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                      VANGO COLLABORATES                RUN FOR THE
                      WITH NATIONAL TRUST P19           ARCTIC P21

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HYPRO 1.2_SPORTS INSIGHT 10/02/2020 17:09 Page 1

TARGET DRY 1.2_SPORTS INSIGHT 10/09/2019 10:00 Page 1
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Olympic medallist Keri-anne Payne signs on with dryrobe                                                                                                      SURFING
Dryrobe have announced two-                 Since retiring in 2017,
                                                                                                                                                          ENGLAND JUNIOR
time World Champion and                 Keri-anne has switched her                                                                                        TEAM GET FIRST
Olympic silver medallist Keri-          attention to swimming coaching.
anne Payne as their latest brand        Alongside her husband David                                                                                        EVER SPONSOR
ambassador.                             Carry, another former Olympic                                                                                          dryrobe, producers of the
   Having represented team GB           swimmer, the couple formed                                                                                             world’s most advanced
for 12 years, Keri-anne’s success       Triscape, a scheme to help                                                                                        change robe, have announced
helped to raise the profile of open     inspire more people to get into                                                                                        a new partnership with
water swimming in the UK and now        swimming.                                                                                                            Surfing England that sees
having teamed up with dryrobe,              Speaking about the new                                                                                            them become the official
she hopes to inspire more people        partnership with dryrobe, Keri-                                                                                   sponsor of the English Junior
to take the plunge and try it for       anne said: “My passion will                                                                                                    surf team.
themselves.                             always be in the open water and                                                                                           It is hoped to aid the
   Keri-anne’s credentials as a         I love finding new ways to enjoy                                                                                        development of young
first-class swimmer standout            it, especially in the cold! When                                                                                  English surfers, helping them
from just 15 years old when she         dryrobe asked me to join the                                                                                         reach their full potential.
broke the British junior 800-metre      team it was a no brainer because                                                                                        As the first time that the
freestyle record. In 2006, Keri-        it’s already an integral part of my                                                                                 England Juniors have had
anne switched her focus from the        routine and kit bag (and should                                                                                    their own sponsor, the team
pool to the open water, winning a       be part of every open water           thrilled to welcome Keri-anne         can’t wait for her to be a part         will now have access to top
silver medal for Great Britain in the   swimmers too!). I also really         to team dryrobe. Her passion          of. Everyone here is excited           level coaching, support staff
inaugural 10k Open Water Swim at        love how much time dryrobe            for open water swimming and           to be working with Keri-anne             and training plans as they
the 2008 Olympic Games. As well         are putting in to ensuring they       enthusiasm for getting people into    as she helps to inspire the           prepare to compete in events
as competing in both the 2012 and       remain sustainable with a range       the sport makes Keri-anne the         next generation of open water         throughout 2020 and beyond,
2016 Olympic Games, Keri-anne           of eco-friendly products.”            perfect fit for dryrobe. We’ve got    swimmers.”                               including the 2022 Youth
also went on to win World honours           dryrobe Founder and Director,     some really interesting projects         To find out more about              Olympics in Dakar, Senegal,
in the 10k both in 2009 and 2011.       Gideon Bright added: “I’m             lined up for this year that we        dryrobe, visit www.dryrobe.com          where Surfing will make its
                                                                                                                                                                    To announce the
                                                                                                                                                           partnership, dryrobe joined

