Samanantar: The Largest Publicly Available

Page created by Darryl King
Samanantar: The Largest Publicly Available
                                                        Parallel Corpora Collection for 11 Indic Languages
                                              Gowtham Ramesh1∗ Sumanth Doddapaneni1∗ Aravinth Bheemaraj2,5
                                            Mayank Jobanputra3 Raghavan AK4 Ajitesh Sharma2,5 Sujit Sahoo2,5
                                          Harshita Diddee4 Mahalakshmi J4 Divyanshu Kakwani3,4 Navneet Kumar2,5
                                         Aswin Pradeep2,5 Kumar Deepak2,5 Vivek Raghavan5 Anoop Kunchukuttan4,6
                                                       Pratyush Kumar1,3,4 Mitesh Shantadevi† Khapra1,3,4‡
                                                            Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence,
                                                              Tarento Technologies, 3 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
                                                                        AI4Bharat, 5 EkStep Foundation, 6 Microsoft

                                                              Abstract                           1   Introduction
arXiv:2104.05596v2 [cs.CL] 29 Apr 2021

                                          We present Samanantar, the largest publicly            Deep Learning (DL) has revolutionized the field
                                          available parallel corpora collection for Indic        of Natural Language Processing, establishing new
                                          languages. The collection contains a total of          state of the art results on a wide variety of
                                          46.9 million sentence pairs between English            NLU (Wang et al., 2018, 2019) and NLG tasks
                                          and 11 Indic languages (from two language              (Gehrmann et al., 2021). Across languages and
                                          families). In particular, we compile 12.4 mil-
                                                                                                 tasks, a proven recipe for high performance is
                                          lion sentence pairs from existing, publicly-
                                          available parallel corpora, and we addition-
                                                                                                 to pretrain and/or finetune large models on mas-
                                          ally mine 34.6 million sentence pairs from the         sive amounts of data. Particularly, significant
                                          web, resulting in a 2.8× increase in publicly          progress has been made in machine translation due
                                          available sentence pairs. We mine the par-             to encoder-decoder based models (Bahdanau et al.,
                                          allel sentences from the web by combining              2015; Wu et al., 2016; Sennrich et al., 2016b,a;
                                          many corpora, tools, and methods. In particu-          Vaswani et al., 2017). While this has been favorable
                                          lar, we use (a) web-crawled monolingual cor-           for resource-rich languages, there has been limited
                                          pora, (b) document OCR for extracting sen-
                                                                                                 benefit for resource-poor languages which lack par-
                                          tences from scanned documents (c) multilin-
                                          gual representation models for aligning sen-           allel corpora, monolingual corpora and evaluation
                                          tences, and (d) approximate nearest neighbor           benchmarks (Koehn and Knowles, 2017). One ef-
                                          search for searching in a large collection of          fort to close this gap is training multilingual models
                                          sentences. Human evaluation of samples from            with the hope that performance on resource-poor
                                          the newly mined corpora validate the high              languages improves from supervision on resource-
                                          quality of the parallel sentences across 11 lan-       rich languages (Firat et al., 2016; Johnson et al.,
                                          guage pairs. Further, we extracted 82.7 mil-
                                                                                                 2017b). Such transfer learning works best when
                                          lion sentence pairs between all 55 Indic lan-
                                          guage pairs from the English-centric parallel
                                                                                                 the resource-rich languages are related to the low-
                                          corpus using English as the pivot language.            resource languages (Nguyen and Chiang, 2017;
                                          We trained multilingual NMT models span-               Dabre et al., 2017) and it is difficult to achieve high
                                          ning all these languages on Samanantar and             quality translation with limited in-language data
                                          compared with other baselines and previously           (Guzmán et al., 2019). The situation is particularly
                                          reported results on publicly available bench-          dire when an entire group of related languages is
                                          marks. Our models outperform existing mod-             low-resource making transfer-learning infeasible.
                                          els on these benchmarks, establishing the util-
                                          ity of Samanantar. Our data and models will               This disparity across languages is exemplified by
                                          be available publicly1 and we hope they will           the limited progress made in translation involving
                                          help advance research in Indic NMT and mul-            Indic languages. Given the very large collective
                                          tilingual NLP for Indic languages.                     speaker base of over 1 billion speakers, the pref-
                                                                                                 erence for Indic languages and increasing digital
                                           * The first two authors have contributed equally.
                                           † Dedicated to the loving memory of my grandmother.
                                                                                                 penetration, a good translation system is a necessity
                                           ‡ Corresponding author:        to provide equitable access to information and con-
                                              tent. For example, educational videos for primary,
secondary and higher education should be available                ·107
in different Indic languages. Similarly, various gov-
                                                                                              Newly Mined
ernment advisories, policy announcements, high
                                                                                              Existing Sources
court judgments, etc. should be disseminated in all      0.8
major regional languages. Despite this fundamen-
tal need, the accuracy of machine translation (MT)       0.6
systems to and from Indic languages are poorer
compared to those for several European languages
(Bojar et al., 2014; Barrault et al., 2019, 2020). The   0.4
primary reason for this is the lack of large-scale
parallel data between Indic languages and English.       0.2
Consequently, Indic languages have a poor repre-
sentation in WMT shared tasks on translation and
allied problems (post-editing, MT evaluation, etc.),                hi bn ml ta te kn mr gu pa or as
further affecting attention by researchers. Thus, de-
                                                         Figure 1: Total number of En-X parallel sentences in
spite the huge practical need, Indic MT has signifi-
                                                         Samanantar for different Indic languages that are com-
cantly lagged while other resource-rich languages        piled from existing sources and newly mined. With
have made rapid advances with deep learning.             the newly mined data, the number of parallel sentences
   What does it take to improve MT on the large          across all En-X pairs increases by a ratio of 2.8×.
set of related low-resource Indic languages? The
answer is straightforward: create large parallel
datasets and then train proven DL models. How-           sentence aligner, and (c) IndicCorp (Kakwani et al.,
ever, collecting new data with manual translations       2020), the largest corpus of monolingual data for
at the scale necessary to train large DL models          Indic languages which requires approximate near-
would be slow and expensive. Instead, several            est neighbour search using FAISS followed by a
recent works have proposed mining parallel sen-          more accurate alignment using LaBSE. In sum-
tences from the web (Schwenk et al., 2019a, 2020;        mary, we propose a series of pipelines to collect
El-Kishky et al., 2020). The representation of           parallel data from publicly available data sources.
Indic languages in these works is however poor              Combining existing datasets and the new
(e.g., CCMatrix contains parallel data for only 2        datasets that we collect from different sources, we
Indic languages). In this work, we aim to signifi-       present Samanantar3 - the largest publicly avail-
cantly increase the amount of parallel data on Indic     able parallel corpora collection for Indic languages.
languages by combining the benefits of many re-          Samanantar contains ∼ 46.9M parallel sentences
cent contributions: large Indic monolingual corpora      between English and 11 Indic languages, rang-
(Kakwani et al., 2020; Ortiz Suarez et al., 2019),       ing from 142K pairs between English-Assamese
accurate multilingual representation learning (Feng      to 8.6M pairs between English-Hindi. Of these
et al., 2020; Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019), scal-          34.6M pairs are newly mined as a part of this work
able approximate nearest neighbor search (Johnson        whereas 12.4M are compiled from existing sources.
et al., 2017a; Subramanya et al., 2019; Guo et al.,      The language-wise statistics are shown in Figure 1.
