Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech

Page created by Paul Nelson
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech

                            Testing times
                            for the UHD
                                • Launching 5G-MAG
                                • UHD1 truck wins 2019 T&I Award
                                • High Frame Rate: is it worth it?
                                and more...

                                           tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019   1
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
        Issue 41 • September 2019
                                              Antonio Arcidiacono
3     Conference videos; EBU @                Director of Technology
      IBC2019                                 & Innovation, EBU
4     Arab CTOs meeting; T&I
                                              I wrote last March in these pages     commercial focus. Specific
      Award 2019
                                              about our vision for a new kind       objectives will include
5     New TC Workplan                         of media delivery system, where       encouraging the development
6     UHD1 truck from tpc                     the key concept is a cooperative      and commercialization of 5G
                                              network coupled with intelligent      chipsets and user terminals that
7     IP newsgathering at ORF
                                              receivers. To build this, I wrote,    support media use cases; or
8     Technology transfer in                  we would need to bring together       facilitating agreements between
      production                              organizations from across the         content/service providers and
9     OTT: the fightback begins               media delivery chain –                terminal suppliers and service
                                              broadcasters, public and private,     distributors. In content
10 Lenses for UHD
                                              universities, telcos and network      production, too, there 5G-MAG
12 UHD requirements post-                     providers, both terrestrial and       will aim to foster the necessary
   2020                                       satellite.                            developments.
13 HFR subjective testing                       I said then that we at the EBU
                                              were ready to embrace this            CONVERGENT NETWORKS
14 Cloud-based VOD delivery
                                              vision that “could raise European     It looks certain that services
   at ITV                                     industry to the forefront of media    based on 5G will initially see the
15 Latest audience data from                  technology in the world”. We          light of day in urban areas, where
   MIS                                        have now reached the point            the biggest commercial
16 David Wood on 8K                           where that vision starts to           opportunities lie for incumbent
                                              become a reality, with the launch     telecoms operators.
17 Partner Profiles: BNE                      of the 5G Media Action Group          However, the media-related
18 VOX Hackathon at VRT                       (5G-MAG).                             applications that are of most
19 In the spotlight: Marco                                                          interest to broadcasters require
   Tinnirello                                 CHICKEN & EGG                         reliable wide area network
                                              Much has been said about the          coverage, i.e. close to 100% of
                                              potential for 5G networks to play     the population and 100% of the
Cover story: In this issue of tech-i we put   a central role in media delivery in   territory.
UHD technology under the microscope           future. One of the big challenges,       And it’s not just media providers
to assess the state of the overall            however, is to ensure that new        that require this level of coverage.
ecosystem. UHD lenses are in focus on
                                              5G features such as broadcast         Similar requirements come also
pages 10-11; there’s new EBU guidance
on optimal features and formats for PSM       capabilities are supported by         from the transport sector and
on page 12; and the results of subjective     chipsets, network infrastructure      PPDR (public protection and
tests on high frame rate on page 13.          and user devices. The vendors         disaster relief). 5G-MAG will thus
Elsewhere, David Wood looks further
                                              require certainty regarding           also foster innovative approaches
ahead to whether 8K will ever make
sense (page 16). Cover photo: Pierre          market adoption, which will be        to 5G coverage and promote the
Hugues Routhier (see page 10)                 driven by the existence of new        use of the convergent,
                                              services that rely on these new       collaborative networks that will
Editor-in-Chief: Antonio Arcidiacono          5G features.                          be required. An orchestration
Managing Editor: Patrick Wauthier               If that’s the chicken, then the     specification among the different
Editor: Eoghan O’Sullivan                     egg is that the service providers     network components will be a
tech@ebu.ch                                   will only invest in such new          key element.
Design: Louise Tait                           services if they are sure they can       You will hear and read a lot
Printed on FSC certified paper by             reach the end users. 5G-MAG           more about 5G-MAG in the
Graphius (FSC CO14767)
                                              hopes to foster the simultaneous      coming months, not least at its
© European Broadcasting Union
                                              emergence of both the chicken         public launch during IBC2019.
All rights reserved. The reproduction
of articles in tech-i is authorized           and the egg.                          The EBU is proud to be driving
only with the written permission of             Although liaison with the           the creation of this new
the publishers. The responsibility for        relevant standards developing         association, which will have its
views expressed in tech-i rests solely
                                              organizations is foreseen,            own legal identity, funding and
with the authors.
                                              5G-MAG will retain a primarily        governance.

2    tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
Conference videos on demand
                                  NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR
                                    June 2019 • tech.ebu.ch/nts2019

Robotics, automation and orchestras •                 Sustainable remote production • Larissa Görner
David Chalmers (BBC)                                  (Grass Valley)

           25TH TECHNICAL ASSEMBLY                           METADATA DEVELOPER NETWORK
          June 2019 • tech.ebu.ch/ta2019                      June 2019 • tech.ebu.ch/mdn2019

Broadcasting in a world of cellular networks •        SubTil Project: an open platform to run
Ulrich Reimers (Technical University                  microservices with AI • Matthieu Parmentier
Braunschweig)                                         (France Télévisions)

                                     AT THE CONFERENCE
EBU @ IBC2019                        • Can public broadcasters stay relevant?
                                       (Friday 13 September, 16:15, The Forum)
       VISIT US                      • Gender equality – a media and business imperative
   AT STAND 10.F20                     (Saturday 14 September, 16:15, Forum Lounge)
                                     • Technology innovations driving stories and new business
                                       (Monday 16 September, 11:30, Emerald Room)

                                     ON THE STAND
                                     • Tech topics: 5G, AI, OTT platforms, personalization, UHD,
                                       Next Generation Audio
                                     • EBU networking drinks (Monday, 16 September, 17:00)
                                     • Meetups and more…

   13-17 SEPTEMBER                               See tech.ebu.ch/ibc2019 for details
                                                                   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019   3
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
EBU Technical Committee meets with
Arab Members
Just before the 25th EBU
Technical Assembly in Croatia
last June, representatives
of several EBU Members in
Arab countries met with the
EBU Technical Committee.
Eight CTOs and technology
managers from Algeria, Egypt,
Lebanon and Morocco were
present. (The participation
of colleagues from Tunisia,
Jordan and Oman was also
foreseen, but was not possible        Broadcasting Union (ASBU),          distribution for broadcasters in
for administrative reasons.) Also     with which the EBU collaborates,    the region.
present were staff members of         brings together 27 broadcasters       Several areas for future
the EBU Technology & Innovation       in the MENA region, 11 of them      cooperation were identified. Most
Department, including Director        are also EBU Members. The           of the the participants remained
Antonio Arcidiacono, and EBU          June meeting was a valuable         in Cavtat to attend the Technical
Director of Member Relations          opportunity for the Technical       Assembly, which included a
and Communications Vanessa            Committee to gain insights          presentation on the digital
O’Connor.                             into the status of the digital      transition in the Arab States.
  While the Arab States               transition in both production and   (See: tech.ebu.ch/ta2019)

