Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

Page created by Thomas Wong
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies
Our Sustainability Story
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

      Natural Remedies’                                                                      Natural Remedies’
  Commitment to Sustainability                                                             Herb Secure™ Program
Natural Remedies began in the 1950s with the passion of our founder Shri.        Natural Remedies’ Herb Secure™ Program enables our herbs to be
Ramlal Agarwal for the natural world. Because he loved both plants and           sustainably sourced with full control over our quality and supply chain.
animals, he collected and researched herbs in order to apply the wisdom of       It has five pillars:
Ayurveda to veterinary care. Today, Natural Remedies is a research-driven
healthcare company with a global footprint that has expanded its reach to
both animals and humans.
                                                                                                    1. Good Agricultural Practices
Responsible management of natural resources has been a part of the way                              We train our partner farmers in safe, clean-label,
we do business since our inception. We have always sought to operate our                            eco-friendly, and sustainable farming practices that
company with a strong regard for sustainability, which includes caring for the                      optimize our herbs’ active constituents.
environment we share, the communities we work in, and the herbs we tend.

                                                                                                    2. Good Collection Practices
                                                                                                    We take care to harvest at the right time, using
         “Sustainable development is development that meets the                                     methods that reduce our carbon footprint while also
         needs of the present without compromising the ability of                                   protecting our herbs from contamination.
         future generations to meet their own needs.”

         – “Our Common Future,” a Report of the World Commission                                    3. Good Manufacturing Practices
         on Environment and Development
                                                                                                    We process and extract our herbs in our GMP-
                                                                                                    certified manufacturing plant, which is powered
                                                                                                    mainly by hydro and solar energy and is surrounded
                                                                                                    by a greenbelt of trees that help offset our carbon

                                                                                                    4. Good Laboratory Practices
                                                                                                    We subject our herbs to rigorous laboratory testing
                                                                                                    for identity, contaminants, chemical analysis, and
                                                                                                    active constituent levels.

                                                                                                    5. Good Quality Practices
                                                                                                    Our Field Quality Managers inspect our crops every
                                                                                                    step of the way, from planting, to irrigation and weed
                                                                                                    management, to harvesting and packing.

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Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

         Natural Remedies Is ISO                                               A Sustainability Story
             14001-Certified                                                   of 3 Herbal Ingredients
The International Organization for Standardization is an independent, non-
governmental organization that develops international standards to create
products and services that are safe, trustworthy, and of consistent quality.

Since 1996, ISO 14001 has provided voluntary benchmarks that
organizations can adopt to ensure they are practicing good stewardship
of the environment. This certification is considered the gold standard for
businesses committed to environmental management. It allows them
to minimize harm to the environment by using resources efficiently and
reducing waste, while complying with environmental laws and striving to
continually improve.

In 2018, Natural Remedies achieved ISO 14001-Certification, a testament
to our commitment to operate in the most environmentally sensitive way

Steps to ISO 14001 Certification
    1.	Review environmental impact and effectiveness of current systems
    2.	Design and implement an environmental management system
        (EMS) that follows ISO’s best practices, including establishing
        specific goals and processes to reach them
    3.	Implement the EMS across the organization
    4.	Measure and monitor progress and report results, taking action to
        improve where necessary
    5.	Pass a full audit of the system by an ISO-approved auditor

Natural Remedies                                                                                               Holy Basil
Sustainability Award
In January 2018, Natural Remedies received
the prestigious CII-ITC Sustainability Award in
Biodiversity from the Centre of Excellence for
Sustainable Development (CESD) in recognition of
our commitment to conservation, biodiversity, and
sustainable business practices.

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Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

        The Story of AP-Bio® /
      KalmCold® - Andrographis
Native to India, China, and Taiwan, Andrographis paniculata is widely used
in Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicine. The herb has traditionally
been taken to support a healthy immune system.*

Andrographis Challenges
Recently, demand for proven immune-enhancing herbs such as
Andrographis, commonly known as Kalmegh, has risen dramatically.
Accordingly, there has been concern among manufacturers that sources
might dry up. Natural Remedies has optimized our existing manufacturing
lines for AP-Bio®, also known as KalmCold® in Europe, and we have the
ability to expand our production capacity if needed to ensure a secure
supply chain.