2020), and open-source tools for optical charac-         In addition, we mine 82.7M parallel sentences be-
ter recognition of Indic scripts in rich text doc-       tween the 11 2 Indic language pairs using English
uments2 . By combining these methods, we pro-            as the pivot. To evaluate the quality of the mined
pose different pipelines to collect parallel data from   sentences we collect human judgments from 38 an-
three different types of sources : (a) scanned par-      notators for a total of about 10,000 sentence pairs
allel documents which require Optical Character          across the 11 language pairs. The results show that
Recognition followed by sentence alignment us-           the parallel sentences mined from the corpus are
ing a multilingual representation model, such as         of high quality and validate the adopted thresholds
LaBSE (Feng et al., 2020), (b) news websites with        for alignment using LaBSE representations. The
multilingual content which require a crawler, an         results also show the potential for further improv-
article aligner based on date ranges followed by a       ing LaBSE-based alignment, especially for low-
   2                                                        3                                      Samanantar in Sanskrit means semantically similar
resource languages and for longer sentences. This        chine readable format. Examples of such sources
parallel data along with the human judgments will        include some news websites which publish articles
be made publicly available as a benchmark on             in multiple languages. Next, we consider sources
cross-lingual semantic similarity.                       which contain (almost) parallel documents which
   To evaluate if Samanantar advances the state          are not in machine readable format. Examples of
of the art for Indic NMT, we train a model us-           such sources include PDF documents such as In-
ing Samanantar and compare it with existing mod-         dian parliamentary proceedings. The text in these
els. We make a practical choice of training a joint      documents is not always machine readable as it
model which can leverage lexical and syntactic           may have been encoded using legacy proprietary
similarities between Indic languages. We com-            encodings (not UTF-8). Lastly, we consider Indic-
pare our joint model, called IndicTrans, trained         Corp which is the largest collection of monolingual
on Samanantar with (a) commercial translation            sentences for 11 Indic languages mined from the
systems (Google, Microsoft), (b) publicly available      web. These sentences are collected from monolin-
translation systems (OPUS-MT (Tiedemann and              gual documents in multiple languages but may still
Thottingal, 2020), mBART50 (Tang et al., 2020),          contain parallel sentences as the content is India-
CVIT-ILMulti (Philip et al., 2020), and (c) mod-         centric. The pipelines required for mining each
els trained on all existing sources of parallel data     of these sources may have some common compo-
between Indic languages. Across 44 publicly avail-       nents (e.g., sentence pair scorer) and some unique
able test sets spanning 10 Indic languages, we ob-       components (e.g., OCR for non-machine readable
serve that IndicTrans performs better than all exist-    documents, annoy index4 for web scale monolin-
ing models on 37 datasets. On several benchmarks,        gual documents, etc.). We describe these pipelines
IndicTrans trained on Samanantar outperforms             in detail in the following subsections.
all existing models by a significant margin, estab-
                                                         2.1   Existing sources
lishing the utility of our corpus.
   The three main contributions of this work viz.        We first briefly describe the existing sources of
(i) Samanantar, the largest collection of parallel       parallel sentences for Indic languages which are
corpora for Indic languages, (ii) IndicTrans, a joint    enumerated in Table 1. The Indic NLP Catalog6
model for translating from En-Indic and Indic-En,        helped identify many of these sources. Recently,
and (iii) human judgments on cross-lingual textual       the WAT 2021 shared task also compiled many
similarity for about 10,000 sentence pairs will be       existing Indic language parallel corpora.
made publicly available.                                    The following sentence aligned corpora were
                                                         available from OPUS (Tiedemann, 2012). We
2   Samanantar: A Parallel Corpus for                    downloaded the latest available versions of these
    Indic Languages                                      corpora on 21 March 2021:
                                                         ELRC_29227 : Parallel text between English and
In this section, we describe Samanantar, the largest     5 Indic languages collected from Wikipedia on
publicly available parallel corpora collection for       health and COVID-19 domain.
Indic languages. It contains parallel sentences be-      GNOME8 , KDE49 , Ubuntu10 : Parallel text
tween English and 11 Indic languages, viz., As-          between English and 11 Indic languages from the
samese (as), Bengali (bn), Gujarati (gu), Hindi (hi),    localization files of GNOME, KDE4 and Ubuntu.
Kannada (kn), Malayalam (ml), Marathi (mr), Odia         Global Voices11 : Parallel text between English
(or), Punjabi (pa), Tamil (ta) and Telugu (te). In ad-   and 4 Indic languages extracted from news
dition, it also contains parallel sentences between      articles published on Global Voices which is an
the 55 Indic language pairs obtained by pivoting         international, multilingual community of writers,
through English (en). To build this corpus, we first     translators, academics, and digital rights activists.
collated all existing public sources of parallel data        4
for Indic languages that have been released over
the years, as described in Section 2.1. We then      
expand this corpus further by mining parallel sen-   
tences from three types of sources from the web.             9
First, we consider sources which contain (almost)           10
parallel or comparable documents available in ma-    
en-as en-bn en-gu en-hi en-kn en-ml en-mr en-or en-pa en-ta en-te                             Total
       JW300               46     269      305    510       316    371         289        -        374   718    203   3400
       banglanmt             -   2380         -         -     -          -        -       -          -      -     -   2380
       iitb                  -       -        -   1603        -          -        -       -          -      -     -   1603
       cvit-pib              -      92      58     267        -      43        114      94         101    116    45    930
       wikimatrix            -    281         -    231        -      72        124        -          -     95    92    895
       OpenSubtitles         -    372         -     81        -    357            -       -          -     28    23    862
       Tanzil                -    185         -    185        -    185            -       -          -     92     -    647
       KDE4                  6      35      31      85      13       39         12        8        78     79    14     402
       PMIndia V1            7      23      42      50      29       27         29      32         28     33    33     333
       GNOME               29       40      38      30       24      23         26      21         33     31    37     332
       bible-uedin           -       -      16      62       61      61         60        -          -      -    62    321
       Ubuntu              21       28      27      25       22      22         26      20         29     25    24     269
       ufal                  -       -        -         -     -          -        -       -          -    167     -    167
       sipc                  -      21        -     38        -      30           -       -          -     35    43    166
       GlobalVoices          -    138         -         2     -          -        -    326           1      -     -    142
Wiki-Matrix (Schwenk et al., 2019a): This                 tions of English Wikipedia documents into 5 Indic
corpus contains parallel text from Wikimedia.             languages covering a diverse set of topics.
We download this corpus from OPUS which is                TICO19 (Anastasopoulos et al., 2020): Parallel
filtered with a LASER (Artetxe and Schwenk,               text between English and 9 Indic languages
2019) margin score of 1.04 for all language pairs         containing CoViD-19 related information from
as recommended in the original Wiki-Matrix paper.         Pubmed, Wikipedia, Wikinews, etc. The dataset
It has parallel text between English and 6 Indic          provides CoViD-19 terminologies and benchmark
languages.                                                (dev and test sets) to train and benchmark transla-
                                                          tion systems.
