From Trend Analysis to Virtual World System Design Requirement Satisfaction Study - arXiv

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From Trend Analysis to Virtual World System Design Requirement
Satisfaction Study

Bingqing Shen,1 Weiming Tan,2 Jingzhi Guo,2 Hongming Cai,1 Bin Wang,2 and Shuaihe Zhuo3
 School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
 Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macau, China.
 School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, China.

Virtual worlds have become global platforms connecting millions of people and containing various
technologies. The development of technology, shift of market value, and change of user preference
shape the features of virtual worlds. In this paper, we first study the new features of virtual worlds
and emergent requirements of system development through trend analysis. Based on the trend
analysis, we construct the new design requirement space. We then discuss the requirement
satisfaction of existing virtual world system architectures and highlight their limitations through a
literature study. The comparison of existing system architectures sheds some light on future virtual
world system development to match the changing trends of the user market. At the end of this
study, a new architecture from an ongoing research, called Virtual Net, is briefly discussed on its
possibility in requirement satisfaction.

1. Introduction
Virtual worlds have been evolved from simple text-based games to sophisticated three-dimensional
graphic environments, covering both game worlds [1] and social worlds [2]. In this evolution, they
have developed some important features such as immersion and persistency [3]. Supported by these
features, the growth of virtual worlds has brought millions of people to participate and innovation
in many fields, including education, medicine, tourism, commerce, and entertainment. As can be
expected, they will play an important role in the future economy and society.

Virtual worlds are global computing infrastructure. They are synthetic, sustainable, and immersive
environments, facilitated by computer networks connecting multiple users in the form of avatars,
who interact in real-time [3], [4]. The evolution of virtual worlds is closely related to their
underlying technologies. Virtual world related technologies, including hardware and network,
graphics, artificial intelligence, peripherals, human interface, etc., have a wide range over the whole
information and communications technology (ICT) sector. These technologies are also evolving
and upgrading over the years, spirally changing virtual worlds and bringing new features. Based
on technology innovation, this paper identifies the impetus which advances virtual world
development to quest for architectural reflection and transformation.

This paper first answers the question of what changes virtual world with a trend analysis. The
trends of related technologies are thoroughly studied for eliciting new design requirements, which
compliments existing requirements of consistency, scalability and security. Following the trends
and their implications, new features of virtual worlds are suggested and summarized as emergent
design requirements: sufficiency, reliability, persistency, and credibility. Then, the existing virtual
world architectures are scrutinized based on the emergent requirements. By classifying and
comparing them in requirement satisfaction, we find that none of the existing system architectures
can fully satisfy all requirements due to their intrinsic limitations. To light the future, we briefly
introduce an ongoing research, a new distributed architecture which leverages the advantages of
existing architectures at the end for the purpose to elicit new discussions on virtual world system
design and development.

This paper has made two contributions. Firstly, it has conducted a trend analysis on the virtual
world related technologies. Based on the implication of trend analysis, it has explicated the
emergent design requirements, as well as the commonly known requirements for completeness,
which can be treated as a roadmap for system design. Secondly, it has thoroughly surveyed the
existing system architectures, discussed their satisfaction and limitations on the design
requirements, and compared their competence on requirement satisfaction.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 analyses the trends of virtual world
related technologies and their implications. Section 3 discusses the virtual world design
requirement space based on the trend analysis. Section 4 studies and compare the existing virtual
world system architectures on requirement satisfaction. Section 5 compares the existing
architectures. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the paper and introduces the future challenges of a
new architecture design.

2. Trends Analysis
The latest trends of virtual world related technologies can provide the evidences for studying virtual
world evolution. To obtain some rudimentary knowledge of such trends, we conducted a search on
Statista 1 with the keyword “Virtual World”, which returned 821 results, including statistics,
forecasts, and studies. The search results were then examined by relevance and filtered by year
range from 2015 to 2035. This reduced the results to 538. We then tagged them with relevant topics
and created the tag cloud, as shown in Figure 1. With the obtained knowledge, we further looked
into each scope and investigated the trends of related technologies, including mobile computing,
social networks, virtual/augmented reality, virtual world applications, internet of things (IoT),
wearable devices, game intelligence, multisensory multimedia, and computer graphics. The trend
is analysed along five directions: mobility, diversity, interconnectivity, immersion, and
intelligence. The representative market/industrial evidence, together with academic/online reports,
are elaborated in the sub-sections below, followed by the implications to future virtual world

 Statista is an online portal providing more than 1 million statistics collected from more than 22,500 trusted partners,
such as Experian Simmons and Euromonitor. It maintains sources transparency and adherence to academic standards:

Figure 1 Tag cloud of the most frequently used terms for virtual world.

2.1. Mobility

The wide usage of smart devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) and the pervasion of mobile
networks (e.g., the 5th Generation cellular mobile network) promote the concept of playing
everywhere and facilitate the development of pervasive gaming [5]. Figure 2 shows the trend of
mobile virtual world from 2014. By the end of 2017, the number of mobile gamers has been more
than 1.4 times the number of 2014 (Figure 2 (a)). Figure 2 (b) shows that worldwide mobile social
gaming revenue has increased by 2.82 billion dollars from 2010 to 2014. Interestingly, the trend of
gamer population by device shows that smartphones gain larger traction than tablets. It is likely
that, with the increase of smartphone size and capacity, the distinction of smartphone and tablet are
diminishing, which reduces the demand on tablet. Moreover, the investigations in year 2017 and
2018 show that smartphone-based applications gains the largest market share both in video game
(63%) [6] and virtual reality/augmented reality (77%) [7], compared with PC, laptop, game
console, and other standalone game device counterparts. In summary, the trends in mobility show
that the user population and consumption on mobile virtual world platforms are growing.