Montane secures Inverleith LLP investment                                                                                                                  the English Junior squad in
                                                                                                                                                          training at the Wave, Bristol,
                                                                                                                                                           to deliver their official Team
Montane, the UK outdoor                  JAKE DOXAT, MONTANE’S                                                                                                England dryrobe gear. In
clothing and accessories                 MANAGING DIRECTOR                                                                                                       developing the next
company founded over 25 years                                                                                                                               generation of elite English
ago, has received investment                                                                                                                                surfers, the Wave will be a
from Edinburgh-based                                                                                                                                           game-changing facility,
specialist consumer brand                                                                                                                                       allowing athletes and
investor Inverleith LLP, which                                                                                                                            coaches to perfect their skills
has secured a majority stake in                                                                                                                            and analyse performance in
the company.                                                                                                                                                 the state-of-the-art Wave
   Montane has established itself                                                                                                                                         pool.
as the leading European specialist                                                                                                                              Ben Powis, Commercial
brand of lightweight, breathable                                                                                                                           and Operations Director for
outdoor clothing and equipment                                                                                                                            Surfing England said: “It’s no
for fast-paced mountain sports.                                                                                                                                exaggeration to say our
Established in 1993, Montane                                                                                                                              partnership with dryrobe is a
focuses on serving committed                                                                                                                               game changer for the Junior
and highly active hillwalkers,                                                                                                                             team. We have our sights set
mountaineers, climbers and trail                                                                                                                              on the Dakar 2022 Youth
runners. Its range has steadily                                                                                                                              Olympics and the support
expanded to encompass a broad           the distribution of its specialist    new owner who recognises              continuing to contribute to            from dryrobe means we can
range of outerwear, mid and base        fast-paced mountain sport products    the strength of Montane’s             Montane’s growth as a Board           put structured training plans
layers, legwear, backpacks and          both in the UK and internationally,   differentiated position, who shares   Director.”                               in place, bring in top class
accessories for both men and            with a sharpened focus on product     the company’s values and beliefs         Following the majority sale to       coaching and support staff,
women, with its products sold both      development in this rapidly growing   and who has the consumer and          Inverleith LLP, after a period of     and take full advantage of the
in the UK and internationally.          market.                               commercial expertise to help steer    transition, Doxat will step back          amazing facilities at The
   It targets, specifically, the           Jake Doxat, Montane’s Managing     the company to its next level of      from the day-to-day management                       Wave.”
high-performance segments of            Director, said: “I am delighted to    growth.                               of the company, while remaining               dryrobe Founder and
the outdoor markets, with a focus       have secured Inverleith LLP as the       “I am confident that Montane       a minority shareholder, Board              Director Gideon Bright
on consumers who connect with           majority investor into Montane.       will continue its positive            Director and focusing on a new         added: “The pool of talent in
Montane’s ‘Further. Faster.’ mantra.    After over two decades at the         momentum under its new                role as a global brand ambassador       junior surfing right now is
   Montane prides itself on the         helm, it is time to hand over the     and complementary majority            for the company.                      amazing and we’re confident
quality and innovation of its high-     reins of Montane to a passionate      shareholder. I look forward to           Paul Skipworth, Inverleith          that backing this incredible
                                                                                                                                                                                             DRYROBE X SURFING ENGLAND. PICTURE CREDIT: TOM YOUNG

performance technical outdoor                                                                                       LLP Managing Partner, said: “I          team of surfers can make a
clothing and equipment. The                                                                                         am delighted to see Montane join         real difference in helping
company, based in Ashington                                                                                         the Inverleith family of consumer     them achieve their potential.
in the North of England, enjoys                                                                                     brands. Consumers in this area        The future of English surfing
endorsements from professionals                                                                                     are seeking brands with heritage,        is looking very bright and
within the fast-paced mountain                                                                                      authenticity and credibility;          we’re so proud to be a part of
sport environment, as well as                                                                                       brands that are both highly                            it.”
being the British Mountaineering                                                                                    functional, yet also attractively
Council’s recommended clothing                                                                                      designed. Montane fits these
and pack partner.                                                                                                   requirements as a company and
   The company is also headline                                                                                     brand that has been built steadily
sponsor of a number of globally                                                                                     over the last 25 years and has
recognised events such as the Tor                                                                                   become recognised and admired
des Géants, The Montane Lakeland                                                                                    within this environment. We look
100, The Montane Yukon Arctic                                                                                       forward to enabling an even wider
Ultra and The Montane Spine Race,                                                                                   audience to engage with Montane
some of the most challenging and                                                                                    in the UK and internationally,
famous ultra events in the world.                                                                                   helping them to fuel their passion
   The investment from Inverleith                                                                                   for outdoor sports with a ‘Further.
LLP will see the company expand                                                                                     Faster.’ mindset.”

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IRONMAN page_SPORTS INSIGHT 21/02/2020 11:07 Page 1

                                                      New Spring/Summer
                                                          2020 Collections
                                                       available in selected
                                                         Boots stores and
                                                                   online at:
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          OutDoor by ISPO 2020: Significant improvement thanks to industry feedback