The following datasets are collected from                 UFAL (Ramasamy et al., 2012): Parallel text
sources which are not included in OPUS:                   between English and Tamil collected from news,
ALT (Riza et al., 2016): Parallel text between            cinema and Bible websites.
English and 2 Indic languages created by manually         URST (Shah and Bakrola, 2019): Parallel text
translating sentences from English Wikinews.              obtained by translating English sentences from the
BanglaNMT (Hasan et al., 2020): Parallel text             MSCOCO captioning dataset (Lin et al., 2015) to
between English and Bengali created by collating          Gujarati.
and mining data from various English-Bengali              WMT-2019-wiki23 , WMT-2019-govin24 : Paral-
parallel and comparable sources.                          lel text between English and Gujarati provided as
CVIT-PIB (Philip et al., 2020): Parallel text             training data for the WMT-2019 Gujarati–English
between English and 9 Indic languages extracted           news translation shared task.
by aligning and mining parallel sentences from
press releases of the Press Information Bureau17 of          As shown in Table 1, these sources25 collated
India.                                                    together result in a total of 12.4M parallel sentences
IITB (Kunchukuttan et al., 2018): Parallel text           (after removing duplicates) between English and 11
between English and Hindi mined from various              Indic languages. It is interesting to note that there
English-Hindi parallel sources.                           is no publicly available system which has been
MTEnglish2Odia18 :           Parallel text between        trained using parallel data from all these existing
English and Odia created by collating various             sources.
sources like Wikipedia, TDIL19 , Global Voices,
etc.                                                      2.2    Mining parallel sentences from machine
NLPC20 (Fernando et al., 2021): Parallel text                    readable comparable corpora
between English and Tamil extracted from                  We identified 12 news websites which publish ar-
publicly available government resources such as           ticles in multiple Indic languages. For a given
annual reports, procurement reports, circulars            website, the articles across languages are not nec-
and websites by National Languages Processing             essarily translations of each other. However, con-
Center, University of Moratuwa.                           tent within a given date range is often similar as
OdiEnCorp 2.0 (Parida et al., 2020): Parallel             the sources are India-centric with a focus on local
text between English and Odia mined from                  events, personalities, advisories, etc. For example,
Wikipedia, online websites and non-machine                news about guidelines for CoViD-19 vaccination
readable documents.                                       get published in multiple Indic languages. Even
PMIndia V1 (Haddow and Kirefu, 2020): Parallel            if such a news article in Hindi is not a sentence-
text between English and 11 Indic languages               by-sentence translation, it may contain some sen-
collected by crawling and extracting the PMIndia          tences which are accidentally or intentionally par-
website21 .                                                  23
SIPC22 (Post et al., 2012): Crowdsourced transla-         task/
  17                                                                                     task/
  18             25
                                                                We have not included CCMatrix (Schwenk et al., 2020)
  19                          and CCAligned (El-Kishky et al., 2020) in the current version
  20   of Samanantar. CCMatrix is not publicly available at the
Corpus                                                    time of writing. Some initial models trained with CCAligned
     https://www.          showed performance degradation on some benchmarks, and
  22   we will include it in a subsequent version if further analysis
corpora                                                   and cleanup shows it is beneficial for training MT models.
en-as en-bn en-gu en-hi en-kn en-ml en-mr en-or en-pa en-ta en-te                                                     Total
    IndicParCorp               55     4885        2424       4846       3507       4590        2600       835      1819       3403 4119 33081
    Wikipedia                  4       331             50     222         89        102            24         -         70     162         84   1138
    PIB                         -          74          74     402         51         28            74         -     205        105         66   1078
    PIB_archives               6           27          29     289         21         13            29         -         31         23      16    484
    Nouns_dictionary            -           -           -      72         54         66            57         -         54         63      64    430
    Prothomalo                  -      284              -          -          -          -          -         -          -          -       -    284
    Drivespark                  -           -           -      40         57         50             -         -          -         66      68    280
    General_corpus              -      224              -          -          -          -          -         -          -          -       -    224
    Oneindia                    -           5          12      91         14         10             -         -          -         38      32    203
    NPTEL                       -          24          21      73             8          5         15         -          -         18      22    187
    OCR                         -          14           -          -          -          -          -         -          -     169          2    185
    Nativeplanet                -           -           -      32         32         27             -         -          -         25      41    156
    Mykhel                      -          24           -      16         30         27             -         -          -         35      21    153
    Newsonair                   -           -           -     111             -          -          -         -          -          -       -    111
    DW                          -          23           -      56             -          -          -         -          -          -       -     79
    Timesofindia                -           -          3       31             -          -         25         -          -          -       -     59
    Indianexpress               -           -           -      41             -      13             -         -          -          -       -     55
    Goodreturns                 -           -           -      13             8      11             -         -          -          7       9     47
    Catchnews                   -           -           -      36             -          -          -         -          -          -       -     36
    DD_National                 -           -           -      33             -          -          -         -          -          -       -     33
    Khan_academy                -           4           2          6
allel to sentences from a corresponding English                    a sentence break is not inserted when we encounter
article. Hence, we consider such news websites to                  common Indian titles such as Shri. (equivalent to
be a good source of parallel sentences.                            Mr. in English) which are followed by a period.
    We also identified two sources from educa-                     Parallel Sentence Extraction. At the end of the
tion domain - NPTEL26 and Khan Academy27                           above step we have sentence tokenised articles in
which provide educational videos (also available                   English and a target language (say, Hindi). Fur-
on youtube) with parallel human translated subti-                  ther, all these websites contain metadata based on
tles in different languages including English and                  which we can cluster the articles according to the
Indic languages.                                                   month in which they were published (say, January
    We use the following steps to extract parallel                 2021). We assume that to find a match for a given
sentences from the above sources:                                  Hindi sentence we only need to consider all En-
Article Extraction. For every news website, we                     glish sentences which belong to articles published
build custom extractors using BeautifulSoup28 or                   in the same month as the article containing the
Selenium29 . BeautifulSoup is a Python library for                 Hindi sentence. This is a reasonable assumption
parsing HTML/XML documents and is suitable for                     as content of news articles is temporal in nature.
websites where the content is largely static. How-                 Let S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sm } be the set of all sen-
ever, many websites have dynamic content which                     tences across all English articles in a particular
gets loaded from a data source (a database or file)                month. Similarly, let T = {t1 , t2 , . . . , tn } be the
and requires additional action events to be triggered              set of all sentences across all Hindi articles in that
by the user. This requires the extractor to interact               same month. Let f (s, t) be a scoring function
with the browser and perform repetitive tasks such                 which assigns a score indicating how likely it is
as scrolling down, clicking, etc. Selenium allows                  that s ∈ S, t ∈ T form a translation pair. For a
automation of such web browser interactions and is                 given Hindi sentence ti ∈ T , the matching English
used for scraping content from such dynamic sites.                 sentence can be found as:
    For NPTEL, we programmatically gather all the
youtube video links of courses mentioned on the                                    s∗ = arg max f (s, ti )
NPTEL translation page30 . We then collect Indic
and English subtitles for every video using youtube-                  We chose f to be the cosine similarity function
dl31 . For Khan Academy, we use youtube-dl to                      on vectorial embeddings of s and t. We compute
search the entire channel for videos containing sub-               these embeddings using LaBSE (Feng et al., 2020)
titles for English and any of the 11 Indic languages               which is a multilingual embedding model that en-
and download them. We skip the auto-generated                      codes text from different languages into a shared
youtube captions to ensure that we only get high                   embedding space. LaBSE is trained on 17 billion
quality translations. We collect subtitles for all                 monolingual sentences and 6 billion bilingual sen-
available courses/videos on March 7th, 2021                        tence pairs using the Masked Language Model-
Tokenisation. Once the main content of the arti-                   ing (Devlin et al., 2019) and Translation Language
cle is extracted in the above step, we split it into               Modeling objectives (Conneau and Lample, 2019).
sentences and tokenize the sentences. We used                      The authors have shown that it produces state of the
the tokenisers available in the Indic NLP Library32                art results on multiple parallel text retrieval tasks
(Kunchukuttan, 2020) and added some more heuris-                   and is effective even for low-resource languages.
tics to account for Indic punctuation characters and               Hereon, we refer to the cosine similarity between
sentence delimiters. For example, we ensured that                  the LaBSE embeddings of s, t as the LaBSE Align-
                                                                   ment Score (LAS).