Pioneering OB truck wins EBU Technology
& Innovation Award 2019
The EBU Technology & Innovation Award                   tpc and its clients – including the Swiss public
recognizes technology contributions that “make a        broadcasters – to put IP-based production to the
difference and create value” in broadcasting. The       test. (Read more about the project on page 6.)
winning project this year was UHD1, a pioneering          Now in its fourth year, the award was presented
outside broadcast vehicle developed by tpc,             to Detlef Sold, the then outgoing CEO of tpc, at
a subsidiary of the Swiss public service media          the Technical Assembly in Croatia on 13 June.
organization SRG SSR. The truck has allowed             Accepting the award on behalf of tpc and its many
                                                        technology partners, Mr Sold said: “We have built
Detlef Sold with the
                                                        an IP lab to help us answer the many questions
EBU Technology &
Innovation Award                                        that come with moving to an all-IP environment,
                                                        but going on air with a full-IP truck has been
                                                        much more useful. What we have learned from
                                                        the engineering and architecture design of UHD1
                                                        is being transferred to the design of our new
                                                        technology centre in Zurich.”
                                                          The OB truck from tpc was one of four
                                                        shortlisted projects selected from the 13 entries
                                                        received for this year’s T&I Award. The other
                                                        shortlisted projects were ORF’s IP-based
                                                        multimedia newsgathering vehicles (see page
                                                        7); ITV’s cloud-based live-to-VOD platform (see
                                                        page 14); and the Greenfield Playout project from
                                                        TV2 in Norway, revolutionizing the way content
                                                        is handled both in terms of technology and
                                                        organizationally. (The TV2 project will be covered
                                                        in more detail in the next issue of tech-i.)

                                                        For past winners and information on how to
                                                        apply: tech.ebu.ch/award

4   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
Our workplan for the next two

There is an established rhythm          Judy Parnall at the 2019 EBU
to how the Technical Committee          Technical Assembly
(TC) operates with regard to
planning its work: elections
for the TC take place at the
Technical Assembly every second
year, while a new workplan is
developed and presented in the
intervening years. This schedule
meant the Workplan 2019-21,
with a streamlined structure and
approach, was presented at the
Technical Assembly in Croatia.
  So, what problems were we
trying to solve with this new
  We have sought more
flexibility. The speed of change
is increasing at an almost
unbelievable rate. Take smart
speakers, for example: did any
of us foresee even two years
ago how popular and almost             wanted to simplify the workplan,     of the TC itself and the existing
ubiquitous they would become?          knowing that there are people        working groups.
We wanted to make sure that the        who want to contribute to our
workplan, even though it covers        work, but have been unable           FEWER PROGRAMMES
two years, could adapt quickly to      to easily identify how best to       The number of SPs has been
such changes.                          engage with us.                      reduced to five, which will
  We were aware that we needed           The new workplan was based         continue to oversee Project
better communication, both             on several inputs, including         Groups that carry out defined
between the TC and its Strategic       the overarching EBU Together         tasks. We have also made
Programmes (SPs), but also             strategy, a survey of Members,       provision for Communities of
with the wider community of            requests from other EBU              Practice – to facilitate learning
EBU Members. Furthermore, we           committees, and the experience       and sharing among Members –
                                                                            and Collaborative Developments
Structure of the EBU Technical Committee Workplan 2019-21 – see             towards a specific product or
tech.ebu.ch/workplan                                                        service.
                                                                              In the interests of transparency,
                                                                            the workplans of each SP
                                                                            will be accessible to all EBU
                                                                            Members, with common tools
                                                                            used to manage their respective
                                                                            backlogs (of work items). The
                                                                            use of remote tools and online
                                                                            meetings will continue to grow,
                                                                            recognizing the pressure on
                                                                            travel budgets throughout the
                                                                              I encourage all Members to get
                                                                            involved with our work so that
                                                                            we can bring this workplan to life
                                                                            and really deliver value for public
                                                                            service media.
                                                                       tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019    5
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
IP-based truck moves UHD/HDR into
the fast lane

When we set about replacing
an existing, very large HD truck,
we knew we wanted to have                                                              UHD1 has been on the road
all the capacity, operational                                                                since October 2018.
familiarity and production
functionality in our new truck                                                   in Switzerland. The summary
– but we wanted it full-IP                                                       of the operational crew at tpc
                                                                 The main
uncompromised UHD HDR (high                             production gallery.       is that UHD1 “is really as stable
dynamic range) too.                                                               as SDI, and far more flexible.
   Traditional technology was not                                                 Basically, we really like it!”
going to allow us to support 24                                                      UHD1 also regularly goes
full 4K UHD cameras, with cross-      support 100 gigabit ethernet            out to cover the ice hockey
conversion between UHD and            links. In turn, this means we do        national league and other
HD, SDR and HDR, in the space         not have to worry about running         sports events. But because it
available. The only way we could      out of bandwidth in complex             is designed to be flexible, it
fit it into the truck was by using    productions, even in 4K UHD.            is used for music and cultural
a software-defined architecture,         Having the SNPs and other IP         events too: operas like Nabucco
with connectivity conforming          devices connected to the Arista         from Zurich and Idomeneo from
to the SMPTE ST 2110 family of        switches allows for sufficient          Salzburg; the opening concert
standards.                            concurrent uncompressed UHD             of the Lucerne Festival; and the
                                      links over ST 2110 to support           Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in
IP CONNECTIVITY                       rich live playout operations. It        Salzburg.
One of the ways we saved              also means that most of the               We were designing UHD1 at
space was by putting all the          fixed cabling was lightweight           the same time as the SMPTE
video processing, including           network cables, which makes a           ST 2110 standards were being
cross-conversion between the          big difference when you need            defined, so we needed a patient
various standards, into a device      to keep the weight down to              and informed technology
called the Selenio Network            highway limits.                         partner to guide us through. We
Processor (SNP), from Imagine            UHD1 has been on the road            chose Imagine Communications
Communications. Each one of           since October 2018, and both            because their specialists were so
these, in a 1RU chassis, includes     the crews and the clients love          closely involved in the standard-
four separate processor blocks,       it. Indeed, operationally, it looks     setting process that they were
so in a single rack in the truck      and feels like the trucks that our      constantly informed about what
we could get effectively 176          crews have been operating for           we should do. IP connectivity and
reconfigurable video processing       years.                                  software appliances solved an
units.                                                                        otherwise impossible technical
  The SNPs also provide a bridge      FROM SKIING TO OPERA                    challenge in UHD1 – to get
between IP connectivity inside        UHD1 works in very challenging          flexible, agile, uncompromised,
the truck and edge devices            environments, and is relied upon        uncompressed facilities into a
that still need to use SDI.           to provide world-class coverage.        truck we could still take on the
These include some of the key         Of the many occasions when              road. It also gave us invaluable
hardware, like EVS servers and        the eyes of the world have been         experience in software-defined
Sony cameras. So everything has       on the output of UHD1, perhaps          architectures, which we will carry
to work with minimal latency.         the most dramatic was the               over into our new headquarters
  On the IP side we used              Lauberhorn, the most exciting           building and studio centre, which
switches from Arista Networks,        of the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup         we are currently developing in
which include the ability to          races, held each year in Wengen         Leutschenbach.

