Page created by Yvonne Gill
                                               Editorial – for a shared digital future                                4

                                               A warm welcome to eco!                                                 5

                                               eco represents your interests                                          6

                                               Our reach is international                                             7

                                               eco members worldwide – together we achieve more                      8

                                               eco – topics, experts, synergies                                       9

                                               Cutting-edge topics                                                   10

                                               Pleased to meet you: Our services for you                             12
                                                  Certified Senders Alliance – the quality standard in email
                                                  marketing                                                          13
                                                  eco Complaints Office – active against illegal Internet content   14
                                                  eco Youth Protection Officer Service – support on questions of
                                                  youth protection                                                   15
                                                  DE-CIX – where networks meet                                      16
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                                  eco External Data Protection Officer Service                      18
                                                  EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e. V. – a strong network for the
                                                  cloud                                                              19
                                                  EuroCloud Native moving the industry                              20
                                                  Channel2Cloud: The IT system house initiative                     21
                                                  #LiT – Ladies in Tech                                             22
                                                  Gaia-X: eco supports the conception of a sovereign
                                                  European data infrastructure                                       23

 Service-Meister – the AI platform for companies           24
   SIWECOS – on the safe side                                25
   Datacenter Star Audit (DCSA)                              26
   StarAudit for cloud providers                             26
   eco Legal Consultations                                   26
   dotmagazine – for your expertise                          27
   Keep up to speed thanks to the eco Academy                27

 e co events – up-to-date know-how combined with
network power                                                 28
   eco://kongress – valuable ideas and impetus               29
   eco://awards – for the best in the industry               29
   Berlin events – politics and industry in dialogue         29
   Local networking                                          30
   Information, business and fun at the ISDs                 30
   CSA Summit – for better email quality                     30
   Informal industry meetings in abundance                   31

                                                                   eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
From near or far – eco is there for you                       32

Optimally informed and presented                              33

We’d be delighted to welcome you on board at eco              34

Your eco member benefits: Our services – your opportunities   35

Editorial – for a shared digital future

                                              When explaining how important the                puting, or the Internet of Things. Or consider   We invite you to not only get to know and
                                              Internet has become, we sometimes use            other developments which are taking place        avail of what we offer – but also to actively
                                              the words “cross-sectional technology” and       more behind the scenes, such as Smart City,      participate in shaping it.
                                              “foundational technology”. Now, it could         the data center industry, and the range of
                                              be that these two terms don’t strike you as      diverse jobs concerning regulation and In-       We look forward to having you on board!
                                              particularly gripping – but then, just try for   ternet governance.
                                              a moment to imagine what a day without                                                            Harald A. Summa         Alexander Rabe
                                              the Internet would look like.                    The Internet is omnipresent and growing          CEO                     Managing Director
                                                                                               from year to year – which makes it all the
                                              We’re not talking here about opting for          more important that we proactively shape         eco – Association of the Internet Industry
                                              a voluntary digital detox – rather, try to vi-   digital change together. If we want to turn
                                              sualize a day during which, for example, the     our digital future into one which is bright,
                                              automotive industry, the transport system,       we need courage and vision. And we need
                                              or our services sector would have to get         a common platform, because lone players
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                              by without the Internet. Think it through.       will always struggle in the digital ecosystem.

                                              Did this get your attention?                     Here at eco, the key players of the Inter-
                                                                                               net connect with each other and exchange
                                              Our industry serves as the foundation and        experiences and ideas – and increasingly,
                                              aggregator for other industries. But not on-     so too do companies who could not sur-
                                              ly that: we also develop our own products        vive without the Internet. Our association
                                              and solutions with a degree of innovation        already includes more than 1,100 member
                                              and at a speed which can sometimes even          companies from over 70 countries. This gives
                                              make experts’ heads spin.                        us the opportunity to learn from each oth-
                                                                                               er, to grow together, and to jointly develop
                                              Much of what started on the Internet is what     and stand behind industry, regulatory, and
                                              everybody’s talking about today. Just think      political positions.
                                              of Smart Home, e-government, cloud com-
A warm welcome to eco!

eco shapes the Internet                          eco connects across industries                   eco creates standards

With more than 1,100 member companies            Digital transformation is permeating more        In our expert and competence groups, you
from over 70 countries, eco is the largest       and more areas of our lives. This is also ex-    will find the ideal platform for exchange on
Internet industry association in Europe.         panding the spectrum of our association          current and future Internet topics and for
Since 1995 we have played a decisive role        work – and not only in terms of content.         the further development of these topics.
in shaping the development of the Internet:      It is essential that we shape progress and
We foster new technologies, infrastructures,     change together!                                 Work with us to develop industry stan-
and markets, and form framework conditions.                                                       dards, guidelines, position statements, and
                                                 Companies in the information and tele-           white papers, with eco representing your
Internet with responsibility                     communications industry need to interact         voice in politics and industry in articulat-
                                                 closely with traditional industries in order     ing these demands.
Together with our members, we are com-           to create a sustainably functioning digital
mitted to a free, technology-neutral, net-       ecosystem. eco serves as a neutral platform      Through its close connection to DE-CIX, eco
work-neutral, and high-performance Inter-        which allows points of view, goals, and con-     itself is a part of the industry and an ac-
net. We thereby want to support the security     cerns to be discussed on an equal footing.       tive shaper of digital transformation, with
and the reliability of the Internet, as well     We bring our members and industry stake-         strong technological core competencies in

                                                                                                                                                   eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
as build trust in it. Our goal is to shape the   holders into dialogue with academia, soci-       the fields of infrastructure and security.
digital transformation of society and the        ety, and politics.
economy in the best possible way so that                                                          Seals of quality developed by eco set stan-
successful economic action can succeed on        With a wide range of events, we promote          dards and make the market more transpar-
the basis of our democratic values.              active exchange and networking: region-          ent for providers and users. These standards
                                                 ally, nationally, and also internationally. In   sustainably strengthen the Internet and
As the voice of the Internet industry, we        this way, we want to enlist as many mem-         digital industry as the engine of the overall
assume societal responsibility for ethically     bers as possible to our common ecosystem         economy. eco’s advisory services for mem-
oriented digitalization.                         and connect them with each other in a way        bers and its services for Internet users offer
                                                 which creates added value for all.               support on legal issues, increase security,
                                                                                                  and improve youth protection.