  27                                  Post Processing. Using the above described pro-
   28                cess, we find the top matching English sentence,
   29                            s∗ , for every Hindi sentence, ti . We now apply
   30                              a threshold and select only those pairs for which
   31 We use a fork
of youtube-dl that lets us download multiple subtitles per         the cosine similarity is greater than a threshold t.
language if available. This was necessary for some NPTEL           Across different sources we found 0.75 to be a good
youtube videos which had one erroneous and one correct             threshold. We refer to this as the LAS threshold.
subtitle file for english. We heuristically remove the incorrect
one after download.                                                Next, we remove duplicates in the data. We con-
   32       sider two pairs (si , ti ) and (sj , tj ) to be duplicate if
si = sj and ti = tj . We also remove any sentence                   Language       Number of sentences
pair where the English sentence was less than 4                        as                         2.38
words. Lastly, we use a language identifier33 and                      bn                         77.7
eliminate pairs where the language identified for si                   en                        100.6
or ti does not match the intended language.                            gu                         46.6
                                                                       hi                         77.3
2.3    Mining parallel sentences from                                  kn                         56.5
       non-machine readable comparable                                 ml                         67.9
       corpora                                                         mr                         41.6
While web sources are machine readable, there are                      or                         10.1
official documents that are generated which are                        pa                         35.3
not always machine readable. This includes pro-                        ta                         47.8
ceedings of the legislative assembly of different                      te                         60.5
states in India that are published in English as well
as the local language of the state. For example,        Table 4: Number of sentences (in millions) in the mono-
                                                        lingual corpora from IndicCorp for English and 11 In-
in the state of Tamil Nadu, the proceedings get         dic languages. IndicCorp is the largest available such
published in English as well as Tamil. These doc-       corpus and contributes the largest fraction of parallel
uments are often translated sentence-by-sentence        sentences (IndicParCorp) to Samanantar.
by human translators and thus the translation pairs
are of high quality. In this work, we considered
3 such sources: (a) documents from Tamil Nadu
                                                        of a page which may overflow on to the next
government34 which get published in English and
                                                        page. Since each page is independently passed to
Tamil, (b) speeches from Bangladesh Parliament35
                                                        Google’s Vision API, we ensure that an incomplete
and West Bengal Legislative Assembly36 which get
                                                        sentence at the bottom of one page is merged with
published in English and Bengali, and (c) speeches
                                                        an incomplete sentence at the top of the next page.
from Andhra Pradesh37 and Telangana Legislative
                                                        Parallel Sentence Extraction.           Unlike the
Assemblies38 which get published in English and
                                                        previous section, here we have the exact
Telugu. The documents available on these sources
                                                        information about which documents are
are public and have a regular URL format. Most of
                                                        parallel.      This information is typically en-
these documents either contained scanned images
                                                        coded in the URL of the document itself (e.g.,
of the original document or contain proprietary en-
codings (non-UTF8) due to legacy issues. As a
result, standard PDF parsers cannot be used to ex-
                                                        for a given Tamil sentence, ti we only need to
tract text from them. We use the following pipeline
                                                        consider the sentences S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sm }
for extracting parallel sentences from such sources.
                                                        which appear in the corresponding English article.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We used            The search space is thus much smaller than that
Google’s Vision API which supports OCR in               in the previous section, where we considered S to
English as well as all the 11 Indic languages that      be a collection of all sentences from all articles
we consider in this work. Specifically, we pass         published in the same month. Once this set S
each document through Google’s OCR service              has been identified, for a give ti , we identify the
which returns the text contained in the document.       matching sentence, s∗ , using LAS as described in
Tokenisation. Once the text is extracted from the       the previous subsection.
PDFs, we use the same tokenisation process as           Post-Processing. We use the same post-processing
described in the previous section. Here, we apply       as described in the previous subsection, viz., (a)
extra heuristics to handle sentences at the bottom      filtering based on a threshold on LAS, (b) removing
  33             duplicates, (c) filtering short sentences, and (d)
  34          filtering sentence pairs where either the source of
   35                      target text is not in the desired language.
   38                                                     38                         margin threshold of 1.04
2.4      Mining parallel sentences from web scale
         monolingual corpora
Recent works have shown that it is possible to
mine parallel sentences from web scale monolin-
gual corpora. For example, both Schwenk et al.
(2019b) and Feng et al. (2020) align sentences in
large monolingual corpora (e.g., CommonCrawl)
by computing the similarity between them in a
shared multilingual embedding space. In this work,
we consider IndicCorp, the largest collection of
monolingual corpora for Indic languages. Table 4
shows the number of sentences in version 2.0 of
                                                          Figure 2: Histogram of the cosine similarity between
IndicCorp for each of the languages that we consid-       the product quantised representations in FAISS of sen-
ered. It should be obvious that a brute force search      tence pairs known to be parallel. The wide distribution
where every sentence in the source language is com-       implies that applying a threshold on the approximated
pared to every sentence in the target language to         similarity would not be effective.
find the best matching sentence is infeasible. How-
ever, unlike the previous two subsections where we
could restrict the set of sentences, S, to include        so that computing the inner product is the same as
only those sentences which were published in a            computing the cosine similarity. FAISS first finds
given month or belonged to a known parallel docu-         the top-p clusters by computing the distance be-
ment, there is no easy way of restricting the search      tween each of the cluster centroids and the given
space for IndicCorp. In particular, IndicCorp only        Hindi sentence. We set the value of p to 1024.
contains a list of sentences with no meta-data about      Within each of these clusters, FAISS then searches
the month or article to which each sentence belongs.      for the nearest neighbors. This retrieval is highly
The only option then is to iterate over all target sen-   optimized to scale. In our implementation, on av-
tences to find a match. To do this efficiently, we        erage we were able to process 1100 sentences per
use FAISS39 (Johnson et al., 2017a) which does            second, i.e., we were able to retrieve the nearest
efficient indexing, clustering, semantic matching,        neighbors for 1,100 sentences per second when
and retrieval of dense vectors as explained below.        mining from the index of the entire IndicCorp.