 Revenue in billion U.S. dollars

 3.5 3.37

 3. 2.77
 1.5 1.09
 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

 (a) (b)
Figure 2. Trends of mobility: (a) Number of mobile gamers in North America from 2014 to 2017 [8]. (b) Worldwide
mobile social gaming revenue from 2010 to 2014 [9].

2.2. Diversity

Virtual worlds have been designed to serve different purposes. Figure 3 shows the increasing range
of investment from 2016 to 2018. A shift of investment from traditional sectors (gaming,
marketing, and military simulation) to new sectors (retail and manufacturing) can be observed. To
better satisfy application requirements, various user contents have been generated, such as the
virtual objects in Second Life and Minecraft (, to facilitate user’s innovation and

collaboration [10]. In education, for example, immersive learning environments provide simulated
and controlled situations to improve student’s performance and motivation in study. Also, dynamic
content generation can decrease development effort for teachers to customize learning games [11].
In medicine, the realistic models created in virtual environments can facilitate surgical training
[12]. In tourism, virtual world technologies can convert heritage relics to digital assets, which can
avoid erosion in long-term preservation [13]. In e-commerce, user involvement in product co-
creation [14] can improve product satisfaction.

 Real estate
 Live events
 Movies and TV

 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
 Share of respondents

 2016 2018

 Figure 3. Investment directions of virtual/augmented reality technology worldwide in2016 and 2018 [15].

2.3. Interconnectivity

Virtual worlds can connect different people and devices to support various interaction and
communication. Multiple access devices lead to various user data input to virtual worlds. One
emergent category is wearable device. Figure 4 (a) shows that user consumption on wearable
device is growing in all categories. Wearable devices can collect user data by tracing various user
interaction patterns in play. For instance, Cyberith Virtualizer ( can track user posture
in walking, running, standing, crouching, and sitting. Data is also collected from IoT devices,
creating a mirrored world to telepresent real-world data in a virtual environment. For example, Eye
Create Worlds [16] visualizes the data in a virtual world from the sensors placed over a city to
monitor and optimize the performance of a rail transportation network. Besides connecting to
devices, people in virtual worlds are increasingly inter-connected. Figure 4 (b) shows that the
market value of social worlds in 2020 is expected to be twice the value in 2011. Moreover, a game
industry survey in 2018 shows 54% gamers players feel video games help them connect with
friends and spend time with family [17]. In summary, the above observation shows the
interconnectivity trend from both hardware peripherals and social connection, leading to the growth
of in-world user data collection.

2.4. Immersion

User’s experience of immersion is an important trend to study, for it generates a sense of presence
[18]. By observing the evolution of the multimedia and computer graphics technology, two trends
can be found. First, the market revenue in Figure 5 (a) shows the increasing trend of immersive
hardware technology adoption. Second, the recent innovation in multiple sensorial media

(mulsemedia) [19] provides users more sensorial experience than visual and audio delight, leading
to the deeper experience of immersion. Figure 5 (b) shows the trend of new mulsemedia device
release in the haptic rendering, olfactory rending, and gustatory rendering market. The figure for
all device categories is growing, especially from 2012. Some VR headsets integrating the
multisensory function can provide multiple sensorial experiences (besides audio and video
experience). For example, OhRoma ( provides different smells
during video or audio playing. Feelreal ( can simulate both smell and wind by
changing airflow. These trends show the increasing adoption of immersive rendering techniques,
enriching user experience.

 (a) (b)

Figure 4. Trends of inter-connectivity: (a) Forecast unit shipments of wearable devices worldwide from 2017 to 2022
[20]. (b) Value of the social gaming industry worldwide from 2011 to 2020 [21].

 (a) (b)

Figure 5. Trends of the immersive technology and market: (a) Immersive technology consumer market revenue
worldwide from 2018 to 2021 [22]. (b) Number of new virtual reality sensory device releases along with years, by
category. All the figures before 2000 are aggregated to 2000. See the complete list in the supplemental material.

2.5. Intelligence

Game intelligence (i.e., Game AI) techniques have been widely applied in virtual worlds for
creating the sense of challenging, enriching human-computer interaction, providing better content,
and bringing extra experience to users [23]. A previous study has rendered the milestones of game

AI innovation in NPC behaviour, procedural content generation (PCG), and narrativity (in the
supplemental material). Game AI in NPC can endow NPCs with believable or human-like
characteristics in interaction. The game AI in procedural content generation (PCG) can
automatically generate a complex world system, many 3D models, and a full scenario with random
quests. Moreover, game AI can also develop game plots from interactive storytelling to augment
users’ dynamic and immersive gaming experience. To further improve game AI, machine learning
techniques have been applied to games. They have become either the dominant or the secondary
method in NPC behaviour learning, player modelling, PCG, computational narrative, believable
agents, AI-assisted game design, and general game AI [23]. Summerville et al [24] has surveyed
the cutting-edge machine learning approaches applied in PCG. Besides, some artificial intelligence
techniques have been applied in story generation [25], such as genetic algorithms. The above trends
show that we can witness the increasing adoption and improvement of intelligent techniques in
virtual worlds.

2.6. Implications

The mobility trend implies capabilities of heterogeneous client-end devices’ for running virtual
world applications. Compared with desktop devices and game consoles, mobile devices are
configured with fewer hardware resources. In terms of floating-point arithmetic computation, for
example, the performance of Nintendo Switch (2017, portable mode) and Samsung Galaxy S10
(2019) is 157 GFLOPS and 899 GFLOPS respectively, whilst Sony PlayStation 4 has already
reached 4197.8 GFLOPS in 2014. On the other hand, the immersion and intelligence trend imply
the increase of rendering complexity and computing tasks. The conflict between the limited client-
end resource and the rapid increase of computational complexity implies that existing clients may
have limited capability to provide highly immersive rendering and intelligent computing. Thus,
computing resource sufficiency is the first emergent requirement.

