pick her up. It was after 11pm and                                                  to support Ovacome’s work in re-
                                             would grow again. My mum has
she told us that she was going to                                                      educating GPs to the signs and
                                             lovely hair. She would travel into the
have an operation that night. I                                                        symptoms of ovarian cancer. Co-
cried and I think my dad did                                                            hosting the Consensus Conference
                                                                                        Ovacome and funding research
                                                                                        makes the goal of early detection
                                                                                        that much closer. As a committee
                                                                                        member I know just how hard
                                                                                        everyone works on our behalf and
                                                                                        how important their work is. I am
                                                                                        also hoping to rope Steve my
                                                                                        husband in and try to get some
                                                                                        match funding from the company he
                                                                                        works for, so watch this space and
                                                                                        website. If you can't sponsor me
                                                                                       make sure you sponsor Ellie!
Left, Ellie with Ovacome’s patron Jenny Agutter. Right, Team Ovacome
2007 raised over £2000 in the Adidas 5k Challenge

from our postbag
Pam's not-so-merry                        decided that I should have some tests
                                          to try to find out what was going on. I
                                                                                    throughout the treatment and my hair
                                                                                    thinned out a bit; fortunately these
Christmas, but very                       had many tests over a period of three
                                          months, but continued to feel totally
                                                                                    were the only side effects.
                                                                                    Towards the end of the treatment my
happy new year                            exhausted and lost a great deal of
                                                                                    consultant said my CA125 blood test
Two weeks before Christmas in 1988        weight as I hadn't eaten properly for
                                                                                    was showing a dramatic drop in the
I had stomach pains that the GP           three months. On one of my many
                                                                                    number of bad cells; he thought I was
thought were cramp associated with        visits to my GP he decided to send
                                                                                    doing really well and responding to
periods as it was near my monthly         me for an ultrasound scan.
                                                                                    treatment. I was elated. It was
cycle. When the pills he gave me          It was the scan which revealed that I     fantastic. The CT scan in October
didn't work I was taken into the local    had a big problem in my pelvic area.      showed there had been a
NHS hospital for tests. After a week      Things started to move very fast and      considerable improvement on my last
of living on nil by mouth, the pain       at this point I was asked to have a CT    scan and very little disease to be
subsided and I was allowed home for       scan followed by a visit to see a         seen.
Christmas to be with my family (two       consultant gynaecologist, who told
                                                                                    At an appointment to see the
teenagers and husband to look after).     me I had a tumour on my ovary that
                                                                                    consultant four months later, I found
In early January 1989 I had a CT          could be cancerous. I was then told
                                                                                    out that my CA125 had risen
scan that showed up something that        that his team would call a meeting,
                                                                                    dramatically. I had a scan, which
really should not be there and by the     discuss my case and decide whether
                                                                                    revealed the cancer had spread
end of January I was taken back into      I should have an operation or start
                                                                                    around quite a bit. I was devastated.
hospital for a hysterectomy and           chemotherapy. As the tumour was
removal of both ovaries. I was then       too close to other organs, it would be    I have finished my last round of
sent to another NHS hospital for five     too much of a risk to operate and I       chemotherapy, six cycles of
weeks of radiotherapy. Unfortunately,     was put on chemotherapy                   mitroxantrone and taxol which was
as I was only 42, I was thrust straight   immediately. It was such a scary          given over two days every three
into an early menopause and               time.                                     weeks. Despite having lost my hair, I
because of the type of cyst involved                                                feel well and hopeful for the future
HRT was out of the question.                                                        and busy preparing for my holiday.
However, I was very fortunate to be
spared a lot of the horrific symptoms                                               Cancer and migraine
that some women get with the                                                        First the bad news, July 06, aged 61,
menopause.                                                                          I was diagnosed with advanced
That was a good few years ago and I                                                 ovarian cancer. Since then, I have
consider myself very lucky to have                                                  had two complete courses of
been given such brilliant care in both                                              chemotherapy and a hysterectomy.
Norfolk hospitals. After five years of                                              So what is the good news? Well the
checkups I was discharged from                                                      good news is that the migraine
hospital. Now, I have annual blood                                                  attacks that have plagued my life for
checks, am aged 61 and have seven                                                   over 40 years (the same headaches
grandchildren and enjoy every minute                                                that have recently been labelled as
of them.                                                                            Chronic Daily Headaches) have
Pam Cooper                                                                          virtually stopped. In the six months
                                                                                    before diagnosis, I needed to take 55
Thank you, Pam, for your story as it                                                doses of Imigran (a considerable
is great to report on 20 years                                                      reduction on 10 years prior), but in
survival. Since your diagnosis,           The plan was for me to have three         the last six months I have only
treatment of ovarian cancer has           chemotherapy sessions (carboplatin)       needed 13 in total. Ironically since
changed. Nowadays women tend to           and then have another scan to see if      diagnoses and treatment I have felt
have chemotherapy after surgery,          the tumour (or 'alien', as my mother      much better, albeit it living with an
rather than radiotherapy.                 calls it) had shrunk enough for me to     unknown future.
                                          have the operation. After the second
Pauline's story                           scan it was decided that it had not       Andrea Tench
I first became ill in December 2006       shrunk enough to operate, so I began
with what seemed to be a bad tummy        another three chemotherapy
bug. My symptoms were diarrhoea,          sessions. I have to say the
lack of appetite and tiredness. My        chemotherapy was not as scary as I
GP became concerned after I had           first thought it would be. The staff at
returned to see him with the same         the hospital were very supportive and
symptoms a number of times and he         kind. I continued to be very tired

