COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems - ASR
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19th EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2019 Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020 © Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems David P. Rogers1 , Linda Anderson-Berry2 , Anna-Maria Bogdanova1 , Gerald Fleming1 , Habiba Gitay1 , Suranga Kahandawa1 , Haleh Kootval1 , Michael Staudinger3 , Makoto Suwa1 , Vladimir Tsirkunov1 , and Weibing Wang4 1 World Bank, Washington, DC, USA 2 College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia 3 Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria 4 Weibing’s is School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Correspondence: David P. Rogers ( Received: 4 May 2020 – Revised: 3 June 2020 – Accepted: 15 June 2020 – Published: 13 July 2020 Abstract. Having a common framework for early action to cope with complex disasters can make it easier for authorities and other stakeholders, including populations at risk, to understand the full spectrum of secondary and tertiary effects and thus where to focus preparedness efforts, and how best to provide more targeted warnings and response services. Meteorological and hydrological services world-wide have developed and implemented Multi- Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) for weather and climate related hazards that are now being expanded and transitioned towards Multi-Hazard Impact-based Early Warning Systems (MHIEWS). While it is still early days it is becoming clear that there are useful lessons from this approach in the COVID-19 global pandemic, and some valuable insight to be gained in risk communication, risk analysis and monitoring methodologies and approaches. The ability to understand and respond effectively to warnings through appropriate behaviours and actions is central to resilient societies and communities. By avoiding physical, societal and economic harm to the greatest extent possible, recovery from a hazard is likely to be faster, less costly and more complete. MHIEWS can be a common approach for all hazards and therefore more likely to become a trusted tool that everyone can understand and use as a basic element of their national disaster risk management system. The interconnectedness of hazards and their impacts is a strong motivator for a common approach. One of the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and extreme weather events is the need to understand the vulnerability of individuals, communities and societies so as to provide reliable, targeted guidance and warnings and the willingness and capacity to prepare for a reasonable worst-case scenario based on informed long-term planning. Meteorology and hydrology are making good progress in this direction and the process can be readily applied to health and other sectors. 1 Introduction for the very low probability high impact event. This leads to the related concept of the “reasonable worst case” for which The COVID-19 crisis and extreme weather events provide good risk management would require us to be prepared. Ex- important lessons in understanding risk and creating ef- amples of preparedness and anticipatory action would be en- fective multi-hazard impact-based early warning systems suring economic safety nets are in place, the availability of (MHIEWS). In the past decade, meteorology has made sig- personal protective equipment and access to ventilators to nificant progress in applying likelihood of occurrence and cope with complications of a pandemic; or the reinforce- impacts to early warning systems. An important tenet of the ment of shelters to protect vulnerable people from the im- probability versus impact matrix (Fig. 1), which is a com- pact of storm surges or flooding caused by tropical cyclones; monly used qualitative assessment method, is being prepared Published by Copernicus Publications.
130 D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems 2018). In many countries, similar impacts may be anticipated from COVID-19. In the case of each potential hazard, a simple theoretical analysis of rational decision-making suggests that proactive action should be taken if the forecast probability of a life- threatening event is greater than the ratio of the costs of pro- tection (e.g., infrastructure investment) and the losses when no protective measures are taken and an event occurs (e.g., loss of life, damages, economic disruption) (Murphy, 1969; Coughlan de Perez et al., 2015; Palmer, 2019). The COVID- 19 pandemic implies in hindsight that the costs of mitigation were very small compared with the losses and therefore more should have and could have been done to mitigate the risk (Harford, 2020); however, optimism bias or our tendency to underestimate the impact of the highly improbable (Kahne- Figure 1. A probability versus Impact matrix for any hazard. The man, 2011; Taleb, 2010) compounds our inability to be pre- colours are assigned based on an assessment of the risk, which typ- ically has four categories – very low (< 20 % green), low (20 %– pared. They also illustrate the challenges in anticipating the 40 % yellow), medium (40 %–60 % orange) and high (> 60 % red). wider societal implications of natural hazards, the complica- In practice, only the right half of the matrix is considered; i.e., when tions in estimating the potential impacts and costs, and throw the impact is medium or above. into sharp focus the value judgements that must be made in balancing protection costs against human and economic im- pact. the cleaning of drainage systems to reduce flood impact on Early detection, early warning and early action are also communities. important precepts as ex ante mitigative actions cannot com- The probability versus impact risk matrix is used in the pletely eliminate risks. Early detection and early warning en- national risk assessments carried out by many countries and able early action, but the latter will only occur if there is a mandated by the EU for Member States1 . The Joint Re- clear understanding of the potential impact that is based on search Council of the European Commission has provided rigorous risk assessment and includes the range of environ- a publication with recommendations for national risk assess- mental and societal consequences and complete understand- ment and disaster risk management in the EU which incor- ing and acceptance of the need to act on high impact events, porates a similar impact/probability matrix approach to map- even if the probability of occurrence is very low. The actions ping risks2 . What is evident from both publications, however may differ depending on the likelihood, but the impact will (and, presumably in national risk assessments from many be the same if the event occurs. In practice, we should be other countries) is that the risks arising from different sources ready to undertake preparatory actions for all medium and are largely