Moreover, mobile devices are more subject to failure than their desktop counterparts for two
reasons. First, a connection to remote services through a wireless network is less stable that through
a wired network, as the former relies on signal quality. Second, mobile devices have limited battery
life and battery quickly depletes for resource-hungry applications, such as virtual world, leading to
device failure. A poorly connected or highly congested network will even cause extra power
consumption, due to communication overhead increase [26]. Since unstable connection will corrupt
users’ gaming experiment, and device failure may cause game state lost, computing reliability is
another new requirement.

Diversity implies that more content will be generated by users, including user-created virtual
objects and virtual wealth generated in gaming [27]. Meanwhile, interconnectivity implies that
more user information will be stored in virtual worlds, including the user data collected from
multiple peripheral (i.e., wearable and IoT) devices and the relationships built from users’ online
social network. For simplicity, user-generated objects, virtual wealth, user data, and use social
connections are uniformly called user content. The increase and importance of user content have
two questions drawing our attention. First, intuitively, will user content be lost if a virtual world
application is failed, such as infrastructure failure or service discontinuation? To avoid content lost,
this question brings the persistency requirement to system design.

Besides content storage, users may also care more than ever about how a system will treat their
content. With the increase of personal data and social connections, data security is gradually
becoming a great concern to users, especially the security of privacy-sensitive information,
including personal identification, personal (i.e., religion, race, health, sexual orientation, financial,
biometric, etc.) information, collected data, and device traceable information. With the increase of
virtual properties (i.e., objects and wealth), legal protection has become another concern, especially
for those having real-world economic value (e.g., the Linden Dollar in Second Life). In the case of
service termination, for example, users may worry about the access to or even the economic benefit
from them [28]. Moreover, users may share their content with others, leading another level of
security and legal concern. All the above concerns request for a trusted environment of content
storage. We call it the credibility requirement.

Bringing together the above implications, Figure 6 summarizes the relations between the emergent
technology trends and requirements of virtual world development, including sufficiency,
reliability, persistency, and credibility. They will be elaborated in the next sections.

 ∧ ( ∨ ) → 
 ∨ → {
 Figure 6. Relation of emergent trends and design requirements.

3. New Requirement Space
The trend analysis has implied new requirements of virtual world system design, which are
complementary to the existing requirements, namely consistency, responsiveness, scalability, and
security. We have observed that responsiveness is a common criterion in the sufficiency,
persistency, consistency, and scalability problems. Hence, it is more appropriate to express it as a
design criterion towards other requirements. Figure 7 shows the taxonomy of design requirements
and issues.

Energy Efficiency
 Reliability CAP

 Secure Access
 Data Security
 Virtual World Credibility
 Content Ownership
 Legal Protection DRM
 Content Moderation
 Perceptive Consistency
 Cheating Prevention
 Cheating Detection

 Figure 7. Taxonomy of design requirements and issues.

3.1 Brief Introduction on Existing Requirements

Before elaborating on the new requirements, existing requirements are briefly introduced for
completeness. The consistency models originate from distributed computing [29]. For virtual world
systems, consistency can be studied in two domains [30]. In the discrete domain, it requires that
two users can see the same set of events handled in causal order, called causal preservation. Yet,
in the continuous domain, object state also changes over time, following some internal rules, e.g.,
physical laws. It then requires that two users can see the same state changes if they have received
the same set of events, called perceptive consistency [31]. In practice, consistency error can be
compensated by latency error to achieve the overall fairness, which is called playability [32].
Scalability is “a desirable … ability of a system to accommodate an increasing number of elements
or objects, to process growing volumes of work gracefully” [33]. In virtual worlds, the scalability
issues can be classified into world scalability and hotspot scalability. The challenge of world
scalability comes from two sources [34]: large scale real-time simulations and simultaneous
visualization for many users, caused by user population increase. Hotspot scalability comes from
another source: multiple heterogeneous actors with different operating characteristics. When many
users gather at a small place, a hotspot is formed [35]. The scalability issues aim at minimizing
system performance reduction with the increase of users and user interactions, either globally or
regionally. For security, cheating is an ubiquitous issue in online gaming communities [36], caused
by the combination of malicious attempts and system faults. [37] has classified them into 3 types
of security break and further divided them into 13 categories. They summarized that cheatings in
virtual worlds need either be prevented or be detected for providing a fair playground.

3.2. Sufficiency

Sufficiency is the first emergent requirement such that users can access highly immersive
environments from any device. It becomes outstanding with the growth of mobile devices and

computational complexity. Partially/completely offloading computing tasks to remote sites for
meeting the resource requirement is an evident choice [38], [39]. Based on the choice, two concerns
can be derived: energy efficiency and quality of service (QoS)/quality of Experience (QoE). Energy
efficiency concerns about the device energy consumption for local computing or communication
to remote sites [40]. [41] provided an energy consumption model for smartphone task offloading
in WLAN and mobile network (3G/4G). QoS/QoE concerns about the cost and benefit of
offloading [39]. The cost includes communication overhead and response latency. The benefit
includes graphic (i.e., image or video) quality improvement, quantified by bitrate or frame rate.
Moreover, both energy efficiency and QoS/QoE are sensitive to network condition. If network
availability is low, code offloading will increase both energy consumption and latency [26].