eco represents your interests

                                              As an international pioneering competence
                                              alliance and a network partner for indus-
                                              try and politics, our goal is to sustainably
                                              strengthen providers of digital infrastruc-
                                              ture and services. One of our most important                                                                                 Foto: CC BY-SA3.0

                                              tasks in this respect is that of representing
                                              our members’ interests vis-à-vis politics       The Competence Group Law & Regulations           We are also a driving force of the Internet
                                              and in national and international commit-       provides up-to-date information on legal         Governance Forum (IGF). At the IGF-D (Ger-
                                              tees. With our offices in Cologne, Berlin,      policy issues and legislative projects. It       many) and the European Dialogue on Inter-
                                              and Brussels, we are on location for all of     serves to coordinate lobbying activities and     net Governance (EuroDIG), eco also engages
                                              the relevant decision-making processes.         to facilitate the exchange of experience and     in dialogue with state representatives, in-
                                                                                              views among members. Through the asso-           ternational organizations, the private sec-
                                              Political engagement at German and              ciation, members are given the opportunity       tor, and civil society on topical problems of
                                              European level                                  early on to play an active role in legislation   the Internet and possible global solutions.
                                                                                              and, in so doing, to participate in shaping
                                              The eco Policy, Law & Regulations division      the future of legal policy.                      eco also represents its members at ICANN,
                                              promotes Internet-friendly regulations that                                                      the “Internet Corporation for Assigned
                                              open up optimal development opportuni-          Active in important committees                   Names and Numbers”, through its involve-
                                              ties for the dynamic and innovative Inter-                                                       ment in various Supporting Organizations.
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                              net industry, thereby offering the greatest     eco is a founding member of EuroISPA, the        ICANN coordinates the assignment of unique
                                              possible scope for your entrepreneurial         European umbrella organization of Inter-         names and addresses on the Internet.
                                              visions. In collaboration with our members,     net service provider associations. We work
                                              we participate in important national and        closely together with EuroISPA in order to       In addition, eco, together with other part-
                                              international legislative processes on the      keep you informed at the earliest possible       ners from politics and industry, participates
                                              strength of consultancy work and position       point about ongoing EU legal proceedings in      in various initiatives and alliances to com-
                                              papers. In so doing, with our legal and tech-   Brussels and to influence decision-making        bat illegal Internet content and to promote
                                              nical know-how, we are able to influence        processes at European level on your behalf.      youth media protection on the Internet.
                                              all Internet-relevant issues such as platform
                                              regulation, data protection, copyright, youth   eco is active in international committees        Further information on the Policy,
                                              protection, telecommunications regulations,     with a view to continuously advancing and        Law & Regulations division:
                                              and artificial intelligence.                    shaping the topic of Internet governance
                                                                                              as part of the multi-stakeholder approach.

Our reach is international
                                                                                               Lars Steffen
                                                                                               Director eco International

                                                                                               Judith Ellis
                                                                                               Project Manager dotmagazine

                                                                                               Cáit Kinsella
                                                                                               Project Manager eco International

The Internet does not stop at national bor-     dotmagazine, which serves as a platform        Eilin Geraghty
ders – and neither, of course, does the work    for specialist articles from our members and   Project Manager eco International
of eco! Which is why eco also represents its    partners. The English-language newsletter
members’ interests in international commit-     eco european provides up-to-date infor-        Ladan Raeisian
tees and cooperates intensively with part-      mation on political developments in Berlin,    Project Assistant eco International
ner associations and organizations from         Brussels, and Europe.
other countries.
                                                The team is on hand to assist eco interna-
The eco International team coordinates the      tional members so that they can benefit to
global association activities and the pres-     the greatest possible extent from the as-
ence of eco at specialist congresses and in-    sociation’s many advantages and services.

                                                                                                                                     eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
dustry events in order to connect members
and partners worldwide with each other and      Further information:
to integrate them into eco’s work.    
With this in mind, we produce a steady
stream of English-language communication
for our members: All relevant studies, guide-
lines, information material, and news are
published in both English and German, as is
all important news from the industry, which
we also share with international partners.

The highlight of eco International’s work
is the English-language online publication
eco members worldwide – together we achieve more

                                              Digitalization is fundamentally changing            This holds true not only for ICT companies,                          eco Data Protection Service for
                                              people’s private and working lives. Globally,       but also for traditional industries, a fact                          international members
                                              value creation processes are being defined          which is reflected in the continuously grow-
                                              and organized anew.                                 ing number and diversity of eco members.                             The EU General Data Protection Regulation
                                                                                                                                                                       is not only relevant for companies based in
                                              Anyone who wants to be successful in this           When many individual players come togeth-                            Europe, but also applies to all companies with
                                              world going into the future must rise to the        er and speak with one voice, they end up                             customers in the EU, regardless of where
                                              challenges of digital transformation.               achieving far more.                                                  they are headquartered. Within the frame-
                                                                                                                                                                       work of our eco Data Protection Service, we
                                                                                                                                                                       support member companies outside of Ger-
                                                                                                                                                                       many in ensuring compliance with Europe-
                                              Head offices of eco member companies 2019
                                                                                                                                                                       an data protection regulations. Whether it
                                                                                                                                                                       is a matter of creating legal compliance in
                                                                                                                                                                       processes, training employees, or reacting
                                                                                                                                                                       effectively to security incidents – eco is on
                                                                                                                                                                       hand to support you.

                                                                                                                                                                       Benefits for you
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                                                                                                                                                       • O ver 20 years of experience and expert
                                                                                                                                                                          know-how in the IT and telecommuni-
                                                                                                                                                                          cations sector
                                                                                                                                                                       • Legal security in European business
                                                                                                                                        Member companies per country
                                                                                                                                                                       • Customized data protection workshops
                                                                                              0   1-5   6-10   11-20   21-40   41-60+
                                                                                                                                                                          and audits, as well as help with
                                                                                                                                                                          security incidents
                                                                                                                                                                       • eco as your legal EU representative