        reparations in Munich for the   concept in the run-up to the                                                     get an additional presentation           to sports retailers and buyers at
        second OutDoor by ISPO are      premiere, we sought close contact                                                opportunity in the adjacent hall.        no additional cost and also make
        in full progress. ISPO.com      with the industry at all levels, both                                            This way we create a connection          appointments on site directly in
talked to Markus Hefter, Exhibiton      through our Advisory Board and                                                   between inside and outside.              the system. The tool is currently
Group Director of OutDoor by            expanded network and through                                                                                              available in eight languages.
ISPO and ISPO Munich, about             our partner, the European Outdoor                                                How do you increase
feedback from the industry and          Group. All in all, the feedback for                                              the quality and                          Will visitors and
how this is being incorporated          the first event was very positive,                                               internationality of                      exhibitors again have
into the planning for 2020.             but of course - as with every                                                    the trade visitors?                      the opportunity to
   With 1,018 exhibitors and more       new project - there were also                                                    The quality of the trade visitors in     stay overnight at the
than 22,000 trade visitors, OutDoor     numerous suggestions for specific                                                2019 was very good. Over 80 per          camping site this year?
by ISPO 2019 celebrated a successful    improvements. We are very happy                                                  cent of the more than 22,000 visitors    Yes, this year we will again set
premiere in Munich. A new concept       about the varied feedback, because       MARKUS HEFTER, EXHIBITON GROUP
                                                                                 DIRECTOR ISPO MUNICH AND OUTDOOR
                                                                                                                         stated in the official visitor survey,   up a camping site within close
and an extensive supporting             only then do we know what moves          BY ISPO AT MESSE MÜNCHEN                conducted by Messe München,              proximity to the exhibition halls.
programme turned Europe's               people and how we can improve. We        IMAGE CREDIT: MESSE MÜNCHEN             that they had decision-making            In our eyes, it serves not only as an
largest outdoor trade fair into a       are now in the direct implementation                                             authority in their professional          alternative to a hotel, but also as a
comprehensive experience platform.      of the corresponding measures.           areas without reducing the beautiful,   capacity. In order to further increase   meeting place for the industry. The
   Eighty-seven per cent of all                                                  airy ambience. At the same time, we     the quality and quantity of the          proximity to the bathing lake in
visitors to OutDoor by ISPO 2019        What do the optimised                    promote a more even visitor flow.       visitors, and to make better use         Riemer Park was already very well
described their visit to the event as   hall layout and new                                                              of the potential of international        received last year. This summer,
"good" to "excellent" according to      planning of the outside                  Will the outdoor area                   distribution networks, we expanded       the trade fair campers can look
official market research conducted      area look like?                          and the atrium be used                  our “Altogether to Munich”               forward to additional and improved
by Messe München. Feedback from         The generous distribution of the         the same as last year?                  invitation and matchmaking tool.         gender-specific sanitary facilities,
the industry shows that OutDoor         exhibition space across nine halls       The location of the Outside             Our exhibitors can activate their        an optimised catering offer and
has arrived in Munich. The goal         and the outdoor exhibition area, the     Exhibition Area adjacent to Hall        own dealer network, subsidiaries or      extended green areas for tents.
for the second edition in 2020, to      very wide central aisles and open        B6 proved to be less than ideal.        distributors with just a few clicks      For a cosy end of the evening we
be held on June 28-July 1, is to        stand design provided the desired        The area was too much separated         via the online-based invitation          also set up a central fireplace. It is
optimise the format and improve it      relaxed marketplace atmosphere           from the main events in the halls       tool. With "Altogether to Munich",       expected that it will be possible to
in a customer-oriented manner.          last year. Subjectively, however,        and the outdoor feeling, with the       exhibitors may send four-day tickets     book the site from March onwards.
   Markus Hefter, Exhibition            some exhibitors were under the           exception of the evening events, did
Group Director of OutDoor by            impression that there were fewer         not really come up. Our new concept
ISPO and ISPO Munich, explains          visitors on the floor than actually      provides an integrated outdoor area
which specific adjustments the          attended. In addition, the flow of       in the atrium between the A and
industry can look forward to.           visitors in the C-halls of the site      B halls. This is then divided into
                                        was not entirely satisfying for us.      a relaxation zone, an activation
How did the industry                    For 2020, we are optimising the hall     zone and two party zones. A central
react to the premiere                   layout. We will only occupy the A        HangOut area is complemented by
of OutDoor by ISPO?                     and B halls with access to the atrium.   activity-based areas that encourage
Have you received any                   The central aisles will be made a        participation - for example with
direct feedback?                        little narrower. This means that we      the integration of slacklines.
As we had already done when             gain more exhibition space in each       Exhibitors who present themselves
developing the OutDoor by ISPO          hall and make better use of niche        in this area with their booking

                       “Our exhibitors can activate their own dealer network, subsidiaries or distributors
                                 with just a few clicks via the online-based invitation tool”