Good for the Environment
We are firm believers in the “conservation through cultivation” approach
to biodiversity preservation. Natural Remedies has developed a huge
cultivation base for this important herb in the Madhya Pradesh region of
central India. Doing so not only caters to our specific quality requirements,
but also minimizes the stress on wild resources. For cultivation, we
encourage our farm partners to use manual methods of interculture
growing — including harrowing, planting, weeding, and harvesting — which
limits our carbon emissions. We also encourage and train them to adopt
natural farming techniques.

Good for the Community
Natural Remedies works closely with farmers in Madhya Pradesh for the
cultivation of Andographis. The area is one of India’s most impoverished,
and andrographis cultivation adds much-needed employment
opportunities to the area. The crop has proven to be remunerative for
the farmers, almost doubling their income. We take the utmost care in
providing our farmers with pre-tested, elite-quality seeds to ensure good
crop development and hence increased yield.

Good for the Crops
Previously, the farmers of the region grew only cereal crops year after
year, resulting in exhaustion of soil resources and decreased productivity.
The introduction of Andographis to the conventional crop rotation has
facilitated crop diversification and enhanced overall productivity of the
farms. The climatic and soil conditions of the region are ideal for growing
Andrographis, supporting high biochemical yield, i.e. andographolide
content. Plants are harvested at the optimal age according to validated
harvest indices. Therefore, the collaboration creates a win-win scenario
for our growers and buyers.
                                                                                    We partner with farmers in the Madhya
                                                                                        Pradesh region of India to cultivate
                                                                                Andrographis for use in AP-Bio®/Kalm Cold®
                                                                                     using manual methods of interculture
                                                                                growing, which limits our carbon emissions.
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

AP-Bio®/KalmCold® Sustainability
AP-Bio® Andrographis is sustainable for the environment, communities, and herbs.

Environment                        1      Cultivating Andrographis                 2   Manual interculture            3   Natural pest repellants                   4      Encouraging and assisting farmers
Our environmentally                       improves soil productivity                   operations like harrowing,         protect the earth and ecology                    to create farm-based rainwater
friendly practices are                    due to crop diversification.                 planting, and harvesting           from the hazardous effects                       harvesting systems aids water
kind to the earth.                                                                     limit carbon emissions.            of chemical pesticides.                          conservation.

Communities                        1      Andrographis cultivation                 2   Our capacity-building          3   Standing by our farmers in
We ensure the welfare                     provides an alternate source                 and quality-at-source              case of market crashes and
of our field and factory                  of income to the farmers of                  initiatives also offer             offering a “Minimum Support
workers.                                  the Madhya Pradesh region.                   self-employment                    Price” assures income.
                                                                                       opportunities for
                                                                                       pioneering farmers.

Herbs                              1      Growing Andrographis in                  2   Stringent quality checks       3   Harvesting Andrographis at the            4      Manufacturing AP-Bio® in our
Seed-to-shelf quality                     humus-rich soil increases                    on Andographis seed ensure         optimal developmental stage                      GMP-certified facility guarantees
control creates the                       the active constituents of                   good crop emergence and            ensures high phytochemical                       the highest quality.
finest Andrographis                       the herb.                                    maintenance of                     composition.
available.                                                                             true-to-type seeds for
                                                                                       uniformity over generations.
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

The Story of BacoMind® - Bacopa
Also known as Brahmi, Bacopa is considered a “medhya rayasana” in
Ayurveda — an herb that prevents aging, promotes longevity, and focuses
the mind.*

Bacopa challenges
A water plant, Bacopa often grows wild near rice paddies, so
contamination with pesticides used in rice farming is common. Because it
is damp when harvested, fungal contamination is also a problem. To solve
these issues, Natural Remedies decided to grow Bacopa as a pure crop in
the Sundarbans — the world’s largest marshland, located in East India —
for the development of BacoMind®.