treated independently, with little consideration of high impact events. The definition of high, medium and low the potential societal and economic consequences as one haz- impact is hazard specific and determined by collecting im- ard begets another, or of multiple independent hazards hap- pact data and through expert opinion and analysis. pening at the same time. In the world of meteorology, how- Meteorology has developed the capacity, largely through ever, the move towards Impact-Based Forecast and Warning ensemble forecasting methods, to apply probabilistic fore- Services (WMO, 2015) has prompted an explicit examina- casting techniques to its warning systems and it has sophis- tion of the inter-relationships between natural hazards, vul- ticated tools to ensure the reliability of the system (Palmer, nerability and risk in thinking through the possible conse- 2019). Similar approaches are also being applied to epidemic quences of a severe weather event. Typically, the recovery forecasts using multi model ensemble techniques, which pro- and rebuilding efforts in many island nations, for example, duce broader and more realistic possible trajectories of epi- are 3–5 years or even longer if the areas are remote. It is demics (Chowell et al., 2020). Probabilistic forecasting of worth noting that some of these events (e.g. Hurricane Maria complex cascading catastrophes remains a challenge, but one in Puerto Rico, or any drought event) have permanent im- that must be addressed. We are still vexed with the problem pacts on societies, which are least resilient (Rogers et al., of forecasters not having sufficient confidence to issue guid- ance or warnings for low likelihood events, even when the 1 see for example the National Risk Assessment for potential impact is high. Some of this is down to the “boy Ireland available at who cried wolf” syndrome, but some is also down to the lim- 709bf3-a-national-risk-assessment-for-ireland-2017/, last ac- ited ability of humans (and all forecasters are human!) to cess: 26 June 2020 imagine an event completely outside their own experience, 2 see and thus to warn for that event. national-risk-assessment-disaster, last access: 26 June 2020 Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems 131 Ironically, many users are much more likely to want and vices (Tang et al., 2012; WMO, 2015) and extending the use probabilistic information because most will base their de- concept to specific sectors including health (Ghebreyesus et cisions on their understanding of their own costs and poten- al., 2008). A common methodology has evolved, which ulti- tial losses. For example, farmers in Bangladesh, risking loss mately aims to provide guidance to people-at-risk and those of livelihoods, do take action on a very low or low probability responsible for mitigating those risks in a form that is un- of a high impact event to avoid or mitigate losses (Webster derstandable and actionable. MHIEWS are designed to sup- et al., 2010). This could take the form of moving livestock to port the early alerting of governmental and nongovernmen- higher ground or by taking out an insurance policy. In the first tal decision-makers permitting preparatory steps to be taken case responding to the warning and in the second in response ahead of issuing public warnings. This requires combining to the risk analysis. Providing cash to households based on information about specific hazards with the likely impacts of forecasts of extreme events is another approach (Gros et al., those hazards on people, livelihoods and property. It is also 2019). The different response of countries to the COVID- essential to understand the cascading effect of hazards where 19 pandemic, especially those having difficulties managing a single natural event may have a multiplying effect result- caseloads, suggests that a more rigorous approach to under- ing in primary, secondary and tertiary hazards. For example, standing the full spectrum of risk is needed. a meteorological event such as a tropical cyclone produces This inability to accept low probability high impact situa- heavy rainfall, which in turn causes flooding disrupting trans- tions must be overcome if the benefits of MHIEWS are to be portation networks, energy supplies and other critical infras- realised and high adverse impacts avoided or mitigated. Re- tructure, loss of life or physical harm, social isolation, inter- liably identifying a low probability, high impact flood haz- ruption to employment and livelihood activities, and psycho- ard 5 to 7 d ahead, for example, would allow civil protection logical distress. COVID-19 follows the same pattern result- to prepare resources in this time frame professionally with- ing in major social and economic hazards and consequential out stress. If their reaction is only on high probability fore- impacts. casts, making resources available in the necessarily shorter Tang et al. (2012) stress the importance and effective- timeframe is much more stressful and, in most cases, also ness of a multi hazard approach to disaster reduction by costlier. From the public perspective, high probability fore- understanding how hazards can produce a series of social casts have a greater chance of being accepted and reacted consequences, which are also public hazards. The empha- upon; thereby building more trust towards authorities and the sis on impacts, therefore, also implies that warnings should MHIEWS. Taking COVID-19, as an example, the low prob- be related to multiple hazards since the initial event can ability time frame in Central Europe concerned politicians as cause a series of cascading threats or consequential effects the decision-makers, who could have saved time and money – public health, accidents, infrastructure damage, civil un- gathering and improving response capacity. The high proba- rest, food insecurity, etc. Ideally, each of these should also be bility scenario started around early March where the focus considered and the means to predict their likelihood devel- should have been on public behaviour, accepting hygienic oped, so that a more complete modelling of impacts can be measures, lockdown and social distancing. The scramble in achieved. Unfortunately, despite the demonstrated usefulness many countries to acquire personnel protective equipment of the concept in meteorology, and best efforts to date (IFRC, during the high probability phase of the hazard highlights 2012; WMO, 2019), multi hazard impact-based early warn- the failure to act on the low probability scenario and the dire ing systems have remained primarily focused on hazards of consequences for frontline workers. meteorological origin. A renewed effort is needed to make These basic concepts must be kept in mind as we explore MHIEWS fully multi-sectorial, inclusive of biological haz- MHIEWS in more detail. Decision making for low proba- ards, regardless of the cause of the underlying events (Yao et bility and high