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  A match for winter                                   Perfect for small                               Comfort, durability                                 Lightweight and
   The British Isles winter weather is no
    match for the Women’s Extrem 5000
                                                           families                                     and breathability                                    comfortable
                                                      The Portree 500 is an easy pitch, three-        The Frontier Women's Pant is an all-round,      The Gemini is a lightweight, and comfortable
 Vented Waterproof Jacket. Sleet, blizzards          poled tunnel tent that features a side entry     high performance Soft Shell pant for active      two-layer, HydroDRY jacket. It boasts mesh
 and driving rain, it’s a tough barrier for all,     door and full stand up height living space.        use on technical terrain. Combining 175g         and taffeta combination lining for active
  thanks to totally waterproof, three-layer          Clear windows allow light to pour into the          and 275g EXOLITE fabric these pants             comfort; grown on, fully adjustable hood
GORE-TEX, with reinforced areas to protect          spacious porch area, with Vango's lights out       offer comfort, durability and breathability    with a wired peak and roll away feature and a
the jacket from rock and rucksack abrasion.        bedroom area ensuring a darkened space for            when moving fast in alpine terrain. An       double storm flap over centre front zip. Other
    The adjustable hood is designed to fit          better sleep in the great outdoors. This tent     entirelyre-engineered fit block is combined     features include two hand pockets, hook and
comfortably over your head with or without         is perfect for small families, couples, friends,     with essential mountain features such as        loop tabbed inner pocket, adjustable cuffs
             a climbing helmet.                             weekend camps and festivals.               integrated venting pockets and reinforced              and drawcord adjustable hem.
                                                                                                                       kick strips.

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SPARTAN ENTERS TRAIL RUNNING                                                                                                                                     SNUGPAK
                                                                                                                                                              EMBRACES NEW
Spartan, the world’s leading                The inaugural Spartan UK                                                                                          MANUFACTURING
extreme wellness and                     trail season will unfold in some of
endurance brand, is entering             the nation's most breath-taking                                                                                        INITIATIVE
the UK trail running market              landscapes, beginning on June                                                                                             Snugpak, the UK’s leading
for the first time in its latest         21, 2020, at the Glanusk Estate, in                                                                                    sleeping bag and insulated
push to expand and innovate its          the heart of the Black Mountains,                                                                                          clothing manufacturer,
fitness footprint.                       fittingly followed by a 10k at                                                                                               has decided to take a
   For the 2020 season, Spartan          ‘Spartan’s UK home’, Marston                                                                                              radical new approach to
will host 10k and Half-Marathon          Lodge, on July 12. Each event will                                                                                       its operational practices.
trail events at two of its most scenic   feature stretches of rugged terrain                                                                                           This will result in an
venues; Glanusk Estate, Wales, and       and natural obstacles, such as river                                                                                      increase in productivity
Marston Lodge, Midlands.                 crossings, scrambles, log hops and                                                                                      and employee satisfaction
   Joe De Sena, Spartan Founder          technical single-track that define a                                                                                       across the board, while
and CEO, said: “Following the            traditional trail race. The races will                                                                                    also reducing Snugpak’s
successful 2019 launch of Spartan        coincide with Spartan’s Obstacle                                                                                               carbon footprint.
Trail in five countries, we’re excited   Course Race (OCR) race weekends,                                                                                            After several months of
to expand our experience and             bringing the electric atmosphere of                                                                                     successful trials, Snugpak
community by introducing the             the brand’s event festival to the trail                                                                                  is taking the progressive
growing sport of trail running to        running community.                                                                                                          step of embracing the
our event line-up in the UK. The            The UK trail launch follows                                                                                          opportunities provided by
ancient Spartans were known to           the recent announcement of                                                                                            working a four-day week. As
run on the mountainous trails of         the 2020 “Spartan Trail World                                                                                          a manufacturing company,
Sparta, so it’s a natural extension of   Championship,” a series of six            and Trail Lead, said: “As we         season couldn’t be more suited,        the traditional short day on
our brand as we work to motivate         trail running events across the           continue to grow as a brand, it is   offering spectacular views, varied       a Friday leads to a distinct
people everywhere to step outside        globe, which combine to cover             vital that we add more products      terrain and natural obstacles             drop in productivity, not
of their comfort zones and learn         four continents and a $270,000            to support this expansion and        in abundance. I look forward             to mention the extra costs
there’s no limit to what they can        USD prize purse. The series is            the decision to branch out into      to integrating the passionate           and environmental impact
achieve. Spartan Trail in the UK         part of the brand's bid to bring          the world of trail was an easy       community of trail runners into         of commuting, heating and
will provide a new opportunity for       new experiences to its racers and         one, with trail running’s values     our Spartan UK family, while          lighting for only part of a day.
existing racers while offering the       achieve its worldwide mission to          of transformation, resilience        also showcasing the epic sport of             With this in mind, and
trail running community an event         transform 100 million lives.              and self-belief aligning closely     trail and its endless physical and        backed up with evidence
like they have never experienced            Karl Allsop, Spartan UK and            with ours. The two venues that       mental benefits to our regular                of overall increased
before.”                                 Ireland Director of Production            feature in our inaugural trail       Spartans.”                               production and employee
                                                                                                                                                                 satisfaction, the company
                                                                                                                                                                will change working hours
                                                                                                                                                               to fall between 8am-5.30pm,