6   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
Reinventing mobile newsgathering

In 2015, Austria’s public service
media organization ORF started
to evaluate replacements for its
fleet of ten mobile units for radio
newsgathering. After consulting
all relevant stakeholders –
journalists, editors, production
teams, and the finance and
technology departments – it was
clear that the design must be
based on IP transport and extend
to video and online journalism.

The project to create a new
IP Multimedia Newsgathering                                                                                The workstations
Vehicle (IPMNG) thus began in                                                                            are designed to be
2016, with a focus on allowing
for highly flexible radio, television
and online news reporting in all
possible circumstances. There               to be fully IP-based. Based on              the workstations would be
was a requirement to keep costs             a new IP routing concept by                 ergonomic and that the vans
down: minimal investment, low               SATCOM, it now offers full access           would be safe on the road, while
operational and contribution                to the private network of ORF,              stable in broadcast mode.
costs, and a lean approach to               with the possibility of using a Ka-           One requested feature was
technical staffing for the vehicles         Band IP-SAT dish, LTE, xDSL and             the design of a “Stage Box”
too.                                        WLAN in a transparent way to                to extend the audio and video
   Further requirements were                the user via Viprinet and VPN.              inputs over 150 metres. As there
to have a maximum weight                      A mobile IP camera backpack               was no such product on the
of 3.5 tons, 4-wheel drive and              with technology from Mobile                 market, ORF together with the
excellent heating and climate               Viewpoint was integrated; a                 company SATCOM invented a
control. (Austria’s geography can           special antenna configuration               new product for the vehicles.
lead to some extreme weather                had to be invented for stationary             The last of the ten new units
conditions!) The units should also          and mobile use. To cover the                was delivered at the end of
have a fully self-contained battery         needs of video journalism,                  2018, and they have been a huge
operation for over four hours.              clean switching between up to               success. ORF can even avoid
   The new vehicles needed to               three sources is guaranteed.                renewing at least three dedicated
offer three working positions, and          Video recording, editing and                video SNG vehicles, as the
it was specified that operation for         playback is done with an Adobe              Mobile Viewpoint pack combined
editing of audio and video and              Premiere Pro workstation, while             with Viprinet offers a CNG/Ka-
transmission could be handled by            a second workstation with a                 Band solution comparable to a
just one driver/technician.                 DIGAS software stack is available           traditional large scale Ku-Band
   The media contribution and               for radio journalists. Great                dish. Each IPMNG vehicle cost
data transport layer was specified          effort was put into ensuring                EUR 300,000 and the overall
                                                                                        savings compared to a traditional
                                                                                        renewal were significant.
                                                                                          In the course of the project,
                                                                                        considerable know-how was
                                                                                        gained by ORF’s project manager
                                                                                        Christian Knoll and this will prove
                                                                                        valuable when applied to future

                                                                                        The ORF IPMNG project was
                                                                                        shortlisted for the 2019 EBU
The complete fleet was delivered by the end of 2018; right, the innovative Stage Box.   Technology & Innovation Award.
                                                                                   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019   7
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
Riding the innovation waves in
content production

It’s an easy cliché to fall back
on: public service broadcasters
are like “supertankers”, slow to
react and cumbersome to turn
around. And perhaps there was
some truth in it in the past – the
innovation cycles of the traditional
broadcast industry were closely
coupled to the rhythms of the            Multiple strands
broadcast engineering vendors,           are coming
where change did not come                together to
quickly. We’re playing to a new          weave a new
                                         kind of PSM
rhythm now.
                                         organization, far
   In recent years, the wider            removed from
ICT industry, and in particular          the supertankers
the FAANG companies, have                of the past.
discovered “media” as a business.
As they’ve started to compete,          They also, of course, collaborate     Members will see positive impacts
both for audiences and with             with “big tech” where it makes        more quickly in B2B applications
the equipment vendors, the              sense to do so.                       related to content production.
traditional rhythms of innovation         The innovation that today           From newsgathering and PSME to
and reinvestment cycles for             characterizes PSM has been            wireless studio applications and
broadcast companies have                triggered by several new              media campus environments, 5G
broken.                                 technologies that are at different    could be an enabling technology
                                        stages of readiness for adoption      that brings great benefit to
AUDIENCE-CENTRED                        and integration into workflows.       makers. Here, too, the EBU has a
Europe’s public service media           Since these technologies often        group working to find the optimal
(PSM) organizations have,               have strong interdependencies,        solutions.
for the most part, embraced             broadcasters find themselves            These are only the broad
these changes, putting digital          dealing with several transitions in   strokes, with each area involving
at the heart of their corporate         parallel.                             multiple strands that all come
strategies and moving towards             The migration to live IP            together to weave a new kind of
a new portfolio of services and         and microservices-based               PSM organization, far removed
programming where the audience          infrastructures; the evolution        from the supertankers of the past.
is the primary focus for all actions.   towards UHD and enhanced              EBU Members have always been
  Through communities like New          audiovisual quality; the              strongly focused on creating
Builders and Implementing Open          automation of processes, often        stories and getting content
Innovation, the EBU is helping to       using AI and machine learning,        to their audiences. The new
capture and share the new best          making new tools available            technologies that are available
practises that are crystalizing         to journalists, and all usually       today are core innovation-
along with these new rhythms.           relying heavily on (meta)data:        enablers for programme
Today’s PSM operate with                in engaging with these shifts,        production. Under the EBU
multidisciplinary teams, bringing       broadcasters are riding the           umbrella, EBU Members and
technologists and creatives             technology waves. And there are       their R&D centres come together
together, with a clear focus on the     related EBU initiatives in place      more effectively as a powerful
needs of the end user, whether          to maximize the benefits of           customer base, influencing
internal or the audience itself (for    collaboration and sharing.            industry, driving innovation and
new content and services). Digital                                            mastering technology transitions.
skillsets have become crucial,          5G IN CONTENT PRODUCTION                Find the EBU groups and
where EBU Members are now               Much hope has been placed in          communities that can help you
competing directly with the big         5G as a possible revolutionizing      to get the most from media
technology companies to hire            force in media distribution in        technology innovation.
experts in IP, data science, AI, etc.   future, but it is possible that EBU   See: tech.ebu.ch/ourwork