Good for the Environment
We chose a remote area in the Sundarbans, accessible only by boat, which
is perfect for the cultivation of pure Bacopa. In partnership with a local
NGO, we trained our partner farmers in eco-friendly, sustainable farming
practices. This is particularly important when growing in marshlands —
one of the most valuable and delicate ecosystems on earth. The Bacopa is
cultivated almost entirely by hand, reducing our carbon footprint, and the
fields are also weeded manually, eliminating the need for herbicides.

Good for the Community
Natural Remedies invited small-plot rice farmers to switch from growing
rice for others to the more profitable venture of growing Bacopa for us.
In partnership with a local NGO, we provided them with micro-financing,
in-depth training, and technical support. To mitigate the risk inherent in
specialty crop farming, we offered our farmers a buy-back guarantee,
agreeing to purchase all the Bacopa they produce. This gives them a
much-needed reliable income stream to support themselves and their
families. In addition, diversifying the crops they grow has also led to
increased productivity. In fact, our farmers have doubled their income,
thereby preventing the need to migrate away from the area.

Good for the Herbs
Growing Bacopa in its natural homeland of the Sundurbans ensures
healthy plants with naturally high levels of bioactives. Cultivation relieves
pressure on wild bacopa populations and is therefore an important model                 Switching from
of ex-situ conservation. And because our primary processing unit is
right onsite, we are able to dry the herb immediately, preventing fungal
                                                                                growing rice to growing
                                                                                   Bacopa has given our
                                                                                   farm partners in the
                                                                                  Sundarbans of India a
                                                                                  much-needed reliable
                                                                                      income stream to
                                                                                support themselves and
                                                                                         their families.
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

BacoMind® Sustainability
BacoMind® Bacopa is sustainable for the environment, communities, and herbs.

Environment                       1      Cultivating Bacopa is                 2   Manual cultivation reduces   3   Eco-friendly agriculture protects          4      Hand-weeding the
Eco-friendly                             a significant model of                    our carbon footprint.            marshlands from the introduction                  fields eliminates the
cultivation preserves                    ex-situ conservation.                                                      of toxic chemicals and hence                      need for herbicides.
delicate ecosystems.                                                                                                conserves rare marshy ecosystems.

Communities                       1      Empowering farmers to switch          2   Micro-financing, in-depth    3   Our quality-at-source initiative           4      Our buy-back guarantee
Farmers get a reliable                   from growing rice to growing              training, and technical          is instrumental in generating                     mitigates the risk inherent
income stream to                         Bacopa improves their livelihood          support set our farmers          self-employment for farmers.                      in specialty crop farming.
support themselves                       and minimizes migration.                  up for success.
and their families.

Herbs                             1      Growing Bacopa in its                 2   Eco-friendly cultivation     3   Drying Bacopa immediately                  4      Manufacturing BacoMind®
Seed-to-shelf quality                    natural homeland ensures                  means our Bacopa is              onsite prevents the growth                        in our GMP-certified
control creates the                      high levels of bioactives.                not contaminated with            of fungus.                                        facility guarantees the
finest Bacopa                                                                      pesticides like wild                                                               highest quality.
available.                                                                         Bacopa is.
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

The Story of OciBest® - Holy Basil
Ocimum tenuinflorum, also known as Tulsi or Holy Basil, is considered a
sacred plant in India. It is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt
to stress.*

Holy Basil Challenges
Pesticide contamination is a major challenge when sourcing Holy Basil.
Natural Remedies has solved this challenge by embarking on a journey
to grow Holy Basil as a pure crop for the development of OciBest®.

Good for the Climate
We grow our Holy Basil sustainably in the Karnataka region in Southwest
India and the Uttar Pradesh region in Northern India. As with our other
herbs, we rely almost entirely on manual methods of cultivation, which
reduces our carbon emissions. Additionally, we make use of water bunds
(small reservoirs) that store rainwater, as well as sprinkler/drip irrigation
and recycling of irrigation water, to conserve this precious resource.

Good for the Community
Holy Basil cultivation offers many of the impoverished farmers in Karnataka
a lifeline. Collaborating with a local NGO, Natural Remedies supplies our
farm partners with in-depth training; provides them with machinery for
harvesting, chopping, and packing; and teaches them water conservation
methods. Our buy-back guarantee gives them peace of mind and improves
their standard of living.