Vango announces eco-friendly camping                                                                                                                             Monday to Thursday, with
                                                                                                                                                                  effect from April 3, 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                       Darren Burrell, Sales

collaboration with the National Trust
                                                                                                                                                                     Director, said: “Based
                                                                                                                                                                      on independent and
                                                                                                                                                                      government studies,
                                                                                                                                                               including Sweden’s six-hour
Vango, the UK’s leading                                                                                                                                        workday experiments, many
camping and outdoor                                                                                                                                               companies in the UK and
equipment brand, and Europe’s                                                                                                                                 abroad are starting to rethink
largest conservation charity                                                                                                                                  the traditional working week,
are launching a recycled                                                                                                                                           to increase productivity
plastic camping collection,                                                                                                                                         and enhance employee
including eco-friendly                                                                                                                                               satisfaction through a
tents and sleeping bags.                                                                                                                                          better work-life balance.
    Made from a new Sentinel Eco                                                                                                                                    “Those companies which
fabric incorporating recycled                                                                                                                                   have already taken the leap
PET plastic bottles, salvaged from                                                                                                                            in reducing working hours or
waterways, streets and landfill,                                                                                                                                days have seen a reduction
the tents use a minimum of 69                                                                                                                                   in sick days, improved staff
plastic bottles for the three sleeper                                                                                                                         morale and increased output.
Devon tent, through to 302 plastic                                                                                                                             That’s certainly what we’ve
bottles for the six sleeper Antrim                                                                                                                            found during our trial period
    In the first year of release, it                                                                                                                               and what has ultimately
is projected that the National                                                                                                                                 convinced us of the business
Trust camping collection will                                                                                                                                  case, our team were never in
repurpose almost 295,000 PET                                                                                                                                  any doubt it was a great idea!”
plastic bottles. The sleeping bags                                                                                                                                  Disruption to customers
in the National Trust collection         Vango will contribute a minimum           introduces the opportunity for       Trust, added: “We are delighted to    will be minimal as most sales
feature a 100 per cent recycled          of £10,000 to the National Trust,         our sustainability conscious         have collaborated with Vango on         activity takes place earlier
filling made from used plastic           to help fund conservation projects        campers to use great kit which       this eco-friendly collection. We          in the week and the focus
bottles that are reprocessed and         in England, Wales and Northern            offers the trusted Vango             know that the more connected              on despatching orders by
turned into a polyester fill.            Ireland, so that future generations       performance while recycling          people feel with nature the              Thursday will be positive.
    Rarely seen in the industry,         can enjoy the places, we as a             some of the plastic bottle waste     more likely they are to care                There will be no facilities
the tents and sleeping bag are           nation, love to experience.               we see impacting our planet.         for it. Camping is probably the            to accept deliveries on a
patterned with a striking oak leaf          The industry leading collection           “The outdoors is vital, not       closest anyone can get to nature,          Friday (the last working
repeat print. Carved into the first      was launched at the Caravan,              just for our enjoyment, but to       therefore this collaboration was               Friday, March 27).
built property the charity took into     Camping and Motorhome Show                the future of our planet. That’s     an obvious one for us. Alongside
its care in 1896, Alfriston Clergy in    2020 at the NEC, Birmingham.              why this collaboration with the      offering supporters the chance
East Sussex, the oak leaf continues      Three tents, the Devon 300,               National Trust seemed fitting,       to buy these tents for their own
to be instantly recognisable, and an     Cumbria 500 and Antrim Air                to invest the time and effort into   adventures, we are also setting
obvious choice for the collection.       600XL, as well as two styles of           researching new ways of tent         up pre-pitch camping options in
    The collaboration with the           sleeping bag, the Gwent and               fabric construction aligned with     some of our National Trust tent
National Trust celebrates the            Surrey, featured at the NEC.              the need for all of us to be more    campsites. These include Wasdale
organisations’ shared passion for           Rob Birrell, Vango’s Marketing         environmentally conscious.”          in the Lake District, Dolaucothi
enjoying and caring for the great        Director said: “We are very excited          Clare Brown, Head of Brand        in Wales - the location of the only
outdoors. Through sales of the           to collaborate with the National          Licensing and Commercial             gold mine in the Trust’s care - and
National Trust camping collection,       Trust. This new collection                Development for the National         Highertown Farm in Cornwall.