Indexing. We first compute the sentence embed-
                                                          Recomputing cosine similarity. Notice that
ding using LaBSE for all English sentences in In-
                                                          FAISS computes cosine similarity on the quantized
dicCorp. Note that IndicCorp is a sentence level
                                                          vector, in our case of dimension 64. For a given
corpus (one sentence per line) so we do not need
                                                          pair of sentences, how do these approximate sim-
any pre-processing or sentence splitting to extract
                                                          ilarity scores compare with the cosine similarity
sentences. Once the embeddings are computed,
                                                          on the LaBSE embeddings (LAS)? We found that
we create a FAISS index where these embeddings
                                                          while the relative ranking produced by FAISS is
are stored in 100k clusters. Since LaBSE embed-
                                                          good, the similarity scores on the quantized vectors
dings are very high dimensional, we use the Prod-
                                                          vary widely. In other words, while FAISS identi-
uct Quantisation of FAISS to reduce the amount of
                                                          fies sentence pairs which are likely to have large
space required to store these embeddings. In par-
                                                          LAS, the similarity scores on the quantized vec-
ticular, each 786 dimensional LaBSE embedding
                                                          tors vary widely. To study this better, we collected
is quantized into a m dimensional vector (m = 64)
                                                          100 gold standard en-hi sentence pairs and com-
where each dimension is represented using an 8-bit
                                                          puted the similarity score on the quantized vectors
integer value.
                                                          - the scores that would be used by FAISS. The his-
Retrieval. For every Indic sentence (say, Hindi sen-
                                                          togram of these scores are shown in in Figure 2. We
tence) we first compute the LaBSE embedding and
                                                          found that the scores vary widely from 0.42 to 0.78
then query the FAISS index for its nearest neighbor
                                                          and hence it is difficult to choose an appropriate
based on inner product. Note that we normalise
                                                          threshold on the similarity of the quantized vector.
both the English index and the Hindi embeddings
                                                          However, the relative ranking provided by FAISS
  39          is still good, i.e., for all the 100 query Hindi sen-
tences that we analysed FAISS retrieved the correct                 ·107
matching English sentence from an index of 100.6
                                                                            Monolingual Corpus - IndicCorp
M sentences at the top-1 position. Based on this ob-
                                                                            Non Machine Readable Sources
servation, we follow a two-step approach: First, we           0.8
                                                                            Machine Readable Sources
retrieve the top-1 matching sentence from FAISS
using the quantized vector. Then, we compute the              0.6
LAS between the full LaBSE embeddings of the
retreived sentence pair. On this computed LAS,
we apply a LAS threshold of 0.80 (slightly higher             0.4
than that described in the previous subsection) for
filtering. This modified FAISS mining, combining              0.2
quantized vectors for efficient searching and full
embeddings from LaBSE for accurate thresholding,
                                                                0    as bn gu hi kn ml mr or pa ta te
was an essential innovation to mine a large number
of parallel sentences.
                                                             Figure 3: Total number of newly mined En-X par-
Post-processing. We follow the same post-                    allel sentences in Samanantar from different sources.
processing steps as described in Section 2.2.                Across languages, mining from IndicCorp is the domi-
                                                             nant source accounting for 85% of all newly identified
   We used the same process as described above to            parallel sentences.
extract parallel sentences from Wikipedia. More
specifically, we treated Wikipedia as a collection
of monolingual sentences in different languages.             then we extract (thi , tta ) as a Hindi-Tamil parallel
We then created a FAISS index of all sentences               sentence pair. Further, we use a very strict de-
from English Wikipedia. Next, for every source               duplication criterion to avoid the creation of very
sentence from the corresponding Indic language               similar parallel sentences. For example, if an en
Wikipedia (say, Hindi Wikipedia) we retrieved the            sentence is aligned to m hi sentences and n ta sen-
nearest neighbor from this index. We followed the            tences, then we would get mn hi-ta pairs. However,
exact same steps as above with the only difference           these pairs would be very similar and not contribute
that the sentences from IndicCorp were replaced              much to the training process. Hence, we retain only
by sentences from Wikipedia. We found that we                1 randomly chosen pair out of these mn pairs.
were able to mine more parallel sentences using
this approach as opposed to aligning bilingual arti-         2.6    Statistics of Samanantar
cles using Wikipedia’s interlanguage links and then
mining parallel sentences only from these aligned            Table 2 summarizes the number of parallel sen-
articles.                                                    tences obtained from each of these sources between
                                                             English and the 11 Indic languages that we con-
                                                             sidered. Overall, we mined 34.6M parallel sen-
2.5   Mining Corpora between Indic
                                                             tences in addition to the 12.4M parallel sentences
                                                             already available between English and Indic lan-
So far, we have discussed mining parallel corpora            guages. We thus contribute 2.8× more data over
between English and Indic languages. To sup-                 existing sources. Figure 3 shows the relative con-
port translation between Indic languages, we also            tribution of different sources in mining new paral-
need direct parallel corpus between these languages          lel sentences. The dominant source is IndicCorp
since zero-shot translation is insufficient to address       contributing over 85% of the sentence pairs. How-
translation between non-English languages (Ari-              ever, we do note that there is the possibility of care-
vazhagan et al., 2019a). Following Freitag and               fully collating more high quality machine-readable
Firat (2020) and Rios et al. (2020), we use English          and non-machine-readable sources. Table 3 sum-
as a pivot to mine parallel sentences between In-            marises the number of parallel sentences that we
dic languages from all the English-centric corpora           mined between the 11  2 = 55 Indic language pairs.
described earlier in this section. For example, let          We mined 82.7M parallel sentences resulting in a
(sen , thi ) and (ŝen , tta ) be mined parallel sentences   5.29× increase in publicly available sentence pairs
between en-hi and en-ta respective. If sen = ŝen            between these languages.
3     Analysis of the Quality of the Mined                There, the STS of two given sentences is character-
      Parallel Corpus                                     ized as an ordinal scale of six levels ranging from
                                                          complete semantic equivalence (5) to complete se-
In Samanantar, parallel sentences have been mined         mantic dissimilarity (0). We follow the same guide-
using a series of pipelines at different content scales   lines in defining six ordinal levels as exemplified
with multiple tools and models such as LaBSE,             in Table 1 of Agirre et al. (2016). These guidelines
FAISS, and Anuvaad. Further, the parallel sen-            were explained to 38 annotators across 11 Indic
tences have been mined for different languages            languages with a minimum of 3 annotators per lan-
from different sources. It is thus important to char-     guage. Each of the annotators was a native speaker
acterize the quality of these mined sentences across      in the language assigned to them and was also flu-
pipelines, languages, and sources. One way to do          ent in English. The annotators have experience
so is to quantify the improvement in performance          ranging from 1-20 years in working on language
of NMT models when trained with the additional            and related tasks, with a mean of 5 years. The
mined parallel sentences, which we discuss in the         annotation task was performed on Google forms
next section. However, to inform further research         in the following manner: Each form consisted of
and development, it also valuable to intrinsically        30 parallel sentences coming from an annotation
and manually evaluate the cross-lingual Semantic          batch as defined earlier. Annotators were shown
Textual Similarity (STS) of pairs of sentences. In        one pair of sentences at a time and were asked to
this section, we describe the task and results of         score it in the range of 0 to 5. The SemEval-2016
such an evaluation for the English-Indic parallel         guidelines for each ordinal value were visible to the
sentences in Samanantar.                                  annotators at all times. After annotating 30 parallel
3.1    Annotation Task and Setup                          sentences, the annotators submitted the form and
                                                          then resumed again with a new form. The anno-
We sampled 10,069 sentence pairs (English and             tators were compensated for the work at the rate
Indic sentences) across 11 Indic languages and            of Rs 100 to Rs 150 (1.38 to 2.06 USD) per 100
sources. To understand the sensitivity of the STS         words read.
scores assigned by the annotators with the align-
ment quality as estimated with LAS, we sampled            3.2   Annotation Results and Discussion
sentences equally in three sets:                          The results of the annotation of semantic textual
                                                          similarity (STS) of over 9,500 sentence pairs with
    • sentences which were definitely accepted            over 30,000 annotations are shown language-wise
      (LAS greater than 0.1 of the chosen thresh-         in Table 5. We make the following key observations
      old),                                               from the data.