3.3. Reliability

Reliability also comes from the mobility trend, as both mobile devices and mobile networks are
subject to failure. Redundancy can add reliability to a system by replicating data and program to
multiple sites so that a device can both tolerate connection failure (i.e., failure tolerance) and
recover application state after client failure (i.e., failure recovery). Redundancy brings the
consistency problem (called replica consistency to distinguish it from the consistency requirement),
since all replicas must maintain the application game state for state integrity. Consistency is a hard
problem in distributed computing, due to the notorious CAP theorem [42]. It states that if a design
cannot tolerate network partition, availability and consistency cannot be simultaneously achieved,
because a network failure may prevent a replica from being synchronized [43]. On the other hand,
if a design can solve the network partition problem, consistency and responsiveness will then
become the conflicting requirements, since consistency control protocols normally add additional
communication steps [44]. Thus, the reliability property seeks for a computing redundancy design
which can achieve high availability, consistency, and responsiveness, meanwhile without or
tolerating network partition.

Additionally, reliability is an important requirement for device interoperability [45] in pervasive
games. In Hot Potato [46], for example, player mobile devices are locally connected with wireless
sensor network (WSN) and P2P neighbour discovery. They also need to connect to a backbone
network for coordinating heterogeneous devices, providing global interaction and storage for all
game instances.

3.4. Persistency

The persistency requirement has two aspects: state and content. State persistency requires that when
a player leaves a game, his/her game state is well-kept for the next-time retrieval and play [47].
State data normally has a small size but could be frequently updated. Thus, data read/write
efficiency is the main concern. [48] found that some states only require approximate consistency
between write and read (e.g., avatar position), while others require exact consistency (e.g., user
inventory). Thus, different persistency strategies can be applied for different consistency
requirements to minimize system overhead and response delay. Game state storage also needs to
be reliable and robust to any failure. If redundancy is applied for fault-tolerance, then the replica
consistency, responsiveness, and load balance issue also have to be studied [49].

On the other side, user content persistency in virtual world is still short of attention. With the growth
of user content, however, this aspect is becoming increasingly important. Content persistency
requires that a user’s data and content can be permanently preserved if the user has not departed
from the virtual world. Compared to state data, user content files normally have a larger size (e.g.,
multimedia files), but are less frequently updated. Thus, the main concern is distinctive [50], which
includes storage efficiency (i.e., reliability to storage space), bandwidth cost, data access latency,
and content integrity. Furthermore, if user content can be shared to other users, view consistency
is needed, which requires that two users can see the same set of objects if both are interested in

3.5. Credibility

Credibility (or trust) comes from the increase and importance of user content on virtual worlds. It
is more complex and thus deserves some detailed explication. In the context of information system,
trust is a subjective belief that a system or a system component will behave as expected [51], which
is established based on direct evidence, recommendation, and reputation [52]. In virtual world,
users can have their belief on the underlying system in content management only if their content is
securely preserved and legally protected. Thus, the credibility requirement has two concerns: user
data security and content legal protection.

Data security (to distinguish it from the security requirement), though new to virtual worlds, has
been widely studied in cloud services, which includes privacy and confidentiality. Both require that
user’s sensitive content is confidential to unauthorized access, whilst data privacy stresses more on
the interest of users in controlling the data about themselves [53]. [54] divides the top threats into
5 categories, including data breaches, account or service traffic hijacking, API or shared technology
vulnerabilities, malicious insiders, and insufficient due diligence. The categories of threats imply
that data security is not only a technical issue but also a regulatory issue. From the technical
perspective, secure data access needs to be achieved by mitigating the above threats from privacy-
enhancing technologies, security mechanisms, data obfuscation, or anonymization. From the
regulatory perspective, data security involves procedural solutions for committing legal and
contractual requirements in a verifiable way. For verifying requirement commitment,
accountability [55] and compliance are the key issues.

Legal protection concerns the legitimate interest of the involved parties, mainly virtual world users
and platforms. The first issue is content ownership. If users only have the control of their created
content but not the ownership, such separation will become the barrier to user innovativeness due
to the additional cost [56]. Secondly, if users have content ownership, they may need to control the
distribution of their content to others through digital rights management (DRM), which only allows
users to represent and constrain content usage but also provides traceability of service violation.
Moreover, user-created content may also bring legal risks, including plagiarism, offensive content,
spam, soft hacking, etiquette breach, personal exposure, etc. [57]. These risks push the content
moderation techniques to a new frontier.


 (a) (b)


 (c) (d)

 Personal Mobile
 Server Device Stream

 State Content Game AI Graphics Update

 Figure 8. Conceptual classes of virtual world architecture: (a) client-server, (b) peer-to-peer, (c) Hybrid-I, (d)

4. Virtual World Architecture Inspection
Existing virtual world system architectures can be classified to client-server (C/S) architecture,
peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture, and hybrid architectures. Figure 8 illustrates the conceptual
structures of them. This section introduces the existing virtual world architectures and conducts a
qualitative study on their design requirement satisfaction and limitations. Table 1 lists the
representative solutions to the design issues. In this paper, only the issues related to emergent
requirements are elaborated.