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                                GLORIOUS FEELING

         Kayaker Dane Jackson tells the story behind his breathtaking 134-foot descent
            down the Salto del Maule waterfall in Chile, the second highest in history

        he reigning ICF canoe            Maule four years ago, it's the        safety, and it was a dream drop of       did stay in my boat as I popped           and realised it was the tallest
        freestyle world champion         most obsessed I've been with a        mine, so I knew there was nothing        up, I ended up coming out of my           drop I had done, maybe I would
        grew up travelling the USA       waterfall - constantly looking        else I'd rather be doing then.           boat after which does take away           have been more nervous or
in an RV with his family, getting        at photos and videos trying to                                                 from it being a perfect descent as        hesitant. I would have still had
homeschooled by his mother and           make up my mind on it. It looks       Can you describe the                     I wasn't able to simply just paddle       a great line, but I might not have
chasing kayaking competitions            so perfect and the location is        feeling on the edge, just as             away from the drop. That being            had the same confidence.
with his father, Eric Jackson, an        breathtaking, but there were          you are about to drop?                   said, with a drop of that power and
Olympic paddler and founder of           a lot of question marks on the        It's hard to describe as it happens      height, how things turned out is          Do you ever want to try and
the company Jackson Kayaks.              depth, which is what mainly           so fast but, more than anything,         still a win for me. Though things         beat Tyler Bradt's 189-foot
   The 26-year-old, who has now          stopped me from committing to         it's the moment where everything         could have gone a bit better, with        Palouse Falls world record?
completed six waterfalls that are at     go see it. When I got a message       kind of snaps into place for me.         waterfalls of that size, things           I wouldn't call it a pursuit,
least 100-feet high, has spent the       in January showing a good clip        It's where it's time to see if the lip   could go much worse so I am               although I'm sure there is one
last decade travelling the planet in     of it, I knew it was time to see it   acts like you imagined, or react         stoked on how it all turned out.          out there somewhere. It's going
search of new places to freestyle        for myself and make the call.         properly if not. It also is the most                                               to be hard to find a drop as
kayak as well as dominating the                                                glorious feeling coming over that        Is it the most adrenaline                 perfect as Palouse. If I find it,
competition scene since he won the       How do you prepare yourself           blind horizon and then staring           spiking kayaking                          and the opportunity presents
Whitewater Grand Prix in 2011.           mentally for something as             down the beast because most              experience that you have                  itself, maybe I'll take a look but
   Here is what the Tennessee            scary as the waterfall drop?          waterfalls you get water in your         ever undertaken?                          I'm not on the hunt as I have got
native had to say after his latest       The biggest thing is making           face and realistically only have         It definitely was one of my               lots of other things I want do.
adventure feat shocked the world:        sure to cover all the bases from      clear vision as you are coming over      greatest experiences. I wouldn't
                                         the line itself, to what could        the lip. That's the moment you           necessarily say it was another level      What new kayak places are
How much research went                   go wrong and where to have            remember most and Maule was              of adrenaline considering I still had     you looking to explore for
into identifying this                    safety, and then have an internal     the greatest I've ever experienced.      to focus on what I had done before.       the remainder of this year?
particular waterfall, and                discussion on whether or not                                                   I also didn't know the height as I        I just touched down for a two-
what makes it so special?                I have 100 per cent confidence        Did everything go to plan,               wanted to wait until after I ran it to    month trip in Indonesia where
Whenever there's a moment where          in hitting the line. By covering      or were there things                     measure it. I wanted to wait until        myself and a few friends plan
you get shown a waterfall that           all of that, feeling 100 per cent     that went wrong?                         after because, by looking at it, I felt   to try and run a bunch of new
hasn't been done, or you come            on the line, as well as preparing     In the end, everything from the lip,     it looked a similar height to what        waterfalls and sections. Beyond
across a photo, it always sparks         for what could happen and             to my line, to the hit at the bottom     I have done before. Everything            Indonesia, I'm not very good
something that makes you have to         accepting that, it allows me to       went as perfectly as I could have        made me really confident in doing         at planning ahead. My goal for
answer the question; is it possible?     make sure I am doing it for the       ever imagined. Unfortunately,            the line right, which allowed me          this year is to try to break my
I've been shown drops before,            right reasons. For Maule the line     after I hit, my skirt came off filling   to do exactly what I needed to do.        usual routine, check out new
but when I was shown Salto del           looked amazing, there was solid       my boat with water. Although I           If I had measured it beforehand           places and find first descents.