impact events is often hindered by the fact al., 2020b). This is an important part of a more effective and that government decision-makers are focused day-to-day on streamlined disaster risk management. solving high probability, relatively minor, but media relevant, In all MHIEWS, the ultimate aim is to provide people with problems that divert attention from the potential catastrophic information that they understand, trust and act on. The pan- impact of low likelihood events. demic crisis highlights the importance of trusted sources of information (Hua and Shaw, 2020). This suggests the benefits that would flow from a common framework for all warning 2 Multi hazard impact-based early warning systems services, which emphasizes the impact of the hazard rather and services than the technical jargon that normally accompanies the de- scription of the hazard itself. In meteorology, the emphasis is During the past decade considerable attention has been fo- shifting from “what the weather will be to what the weather cused on developing, implementing and improving multi will do” and this can be generalized to any natural, socio- hazard early warnings systems and, in particular, in the con- economic or technological hazard by focusing on the impact text of meteorological forecasts and warnings, extending this of the hazard. This has come about because, despite huge concept to include impact-based forecast and warning ser- technological advances in forecasting meteorological and hy- Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
132 D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems drological hazards, we continue to suffer major human and sible evidence base on which to make the costly decisions on economic losses through incomplete awareness and under- infrastructure and other preventative investments to protect standing of the potential breadth and depth of the impacts the population in the future. of those hazards. Similarly, although COVID-19 has unique All countries should provide their citizens and economic epidemiological aspects, it is a known class of virus and the sectors with actionable information that, wherever possible, behaviour of a pandemic can be modelled, with advice, guid- identifies the timing and anticipated impacts of specific haz- ance and warnings issued based on detection (observation) ards. An informed population that fully understands what a or model forecasts (e.g., Chowell et al., 2020). However, the hazard will do is more likely to engage in appropriate be- actions taken by many governments suggest any or all of the haviour and take the necessary actions that protect their lives following: warnings have not been heeded; the risks poorly and livelihoods3 . Clarity and trust in communication is es- understood and discounted; there are no funding mechanisms sential, especially when the likelihood is very low or low, but to take early action; capacity is lacking to do the things that the potential impact is very high. need to be done, even if the money is available; long term In the case of meteorological hazards, the meteorological planning is lacking to make best use of the warning. Unfortu- and hydrological services must work closely with emergency nately, this is a common theme for many hazards and a major services, disaster reduction and civil protection agencies to obstacle in achieving the goals of the Sendai Framework for share data and to interpret forecasts into a form that results disaster risk reduction (United Nations, 2015). The response in early warning and early actions by everyone (Rogers and to hydrometeorological hazards provides some insight and, Tsirkunov, 2013; Rogers et al., 2019). It is important that through generalizing MHIEWS concepts, we may be able to local authorities and agencies with an understanding of com- identify a way forward. munity dynamics, physical and societal infrastructure and so- Each year the impacts of severe hydro-meteorological cial networks are included in this working partnership. They events around the world give rise to multiple casualties and will hold extensive knowledge of the vulnerability of indi- significant damage to property and infrastructure, with ad- viduals and community sectors, of both formal and infor- verse social and economic consequence for communities that mal communication networks and have the ability to engage can persist for many years. All this happens in spite of the multiple stakeholders. They will also have valuable insight fact that many of these severe events are recurrent, have been around and the likely behaviour of people during an emer- well forecasted, with accurate warning information dissemi- gency. This is a new area for many meteorological and hy- nated in a timely fashion by the responsible authority. drological forecast and warning services, since it requires ex- The reasons for this apparent disconnect and the failure tensive knowledge of how meteorology and hydrology affect of this information being fully utilised to support effective day-to-day activities. None of this knowledge and awareness defensive action and mitigation decisions lays in the gap be- may be available to the weather service providers in develop- tween forecasts and warnings of the hazardous events and ing countries, some of which already struggle to produce ba- an understanding of the risk associated with their potential sic meteorological and hydrological forecasts and services. impacts, both by the authorities responsible for civil protec- Coproduction of these new warning services involving all tion/emergency management and by the population at large. key stakeholders is required4 . The forecast and warnings information should be dissemi- The same issues apply to health related and technologi- nated in a range of formats and styles and across as many cal hazards and therefore all of society would benefit from a communication platforms as are appropriate to the recipient common approach to the development of multi hazard early audience. The content and context of the information needs warning and response systems. Given that pandemics, trop- to be believed and trusted as coming from an expert skilled ical cyclones, tsunamis, heat and cold waves and droughts and non-biased source and, when it is confirmed with sec- may affect many countries simultaneously, and also that the ondary sources, it should be consistent in its message. It is cascading impacts of a hazard even in a geographically con- important that the recipient at-risk is prepared to accept and fined area can have global consequences, as was the case with enabled to act on this information (Anderson-Berry et al., the 2011 flood in Thailand for the global supply chain for 2018). hard disk drives, international cooperation at the highest lev- If the gap between forecast and warnings information and els of government and industry is an important element in en- effective loss minimising actions is to be closed, then