Table 1. Representative solution of the design issues.
 Requirement C/S Hybrid-I P2P Hybrid-II
 Energy trade-off [40]
 Sufficiency Efficiency
 QoS/QoE MAUI [38]
 Database Backup virtual
 Reliability Reliability
 Database replication [58] node [60]
 Pithos [59]
 State replication [58] Centralized control State Action
 Persistency [61] Manager [60]
 Kad [62]
 Policy-based access control [63] Blockchain-based access control [64]
 Regulation Data compliance [65]
 Credibility Ownership User representative [66]
 DRM License Server [67] DRMChain [68]
 Content approval or social accountability [57]
 Consistency Perceptive Local-lag and timewarp [30]
 World Cloud resources
 Cloud gaming [69] Cloudlet [70] Red-Black [71]
 Scalability [60]
 Hotspot Virtual server
 KIWANO [72] Peer-assisted [61] AOI-cast [73]
 Scalability transfer [60]
 Cryptographic measures [74]
 Cheating Behaviour Mutual
 IRS [76] RACS [78]
 Detection monitoring [75] verification [77]

4.1. Client-server

In the C/S architecture (Figure 8 (a)), simulation logic is processed at the server end, while clients
only render updates, which are sent from servers, to users. A C/S virtual world has a definitive
platform owner (e.g., Linden Lab, the owner of Second Life). The online services (e.g.,
authentication, inventory management, and region management in Second Life) and application
data (e.g., user items, user inventory, and virtual property in Second Life) belong to the platform
owner. C/S architecture has predominated the virtual world industry (See the list of sampled virtual
worlds in the supplemental material).

Requirement satisfaction

C/S architecture adopts a centralized structure, which easily satisfies sufficiency and reliability.
For sufficiency, codes running on client can be partly or completely offloaded to dedicated servers
through function invocation[79]. In code offloading, [40] has provided an energy trade-off model

to maximize energy efficiency in terms of the ratio of energy cost to device-specific cost in local
computation and additional communication. For QoS/QoE, MAUI [38] has shown the improved
video refresh rate from 6 FPS to 13 with low energy consumption, latency, and data transfer
overhead. Cloud gaming [39] can also address the sufficiency issue through interactive remote
rendering [80]. As such, energy consumption and QoS/QoE remain the main focuses of cloud

C/S virtual worlds can resolve the reliability problem with replication. [58] applied a database
replication approach to multiplayer online games to provide fault tolerance. Game operations are
handled with a Read-One-Write-All-Available approach. That work provides four alternative
synchronization approaches for propagating updates to all replicas to maintain consistency. It also
shows fast responsiveness (specifically, ≤20 ms for read-only transactions and ≤100 ms for write
transaction). Database replication can also improve reliability in game state storage. Yet, to the
best of our knowledge, existing C/S virtual world systems have not fully addressed the connection
failure issue. Directing communications to nearby fog facilities might be a solution [81], since a
shorter distance between fog facilities and mobile clients can reduce the chance of connection

For data security, policy-based access control [63], together with secure hardware [82] or
cryptographic measures [83], can be applied in data sharing [83], keyword search [84], and public
audit [85]. Fog computing can also mitigate insider data theft [86]. Moreover, security policies can
be enforced through data protection compliance [65] and accountability check [55]. For legal
protection, Kim et al [67] proposed a user-centric rights representation model for the DRM of user-
generated content by employing a separate license server [67].

Moreover, the content moderation issue has been discussed in [57], which proposed a risk
management framework for user-generated content with 7 moderation techniques, respectively
employed by platform owner, system, trusted curator, and the public. Notably, the solution to this
issue is applicable to all architectures.


The centralized ownership creates a single point of failure, leading to two issues. The first issue is
persistency. When the entity owning a virtual world dies, bankrupts, or withdraws its operations,
the affected virtual worlds will collapse together with the loss of its user-generated contents
(Among the 126 virtual world applications based on OpenSimulator2, 28 of them has no longer in
operation). The result is that user content will become non-persistent. Temporary infrastructure
failure may also cause user content lost. For example, the World of Warcraft game server crash on
21 Jan 2006 led to the inventory damage of thousands of players [58].

The second issue is credibility, which involves information and legal protection. User data of a
virtual world may include sensitive information, such as location information in context-aware
games [5]. One of the key privacy compliance issues is to provide a transparent and controlled

 See the inactive virtual world list in

environment to data owners [87], which is, however, at the cost of platform owner, and subject to
many external factors (e.g., global societal trends), firm-specific factors (e.g., industry best practice
and corporate culture), and ethical frame (e.g., rule utilitarianism or moral relativism) selection
[88]. There are also some trust-level issues related to transparency, including requirement
propagation along the sub-contract chain and malicious insiders [87]. Thus, the gap remains
between platform owner’s claims and user’s trust of their sensitive information protection.

Moreover, storing user-created content on a C/S platform separates content ownership and control
in social worlds, creating a legal dilemma. Users do not have the control over the actual data and a
platform may unilaterally terminate their accounts with their virtual asset confiscated, as in the
Bragg case [89] and the Evans case [90], which leads to ownership tensions and inhibits user
innovation [66]. [28] have shown that platforms tend to have such ownership separation either for
competition purpose or for liability safe harbour, which discloses the second problem. Storing user
content imposes legal pressure on platform owners for copyright infringement or offensive content
[91]. Though content moderation can mitigate such risks [57], it largely increases the cost paid by
platform owners and the risks still exist.

4.2. Peer-to-peer

P2P virtual world aims at resolving the scalability issue of the classic C/S architecture [92], which
is jointly promoted by P2P computing and virtual world researches. In the P2P architecture (Figure
8 (b)), services are collectively run by user devices which play the role of both server and client.
All user devices are connected to a P2P overlay network [93]. When a user is accessing a virtual
world application, he/she is also providing services to others of the same application through
his/her accessing device. Such a virtual world is supported by a reciprocal economy. A P2P virtual
world can have an application provider who develops and distributes the application software to
run on a P2P overlay network. Currently, P2P virtual worlds are still far from wide industry
acceptance, partially due to their higher difficulty on system maintenance for developers [37].