                                                                                                                                                                  How proud are you that
                                               DANE JACKSON POSES FOR A                                                                                           you have overcome
                                       PORTRAIT AFTER DROPPING THE SALTO
                                        DEL MAULE 134-FOOT WATERFALL, THE                                                                                         hearing difficulties to
                                         SECOND GREATEST KAYAK DESCENT,                                                                                           excel in your sport?
                                         ON THE SALTE MAULE RIVER IN CHILE
                                                    PHOTOGRAPHER CREDIT:
                                                                                                                                                                  I wouldn't say there was much
                                       COREY RICH/RED BULL CONTENT POOL                                                                                           to overcome as there isn't much
                                                                                                                                                                  auditory stuff I can't pick up or
                                                                                                                                                                  need to pick up. Beyond maybe
                                                                                                                                                                  not being able to hear what the
                                                                                                                                                                  plan for the next day is at the
                                                                                                                                                                  campfire, there's not a whole lot
                                                                                                                                                                  of disadvantages. If anything, it's
                                                                                                                                                                  an advantage as I am able to read
                                                                                                                                                                  lips, which means I can understand
                                                                                                                                                                  what someone is saying from across
                                                                                                                                                                  the river when describing what's
                                                                                                                                                                  coming up or what the plan is.
                                                                                                                                                                     © Red Bull Media House

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    Wainwrights film has been launched                                                                                   SHERPA ADVENTURE
    A new film telling the
                                                                                                                         GEAR LAUNCHES SCHOOL
    story of ultra-runner Paul
    Tierney’s incredible 214-
                                                                                                                         DAYS PROGRAMME
    peak Wainwrights record                                                                                              Sherpa Adventure Gear has           support these children allowing
    has been launched.                                                                                                   taken its ongoing mission           them to remain in primary
       The inov-8 ambassador                                                                                             to provide education and            education and transition to
    completed the 328-mile                                                                                               employment in Nepal to the          secondary school, thereby
    challenge in June 2019,                                                                                              next level by launching a new       helping them to keep out of
    summiting all 214 of Alfred                                                                                          give back campaign with the         child labour and marriage and
    Wainwright’s Lake District                                                                                           target of providing 10 million      hopefully onto exciting and
    peaks in a new record time                                                                                           school days by 2030.                prosperous life choices.
    of six days, six hours and five                                                                                         Toby Davies, Sales and Brand        “When people have the
    minutes.                                                                                                             Manager of Sherpa Adventure         knowledge and skills they need
       Paul ascended 36,000m                                                                                             Gear Europe, said: “Primary         to succeed, we all benefit which
    (the equivalent of four                                                                                              school education in Nepal is        is why our brand ethos is to
    times up Mount Everest),                                                                                             free so enrolment is high, but so   encourage a life of learning and
    battled sleep deprivation                                                                                            is drop out. Often the materials    adventure.”
    and conquered all manner                                                                                             needed for a successful                Sherpa Adventure Gear was
    of weather conditions on                                                                                             education – books, writing          set up in 2003 by Tashi Sherpa.
    his way to beating Steve                                                                                             materials and so on – have to       It employs over 1,500 locals, the
    Birkinshaw’s previous record                                                                                         be provided by the family. In a     majority of whom are women
    by almost seven hours.                                                                                               country where the average daily     who would previously not have
       The film, by Dave                                                                                                 income is $2, this often proves     had the opportunity of paid
    MacFarlane (dmtwo.media),                                                                                            too much.                           employment. From technical
    tells the story of Paul’s epic                                                                                          “We have partnered with          clothing and outdoor adventure
    running adventure over                                                                                               the charity Room to Read            gear, to handcrafted knitwear
    England’s highest peaks – a          beautiful Lake District in all its      him over different sections of          who provide teacher training,       and travel kit, this is a small
    story that gripped not only          glory.”                                 the route.                              materials and environments to       brand with a big heart.
    running communities but                  Paul followed a similar route          The Windermere-based
    also the wider sporting world.       to Steve, who spent months              36-year-old, who used inov-8
       Paul Tierney – Running            mapping out what he believed to         kit – including new graphene-
    The Wainwrightsis screened           be the quickest, continuous on-         grip shoes – during the
    on inov-8’s YouTube channel.         foot route over the 214 peaks that      attempt, finished the challenge
    For full details visit www.          featured in Alfred Wainwright’s         wearing the Ambleside
    inov-8.com/paul-tierney-             iconic seven-volume pictorial           Athletics Club vest of his
    running-wainwrights                  guide to the Lakeland fells.            friend and team-mate Chris
       Paul said “Dave has done              The Irish-born running coach        Stirling, who passed away in
    a superb job with the film. It       and ex-policeman slept, albeit          2019. Paul ran in memory of
    highlights what a huge team          briefly, in a van at road crossings,    Chris and has so far raised
    effort it took to beat Steve’s       with groups of runners taking           £35,000 for the charity MIND
    record and also shows off our        it in turns to pace and navigate        UK via this page