an all- suring that tools are available and responses appropriate, as encompassing approach is needed to observe, detect, model evinced by the COVID-19 pandemic (Kluge, 2020). The dis- and predict severe events and the consequent cascade of haz- aster management laws of many countries cover epidemics or ards through to impacts. Tackling this problem requires a multi-disciplinary approach to identify, understand, assess 3 and address risks. This requires access to the best possible cyclone-amphan-highlights-value-of-multi-hazard-early-warnings, physical, social and behavioural scientific and humanitarian last access: 26 June 2020 sector understanding, and the optimum services, to manage 4 multi-hazard events. This approach will provide the best pos- set-the-trigger/?pdf=chapter, last access: 26 June 2020 Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems 133 pandemics as disasters; therefore, integrating epidemics and yond Europe through the World Meteorological Organiza- pandemics in a MHIEWS is a rational approach to improve tion’s Global Multi-Hazard Alerting System (GMAS) and coordination, forecasting, warning and response. Samoa, as through World Bank investment projects aimed at transform- an example, did this for the measles outbreak that affected the ing national meteorological and hydrological services, which country in December 2019 which in turn also enabled them include the use of the Meteoalarm concept and software. to take early action as COVID-19 started spreading into the Figure 3 shows the detailed warning system for Germany, Pacific. which could be emulated in any country. More effort is needed to include a wider range of hazards and their impacts. 3 Basic elements of a MHIEWS Ultimately the colour coding should be related to the im- pact of the hazard rather than the hazard itself, as depicted in Given that the goal is to provide guidance to people-at-risk the risk matrix in Fig. 1, reflecting the shift in emphasis to and to those responsible for mitigating those risks in a form actionable information for those at risk. In Wuhan, a colour that is understandable and actionable (IFRC, 2012), the re- coded QR-code was used to inform the public on safety with quirement is to combine information about specific hazards green indicating safe, yellow indicating a need to be cau- with the likely impact of those hazards on people, their liveli- tious, and red a “cannot enter” (Hua and Shaw, 2020), which hoods and property. Depending on the knowledge of the haz- largely follows an approach first introduced into China for ard, and the vulnerability and exposure of people, the ap- meteorological warnings in Shanghai (Tang et al., 2012). proach may be either qualitative, depending on expert knowl- edge, or quantitative, depending on measurement. 3.2 Hazard identification A MHIEWS has five basic steps: (1) A common frame- work for visualizing warnings; (2) Hazard identification; The identification of all events impacting the territory of a (3) vulnerability assessment; (4) risk matrices; and (5) ad- country, and the primary and secondary hazards is ideally re- visory and alerting. These are described in detail below. quired. The primary hazards are caused directly by the event in nature and cannot be mitigated to any significant extent (e.g., rain will fall, a virus will exist). The secondary hazards 3.1 A common framework for visualizing warnings are a consequence or impact of the primary hazard and can Mapping the distribution of hazards and impacts geograph- often be partially mitigated (e.g., structural works can reduce ically is the preferred approach using administrative bound- the possibility of a surface flood in an urban area, or hospi- aries as polygons to present the location of the hazard and tal equipment can be stockpiled). The tertiary hazards may impact. Each of these polygons or grid cells may have its be caused by the primary and secondary phenomena or may own granular structure depicting a much finer mesh and facil- be a consequence of human failure and will have substantial itating more detailed warning information. The advantage of societal impacts. Tertiary hazards may also evolve from ef- mapping administrative boundaries is the presence of public forts to mitigate the primary (natural) and secondary hazards. officials in each of the “grid cells”, who have a responsibility The societal impacts have the greatest scope for mitigation for public safety. The apps developed in several Asian coun- by either structural or social measures to reduce exposure tries to trace people potentially exposed to COVID-19 lend and vulnerability and build capacity and capability. In the themselves to this approach, albeit with data privacy issues, case of secondary and tertiary hazards, the hazard and the im- which must be resolved (Cho et al., 2020). A major obstacle pact of the hazard may be closely related and interconnected. that needs to be resolved is to balance privacy and the use of Each of the hazards leads to further impacts, but not all im- personal data in such systems with the overall public good pacts are associated with further natural hazards. For exam- which can be attained through their deployment. In any case ple, economic disruption can be caused by social behaviour, it is important that individuals receive reliable information which spreads disease, and the consequence of the economic that they can trust and act on. disruption can have a significant impact on productivity and Meteoalarm, as an exemplar of a common framework for public financing, which in turn is a hazard with long-term warning services in the sphere of hydro-meteorology, has impacts on poverty and the well-being of society. Table 1 extended the visualization of such warnings to all of Eu- summarizes primary, secondary and tertiary hazards and as- rope using consistent colours to represent the severity of the sociated high impacts for a virus, cyclone and earthquake. hazard, together with employing a standard set of symbols The list of impacts is illustrative and not exhaustive. Impacts for each of the meteorological hazards – wind, rain light- are generally place specific and should be determined based ning/thunderstorms, heat and snow/ice (Staudinger, 2008) – on local knowledge. which are displayed to show the type of hazard (Fig. 2). Collecting hazard impact data is challenging and often This approach could be readily extended to all hazards and recorded in a very general way; for example, the number of could have been of significant benefit in visualizing the dy- affected people, which not useful for creating impact-based namic development of the COVID-19 pandemic across Eu- warnings. rope. Plans exist to extend the concept of Meteoalarm be- Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