                                                                                                                                                                       Further information & contact:
eco – topics, experts, synergies

The developments taking place in the Inter-     Benefits for you
net industry are as fast and dynamic as their
medium: Constantly changing technologies,       • M eet with experts and learn from the                                                                       • P resent your own services and
framework conditions, and content require a        best practices of others                                                                                       products and share your experience
continuous exchange among market players.       • Avail of our meetings for their inspiring                                                                   • Work with us to develop industry
                                                   specialist dialogue and effective net-                                                                         standards and recommendations for
Our competence and expert groups and our           working                                                                                                        market-determining industry and
rounds of discussion and talks keep you                                                                                                                           political decisions
up-to-date on all the latest developments.
They also help you to assess the relevance
of global market developments for your
business. They offer you a wealth of cur-
rent topics, exciting ideas, and stimulus as
well as practical know-how.
                                                                  Data Cent
                                                                              res in Euro
                                                                                            pe – Opp
                                                                                                                                                                ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)
                                                                                                                    for Sustaina
                                                                                                                                   ble Digitalisa
                                                                                                                                                                ITS POTENTIAL AND THE LASTING TRANSFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                OF THE GERMAN ECONOMY
                                                                                                                                                                A Study by eco – Association of the Internet Industry and Arthur D. Little

           IN GERMANY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
                                                        DATA CEN
                                                        OPPORTU TRES IN EUROPE
                                                    ISBN 978-3-9821487-2-4

                                                    © eco – Association of the Internet Industry and Arthur D. Little
                                                        DIGITALI ITIES FOR SUSTA
                                                                SATION           INABLE
                                                        Part 2
                                                                                                         eco –
                                                    Arthur D.      published
                                                               Little                                    Association of the Internet Industry
                                                                             in German
                                                    The Squaire 13                     on 10 Nove        Lichtstr. 43h
                                                                                                  mber 2020
                                                    D-60600 Frankfurt am Main, Germany                   D-50825 Cologne, Germany
                                                      Ralph Hint
    Study partners                                                emann
                                                      Simon Hint
                                                     Jens Clau

Cutting-edge topics

                                              Digital business models                                                                                                  Data centers
                                                                                                                                                                       The eco Data Center
                                              The structural transformation brought about                                                                              Expert Group and the
                                              by digitalization is reshaping traditional in-                                                                           Data Center Infra-
                                              dustries and economic sectors. New business                                                       structure and Data Center Efficiency Com-
                                              models are being created every day, and ex-                                                       petence Groups handle all topics to do with
                                              isting applications are being optimized. In the                                                   data centers. A particular focus is applied to
                                              Digital Business Models division, we identify                                                     the further rollout of broadband connectiv-
                                              key technologies for digital transformation.                            Digital infra-            ity, outsourcing of data, computation time
                                              In doing so, we look at the bigger picture in                           structures                in data centers, and topics such as IT per-
                                              certain topic areas and examine their po-                              Efficient digital in-      formance and energy efficiency.
                                              tential for new types of business models                               frastructures are of
                                              on a cross-sectional basis. Our field of ac-      central importance for functioning digital
                                              tivity includes, for example, the transfer of     economic ecosystems and for Germany as          Networks
                                              know-how in the area of online marketing,         a business location. This involves a secure     The Competence Group Networks serves as
                                              measures to optimize e-commerce activi-           network infrastructure and high-perfor-         a platform that deals on a broad basis with
                                              ties or to strengthen confidence in services      mance data centers, which together form         traffic-based business models. It promotes
                                              or products, as well as solutions related to      the backbone of digitalization.                 dialogue between developers and represen-
                                              blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI).                                                      tatives of Internet service providers, hosts
                                                                                                Alliance for the Strengthening of
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                                                                                                                                and carriers, among others.
                                              In addition to the Service-Meister project,       Digital Infrastructures in Germany    
                                              our focus here is also on the Gaia-X project.     In 2018, the “Alliance for the Strengthen-
                                              Supported by representatives of the German        ing of Digital Infrastructures in Germany”                             Email
                                              federal government, industry, and academia,       was founded under the umbrella of eco as a                            A further focus of
                                              the project aims to create a transparent and      beacon project for the strategic integration                          eco is that of devel-
                                              legally compliant data ecosystem for Europe,      of its members. The intent of the alliance of                         opments in the field
                                              one which enables digital sovereignty and         companies is to collectively draw attention     of email. In addition to keeping abreast of
                                              promotes innovation in Europe.                    to the importance of digital infrastructures    current trends and developing guidelines for
                                                                                                and to enter into a constructive dialogue       reliable email marketing, the main empha-
                                              Further information is available at:              with politicians.                               sis is on technical content that is of critical
                                                       importance for both senders and recipients.

Quality assurance and enhancement al-                                   Names & Numbers            to inspire others, eco has launched the ini-
so play a major role, especially within the                            When it comes to the        tiative “LiT – Ladies in Tech”. This initiative
framework of the Certified Senders Alliance                            field of domains, one       includes networking events, the establish-
(CSA). The eco Competence Group Email is                               of the focal points of      ment of a panel of female speakers, a se-
also an integral part of the German Inter-       eco’s engagement is participation in the          ries of interviews in which inspiring women
net industry, with its focus being the de-       wide-ranging activities of various ICANN          in the Internet industry take the floor, and
velopment of common standards for email.         Supporting Organizations. The eco Compe-          the publication of an international study,                      tence Group Names & Numbers Forum brings          “Women in Tech: A Good Practice Guide
                                                 together more than 160 companies from the         for Companies”.
                      Internet of Things         domain industry worldwide. In addition to
                     Current developments        supporting topics of importance to the in-
                     and business trends         dustry as a whole, intensive exchange with
                     in the interconnected       industry experts is also promoted.
world are the focus of the topic Internet of                                       Security
Things (IoT). The competence group of the                                                                                In order to increase
same name explores various segments of                                  New Work                                         trust in the Internet,
the IoT value chain, business models, and                             The digitalization of                              the topic of securi-
topics such as Smart City, Smart Home,                                the world of work            ty is of immense importance to eco! For
and mobility.                                                         and work processes is        this reason, a dedicated competence group                   bringing about many changes. It above all         deals with important questions concerning
of-things                                        offers new potential for making everyday          the security of the Internet industry’s (IT)
                                                 working life more flexible.                       infrastructures. The content ranges from
Artificial intelligence                                                                            personnel and organizational security, to