The North Face presents: Run For The Arctic
In November last year, The
North Face Athlete, Pau Capell,
took on his most ambitious
project yet, running 250km
through the Arctic to raise
awareness of climate change
and the disastrous impact it’s
having on our planet.
   Facing sub-zero temperatures,
fierce winds and snow-covered
trails, Pau began his journey in Alta,
Norway – way above the Arctic               The North Face sought the               POW Europe Coordinator
circle – finishing in the small port     help of renowned glaciologist           Brita Staal spent her first living
of Nordkapp. Even in the extreme         and Protect Our Winters Europe          years in Alta, knowing exactly
conditions, the 2019 UTMB winner
covered the 250km in a staggering
                                         board member, Dr Heidi Sevestre,
                                         to better understand the impact
                                                                                 how harsh the conditions that Pau
                                                                                 experienced can be.                     Snowsport Scotland
five days.
   For Pau, this distance was
significant. After seeing the effects
                                         climate change is having on the
                                         fragile Arctic ecosystem and the
                                         global challenges it’s likely to
                                                                                    Staal added : “The importance
                                                                                 of spreading awareness on the
                                                                                 impacts of climate change is
                                                                                                                         partners with Ellis Brigham
of climate change first-hand during
long days spent in the mountains,
                                            Dr Heidi Sevestre, said: “We
                                                                                 growing by the hour, and it is
                                                                                 imporant that we use our voices
                                                                                                                         Mountain Sports
he knew he wanted to help raise          are tightly connected to the Arctic     across all our global communities       For the next two years, Ellis       since opening our first store in
awareness of the issue. So, when         and we know that if we do not act       and walks of life to call for action.   Brigham Mountain Sports will        Aviemore back in the 80’s. This
he learned of shocking research          now, the Arctic could increase in       We hope Pau can ignite true climate     be the official sponsor of the      sponsorship enables us to help
showing polar bears are being            temperature by about five to ten        action through this project.”           Snowsport Scotland Park and         develop the freestyle scene at
forced to travel up to 250km extra       degrees by the end of the century.         To support Pau’s project, The        Pipe Performance Team plus          both pro and grassroots level.”
to find food to survive, his project     This means the sea level may rise       North Face will offset all carbon       the Triple Crown Freestyle             Trafford Wilson, Snowsport
was born.                                much faster, heat waves could           emissions produced during the           tour which takes part in three      Scotland’s CEO, added: “Our
   Pau said: “When I first arrived in    become more frequent or other           expedition and will carry on            environments; indoor snow, dry      aims and objectives are clearly
Norway the cold really surprised         extreme events will occur that will     doing so for all of our athletes’       slope and mountain.                 aligned, and we look forward
me. It was daunting to think I would     directly affect us.                     expeditions.                               Mark Brigham said: “Ellis        to working with such a great
run 50km a day in such conditions.          “What’s important to understand         To watch Pau’s first ever winter     Brigham Mountain Sports has         organisation to help grow Park
But I believe it’s important to          is that we are the main cause of        project and learn how you can offset    a long history of supporting        and Pipe participation across
experience new places and take           climate change, which means we          your carbon footprint through their     and developing snow sports in       Scotland and to help more of
time to appreciate new challenges.       are the main solution. So today,        partner Protect Our Winters, visit      Scotland including the National     our best athletes perform on the
Two years ago, when I learned            every action we take on a daily basis   www.thenorthface.co.uk or follow        Freeride Championships and          world stage. Members can enjoy
about the research, I wanted to do       can have a positive or a negative       them on @thenorthfaceuk on              The Scottish Freedom Series.        benefits and special promotions
something as close as possible to        impact on our climate. Let’s make       Instagram, and @thenorthface on         We’ve been affiliated with the      in Ellis Brigham stores and via
what the bears experience.”              sure it’s a positive one.”              Facebook.                               Scottish snow sports scene          the Snowsport Scotland app.”

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