134 D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems Table 1. Example of Events, primary, secondary and tertiary hazards and associated impacts. Event Primary hazards Secondary hazards Tertiary hazards Virus – Infectious disease – Disease spread by human be- – Overwhelming of health services haviour – Economic disruption – Loss of productivity – Public finances overwhelmed – Loss of education opportunities – Unemployment – Civil disobedience – Psychological problems High impacts: – Excess number of deaths caused directly by virus and indirectly due to overwhelmed health services – Civil disobedience resulting in increased rates of transmission of disease – Severe disruption to global economy resulting in severe financial losses and economic recession – More people in poverty – Food insecurity especially in poorest communities increasing morbidity – Increased crime related to loss of income and exploitation of crisis – Civil unrest potentially destabilizing societies – Restructuring of social priorities – Increased international tensions resulting in conflict Cyclone – Strong wind – River flood – Damage in Dams and appurtenant structures, embankment, irrigation and drainage facilities, pumping facilities – Lightning – Surface water flooding – Submerging paddy fields – Heavy rainfall – Flash flood – Migration – Tornado – Landslides – Loss of infrastructure systems and services (shelter, transportation, schools, hospitals, en- ergy supply, communication) – Storm surge – Waterborne diseases – Water level rise in reservoirs – Environmental degradation – Riverbank erosion – Snake bite – Muddle – High sediment transport into reservoirs High impacts: – Loss of property and livelihoods resulting in increased poverty and homelessness – Excess number of deaths and injuries due to event and subsequent disease outbreaks – Loss of agricultural land and potable water resources – Widespread food and water insecurity especially in poorest communities increasing morbidity – Risk of theft of property results in people not taking shelter – Civil unrest and political instability – Severe disruption to transportation networks – Widespread population displacement Earthquake – Shake – Landslides – Damage in Dams and appurtenant structures, embankment, irrigation and drainage facilities, Pumping Facilities, – Shifting Geological – Building Collapse – Loss of Infrastructure System and Services Formation (shelter, transportation, schools, hospitals, en- ergy supply, communication) – Road and Rail fracture – Coastal Flood – Tsunami – Changes in Ground water formation – Fire – Psychological problems – Liquefaction High impacts: – Excess number of deaths and injuries due to collapse of homes, buildings and other infrastructure – Widespread financial losses – Severe disruption to transportation networks – Widespread population displacement – Decrease in water storage capacity Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems 135 Figure 2. Example of the graphical output from the Meteoalarm portal. The colour coding is consistent across all participating European countries. 3.3 Exposure and vulnerability assessments from a failure to cope adequately with the primary and sec- ondary hazards (Rogers et al., 2018). Not doing so can result Understanding who is at risk depends on gathering informa- in persistent and sustained loss of economic capacity (Mot- tion on vulnerability and exposure involves many different eff, 2012). By understanding the vulnerability of the infras- entities including social and behavioural scientists, disaster tructure system and services to the primary and secondary managers, non-governmental organizations, civil and struc- hazards, and the decisions that have resulted in mitigating tural engineers, risk finance and risk transfer specialists, and, actions – or not – it is possible to provide more accurate and of course, those at risk. These data are an important layer timely impact-related warnings that would protect a popula- of information within any decision support system. The re- tion from existing weaknesses in infrastructure, which com- sponsibility for compiling and updating this information of- pound the threat of mortality and morbidity posed by the ini- ten falls to disaster managers and non-governmental organ- tial hazards. Collapse of buildings, bridges, and roadways, isations, which work with mostly disadvantaged communi- the loss of ICT, electricity, transportation, health services, ties. However, it is rarely compiled in a single operational employment and sanitation and the decision and opportunity data base and is often incomplete and often not of very good for people to remove themselves from harm’s way frequently quality. Social and behavioural scientists are critical to under- contribute to creating, enhancing or diminishing the circum- standing how differently abled people access, comprehend stances of subsequent disasters. Already available vulnera- and use warning and forecast information. Data needs to be bility and exposure information on hydromet hazards can be collected at the level of the individual and updated regularly. used for the analysis of epidemic risk, and the cascading im- The vulnerability of infrastructure systems and services pacts. must also be quantified. For example, the vulnerability of bridges and roads to inundation or destruction due to flood- 3.4 Development of risk matrices ing, or the likely requirements for specialised medical equip- ment, should be estimated. Understanding sectorial interde- Probability versus impact matrices are required for every pendencies is also necessary to determine vulnerabilities and hazard and each sector likely to be affected. It requires therefore to develop the appropriate impact-based forecasts knowledge of the hazard and expert knowledge of the likely and warnings. Addressing these vulnerabilities is a way to impact on a specific sector. This may or may not be informed increase resilience and reduce the risk of disaster stemming by a formal vulnerability assessment. At its most basic it Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