                                                                                                                                                     eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
eco is strongly committed to the ethical         The Competence Group New Work sees it-            the protection of IT systems, right through
use of artificial intelligence (AI). The asso-   self as a companion and guide on the road         to questions of security management and
ciation is engaged in projects dealing with      to the digital working world. It deals with       employee sensitization.
the standardization and normalization of         the impacts on the economy and on society,
AI, as well as in initiatives that promote the   provides momentum, presents best practices,       An additional competence group entitled
development of this technology for people        and brings different interest groups together.    “Anti-Abuse” serves the member-internal
and companies.                                                                                     exchange on current abuse topics and their
                                                                       For eco, the promotion      challenges for the companies. The meetings
The study “Artificial Intelligence: Its Poten-                         of women and diversi-       are supported by technical and legal pre-
tial and the Lasting Transformation of the                             ty is a central issue for   sentations, for example on internal tools or
German Economy” is widely regarded as an                               the future success of       processes, abuse handling in other countries,
important guide exploring the impact of AI       Europe as a digital location. In order to give    and trends in cyber crime.
for companies.                                   successful female specialists and managers                 the stronger voice that they deserve and
intelligence                                                                                                                                         11
Pleased to meet you:
 Our services for you
Independent seals of quality,
cost-neutral data exchange,
support on questions concerning
data protection and the cloud:
eco’s services support the market,
companies, and Internet users.
Certified Senders Alliance –
the quality standard in email marketing

The Certified Senders Alliance (CSA)            a mailbox provider delivers an email to the     Benefits for you
has existed since 2004 as a central             inbox or classifies it as spam. The reputa-
certification body for email senders.           tion of an email sender is determined by a      • Improved delivery and deliverability
The joint project of eco and the Ger-           number of factors. In this age of information      of your commercial emails
man Dialog Marketing Association                overload and dangerous spoofing attacks,        • Protection against legal and financial
(DDV) sets high legal and technical             companies must send user-relevant emails           risks through full compliance with
quality standards and certifies com-            that meet current quality standards and al-        legal standards
panies that meet these standards.               low neat and clear conclusions to be drawn      • C SA seal of quality promotes your
                                                about the identity of the sender.                  trustworthiness
This offers numerous advantages for the                                                         • Reputation protection through early

                                                                                                                                            eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
senders and at the same time reduces the        The CSA provides certified senders with the        warnings from the eco Complaints
burden on the mail security teams of the        best possible support in protecting their          Office and daily spam trap reports
participating mailbox providers. The quality    existing and future reputation. Not only        • Support for technical problems
standards are based on internationally ap-      do they receive automated notifications at      • Access to current technical and legal
plicable law and the technical requirements     an early stage, but they also benefit from         developments in the industry through
of the mailbox providers. They are regularly    personalized advice from the eco Com-              publications and events
updated in line with the current legal basis    plaints Office, which is an important pillar    • Workshops and webinars for optimized
and market requirements.                        for quality assurance.                             deliverability management and legally
                                                                                                   compliant email campaigns
Protect your reputation
Just as protecting your own brand in mar-                                                       Further information and contact:
keting is crucial, so too is protecting your                                          
own domain and IP reputation in email mar-                                            
keting. This is decisive in resolving whether
eco Complaints Office – active against
                                              illegal Internet content

                                              For over 20 years now, the eco                tion platform for young people jugend.           to the relevant partner. In this way, this
                                              Complaints Office has been fighting           support as well as via the German portal         content is followed up in the respective
                                              successfully against illegal content             country of origin.
                                              on the Internet and is committed to
                                              ensuring that illegal content is taken        Closely networked nationally and                 Benefits for you
                                              down and that criminal offences are           internationally
                                              reported to the authorities. In                                                                • E asy and simple submission of com-
                                              addition, the Complaints Office is            In order to effectively fight illegal Internet      plaints on illegal Internet content
                                              engaged in ensuring better youth              content, cooperation with other actors is        • Legal expertise
                                              protection on the Internet.                   essential. Among others, eco works together      • Cooperation with law enforcement
                                                                                            with providers, partner complaint offices,          agencies
                                              The work of the eco Complaints Office         and law enforcement agencies.                    • Network of experts and committee
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                              is based on voluntary cooperation with so-                                                        work at national and international level
                                              ciety as a whole, and its fundament is that   As (co-)operator of the portal www.inter-        • Know-how and experience flowing into
                                              of the self-regulation of providers and the, eco is part of           the political representation of interests
                                              engagement of Internet users.                 the German Safer Internet Centre (www.           • Neutral, transparent processes
                                                                                   ). Here the eco Complaints
                                              All Internet users can report suspected       Office is also active in the promotion of        The eco Complaints Office is part of the eco
                                              illegal content free of charge and anony-     media competence and sensitization on            Policy, Law & Regulations division.
                                              mously under            the Internet.
                                              eco-complaints-office. The Complaints                                                          Further information and contact:
                                              Office’s lawyers then assess whether the      eco is a founding member of INHOPE     
                                              reported content violates German law and,     (, the international um-
                                              in cases of violations, take appropriate      brella organization of Internet hotlines.
                                              measures. The eco Complaints Office can       Within the worldwide network, detected
                                              also be reached via the German informa-       illegal Internet content can be forwarded
eco Youth Protection Officer Service –                                                                       UT


support on questions of youth protection
                                                                                                                   R T I FI E D

Youth protection on the Internet is a          Our eco Youth Protection Officer              Youth protection is a task for society
task for society as a whole. With the          Service is happy to support you and           as a whole
eco Youth Protection Officer Service,          can offer you:
both eco members and external                                                                Youth protection on the Internet requires
companies have the opportunity to              • C omprehensive consultation on             more than the operation of a complaints
make their contribution to this                   matters relating to youth protection       office and support within the framework of
cause.                                         • A neutral point of contact between         a youth protection officer service. As such,
                                                  you and your users                         eco is involved in a variety of committees
If you’re operating in Germany as a tele-      • Minimization of liability risk             on the topic of youth protection and sup-
media provider, you may even be obliged        • Prevention of official fines and written   ports projects which elevate children’s and
to appoint a Youth Protection Officer in          warnings                                   young people’s media competence.
accordance with the German Interstate          • Increase in user trust through effective
Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the         youth protection                           In addition, with its Youth Media Protec-
Media (JMStV). One of the central tasks of     • Up-to-date information on develop-         tion Expert Lunch, eco offers association
a youth protection officer is to advise pro-      ments and legal changes in the area        members active in this field an open forum

                                                                                                                                            eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
viders. The officer is also the contact per-      of youth media protection                  for providing information and exchanging
son for users and the point of contact for     • A service based on the type of provider    experiences and views.
official oversight.                            • A seal of quality/logo for your website
                                                                                             Further information:
Benefit from eco’s many years of experience                                        
in assessing online content in the field of    Further information and contact:              fice/for-companies/youth-media-protec-
youth media protection and its participa-            tion-expert-lunch
tion in an international network.    