    • sentences which were marginally accepted            Sentence pairs included in Samanantar have
      (LAS greater than but within 0.1 of the chosen      high semantic similarity. Overall, the mined
      threshold), and                                     parallel sentences (the ‘All accept’ column) have a
                                                          mean STS score of 4.17 and a median STS score of
    • sentences which were rejected (LAS lower            5. On a scale of 0 to 5, where 5 represents perfect
      than but within 0.1 of the chosen threshold).       semantic similarity, a mean score of 4.17 indicates
                                                          that the annotators rate the parallel sentences to
Thus, for every source and language pair, we per-
                                                          be of high quality. Furthermore, the chosen LAS
form a stratified sampling with equal number of
                                                          thresholds sensitively filter out sentence pairs - the
sentences in each of the above three sets. After
                                                          definitely accept sentence pairs have a high aver-
all sentences are sampled, we randomly shuffled
                                                          age STS score of 4.53, which reduces to 3.8 with
the language-wise sentence pairs such that there is
                                                          marginally accept, and significantly falls to 2.9 with
no ordering preserved across sources or LAS. We
                                                          the reject sets.
then divided the language-wise sentence pairs into
annotation batches of 30 parallel sentences each.         Mean STS scores depend on the resource-size of
   For defining the annotation scores, we base our        corresponding Indic language. The mean STS
work on the SemEval-2016 Task 1 (Agirre et al.,           scores are a function of the resource-size of the
2016), wherein semantic textual similarity was            corresponding Indic language, at least at the ex-
studied for mono-lingual and cross-lingual tasks.         treme ends. The two languages with the smallest re-
Annotation data          Semantic Textual Similarity score      Spearman correlation coefficient
              # Bitext # Anno-       All    Definitely Marginally             LAS,       LAS,
                                                                     Reject                          Sentence
               pairs    tations    accept    accept      accept               STS     Sentence len
 Assamese         689     1,973      3.48        3.83        3.06     2.14     0.25          -0.39           0.15
 Bengali          957     3,814      4.53        4.82        4.23     3.51     0.41          -0.42        -0.14
 Gujarati         779     2,333      3.94        4.41        3.46     2.56     0.44          -0.30        -0.07
 Hindi          1,277     4,679      4.38        4.75        3.99     3.03     0.44          -0.18        -0.12
 Kannada          957     2,839      4.08        4.51        3.66     2.62     0.37          -0.38        -0.08
 Malayalam        917     2,781      3.94        4.40        3.49     2.30     0.36          -0.33           0.02
 Marathi          779     2,324      4.14        4.56        3.66     2.76     0.39          -0.37        -0.01
 Odia             500     1,497      3.97        4.07        3.86     4.18     0.08          -0.41        -0.02
 Punjabi          689     2,265      4.16        4.58        3.71     2.27     0.34          -0.25           0.13
 Tamil          1,044     3,123      4.11        4.48        3.74     2.42     0.36          -0.40        -0.17
 Telugu           951     2,968      4.51        4.76        4.25     3.60     0.32          -0.40        -0.08
 Overall        9,570    30,596      4.17        4.53          3.8      2.9    0.33          -0.35        -0.03

Table 5: Results of the annotation task to evaluate the semantic similarity between sentence pairs across 11 lan-
guages. Human judgments confirm that the mined sentences (All accept) have a high semantic similarity and with
a moderately high correlation between the human judgments and LAS.

source sizes (As, Or) have the the lowest mean STS       across languages, the sentence length is computed
scores, while the two languages with the highest         for the English sentences in each pair. We find that
resource sizes (Hi, Bn) are in the top-3 mean STS        sentence length is negatively correlated with LAS
scores. This indicates that the mining of parallel       with a Spearman correlation coefficient of -0.35,
sentences with multilingual representation models        while sentence length is almost uncorrelated with
such as LaBSE is more accurate for resource-rich         STS with a Separaman correlation coefficient of
languages.                                               -0.03. In other words, sentence pairs with longer
                                                         sentences are unlikely to have high alignment on
LAS and STS are moderately correlated across             LaBSE representations and thus be included in
languages. The Spearman correlation coefficient          Samanantar. This is also evidenced by the average
between LAS and STS is a moderately positive             sentence length in the three sets of definitely accept,
value of 0.33. This suggests that sentence pairs         marginally accept, and reject of 11.36, 13.4, 12.9,
which have a higher LAS are likely to be rated           respectively. However, this preference for shorter
to be semantically similar by annotators. How-           sentences seems to be an accident of the LaBSE
ever, the correlation coefficient is also not very       representation rather than reflecting semantic simi-
high (say > 0.5) indicating potential for further        larity as shown by lack of any correlation between
improvement in learning multilingual representa-         sentence length and STS.
tions with LaBSE-like models. Further, for the low-
resource languages such as Assamese and Odia the
correlation values are lower, indicating potential           In summary, the annotation task established that
for improvement in alignment.                             the parallel sentences in Samanantar are of high
                                                          quality and the chosen thresholds are validated.
LAS is negatively correlated with sentence                The task also established that LaBSE-based align-
length, while STS is not. In the above two points         ment should be further improved for low-resource
we have highlighted the potential for improving the       languages (such as, As, Or) and for longer sen-
LaBSE model in aligning sentences. We identified          tences. We will release this parallel dataset and
one specific opportunity to do this by analyzing the      human judgments on the over 9,500 sentence pairs
correlation between sentence length and LAS, and          as a dataset for evaluating cross-lingual semantic
sentence length and STS score. To be consistent           similarity between English and Indic languages.
4   IndicTrans: Multingual, single Indic                 pre-processing done on the data are Unicode nor-
    script models                                        malization and tokenization. When the target lan-
                                                         guage is Indic, the output in Devanagari script is
The languages in the Indian subcontinent exhibit         converted back to the corresponding Indic script.
many lexical and syntactic similarities on account       All the text processing is done using the Indic NLP
of genetic and contact relatedness (Abbi, 2012;          library.