136 D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems evacuation to shelters, etc. In particular, it will help civil pro- tection to deploy their resources more effectively. Since the system is dynamic, this is a means to progressively express changing expectations of risk as a function of varying ex- posure, vulnerability and hydrometeorological likelihood. In the case of a tropical cyclone, for example, the flood risk would be identified based on the trajectory and intensity of the rainfall hazard within the event, among other factors. The risk matrix combines the flood and vulnerability information for each identified geographical section. As the tropical cy- clone system evolves, the severity of the risk will change en- abling an adaptive response to the event. Each of the risks as- sociated with the secondary and tertiary hazards would also be estimated. Unfortunately, risk data management is almost non- existent in many countries and alternative approaches are needed to acquire the appropriate data. 3.5 Advisories and Alerting Warning advisories and actions matrices are the final stage in the production process. These relate warnings and actions to the probability of an impact based on the impact risk matrix. Effective standard operating procedures are a critical compo- nent of the successful management of risk. Key elements are good communication among all of the relevant stakeholders Figure 3. Example of the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wet- terdienst) Warnings displayed using MeteoAlarm. and timely action. Having a common impact framework is also very useful for complex disasters and can make it easier for authorities to take early preparatory action to focus their resources, and to provide more targeted warning services. would rely on expert knowledge rather than quantitative data. For example, the complex consequences of multiple hazards However, the range of expert knowledge required is broad; is exemplified by the situation in Vanuatu, the Solomon Is- not exclusively from those with knowledge of the primary lands and Fiji during April 2020, which faced the simulta- hazard but also from experts in other fields which may be neous crises of Tropical Cyclone Harold and the COVID-19 affected through the secondary and tertiary hazards. pandemic5 . The actions to be taken will depend on the likelihood and It is important that each advisory and message contains severity of the scenario with a colour assigned based on an the same information and detail across all media – no matter assessment of the risk (Fig. 1). Consequently, a disease out- what format is applied. This is core to ensuring community break or flood, which is highly likely to occur with severe confidence in the authority, authenticity, and security of the impacts, is colour-coded red for high risk. The designation of messages they get. The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) the colours is subjective and dependent on combining sector- provides a format designed for any and all media to commu- specific knowledge. Historical or climatology-based regional nicate information about any kind of hazard situation. It was and/or seasonal specific thresholds (in the case of meteorol- developed to standardize the technical format of an alerting ogy or hydrology) can provide a valuable starting point for message, regardless of content, in a manner such that the alert discussions in estimating the severity and the impact of an message is both human-readable and machine-readable. The event. message can be targeted to the public at large, to certain des- In the case of flood risk, this may involve water resource ignated groups such as disaster managers or first responders, managers, irrigation experts, and dam operators as well as or to specific individuals as needed. The African Telecom- disaster managers. The level of risk can be assigned to a spe- munications Union has called for harmonized actions by cific geographical location – a grid box within the warning map – thereby building a dynamic risk map, which highlights the areas which may require specific interventions to miti- 5, last gate the risk – house-to-house notifications, cell broadcasts, access: 26 June 2020 Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems 137 telecommunication regulators by implementing CAP as one their well-being. A MHIEWS, which performs well in the element of a strategy to combat COVID-196 . cases of relatively frequent, low level warnings (as is the case A message formatted with the CAP standard can be carried for most meteorological hazards) is perceived by the public over or displayed by television, radio, mobile telephone, fax, as a reliable source of information. Therefore, the system is highway signs, e-mail, the Web, etc. The message can com- a trusted and reliable source of warnings for the rare, but ex- municate about weather, fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, land- tremely damaging events. slides, child abductions, disease outbreaks, air quality warn- ings, transportation problems, power outages, etc., and can be fully integrated with the Meteoalarm system. While the 4 Decision support technical specifications of CAP follow an international stan- dard, CAP messaging can be modified and adapted to suit MHIEWS alone are necessary, but not sufficient tools in national requirements. making effective decisions. Disaster management for all Without CAP, alerting systems must deal with free text types of hazards must cover three broadly overlapping areas: or with different formats that vary across hazard types, – (1) Action in real-time to an immediate emergency situ- and across countries as well. Without a standard alert for- ation, recovery and rehabilitation planning and implemen- mat, it is practically impossible to implement all-hazard, all- tation; (2) Early action planning and activation, triggered media public alerting (WMO, 2013). With the development by impact based warnings of a threat with as much lead of the CAP standard effective and efficient alerting systems time as possible to effectively reduce or eliminate the risk promise great benefits for relatively modest investments. Fi- to life, livelihoods and property, and to prepare for effective nally, alerting authorities can use fairly simple tools to get response; and (3) Long term planning and action to perma- critical messages to affected people, wherever they are and nently eliminate or significantly reduce risks and to enhance whatever they are doing. effective preparedness. A warning and alerting service is successful when recipi- Each of these three areas has a distinct and unique focus. ents: receive the warning, via both formal and informal com- Long-term Emergency Planning must have a primary goal munication networks; understand the information presented; of building resilience, capability and capacity to respond in trust and believe the content, context and message; person- emergency management authorities and at-risk communities alize the information; are enabled to make correct decisions; and societies. It involves the establishment of robust pro- respond in an adequate and timely manner; and provide feed- tocols between Disaster Management at all levels and the back and lessons learned. Among these factors understand- relevant technical, societal and community welfare agencies ing, trusting, believing and personalizing the information are and authorities for the reception of warnings related to haz- extremely important leading to appropriate behaviour, cor- ards, processes to communicate these warnings effectively rect decision making, and effective response by recipients to at-risk communities, and the organisation of routine ex- (Anderson-Berry et al., 2018). Ineffective prior planning and ercises to ensure smooth operation of the warning system. preparation, haphazard and ad-hoc coordination among au- Emergency response requires situational awareness and the