Requirement Satisfaction

P2P virtual worlds, firstly proposed in Knutsson et al [92], remove the single point of failure of
C/S virtual worlds. By running applications on user devices with open protocols, application data
are no longer owned or controlled by any entity. Thus, they are promising to address the persistency
issues. [49] provided a comprehensive survey of P2P game state persistency. Later, [59] proposed
a two-tier architecture. An overlay storage employs a distributed hash table (DHT) and super-peers
to provide high reliability and fault-tolerance. A group storage employs a distance-based grouping
approach to improve availability and responsiveness.

For content persistency, P2P virtual worlds can also employ a P2P file storage protocol to store
user content. Existing P2P file storage systems, such as BitTorrent (, has shown
their persistency property without central storage. Varvello et al [62] designed a communication
infrastructure for distributing and storing virtual objects to Kad, a global P2P storage network.
Total Recall [94] provides optimized storage efficiency with high responsiveness and low
bandwidth cost. [95] proposed a content retrieval approach based on Total Recall to provide
efficient content integrity check. These properties are requested by the content persistency

requirement. Moreover, [96] proposed a P2P 3D object streaming scheme from nearby peers, which
can be used in virtual world content sharing. [97] improved it in efficiency.

For data security, P2P virtual worlds can leverage Blockchain technology, combined with
cryptographic measures, to achieve user-centric secure data access [98]. Blockchain-based privacy-
preserving access control has been widely discussed in many fields, including personal identity
management [99], healthcare record sharing [64], collected data access [100], etc. Blockchain
technology has some advantages. First, a third-party service is not needed for stewarding user data,
on which users must put their trust. Second, security policies added to Blockchain [101] is
transparent to all users and data compliance can be achieved through the consensus mechanism.
Moreover, a Blockchain data structure is tamper-proof, providing additional merits, including
integrity and non-repudiation, etc.

Blockchain technology can also be used in digital rights management [68]. Its non-repudiation
property can enable the conditional tractability of license violation. Moreover, a P2P virtual world
does not have a definitive platform owner, attributed to its decentralized structure. It removes
ownership inconsistency issue and users really have the ownership of their virtual assets as well as
the underlying data. Thus, a P2P virtual world can achieve higher credibility.


Sufficiency and reliability are the two weaknesses of P2P architecture, and they are becoming
outstanding with the increase of mobile clients. In pervasive games or augmented reality, user
clients could be wearable devices, IoT devices, and custom-built devices. They have nonstandard
interfaces and heterogeneous capabilities [5], [45], which exhibits several limitations in the P2P
design. First, resource-limited wearable devices may not have enough computing resources or
standard interfaces to play the role of a server for running full game logic. Yet, gaming experience
on mobile devices can be unsatisfying because of limited processing capacity. For example, Final
Fantasy XV Pocket Edition provided lower graphics [102] and AI experience [103] than the
desktop and console edition.

Moreover, P2P virtual worlds may also suffer from heterogeneous peer resources. Mobile devices
and wearable devices can run fewer services than desktop devices. Departure of users with major
resources provision can unduly stress the rest peers [104].

Mobility also greatly increases the chance of client failure due to connection lost [105] or battery
depletion [106]. Client failure may cause unsaved state loss. Also, reliability is important to gaming
experience. Pervasive games require high connectivity to game masters (i.e., specially selected
players) for content distribution, diegetic communication, and game progress track [45]. Although
Pithos [59] adds reliability through a two-tier game state replication, the design does not address
the replica synchronization issue, which may lead to inconsistent game state.

4.3 Hybrid-I

The C/S and P2P architecture can be combined to a hybrid architecture to overcome the weakness
of one architecture by the strength of another. According to the ways of combination, hybrid

architectures can be divided into two classes. The first one, denoted by Hybrid-I (Figure 8 (c)),
leverages the P2P computing techniques to the C/S architecture for computation offloading, since
P2P resources can be easily scaled with user population. In Hybrid-I virtual worlds, e.g., [61],
clients disseminate updates to each other through P2P communication to save a server’s outgoing
bandwidth and thus its operating cost. Cloud gaming can also exploit P2P techniques to reduce
game latency [39] and service operating cost [70], [107].

Requirement satisfaction and limitations

The Hybrid-I architectures have different requirement satisfactions, depending on how clients
participate in a simulation. This section introduces some typical examples. Firstly, in [108], the
cloud servers form a P2P publish-subscribe overlay for the communication between game servers.
Clients do not involve in any simulation. Then, in [61], a central server is employed to control and
store game state, while clients are only in charge of message dissemination to save the server’s
outgoing bandwidth. Their requirement satisfaction is similar to that of C/S architecture, except
that the latter design provides more cost-efficient scalability solutions, because the efficiency of
message dissemination scales with user population. They also share the same single point of failure
with C/S architecture due to the existence of a central point for content storage, including the
limitations in content persistency, data security, and legal protection.

In [76], a central server stores application states and relays client messages for security check.
Clients compute and disseminate the game state with P2P techniques. The requirement satisfaction
of this approach lies between the C/S architecture and the P2P architecture. Specifically, the P2P
clients allow it to have similar requirement satisfaction and limitation to the P2P architecture. The
centrally controlled game state allows it to have the similar requirement satisfaction and limitations
to the C/S architecture in persistency, credibility, and security, while P2P clients allow it to have
the similar requirement satisfaction and limitations to the P2P architecture with respect to the rest

In [109], moreover , P2P clients manage application state for each other, while a central server only
keeps the sensitivity data (e.g., user profile) and provides the utility functions (e.g., authentication).
This design is similar to the P2P architecture, except that the satisfaction of the data security
requirement can approach to that of the C/S architecture because of the centralized storage of
sensitive data.