A pre-Christmas bargain!                                                                              Marathon runners
We still have some stock of our 2006 and 2007 Christmas cards                                         shine through the rain
which you can snap up at the bargain price of just £1.50 per pack
(plus P&P). Our cards can be purchased using your credit or debit                                     Congratulations to all our London Marathon
card by calling 020 7299 6654. If you prefer, please complete the                                     runners who had an amazingly successful
form below and send it together with a cheque made payable to                                         day. In total they raised an astonishing
Ovacome, to the office.                                                                               £14,500, and money is still coming in.
                                                                                                      Particular mention to Andrew Bresler who
                                                                                                      managed to haul a (rather soggy) ostrich
 A                                                                                    B               with him, and together they completed the
                                                                                                      course in 4 hours 47 minutes, raising over
                                                                                                      A huge thank you to all our runners, their
                                                                                                      families and supporters who have
                                                                                                      contributed to this fantastic total.
                                                                                                      Although applications via the London
                                                                                                      Marathon website ffor next year are now
                                                                                                      closed, Ovacome does have a number of
                                                                                                      gold bond places for Ovacome runners, and
   Snow White 160 x 160mm                           Luxurious Touch 140 x 140mm
                                                                                                      will hold a draw in October. Priority will go to
 Message: ‘With Best Wishes for                     Message: ‘With Best Wishes for                    those who have already applied for a place
  Christmas and the New Year’                        Christmas and the New Year’                      in the regular ballot and/or to those with a
                                                                                                      personal reason for running for Ovacome.
                                                                                                      Please phone the office for more details.
                                                                                                      Unbelievable Rona
                                                                                                         Rona Murray, a tireless fundraiser,
                                                                                                       sent us this note about her next
                                    C                                                                  exploit. We hope to bring you more
                                                                                                       about her in a future issue.
                                                     Say sNOw .. to ovarian cancer
                                                            98 x 130 mm                                You can sponsor Rona by going to her
    Peace and Joy (Dove) 140 x
                                                                                                       fundraising page at
                                                     Message: ‘With Best Wishes for
              140mm                                                                                    http://www.justgiving.com/rona_murray
                                                      Christmas and the New Year
   Message: ‘Season's Greetings’
                                                                                                      On 18 April, I will be leaving for the
                 Christmas card order form                                                            Canadian Arctic to trek 110 miles across the
                                                                                                      Penny Ice Cap on Baffin Island. This may
 Please return this form, with a cheque or postal order payable to                                    seem a little unusual, but perhaps ‘unusual’
 Ovacome, to Ovacome (Cards), PO Box 6294, London W1A 7JW                                             should be my middle name. The trek will
 _____      packs of Design A                  _____       packs of Design B                          involve ‘man’-hauling my own sled,
 _____      packs of Design C                  _____       packs of Design D                          containing all the equipment and provisions
 all at £1.50                                                                                         necessary for a two-week trek, in
                                                                                                      temperatures that could reach -40oC! And I
 Please add the relevant postage and packaging cost: For 1–5 packs
                                                                                                      am very excited (some would say mad)!
 add £2.50; for 6–10 packs add £4.50; and for 11+ packs add £6.50
                                                                                                      Fewer people have completed this
 I enclose a cheque/postal order for £ _______ payable to Ovacome                                     expedition than have scaled Everest!!
                             PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY                                                   After several other challenges, this will be
 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   my ‘swan-song’ in terms of fund-raising (I
                                                                                                      am, after all, an OAP!) and I am hoping you
 ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      will help me make it my most successful
 .....................................................                                                effort! I particularly want to help Ovacome
                                                                                                      as a way of supporting my dear friend,
 .....................................................                                                Lizzie, who is battling this dreadful disease –
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POSTCODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         keep battling, Lizzie!
 Contact Telephone Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 (in case of order query)