DE-CIX – where networks meet

                                                                                             DE-CIX is a founding member of Euro-IX           Under the motto “Closer to the Edge” DE-
                                                                                             (, the world’s largest con-      CIX, with the help of partners, is opening up
                                                                                             sortium of Internet Exchanges.                   new access points in data centers and broad-
                                                                                                                                              ening its coverage beyond the established
                                                                                             We make interconnection easy.                    central telecommunications hubs. Small and
                                                                                             Anywhere.                                        medium-sized enterprises in particular can
                                              As an association, we know exactly                                                              thus connect in an uncomplicated manner
                                              what we’re talking about: As a 100 %           A stable infrastructure enables network          to the wide range of networks and services.
                                              shareholder of DE-CIX Group AG,                connections between regions, industries,
                                              we ourselves have been part of the             and digital ecosystems. Only in this way can     DE-CIX interconnection services
                                              industry since 1995, and are thor-             companies transport, store, share, administer,
                                              oughly familiar with day-to-day                and analyze the raw material, data – and,        The highest level of quality, security, and
                                              business.                                      with their data, successfully operate their      low latencies are an absolute must for DE-
                                                                                             business. Such interconnection solutions         CIX. This applies both to infrastructure and
                                              DE-CIX is the world’s leading operator of      are the core service of DE-CIX.                  services, which give customers the flexibility
                                              carrier-neutral and data center-neutral In-                                                     required to be prepared for future needs –
                                              ternet Exchanges in Europe, the Middle         Operating since 1995, DE-CIX in Frankfurt        and to derive maximum benefit from their
                                              East, North America, India, and South East     now records a data throughput of more than       DE-CIX-connected infrastructure.
                                              Asia. More than 140 employees from around      ten Terabits per second at peak times. This
                                                                                                                                              DE-CIX Cloud Exchange -
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                              30 nations ensure the delivery of seamless     is equivalent to the simultaneous trans-
                                              peering and innovative premium intercon-       mission of more than two million videos in       DirectCLOUD as an established
                                              nection services worldwide.                    HD quality, or a data volume equivalent to       service
                                                                                             approximately two billion written DIN A4
                                              With peering at DE-CIX, Internet and net-      pages (forming a stack of more than 200          Via DirectCLOUD, Internet service providers
                                              work service providers, content providers,     kilometers in height).                           connect directly to a large number of cloud
                                              and companies exchange cost-neutral da-                                                         service providers over their DE-CIX port. In
                                              ta directly and without any detours. DE-CIX    The connected customer capacity of all DE-       so doing, they expand their portfolio for
                                              customers thus have redundant, secure con-     CIX locations worldwide exceeds 80 Terabits.     their customers – and companies find pre-
                                              nections and can control the routes of their   In total, DE-CIX serves almost 2,300 network     cisely those cloud providers that they need.
                                              data traffic. Peering ensures low latencies    operators, Internet service providers (ISPs),
                                              and hence a good user experience.              and content providers from more than 100
                                                                                             countries with peering and interconnection
                                                                                             services at its close to 30 locations.
GlobePEER Remote

With GlobePEER Remote, customers in Ham-
burg, Munich, Dusseldorf, New York, Mar-
seille, Madrid, Lisbon, Palermo, and Istanbul
can connect directly to the Internet Exchange
in Frankfurt and thus have access to data
exchange with almost 2,000 other networks.

Microsoft Azure Peering Service

The Microsoft Azure Peering Service offers
carrier-grade interconnection to the Mic-
rosoft 365 cloud, specifically designed for
enterprises. It enables a 1-hop connection       Events & training                             Benefits for you
with the highest quality for security, band-
width, and latency, optimizing performance       DE-CIX runs DE-CIX Summits at various         • T he world’s leading operator of
of MS 365 applications and MS Dynamics.          locations worldwide as well as roundtable        Internet Exchanges
                                                 events in Hamburg, Dusseldorf, and Munich,    • Access to a very large number of
New innovative interconnection ser-              with a view to facilitating exchange and         peering partners
vices paving the way to a successful             networking opportunities for its customers.   • Uncomplicated connection to almost
future                                                                                            2,300 networks
                                                 The DE-CIX Academy also offers training       • Direct data exchange – without any

                                                                                                                                         eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
Aside from classic peering, DE-CIX’s portfolio   material and webinars on technical topics        detours and cost-neutral
contains numerous innovative interconnec-        related to interconnection.                   • Redundant, secure connections with
tion services, in order to reach new target                                                       low latency
groups and to respond to the transformations     DE-CIX MeetingCenter                          • Premium interconnection services for
brought about by digitalization. In addition                                                      optimal use of infrastructure
to services such as FlexPOP and VirtualPNI,      Covering an area of 170 m2, the DE-CIX        • Know-how and knowledge transfer
so-called Closed User Groups will also be        MeetingCenter offers a premium event space       derived from over 25 years of
offered in the future. The interconnection       with state-of-the-art conference technolo-       experience
ecosystem of DE-CIX can thus be used to          gy. DE-CIX customers and eco members can
set up dedicated user groups (federations)       book the rooms free of charge.                Further information and contact:
as logically separated services.                                                     