4.4. Hybrid-II

The second hybrid class, denoted by Hybrid-II (Figure 8 (d)), introduces cloud resources to the
P2P architecture to improve the overall performance. In [110], for instance, special server nodes
play the roles of zone masters. They do not retain game state but only help clients in intra-/inter-
zone communication. The Hybrid-II architecture was initially proposed by [104] after identifying
the heterogeneous peer resource issue. In their design, cloud resources are introduced to
complement peer resources, and both are virtualized to nodes (called virtual nodes, VN). The VNs
construct two P2P overlays for providing the common services: the state action manager (SAM)
and the positional action manager (PAM). The SAM nodes, organized to a structured overlay,
manage the state of virtual objects [60]. The PAM nodes, organized to an unstructured overlay,

manage user position for neighbour and object discovery [111]. In an application of Hybrid-II
architecture, a client firstly receives the nearby users and objects by querying the PAM service.
Then the client can interact with them through the SAM service for state update and state

Requirement satisfaction

The Hybrid-II architecture shares some similarity with the P2P architecture, but there are some
differences between them. Firstly, the Hybrid-II design has enhanced the scalability by resolving
the resource heterogeneity issue with reliable cloud resources to cover resource deficiency from
user departure. The optimal cloud resource assignment problem with respect to system load has
been studied in [112] to minimize the economic cost from cloud resource utilization. Resource
virtualization can also provide load-balance to further improve scalability. In [60], load imbalance
is evaluated with the Gini Coefficient. If a device is overloaded, it will migrate some of the VNs
to other devices with minimized visual inconsistency.

Cloud resources also have a contribution to state persistency [104]. The SAM service provides two
layers of replication. First, each VN assigned to a user device (called uVN) is backed up with a
cloud node (called bVN). An uVN periodically synchronize its node state to the bVN. Such fault
tolerant mechanism is called coarse-grain data replication. Moreover, a VN in SAM also
dynamically replicates its objects to a VN (i.e., overlay replicas) in the neighbour address space
[113], which is called fine-grained data replication. In the case of uVN failure, the SAM service
will forward requests to the overlay replica. If an overlay replica has become overloaded, it will
inform its clients to forward their requests to the bVN. In such a design, the coarse-grain data
replication can reinforce storage reliability, and the fine-grain one can improve service
responsiveness through neighbour address access [113].

Though not mentioned by the authors, we believe that content persistency can be achieved with the
same approach as that in the P2P architecture, since the overall Hybrid-II architecture is
decentralized. Likewise, the Hybrid-II architecture can achieve the same credibility requirement
satisfaction as the P2P architecture, due to the lack of a centralized control entity.


Similar to the P2P architecture, the Hybrid-II architecture is limited in resource provisioning for
resource-limited devices. In the SAM service, objects stored on a VN have the identifiers close to
the VN’s address [60]. That is to say, objects are not group by their users but by mapping identifiers
to the address space of the DHT overlay [113]. Thus, a SAM node may not have all the content of
a user for running complete simulation logic. Moreover, even though cloud resources have been
introduced, which may have higher computation capabilities, they are partitioned to many VNs for
service and data storage backup. Thus, cloud gaming cannot be run on the Hybrid-II architecture
for code offloading [79] or interactive remote rendering [39].

For reliability, though the two-layer data replication mechanism can double the reliability of the
SAM service, as in the P2P architecture, the state synchronization issue between replicas is not
addressed by the authors. When an uVN fails, it may not timely and successfully synchronize the

latest state to its bVN or overlay neighbour, leading to state lost or inconsistency. The extent of
inconsistency between replicas depends on the length of synchronization interval. However, state
consistency could be critical to the integrity of a game, such as in-game trade and user inventory

5. Discussion

5.1. Architecture Comparison

In this section, we compare the virtual world architectures in requirement satisfaction. The
introduced architecture classes include C/S, P2P, Hybrid-I, and Hybrid-II, and Virtual Net. In the
discussion, they are further classified to centralized architectures (C/S and Hybrid-I) and the
decentralized architectures (P2P and Hybrid-II). Table 2 shows the comparison result.

 Table 2. Features comparison of virtual world architectures.
 Requirement Feature C/S P2P Hybrid-I Hybrid-II
 Lightweight Device Code offload, Code offload,
 Sufficiency No No
 Support Cloud gaming Cloud gaming
 Connect Failure Tolerance No No No No
 Replica consistency Yes No guarantee Yes No guarantee
 Content Content lost due to
 Likely Unlikely Likely Unlikely
 persistency platform failure
 Transparency to
 No Yes No Yes
 Content Ownership Separated User-owned Separated User-owned
 Credibility Platform Owner’s Liability
 Yes No Yes No
 for illegal content
 DRM Violation
 No Yes No Yes
 Scalability Cost to Medium to
 Scalability High Low Moderate
 Application Provider low
 Client-side Code
 Security Highly secure Vulnerable Highly secure Vulnerable

Sufficiency can be satisfied with the separation of client and service. In centralized architectures,
since most computational complex tasks are moved to the service end, including simulation logic,
physics computation, and graphics computation, a lightweight client only needs to render the
results generated from servers. In contrast, the decentralized architectures require client devices to
play the role of both server and client, imposing large computation load on them. A lightweight
client device may not have the capability to render a highly immersive environment. Moreover,
compared to the rest architectures, P2P virtual worlds may suffer from heterogeneous peer
resources. Some peers may be located on low-performance or unreliable devices, which will
provide less services to other peers and even slow down the entire system.

Reliability can be satisfied with replication and synchronization. In centralized architectures, each
state update will be synchronized from client to server. Since the centralized architectures preserve

a copy of user state at the server end, they can tolerate client failure. A recovered client can catch
up with the latest state by retrieving the data from server. Moreover, the database synchronization
approaches can maintain replica consistency between replicated databases. But centralized
architectures only maintain a connection between a client and a server, which does not tolerate
connection failure. The decentralized architectures also provide replication for backing up client
state. Thus, client state can be recovered after client failure. But they neither provide replica
consistency guarantee nor tolerate connection failure.