Subbārāo, 2012). Genetic relatedness manifests
in the two major language groups considered in           Training Data For all models, we use all the
this work: the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-            available parallel data between English and Indic
European family and the Dravidian family. Owing          languages. We then remove any overlaps with any
to the long history of contact between these lan-        test or validation data that we use. We use a very
guage groups, the Indian subcontinent is a linguis-      strict criteria for identifying such overlaps. In par-
tic area (Emeneau, 1956) exhibiting convergence          ticular, while finding overlaps, we remove all punc-
of many linguistic properties between languages          tuation characters and lower case all strings in the
of these groups. Hence, we explore multilingual          training and validation/test data. We then remove
models spanning all these Indic languages to en-         any translation pair, (en, t), from the training data
able transfer from high resource languages to low        if (i) the English sentence en appears in the vali-
resource languages on account of genetic related-        dation/test data of any En-X language pair or (ii)
ness (Nguyen and Chiang, 2017) or contact relat-         the Indic sentence t appears in the validation/test
edness (Goyal et al., 2020). More specifically, we       data of the corresponding En-X language pair. Note
explored 2 types of multilingual models for trans-       that, since we train a joint model it is important to
lation involving Indic languages: (i) One to Many        ensure that no en sentence in the test/validation
for English to Indic language translation (O2M:          data appears in any of the En-X training sets. In
11 pairs) (ii) Many to One for Indic language to         particular, if there is en sentence in the En-Hi vali-
English translation (M2O: 11 pairs).                     dation/test data then any pair containing this data
                                                         should not be in any of the En-X training sets. We
Data Representation The first major design               do not use any data sampling while training and
choice we made was to represent all the Indic            leave the exploration of these strategies for future
language data in a single script. The scripts for        work (Arivazhagan et al., 2019b).
these languages are all derived from the ancient
Brahmi script. Though each of these scripts have         Validation Data For both the models, we used
their own Unicode codepoint range, it is possible        all the validation data from the benchmarks de-
to get a 1-1 mapping between characters in these         scribed in Section 5.1.
different scripts since the Unicode standard takes
                                                         Vocabulary We use a subword vocabulary learnt
into account the similarities between these scripts.
                                                         using subword-nmt (Sennrich et al., 2016b) for
Hence, we convert all the Indic data to the Devana-
                                                         building our models. For both the models, we learn
gari script (we could have chosen any of the other
                                                         separate vocabularies for the English and Indic lan-
scripts as the common script, except Tamil). This
                                                         guages from the English-centric training data using
allows better lexical sharing between languages
                                                         32k BPE merge operations each.
for transfer learning, prevents fragmentation of the
subword vocabulary between Indic languages and           Network & Training We use transformer-based
allows using a smaller subword vocabulary.               models (Vaswani et al., 2017) for training our NMT
   The first token of the source sentence is a special   models. Table 6 shows the model configuration
token indicating the source language (Tan et al.,        details.
2019; Tang et al., 2020). The model can make                The models were trained using fairseq (Ott et al.,
a decision on the transfer learning between these        2019) on 8 V-100 GPUs. We optimized the cross
languages based on both the source language tag          entropy loss using the Adam optimizer with a
and the similarity of representations. When mul-         label-smoothing of 0.1 and gradient clipping of
tiple target languages are involved, we follow the       1.0. We use mixed precision training with Nvidia
standard approach of using a special token in the        Apex40 . We use an initial learning rate of 5e-4,
input sequence to indicate the target language to
generate (Johnson et al., 2017b). Other standard      
Attribute                        Value           tions of news articles.
       Encoder layers                       6           UFAL EnTam: This benchmark is part of the
       Decoder layers                       6           UFAL EnTam corpus (Ramasamy et al., 2012). The
       Embedding size                    1536           dataset contains parallel sentences in English-Tamil
       Number of heads                     16           with sentences from the Bible, cinema and news
       Feed-forward dim                  4096           domain.
       Model parameters (in million)      400           PMI: We create this benchmark from PMIndia
                                                        corpus(Haddow and Kirefu, 2020) to test English-
Table 6: Model configuration for the IndicTrans Model   Assamese systems. The dataset consists of 1000
                                                        validation and 2000 test samples and we ensure
                                                        that the dataset does not have very short sentences
4000 warmup steps and the same learning rate an-        (80 words).
nealing schedule as proposed in (Vaswani et al.,
2017). We use a global batch size of 64k tokens.        5.2    Evaluation Metrics
We train each model on 8 V100 GPUs and use early        We use BLEU scores for the evaluation of the
stopping with the patience set to 5 epochs.             models. To ensure consistency and reproducibility
Decoding We use beam search with a beam size            across the models, we provide SacreBLEU sig-
of 5 and length penalty set to 1.                       natures in the footnote for Indic-English41 and
                                                        English-Indic42 evaluations. For Indic-English, we
5     Experimental Setup                                use the the in-built, default mteval-v13a tokenizer.
                                                        For En-Indic, we first tokenize using the IndicNLP
We evaluate the usefulness of the parallel data re-     tokenizer before running sacreBleu. The evaluation
leased as a part of this work, by comparing the         script will be made available for reproducibility.
performance of a translation system trained using
this data with existing state of the art models on a    5.3    Models
wide variety of benchmarks. Below, we describe          We compare the performance of the following mod-
the models and benchmarks used for this compari-        els:
son.                                                    Commercial MT systems. We use the translation
                                                        APIs provided by Google Cloud Platform (v2) and
5.1    Benchmarks
                                                        Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services (v3) to trans-
We use the following publicly available bench-          late all the sentences in the test set of the bench-
marks for evaluating all the models:                    marks described above.
                                                        Publicly available MT systems. We consider the
WAT2020 (Nakazawa et al., 2020): This bench-            following publicly available NMT systems:
mark is part of the “Indic tasks” track of WAT2020.     OPUS-MT 43 : As a part of their ongoing work
The dev and test sets are a subset of the Mann          on NLP for morphologically rich languages, the
Ki Baat test set (Siripragada et al., 2020) which       Helsinki-NLP group has released translation mod-
consists of Indian Prime Minister’s speeches            els for bn-en, hi-en, ml-en, mr-en, pa-en, en-hi,
translated to 8 Indic languages.                        en-ml and en-mr. These models were trained us-
                                                        ing all parallel sources available from OPUS as
WAT2021: This benchmark is part of the Multi-           described in section 2.1. We refer the readers to the
IndicMT track of WAT2021. The dataset is sourced        URL mentioned in the footnote for further details
from the PMIndia corpus (Haddow and Kirefu,             about the training data. For now, it suffices to know
2020). It is a multi-parallel test set for 11 Indic     that these models were trained using lesser amount
languages containing sentences from the news do-        of data as compared to the total data released in
main.                                                   this work.
WMT test sets: Dev and test sets from the News          mBART5044 : This is a multilingial many-to-many
track of WMT 2014 English-Hindi shared task             model which can translate between any pair of 50
(Bojar et al., 2014), WMT 2019 English-Gujarati           41
shared task (Barrault et al., 2019) and WMT 2020          42
English-Tamil shared task (Barrault et al., 2020).        43
All these benchmarks consists of human transla-    
PMI    UFAL EnTam            WAT2020       WAT2021        WMT News
                  en-as   1000 / 2000                      -             -             -                   -
                  en-bn               -                    -   2000 / 3522   1000 / 2390                   -
                  en-gu               -                    -   2000 / 4463   1000 / 2390            - / 1016
                  en-hi               -                    -   2000 / 3169   1000 / 2390          520 / 2506
                  en-kn               -                    -             -   1000 / 2390                   -
                  en-ml               -                    -   2000 / 2886   1000 / 2390                   -
                  en-mr               -                    -   2000 / 3760   1000 / 2390                   -
                  en-or               -                    -             -   1000 / 2390                   -
                  en-pa               -                    -             -   1000 / 2390                   -
                  en-ta               -        1000 / 2000     2000 / 1000   1000 / 2390        1989 / 1000
                  en-te               -                    -   2000 / 3049   1000 / 2390                   -

         Table 7: List of all available benchmarks with sizes of validation and test sets across languages.