Fundraising Ideas                                                                                                                    justgiving.co.uk
Charity Flowers                                                       adidas Women's Challenge                                       justgiving.co.uk/ovacome
If you are sending flowers to a loved
                                                                      The 2008 adidas Women's 5K                                     puts “the fun back into
one or friend look no further than
                                                                      Challenge (formerly the Hydroactive 5k)                        fundraising’ and changes the
Charity Flowers Direct: as well as
                                                                      is a fun run for women of all ages taking                      way people give to charity.
beautiful flowers you help Ovacome as
                                                                      place in London, Birmingham and                                Donors can give quickly, tax-
15% of the cost is sent to us. Please
                                                                      Liverpool on Sunday 7th September.                             efficiently and easily. You
use the code OVA when ordering. Visit
www.charityflowers.co.uk or contact                                   The Women's Challenge is a fun,                                can raise money for your
the office for a brochure.                                            informal event that you can run, walk or                       favourite cause with
                                                                      just cheer people along in the late                            minimum hassle. Friends
Recycle... for Ovacome                                                summer sunshine. Every year Ovacome                            and family can donate on-
                                                                      supporters and office staff run the event                      line with a credit or debit
Boost your green credentials and raise                                to raise money and spread the word
money for us by recycling old mobile                                                                                                 card – so no more running
                                                                      about Ovacome and this year we're
phones or used printer cartridges. All                                                                                               around with sponsorship
                                                                      absolutely thrilled to have our patron,
makes and models of phone are                                                                                                        forms or chasing money
                                                                      Jenny Agutter, running for Team
accepted and any cartridges except                                                                                                   after events!
                                                                      Ovacome in London!
Epson. We receive around 50p for each
cartridge and around £5 for each mobile                               If you'd like to join us you can enter                         The website is user-friendly
phone. Why not try to arrange a                                       online at (www.womenschallenge.co.uk/                          and Ovacome is a receiving
collection at your place of work?                                     onlinentry) or contact the Ovacome                             charity. Justgiving enables
                                                                      office and we will send you an entry                           Ovacome to receive credit
Just put your mobile or cartridges in a                               form. £5 of your entry fee goes straight                       card donations and opens
padded envelope and send free of                                      to your chosen charity.                                        fundraising to friends and
charge to: Recycling Appeal, Freepost                                 And don't forget to contact the office so                      family abroad who’d like to
nat 22768, Falkirk, Scotland FK2 9BR.                                 we can send you one of our fundraising                         donate.
Don’t forget to quote the Ovacome                                     packs!
reference number - 726235.                                                                                                           To donate: Justgiving can
                                                                                                                                     accept one-off or regular
                                                                                                                                     donations. Please e-mail the
                                                                                                                                     office if you donate to
                                        Fundraising Materials                                                                        Ovacome this way, otherwise
            If you are organising or taking part in a fundraising event etc., please                                                 we are not able to thank you
                               consider the following materials.                                                                     personally.
                                                                     Quantity Required
                                                                                                                                     To sponsor someone
     Ovacome Details. A credit sized card containing                                                                                 involved in a fundraising
     Ovacome's contact details. Free                                                                                                 event: Individual fundraisers
     Ovacome Aims Poster. A4 or A5, containing information                                                                           have their own pages and
     about Ovacome. Free                                                                                                             you can sponsor them
     Ovacome Blank Poster. A4 size, blank for your                                                                                   directly.
     own message. Free                                                                                                               If you are planning a
     Ovacome Balloons. Pack of 30. Free                                                                                              fundraising event: You can
     Ovacome T-shirts/running vests. (£6. Free to those                                                                              set up your own fundraising
     raising over £25). Please indicate size(s) S M L XL                                                                             page.
     Baseball caps (£4 each)                                                                                                         Why not sponsor one of our
                                                                                                                                     current fundraisers on our
     Collecting tins
                                                                                                                                     justgiving.co.uk web page?
     ‘Penny’ boxes for loose change
                                                                                                                                     Ovacome’s justgiving contact
     Fundraising pack
                                                                                                                                     details are as follows:
     Ovacome car stickers to be sold at £1 each. Free
                                                                                                                                     to make a donation:
     Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    www.justgiving.co.uk/ovacom
     Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   e/donate
     ................................................................ .                                                              to create a fundraising
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                                                                                                                                     page: www.justgiving.co.uk/
     Tel (Home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Work) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     Please indicate the amount you need and send your list to the office, with the
     details form on the back page and a cheque payable to Ovacome if necessary.