Good for the Crops
Natural Remedies grows our Holy Basil in subtropical areas with climates
that increase the active constituent content of the herb. Because of the
cultural and medicinal value of Holy Basil, the genetic authenticity of
the seeds we plant are validated by a government agency. Plants are not
harvested until they are fully grown, ensuring the optimal phytochemical
composition. Once ready, the Holy Basil is harvested manually, chopped
onsite to avoid contamination, and sun-dried.

                                                                                   We grow our Holy Basil sustainably in the Karnataka and
                                                                                     Uttar Pradesh regions of India, subtropical areas with
                                                                                climates that increase the herb’s active constituent content.
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

OciBest® Sustainability
OciBest® Holy Basil is sustainable for the environment, communities, and herbs.

Environment                         1      Hand-cultivation                       2   Using natural pest          3   Water bunds, sprinkler/drip
Our eco-conscious                          minimizes the use of                       repellants keeps chemical       irrigation, and irrigation water
choices benefit people                     fossil fuels and hence                     pesticides out of the           recycling all conserve water.
and planet.                                our carbon footprint.                      environment.

Communities                         1      Holy Basil cultivation                 2   In-depth training,          3   Our buy-back guarantee plus
We aim to improve the                      provides alternate income                  machinery, and                  Minimum Selling Price gives
lives of our Holy Basil                    and self-employment                        technical support set           our farmers financial security.
field and factory                          opportunities to the farmers               farmers up for success.
workers.                                   of the Karnataka region.

Herbs                               1      Growing Holy Basil                     2   Stringent quality           3   Harvesting Holy Basil at the                4      Manufacturing OciBest® in our
Seed-to-shelf quality                      in subtropical areas                       checks confirm the              optimum age ensures the                            GMP-certified facility guarantees
control creates the                        increases its active                       authenticity of our             ideal phytochemical                                the highest quality.
finest Holy Basil                          constituent levels.                        Holy Basil seeds.               composition.
Our Sustainability Story - Natural Remedies

                 The Way Forward
Natural Remedies is committed to expanding the scope and reach of our
sustainability efforts in order to magnify our positive impact on climate,
communities, and crops.

We believe that caring for the land, air, and water in the areas where we
work; creating economic opportunity for the people who live there; and
ensuring our ingredients are of unrivaled purity is simply the right thing
to do. That’s why we are continually looking for ways to:

    •	Reduce our carbon footprint
    •	Conserve water
    •	Pioneer the transition to organic agriculture
    •	Minimize waste products
    •	Recover our biomass to use as soil amendment
    •	Plant more trees
    •	Help eliminate poverty and hunger through economic opportunity
    •	Empower farmers, families, and communities to become self-
    •	Develop best practices for herbal cultivation and extraction
    •	Promote human health and well-being through quality herbal

Reverence for the natural world was the starting point of Natural
Remedies’ history as a company. It remains our guiding light, propelling
us to work for a sustainable world, both today and tomorrow.


         About Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies is a research-driven botanical healthcare company
with a global footprint. The company’s core competency lies in discovering
novel phyto-compounds and manufacturing standardized herbal extracts.
Its branded products are clinically substantiated, scientifically validated
innovations. Known as a leader in scientifically based botanical extracts,
Natural Remedies has contributed to various international pharmacopoeia,
including over 100 monographs internationally and over 220 phyto-
compounds isolated for global reference standards. Its vision is to harness
nature and apply science for health and happiness.

Plot No. 5B, Veerasandra Industrial Area
19th K.M. Stone, Hosur Road
Electronic City, Bangalore, Karnataka
India – 560 100

Survey No 244 & 246
Kakkadasam Village Anniyalam Post
Denkanikottai Taluk, Krishnagiri District, Tamilnadu
Inida – 635107

+91-80-4020 9999

+91-90-4020 9817


                                            These statements have not been
                                            evaluated by the FDA. This ingredient
                                            is not intended to diagnose, treat,
                                            cure or prevent any disease.

                                            Copyright © 2021 Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
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