Content persistency can be satisfied with decentralization. The centralized architectures contain a
central entity for stewarding user content, creating a single point of failure. As above-shown, even
if advanced fault-tolerance techniques can minimize the failure of a system, the failure of the
control entity will cause services to discontinue. Decentralized architectures, on the other hand, are
immune from system-level failure, since such a system is not controlled by a single entity.
Moreover, the underlying P2P storage techniques [94] ensure that the failure of a node will not
spread over the entire system, and local failure can be recovered from data replicas.

Data Security can be satisfied also from the decentralization. The security compliance of the
centralized architectures is normally non-transparent to the external and is subjective to many firm-
specific factors. Users only put limited trust in the protection of their data and information, even
for cloud-based systems. An industry observation has shown that security and compliance are still
the significant challenges to cloud computing in 2019 [114]. The decentralized architectures, on
the other hand, does not have a single stakeholder. Every user is the stakeholder of a system, and
P2P-based security mechanisms can be applied and effective as long as most users are obedient to
the system rules [115]. Thus, users need to trust no entity but only the system per se, which is also
the argument why Blockchain-based solutions can achieve higher security in data access [64].
Thus, the decentralized architectures can provide more trust in data security to users.

Legal protection can be satisfied with unitary ownership. In the existing virtual worlds, which are
centralized, control entities own all digital assets (i.e., file and data), while users own their virtual
assets, leading to ownership inconsistency and disputation [66]. The decentralized architectures,
on the other hand, do not have a control entity. Both virtual objects and digital assets belong to
users. Thus, users’ virtual property can be legally protected by property or copyright law.
Moreover, application providers do not need to worry about their liability for, e.g., plagiarism or
offensive content, since they do not own them. Thus, the decentralized architectures can offer
higher legal protection to both users and application providers.

Table 2 also shows the architectural comparison for existing requirements, including scalability
and security. Scalability cost refers to the economic cost imposed on someone or some entity, who
provides the virtual world application, for scaling up the system to accommodate the growth of the
user population. In the C/S architecture, the cost is solely paid by the platform owner who pays the
cost of the entire infrastructure. In the hybrid-I architecture, since some functions (e.g., state
distribution) are distributed to user clients, the platform owner’s cost can be largely decreased. In
the hybrid-II architecture, the cost depends on who provides cloud resources. Since a hybrid-II
virtual world is collectively run by cloud resources and user devices, the cost in the hybrid-II
architecture will not be larger than the one in the hybrid-I architecture. In the P2P architecture, the
infrastructure cost is fully shared by all users. Thus, application providers barely need to pay for

the infrastructure.

Game cheating is the main factor leading to the low acceptance of decentralized architectures in
the industry [37]. Compared to centralized structures, decentralized structures, due to the lack of a
central arbitrator, are more vulnerable to player escaping, network flooding, suppress-correct cheat,
etc. than their C/S counterparts, while time cheat, blind opponent, consistency cheat are only
possible to P2P games [37]. In P2P architectures, though some cheatings can either be prevented
or detected through cryptographic measures [74] or mutual verification [77], a more general
approach either needs a central server for rule enforcement [76], [116] or lockstep message check
which largely increasing communication overhead. In the Hybrid-II architecture, a referee anti-
cheating scheme is applied for detecting illegal messages in communication [78]. Nevertheless, a
malicious user still can tamper the code of VNs and change the simulation logic which becomes
favourable to them and cannot be detected by the scheme. Moreover, the deterministic mapping
from object identifiers to the VN address space [113] enables an attacker to guess the content on
the controlled device, increasing the attack success rate.

5.2. A Possible Avenue Towards Future

For future virtual worlds, a new architecture called Virtual Net is under development to satisfy
more requirements[95]. The central idea of Virtual Net is that nobody owns a virtual world, but all
users collectively create a self-organized one, which is like the decentralized architectures at this
point. In Virtual Net, users contribute a part of their computing resources, which is virtualized into
one or multiple virtual nodes. All virtual nodes have the same computing resources, managed by a
node pool. Users of Virtual Net can store their contents or deploy their applications on the nodes
without a central server. Thus, it can inherit the advantages from the decentralized design paradigm
in persistency, data security, and legal protection.

In the Virtual Net architecture, a Mesh is a set of replicated virtual nodes. One Mesh is assigned to
each user for running virtual world applications. The replicas in a Mesh applies a replica
synchronization protocol to maintain replica consistency. Thus, externally, each Mesh can be
treated as a reliable peer, and inter-Mesh interaction is equivalent to the inter-peer interaction in
the P2P architecture. In a Mesh, a client is a special node, which provide the user interface for
receiving user operations and rendering updated states to users. A Mesh can receive the operations
from or send the updates to a client. Such structure offloads the computational complex tasks from
the client to the remote service end. So, a lightweight client device only needs to concentrate on
limited computing tasks. Moreover, a client can simultaneously communicate with all the replicas
of a Mesh to provide connection failure tolerance. Thus, the overall reliability of Virtual Net is
higher than the existing architectures. Notably, a special Mesh is be assigned to an NPC for running
AI program, which does not have a client node. Virtual Net also contains a P2P cloud which
provides the common services needed by all Meshes, such as object request routing [117].

Though promising, a full-fledged Virtual Net requires various challenges to be resolved, including
virtual resource management, rapid replica synchronization, composition of event handling and
object simulation. Currently, the Virtual Net research is making progress [118] and we can
anticipate a better future of virtual worlds.

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