thorities to whom the population turns in times of crises, and tools to make real-time decisions, which reduce the expo- the inability of authorities to articulate a uniform message, sure of those at risk through evacuation, sheltering, rescue, can lead to lack of trust, confusion and inability or unwill- self-rescue or the elimination of the threat if technological ingness to act by the public. This is exacerbated if warning in origin. Anticipatory action implies advanced notification language is too complicated, vague, ambiguous or threaten- of a hazard and awareness of its potential impact. Lead-time, ing, or is contradictory as can happen if it originates from understanding, acceptance of the threat, the ability and will- different sources. ingness to take action, are all among the factors which play a A primary factor that prompts people to trust and act on role in the effective reaction to a warning where the aim is to advice contained in warnings and alerts is the credibility of reduce the potential for a full-scale emergency situation and the issuing authority. People often judge and trust authorities need for a disaster response. Underlying each of these areas on their expert skill, their past performance, and, on occa- is knowledge of hazards, vulnerability and exposure, which sion, their freedom from political agendas and interference. also contribute to long-term planning to reduce vulnerability This has been demonstrated variously across many nations in and thereby reduce the risk of an adverse impact. the COVID-19 pandemic and the reliance on information di- Understanding the differentiated responsibilities of each of rectly from health experts and authorities. Without trust and the actors involved in all three areas is essential for support- respect for authorities it becomes difficult to convince a pop- ing the safety of lives and promoting the economic security ulation that the authorities have their best interest at heart and of any country. Decision Support Systems (DSS) must pro- that whatever instructions are being issued are ultimately for vide guidance to all three areas. Information exchange and sharing among agencies is critical to the utility of a DSS and 6, last access: clear operating procedures are needed to ensure unimpeded 26 June 2020 information flows enabling hazard, vulnerability and expo- Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
138 D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems sure data to be combined with other guidance to promote information with other systems supporting emergency oper- timely action. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk ations (including the media and emergency planning); and Reduction (UNDRR)7 provides guidance at national and re- clear operating procedures adhered to by all stakeholders. gional levels on how government agencies from different sec- Essential to the system is consistency and trust. Warning tors should work together to cover early warning, disaster re- services must be consistent and must engender trust in order sponse and recovery and long-term planning to mitigate the for people to take appropriate action (Hua and Shaw, 2020). impact of disasters. A key module of a Disaster Management The messages must be understood and actionable. This re- DSS is the “Resources for Response” at various levels. In quires a common understanding of threat level across all haz- many instances, the information on resources required to re- ards and impacts. Increasingly it also means that people need spond to a health emergency are not collected and included to understand that a low likelihood of medium and high im- in such databases. While the response to a health emergency pact events may also require a response from all those poten- could benefit from the available data/information as part of tially affected. This requires a strategy for frequent exercises a DSS, during the design and development of DSS, the re- based on realistic scenarios, which should also be an element sources needed to respond to a health emergency must be of the DSS since it will increase knowledge of vulnerabil- included. ity. In turn, this will help improve the utility of impact-based Knowing who to warn requires knowledge of the haz- warnings. It is also very important after each event to review ards; knowing where to focus attention on refining the haz- the performance of the system and gain feedback from users ard warnings requires knowledge of the vulnerability and to further improve the system. level of impacts. Consequently, all actors need to share data Generally, hazard impacts are localized. The DSS must and information and collaborate closely to generate targeted therefore support decision-making at all levels of govern- and actionable information. Vulnerable disadvantaged and ment (national, regional, local) with clear operating proce- marginalised groups are often overlooked in the decision- dures in place to facilitate sound decisions at each level and making process. These include people with a range of phys- between all agencies. The structure and flow of information ical, mental, social and psychological disabilities, who need should aim at making emergency response unnecessary by earlier warnings to take action, tourists with no knowledge encouraging and guiding appropriate behaviour of the people of local hazards and risks, minority populations, migrant affected. In many circumstances, the notion of self-rescue ap- workers or refugees with limited access to local informa- plies – meaning those impacted will have the capacity to take tion systems or the knowledge of the local language (UN- appropriate actions to reduce adverse risk with minimal or no DRR, 2020). It is extremely important to have an adequate intervention from authorities. This is an important point. If a information system that would include information on vul- warning is issued with a decent lead time, a lot of people nerable groups as they are among those most at risk during who have options with friends and family will self-evacuate. any kind of hazardous events and the decision makers who This will reduce the cost to the Government significantly and can activate early actions based on warnings. Decision mak- will allow the Government to accommodate the most vul- ing should take into account people who don’t have access nerable people, who do not have such options, in shelters. to information or to any mitigation tools, including financial Again, consistency and trust of the warning information is tools, and who are not part of the decision-making process, critically important in facilitating appropriate individual and as well as devising strategies to minimise the numbers in this community actions, together with an empowerment of citi- cohort through awareness building campaigns. zens through the provision of clear and actionable guidance. A DSS must encompass, therefore, providing for the in- ternal