eco External Data Protection Officer Service

                                              The EU General Data Protection                   education measures in order to stay up to           Benefits for you
                                              Regulation, the German Federal                   speed with the current legal status.
                                              Data Protection Act, legally secure                                                                  • T he provision of an external Data
                                              processing of personal data – the                By appointing an external data protection              Protection Officer to fulfill your legal
                                              requirements for data protection are             officer, conflicts of interest that may arise          obligations
                                              extensive and often confusing.                   from an internal data protection officer’s          • Support and advice for all of your
                                                                                               other roles in the company can be avoided.             questions related to data protection
                                              With the eco External Data Protection Offi-      In addition, the risk of liability is outsourced.      law
                                              cer Service, we offer our members an exter-                                                          • Outsourcing the risk of liability
                                              nal data protection officer on request, train    The eco service is implemented in coopera-          • Service packages customized for your
                                              employees and managers on data protection        tion with Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft            specific needs
                                              issues, and carry out data protection audits.    mbH and Data Protection Con-           • High level of specialist knowledge and
                                                                                               sulting GmbH.                                          practical experience in the area of the
                                              You receive a professional solution to meet                                                             Internet and telecommunications
                                              the challenges of data protection, fulfil your   Legal compliance ensured                            • No additional costs for the training
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                              legal obligations, avoid penalties, and secure                                                          and further education of staff
                                              competitive advantages.                          eco supports its members in acting in com-          • Internal data audits to check to what
                                                                                               pliance with data protection regulations and           extent your company fulfills the
                                              Internal data protection officers are            in presenting themselves optimally on the              requirements of data protection law
                                              often overburdened                               market. At the same time, through regular           • E xecutive workshops and staff work-
                                                                                               publications, eco raises companies’ aware-             shops on the topic of data protection
                                              Many telecommunications and Internet in-         ness of the importance of data protection.
                                              dustry companies have a legal obligation to
                                              nominate a data protection officer for their                                                         Further information and contact:
                                              company. Internal data protection officers                                                 
                                              have to split their work between their own                                                           external-data-protection-officer
                                              profession and the new task, and have to                                                   
                                              complete extensive training and further

EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e. V. –
a strong network for the cloud

Cloud computing is the major                   EuroCloud promotes innovations for all ar-    Benefits for you
foundation of digitalization, which            eas of business and living on the basis of
will fundamentally change our lives            cloud platforms, and makes it possible to     • E xpert know-how and knowledge
both professionally and privately. At          enable the high speed of IT innovation to        transfer in competence groups,
eco, you are at the very heart of the          be experienced by every industry. EuroClo-       workshops, and collaborative events
“cloud”, thanks to the 2009-founded            ud is the only European, multilateral, and    • First-hand information on market-
EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V.                 non-proprietary cloud association.               changing developments
                                                                                             • Practice-oriented cloud guidelines for
Pioneer of the cloud                           A double helping of industry power               providers and users
                                                                                             • Joint development of orientation aids,
As an independent industry association,        The close cooperation with eco means added       guidelines, and tools
EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V. promotes        value for all members. Active participation   • Cooperation at national and interna-
the cloud market, market transparency, and     in events of both associations and the ex-       tional level in the design of technical

                                                                                                                                          eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
trust in solutions. With guidelines, tools,    tensive valuable contacts make it possible       and legal framework conditions
practice-oriented recommendations, and         to optimally promote your own topics and      • Strong set of contacts, including with
informative events, the association ensures    to help shape framework conditions.              the German federal government and
perfect compatibility in the interaction be-                                                    the EU Commission
tween users and providers of cloud services.   Best of all: As an eco member, membership     • A strong Europe-wide network as part
This is based on the strength of the work of   of EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e. V. does not      of EuroCloud Europe and eco
its competence groups, which focus on the      cost you a single extra cent. As such, you
topics of Law & Compliance, Open Cloud,        receive the benefits of two organizations     Further information and contact:
and Business Communications.                   for the price of one.               

EuroCloud Native moving the industry

                                              The initiative of the eco subsidiary             for customers to choose a cloud native pro-      Benefits for you
                                              association EuroCloud has been                   vider. Because the truth is: the demand for
                                              established to connect innovative                such services in the public cloud is greater     • R epresentation of interests and commu-
                                              cloud natives. Together, these com-              than the supply. With this initiative, Euro-        nication: The market and providers get
                                              panies form a community of digitali-             Cloud provides the necessary know-how and           heard through one voice
                                              zation enablers.                                 paves the way for the success of the public      • Advice and workshops: We enlighten,
                                                                                               cloud in Germany.                                   inform, and educate
                                              Pooling interests, fostering exchange, and                                                        • Best-practice sharing: We learn from
                                              creating transparency: EuroCloud Native is       Dr Nils Kaufmann is Head of the ECN. Thomas         the best and share our knowledge
                                              a new initiative of EuroCloud Deutschland_       Noglik and Felix Höger, who are both Euro-       • Roundtables on current topics:
                                              eco e.V. (EuroCloud), the association of the     Cloud Board Members, support the work and           We exchange ideas, shape the trends,
                                              cloud computing industry in Germany. Since       take care of the connections to the associ-         and talk them through with experts,
                                              2020, the ECN has specifically targeted pro-     ation. Cloud native applications are devel-         the media, and the public
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                              viders of public cloud-based solutions and       oped in the public cloud and for the public      • Development of common quality stan-
                                              services, most of which are young companies      cloud. They are scalable, flexible, and agile,      dards: We professionalize the market
                                              or start-ups. The ECN, founded by experts, is    and fully exploit the technological potential       and offers
                                              not only a specialist forum for cloud native     of virtualization.                               • Product development: We design and
                                              topics, but also serves as a contact point                                                           implement cloud native services
                                              for addressing media questions.                                                                   • Promotion of collaboration between
                                                                                                                                                   public cloud providers: We get ourselves
                                              EuroCloud Native is now giving a voice to                                                            involved and get down to business
                                              the often smaller but sometimes highly spe-
                                              cialized cloud native providers. To this end,                                                     Further information and contact:
                                              the ECN pools the interests of the providers                                            
                                              and makes them visible in order to foster ex-                                                     (German-language)
                                              change, enter into dialogue with hyperscalers,                                          
                                              and – last but not least – to make it easier
Channel2Cloud: The IT system house initiative

Transformation to managed and                     As a competence center, network, and voice      All system houses, solution providers, and IT
cloud services: Channel2Cloud                     for the branch, EuroCloud gives the channel     integrators can get involved. The initiative
strengthens medium-sized system                   a visible platform in the German IT market.     focuses primarily on small to medium-sized
houses in undertaking the required                The goal is to support system houses so that    system houses with an annual turnover of
transformation of their business.                 they can maintain their role as the most im-    up to 100 million Euro. These are struggling
                                                  portant digitalizer of SMEs. The EuroCloud      with particular challenges in transforming
System houses are the backbone of                 community offers like-minded people, ex-        their business, and they need to specialze
digitalization for German SMEs. But the           pertise, and best practices, in order to sup-   and focus even more on industry know­
channel is under pressure: hyperscalers are       port the transition from traditional licens-    ledge and radical customer proximity. It is
threatening its core business. In the long        ing and trading business to managed and         precisely for their interests that EuroCloud
term, the cloud will cause the demand for         cloud services.                                 has launched Channel2Cloud.
local IT supply to dwindle. Smaller system
houses in particular lack the staff, know-        Benefits for you                                Further information and contact:

                                                                                                                                                  eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
how, and resources to convert their business                                            
models to managed & cloud models in a             • A dvice, best practices, and workshops       (German-language)
timely manner. “Channel2Cloud” is an                 for the transformation of the system
initiative of EuroCloud Deutschland_eco              house business
e.V. (EuroCloud), the association of the          • Development and definition of common
cloud computing industry in Germany. It              quality standards for cloud services &
strengthens medium-sized system houses               managed services in the channel
in undertaking the required transformation        • Attractive events and networking with
of their business. The initiative is led by the      relevant market players, experts, and
two EuroCloud Board Members Bernd Krakau             media
and Felix Höger, both of whom have decades        • Roundtables with experts and media on
of experience in the IT system house and             current topics
managed services business.                        • A voice for representation of interests

#LiT – Ladies in Tech

                                                                                                our policy work. By presenting the diverse      Benefits for you
                                                                                                career paths and opportunities for women
                                                                                                in tech, we want to counteract the short-       • A ctive involvement, participation, and
                                                                                                age of skilled workers in the long term and        positioning as a driver of the highly
                                              Women are clearly underrepresented in the         inspire even more women to pursue a career         relevant topic of “women in tech”, both
                                              Internet industry across Europe, with less        in our promising industry.                         socially and economically
                                              than one in five tech specialists being female.                                                   • Positioning as a company with a
                                              At the same time, the industry is taking on       We are looking forward to working                  diverse mind-set and increasing your
                                              board the fact that heterogeneous teams are       with you: Participation desired                    attractiveness as an employer
                                              more successful and innovative. The digital                                                       • More visibility for your female tech
                                              industry is booming, with new business fields     Within our initiative, we rely on the pull-        experts: Placement as speaker at
                                              and job profiles emerging every day. In or-       ing power of an alliance of strong partners        events, testimonials in press releases,
                                              der to ensure the future-proof viability of       from business, science, politics, and civil        and online and offline communication
                                              Europe as a digital location, the promotion       society to do our part in agenda-setting on        measures
                                              of women and diversity is therefore a cen-        this highly relevant topic, both socially and   • Increased visibility for the expertise
                                              tral issue for us as the largest association      economically. We are convinced that we can         of your female experts, for example
                                              of the Internet industry in Europe.               only achieve diversity together, so men are        by contributing to white papers or our
                                                                                                welcome in the initiative.                         interview series “Women in Tech”, or
                                              Our mission: To collectively make                                                                    as a guest on our German-language
                                              the Internet industry more diverse
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                                                                                Activities for Girls’ Day or International         podcast, “Das Ohr am Netz” (“An Ear
                                                                                                Women’s Day, ideas for workshop topics or          to the Internet”)
                                              The #LiT – Ladies in Tech (LiT) initiative was    white papers: Your suggestions and feedback     • Networking and exchange of
                                              founded in spring 2019 by Oliver Süme, Chair      are always welcome. We can only achieve            experience with inspiring female
                                              of the eco Board, and Lucia Falkenberg, Chief     diversity together. We would be happy to           experts and executives from the
                                              People Officer at eco. With the initiative,       discuss the participation opportunities for        Internet industry
                                              we offer a platform for exchange to female        you as an eco member in a personal meet-
                                              professionals and executives in the digital       ing. We look forward to seeing you!
                                              economy. Our mission is to give women in                                                          Further information and contact:
                                              tech a face and a voice by elevating them                                               
                                              to the stage of important panels and events,                                                      (German-language)
                                              promoting their digital visibility, placing the                                         
                                              issue of women in tech on the media agenda,
                                              and advocating for their interests through
Gaia-X: eco supports the conception
                                          of a sovereign European data infra-

Digital sovereignty is a prerequisite     The eco Association has taken on the coor-       Benefits for you
for economic development in Ger-          dination of the corresponding specifications
many and Europe. Gaia-X makes an          along with the subsequent implementation.        • F irst-hand information on the
important contribution to achieving       The German Federal Ministry for Economic            development of Gaia-X ecosystems
this. The term stands for a federated     Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is funding the         • Participation in the design of value
data infrastructure with a focus on       project with around 13.5 million Euro, and          creation processes
data sovereignty and data availabili-     the tender for the individual technological      • Concept development for climate-
ty, based on European standards and       subsections commenced in spring 2021. The           neutral digital infrastructures and
values. In this context, the Federa-      goal is to create a technical foundation that       services
tion Services within the Gaia-X eco-      links data ecosystems and infrastructure         • Connection of data and services across
system are also being created as          ecosystems. A federated and interoperable           provider and customer boundaries and
open source. The Federation Ser-          overall ecosystem is being created in which         establishment of innovative business
vices are comprised of four core          participants are able to use data and services      models
components: Identity & Trust; Feder-

                                                                                                                                       eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
                                          on a sovereign basis across sector-specific      • Access to open source and open
ated Catalogue; Sovereign Data            data spaces. All data and service offers are        specifications for building Gaia-X
Exchange; and Compliance. In addi-        transparent and the dependencies on indi-           ecosystems
tion, an integration layer is also pro-   vidual providers – so-called lock-in effects     • Orientation knowledge for the safe
vided to enable access to and inter-      – are reduced.                                      operation of digital services
action with the Federation Services
(Integration & Portal). On this basis,    Companies thus benefit from full sovereignty
user groups will then be able to          and control over their growing data volumes      Further information and contact:
organize themselves as part of            and decide independently on the platforms
Gaia-X, provided they conform to          and cloud resources through which they 
the corresponding rules.                  collaborate with partners.