sources of information
This page lists various resources of information available      treatments can change and new treatments become
from Ovacome. These are free to women with ovarian              available. This enables Ovacome to keep our members
cancer and their families and friends. If you would like        as up to date as possible. Other cancerbackup fact
any, please indicate your requirements below and                sheets listed cover subject areas common to all cancers.
complete the form on the back page with your contact
details. Then simply send the whole of this page to us at       Ovacome on Facebook
the office. If you would like more than one of any item         We now have over 500 fans sharing their personal stories,
please contact the office.                                      swapping information and discussing medical issues on
                                                                our own Facebook page. It’s a great place to view
Ovacome Fact Sheets                                             pictures from events and fundraising activities, as well as
We have our own fact sheets on subject areas particular         to get the latest information from Ovacome.
to ovarian cancer.                                              If you are a Facebook member, why not join us? Just
                                                                search for Ovacome.
cancerbackup Fact Sheets
The fact sheets that concentrate on the different               Ovacome fundraising materials
chemotherapy and other treatments are from                      See page 14 for a list of fundraising materials and an
cancerbackup. Ovacome have decided to have this                 order form.
arrangement with cancerbackup given the speed at which

   Ovacome Fact Sheets
                                                                                                           Tick if req’d
                                                Tick if req’d

   12 Ovarian cancer and your sexuality
   13 The role of radiotherapy in ovarian                       Combination Chemotherapies
       cancer                                                   Paclitaxel and Carboplatin
   14 The staging of ovarian cancer                             Hormonal Therapies
   15 Is there a link between ovarian                           Tamoxifen (as used in breast cancer)
      cancer and talcum powder?                                 Other Treatments
   18 Screening for ovarian cancer                              Erythropoieten (Eprex)
   19 Fertility issues for women with                           G-CSF (Neupogen, Granocyte,
       ovarian cancer                                           Neulasta)
   20 Nutritional advice
                                                                Other Useful Factsheets
   23 Fibre restriction for bowel obstruction
                                                                Germ cell tumours of the ovary
   25 An overview of ovarian cancer                             (ovarian teratoma)
   26 Treatment-induced menopause                               Primary peritoneal cancer
                                                                PICC lines (peripherally inserted
   cancerbackup Fact Sheets                                     central catheters)
                                                Tick if req’d   Implantable ports
   Single Chemotherapies                                        Avoiding infection when you have
   Carboplatin                                                  reduced immunity
   Cisplatin                                                    Controlling nausea and vomiting
   Cyclophosphamide                                             Mouth care during chemotherapy
   Docetaxel (Taxotere)                                         Scalp cooling
   Epirubicin                                                   Ascites
   Etoposide                                                    Pleural effusion
   Gemcitabine (Gemzar)                                         Peripheral neuropathy
   Liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx)
                                                                Financial issues
   Paclitaxel (Taxol)
   Topotecan (Hycamtin)                                         Care of your pets when you have cancer
                                                                Leaflet: are you worried about ovarian
                                                                cancer in the family?

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