8   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
Broadcasters respond to the rise
of Netflix et al

The rise of global subscription     generating a fraction of the            help address EBU Member
video-on-demand (SVOD)              revenue that linear television          challenges. Linear distribution
players has changed the media       advertising generated, there is         is simple: use DVB. Online
landscape almost beyond             a strong incentive to maximize          distribution, on the other hand,
recognition. Households have        the linear proposition despite          is a costly and highly complex
multiple cheap subscriptions        the dwindling advertising pie.          nightmare.
and linear television viewing       Nevertheless, any broadcaster             HbbTV is a key enabling
competes with high quality,         must have a strong hybrid/              technology deployed in most
well-funded, personalized           OTT proposition to survive in           of the TV sets sold in Europe.
content available on any device,    the future. As one commercial           There are still some territories
anywhere. So that’s it. Game        broadcaster told me, “the               where users are not able
over? Not quite.                    business is changing, becoming          to switch the features on in
   Public service media in Europe   harder with tighter margins, but        their devices, but the hope is
and beyond are universally          you can’t hold back the tide”.          that compelling broadcaster
suffering from reduced                In the EBU, we recognize the          applications will encourage
budgets. Linear television is       digital shift that places a greater     enabling these features by
how their product has reached       emphasis on IP distribution of          default. We have seen that
audiences for decades, using        personalized media content to           coordinated national approaches
technology and a regulatory         multiple devices. That shift sees       are helping to convince the
regime ideally suited to their      a world that was linear moving          whole industry of the value
model. Commercial and pay-          to hybrid distribution of IP-           of HbbTV and reducing the
TV operators have built very        based services. Broadcasters            divergence between different
successful businesses around        are preparing for the shift by          national implementations.
the simple proposition of linear    strengthening their online
television.                         presence, blending their linear         THE PROMISE OF DVB-I
   The pay-TV operators             proposition into a hybrid one on        Perhaps the biggest change
in particular, faced with           TV sets, and working with the           has been in the DVB Project.
competition from OTT, have had      regulatory community to adapt           DVB-I is the talk of the industry,
to quickly adapt their models       the rules to take account of            seeking to bring a linear
to encompass a personalized,        these changes.                          television experience to internet-
multi-device approach, bundled        To prepare technically, the           connected devices, including
with broadband access in some       EBU is active in the DVB Project        TV sets. The traditional digital
cases. These propositions           and HbbTV in particular, to             television service concept based
are based on a combination                                                  around an MPEG Transport
of high-speed broadband,                                                    Stream, with DVB’s Service
linear broadcast and the use                                                Information helping TV sets
of local storage to give                                                          autotune and display
an impression of instant                                                          programme guides, is
access to media services.                                                         being extended into the
This hybrid approach                                                              hybrid and OTT space. The
means that the virtual                                                            specifications will start to
media pipe into a pay-                                                            appear towards the end
TV home is equivalent                                                             of the year, with a first
to a constant 100Mbit/s                                                           big demonstration of the
or higher, even if the                                                            concept at IBC2019 (Stand
broadband connection                                                              1.B71).
alone isn’t yet capable of                                                          Tomorrow’s OTT world
sustaining these speeds.                                                          will be different to today’s.
                                                                                  The global SVOD players
HOLD BACK THE TIDE?                                                               won’t have it all their own
Commercial television               Spain’s LOVEStv: an example of the            way, and a richer media
faces a more difficult problem.     coordinated national approaches that    experience will result for the
With online advertising             prove the value of HbbTV.               benefit of all consumers.
                                                                       tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019   9
Testing times for the UHD transition - EBU Tech
Can we do UHD with HD lenses?

In anticipation of the migration             a) and b) above through the            The resolution of the UHD
to higher spatial resolutions                entire focal range of the lens.      lens varied significantly in the
and high dynamic range (HDR),                                                     centre of the image depending
the CBC has undergone a                TESTING THE UHD LENS                       on the camera model. The
programme of rigorous training         Our first step was to characterize         studio camera offered a
and testing, in a collaborative        the UHD lens, in order to have             lower resolution, averaging
effort between its Architecture        a benchmark against which we               approximately 1640 pixels of
and Strategic Development              could compare our HD inventory.            vertical resolution, which is
group and the supervising              For this purpose, we procured              far below the 2160 lines of the
technicians of its Production          a “general purpose” ENG zoom               UHD format. The sports camera
group.                                 lens, ranging from 8 to 75 mm.             fared better with the same lens,
   One of the challenges we were       For objective testing, we used             averaging 1940 lines in its centre.
asked to solve was whether             Image Engineering’s IQ analyzer            However, resolution fell off in
the vast pool of HD zoom               and charts, namely the 42_16x9_            a similar fashion to the other
lenses that the corporation            V2 (fig. 1) and the TE-251 (fig.           camera at the edges, to around
owns could be reused in UHD.           2), which automatically measure            1500 pixels of vertical resolution.
In an ideal scenario, the CBC          resolution and chromatic                     In order to capture native
could transition progressively         aberration on each camera.                 resolution, we turned off the
towards UHD through a gradual
replacement of lenses when they
reach the end of their service
life, instead of disposing of an
inventory that is still in working
   In order to settle the question,
we have assembled a pool of
our most common box and
ENG zoom lenses for testing
and procured a 4K/UHD lens as
a benchmark. The lenses were
tested on two different models
of UHD cameras using the same
sensor (3-CMOS, 2/3” imagers).
One camera was configured
for studio use and one was
optimized for sports and exterior
applications.                          Figure 1. Chart 42 16X9 Version 2 used for resolution tests
   What makes a good UHD zoom
lens? Answering that question
could take an entire book, or at
least lead to very heated debates.
In the context of broadcast,
we focused on three technical
attributes we think a lens should
a) The capability of maintaining
    UHD resolution, from the
    centre to the edges of the
    frame (resolution)
b) The capability of maintaining
    the primary colours (red,
    green and blue) aligned
    within one pixel (chromatic
c) The capability of maintaining       Figure 2. TE-251 Chart used for chromatic aberration tests