Service-Meister –
                                              the AI platform for companies

                                                                                              and leading SME industry partners (Würth,        Benefits for you
                                                                                              Atlas Copco, Trumpf, Krohne, and KEB). A
                                                                                              range of eco members are involved in the         • A ccess to the necessary AI knowledge/
                                                                                              Industry 4.0 project, both as partners of           technology, anywhere and anytime
                                                                                              the consortium and as associate partners.        • Central service ecosystem
                                                                                                                                               • AI know-how in templates, building
                                                                                              An important sub-goal is to enable staff            blocks, blueprints, and reference
                                              In 2020, the Service-Meister consor-            with lower qualifications to offer complex          architectures
                                              tium was launched with a project                services with the help of digital guides, such   • Digitalization of processes
                                              volume of approximately 13.5 million            as AI-based ServiceBots and Smart Services.      • New business models such as the
                                              Euro, with the aim of developing an             A second sub-goal is to create a platform           marketing of internal service
                                              AI-based ecosystem in the area of               for digitalized service knowledge, in order         knowledge
                                              Industry 4.0 over a period of three             to enable cross-company scalability of ser-      • AI support/enablement to perform
                                              years. The cross-plant, cross-depart-           vice. Through this, a service ecosystem will        complex maintenance tasks
                                              mental, and cross-company service               evolve which will combat the skills shortage
                                              platform is tailored to meet the                in Germany, harness breakthrough innova-         Further information and contact:
                                              challenges confronting SMEs.                    tions, and make German SMEs competitive
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                                                                              in the long term.                      
                                              The Service-Meister project emerged as the
                                              successful winner of the German federal         The specific objective is to digitalize main-
                                              government’s 2019 AI Innovation Competi-        tenance processes, maintain the availabili-
                                              tion. Its recommendation for funding came       ty of production plants, and market internal
                                              from the responsible panel of experts of the    service knowledge externally – all of this
                                              German Federal Ministry for Economic Af-        with the use of procedures from the area of
                                              fairs and Energy (BMWi). Under the leader-      AI, to make innovations easily accessible to
                                              ship of eco, the project brings together the    SMEs. Service-Meister will realize an open
                                              accumulated innovative power of research        AI platform for all maintenance procedures.
                                              partners (Beuth Hochschule, KIT, Fraunhofer     In order to develop AI functions in use cases
                                              ISST, University of Koblenz, and Westfälische   and to test them in practice, the project is
                                              Hochschule), technology partners (USU,          based on tandems between industrial com-
                                              inovex, grandcentrix, and Trusted Cloud),       panies and implementation partners.
SIWECOS – on the safe side

SIWECOS stands for “Secure Web-                   SIWECOS Hoster Service                             cyber security. The project was supported
sites and Content Management                                                                         until the end of 2019 by the German Fed-
Systems”. With the service, eco helps             A service for web hosters doesn’t just com-        eral Ministry for Economic Affairs and En-
small and medium-sized enterprises                municate active critical security vulnerabil-      ergy (BMWi) as part of the “IT Security in
(SMEs) to detect and fix security                 ities. It offers filter options to prevent cyber   Business” initiative.
vulnerabilities on their websites.                attacks on the server side without a hoster
                                                  having to take immediate action before they        Benefits for you
Several website scanners are made avail-          reach the customer. This reduces the num-
able for this purpose, with these conduct-        ber of successful attacks in the long term         • A quick check that provides an initial
ing security checks on registered websites        and increases security on the Internet. At            overview of security vulnerabilities on
on a daily basis. If a security vulnerability     the same time, end users are protected from           websites, without the necessity for
is found, the website operators receive an        high financial losses and possible data loss.         registration
automatic notification and additional rec-        More than 80 German and international re-          • An intensive check, which monitors

                                                                                                                                                  eco – Association of the Internet Industr y
ommendations on the project website to            cipients have already joined the SIWECOS              registered websites daily and uncovers
close this vulnerability.                         Hoster Service.                                       vulnerabilities
                                                                                                     • Individual notifications and concrete
In addition, SIWECOS offers a quick check         Strong partners                                       recommendations for action
with a restricted range of functions, which                                                          • Skilled contact persons with extensive
is available to every website visitor without     SIWECOS is a cooperation between eco                  experience in the field of IT security
prior registration.                               (project management) and the Ruhr Uni-             • And all of this completely free of
                                                  versity Bochum. The project is technically            charge
In order for users to be able to directly ac-     supported by CMS Garden and Hackmanit.
cess their current scan results, plug-ins exist   The focus, on the one hand, is on functions        Further information and contact:
for various content management systems,           for secure company websites, with concrete
for example for Joomla and WordPress. The         recommendations for action in the event of
registration for SIWECOS and the use of the       damage. A second focal area is on aware-
service are free of charge.                       ness-raising among SMEs in the area of
Datacenter                                      StarAudit for                                    eco Legal
                                              Star Audit (DCSA)                               cloud providers                                  Consultations

                                              Since 2005, eco authorized auditors have        As an international certification system,        With a strong team of lawyers, each with
                                              been objectively assessing the infrastruc-      StarAudit (provided by EuroCloud) supports       different areas of specialization, we at eco
                                              ture and services of data centers through       both providers in the conceptual design of       have been focusing for many years on le-
                                              means of the DCSA – with this being im-         their services, as well as users in their se-    gal questions regarding all aspects of the
                                              plemented increasingly throughout Europe.       lection process.                                 Internet. We provide our collective know-
                                              The DCSA is suitable for any company that                                                        how exclusively to our members. Each eco
                                              operates a data center/server room or who       The certification scheme audits cloud ser-       member receives an annual quota of free
                                              avails of colocation.                           vices based on a clearly defined set of cri-     consultancy hours.
                                                                                              teria. Independent auditors assess the pro-
                                              Regardless of your business model or the        viders in areas such as data protection, op-     You can put any number of questions to us,
                                              size of your IT area, the DCSA offers you       erations, and infrastructure. Users can easily   e.g. in the areas of:
                                              the opportunity to transparently and under-     find the right provider for them thanks to       • Telecommunications, telemedia, and
                                              standably present your redundancy concept,      the easy-to-understand star rating. StarAudit       competition law
                                              as well as your quality, security, and avail-   creates real competitive advantages by re-       • Copyright and trademark law
                                              ability. The audit is performed in a timely     ducing the need for expensive individual         • Remote sales law, GTCB law
                                              manner at a manageable financial cost. The      audits and effectively supporting multi-pro-     • Liability issues, contract law
                                              seal of quality increases your trustworthi-     vider governance.                                • Data protection law
eco – Association of the Internet Industr y

                                              ness vis-à-vis customers, auditors, banks,                                                       • E xamination of search warrants and
                                              and insurance companies.                        Further information and contact:                    requests for information
                                                                                                                        • Youth media protection law
                                              Further information and contact:      
                                                                                              Further information and contact:

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