information requirements of all government actors, as well as generating the guidance needed by non-governmental 5 Conclusions decision-makers and the general public. The basic building blocks of a DSS are based on a MHIEWS, which includes The ability to understand and respond effectively to warnings communication modules and a common data repository al- is central to resilient societies and communities. By avoiding lowing multiple users to derive products relevant to their physical, societal and economic harm to the greatest extent own requirements and to enhance the overall functionality possible, recovery from a hazard is likely to be faster, less of the DSS. This would comprise vulnerability and exposure costly and more complete (Rogers et al., 2018). Meteorolog- information and data on primary, secondary, and tertiary haz- ical Services have demonstrated that impact-based forecast ards and impacts; an alerting module based on impact-based and warning services based on the fundamental elements of warnings; an external communication module, which facili- a well-trusted, people-centred warning system can comple- tates the onward promulgation and exchange of information ment traditional warning systems and services by translat- with the public or affected sectors or both; the means to share ing technical knowledge into actionable information of di- rect relevance to those affected. The use of probabilistic tech- 7 niques gives us insight into the likelihood of a hazard, and we regional-platforms, last access: 26 June 2020 can use this knowledge, coupled with information about what Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
D. P. Rogers et al.: COVID-19 and lessons from multi-hazard early warning systems 139 and who is likely to be affected, to provide more actionable hazards in a systematic way. As a potential starting point, the warnings (Rogers et al., 2019). MHIEWS could focus on heat health, for which there is a The MHIEWS paradigm can become a common approach growing body of knowledge on the impacts of both high and for all hazards and therefore more likely to be a tool that ev- low temperatures on excess mortality (Matthies et al., 2008; eryone can understand and use as a basic element in their Liu et al., 2014). Air quality and health is another area for national disaster management system. The interconnected- cooperation. Recent studies indicate a spatial correlation be- ness of hazards is a strong motivator for a common approach, tween ambient particulate matter (PM) pollution and increase especially where rapidly changing weather patterns increase COVID-19 related death rates (Yao et al., 2020a; Andrée, flood, heat and epidemic risks (Ghebreyesus et al., 2008; Liu 2020). This would also link the longer-term consequences et al., 2014, 2020). One of the lessons from the COVID-19 of climate change with the immediate needs of society to pandemic is the need to provide reliable warnings and to be cope with rising temperatures, extreme cold and air qual- willing to prepare for a reasonable worst-case scenario based ity, while also generalizing the tools to support the detection on informed long-term planning. Meteorology and hydrol- and early warning of infectious disease epidemics and pan- ogy are making progress in this direction and the processes demics, which may or may not be related to climate (Yao et developed in these disciplines can be readily applied to health al. 2020b). and other sectors. COVID-19 is creating a new reality, beyond the immedi- Effective multi-hazard impact-based early warning sys- ate health impacts, by pushing 40–60 million people into ex- tems are based on authoritative and timely risk information. treme poverty9 increasing the vulnerability of people to the Creation of this information requires systematic and stan- impact of other hazards. Reinforcing the use of impact-based dardized processes to collect, assess and share data con- forecasting and warning services with a common framework cerning exposure, hazards and vulnerabilities. Risk must be of anticipatory action will help to minimize future disasters. recognised as being dynamic as vulnerability, the nature of hazards, and the extent of exposure change over time due to many factors, including urbanization, rural land-use Data availability. No data sets were used in this article. change, environmental degradation and climate change. It is extremely important to make sure that vulnerable groups and communities are included in the processes of risk assessment Author contributions. DPR prepared the manuscript with contri- and communication. It is equally important to make deci- butions from all co-authors. sions that protect vulnerable groups taking into account the realities that people find themselves in – often without access to information or tools to mitigate the damage, including fi- Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no con- flict of interest. nancial tools. For the poorest countries, many of which know only too well the extent of the damage natural hazards can lead to, Special issue statement. This article is part of the special issue the full danger of COVID19 is only just coming into view8 . “19th EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Me- Similarly, vulnerable communities are challenged by fragile teorology and Climatology 2019”. It is a result of the EMS Annual health system, loss of critical income, lack of medical supply Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Cli- or financial support. MHIEWS should be a tool that works matology 2019, Lyngby, Denmark, 9–13 September 2019. in the interest of these groups and that guides governments’ decisions that – whether they are related to re-locating people or to restricting their movements – do not create any counter Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Abbas Ku- incentives and provide “shelter” in more than just one sense mar Jha, Stephan Hallegatte, Ana Campos Garcia, and Michel Jan- of the word. cloes for their help in improving the paper. As COVID-19 seems likely to be endemic with no vac- cine or other mitigating measures on the immediate horizon (Nabarro and Colombano, 2020), a CAP-based warning sys- Financial support. This work was supported by the World Bank tem is essential if we are to alert people to potential threats and the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction (GFDRR). as we learn to live with it. In the long term, a comprehensive multi-hazard impact-based early warning system is needed to prepare us for all potential threats from natural and other Review statement. This paper was edited by Tanja Cegnar and reviewed by Will Lang and Catalina Jaime. 8 poorest-countries-full-danger-coronavirus-only-just-coming-view? CID=WBW_AL_BlogNotification_EN_EXT, last access: 9, last access: 26 June 2020 26 June 2020 Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 129–141, 2020
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