10   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
Figure 3. Softness in native   as well as requested a number
        resolution with the UHD lens     of other UHD/4K lenses to
                                         determine if this “softness” is
                                         systematic or not (which will be
                                         part of a second round of tests in
                                         the near future).
                                           We tested six different HD
                                         zoom lenses, ranging from ultra-
                                         wide ENG to 60X Box lens, for
                                         resolution and colour aberration.
                                         Starting with resolution, we
                                         found sharper images with our
                                         HD 25X and 60X box lenses;
                                         this is not so surprising when
image detail enhancement circuit         we consider the size and cost of
of the sports camera. Once               such optics.
we turned it on and set it to              It is also not surprising, at the      Supervising technicians Eric Laflamme
the manufacturer’s preset, the           other end of the spectrum, to            (left) and Benoit Fortin (right) setting
                                                                                  up a UHD camera.
perceived resolution increased           find that the lowest resolution
beyond the actual capacity of            out of centre was measured on
the 2160p sensor, delivering             our widest lenses, making them
more than 2200 pixels of                 too soft for UHD production.
vertical resolution. Our analysis        The more recent HD ENG lenses            we should look for more precise
showed that this is because the          offered performances that were           lenses, which will probably be
manufacturer’s preset triggers           close to the 4K lens, especially         significantly more expensive.
signal processing aimed at               in the wider focal length range,            If this level of quality is the
improving edge sharpness, which          decreasing in resolution sharply         best that can be achieved for
gives the illusion of resolution; it     at 40mm and beyond.                      the moment, then we certainly
does not translate to an actual            For chromatic aberration, the          should reuse some of our HD
increase in resolution, and              more recent lenses equipped              lenses and limit our purchase of
potentially leads to unsightly           with aberration compensation             UHD lenses until such time as
artifacts like aliasing.                 fared much better than the older         better optics reach the market.
  So, to our surprise, the 4K            models which are not, even the              Looking at resolution and
lens we evaluated did not offer          high quality box lenses. Once            chromatic aberration, many of
enough resolution to provide             again, we found our HD wide lens         our HD lenses offer performances
full UHD and we ended up with a          to be the worst in this category         that are comparable and
somewhat soft image (fig. 3).            (fig. 4).                                sometimes superior to the
  From a chromatic aberration                                                     benchmark 4K/UHD lens. None
point of view, the lens is                                                        of the lenses offer flawless
equipped with an automatic                                                        images in UHD, but then neither
compensation system, which                                                        did the “true” UHD one.
enables compatible cameras                                                           By carefully selecting from
(both of our models were) to                                                      our inventory of HD lenses
correct chromatic aberration                                                      depending on the criticality
up to a certain point. Our tests                                                  of certain aspects in different
indicated that on average, the                                                    productions (composition, light
chromatic aberration (shift                                                       levels, colours, etc…), we should
between GREEN and RED, and                                                        be able to start producing a
shift between GREEN and BLUE)                                                     limited amount of UHD content.
is below one pixel for both              Figure 4. Extreme chromatic              It will require technical expertise
models of cameras, through the           aberration on an HD wide ENG lens        (to characterize lenses and
entire focal range, an acceptable                                                 put them in the most favorable
level of quality for UHD.                PRODUCING UHD                            conditions) at first, but as new
                                         The 4K zoom lens we tested               and better UHD lenses reach
AND THE HD LENSES?                       was not able to achieve full             the market, we should be able
Since the 4K lens did not offer          UHD resolution, which is a major         to gradually integrate the next
a full UHD level of resolution,          issue. Even if we upgrade our            generation of lenses to our
maybe our HD lenses could offer          cameras to UHD, we will not              workflow and make high quality
a comparable performance in              achieve it fully – we would deliver      UHD production more accessible,
UHD. We sampled a number                 a resolution that is between             not unlike the approach used
of our HD lenses to determine            Full HD and UHD. If we do not            during the transition from SD to
whether this is the case or not,         accept this level of quality, then       HD.
                                                                             tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019      11
Preparing the way for 2020+ UHD

With the growing support for                                                often made at a national level.
new image and audio formats                                                 Support for stereo, 5.1 and at least
in consumer electronics (CE)                                                one NGA system is the minimum
devices and the steadily growing                                            that broadcasters will be able to
interest of media organizations              TECH 3372                      rely on.
to provide services with higher
technical quality (often as part                                            OTT SERVICES
of the planned replacement                                                  For OTT delivery the keywords
cycle of production equipment),              UHD / HDR SERVICE              in the new document are MPEG-
a key question is which service                                             DASH and HbbTV. For the latter,
parameters actually work in                                                 version 1.5.1 is the minimum
practice.                                    Version 1.0
                                                                            recommended version to use, as
   The freshly published EBU                                                that guarantees HDR support.
Tech 3372 UHD/HDR Service                                                   For adaptive streaming a word of
Parameters answers this                                                     caution is included to make sure
question. It provides a basic                                               the dynamic range system and
list of the formats/options that                                            colour gamuts are not changed
broadcasters can expect CE                   Geneva                         between different resolutions, to
devices sold from 2020+ will                 August 2019
                                                                            maintain graceful degradation in
support. The publication is the                                             case of bandwidth limitations.
result of a substantial series of                                             With the publication of
conversations between EBU              optimal HFR approach (see page       EBU Tech 3372, the EBU has
Members and CE equipment               13).                                 provided basic guidance for
manufacturers.                                                              Members wishing to deploy
                                       NGA INCLUDED                         new services. For an individual
HDR & WCG; NO HFR                      Audio is regarded as an essential    media organization, the choice of
EBU Tech 3372 focuses on new           part of new UHD services, but it     distribution channel and timetable
UHD services that feature at least     has also been the hardest part       for starting will, of course, depend
1080p resolution, High Dynamic         on which to reach consensus.         a lot on the market share of
Range (HDR) and Wide Colour            DVB has standardized three           UHD/HDR/NGA supporting CE
Gamut (WCG). On the HDR side,          different NGA systems. The           devices in the country concerned.
both HLG10 and PQ-10/HDR10             EBU has expressed the desire         The latter can be expected to
are listed as suitable choices. Tech   to see support for multiple NGA      grow substantially from 2020
3372 does not assume a precise         systems (see EBU R 151), while CE    onwards, but it may still be some
quality for the CE display’s           manufacturers prefer to reduce       years before UHD/HDR services
resolution and displayable             the options to save on (licensing)   become plentiful, given an
colour volume. This is because         costs, especially as the roadmaps    average television replacement
market players are competing           for NGA adoption are still           cycle of eight years and the need
on these aspects, using different      maturing. This is the reason why     for new production equipment.
technologies. This makes it very       the text of EBU Tech 3372 leaves
difficult to capture qualitative       open the choice of which NGA         For more details, see:
differences in a simple value.         codec to use. The ultimate choice    tech.ebu.ch/publications/
  The frame rates listed are 25        for which NGA system to use is       tech3372
and 50 fps. These are the most
commonly used in Europe. The
case for High Frame Rate (HFR)
was discussed, but it is clear that
new CE devices typically will not      “With the publication of EBU Tech 3372,
support more than 50/60 frames
per second and that broadcasters       the EBU has provided basic guidance for
are not keen to provide HFR
services in the short term. In any
                                       Members wishing to deploy new
case, the jury is still out on the     services.”
12   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
High Frame Rate: is it worth it?