                Commercial MT Systems          Public MT Systems        Trained on existing data Trained on Samanantar
                Google    Microsoft       CVIT OPUS-MT mBART50 Transformer                 mT5                 IndicTrans
        bn       20.6       21.8           -        11.4          4.7        24.2          24.8                  28.4
        gu       32.9       34.5           -          -            6.        33.1          34.6                  39.5
        hi       36.7        38.           -        13.3         33.1        38.8          39.2                  43.2
        kn       24.6       23.4           -          -            -         23.5          27.8                  34.9
        ml       27.2       27.4           -        5.7          19.1        26.3          26.8                  33.4
        mr       26.1       27.7           -         .4          11.7        26.7          27.6                  32.4
        or       23.7       27.4           -          -            -         23.7           -                    33.4
        pa       35.9       35.9           -        8.6            -          36.          37.1                  42.
        ta       23.5       24.8           -          -          26.8        28.4          26.8                  32.
        te       25.9       25.4           -          -          4.3         26.8          28.5                  35.1
        bn       17.        17.2          18.1       9.          6.2         16.3          16.4                  19.2
        gu       21.         22.          23.4        -           3.         16.6          18.9                  23.0
        hi       22.6       21.3           23.       8.6          19.        21.7          21.5                  23.5
WAT2020 ml       17.3       16.5          18.9       5.8         13.5        14.4          15.4                  19.6
        mr       18.1       18.6          19.5       .5           9.2        15.3          16.8                  19.6
        ta       14.6       15.4          17.1        -          16.1        15.3          14.9                  17.9
        te       15.6       15.1          13.7        -          5.1         12.1          14.2                  17.8
           hi    31.3       30.1          24.6      13.1         25.7        25.3           26.                  29.4
  WMT      gu    30.4       29.9          24.2       -            5.6        16.8          21.9                  23.4
           ta    27.5       27.4          17.1       -           20.7        16.6          17.5                  24.3
  UFAL     ta    25.1       25.5          19.9        -          24.7        26.3          25.6                  30.1
   pmi     as     -         16.7           -          -           -          7.4            -                    28.7

Table 8: BLEU scores for translation from Indian languages to English acorss different available benchmarks.
Excepting for the WMT benchmark, IndicTrans trained on Samanantar outperforms all other models (including
commercial MT systems).

languages. In particular, it supports the following              data between multiple language pairs. We refer
language pairs which are relevant for our work: en-              the readers to the original paper for details of the
bn, en-gu, en-hi, en-ml, en-mr, en-ta, en-te and the             monolingual pre-training data and the bilingual
reverse directions. This model is first pre-trained on           fine-tuning data (Tang et al., 2020). Once again,
large amounts of monolingual data from all the 50                we note that these models use much lesser bilingual
languages and then jointly fine-tuned using parallel             data in Indic languages as compared to the amount
of data released in this work.                          6   Results and Discussion
Models trained on all existing parallel data. To
                                                        The results of our experiments on Indic-En and
evaluate the usefulness of the parallel sentences in
                                                        En-Indic tranlslation are reported in Tables 8 and
Samanantar, we train a few well studied models
                                                        9 respectively. Similarly, Figures 4a and 4b give a
using all parallel data available prior to this work.
                                                        quick comparison of the performance of different
Transformer: We train one transformer model each        models averaged over all the benchmarks that we
for every en-Indic language pair and one for every      used per language. In particular, it compares (i) cur-
Indic-en language pair (22 models in all). Each         rent best existing MT systems for every language
model contains 6 encoder layers, 6 decoder layers       pair (this system could be different for different
and 8 attention heads per layer. The input embed-       language pairs), (ii) current best model trained on
dings are of size 512, the output of each attention     all existing data, and (iii) IndicTrans trained on
head is of size 64 and the feedforward layer in the     Samanantar. Below, we list down the main obser-
transformer block has 2048 neurons. The overall         vations from our experiments.
architecture is the same as the TransformerBASE         Compilation of existing resources was a fruitful
model described in (Vaswani et al., 2017). We use       exercise. From Figures 4a and 4b we observe that
byte pair encoding (BPE) with a vocabulary size         current state-of-the-art models trained on all exist-
of ≈32K for every language. We use Adam as the          ing parallel data (curated as a subset of Samanan-
optimizer, an initial learning rate of 5e-4 and the     tar) perform competitively with commercial MT
same learning rate annealing schedule as proposed       systems. In particular, in 11 of the 22 bars (11
in (Vaswani et al., 2017). We train each model          languages in either direction) shown in the two fig-
on 8 V100 GPUs and use early stopping with the          ures, models trained on existing data outperform
patience set to 5 epochs.                               commercial MT systems.
mT5: We use Multilingual T5 (mT5) which is a            IndicTrans trained on Samanantar leads to state
massively multilingual pretrained text-to-text trans-   of the art performance. Again, referring to Fig-
former model for NLG (Xue et al., 2021). This           ures 4a and 4b, we observed that IndicTrans trained
model supports 9 out of the 11 Indic languages          on Samanantar outperforms all existing models for
that we consider in the work. However, it is not        all the languages in both the directions (except,
a translation model but pre-trained using monolin-      Gujarati-English). The absolute gain in BLEU
gual data in multiple languages for predicting a        score is higher for the Indic-En direction as com-
corrupted/dropped span in the input sequence. We        pared to the En-Indic direction. This is on account
take this pre-trained model and finetune it for the     of better transfer in many to one settings compared
translation task using all existing sources of paral-   to one-to-many settings (Aharoni et al., 2019) and
lel data. We finetune one model for every language      better language model on the target side.
pair of interest (18 pairs). We use the mT5BASE         Performance gains are higher for low resource
model which has 6 encoder layers, 6 decoder lay-        languages. We observe significant gains for ex-
ers and 12 attention heads per layer. The input         isting low resource languages such as, or, as, and
embeddings are of size 768, the output of each at-      kn, especially in the Indic-En direction. We hy-
tention head is of size 64 and the feedforward layer    pothesise that these languages benefit from other
in the transformer block has 2048 neurons. We use       related languages with more resources during the
AdaFactor as the optimizer, with a constant learn-      joint-training on a common script.
ing rate of 1e-3. We train each model on 1 v3 TPU       Pre-training needs further investigation. mT5
and use early stopping with the patience set to 25K     which is pre-trained on large amounts of monolin-
steps.                                                  gual corpora from multiple languages does not al-
Models trained using Samanantar. We train               ways outperform a TransformerBASE model which
the proposed IndicTrans model using the entire          is just trained on existing parallel data without
Samanantar corpus.                                      any pre-training. While this does not invalidate
   Note that for all the models that we have trained    the value of pre-training, it does suggest that pre-
or finetuned as a part of this work, we have ensured    training needs to be optimized for the specific lan-
that there is no overlap between the training set       guages. As future work, we would like to explore
and any of the test sets or development sets that we    pre-training using the monolingual corpora on In-
have used.                                              dic languages available from IndicCorp. Further,
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