Sending 100 (progressive) frames
per second instead of 50 can               EBU Members can access
                                           a video of a presentation
improve the quality experienced
                                           on this topic by Dagmar
by viewers up to 1.5 points on             Driesnack (IRT) at:
the 5-point ITU-R BT.500 quality           https://tech.ebu.ch/
scale. This was the main result            ta2019
from the subjective evaluations
the EBU and IRT organized at the
beginning of the year during PTS
2019. Taking into account that
many broadcasters today still use
interlaced rather than progressive
scanning and distribute only 25
frames per second, the actual
quality increase of moving to
100p delivery can be expected to
be even larger. But that’s not the        this indeed can have a large              One answer is that far from all
whole story.                              influence on the resulting quality.       displays in the market are higher-
                                          During the EBU BroadThinking              end models. So, “mileage will
FAKE FRAMES                               2019 conference, 20 participants          vary”.
The first tests – deliberately –          were asked to score the same
did not consider display-side             test sequences that were used for         HFR SWEET SPOT
processing. Higher-end televisions        the first round of evaluations, but       Another consideration is that the
often come with some form of              this time the display was allowed         test results are valid for (almost
motion-compensated frame                  to try to improve the image (i.e.         non-available) 100 Hz consumer
interpolation (MCFI), which               MCFI was turned on). As Figure            market displays, while High Frame
means that the device basically           1 illustrates, this boosted the           Rate (HFR) distribution may
“invents” additional frames to            perceived quality of the content.         only really become attractive
smooth motion portrayal. So, 50p          Good MCFI thus partly weakens             once models capable of 200
broadcasts could be upconverted           the case for transmitting at higher       Hz become available. 100p
on the receiving end to “fake             frame rates. In other words: why          broadcasts (with 50% shutter)
100p”. A second series of EBU             broadcast more frames if the              could then be upconverted in
tests held in spring showed that          display can create them already?          the display (using MCFI) to really
                                                                                    good 200 Hz images. That may
                                                                                    be the most efficient use of both
                                                                                    bandwidth and intelligence on the
                                                                                    receiver side.
                                                                                      In any case it is too early
                                                                                    for HFR production: there
                                                                                    are virtually no displays
                                                                                    from consumer electronics
                                                                                    manufacturers, nor on the
                                                                                    production side; the cost penalty
                                                                                    for originating in (especially live)
                                                                                    HFR is high; and the content
                                                                                    for which it can be expected to
                                                                                    be relevant is relatively niche.
                                                                                    Before all of this changes we
                                                                                    will first witness a step in quality
                                                                                    improvement by moving from
                                                                                    legacy 25i to 50p. Actually, some
Figure 1. The positive influence of MCFI is reflected in the higher values of the   people call 50p HFR…
blue points compared to the red ones. The improvement that can be obtained
seems to be larger for material with a 50% shutter, which makes sense as these
shuttered images can be expected to be sharper (with less motion blur), and thus    For more details, see:
better suited to calculate new frames from.                                         tech.ebu.ch/publications/tr050
                                                                              tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019   13
Accelerating live content publication to
on-demand platforms at ITV

Live content makes up a big part
of ITV’s content offering in the
UK. As an integrated producer-
broadcaster, the challenge has
always been to deliver live and
near-to-live content to our
catch-up services as quickly as
possible after transmission on our
broadcast channels.
  So last year we set about
accelerating the delivery of hit
                                                                      Sections of live content with non-
shows like The Voice, Britain’s
                                                                      compliant material can be marked
Got Talent and Love Island to                                         for removal in the cloud.
our catch-up services. In the
UK we deliver catch-up content         accuracy, lip sync and frame rate.     to our teams across the UK
through our ad-funded OTT                The cloud solution has been          and globally. Comprehensive
service, the ITV Hub, which is         integrated into ITV’s existing         workflow messaging gives them
available on multiple platforms,       content distribution workflows         new insights too, into the flow
through pay providers Sky and          to make the end-to-end process         of content through the catch-up
Virgin Media and through direct        seamless and error-free. As part       process.
content deals with the likes of        of the workflow a call is made to a      As you’d expect of an innovative
Samsung, Amazon Fire TV and            new ITV microservice for each and      solution of this complexity,
Google Chromecast. We also             every job, which is synchronized       the implementation was not
have ITV Hub+, where subscribers       with our rights catalogue.             straightforward. To design and
have access to ad-free catch-up                                               operate the service required the
content and can download it too.       QUALITY                                coordinated effort of a number
  We wanted to modernize our           Quality is assured through capture     of ITV teams across multiple
existing in-house process that         at a high bit rate of 100 Mbps,        locations and M2A Media. ITV
converts live programmes into          with dual, diverse live streams        provided project management,
multiple catch-up assets. We           to ensure resilience. This enables     architecture, content processing,
wanted to improve the time it          transcoding into multiple file         networks and content operations
takes to publish those assets,         formats, with metadata added to        expertise, while M2A brought their
simplifying the legacy multi-step      indicate where automatic ad-           cloud architecture skills and video
workflow and automating capture        insertion can take place.              expertise to the project.
and transcode.                           On occasions, live programmes          The results have been very
                                       need minor edits for compliance        positive: we can now get our live
SPEED                                  reasons, which can cause               and near-to-live content onto the
Speed and quality of delivery are      significant delays to the delivery     ITV Hub and to our distribution
priorities for us and we partnered     of live catch-up assets. We            partners far faster than we’ve ever
with M2A Media, a cloud                addressed this challenge with          done before. This means fans of
transcode and delivery platform,       compliance editing in the cloud.       our hit live shows can now catch
to achieve our aim of delivering       This allows sections of live content   up on their favourite programmes
live catch-up assets no later than     with non-compliant material, to be     on the platform they want, at the
10 minutes after the transmission      marked for removal in the cloud,       time they want to watch.
of the live programmes on our          avoiding the time-consuming              ITV innovation continues and we
broadcast channels.                    process of downloading the             are planning to speak at several
   To achieve this we worked with      content locally to enable an edit      major conferences including
M2A Media to develop a highly          to take place.                         IBC2019. Come and meet us to
complex solution where live              For ITV’s content distribution       learn more.
content is captured in the cloud,      team, a browser-based cloud            The ITV cloud-based VOD
then segmented, transcoded             edit console gives access from         content delivery project was
and joined into multiple output        any connected location, which          shortlisted for the 2019 EBU
formats, while maintaining frame       brings operational flexibility         Technology & Innovation Award.

14   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
Television viewing stable, except
among young people

Television and radio remain central to European
citizens’ lives and represent the bulk of their media        DOWNLOAD THE REPORTS
consumption. They also have well-established                 These findings along with an overview of
measurement systems, which help researchers                  public service media’s television and radio
analyse trends in audience behaviour. In this article,       performance can be found in the Audience
we’ll look at the latest figures regarding television        Trends: Television 2019 and Audience Trends:
viewing.                                                     Radio 2019 reports on the EBU Media
  Television continues to play an important role for         Intelligence Publications library at: www.ebu.ch/
European citizens. On average they spent 3 hours             mis.
35 minutes watching television per day in 2018, with           Publicly accessible versions of the reports
85% tuning in every week. Over the past five years,          and Infographics are available alongside the full
there have been minor declines in time spent (down           reports, which are available exclusively to EBU
2 minutes) and weekly reach (down 2.7 percentage             Members.
points) across the 44 markets with available data.
                                                            years ago to 66% in 2018, indicating that fewer
COMPETITION FOR YOUTH                                       young people are watching traditional broadcast
Given the increased competition for the audience’s          television, which is captured by the official TAM
attention from new content and platform providers,          systems. For now, it remains a challenge for the
the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime, which are            audience measurement industry to fully capture
not currently measured by the official Television           and integrate the viewing of on-demand platforms,
Audience Measurement (TAM) systems, it is not               be it broadcaster content or global players.
surprising that the trend among youth is very                 That said, when young people do choose to watch
different.                                                  traditional television, the majority is still live viewing,
  European youth spent on average 1 hour 40                 at 89% in 2018. This is comparable to the all-citizen
minutes watching television each day in 2018,               consumption pattern of 91% live viewing. Non-live
a notable decrease of 26 minutes over the past              viewing in the national TAM systems encompasses
five years. The average weekly reach for youth              time-shifted viewing of broadcast content up to
audiences is also down significantly, from 75% five         seven days after the live broadcast.

  Television viewing time ((Source: EBU, based on Eurodata TV worldwide and data from Members and relevant partners)

                                                                          tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019     15
8K – where does the balance of
the arguments lie?

                                 8K can be a complex issue for          matrix of “degree of disruption”
                                 broadcasters and broadband             against “degree of benefit”. If there
                                 content providers. Sometimes it        is a low degree of disruption and
                                 could seem like we are all looking     high degree of benefit you know
                                 for a light switch in a darkened       you are on to a winner. This is
                                 room, with boxes on the floor that     possibly why app-based
                                 you could trip over                    approaches do so well. If you have
                                   On the one hand, surely no one       a high degree of disruption and a
                                 can stop the tide from coming in?      low degree of benefit your chances
                                 The technical quality of television    of success are slimmer. So what
                                 has steadily risen over time for the   about 8K?
                                 last 80 years. Does it make sense to      One of the complexities of 8K is
                                 think the trend would stop now?        that it is not obvious exactly where
                                 Coupled with that, TV set makers       it would lie on the matrix. Users will
                                 claim they can make 8K TV sets for     need a new TV, and programme
                                 the same price as the 4K TV sets.      makers will need new production
                                 The public seems always willing to     equipment if they are to offer
                                 buy something better than they         native 8K content, so it has to be
                                 have now. 8K content, though rare,     somewhere in the high disruption
                                 can be found. Our Japanese             row. But where it will lie on the
                                 colleagues argue that 8K will be the   degree of benefit axis? What this
                                 Next Big Thing, and in the past they   could mean in terms of slow or fast
                                 were right with their predictions of   take-up is more difficult to say.
                                 the success of HDTV and the failure
                                 of broadcast 3DTV.                     CLEANER WINDOWS
                                                                        One thing we can be sure is that 8K
                                 COSTLY UPGRADE                         TV sets will become available and
                                 But, on the other hand, for a          be affordable in the coming years.
                                 broadcaster or content provider,       They will be used for upscaling the
                                 the economics have to balance.         content that is available at lower
                                 Should you spend your precious,        resolutions. Having an 8K display is
                                 finite, funds on raising image         rather like cleaning the window. If
                                 quality, and on much higher            what appears behind the window is
                                 transmission bandwidths, when          an image that is free of artefacts/
                                 much of the audience may hardly        impairments (other than lower
                                 notice? Why would broadcasters         resolution), the 8K display pictures
                                 spend a fortune upgrading their        will look better than they would
“Should you                      infrastructure, using equipment        with a display at their lower native
                                 very little of which is available      resolution. But if the source pictures
spend your                       today, and not perfect 8K at that?     do have artifacts/impairments, the
precious, finite,                Broadcasters often have to live with   viewer may be able to notice them
                                 a ten-year replacement cycle for       more than he or she would with a
funds on raising                 production equipment. To cap it all,   native display. The window has
image quality, and               we have only just started thinking     been cleaned. Either way,
                                 about and implementing 4K. Are         broadcasters and broadband
on much higher                   we and the public supposed to          content providers’ viewers will be
transmission                     throw all that investment away?        affected by the use of 8K displays.
                                   Can we find any management             It is said that management is the
bandwidths,                      tools to help find the light switch?   art of making decisions without
when much of                     Armchair managers say that if you      having all the information you need,
                                 can find the right two-by-two          so we must try to find the light
the audience may                 matrix, you understand the             switch before we trip over the
hardly notice it?”               problem. The simplest tool is a        boxes.

16   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
BNE: a common voice for
                                                                                              PARTNER PROFILES

broadcast network operators                                                                         broadcast networks



Broadcast Networks Europe
                                                                                     Lars Backlund, Secretary
(BNE) was created in 2010 with                                                          General
                                                                                               broadcast networks
                                                                                                  of Broadcast
                                                                                               europe                         europe
the purpose of securing long-                                                               Networks Europe
term business opportunities for
its members and developing a                                                                 MONO

common voice and lobbying
platform for terrestrial broadcast
network operators in Europe.
It currently has 16 members
with operations in 19 European                                                                      broadcast networks
countries. It is based in Brussels.
   BNE works closely with key
relevant European and global                                                                 MONO

institutions, including the EU
and the ITU, and with important
stakeholders such as the EBU.
We participate in international
technical organizations –
including CEPT, DVB, ETSI and
3GPP – where common rules,
standards, policies and new
technologies are defined and            Other areas of equal                Over time, DTT networks
developed.                            importance include new EU           have continually embraced
   BNE is recognized as a strong      telecoms and audiovisual            technology improvements and
voice internationally, defending      legislation. New technologies       migrated to more efficient
business opportunities and            could offer new business            modulation and compression
safeguarding the availability of      opportunities using existing        techniques. This has allowed
suitable and sufficient frequency     terrestrial broadcast network       DTT to remain the leading
spectrum for terrestrial              infrastructure. This includes       distribution platform in Europe,
broadcasting services – mainly        the growth of digital radio         offering more channels,
for digital terrestrial television    broadcasting, internet of things,   improved image quality, new
(DTT) but also for radio. In this     and the capability of BNE           audio formats and increased
context, BNE contributed to           members to offer broadcast          interactivity. At the same time,
the EU decision granting access       customers a broad range of          new and improved services are
to the sub-700 MHz band for           media services. This could          delivered in 30% less spectrum
terrestrial broadcasting until at     include additional 5G-based         following the clearances of the
least 2030.                           services to reach mobile devices    800 MHz and 700 MHz bands.
   Looking ahead, there will          and cars.                             Based on DVB standards,
be further opportunities                BNE does not act alone but        DTT is a spectacular European
and continuing challenges             as part of a larger dynamic         success. DTT is firmly
where revised legislation and         ecosystem, in close cooperation     established in practically all
international agreements may          with a substantial network          European countries serving
affect the audiovisual sector.        of other associations and           primary or secondary TV sets
Of particular interest for BNE        organizations. We host the          in almost 50% of European
members is securing longer-           Wider Spectrum Group (WSG),         households. DTT secures
term availability of spectrum for     with wide participation from        European values and underpins
terrestrial broadcasting beyond       stakeholders in the European        the content production and
2030. To this end, BNE is             cultural and creative sectors.      audiovisual industry. Terrestrial
actively engaged in discussions,      The WSG has played a central        broadcasting of television and
preparations and studies              role in raising awareness of how    radio will remain as one of the
ahead of the forthcoming ITU          public service media support        most important distribution
World Radiocommunication              European content production         platforms for years to come.
Conference.                           and culture.
                                                                    tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019                17
Innovative ideas for PSM on voice

                 VOX hackathon at VRT, June 2019                                            EBU VOX GROUP
                                                                                            Formed in 2017 and now with
                                                                                            over 100 participants from
                                                                                            across the EBU membership,
                                                                                            the VOX group coordinates
                                                                                            activities related to Smart
                                                                                            Speakers and voice-controlled
                                                                                            digital assistants. The group
                                                                                            shares best practice, market
                                                                                            intelligence, insights, roadmaps
                                                                                            and example code, with the
                                                                                            common goal of reaching and
                                                                                            retaining audiences on these
                                                                                            emerging platforms. The VOX
                                                                                            group also runs workshops and
                                                                                            hackathons, as well as visits to
                                                                                            platform and hardware vendors

                                                                                            to improve collaboration
                                                                                            between industry and public
                                                                                            service media.
                Smart speakers, voice control            At the start of the hackathon,       solution to an existing problem?
                and digital assistants were at the     participants were encouraged         • Implementation – how much
                heart of a hands-on innovation         to form teams with those from          of the demonstration was
                workshop hosted by VRT in              other EBU Members. Their ideas         tangible?
                Brussels last June. The position       were then shared and shaped          • Presentation – How engaging
                of public service media in             with the help of facilitators from     was the final presentation?
                such a rapidly evolving area is        VRT Innovation (see opposite).        The judges were impressed with
                important, with EBU Members            Using techniques such as the six-    the strength of all of the projects
                having an influential role in          step storyboard, empathy maps,       and with the general standard of
                shaping and influencing how            personas, innovation battlefields,   work.
                audiences will consume content         future scans and the business          The overall winner was a team
                on new platforms.                      model canvas, ideas were tested,     drawn from BBC, VRT and
                  The second VOX Group                 improved and made more user-         Yle. The proposal, called The
                hackathon (following last              focused.                             Passenger, was an interactive
                year’s edition at NRK in Oslo)                                              assistant that would help to
                brought together more than 30          PITCH & PIZZA                        inform, educate and entertain
                people from ten EBU Members            Once refined, each team              audiences in cars on long
                in an environment designed             presented their idea as a pitch      journeys. Their presentation
                to facilitate innovation and           to the others before they started    gave the example of a family
                collaboration.                         their “hacking”. Each team then      car journey to Scotland,
                  Participants were encouraged         continued working into the           accompanied by the historical
                to bring along their own               evening, assisted by pizza and       figure Mary, Queen of Scots.
                ideas around voice interfaces,         drinks, resuming early the next      She would pose questions,
                specifically relating to themes        day.                                 give facts and be an additional
                such as automotive applications,        The second day of the event         passenger in the car. The judges
                improving content accessibility        ended with each team giving a        remarked that it was something
                and the enhancement of                 demonstration of their idea to a     that could be deployed now and
                storytelling and drama content.        panel of three judges. The judges    that it showed strong potential
                One other key theme was smart          assessed the demonstrations on       for showcasing public service
                speakers and video, i.e. those         three criteria:                      content and opportunities
                that have displays or are used for     • Innovation – how imaginative       for partnerships with other
                interacting with connected TVs.          was the idea? Was it a new         organizations.

                18   tech-i | tech.ebu.ch | September 2019
You can also read